Army dry rations 1. Packed rations - irp - individual diet. Composition of dry rations of the Russian army

A fighter's diet must be high-calorie, rational, including all the necessary nutrients to maintain physical strength and endurance in service. The ideal nutrition for a soldier is fresh, hot food, but this is not always achievable. For nutrition in the field, an individual food ration (IRP), which has another name for army dry rations, is provided. Despite its name, rations are used not only in the army, but are also popular among those people who are often far from civilization - tourists, hunters, fishermen. They are freely available, convenient to use and include products that make up the daily diet. One portion of dry rations, designed for one soldier, can be enough for two or three people on a campaign.

Army dry rations for a hike

Packed rations vary in type and composition. So, there are rations designed for one meal, or for the number of meals during one day. Rations are calculated individually for the energy consumption of military personnel in a specific situation. Depending on the terrain and the tasks of military service, the composition of dry rations may include more high-calorie foods. The higher the energy consumption of personnel when performing tasks, the higher the caloric content of dry food should be.

Despite some differences in composition, army rations for all military personnel are balanced according to the daily content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The individual diet is constantly being improved and undergoes various tests and research. However, according to Russian standards, continuous use of an individual diet should not last more than seven days.

The average caloric value of an individual diet is 2500-3000 kcal, weight from 750 grams to almost two kilograms.

Dry soldering requirements

Despite the fact that the composition of the army IRP in Russia and foreign countries is different, the requirements for its composition and packaging are the same:

  • The packaging of the IRP must be sealed and protected from any contamination.
  • The composition of the IRP should include only products with a long shelf life. The contents of products requiring special storage conditions are excluded.
  • Products with easily digestible ingredients that are not capable of causing food allergies, disorders, etc. should be included.
  • Foods should be easy to prepare or already processed.
  • The energy and nutritional value of IRP products should be the daily human requirement.

In addition to perishable products, it is prohibited to include alcohol, products with confectionery or cooking fat, cocoa, as well as those containing a large amount of spices, preservatives, and natural coffee in the IRP. The presence of fresh fruits and vegetables, and any products that have not passed clinical and laboratory tests is also unacceptable.

Army dry ration composition

In addition to products, the composition of dry rations includes disposable eating utensils, dishes, napkins, means for starting a fire and heating food, tablets for water disinfection.

Army rations today include ingredients depending on the type of IRP. The IRP classification is as follows:

  1. Individual daily diet.

There are seven types. The contents are designed to be consumed both cold and hot, and without the need for heat treatment or the use of water. Packaging for canned food does not consist of tin, but of a special polymer material that is resistant to various influences: high temperature, radiation, chemical or biological attacks. It is easier to carry, and a special loop allows you to attach multiple rations to your gear for compact transport. An individual daily diet is designed for a daily meal in the presence of at least cold water in which concentrates can be diluted.

Juicy beef meat

The daily IRP includes (data after changes made in 2014 for all seven types of composition):

  • Bread made from wheat flour
  • Pearl barley porridge with beef
  • Vegetable stew with meat
  • Beef meat
  • Beans with vegetables and meat or in tomato sauce
  • Vegetable stew
  • Canned processed cheese
  • Biscuits
  • Liver paste
  • Mackerel with oil
  • Minced meat
  • Concentrated fruit and berry tonic drink based on natural ingredients
  • Chocolate paste
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Fruit stick (apricot, plum, apple)
  • Black tea bags
  • Granulated sugar, also in bags
  • Ground black pepper
  • Multivitamins
  • Portable warmer
  • Waterproof matches
  • Disinfectant and paper wipes
  • Tablets for filtering and disinfecting water
  • Plastic spoon
  • Can opener

Waterproof matches for hiking
  1. Combat individual diet

Includes canned food products, which include stewed meat, minced meat, canned fish, buckwheat and rice porridge with meat. Also included are army bread, instant tea bags, sugar, coffee drink, natural fruit drink concentrate, tomato sauce, jam. Other contents include disinfectant tablets, antibacterial wipes, a portable warmer (dry fuel), water- and wind-resistant matches, a spoon and a can opener.

These are the two main types of individual diet, but besides them there are also other types:

  • Army survival rations
  • Reinforced
  • Mountain
  • Group
  • Disposable, intended for one meal
  • Supplementation for donors
  • Onboard IRP for aircraft crews
  • Preventive IRP for military personnel in conditions of various radiation and toxic substances contained in the air

And some others, intended for individual special units.

