Country-style frozen vegetables recipe. Frozen vegetable mixtures: cooking features, best recipes and reviews. Are frozen vegetable mixtures healthy?

In almost every supermarket today you can find frozen vegetables, which can be a real boon if you have very little time left for cooking.

Frozen vegetables are good because they do not require peeling, pre-processing or even defrosting. Knowing how to cook frozen vegetables, you will never have to rack your brains looking for quick recipes for lunch or dinner.

Using the classic recipe for preparing frozen vegetables, after just 15 minutes you will be able to please your family with a tasty, satisfying and incredibly healthy dish. The required components are presented:

  • mixture of frozen vegetables – 1 kg;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and spices to taste.

So, place the frying pan on low heat and place frozen vegetables on it. As the vegetables defrost, stir them periodically. When the contents of the pan have completely thawed and become soft, you can add seasonings and salt to taste.

Thoroughly mixed vegetables should be simmered for about 15 minutes in a closed container, while reducing the heat to low. After the specified time, it is recommended to season the vegetables with soy sauce, sour cream and mayonnaise, and then simmer for about 3 minutes. Vegetables are ready to eat!

Housewives most often use frozen vegetables for frying or stewing, not realizing that they can become one of the components of a quite tasty and healthy salad, for the preparation of which you should use:

  • frozen seafood – 500 g;
  • frozen vegetables – 500 g (it is recommended to give preference to Mexican vegetable mixtures);
  • green salad – 100 g;
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • lemon juice – 35 ml;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

The first step is to prepare the seafood by frying it in a frying pan with a little olive oil. When the seafood is almost ready, they should be salted, peppered and seasoned with lime juice.

Frozen vegetables should also be pre-simmered in a separate frying pan, adding a little olive oil. When the vegetables are almost ready, they need to be seasoned with soy sauce. Cooked vegetables and seafood should be refrigerated.

Chilled vegetables and seafood should be supplemented with chopped lettuce leaves, after rinsing them under running water and drying them on paper towels. After this, all that remains is to add the remaining ingredients and mix the salad thoroughly before serving.

A tandem of rice and vegetables can be an excellent side dish for meat dishes. The set of necessary ingredients consists of:

  • rice – 1 glass;
  • frozen vegetables, which should contain sweet peppers, green peas and carrots - 300 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and spices to taste.

The first step is to chop and fry the onions in a frying pan with olive oil. After 3 minutes, add the carrots to the onions, grating them. When the carrots and onions begin to brown a little, you can add frozen vegetables, which will need to be seasoned with spices, salt and ground black pepper.

Vegetables need to be simmered for about five minutes in a closed frying pan, then covered with rice, after washing it several times. It is not recommended to mix the contents. After this, you need to add water to the container in an amount twice the contents.

It should be noted that the quality of any dish largely depends on the correct choice of frozen vegetables. Thus, preference should be given to products with reference to “flash freezing”, information about which should be present on the packaging. Only this technology for processing products guarantees the preservation of their taste and many beneficial properties.

It is also important to inspect frozen vegetable packaging for damage. As for the vegetables inside, they should not be knocked down into one big icy lump. Otherwise, you risk purchasing a product that has been defrosted several times.

Have a delicious meal and bon appetit!

How to prepare frozen mixed vegetables? To solve this problem, there are 3 different heat treatments: boiling, stewing and frying. In the first case, you can very quickly and easily prepare a rich soup, in the second - a side dish for some goulash or a separate dish, and in the third - a roast along with meat or poultry.

So, let's look at all the options in more detail.

Frozen vegetables: a recipe for a delicious and rich soup

Not so long ago they began to enjoy particular popularity on the Russian market. And this is not without reason. After all, thanks to such mixtures, you can quite easily and quickly prepare a complete lunch or dinner for yourself and your family.

Let's look at how to prepare a frozen vegetable mixture so that we end up with a very tasty soup. For this we need the following ingredients:

  • any meat on the bone - 300 g;
  • mixture of frozen vegetables - 250 g;
  • drinking water - 2.3-2.5 l;
  • potato tubers (if not in a package with vegetables) - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt, spices, seasonings, etc. - add to taste;
  • fresh herbs - a few sprigs.

Cooking process

Frozen cooks quite quickly. In this regard, before placing it in the pan, you should boil all additional ingredients in advance. To do this, you need to process the meat on the bone, as well as peel and chop the potato tubers. After the products are completely cooked, you need to add frozen vegetables to them and boil for about 12-14 minutes. This is enough for the ingredients to become completely soft. Finally, add finely chopped herbs, as well as salt, various seasonings and spices to the soup.

How to prepare the dish?

The stewed vegetable mixture can be used as an independent dish, or as a pasta, boiled cereal, etc. This lunch is quite easy to make. To do this you will need to prepare:

  • mixture of frozen vegetables - 700 g;
  • any additional ingredients (for example, potatoes, cabbage, fresh onions, sausage, sausages, etc.);
  • tomato paste - 2 large spoons;
  • drinking water - 1-1.2 glasses;
  • aromatic spices, salt and seasonings - add to taste;
  • butter or sunflower oil - about 50 g.

Product processing

Already knowing how to prepare vegetable mixture (frozen), you should prepare all additional ingredients in advance. After all, they will require longer simmering. Thus, it is necessary to peel the potato tubers, wash the cabbage, onions and chop the sausage. After this, you can safely start stewing all the listed ingredients.

