Technology for preparing products from yeast straight dough. Technology for preparing yeast sponge dough and products made from it. Airy cake “Mushroom” with cream

Baking pies, homemade bread or Easter cakes requires a special type of dough - yeast. Culinary experts divide yeast dough into sponge and unpaired dough.

Find out below what is the difference between sponge and straight and for what purposes is each type used.

Unleavened yeast dough

Straight yeast dough is used for preparing dishes with a small amount of baking (eggs, sugar and butter), for example, for making pies, cheesecakes or the Italian version of Easter cake - panettone.

The main feature of straight yeast dough is the technology of its preparation: yeast (usually dry), salt, sugar, eggs and all the flour are placed in warm water or milk, kneading the composition for 5-8 minutes until the lumps are broken and a homogeneous dough structure is obtained. Before the end of kneading, add vegetable or butter to the dough, less often margarine.

Then the dough is placed in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours so that it “rises”. The increase in dough is caused by the fermentation of fungi contained in the yeast, which “loose” the dough, filling it with carbon dioxide.

After the dough has risen, knead it - that is, release bubbles of carbon dioxide from the dough and saturate it with oxygen for even greater rise during baking.

Recipe for straight yeast dough

0.5 tbsp. Heat the milk to 40 degrees, add 1.5 tsp. dry yeast and stir the mixture thoroughly. Add 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and, gradually adding 2 tbsp. flour, knead the dough for 7 minutes until smooth with your hands or with a mixer using a dough attachment. Add 2 tbsp. melted butter or margarine, and mix everything thoroughly again. The dough should not be tough and soft enough.

Gather the finished dough into a ball, place it in a plastic or ceramic container and put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours under a towel or cling film.

Sponge yeast dough

Sponge yeast dough is most often used for making baked goods - fried pies, pancakes or Easter cakes.

The difference between sponge yeast dough and straight yeast dough is in the technology of its preparation: in sponge yeast dough, the base is a mixture of warm milk, yeast (usually pressed), sugar and a couple of spoons of flour. After the yeast “cap” appears (usually after 1.5-2 hours), the remaining ingredients are poured into the dough and a soft, pliable dough is kneaded, which is again put in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

For sponge yeast dough, one kneading is enough for the rising time.

Recipe for sponge yeast dough

Heat 0.5 liters of milk to 40 degrees, add 50 grams to it. fresh pressed yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar and 0.5 tbsp. flour. Leave the finished dough in a warm place under a towel for 1 hour.

Beat 8 eggs with 700 gr. sugar until foamy, add 60 g. melted margarine and 50 gr. melted butter mixed with 100 gr. fat sour cream.

Add 1 kg of sifted flour, vanilla, 50 ml of vegetable oil to the risen dough and pour in the egg mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly for at least 10 minutes!

Fill the molds with dough and give it time to proof - 30-40 minutes.

Both sponge and straight yeast dough need silence and warmth. The ideal temperature for rising the dough is 28-30 degrees, so if your house is poorly heated or there is a cold winter outside, postpone preparing the yeast dough until later or leave the container with it in a warm oven (preheat the oven to 50 degrees, turn off the heating and put the dough there without opening the oven for 15-2 hours.

Yeast, straight dough obtained by simultaneous laying of all raw materials. Knead the dough by hand in a kettle or in the bowl of a dough mixing machine. Milk or water is heated to 35-40° C, flour and other products according to the recipe, previously prepared, are added. For greater activity, yeast can be dissolved 30 mils before kneading the dough in a small amount of warm water with added sugar (4% by weight of flour). First, knead the dough until smooth. 2-3 minutes before the end of the kneading, add melted or softened fat to it and continue kneading until the dough stops sticking to your hands or the machine lever. Then the cauldron or bowl is closed with a lid so that the dough does not dry out, and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 2.5-3 hours. When the dough has increased in volume by 1.5-2 times, knead it, sometimes 2 times. The end of fermentation depends on the composition and consistency of the dough. Liquid and insipid dough ripens earlier than hard and rich dough.

Yeast sponge dough obtained as follows: prepare the dough; After fermentation of the dough is complete, the dough is kneaded. To obtain dough, take 35-50% flour, 60-70% water and 100% yeast (according to the recipe). – The requirements for water temperature and the volume of dishes are the same as for making straight dough. The temperature of the kneaded dough should be 27-29° C.

Sprinkle the kneaded dough with flour, cover it with a lid and place it in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this time. it will increase in volume by 2-2.5 times and bursting bubbles will appear on the entire surface. The remaining water with salt and sugar dissolved in it, eggs, fat and aromatics are added to the fermented dough. Mix everything well and add the remaining flour. The duration of kneading with flour is 15 minutes. The dough temperature is 29-32° C. During normal fermentation, the dough rises evenly without breaking within 2-2.5 hours. During this time, it is kneaded 1-2 times. The finished dough is elastic and does not stick to your hands.

