Baking cupcake recipes in silicone molds. Orange cupcakes in silicone molds

But sometimes the food in the refrigerator is limited, and time is very short. It is in such cases that quick recipes are needed.

To prepare the most simple cupcakes at home you will need the most simple ingredients. Surely you have them. In general, the time is no more than 35 - 40 minutes, and the complexity is minimal, so you can handle it even if you come to the kitchen for the first time.

The simplest cupcakes can be decorated in a special way


  • 4 eggs;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.
  1. Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Using a mixer, beat it until fluffy.
  2. While you beat, add sugar in a thin stream, followed by vanilla sugar.
  3. Keep beating the mixture and add one egg at a time. As a result, when all the ingredients are collected, after 5 minutes of whipping you should get a creamy mass.
  4. Add milk, beat everything again. Then add water and finally beat the mass, bringing it to homogeneity.
  5. Prepare the oven by preheating it to 180 degrees.
  6. While the oven is heating up, mix the flour with baking powder, add to our mixture and mix everything.
  7. The molds should already be prepared and on the baking sheet. Fill each one two-thirds full and bake for 20 minutes.
  8. After the specified time, the cupcakes should form golden crust and if there is, feel free to take out the cupcakes, let them cool for 5 minutes and serve for tea.

With milk

Milk muffins are special because they contain... secret ingredient. Milk cupcakes will be not only chocolate, but also with jam. The taste is very unusual, but you will definitely like it.

Muffins made with milk are especially satisfying


  • 1 tbsp. milk (fattier);
  • 7 tbsp jam (any);
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • egg;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  1. Mix all ingredients with a mixer until thick sour cream. Add dry ingredients first and then liquid ingredients. Lastly, add the jam.
  2. Since the cupcakes will rise very well, you only need to fill the molds halfway.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.

On kefir

Cooking with kefir is a pleasure. You will surely like this simple recipe, since all the ingredients can easily be found at home.

But kefir muffins are easy on the stomach

What you will need:

  • 250 g butter;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of vanillin.
  1. Melt the butter in the microwave, mix with sugar. Add vanilla sugar and mix everything again.
  2. Next, add kefir and flour and get a viscous dough.
  3. Prepare the molds by greasing them with oil and lightly dusting them with flour. It is best to use a pastry bag to place the dough.
  4. Fill the molds two-thirds full
  5. Preheat the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

If you want to use the filling for such cupcakes, you can choose jam, marmalade, dried fruits, poppy seeds, fruits, nut butter, condensed milk. But the filling must be placed so that it is strictly in the middle, without touching the edges of the mold. Place one third of the dough, then the filling in the middle, followed by more dough.

With cottage cheese

The simplest muffins with cottage cheese in silicone molds can be done quickly, but only if you have chocolate in the house.

Curd cupcakes for tea

What you will need:

  • 200 g cottage cheese (with high fat content);
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • half a bar of chocolate (any kind);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.
  1. Melt the butter in a water bath and mix with sugar.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the mixture. If you choose grainy cottage cheese, then stir more thoroughly so that the mass is as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Beat the eggs separately and add to the mixture.
  4. Add flour by mixing it with baking powder. When the dough is ready, let it rest for 10 minutes.
  5. Prepare the molds by greasing them vegetable oil. Fill them halfway with dough.
  6. Place a small piece of chocolate in the middle of each mold and cover the top with dough. Make sure that the molds are not filled to the brim as the dough will still rise during baking.
  7. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

With cocoa

Cupcakes with cocoa turn out very tasty, and everything is as easy to prepare as possible.

Cupcakes with cocoa can be prepared for the holiday


  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;
  • ¼ stick of butter;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder;
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  1. First mix eggs, sugar, add to them butter, which must first be melted.
  2. Add milk and stir again.
  3. Stir in flour, cocoa and soda. You should have a dough that flows slowly from a spoon - not too thick, but not runny either.
  4. Prepare the molds by greasing them with oil, and set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees.
  5. Fill the pans halfway and bake for 20 minutes.
  6. When ready, decorate the cupcakes powdered sugar.