Heat treatment of the dish

How to prepare frozen vegetable mixture quickly and tasty? To do this, you need to take a saucepan (preferably the deepest one), put cabbage, onions and potatoes in it, then pour in a glass of water and close the lid tightly. After boiling, it is advisable to simmer the vegetables for about 20 minutes. After this time, the frozen mixture, sausages and all your favorite spices, including salt, should be added to the almost ready-made ingredients. It is also recommended to additionally add a small piece of butter and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste into the saucepan. After closing the dish again, it should be kept on medium heat for about 10-13 minutes. Next, the dish must be mixed well and served hot.

Cooking roast in a slow cooker

Preparing a vegetable mixture in a slow cooker is no more difficult than on a gas stove. But for such a dish you will also need to purchase additional ingredients:

  • fresh chicken breasts - about 600 g;
  • vegetable mixture - approximately 600 g;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • aromatic spices, salt and various spices - add to taste;
  • potatoes, cauliflower - add if they are not in the finished mixture.

How to cook frozen mixed vegetables in a slow cooker?

Before placing frozen vegetables in the bowl of the device, you should thoroughly fry the chicken breasts. To do this, white poultry meat needs to be washed well and then chopped into small cubes. The same should be done with potato tubers. As for cauliflower, it should be rinsed in warm water and then divided into smaller florets.

Heat treatment

After all the main ingredients have been prepared, you need to start frying them directly. To do this, you need to place chicken breasts, potatoes and cauliflower in the container of the kitchen device. All of the listed ingredients must be seasoned with sunflower oil, and then closed and set to baking or frying mode on the device. It is recommended to stir the dish every 10 minutes so that it browns evenly. After half an hour, add the vegetable mixture, as well as salt, aromatic herbs and spices to the meat and other products. Having thoroughly mixed the components, they need to be fried in the same way, but only for a quarter of an hour.

The final stage in cooking the roast

After the vegetables and chicken meat in the slow cooker are completely ready, you need to add finely grated garlic to them and mix everything thoroughly. In this composition, it is advisable to keep the dish heated for about 5-7 minutes. During this time, the products will absorb the aromas of garlic and become more tasty.

Proper serving of food at the dinner table

Now you know how to prepare the vegetable mixture (frozen). The recipes for the presented dishes can be used every day to create a family lunch or dinner. It is advisable to serve ready-made soup, stewed side dish or roast with meat only when hot. In addition to such dishes, you can serve sour cream, tomato sauce, as well as lettuce, fresh vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

  • To prepare the dishes described above, you can purchase both frozen assorted vegetables and individual packaged vegetables. It should be especially noted that such mixtures are relatively inexpensive, but they turn out just as tasty as fresh ones.
  • When purchasing frozen vegetables, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, which is written on the package. By the way, it is advisable to purchase such a set in transparent packaging. After all, this is the only way you can determine whether a given product is of high quality or whether the manufacturer is trying to sell you a bad or damaged product instead.
  • It is advisable to cook, simmer and mix for no longer than 10-15 minutes. If you neglect this advice, then your dish will not turn out as tasty and beautiful as you would like.

Modern stores offer a huge selection of frozen vegetables - separately by type, as well as in various mixtures. And almost every housewife has at least one package of this product in the freezer of her refrigerator. Let's figure out where and how you can use frozen vegetables.

Innovative technologies, especially in food processing, have made life much easier for modern women. After all, few of them are now engaged only in housework - the overwhelming majority of the female population is actively working. But this circumstance does not at all relieve many people from solving such a pressing question as “what to cook today?”

And frozen vegetables sometimes become indispensable helpers in solving this problem. After all, this product does not need to be cleaned, does not need additional processing, it does not even require defrosting. Prepares quickly.

And another undoubted advantage of the mixtures is that they are able to supply the necessary vitamins to our table all year round. And if at the height of summer more preference is given to fresh vegetables, then in other seasons, especially in winter and early spring, frozen vegetables are simply irreplaceable.

Indeed, during the freezing process, almost all of their beneficial properties are preserved.

The right approach to choosing

Many supermarkets offer frozen vegetables, both packaged and in bulk. And if the loose ones can be carefully examined and any major discrepancy can be noticed, then the packaging reliably hides the product from our eyes.

What do you need to do to buy a quality product?

Features of preparing frozen vegetables

So, the mixture has been purchased, all that remains is to figure out how to prepare it and what to serve it with. It is worth remembering some nuances before you start cooking:

  1. The time required to cook frozen vegetables is approximately half the time required for standard cooking of raw vegetables. Don't forget about this when storing products. In soup, for example, such ingredients should be added almost at the end of cooking;
  2. You don't necessarily need to cook these vegetables; they are edible raw. But in this case they require defrosting. It is best to defrost without opening the package, placing the closed bag in a bowl. The dishes must not be made of metal, have a lid or be covered with film. Defrosting is carried out not in a warm place, but in a cool place. The best place for this is the shelf at the bottom of your refrigerator.

How to properly cook frozen vegetables

If you are planning a side dish of boiled frozen vegetables, then you need to prepare them just before serving. Don’t be afraid to be late and delay your meal - such mixtures cook very quickly. Plus, you don't need to defrost them. You simply open the package and place it in boiling water.