Slow process dough fermentation prepared on dough mixed with water or milk at a temperature of 10′-15°C. The dough mixed in the evening is placed in a room where the temperature is maintained at 20° C, and the remaining flour is placed in a warm place. Eggs and sugar are heated on a steam table to 40-60° C and mixed with the dough and then with flour. At the end of kneading, warmed fats are added to the dough. After an hour the dough is ready.

Dough with accelerated fermentation process prepared with an increased (2-3 times) amount of yeast and a more liquid consistency.

Cutting yeast dough consists of several operations; dividing, rolling, intermediate proofing, shaping and final proofing. After kneading, the finished dough is laid out on a table sprinkled with flour, a long piece of even thickness is cut off with a knife or scraper, which is rolled into a long rope. The resulting rope is held with the left hand, and with the right knife a portion of dough is cut from it, which is lowered onto the scale, lightly sprinkled with flour and placed on the table. The cut pieces of dough are rolled in pairs on the table, using circular movements, into balls. After 5-6 minutes of proofing, the balls are formed into products, placed on confectionery sheets diagonally and kept. To give baked products a pleasant appearance, brush them with an egg using a soft hair brush 5–10 minutes before baking. Immediately after greasing, the product is sprinkled with chopped nuts, sugar, cinnamon or flour sprinkles.

Products are baked in ovens. For each type of product, certain baking modes are established, which must be strictly observed. That's why the cabinets are equipped with thermometers. The larger the product and the more baking it contains, the lower the baking temperature should be. The volume of products during baking increases due to the presence of gaseous substances formed as a result of fermentation, as well as due to the intense evaporation of water. Proteins, starch, flour and other raw materials undergo chemical changes, which plays a major role in the formation of the structure of products.

During the baking process, starch gelatinizes and swells, absorbing a large amount of water, including water released by coagulated proteins. When the dough proteins coagulate, they become denser, and the structure of the product becomes strong. The change in color of the surface of products is due to the decomposition of many substances contained in the dough, especially starch, and the caramelization of sugars. In addition to these processes, other changes occur in the dough during baking, new aromatic and flavoring substances are formed, fats, vitamins, etc. are converted. As a result of water loss, the weight of baked products after heat treatment decreases.

Characteristics of raw materials Technology for preparing yeast dough using a straight method Products for dough Products technology from yeast sponge dough (various types of pies: open, closed, baked, semi-baked.)



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Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Komi Republic. State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Polytechnic College" Performed the work: A. Gruzdov, 2nd year student. Modulo MDK. 08 preparation of bakery flour and confectionery products. Topic: Technology for preparing yeast sponge dough and products made from it

Characteristics of Raw Materials Flour is the main raw material for dough. The higher the grade of flour, the lighter the color of the products. The quality of products and the properties of the dough depend on the quantity and quality of gluten. Flour with strong gluten gives the dough firmness and elasticity. If coarse flour is used when kneading dough, it is necessary to increase the humidity and duration of kneading.

Sugar - gives the dough softness and plasticity. Excess sugar in the dough makes it mushy and sticky. In the presence of sugar, the ability of flour proteins to swell decreases. In yeast dough, sugars are fermented to produce alcohol, lactic acid and carbon dioxide. The dough can contain sugar from 3 to 35% of the flour weight. Dough with a small amount of fat and a large amount of sugar becomes hard and glassy.

Water - in dough is needed for the formation of gluten and the vital activity of yeast, as well as for other chemical processes that occur in yeast dough during its ripening. The amount of water that is added to the dough depends on the quality of the flour and the purpose of the dough. For dough from which you need to bake products that retain their shape on their own, add water at the rate of 50-65% of the weight of flour (this is exactly the amount that most types of flour can absorb)

Yeast feeds on sugars, and in their absence, breaks down starches. A by-product of yeast activity (for which they are, in essence, used) is carbon dioxide, released in the form of tiny bubbles, and alcohol. The carbon dioxide bubbles are trapped in the gluten network. When gas accumulates (or when heated), the bubbles increase in size and rise to the top. The dough also rises with them. This is what is meant when they say the dough is rising. During the baking process, the alcohol heats up and evaporates, loosening the dough.

Salt - adding salt to the dough affects the taste of the finished product and the processes occurring in the dough. Dough with salt tastes better, the color of the crust is brighter, because table salt inhibits the processes of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. If there is little or no salt in the dough, the fermentation process is too intense, the yeast ferments too much sugar, and therefore the crust turns out pale. But too much salt inhibits the vital activity of yeast, and when the salt content in the yeast solution is higher than 5% (of the total mass of flour), alcoholic fermentation stops.

Eggs give products a pleasant taste, color and create porosity. Egg white has foaming properties and loosens the dough. When baking, the protein coagulates, and the elasticity and strength of the structure of the product depends on it. Products acquire high taste qualities due to their porous structure. This structure and increase in volume is achieved by loosening the dough. Yeast serves as a leavening agent for yeast dough.