As you can see, a simple recipe for cupcakes in silicone molds allows you to prepare delicious dessert for tea or coffee in a short time. By the way, about drinks. Read. It turns out amazing.

Homemade cupcake recipes in silicone molds with butter, milk, sour cream

2018-07-10 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

6 gr.

22 gr.


40 gr.

398 kcal.

Option 1: Classic cupcakes in silicone molds

Homemade cupcakes cannot be compared with the store-bought equivalent. It always turns out tastier, and is very simple and even quick to prepare. IN traditional recipe The dough is made exclusively with butter. Although, in order to save money, you can take a little margarine or even make a complete replacement. Food grade silicone molds do not require lubrication. These ingredients are enough to make 6 mini cupcakes.


  • pack of butter;
  • 7 spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 175 g flour.

How to make classic mini cupcakes in silicone molds

Measure out the flour. If there are no scales, then simply take one full glass and a third of the second. Mix with ripper and sift. Measure remaining ingredients according to recipe.

Cut the butter into pieces and place in a bowl. It is advisable that it be thawed, in which case the whipping process will take no more than seven minutes. Immediately add sugar and start working with the mixer until it is completely dissolved.

Add one at a time to the oil chicken eggs, do not stop whisking. Then add flour, stir, put all the dough into molds. You should have six miniature cupcakes.

Place the prepared dough in silicone molds in the oven and bake the cupcakes for 35 minutes. Then cool for ten minutes, shake out of the molds so that the bottom does not become damp from the silicone. Temperature 180.

Even in sweet pastries you need to add a pinch of salt. This minor ingredient changes the taste for the better.

Option 2: Quick recipe for simple cupcakes in silicone molds

Food grade silicone molds are ideal for baking cupcakes not only in the oven, but also in a regular oven. microwave oven. It turns out even much more convenient than in a mug or cup. The cupcakes are smooth, pop out perfectly, and can be greased and decorated with something.


  • 60 ml fresh milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of butter;
  • 15 grams of cocoa;
  • 3 grams of ripper;
  • a little powder;
  • 40 grams of sugar.
  • 35 grams of flour;

How to quickly make simple cupcakes

Add sugar to milk and add butter, stir. Add cocoa and baking powder to the flour, salt and a pinch of vanillin if desired. Stir both mixtures separately, then combine in one bowl. Let's make the dough. It will be fluid. Stir until smooth.

Transfer the mixture into molds and fill halfway. We put them in the microwave, trying to maintain the same distance between them. Turn on the oven and cook for exactly two minutes and 30 seconds. Power 750 W.

After the signal, we are in no hurry to open the door. We wait at least three minutes, but it’s better to leave it for five. Remove the cupcakes and shake them out of the molds. Decorate with powder.

There are similar recipes for muffins with the addition of eggs, sour cream or kefir instead of milk, and various other additives. It is not advisable to try to replace the ingredients yourself this option, the cake simply may not bake.

Option 3: Fragrant kefir muffins in silicone molds

It’s hard for kefir dough to fail. Baking from it is always light and fluffy, if you don’t forget about the soda. By the way, since the product contains a lot of acid, it does not need to be extinguished with lemon or vinegar.


  • a cup of kefir;
  • two eggs;
  • 11 g soda;
  • a couple of pinches of cinnamon;
  • half a spoonful of zest;
  • 0.29 kg flour (preferably sifted);
  • 50 g candied fruits;
  • 140 g refined sugar;
  • 35 g butter.

How to cook

Mix sugar, eggs, add kefir and butter. Whisk lightly and leave to dissolve for a few minutes. Then shake again and add soda.

Add aromatic substances to the flour; zest and cinnamon are indicated here. Also great for Christmas gingerbread mix. Vanilla won't be out of place here either. Pour everything into stirred kefir.