In order to boil a standard packet of vegetable mixture weighing four hundred grams, you will need to pour about one and a half liters of water into the pan.

Then the pan is placed on the fire and the water boils. During the process, add salt and the seasonings you need to the water.

After the water boils, pour the vegetables into it, stir them, wait until the water boils again, loosely cover the pan and cook the mixture for ten minutes.

After which the vegetables are placed in a colander to drain the liquid. Then the vegetables are placed in a bowl and seasoned to taste with vegetable or butter, vinegar, sour cream, or some sauce of your choice.

How to deliciously cook frozen vegetables without spending a lot of time and effort

Quick dinner recipe

Frozen vegetables are a lifesaver, especially when you need to cook something and there is very little time. Instead of using instant semi-finished products that are not always healthy, it is better to use a package of frozen mixture, which will make a tasty, healthy and easy-to-fit dish. What we need:

First of all, cut the onion into small pieces. Then add vegetable oil to the pan and place the onion in the pan.

When the onion turns golden, add the vegetables and stir well. Then add salt and spices, stir again, add water.

Simmer with the lid closed for twenty to twenty-five minutes. After which a delicious and healthy dinner is ready.

Frozen vegetables in a frying pan

This is another way to quickly cook food. The whole process does not take much time. And it doesn’t require any effort on your part - all you need to do is open the package and place the mixture in the frying pan. But this easy task has its own nuances.

So, the frying pan is placed on the fire, and the vegetables are placed in it. The frying process begins.

The heat should be high for two to three minutes; do not cover the pan with a lid, because it is necessary to get rid of the moisture that will result when the mixture defrosts during the cooking process.

When the water has completely evaporated, add vegetable oil, salt and seasonings.

Stir the mixture, cover the pan with a lid and fry until done.

Such a dish can be independent, or can act as a side dish for potatoes, cereals or fish.

Steamed vegetables in a slow cooker

As is known, steam, of all types of heat treatment, best preserves the beneficial properties of products. And all multicookers are equipped with a program for steaming dishes. All we need for cooking:

  • Water - a couple of glasses for a multicooker;
  • Frozen vegetables - 1 pack.

Pour water into the main bowl of the multicooker and place a bowl on top for steaming dishes. Pour vegetables into it. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Steam” program, setting the time to 8-12 minutes.

You can find out the exact time from the table in the instructions for your multicooker, everything is indicated in detail there. After the time has passed, transfer the prepared vegetables into a dish, salt them and season to your liking.

Also, you can cook two dishes at once by placing some kind of grain, such as rice, in the main bowl, and putting a vegetable mixture in the upper bowl as a side dish. The total cooking time will depend on the time of the mode selected for cooking the cereal.

You can also cook all kinds of dishes in a slow cooker with the addition of frozen vegetables.

Quick and healthy breakfast

To prepare an omelet with green beans you will need:

  • Frozen green beans - one hundred grams;
  • Eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 clove, or a pinch of granulated;
  • Some milk;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Vegetable oil.

Pour the bean pods into the frying pan and wait for the liquid to evaporate. At this time, beat the eggs with milk in a container using a whisk, add garlic and salt.

When the water has completely evaporated from the pan, add vegetable oil and stir the vegetables. Then pour in the egg mixture and mix everything again. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the omelette until done.

Buckwheat with vegetables

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Frozen mixture - 1 pack;
  • Vegetable oil.

Place the washed buckwheat in a pan with water and add salt. Boil the cereal until tender. Then pour oil into the frying pan and pour the vegetable mixture into it, mix and salt it.

Cook the vegetables for about ten minutes, then pour the buckwheat porridge into the frying pan. Mix everything and leave on low heat for another five minutes with the lid closed. After which you can serve the dish on the table.

How to freeze vegetables yourself

You can stock up on a storehouse of vitamins at home by freezing your own vegetables. What needs to be done for this?

So you have become acquainted with various ways of preparing such a healthy product as frozen vegetables. Now you know how to fry them, boil them, steam them with rice, etc., without spending a lot of time on cooking.

And if you find the time to freeze vegetables yourself, then in winter you will always have a product on hand of which you can be sure of its quality.

Secrets of cooking frozen vegetables. The simplest and most delicious recipes for preparing frozen vegetables with other products.

In winter, when fresh vegetables can only be found in supermarkets, and then at crazy prices, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a cheaper, but no less healthy option - buying frozen vegetables. As a rule, such vegetable mixes include the most popular and tasty crops.

But how to properly handle frozen vegetables? What can be prepared from them that is so unusual and appetizing? Let's try to figure it all out and study delicious and simple culinary recipes with frozen vegetables.

How to properly cook frozen vegetables? How long does it take to cook frozen vegetables?