Each packed lunch contains detailed instructions listing the ingredients, as well as recommendations on how to heat food, use a portable heater, etc. All bulk food products, as well as matches, are packaged in sealed bags made of moisture-resistant material.

Army rations: composition, comparison

Modern army rations are different from what they were in Soviet times. For comparison, you can take data from 1941, 1980, 1991:

  • The individual diet of 1941 for one Soviet soldier included: rye crackers at the rate of 600g, millet porridge, concentrated pea soup; one of the following: semi-smoked Minskaya sausage, feta cheese, smoked, dried or dried fish, herring, canned meat. Tea, salt and granulated sugar were also included.
  • In 1980, the diet changed and consisted of a set of products: 250 grams of canned meat, two cans of canned porridge (rice or buckwheat) with meat, a small package of rye crackers, a bag of tea and granulated sugar. The amount of sugar has increased compared to previous decades.
  • In 1991, army dry rations consisted of two sets - everyday and combat. The combat ration consisted of four cans of canned stew, minced meat or pate, fish, as well as porridge, rice or buckwheat with pieces of meat. Also included were six packages of bread or unleavened crackers, two packages of tea with sugar, multivitamins, fruit jam, concentrated drink powder, coffee drink, granulated sugar, tomato sauce, tablets for filtering water, dry fuel, disposable eating utensils, dishes. Also included was a plastic can opener, napkins and windproof matches.

The daily package of individual nutrition in army conditions was designed for one day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, and is similar in composition to combat. Its only difference is its lower calorie content and weight. Rations were divided by numbers, like modern ones, each of which differed in the set of food products. The only thing that has never changed is hygiene products, dishes, and means for lighting and heating food. So, another set included herring, stewed meat with green peas, beans in tomato, vegetable caviar, processed cheese.

Each foreign country develops its own individual diet for individual nutrition. For example, in America, a packed lunch consists of 24 types of menu to choose from, each of which contains a main dish. It is designed for one meal only. The American individual diet contains an average of 1,200 calories and weighs between 500 and 700 grams. This includes instant drinks - tea, coffee, as well as a cold concentrated drink - lemonade. Unlike Russian dry rations, American ones contain confectionery products - biscuits, muffins, candies, and cookies. To heat food, the American packed lunch contains a special package with a flameless chemical heater. To activate it, you need to pour a small amount of water inside and place food. Perhaps, if assessed objectively, this is the only advantage compared to the Russian IRP. Confectionery products do not provide a long-term feeling of fullness, like cereals or meat, and lemonade does not quench your thirst, like a fruit tonic drink made from natural ingredients. In addition, not a single soldier knows for sure which menu of 24 types he will get. In addition to sweets, the American lunch menu contains perishable and harmful condiments, such as mayonnaise. Chewing gum is another product not included in the Russian IRP, but contained in the American one. It is not known what determines the content of this product in the dry ration; this can only be explained by the peculiarities of the mentality.

03 April 2017, 14:01

Dry rations of the Russian Army are available in 7 configuration options and are considered one of the best in the world. They are packaged in a tetra pack box with a handle, the weight of one ration is more than 2 kg, the total caloric content of products in the ration is 4500 KJ, which is enough for one day of 100% activity.

Many people wonder how the diets differ? We tried all the options and created a summary table for your convenience.

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All presented sets differ only in pates, porridges and caviar. There are seven types of IRP in total. This was done so that the military personnel did not get bored with the food, and during a group meal, depending on taste preferences, there was an opportunity to exchange dishes.

1. Diet (IRP-1)
. Beef stew 250 g
. Liver pate 50 g
. Tender pate 50 g.

. Vegetable caviar 100 g
2. Diet (IRP-2)

. Special sausage mince 50 g
. Tender pate 50 g
. Goulash with potatoes 250 g
. Vegetable caviar 100 g
. Buckwheat with beef 250 g
. Vegetable stew 100 g
3. Diet (IRP-3)
. Beef meatballs 250 g
. Liver pate 50 g
. Special sausage mince 50 g

. Vegetable caviar 100 g
4. Diet (IRP-4)
. Beef goulash 250
. Liver pate 50 g
. Tender pate 50 g