Mix and add candied fruits. If they are large, you can cut them. Then immediately distribute the dough into silicone molds, filling them to two-thirds of the height.

Place the molds in the oven, it is better to immediately place them on a baking sheet, bake for 22 minutes. Planting and cooking at 180 degrees. Let the cupcakes cool for about fifteen minutes, then remove from the pans.

Vegetable oil in this recipe can be replaced with melted margarine, cooking oil. If necessary, add raisins instead of candied fruits.

Option 4: Cupcakes with raisins in silicone molds

Raisins can be added to absolutely any dough. This ingredient will not spoil it. But muffins made with butter and sour cream are especially successful. Vegetable oil is also added, but in small quantities for softness.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • 12 g soda;
  • raisins - 90 g;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 0.5 packs of butter.

Step by step recipe

Sour cream with melted butter, raw eggs and just rub it well with sand. Mix until smooth, add a pinch of salt and then add vegetable oil.

Raisins should be washed well and mixed with half a glass of flour. Pour the rest of the flour into the dough and mix. Then enter slaked soda, at the end flour with raisins. The dough should be homogeneous; it is important to thoroughly dissolve the soda in it.

Pour the raisin dough into silicone molds, filling just above half. Place in the oven at 210 degrees, then reduce to 170. Bake for half an hour.

Dry raisins are not tasty, it is advisable to soak them in warm water, then squeeze, you can dry on a paper towel.

Option 5: Sour cream cupcakes in silicone molds

Sour cream in baking perfectly replaces both liquids and partially fats. It's great for cupcakes. And you don't need to look for the most fresh product. Sour cream that has stagnated in the refrigerator is also good. The fatter it is, the better.


  • a pair of eggs;
  • sour cream - 120 g;
  • 220 g flour;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 6 g ripper;
  • salt, vanilla.

How to cook

Place eggs, sand, salt in a convenient bowl, you can also add vanilla. Whisk it all together a little. We don't need fluffy foam, so we don't need to take out the mixer.

Add sour cream to the dough, stir again until the sugar dissolves, then pour in refined oil.

All that remains is to add flour and ripper. Vanillin optional. Cinnamon and zest also make great muffins. Knead the dough with the same whisk and place it in silicone molds.

Place the half-filled pans into the oven. There the cupcakes will cook for 25 minutes. Planting and baking at 180 degrees.

If the sour cream is liquid, then it is advisable to immediately add a little more flour to the dough, otherwise it may fall in the oven. Using thick product, you can pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk. Steep dough will not fall in the oven, but the cake will turn out dry and may crumble.

Option 6: Easter cupcakes in silicone molds

Easter cupcake - great alternative Easter cakes Miniature products made from silicone molds look especially interesting. They can also be decorated with icing and multi-colored dragees. If you don’t like the fudge option given below, you can choose another recipe.


  • 130 g sugar;
  • four eggs;
  • 280 grams of flour (be sure to sift);
  • 70 grams of raisins;
  • 1 protein;
  • 4 spoons of powder;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 85 ml oil;
  • 6 grams of ripper (partial spoon);
  • 1 tsp. grated zest;
  • dragee for decoration.

How to cook

Rinse the raisins and let them stand in warm water for about five minutes. Squeeze, dry, often roll it in flour to distribute evenly, which can also be done.

Simply mix flour, zest and baking powder, vanilla if desired. Beat eggs and sand until stiff foam and add refined oil. And then lemon juice. Mix all this with flour, add prepared raisins.

Place the Easter dough into small molds and bake. To make a small hat, fill a little more than 2/3 of the height. Planting temperature 180, check readiness with a splinter.

Beat the egg white until stiff, only after that add powder and at the very end add a little lemon juice. Grease the cooled cupcakes and sprinkle with colored dragees. Or we make fondant and decorate Easter cupcakes in a different way.