Margarine is an emulsion product produced from natural fractionated, modified vegetable oils and animal fats. Margarine is widely used as a substitute for butter in the confectionery and baking industries, in cooking, home baking, and is also consumed directly as food. Energy value 718 kcal. per 100 gr.

Vanillin is a crystalline powder (colorless, needle-shaped crystals) with a characteristic vanilla taste and pleasant odor. Vanillin is found in the vanilla plant, cane sugar, Peruvian balsam, dew incense, potato peels, raw alcohol, etc. Vanillin, often used as a substitute for vanilla, easily dissolves in hot water, alcohol and ether.

Preparation of yeast dough consists of the following operations: preparation of raw materials, kneading the dough, fermentation, dividing the dough into pieces, rounding them, preliminary proofing, molding, final proofing, baking and cooling. The preparation of yeast dough is simple and rich.

Preparation of raw materials Water Salt Yeast Sugar Water or milk is heated to a temperature of 35ºC Yeast is diluted in a separate container in a small amount of warm water Salt and sugar are dissolved in a small amount of milk or water, filtered through a sieve and mixed with other products.

Flour Margarine Eggs Eggs or melange are also filtered and poured into a mixing bowl. The flour is sifted. Margarine is melted

Kneading dough

The process involves mixing flour, water, butter, sugar, yeast and other ingredients. The mixture is saturated with air, which provides favorable conditions for fermentation, and it is given the necessary physical and mechanical properties.

Fermentation The dishes are covered with a lid or a clean cloth and placed for fermentation in a warm place with a temperature of 30-40ºC for 3-4 hours.

During the fermentation process, the dough is kneaded 2-3 times.

Kneading is necessary so that the dough is freed from excess carbon dioxide, which suppresses the activity of yeast, and for a more uniform distribution of yeast cells throughout the dough. As a result, the dough becomes more porous and elastic.

The end of fermentation is determined by external signs: the fermented dough increases in volume by 2.5 times, acquires a pleasant alcoholic smell, and the surface of the dough is convex.

Dividing the dough into pieces

Pre-proofing Rounding

Rolling out the dough


final proofing, brushing with leison, baking and cooling

Ingredients: - 50 g of fresh yeast (or 2 teaspoons of dry) - 1/2 teaspoon of salt Grind the yeast with salt, add - 1 glass of milk - 2 tablespoons of sugar - 200 g of soft margarine - 3.5 cups of flour - yolk for greasing the pie Curd filling: - 250 g of cottage cheese - 3 tablespoons of sugar - 1 egg white - 1 tablespoon of poppy seeds - vanillin Curd filling: beat cottage cheese, sugar, egg white in a blender until smooth cream, add vanillin and dry poppy seeds, mix with a spoon.

The dough should not be thick and heavy (it is better to dust it with flour before cutting), it quickly begins to stick to your hands during the kneading process. Place in a saucepan and leave to rise for 1.5 hours, then begin making the pie. For convenience, place the filling in a pastry bag.

Roll out most of the dough into a layer, leave oval outlines on it (press the dough with an oval shape so that the outline is slightly visible). Cut so that the outline resembles a butterfly. The rest of the dough will be used for decorations: weave strands (lay them along the edges), weave a braid (put them in the middle) and some other details (put them on the wings of the butterfly).

Fill the free space with curd filling, lay out the decorating parts, you can additionally cover small areas with various jams. Brush the dough with egg yolk. Bake in a preheated oven at 200-210 C until done.

Types of cake decoration

Products made from yeast straight dough

Thank you for your attention!