. Meat with green peas and carrots 250 g
. Vegetable stew 100 g
5. Diet (IRP-5)
. Beef stew 250 g
. Special sausage mince 50 g
. Tender pate 50 g
. Rice with chicken and vegetables 250 g
. Goulash with potatoes 250 g
. Vegetable caviar 100 g
6. Diet (IRP-6)
. Beef meatballs 250 g
. Liver pate 50 g
. Special sausage mince 50 g
. Buckwheat porridge with beef 250 g
. Meat with beans and vegetables 250 g
. Vegetable stew 100 g
7. Diet (IRP-7)
. Beef meatballs 250 g
. Liver pate 50 g
. Tender pate 50 g
. Rice porridge with beef 250 g
. Meat with green peas and carrots 250 g
. Vegetable caviar 100 g

The manufacturer of the soldering is JSC Gryazinsky Food Plant (Lipetsk region).
If the previous one weighed 1.75 kilograms, then the new one weighed 2.1 kg. If the new ration exceeds the old one in terms of the number of kilograms,
then in terms of shelf life it’s the other way around: old - 1 year 10 months, new - 11 months.
There are also differences in nutritional value. Proteins: old - 115 g, new - 131.4 g; fats: old - 147 g,
new - 256.2 g; carbohydrates: old - 383 g, new - 376.7 g.
Energy value: old - 3395 kcal, new - 4253.2 kcal.
But not everything is measured only in dry numbers, which will be discussed below.

For scale, I used a box of regular matches in almost every photo.

The handle is torn not because I impatiently pounced on it, tearing it apart to eat my rations,
and when simply carried over a couple of tens of meters. There was a similar problem with the handle on the old solder.
Gentlemen, manufacturers, correct me, please? ;)

The inside of the box is covered with foil and a short stay in the rain will not harm the contents.
but I don’t recommend dipping it in water: it leaks along the seam at the bottom

Inside is a cardboard box containing food items

Instructions for use

For breakfast, according to the instructions, it is suggested to use:
- Army bread made from 1st grade wheat flour (in the photo is the bottom package and the one on the right)

Buckwheat porridge with beef

Fruit and berry concentrate. There are only three of them, you can choose any

Chocolate is bitter. With the ideological indoctrination of a fighter, represented by Suvorov's saying

Fruit jam

Coffee, cream

The cream is camouflaged, so the enemy won't see it :)

Sugar. For some reason in two different packages


Before eating, you can wipe your hands with a damp cloth. There are only three of them

According to the instructions, cutlery should be represented by one knife and 3 spoons, but another knife was leaked into the set.
There are also 3 paper napkins

The Taganok for warming up was in a paper bag like this

After use, it is supposed to put the Taganka back into this bag.
The inside is covered with a film, so it should not become soggy if it accidentally gets wet.

Matches. Here is a more thoughtful packaging for matches than in the previous soldering:
It’s easier to remove and doesn’t break whichever side you squeeze out

But the soft Cherkash didn’t want to press the wrapping paper into anything, so I had to cut it out with a knife.
I suggest that manufacturers on the Cherkash side provide a protruding eyelet on the paper so that it can be pulled open

Surprisingly, the rations did not contain a can opener, so I had to use a prudently grabbed knife.
As far as I remember my field trips, in 90% of cases the cans were opened using the included opener.
I don’t know why it is recommended to use a knife for breakfast: the porridge was completely “chopped” with a spoon for more even heating

The new Taganka has shorter wind deflectors than the old one, so a tablet of dry fuel is not placed on its edge
(the bottom of the jar rests against it), can only be used in a lying position.
This is more correct, because the higher the wind deflectors, the greater the distance between the fire and the can,
which means more heat escapes into the atmosphere.
There was no wind, so the fuel ignited without any problems from one match

Now about the taste sensations.
Although it is written that buckwheat porridge is made with beef, in reality it is hard to find meat.
The taste is more like regular buckwheat without anything. I don’t agree to this; in previous versions you could clearly feel the meat!
The impressions were brightened by the minced sausage, the garlic and pepper of which added some spiciness to the food and helped absorb the bland porridge.
The breads are standard, they haven’t changed for a long time, there are no questions about them.
The chocolate is good, no questions asked (the foil has different colors, that’s why it looks like this)

The jam is the same as before. Normal.
Fruit and berry concentrate with strawberry, rosehip and blueberry flavors - good.

I'm indifferent to coffee with cream, but I have no complaints about it. Good.

After the meal I was really pleased with the presence of chewing gum in the ration.