  • Before cooking frozen vegetables, it is worth finding out how the freezing process works.
  • Just before freezing, vegetables are blanched (doused with boiling water) and immediately dipped in cold water to avoid being completely cooked.
  • Therefore, when creating culinary masterpieces, this must be taken into account, because such products require less time to prepare than fresh ones.
  • Each package of frozen vegetables contains instructions for their preparation. It is advisable to adhere to it, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the dish

And here is the process of cooking vegetables:

  1. Take a suitable pan and pour water into it. The proportions of water and vegetables are one to five. Some crops (corn, peas and beans) will require twice as much water.
  2. At the boiling stage, salt the water to taste
  3. Place frozen vegetables in boiling water
  4. If the vegetables are stuck together and are held together in already boiling water in one solid lump, carefully separate them with a spatula or spoon. The fact is that when cooking, the vegetables inside the lump will still be damp, but the outside ones will be ready
  5. Since the water stopped boiling after adding the vegetables, we wait until it boils, add your favorite spices and seasonings to the pan, and cover it with a lid. At the same time, turn the fire down to the lowest setting. Cover with a lid to prevent the water from evaporating quickly. In addition, in this way the vegetables will be steamed, as it were, which is very useful
  6. When the vegetables are cooked, turn off the gas and drain the water from them. If you don't drain the water, you can overcook the vegetables.

As mentioned above, each package of frozen vegetables indicates their cooking time. If such information is missing or the pack is not at hand, then here is the approximate cooking time for vegetables:

  1. All cabbage (cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, broccoli), zucchini and carrots should be cooked for no more than seven minutes
  2. Cooking time for beans and corn is no more than five minutes
  3. All greens and leafy vegetables are cooked for no more than two minutes.

How to deliciously cook frozen vegetables in a frying pan?

  • The simplest and least troublesome way to prepare frozen vegetables is to fry them in a frying pan. To do this, place a clean frying pan over high heat and place vegetables on it.
  • It is better not to turn down the gas for a few minutes - this will allow excess moisture to come out of the vegetables faster. When the water has evaporated, it is advisable to turn down the gas and add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Then cover the pan with a lid and let the vegetables simmer until fully cooked.
  • In this way, fried frozen vegetables will perfectly serve as a self-contained dish or can serve as a gravy for any side dish.

Cooking frozen vegetables in a slow cooker is also considered quite simple. In this case, it is best to follow both instructions - for the multicooker and for vegetables.

Each housewife has her own recipes and methods for preparing frozen vegetables. However, they all agree that it is better not to defrost vegetables before using them.

Here is an approximate algorithm for cooking vegetables in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour vegetables into a specially constructed mesh
  2. Pour water to the level indicated in the multicooker
  3. Salt and pepper the vegetables, add your favorite seasonings and spices
  4. Turn on the multicooker to the “steam cooking” mode
  5. Set the timer for half an hour

It should be noted that cooking vegetables in a double boiler and multicooker allows you to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial substances and vitamins in them.

How to cook frozen vegetables in the oven?

  • When baking frozen vegetables in the oven, it is recommended to first fry them in a frying pan or saucepan. Then all excess moisture will be evaporated, and the dish in the form will not spread
  • To remove excess water from frozen vegetables, you can also defrost them first.
  • After excess moisture has been removed, you need to place the vegetables on a baking sheet or in a special baking dish, greased with sunflower or olive oil. It is better to salt and sprinkle vegetables with seasonings at the end of cooking, since salt can provoke additional production of juices and their premature evaporation. As a result, the dish may turn out a little dry.
  • It is better to bake vegetables in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for no more than half an hour. About ten minutes before the pan is fully cooked, you need to take out the baking sheet, salt and pepper the vegetables and add the necessary seasonings. It will be very tasty if you grate hard or processed cheese on top of the dish. The combination of vegetables and cheese is a classic of the genre.
  • Then the pan must be returned to the oven for the remaining ten minutes. After this time, the vegetables can be served. Dishes with baked vegetables are good both hot and cold

How to make puree soup from frozen vegetables?

In principle, almost all pureed soups from frozen vegetables are prepared according to the same scheme. Only the additional ingredients change.

Main stages of work:

  1. Boil the vegetables in salted water until tender (according to the instructions above). When salting water, it is worth considering the salt concentration in other products that will be added to the dish
  2. When the vegetables are ready, do not drain the water from them. Pour the remaining ingredients of the soup directly into the vegetable broth (hard cheese, processed cheese, fried or boiled mushrooms, meat)
  3. Pour all the ingredients together with the broth into the blender bowl and blend them

The resulting puree soup can be decorated with herbs, croutons or sour cream can be added to it.

This kind of soup has become very popular today. They are dietary and very light. Mothers of children are especially happy about the invention of such soups. The latter, with great pleasure, gobble up their unloved foods in a broken form, and are not even aware of their presence in the dish.

Frozen vegetable stew, recipes

There are quite a lot of different recipes for making stews from frozen vegetables. Here are a few of the simplest and most delicious ones.

Simple frozen vegetable stew


  • Frozen assorted vegetables (carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, green peas and leeks) - 400 g
  • Frozen broccoli - 400 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 4 tbsp.
  • Water – 50 ml
  • Black pepper

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a pan with a thick bottom
  2. Pour oil into it
  3. Finely chop the onion and add it to the oil
  4. When the onion is fried, add vegetables to it.
  5. Mix the vegetable mixture and pour all the water into it.
  6. Pepper and salt the stew and leave to simmer for twenty minutes

Potato stew with frozen vegetables


  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Frozen vegetables - packaging
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - three cloves
  • Greens - dill, parsley
  • Bay leaf
  • Seasonings and herbs to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces the size of vegetable pieces
  2. Lightly fry the potatoes in a frying pan in vegetable oil
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry in another pan
  4. Place the vegetables in a third frying pan, let the liquid evaporate, add oil and lightly fry
  5. Add the onions and potatoes to the vegetables, add all the other ingredients and simmer over low heat until tender.