Yeast dough is prepared in two ways: sponged and straight.
The straight dough is prepared mainly for products with a low content of baked goods (sugar, margarine), while the sponge method is used for products with a high content of baked goods (yeast dough).
Safe way
Into the bowl of the dough mixing machine pour water heated to a temperature of 35-40°C, previously diluted in water with a temperature of no higher than 40°C and strained yeast, sugar, salt, add melange or eggs (if used), add flour and mix everything in for 7-8 minutes. After this, add melted margarine or butter, or vegetable oil, knead the dough until it acquires a uniform consistency and is easily separated from the walls of the bowl.
The bowl is covered with a lid and left for fermentation in a room with a temperature of 35-40°C for 3-4 hours. When the dough has increased in volume by 1.5 times, knead for 1-2 minutes and again leave for fermentation, during which the dough is kneaded again
1-2 times. Dough made from flour with weak gluten is kneaded once.
Sponge method
Pour water heated to a temperature of 35-40°C into the bowl (60%-70% of the total amount of liquid), add yeast diluted in water and strained, add flour (35%-60%) and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The surface of the dough is sprinkled with flour, the bowl is closed with a lid and placed in a room with a temperature of 35-40°C for
2.5-3 hours for fermentation. When the dough increases in volume by 2-2.5 times and begins to fall, add the rest of the liquid with dissolved salt and sugar, melange or eggs, then mix everything, add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Before the end of the kneading, add melted margarine or butter or vegetable oil.
Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 2-2.5 hours to ferment. During fermentation, the dough is kneaded 2-3 times.
For pies, it is recommended to use dough prepared using the straight method.
Yeast dough, prepared in any way, is laid out on a table dusted with flour, a piece weighing 1-1.5 kg is cut from it, rolled into a rope and divided into pieces weighing 78 + 0.5 g. Then the pieces are formed into balls and allowed to rest 5-6 minutes and roll out into round flat cakes 0.5 to 1 cm thick. Place minced meat in the middle of each flat cake: meat with onions, or meat with eggs, or meat with rice (minced meat), or cabbage with eggs, or cabbage, or carrot with rice, or carrot with eggs (vegetable mince), or apple, or apple-carrot (fruit mince), or rice with eggs, or jam, or jam in the amount of 34 + 0.5 g and pinch the edges, giving the pie boat shape or crescent shape, or cylindrical, or any other shape.
The formed pies are placed seam side down on a pastry sheet, pre-greased with vegetable oil, and left to proof. 5-10 minutes before baking, the pies are brushed with egg melange or well-mixed eggs. The pies are baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 to 240°C for 8-10 minutes, cooled.
Serving temperature: from 15 to 25°C.
Selling time: no more than three hours from the moment of preparation.

v Kneading

Yeast dough is kneaded in two ways: sponged and unpaired .

Sponge method- more ancient. It includes two stages:

1. preparation and fermentation of the dough;

2. preparation and fermentation of dough.

The dough is prepared from half the flour, water (milk) and yeast. When, after vigorous fermentation (after 3-4 hours), the dough begins to settle, add baked goods (sugar, fats), as well as the remaining flour, and knead the dough. The dough is placed in a warm place for fermentation for 1.5-2 hours, during which time it is kneaded twice. After this, the dough is cut, allowed to rest and, finally, the products are baked. Due to the length of time it takes to prepare the dough, the sponge method is almost never used in modern technology.

The non-steam method is less time-consuming and more economical.

With the safe method To prepare the dough, mix all the ingredients at once. Yeast is diluted in a small amount of liquid (1/2 cup milk or water) with added sugar (1 tablespoon) and placed in a warm place. Margarine (or other fat) is cut into pieces, melted in a large saucepan (4-5 l), the remaining sugar and salt are added to it, stirring in a circular motion. Then the margarine is cooled slightly and mixed with the remaining liquid. The mass should be warm, but not hot.

Take half of the flour provided for in the recipe and sift it (gradually, in parts) through a sieve into a pan with melted margarine. Sifting the flour at the time of kneading the dough helps enrich it with air oxygen, as a result of which the dough becomes fluffy and light. Carefully pour the prepared yeast onto the sifted flour, gently mixing it with the flour. The yeast should not come into contact with the melted margarine, otherwise its activity will decrease.

Continuing to knead the dough with your right hand, gradually add all the flour provided for in the recipe with your left hand, sifting it through a sieve. Use a spoon or wooden spatula to knead the dough. Rotation during kneading is carried out in one direction, which is due to the complex physical and chemical processes occurring in the dough. When rotating in one direction, the flour proteins swell and the resulting gluten threads (bonds) are strengthened, which helps to obtain a dough of the required viscosity and sufficient elasticity. Products made from this dough are of high quality.

The end of the dough kneading is determined by its consistency. The kneaded dough should be light, fluffy, viscoelastic, and pliable.

v Fermentation

The kneaded dough must be dusted with flour. The pan with the kneaded dough is covered with a canvas napkin or towel (but not a lid) and placed in a warm place for fermentation (near a radiator or in a bowl of warm water). In this case, the dough temperature should not exceed 29-32° C.

v Warm-up

When the dough ferments, bubbles of carbon dioxide form, which contribute to its loosening. However, too much carbon dioxide slows down the fermentation process, so the dough must periodically be freed from accumulated gas and enriched with oxygen. For this purpose, as the dough rises, it is kneaded and kneaded. The first kneading is carried out 1-1.5 hours after fermentation, the second - 1-1.5 hours after the first kneading.

v Molding

Immediately after the second kneading, the dough is placed on the table for shaping. The dough should be resilient, elastic, soft, pliable. It should not stick to your hands. Before laying out the dough, dust the table with flour. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table when rolling, it is periodically raised “on a ruler.” To do this, take an ordinary thin wooden ruler with a downward edge, carefully move it under the rolled out dough and, with short movements away from you and towards you, draw it under the layer of dough. It will not stick to the table, will not tear, and will be easier to roll out. The surface of the dough should not be too floury, so dusting the table with flour should be moderate. When shaping dough products, drafts must be avoided.