Let's move on to the sadder part of the feast: lunch.
For lunch, according to the instructions, it is suggested to eat:
- Army bread made from wallpaper flour (the first 2 packages in the photo)

Beef meatballs

Dried fish

Vegetable stew

Fruit and berry concentrate

Tea, sugar (tea is presented in standard tea bags "Maysky")

These are meatballs that have not yet been heated (the fat has not been melted).
I won’t say that I’m delighted with this dish, but I wouldn’t call it bad either. Something in between.

The vegetable stew turned out to contain bell pepper, which I can’t stand, so I didn’t like it. But my wife ate it with pleasure

Why 4 pieces of dried pollock in dry rations are needed is a mystery to me.
There are obvious problems with beer at the training ground or somewhere near Achkhoy-Martan in the mountains, so???
No, the officers in the rear, of course, will be pleased, but there are still more soldiers.
If you accidentally press down a jar of stew, then when you open it again you risk losing part of the liquid sauce,
which, according to the laws of physics, will inevitably rush out. The can would be stronger, perhaps.

Dinner. He is the most thorough:
- Bread made from first grade wheat flour
- Canned salted bacon

Liver pate (pictured left)

Meat with beans and vegetables

Meat with beans and vegetables

Sterilized processed cheese (the same as in the old ration)

"Approved by astronauts"

Apple puree

Tea, sugar.

The meat with beans and vegetables turned out to be mostly just beans.
I found only two noticeable pieces of meat. I don't like these dishes
so I only ate a few spoons to try it out

The bacon turned out to be the most tender lard. I’m not a fan of this product, but I know for sure that in field conditions it works great. I give it a plus

Liver pate is a regular liver pate. Normal.
Processed cheese is the norm

Of the three dry drinks, I liked the one with cherry flavor the most.
The other two are good too. Aquabreeze tablets can be used to disinfect water.

Apple puree is a delicious product, I ate it with pleasure.

Of the three dry drinks, I liked the one with cherry flavor the most. The other two are good too.
Aquabreeze tablets can be used to disinfect water.

The combat effectiveness of each individual fighter depends on his moral and volitional qualities, skills in handling weapons and military equipment, as well as physical fitness. However, the supply of military personnel is no less important - you can’t fight much on an empty stomach. Not only the physical condition of a soldier, but also his fighting spirit depends on nutrition on the front line.

The ideal way to feed a soldier is a fresh, hot, multi-course meal prepared in a field kitchen. However, this is not always possible, and in this case the army provides dry rations or an individual diet (IRP), which is what it is officially called. Sukhpi is a set of products intended to feed military personnel in cases where it is not possible to prepare fresh hot food. In other words, dry food is food for field conditions.

Most often, dry rations are associated with military service, but this is rather a tribute to habit. Modern IRPs are high in calories, tasty and prepared according to the recommendations of nutritionists. Packed rations can be easily purchased over the counter; they are popular among tourists, fishermen, hunters, climbers - in short, among those categories of civilians who spend a lot of time away from civilization.

Dry rations can be designed for one meal or to feed a person for one day. Currently, the issue of nutrition for soldiers is given a lot of attention in any army. IRPs are developed on the basis of serious scientific research and tests. The Russian army's dry rations are no exception. The dry ration is perfectly balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrate content, and also has the necessary calorie content. It is calculated based on the soldier’s energy consumption for a specific situation. For example, dry mountain rations have a higher calorie content compared to regular army IRP.

By the way, according to Russian standards, continuous meals for IRP personnel should not exceed seven days.

Requirements for IRP

An individual diet must meet fairly stringent requirements, first of all this applies to the composition of products that are included in the IRP. Packed rations should:

  • Long shelf life. That is, it should not contain products that quickly deteriorate: mayonnaise, fresh fruit, unprocessed meat, etc.
  • Contain products that are ready to eat or those that can be easily and quickly prepared.
  • Be easily digestible. That is, the IRP should include products that do not cause digestive disorders or allergies.
  • Have convenient and reliable packaging, which, even in field conditions, sufficiently protected the products from exposure to water, dirt, and mechanical damage. In addition, the packaging should be convenient for the fighter to eat.
  • Have a balanced nutritional composition and fully meet human needs in calories and essential nutrients and vitamins.

These are the basic requirements for a modern IRP in any army; in addition, today much attention is paid to the taste of dry rations.