Omelette with frozen vegetables, recipes

Omelette with frozen vegetables in a frying pan


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • Frozen vegetables - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Place frozen vegetables in a frying pan
  2. When all the water has evaporated, add vegetable oil and fry the vegetables
  3. At this time, beat the eggs
  4. Pour beaten eggs over roasted vegetables
  5. Salt and pepper the dish to taste. You can add herbs or seasonings
  6. Cover the omelette with a lid and let it cook for up to seven minutes.

Omelette with frozen vegetables in the oven


  • Frozen vegetables - 500 g
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs
  • Milk – 125 ml

Cooking steps:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  2. Take a square baking dish with a side of 20 cm
  3. Grease it
  4. Cover the bottom and sides of the pan with parchment paper, so that the paper still hangs a little over the sides.
  5. Pour oil into a frying pan and put vegetables in it
  6. Let the vegetables roast for three minutes
  7. Place the roasted vegetables in the pan
  8. Beat eggs and milk thoroughly
  9. Salt and pepper the egg-milk mixture and pour it over the vegetables.
  10. Place the pan in the oven for half an hour

How to cook frozen vegetables in sour cream?

There are countless recipes for cooking frozen vegetables in sour cream. They are prepared both in a frying pan and in the oven and slow cooker. You can add a bunch of different ingredients to such a dish - meat, fish, seafood, etc. In this case, vegetables can be stewed in sour cream, or you can add it at the last stage.

Here is the simplest and most inexpensive recipe for vegetables in sour cream.


  • Frozen vegetables – 1 kg
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Pepper
  • Seasonings

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour frozen vegetables into a hot frying pan
  2. We are waiting for the water they released to boil.
  3. Add seasonings to boiling water and reduce gas to medium
  4. Cover the vegetable mixture with a lid and simmer for about fifteen minutes.
  5. After ten minutes, add half a glass of water to it
  6. After fifteen minutes, turn off the gas
  7. Add sour cream, soy sauce to the prepared vegetables and mix everything
  8. Taste the resulting mixture and, if necessary, add salt and pepper.

Recipe for delicious buckwheat with frozen vegetables

Buckwheat with vegetables can be cooked in a slow cooker or in a frying pan. Here are two fairly simple but very tasty recipes for its preparation:

Buckwheat with vegetables in a frying pan


  • Buckwheat - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 3 tbsp.
  • Frozen vegetables - 400 g
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking steps:

  1. We carefully sort out the buckwheat and wash it
  2. Pour water into the pan, add the cereal and add a little salt
  3. We cook some pretty cool porridge
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan
  5. Pour vegetables into oil and add a little salt
  6. Fry vegetables over medium heat for about ten minutes
  7. At the end of this time, add buckwheat porridge to the vegetables.
  8. Fry the resulting dish over low heat for five minutes.

Buckwheat with vegetables in a slow cooker


  • Buckwheat – 2 multi-cups
  • Water – 3 multi-glasses
  • Frozen vegetables - 300 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce
  • Greenery

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort and wash the buckwheat
  2. Place unfrozen vegetables into the slow cooker
  3. Cook them in the “baking” mode for about ten minutes
  4. Add water and buckwheat to vegetables
  5. Set the “buckwheat” mode and wait for the signal that the dish is ready

While the buckwheat and vegetables are cooking, you can make a sauce for it. To do this, you need to mix olive oil, soy sauce and chopped herbs (parsley or cilantro). The sauce will need to be poured into the buckwheat and only then, if necessary, add salt to the dish.

How to cook meat with frozen vegetables?

Meat with frozen vegetables in a frying pan


  • Pork – 0.5 kg
  • Frozen vegetables - packaging
  • Vegetable oil
  • Pepper
  • Seasonings

Stages of work:

  1. Pour some water into a deep frying pan and let it boil
  2. Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into small pieces
  3. Place the meat in a frying pan, salt, pepper and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings
  4. Simmer it over medium heat for about twenty minutes
  5. After the water has boiled, add vegetable oil
  6. Fry the meat in oil for a couple of minutes
  7. Add frozen vegetables to meat
  8. When the vegetables have released all the water, add more salt and seasonings.
  9. Gradually stirring the meat with vegetables, bring it to readiness

Meat with vegetables in a slow cooker


  • Beef – 500 g
  • Frozen vegetables - packaging
  • Water – 1 multi-glass
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings to taste

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the beef, dry it and cut it into small pieces
  2. Place the meat in a slow cooker and cook on the “baking” mode for half an hour
  3. Add frozen vegetables, salt, pepper and sprinkle with seasonings
  4. Pour in water
  5. In the same mode, cook the assortment for another forty minutes.

When cooking frozen vegetables, it is worth considering the fact that they cook twice as fast. This is due to their preliminary heat treatment before freezing. Therefore, in a common dish with fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables should be added at the final stage.

No matter how many housewives would like to wash frozen vegetables, there is no need to do this. There is simply no need for this. Firstly, during the washing process, some vegetables may fall out of the colander, and secondly, in addition to frozen water, the vegetables will be additionally weighed down by running water.