From the prepared dough you can form closed and open pies, snack pies, buns, donuts, cheesecakes, kulebyaki, pies, rolls and much more.

The use of various fillings in combination with various molding methods gives the variety of baked goods for which the hospitable Russian table has always been famous.

The shape of the pie depends on its purpose. Small pies for soups and snacks are shaped like a boat, a shuttle, a crescent, a saechka, or a bag. The dough is rolled out into a long rope, pieces of equal size are cut from it, and balls are rolled out of them. The balls are placed on the table, seam side down, and left for 5-7 minutes to proof, then rolled out with a rolling pin. The filling is placed in the center of the circle, the edges are tightly connected, giving the pies a boat shape. The pies are placed on a greased baking sheet, seam side down. After 10-15 minutes of proofing, their surface is greased with yolk, pricked with a fork, and the baking sheet with the pies is placed in the oven for baking. Baking temperature is 210--220° C.

Crescent-shaped pies are formed in the same way. The shuttle's seam, which is also a decoration, resembles a Christmas tree. The bag has a round shape. A small round hole is left in the center of such a pie. The buns are shaped into a boat, dipped in melted butter and placed in a row, pressed tightly against each other. Pies have a boat or shuttle shape, but they differ from other pies in that the middle remains open. Pie can also have a round shape with an open middle.

A “friendly family” pie is formed from small pies such as saechki or boats. Each pie is dipped in hot oil, the patties are placed side by side in a round pan or in a frying pan and baked. Pies may vary in filling.

In order to form cheesecakes, cut pieces of equal size from a rope of dough, roll them into balls, place them seam side down on a greased baking sheet and leave to proof for 15-20 minutes. After this, a depression is made in the center of the ball using a wooden pestle or glass), it is filled with cottage cheese, jam, jam or other fillings (carrot, potato, beetroot), and the edges of the cheesecake are greased with yolk.

Roses are shaped differently. The dough is rolled out into a rectangle 0.7 cm thick, generously greased with melted butter or margarine, sprinkled with poppy seeds, the dough is wrapped in the form of a roll and cut into pieces 2-2.5 cm wide. Pinching a piece of the roll on one side, open the petals on the other side so as to give the pie the shape of a blooming rose.

Large closed and open pies are easier to form. For a closed pie, roll out a layer of dough 1 cm thick, roll the dough onto a rolling pin, transfer it to a baking sheet, and use a knife to smooth out the edges. Place the filling on the dough in an even layer. Roll out a second layer of the same type and place it on top of the filling, pinch the edges and carefully fold the seam down. The pie is left for 15-20 minutes to proof, after which the surface is greased with yolk, pricked with a fork, and the baking sheet with the pie is placed in the oven for baking. The pie is baked at a temperature of 210--220 ° C. The surface of the pie can be decorated with various elements from the dough: carnation flowers, chamomile, cornflower, leaves, twigs, etc. For this, small pieces of dough (weighing from 2 to 4-5 g ) roll into balls, give them the shape of a circle (cake), make cuts in a circle with a small knife (from the center to the edge) - you get daisies. The flowers are smeared with yolk, you can sprinkle a little poppy seed in the middle, put raisins or a piece of nut. If the pie is a snack cake, you can decorate the middle of the flower with a peppercorn. To make the flower more magnificent, connect two daisies. To obtain cloves or cornflowers, a circle of dough is cut into three sectors, each element is attached to a stem of dough. It's easier to make leaves. Having made thin ropes of dough between your palms, roll them out lightly with a rolling pin, cut them with the tip of a knife, and use a knife to depict the veins of the leaf in the middle of the leaf. Each detail (flower, bud, leaf, twig) is placed on the surface of the cake greased with egg in accordance with the composition.

For an open pie, roll out a layer of dough 1 cm thick, transfer it to a baking sheet using a rolling pin, and fold the edges over the sides of the baking sheet. Apply the filling to the dough in an even layer. If the filling is made from apples or berries, it is filled with a mixture made from sour cream and eggs (1:1 ratio) with added sugar (to taste). Then carefully wrap the edges, pinching them in the corners. You can apply dough finishing elements to the filling layer: leaves, flowers, twigs. You can make a mesh from thin narrow strips of dough. After proofing, brush the edges of the pie with yolk. The pie is baked at a temperature of 200--210° C.

After a short cooling, baked pies must be removed from the baking sheet so that the bottom crust does not turn black. If the cake does not come off, you can run a thread between it and the baking sheet.

To ensure that the crust of the baked pie is soft and tender, it is recommended to grease its surface with a piece of butter; the pie should be covered with a sheet of parchment and a towel or tablecloth.

Before deep-frying pies, you need to remove traces of flour from them, otherwise it will burn in boiling fat, and the product will then acquire an unattractive appearance.

Preparation of ordinary straight yeast dough

From this dough you can make ordinary buns, pies, donuts and other products with a small amount of baked goods (butter, sugar, eggs).