Possible day of filling Easter cupcakes Do not use raisins in silicone molds. And multi-colored candied fruits, a mixture of dried fruits, but be sure to stick to the specified amount.

Option 7: Chocolate cupcakes in silicone molds

The ingredients listed below make approximately twelve cupcakes. If there are fewer silicone molds, you can separate the ingredients. Just don’t forget to do this in proportion so that the cupcakes turn out.


  • 180 g sugar;
  • cocoa - 3 spoons;
  • 110 g butter;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • 230 g flour;
  • a little salt;
  • ripper (bag).

How to cook

Place the oil in the microwave or heat it on the stove until hot. Add sugar and cocoa, add milk and salt. After adding these ingredients, the oil will cool.

Spilling chocolate dough with pieces into molds and immediately bake at 180 degrees. On average, this will take from 17 to 22 minutes.

You can also use Nesquik cocoa for this recipe, but in this case we take 6 spoons and slightly reduce the amount of sand so that we don’t end up with a cloying pastry.

Option 8: Milk cupcakes in silicone molds

Milk produces not heavy, but light and fluffy cupcakes. They are somewhat reminiscent of buns or cakes. If desired, you can even cover them with glaze or simply pour a little filling into the dough: nuts, seeds, dried fruits.


  • 190 g sugar;
  • milk - 190 ml;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 11 g soda;
  • 95 ml oil;
  • 390 g flour.

Step by step recipe

Mix sand with eggs. We immediately take a large vessel. Beat the duet until fluffy.

Let's take it vegetable oil, but only without smell. Pour into the eggs and mix lightly. Pour in milk. It is advisable to use a product at approximately the same temperature. Sift the flour on top. Let's make the dough.

We extinguish the specified amount of baking soda with vinegar, pour in and stir. Immediately pour the mixture into the molds and place in the oven. It is undesirable for such a dough to stand for a long time, it loses its splendor.

Planting and baking cupcakes with milk is done at 180. If they are in small silicone molds, then after 20 minutes you need to check the readiness. If the forms are not the smallest, then the time increases to half an hour.

The recipe does not indicate the amount of vinegar, but to extinguish the soda, a full spoon is enough, or we take approximately the same amount of lemon juice. It also perfectly neutralizes the unpleasant taste of ripper.

Option 9: Mini cheese muffins in silicone molds

It’s incredibly convenient to make mini cupcakes with cheese in silicone molds. They bake well, don’t stick, and make a great appetizer, breakfast, or snack. Here is a recipe from Italian cuisine.


  • flour - 290 g;
  • 470 g cheese;
  • ripper - 10 g;
  • 0.24 l milk;
  • egg;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • 120 g butter.

How to cook

If the butter is soft, you don't have to melt it. Add eggs and milk to make the muffins brown, add sugar. Be careful with salt. If there is a lot of it in the cheese, then a couple of pinches is enough. We rub everything. Add dry ingredients.

Grate the cheese finely. Add in parts to the dough so that the chips do not stick together, stir, and transfer to silicone molds.

We fill the silicone molds to ¾ of the height, place them in the oven and cook at 175 degrees for 25 minutes.

Italian cheese muffins They turn out incredibly tasty with the addition of various hot and fragrant spices; Provençal herbs fit perfectly into this dough.

Option 10: Cupcakes in silicone molds with filling

In silicone molds it is very convenient and easy to prepare cupcakes with filling. For filling you can take thick jam, jam, chocolate or paste, here is the recipe with boiled condensed milk. An affordable and universally loved product.


  • a glass of oil;
  • one glass of milk;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • egg;
  • 1.5 tsp. ripper;
  • 240 grams of flour (almost two glasses).

How to cook

Mix one in a bowl big egg with sand and milk, add butter to them, add salt and shake well. Add flour along with the ripper, after which the dough is almost ready.