Using frozen vegetables, you can enrich any dish with vitamins and nutrients. Besides, there is no hassle with them. They are prepared quite easily and quickly.

Video: Cooking frozen vegetables

Frozen vegetables are a godsend for those who are sorely short of time to cook. In this article we will tell you about delicious and simple frozen vegetable dishes.

Are frozen vegetables healthy?

Thanks to modern household appliances, high-quality freezing of vegetables and fruits has become possible without a significant loss of vitamin content. When food is frozen, 80% of its nutrients are retained, which means that they are not much inferior to fresh vegetables. The realities today are such that using frozen vegetables in cooking during the winter-spring period is much healthier than buying greenhouse products. In addition, the risk of poisoning from frozen vegetable mixtures is much lower than from fresh vegetables, since in such food products the amount of microelements that can cause poisoning is much lower than in fresh ones. Therefore, frozen vegetables have unconditional benefits for the human body.

Calorie content of frozen vegetables

The calorie content in 100 g of deep-frozen vegetables is 50 kcal.

Frozen vegetable casserole recipe

simple casserole

To prepare a simple casserole you will need:

  • mixed vegetables - 800 g;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

1. Fry a mixture of vegetables in sunflower oil until half cooked, pepper and salt. Vegetables do not need to be defrosted beforehand.

2. In a bowl, mix eggs, grated cheese and sour cream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

3. Place the roasted vegetables in a refractory dish and fill with cheese filling.

4. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°.

hearty casserole

  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • vegetable mixture - 650 g;
  • frozen broccoli - 450 g;
  • salt and spices at your discretion.

After letting the vegetables thaw a little, throw them into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, fry the chicken fillet until cooked, adding your favorite seasonings and salt. First place the chicken in the mold, boiled and drained vegetables on top and cover with grated cheese. Bake at 180° for 15 minutes.

Breast with frozen vegetables

option 1


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 300 g frozen vegetables;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • greens to taste;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil.

Wash the breast, cut into pieces and marinate in finely chopped garlic, sour cream, lemon and herbs. Add salt and leave for an hour.

Melt the butter, mix with sunflower oil and fry the chicken in a frying pan.

Add vegetables to the meat and simmer for 15 minutes, covered.

option 2

Chop chicken breast, fresh onion, 2 cloves of garlic, fresh tomatoes, zucchini and bell pepper. Boil 200 g of fresh champignons. Saute the onion in butter, add 1 breast fillet to it, fry for 7 minutes. Add chopped fresh ingredients to the same pan and simmer for 8 minutes.

Reduce heat and add 200 g of frozen vegetables to the frying pan, season with oregano and cardamom, pour in 1 tbsp soy sauce. Simmer in a frying pan for 10 minutes.

How to stew frozen vegetables, recipe:

in a saucepan

Pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom of a thick-walled pan. Thinly slice the onion and fry it directly in the pan until golden brown. Add the frozen mixture to the onions, season with your favorite spices and salt. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour in a glass of water. Simmer for 20 minutes. This dish is served either on its own or as a side dish.

in a frying pan

Add the frozen vegetable mixture to the pan and place over high heat. As soon as the moisture has boiled away, add salt, sprinkle with cardamom, pour in 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, simmer for 18-20 minutes.

in the oven

Before sending vegetables to the oven, they must first be fried for a couple of minutes in a frying pan to remove excess moisture. This is required so that during the process of preparing the mixture in the oven, the soup does not turn out.

At this time, heat the oven to 180°, grease a baking sheet or mold with oil. Add vegetables, bake for 20 minutes (depending on oven). At the very end of baking, add salt, add spices, and sprinkle with mozzarella.

Frozen broccoli puree soup, recipe step by step with photos

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • half a kilo of broccoli;
  • 1 onion;
  • a glass of 10% cream;
  • 2 glasses of water or meat broth;
  • white bread croutons.

Pour water or broth into the pan and bring the liquid to a boil. After boiling, add broccoli and cook until tender.

At the same time, finely chopped onion is fried until golden brown.

Mix broccoli and onions, puree with a blender.

Return the broccoli and onions to the pan, add cream, salt and spices. Without boiling, heat the puree soup. Remove from heat and serve with crackers.

Vegetable soup from frozen vegetables, recipe

option 1


  • vegetable mixture - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • frozen mushrooms - 100 g;
  • meat broth or water - 1 l.

The proportions of the soup are designed for 3 servings.

Cut the potatoes. Boil water or broth. Place potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables into boiling water. Add salt, pepper and bay leaves at the end of cooking. Cook until the potatoes are done.

option 2


  • minced chicken - 200g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • frozen vegetable mixture - 400 g.

Pour 2.5 liters of water into a three-liter saucepan, dip the potatoes in it and place on low heat. When the water boils, reduce the gas and add the sauteed onions and carrots, as well as 400 g of a mixture of vegetables, to the potatoes. Make sure the soup does not boil. Form the minced chicken into meatballs and add them one at a time to the soup. Cook until the potatoes are done.

Pork with frozen vegetables, recipe

Wash 550 g of pork, cut into small pieces. Place the meat in a frying pan and fry until half cooked, add spices and salt to your taste. Then add frozen vegetables to the meat (without defrosting them first) and simmer under a closed lid until the meat is cooked.


  • pork - 200 g;
  • frozen vegetables - 220 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • boiled noodles - 150 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • spices (coriander, garlic powder, nutmeg, red pepper) to taste.