Recipe for yeast straight dough

Pour warm milk or warm water (temperature 30°) into a saucepan and dissolve the yeast. Add salt, sugar, eggs, aromatics, sifted flour and knead for 5-8 minutes to obtain a homogeneous, lump-free, not very stiff dough.

If the flour absorbs a lot of water, add a little milk or water. Before sifting, measure the flour with a glass without compacting it.

At the end of the kneading, add heated oil, mix lightly, cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place for fermentation.

During fermentation, alcohol and carbon dioxide appear in the dough, which inhibits the vital activity of yeast. 2-2.5 hours after kneading, when the dough has risen greatly, you should knead it. At the same time, accumulated carbon dioxide is removed from the dough and fermentation resumes with renewed vigor. It lasts approximately 40-50 minutes and is considered complete when, after the maximum rise of the dough, its lowering begins.

Then you need to knead the finished dough a second time and place it on a floured table or cutting board.

The duration of dough fermentation can be adjusted by changing the dosage of yeast and the temperature conditions in which the dough is fermented. A dough temperature of 28-30 degrees is considered normal for fermentation; when the temperature drops, fermentation slows down, and when the temperature rises, it accelerates. However, it should be borne in mind that at temperatures below 10° fermentation stops completely.

What should you do if the dough does not ferment?

· Dough cooled below 10° must be heated to 30°, but so that during heating it does not come into contact with objects with a temperature above 50 degrees.

· Dough that is too warm must be cooled to 30° and fresh yeast added.

· If too much salt or sugar is added to the dough, fermentation will slow down or stop. In this case, you need to knead a new portion of dough and mix it with over-salted or over-sweetened dough.

· The dough may not ferment due to poor quality yeast. To test the fermentation ability of yeast, you need to prepare a small portion of dough and sprinkle it with a thin layer of flour.

· If after 30-45 minutes no cracks appear in the flour layer, then the quality of the yeast is poor. In this case, you should use good quality yeast.

When changing the recipes indicated in the table, the following occurs:

excess water - the dough is poorly shaped, the products turn out flat, vague;

lack of water - the dough does not ferment well, the finished products are hard;

replacing water with milk or cream - the finished products have a beautiful appearance and their taste improves;

increasing the amount of fat - the products become more crumbly and tasty and do not go stale for a long time;

excess salt - the dough does not ferment well, the products acquire a salty taste, the color of the crust is pale:

insufficient amount of salt - the products turn out vague and tasteless;

a large amount of sugar - the surface of the product quickly becomes tinted during baking, and the middle bakes slowly, in addition, the dough does not ferment well; when more than 35% sugar is added, fermentation of the dough stops completely;

insufficient amount of sugar - pale and low-sweet products are obtained;

increasing the number of eggs - the products are made more fluffy and tasty;

replacing eggs with egg yolks - the products are more crumbly and have a beautiful yellow color;

increase in yeast - fermentation accelerates; Too much yeast gives the products an unpleasant yeasty smell.

To obtain tasty and well-baked products from yeast dough, you need to learn how to properly loosen the dough with yeast and skillfully combine it with fillings. Thus, salty fillings from meat, fish, mushrooms are not suitable for sweet dough and dough flavored with saffron, lemon, cardamom; For sweet fillings, you cannot prepare salted dough.

Preparing yeast dough using the sponge method

This dough, prepared using the sponge method, is used to bake products with a large amount of baked goods (butter, sugar, eggs).

Recipe for sponge yeast dough

With this method, first mix a liquid mixture, called dough, with a spoon. For kneading, take the entire amount of warm liquid and yeast and half the amount of flour (according to the recipe).

The dough should ferment at a temperature of 28-30° for 3-3.5 hours until maximum rise. During fermentation, bursting bubbles containing carbon dioxide appear on the surface of the dough. As soon as the dough begins to settle, you can begin to knead the dough.

Add all other heated products to the dough (eggs mixed with salt, sugar, aromatics), gradually add the remaining flour and knead for 5-8 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. At the end of the kneading, add oil, heated to the consistency of thick sour cream; then cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place for further fermentation. When the dough reaches its maximum rise, which will happen in about an hour, knead the dough and place it on a table sprinkled with flour.

The duration of fermentation of the dough and dough can be adjusted by changing the temperature conditions during fermentation by placing the pan in a warmer or cooler place.

Preparing puff pastry dough

Piece products of the most varied shapes can be made from puff pastry dough.

Recipe for puff pastry dough

Puff pastry is prepared using a sponge or straight method, without oil (the dough is only sandwiched with oil to obtain a product with a layered structure).

The finished fermented dough is cooled to 10-20° so that the butter does not melt on it, and rolled into a rectangular layer 5-8 mm thick. Divide the dough layer into three equal parts, without cutting it, but only marking the lines with the back of the knife.