We scoop up the mass with a spoon and place it in silicone molds, filling them a third full. Half of the cake batter should be used. Next we lay out boiled condensed milk. Just scoop it up with a spoon and place it in the center. Cover with a new portion of dough. Bake the cupcakes with filling for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Cupcakes should not be taken out of the molds immediately; they may wrinkle and sag. But you can’t leave them in silicone for a long time. The bottom may become wet and damp.

Fresh, homemade cupcake- it is delicious!

And it's very easy to prepare.

And in order not to waste time on long baking, you can use small molds: silicone, metal and even paper.

Fortunately, there is a huge selection in stores now.

Cupcakes in molds at home - general principles of preparation

The four main ingredients of a cake are butter, sugar, eggs and flour. They appear in every recipe, but always in different proportions. This determines the final result.

For taste add to the dough:

Cocoa, chocolate, coffee;

Fruits, dried fruits, candied fruits;

Vanilla, various essences, cinnamon;

Cottage cheese and other dairy products.

To make the product airy and porous, a ripper is added to the dough. It can be replaced baking soda, which is extinguished with acid to eliminate the specific odor. Ready dough Place in molds and then bake.

Features and preparation of molds

Silicone molds can be single or interconnected, and come with recesses for filling. They do not require special preparation and go well with baked goods. Metal molds should be greased with oil, preferably vegetable oil, before filling in the dough. Paper molds are used for light dough, most often for muffins. They don't need pre-treatment, but require a special stand. Otherwise, the baked goods may come out crooked.

Recipe 1: Cupcakes in molds at home “Stolichnye”

Classic recipe capital cupcakes. At home, you can use silicone or metal molds. But in the first case, the products will have to be removed immediately so that they do not become damp.


170 grams of butter;

150 grams of sugar;

250 grams of flour;

80 grams of raisins;

1 tsp. ripper;

Vanilla and powder.


1. Immediately pour warm water over the raisins and let them sit, the grapes will swell a little, become larger and juicier.

2. Melt the butter, then cool.

3. Beat sugar with raw eggs until stiff, add butter.

4. Drain the water from the raisins and dry with a towel.

5. Combine the flour with baking powder and raisins, add the liquid mass of the remaining ingredients, add vanillin and mix gently.

6. Place the dough into the prepared molds. The mass should not occupy more than 2/3 of the volume.

7. Send to bake. Set the oven temperature to 180 degrees. Since the muffins are small, half an hour is enough to bake.

8. Remove and cool.

9. Place powdered sugar in a strainer and sprinkle the aromatic products on top.

Recipe 2: Coffee cupcakes in molds at home

A recipe for wonderful muffins in molds at home, which are distinguished by the divine aroma of coffee. Can anyone resist? We use regular instant coffee.


200 grams of butter;

1 tsp. ripper;

2 teaspoons of coffee;

100 grams of sugar;

A pinch of vanilla;

200 grams of flour.


1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and cut into pieces. When it softens, beat with a mixer until fluffy.

2. Separately, beat the eggs with granulated sugar, immediately add coffee so that it dissolves.

3. Add vanillin and baking powder to the flour and sift everything together.

4. Now all that remains is to combine the oil mixture with the egg mass and mix well. And add to them flour mixture. The dough will be airy and light.

5. Place it in the molds and immediately send it for baking. Cook at 180, about half an hour. But it’s better to be guided by color; you can pierce the cake with a dry stick.

Recipe 3: Chocolate cupcakes in molds at home

A recipe for incredibly delicious chocolate cupcakes in molds that are prepared very quickly. We will make it using cocoa, using ordinary powder without added sugar.


0.2 kg margarine;

40 grams of cocoa powder;

½ tsp. soda;

100 ml milk;

100 grams of sugar;

2 cups of flour;

Sprinkling powder.


1. Put margarine in a saucepan, add cocoa to it, granulated sugar and milk.

2. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. We don’t go far, the mass needs to be stirred. It will turn out beautiful chocolate cream. It needs to be cooled down.