1. Mix spices with a tablespoon of flour in a small container.

2. Roll pork, cut into large pieces, in spices.

3. Fry the meat over high heat, then add sour cream and a glass of water. Cover with a lid and cook for 15-18 minutes.

4. Add the remaining flour and spices to the meat. Stir. Send vegetables there too. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

5. Add pre-cooked noodles, stir. Serve with greens.

Frozen vegetable salad, recipe

To prepare a hearty salad you will need:

  • frozen assorted vegetables - 1kg;
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs;
  • apple - 1-2 pcs;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • mayonnaise 67% - 3 tbsp.

Boil assorted vegetables in salted water until tender, drain in a colander. Cut boiled potatoes, apples, onions and cucumbers into cubes. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients: assorted vegetables, diced vegetables, mustard, mayonnaise, salt.

To prepare the salad you will need 200 g of beef, 500 g of assorted vegetables, soy sauce and olive oil. In one pan, fry the meat in olive oil, then add soy sauce and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Pour the assortment into the second frying pan, also add a little oil and simmer for 5-7 minutes under a closed lid. In a bowl, combine the cooled meat and vegetables, season with additional olive oil.

Vegetable stew from frozen vegetables, recipe

tender stew


  • frozen assorted vegetables;
  • potatoes 4 pcs;
  • onion 1 piece;
  • butter 50 g;

1. Defrost the vegetables, then fry them in a frying pan with butter along with chopped onions.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, add them to the vegetable mixture. Pour in a glass of boiling water and add salt. Cover with a lid and simmer until the potatoes are ready.

stew with meat


  • meat (any) - 500g;
  • assorted frozen vegetables - 1 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp;
  • greens, pepper, salt to taste.

In a goose pan or thick-walled pan, fry the chopped meat in sunflower oil until golden brown. Add a glass of boiling water and simmer for 25 minutes (until the meat is cooked). Then add unfrozen vegetables and randomly chopped onions to the meat. Simmer for 20 minutes. Make sure there is liquid in the pan, otherwise the stew will burn. If necessary, add another glass of water.

Vegetable pilaf rice with frozen vegetables

  1. Fry 400 g of meat in a frying pan until half cooked.
  2. In the bowl where you usually cook pilaf, fry the chopped onion and grated medium carrots in sunflower oil.
  3. Add meat to carrots and onions, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer for 25 minutes.
  4. After 400 g of assorted vegetables, send to the meat without pre-defrosting.
  5. Sprinkle 1.5 cups of rice in an even layer over the vegetables.
  6. Pour in 3 glasses of water and 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, add salt.
  7. Cook covered for 20-25 minutes.

  1. Rinse a glass of steamed rice. Boil until done.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and add 450 g of vegetables to the frying pan. Cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add previously cooked rice and 4 tbsp to the vegetables. soy sauce. Add salt and mix. The dish is ready.

Turkey with frozen vegetables

option 1

Place chopped turkey meat (150 g) in a frying pan and fry until golden brown with olive oil. As soon as the poultry is ready, add 225 g of the frozen mixture to it. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Salt and add seasonings at your own discretion.

option 2


  • turkey meat - 550 g;
  • frozen mixture - 350 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
  • ketchup, salt and seasonings to taste.

Cut one onion into rings, fry in a frying pan along with vegetables for 7-10 minutes. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place potatoes cut into thin rings on top. On top of the potatoes, place the second onion cut into rings and the turkey, previously cut into strips. Sprinkle the turkey layer with mayonnaise, salt, and add your favorite seasonings. Place the fried vegetable mixture on top. If desired, coat the layer with ketchup. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 170°.

How to bake frozen vegetables in the oven

Peel 2 potatoes and 1 carrot, cut into cubes, cut the onion into half rings. Place potatoes, carrots, and 450 g of vegetable mixture on the bottom of the mold. Place onions on top. Season with pepper, salt and Italian herbs.

In a separate container, whisk 3 tbsp. sour cream, 2 eggs and pepper and salt. Pour the prepared filling over the vegetables and cover the top of the pan with foil. Bake at 180° for 30 minutes.

After the time has passed, remove the foil and generously sprinkle the vegetables with hard cheese. Return the vegetables and cheese to the oven for 10 minutes.

Defrost the frozen assortment and place in a colander. As soon as the water has drained, mix the vegetables and olive oil in a bowl, add salt, oregano or other spices to taste. Set the oven temperature to 180°. Place the vegetables on a sheet of foil, cover with a second sheet and bake for 25 minutes.

Frozen vegetable puree

Boil 200 g of assorted vegetable ice cream in 200 ml of water until tender. Without draining the water, add grated hard cheese to the vegetables and add salt. Puree the cheese and vegetables in a blender. Serve with greens.

Boil chicken breast in 1 liter of water. 20 minutes before the breast is ready, add the frozen assortment, pumpkin cut into small squares, salt and pepper. Beat with a blender and serve with croutons.

Pasta with frozen vegetables

Fry 1 small onion in half rings, grated root of 1 ginger, 2 cloves of garlic in a frying pan. Then add 450g of frozen vegetable mixture to the pan. Simmer for 10 minutes. Boil 500 g of your favorite pasta separately. Mix prepared vegetables and pasta. Serve the dish hot with meat or fish.