A layer of pre-heated oil (to the consistency of thick sour cream) is applied to the middle part of the formation. Cover the smeared middle part of the layer with the left end of the layer and lubricate the resulting second layer with oil (Fig. 130). After this, cover this layer with the free right end of the layer. The result is a pastry consisting of three layers of dough and two layers of butter.

The roll is sprinkled with flour and rolled out into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick; then the surface of the dough is cleaned of flour and the layer is folded, as indicated above, in four. Thus, you get a layer of dough with 8 layers of butter. Roll out the dough layer again, fold it in half, three times or four times, resulting in a dough layer with 16; 24 or 32 layers of oil.

When rolling 80-100 g of butter, the dough made from 1 cup of flour must have at least 24-32 layers of butter, otherwise the butter will leak out during baking.

When rolling 20-80 g of butter, the dough should be made in 8-16 layers, otherwise the layers in the finished products will not be noticeable.

Layer the dough at a temperature no higher than 18C. After layering is completed, the dough is placed in a cool place, and then molding begins.

To improve the layering of the product, the butter taken for the layer should be sprinkled with sugar (half the amount provided in the recipes).

Proofing after cutting should be done at a temperature of 25--28.

At higher temperatures, the butter melts and flows out of the dough before baking.

b Yeast dough for pies

For 1 kg of dough you will need:

· Flour (4 tbsp.)

· Sugar (2 tbsp.)

· Margarine or vegetable oil (4 tbsp.)

· Salt (½ tsp)

Yeast (20 g)

· Water or milk (1 tbsp.)

· Eggs (1 pc.)

1. Dissolve salt in warm water (about 35-40 degrees). You definitely need to taste the water: how salty the water is, the salty the dough will be.

2. Add sugar and eggs, mix well.

3. Add flour (it’s better to sift it, then the dough will rise faster) and quick-acting yeast. Mix the yeast and flour first, and only then the whole mass.

4. Add margarine after melting.

5. Knead the dough until smooth, so that it “gathers” into a lump and the walls of the dish become “clean” (this usually takes me 5-7 minutes).

6. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. To make the dough softer and airier, I stir it a couple of times during fermentation.

7. The dough is ready when it has increased in volume by 2-3 times, smells pleasant and has the shape of a hat. Another sign of readiness is that when you press on the dough with your finger, the hole slowly levels out.

This yeast dough is suitable for pies, pies, pizza... For example, you can make a very tasty pie with raw potatoes

b Drowned dough with dry yeast


o Milk -- 0.5 l.

o Dry yeast (saf 11g) - 1 pack.

o Margarine (or butter) - 150 g.

o Salt (height teaspoon) - 1 tsp.

o Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

o Egg -- 2 pcs.

o Flour - 1 kg.

1. Preparatory procedures.

Remove eggs and margarine from the refrigerator. They should be at room temperature.

2. Light sponge.

Heat the milk, dissolve the sugar in it and stir the yeast. Place this mixture in a warm place for 10-15 minutes to foam.

Pour milk with yeast and scrambled eggs into a container suitable for kneading. Add salt and grate margarine on a coarse grater. Let's stir the whole thing. Then sift the flour there. Be sure to sift! How much flour? Usually a kilogram is enough for dough, cutting, and filling. When about a third remains in the bag of flour, start kneading. Knead thoroughly, first with a spoon, then with your hand, gradually adding flour. The dough should be elastic, but not dense. As a result, about a glass of flour remains. Now knead the dough thoroughly. Form the dough into a ball.

4. Drowning and water rescue.

Pour cold, even ice-cold water into a large saucepan or bucket. Drop the dough in there. That's it, it drowned.

There is time to start filling. Not much time, 10-20 minutes. Depends on how you kneaded it. Has it surfaced?

We take it out, blot it with a towel, lightly knead it with a little flour left over from kneading, and let it rest for 10 minutes under a napkin.

5. Afterword. Or aftertaste.

Then everything is as with regular dough: we form pies, pies, rolls, buns, belyashi, cheesecakes, let them rest for 15 minutes, bake or fry. This amount of dough makes approximately 50 small pies. The taste is wonderful. The dough is finely porous and homogeneous.

b "Overnight" dough and products made from it


o Milk -- 250 ml.

o Yeast (dry or 25g fresh) - 7 g.

o Egg -- 2 pcs.

o Flour - 3.5 cups.

o Butter -- 80 g.

o Sugar - 1/2 cup.

o Salt -- 1/2 tsp.

Pour warm (almost room temperature) milk into a small bowl, add yeast and mix with a spoon. Pour the milk and yeast into the mixer bowl, add the eggs (beat first) and mix with the hook attachment at low speed. Add sifted flour, then sugar and mix at low speed for about 4 minutes until all ingredients are combined.