3. You can immediately turn on the oven at 180, let it heat up.

4. Mix the eggs with a whisk and add to the cream. Lightly beat the mixture with the same object.

5. Combine the ripper with flour. You can add vanilla. And add it to the dough.

6. Pour slaked soda on top and stir immediately.

7. Pour our dough into molds and into the oven!

8. Take it out after half an hour, let it cool a little and remove it from the molds. Sprinkle the cupcakes with powder. But you can also grease it with glaze and decorate it with any cream.

Recipe 4: Curd muffins in molds at home

Do you have a pack of cottage cheese left? Bake cupcakes! This is a great way to use up an unclaimed product. Or feed cottage cheese to a child who doesn’t like it. The pastries are tender, light, tasty on their own, but also go well with creams and condensed milk.


0.2 kg cottage cheese;

0.15 kg sugar;

0.15 kg butter (or margarine);

0.15 kg flour;

1 tsp. any baking powder;

A little growing. oils

For scent, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, or any essence.


1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then cool.

2. Break eggs into a bowl and mix with sugar.

3. Take the cottage cheese and wipe it. You can punch it with a blender. If the cottage cheese is soft, then simply mash it with a fork.

4. Combine eggs with cottage cheese, add melted butter.

5. Flour must be mixed with baking powder and added to the dough. Stir. Add cinnamon, vanilla or essence.

6. Place the dough into the molds. They must be lubricated, since the cottage cheese has the ability to stick to the walls. And sometimes it even sticks to silicone.

7. Place the molds in the oven. Bake until done at 190 degrees.

Recipe 5: Vanilla cupcakes in molds at home

Recipe the most delicate cupcakes from biscuit dough, which can even be prepared in paper molds. This pastry is even suitable for cupcakes, which are now very popular and often decorate sweet tables at birthdays and weddings.


125 grams of butter;

125 grams of flour;

2 eggs (three small);

2 spoons of milk;

125 grams sugar;

1 teaspoon of ripper;



1. The butter must be softened. Add sugar, vanilla, milk to it and beat until the grains are completely dissolved. You can also use powder. As soon as the mass becomes light and fluffy, turn off the mixer.

2. In another bowl, beat the eggs. The mixer needs to be washed, otherwise they will not beat.

3. Then again immerse the mixer in the oil mixture and carefully add the eggs.

4. Add flour with baking powder, stir gently, preferably with a spoon.

5. Place the resulting dough into the molds, filling only halfway.

6. Set to bake for 20 minutes. Optimal temperature 190. Then take it out and cool it. If not used paper molds, then carefully remove it.

Recipe 6: Lemon muffins in molds at home

Recipe citrus muffins in molds at home. They turn out not only fragrant, but also very beautiful and yellow.


A glass of sugar;

150 grams plant. oils;

1 bag of ripper;

350 grams of flour.


1. Cut the washed lemon into slices, remove all the seeds, put it in a blender and puree.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, add lemon puree to them, then vegetable oil. Stir.

3. Add flour and baking powder, that's all!

4. All that remains is to mix, put into molds and put in the oven. And in just 20 minutes you will be able to inhale the aroma of citrus muffins. Bake at 180°C.

Recipe 7: Cupcakes in molds at home with filling

There is an easy way to prepare filled muffins - using molds with a recess. We bake the products according to any recipe, and then fill them with cream, condensed milk, and jam. But what if there are no such molds? Then you can do the internal filling!


250 grams of margarine;

200 grams sugar;

0.5 teaspoon of soda;

5 spoons of sour cream.

For filling you can use thick jam, chocolate or boiled condensed milk. It is important that the mass is really thick.


1. Melt the margarine and leave to cool.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, pour into margarine, but you can do the opposite.