In a preheated frying pan, fry 1 chicken fillet until half cooked. Then add 200 g of frozen vegetables and 4 tbsp of soy sauce to the fillet. Simmer for 10 minutes. Boil the pasta. Decant the water and add the pasta to the vegetables. Stirring thoroughly, fry for 5 minutes. serve with lettuce leaves.

Buckwheat with frozen vegetables

option 1

Boil a glass of buckwheat until tender. Meanwhile, fry 400 g of frozen assortment in a frying pan. After the buckwheat is ready, pour the vegetables directly into the pan, stir, and let sit for 15 minutes.

Fry 350 g of vegetables in a frying pan, boil a glass of buckwheat in a saucepan. Place vegetables on the bottom of a heat-resistant dish, then add buckwheat and salt. Pour in 2 cups of meat broth or hot water. Cover the pan with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180° for 45 minutes.

Chicken with frozen vegetables in a slow cooker

Option 1

Using the fry mode, fry the chicken fillet until golden brown. Then throw 650 g of vegetable mixture into the bowl, add your favorite herbs and salt. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode. Cover the bowl and cook for 1 hour.

Option 2

In the “Frying” mode, fry 450 g of chicken meat for 15 minutes. After 10 minutes, add a mixture of Italian herbs, salt, pepper, 3 tbsp to the chicken. soy sauce, a clove of chopped garlic. Then pour a glass of water into the chicken. We install a stand on the multicooker for steaming food. Place frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus) on a rack. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and set the time to 15 minutes. Serve vegetables along with chicken.

Frozen vegetables with fish

vegetables with salmon

Fry a kilogram of vegetables in oil until tender. Then add salt, pepper and herbs. Place 500 g of salmon bellies in a frying pan. Simmer salmon with vegetables in a frying pan for 15 minutes.

vegetables with pollock


  • 1 kg pollock;
  • 400 g frozen vegetable mixture;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • carrots 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Salt the pollock, roll in semolina and fry for 3 minutes on each side. Place the fish in a pan, pour in a glass of water, and steam for 15 minutes over low heat. Fry fresh carrots in a frying pan (if they are not part of the mixed vegetable mix) for 5 minutes, add the vegetable mixture to the carrots, fry for another 10 minutes. Serve vegetables along with cooked fish.

Potatoes with frozen vegetables

Cut 7 potatoes into small cubes. Fry in vegetable oil for 15 minutes. Then add 200 g of frozen vegetables to the potatoes, add a glass of water, a clove of grated garlic, and salt. Cook with the lid closed for 5 minutes.

In a deep frying pan, fry the onion, chopped as desired, until transparent. Then add 2 tbsp. tomato paste, fry for another 3 minutes. Then pour a glass of water into the pan, add 100 g of the vegetable mixture and 4 diced potatoes. Add some salt. Cook covered until the potatoes are done.

Frozen vegetables in a sleeve

  1. Marinate 8 chicken thighs in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and the same amount of mayonnaise. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Cut 4 potatoes into thin slices, sprinkle with herbs, and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  3. Place potatoes, chicken and 400 g of frozen mixture in the sleeve.
  4. Tie the sleeve and place in an oven preheated to 200° for an hour.

Frozen vegetables with cheese

Place a kilogram of defrosted vegetables in a baking dish, add salt, herbs and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Cover with foil. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°. 10 minutes before ready, remove the foil and sprinkle with your favorite type of cheese. Decorate with greens.

Frozen vegetables with champignons

Fry 200 g of any meat in a frying pan until cooked, add to it 1 onion, cut into half rings and 1 carrot, cut into slices, fry for another 4 minutes. In the same frying pan, add 400 g of vegetable mixture, not defrosted, and 300 g of mushrooms, cut into slices. Stir. Cover with a lid. Cook for 18-20 minutes.

Frozen vegetables in sour cream

  1. Boil 400 g of vegetables until tender, drain.
  2. Let's prepare the sour cream sauce. To do this, mix 350 g of sour cream, 1 egg, 150 g of hard cheese and a tablespoon of flour. Salt, add Provençal herbs, mix.
  3. Place the vegetables in a mold, pour in sour cream sauce, and place in the oven for 30 minutes at 170°.
  4. Remove the pan and generously sprinkle the vegetables with mozzarella. Leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Frozen vegetable cutlets

Boil 1 kg of mixed vegetables for 7 minutes. In a bowl, mix strained vegetables, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. flour, salt, clove of garlic and pepper. Heat a frying pan, spoon out the vegetable mixture, forming cutlets, fry in sunflower oil until golden brown. Serve with sour cream.

How to cook frozen vegetables in the microwave

Defrost 330 g of vegetables, sprinkle with a mixture of herbs, add 1 tbsp vegetable oil, salt. Stir and pour the ingredients into a microwave-safe bowl. Set the maximum power and cooking time to 10 minutes.

Is it possible for babies to have frozen vegetables?

Frozen vegetables can be introduced into complementary feeding for infants as early as the 9th month of life. Vegetable puree is usually made from such products. Of course, there will be more benefits from fresh vegetables, but it is difficult to find high-quality specimens out of season, and imported products are not always of adequate quality. By freezing vegetables themselves, parents will be able to feed their child healthy, vitamin-rich vegetables all year round.