With the mixer running, gradually add pieces of butter and mix at moderate speed for another 5-6 minutes, until it is completely absorbed and most of the dough begins to gather around the nozzle. Add salt and stir for another minute or two. The dough will look like a thick, soft and sticky mass. You can leave the dough in the bowl or transfer it to a deep bowl. Cover the container with the dough with cling film and place it in the refrigerator - let it rise there slowly overnight.

In the morning, take the dough out of the refrigerator. Place on a surface dusted with flour. Mix well and divide into two parts. While we work with one, let the second one lie in the refrigerator. Cold dough is very convenient to work with; it rolls out easily.

You can shape it into whatever you like: buns, pies, rolls. Turn on the oven and heat it at 180 degrees. Lubricate the product with yolk, let it sit for 15-20 minutes until it doubles in size. Place in the oven. Baking time depends on the size of the product and the oven.

b Yeast dough "Universal"


o Flour (in dough) - 4 cups.

o Margarine (in dough) -- 250 g

o Yeast (dry, for dough) - 1 tbsp. l.

o Sugar (in dough) - 4 tbsp. l.

o Salt (in dough) - 1 tsp.

o Milk (in dough) - 1 cup.

o Onions (for filling) - 1 pc.

o Champignons (canned, for filling) - 1 jar.

o Potatoes (boiled, for filling) -- 2 pcs.

o Egg yolk (for greasing pies) - 1 pc.

o Black pepper

Pour 4 cups of sifted flour into a deep bowl. Grate cold margarine on a coarse grater and rub it with flour with your hands. Add yeast, granulated sugar and salt. Pour in 1 glass of warm milk and mix everything thoroughly.

Place in a warm place and cover with a towel.

After 1.5 hours the dough will be ready. You can make any products from it.

Divide the dough into two parts. From one half of the dough we will make pies with mushrooms and boiled potatoes.

Divide the dough into balls the size of tennis balls.

Making the filling for pies.

Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until transparent. Finely chop the mushrooms and add to the onions. Fry together for a few minutes. Mash the boiled potatoes and add to the mushrooms. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well.

Roll each ball into a flat cake 3-4 mm thick. We make a cut on both edges and put 1 tbsp in the middle. fillings.

We pull the cut edges and push one through the other and pinch the bottom of the pie, you get half-open pies.

Place the pies on a greased baking sheet. Let sit for 10-15 minutes. Brush the top with beaten yolk.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

b Yeast express dough for pies, pies and donuts


o Water (warm) - 1 cup.

o Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l.

o Milk (warm) - 1 cup.

o Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

o Butter (softened) - 1 tbsp. l.

o Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

o Chicken egg -- 2 pcs

o Wheat flour (as much as you need, but don’t make the dough too stiff)

Making the dough: dilute 1 tbsp in 1 glass of warm water. spoon of dry yeast, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, flour as for pancakes and let rise (about 20 minutes, maybe faster if you put it in a warm place).

When the dough is ready, add 1 glass of warm milk, 1 tbsp. l. drain butter or sour cream, 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 eggs, knead into a loose dough. And immediately make pies.

You can make pies with savory fillings: for example, eggs + herbs, mashed potatoes + liver + chicken navels - fry these pies in vegetable oil.

You can also use sweet ones: for example, grated apple + sugar + a little potato starch (so that the filling does not leak) - bake these pies in the oven.

b Buns

For 10 buns with a total weight of 600-700 g: butter dough from 2 cups flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of melted butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar, 1 egg for greasing, finely chopped nuts, almonds or streusel.

Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick and 20 cm wide. Grease the surface of the layer with butter, melted to the consistency of sour cream, and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Roll the layer into a tight roll and cut it into ten equal pieces. Place each piece flat on a greased baking sheet, press down, make cuts with a knife and give the pieces different shapes. At the end of proofing for 40-50 minutes, brush the surface of the buns with egg, sprinkle with nuts, almonds or streusel and bake for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 240-250°.

b Dough in 15 minutes


o Water - 3 cups.

o Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

o Flour (for sourdough) - 6 tbsp. l.

o Fresh yeast -- 100 g

o Sunflower oil -- 1 cup.

o Salt (to taste)

Mix water with sugar, 6 tbsp. l. flour and yeast. Stir and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place to rise.

Then pour in the vegetable oil and add 8 cups of flour (you may have to add a little more, the products are different everywhere, but the dough should be soft, when rolling out the pies you need to dust the table with flour), salt to taste. Knead the dough quickly.

After 2 minutes the dough is ready for baking.

Before baking, the pies need to be greased with sunflower oil, and after baking, cover and let rest a little, 5-10 minutes.

b Yeast dough from the refrigerator


o Milk -- 0.5 l

o Yeast (fresh) -- 100 g

o Vegetable oil -- 200 ml

o Egg -- 3 pcs.

o Sugar -- 4-5 tbsp. l.

o Salt (to taste)

o Flour - 7-8 cups.

Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add beaten eggs with sugar, vegetable oil, salt and flour.

Knead the dough.

Place the dough in a plastic bag, tie it to leave room, and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