3. Add sour cream, flour and baking soda. The dough is ready!

4. Place it 1/3 full in the molds.

5. Now put a piece of chocolate in the middle. Or a teaspoon of jam or condensed milk.

6. Cover with another portion of the dough.

7. Bake until the cupcakes are ready at 180 degrees. This technique works for any dough, as long as it is not too liquid. Otherwise, the filling will simply settle to the bottom.

Cupcakes in tins at home - useful tips and tricks

Who said butter better than margarine? Actually this is not true. First of all, we look at the fat content of the product. Baked goods made from 80% margarine are much better than from butter, or rather, an incomprehensible product with 50% fat.

In order for candied fruits, raisins and other pieces to be evenly distributed in the dough, they must first be mixed with flour, and only then combined with the liquid mass.

To determine if the cake is ready, you just need to pierce it with a wooden splinter (toothpick, match). If it is dry and not sticky, then you can remove the baked goods.

Even the most boring cupcake will become more fun if you decorate it with frosting, fondant, syrup and sprinkled with nuts. Or maybe cut it and layer it with cream?

It is believed that cupcakes do not like movement. And if the form is placed in the oven, then it is not touched until the very end. Then turn off the oven, open the door slightly and allow the products to cool slightly. After that you can take it out.

Today we will make cupcakes in silicone molds, the recipe for which is surprisingly simple. It takes very little time to cook, because you just need to mix all the ingredients and put them in the oven, and the products bake as quickly as possible due to their small size. We will add chopped pieces of ripe and juicy orange to the filling, which will allow us to get a tender and soft pastries with a slightly perceptible citrus aftertaste.

If you wish, you can always diversify this classic recipe for cupcakes in molds by adding nuts, candied fruits, berries, chocolate or other ingredients to the dough. The biscuit goes well with almost any sweet additives.


  • orange - 1 small (or 2-3 tangerines);
  • flour - 1/2 cup (about 70 g);
  • granulated sugar - 1/2 cup (about 100 g);
  • baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar (for decoration) - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

A simple recipe for cupcakes in silicone molds

  1. At the very beginning of the cooking process, turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up enough, since the dough is prepared in a matter of minutes. Next, combine the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until a rich foam forms.
  2. Mix the flour with baking powder, and then, after sifting, pour into the egg-sugar mixture and beat.
  3. Let's start preparing the orange - peel the citrus and remove the peel from each orange slice remove the film using a knife. We get rid of all the seeds, and then cut the remaining pulp very small pieces. You can replace the orange with 2-3 tangerines.
  4. After draining the juice, add the chopped citrus fruits to the sweet dough. To enhance the taste and aroma, you can also add a little grated tangerine or orange zest. Mix everything thoroughly to distribute citrus pieces evenly over the dough.

    How to make muffins in tins

  5. Lubricate the inside of each silicone mold with vegetable oil. Next, distribute the dough. Fill the molds about ¾ full, as the cupcakes will increase in volume.
  6. Place in the oven at 180 degrees, wait for about 20-25 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise a little and brown. To make sure it’s ready, dip a regular matchstick into the soft pastry. If it remains completely dry, it means sponge cakes ready in silicone molds!
  7. Carefully remove the baked goods from the pan so as not to damage the structure of the mini-cupcakes.
  8. Before the products have time to cool, sprinkle them generously with powdered sugar. Place on a plate, cool, and then serve soft and fragrant cupcakes for tea.

For those with a sweet tooth you can pour finished goods chocolate topping. Our delicious mini cupcakes are ready! Sweet, airy dough and citrus aftertaste - perfect combination. Enjoy your meal!

If you have never baked anything yourself, then the most The best way To cope with the task is to bake such cupcakes in silicone molds, a recipe with photos especially for beginners in the kitchen. Why? Firstly, we will take a very easy-to-prepare dough that rises perfectly, the cake will be soft, airy and not too sweet. Secondly, silicone molds allow you to remove the cupcakes in their original form. There is no need to lubricate anything, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, or line baking paper. I just poured the batter into the mold, put it in the oven and after half an hour brought out perfectly baked muffins. In silicone molds, baked goods almost never burn (if you follow the baking time, of course). If these are your first cupcakes, add raisins to them. If you already feel confident as a baker, make chocolate chip cupcakes.

Ingredients (for 6 standard cupcakes):

  • butter - 110 grams;
  • sugar – 5 tablespoons,
  • raisins (or chocolate) - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • fresh lemon or vinegar to extinguish soda;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour - 145 g (a full glass of 250 ml);
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

A simple recipe for cupcakes in silicone molds

Melt the butter and add sugar to it. Using a mixer, combine sugar and butter until completely dissolved. sugar crystals. (If you don’t have a mixer, stir the butter and sugar with a regular fork or whisk.)

Then add the eggs into the dough and use the mixer again. Mix the mixture thoroughly for 2-3 minutes.

Sift flour into a bowl with dough and add slaked soda lemon juice or vinegar. The extinguishing process is quite simple. In one hand we hold a spoon with soda directly above the bowl of dough, in the other - half fresh lemon. Squeeze the juice from the lemon directly onto the baking soda. It hisses and pours into the dough. Then we mix everything. The result is a semi-liquid dough.

It's time for chocolate. IN classic recipe For cakes prepared according to GOST, raisins are used. But you can replace it with what you like. These could be candied fruits, crushed nuts, white or dark chocolate chips, or even small berries. IN in this case we used chocolate, or rather chocolate drops, intended for baking flour products. Lightly break the drops and add them to the dough. Why did we add chocolate last? The fact is that chocolate tends to melt and color the dough. dark color. To avoid this, it is better to add the chocolate chips last, after soaking them in freezer 2-3 minutes.

Mix the dough with chocolate (we act carefully) and fill the silicone molds to 2/3 of the height.

The dough will increase significantly in volume during baking and the cupcakes will exceed the volume of the molds. There is no need to grease the molds with anything. One of the advantages of such silicone molds is flour products are easily removed from them. In addition, there is enough fat in the muffin batter, which will provide additional protection in case the muffins “stick” to the surface of the molds. I place the molds directly on a baking sheet, because on the wire rack the soft bottom of the mold can bend and then the bottom of the muffins may turn out to be deformed.

Bake the cupcakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes (from the moment it is warmed up).

Take the finished cupcakes out of the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Chocolate muffins in silicone molds

After classic raisin muffins, be sure to try baking chocolate muffins. They are exceptionally delicious. The dough is kneaded with a spoon; no special devices. At the same time, you will learn how to melt chocolate in a water bath (oh horror, how easy it turns out to be!). The recipe shows how to bake muffins in a solid silicone mold for six muffins. It tends to bend when you transfer it to the oven, so you must immediately place it on a wire rack or baking sheet and send the entire resulting structure into the oven. Exact recipe and entire process with step by step photos.

Orange cupcake in a silicone heart shape

This recipe could become a hit in your culinary collection. One of the very best delicious cupcakes that are known to me. Ripe fresh oranges go into the dough. You will learn how to remove the zest from them using a very ordinary grater. You will find out how incredibly fragrant the dough can become if you add just a little fresh zest to it. The cake turns out bright red, the smell is intoxicating, the taste is magical. Recipe for two medium-sized silicone molds. Can also be baked as small muffins. The ingredients include homemade candied fruits from orange peels. But you don't have to add them. If you decide to make them, then on the page with the cupcake there is a link to.

Chocolate cake with choux pastry in silicone mold

This bright one is almost black chocolate cake I was able to bake only because of what I have Silicone molds with a hole in the middle. The cake batter is boiled with baking soda - this is the process that makes the cake so black - and becomes mega sticky. It is almost impossible to remove such a cake from a regular mold with wavy edges. And it slides out of the silicone on its own after it has completely cooled down. Moreover, the relief curves turn out shiny! The recipe will work for those who already have experience homemade baked goods. Cupcake recipe.