The usual composition of the IRP and products prohibited from inclusion

Typically, dry rations include the following food products:

  • Canned food: stew, condensed milk, canned porridge, stew.
  • Freeze-dried or dried foods: instant soups or borscht, dried fruits, milk powder, instant coffee, juices.
  • Crackers, crackers or biscuits.
  • Vitamins and food additives (spices, salt, sugar).

In addition to products, the dry ration should include disposable dishes, napkins, food heating devices and water disinfectants. As a rule, water is not included in the IRP. Typically used for heating food dry fuel and various burners simplest design. In the past, some armies' packed rations also included cigarettes and condoms, but this practice has long been abandoned. As a rule, the foods included in packed lunches can be eaten cold, but in this case they will not be as tasty and will be less easily absorbed by the body.

Dry rations should not include:

  • Any perishable products that require special storage conditions (temperature, humidity level, etc.).
  • Products that contain alcohol, a large number of spices, natural coffee, confectionery and cooking fats, table salt with a content of more than 0.8%, most preservatives.
  • Confectionery products with a high cocoa content or containing cream fillings.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Any food products whose quality and safety have not been confirmed by laboratory tests.

A little history

The issue of food supply for the army during a war or campaign was a real “headache” for military leaders of all eras and peoples. Various methods of preparing concentrated nutritious food that could be stored for a long time have long been practiced.

Nomadic peoples placed thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat under the saddle - it was very quickly salted with horse sweat and turned into a nutritious shelf-stable product. The Mongols dried and ground the meat and bones of animals, obtaining from them an analogue of modern bouillon cubes. They could quickly be used to prepare hot broth or stew. The Aztecs made balls from dried cocoa fruits. Medieval Japanese ninja warriors also had special nutritional balls.

A real revolution in providing the army with provisions occurred in 1795, after the invention of a method for preserving food. It was invented by the French chef Appert, for which he was awarded a gold medal and a large cash prize by Napoleon.

In 1810, the Englishman Durand began making canned food for the Royal Navy. To do this, he made tin cans tinned with tin.

The first dry ration appeared in the Red Army just before the start of World War II, in the spring of 1941. The reason for this innovation was the dramatic experience of the Soviet-Finnish war, during which the Red Army faced serious problems associated with providing food for military personnel in combat conditions.

The winter war showed that it is not always possible to regularly and timely deliver food to the troops, not to mention hot meals. And this problem was so serious that it was discussed at the level of the Central Committee and the General Staff.

The food supply service of the Red Army was tasked with developing for the army a set of food products that would have low weight and volume (that is, could be carried by each soldier), be stored for a long time in any conditions (heat, cold) and would not require long preparation and processing.

Contentment with dry rations in the Red Army was officially adopted on May 15, 1941; the basis of the IRP was various concentrates that could be quickly prepared by adding boiling water to them. It should be noted that these concentrates were not intended for individual nutrition of a soldier; more often they were issued to small units forced to act autonomously without the supply of food. Although, of course, concentrates could have been given to each fighter separately. In addition, such food still required some preparation operations - this is another difference from the current IRP.

At the same time, the daily food allowance for one serviceman was approved with dry rations, which, in addition to concentrates, also included rye crackers (600 g), semi-smoked sausage (100 g) or canned meat (113 g), dried or smoked roach (150 g ), or cheese cheese (150 g). In addition, the ration included sugar, tea and salt. According to these standards, each fighter was entitled to 75 grams of concentrated soup and 200 grams of porridge from concentrate per day.

In the post-war USSR, the main emphasis in soldier field nutrition was on canned food. There were several types of IRP, their composition was prepared based on the loads experienced by the soldiers. The mountain ration was considered very nutritious (it included chocolate and bacon), but the infantry ate much more modestly. In the 80s, the dry ration of a soldier of the Soviet army included a can of canned meat (250 g), two cans of canned meat and vegetables (usually rice or buckwheat with meat), crackers or biscuits (300-500 g), a tea bag tea leaves and sugar. In the USSR, they also didn’t really bother with the general packaging of dry food: at best, the products were in a cardboard box, but most often they were given to the fighter “in bulk.” The calorie content of Soviet rations ranged from 3100 to 3350 kcal.

The last time changes were made to the dry rations of a Soviet soldier was in 1990 (order No. 445). After which the soldier’s life became a little sweeter: condensed milk and canned juice were added to the dry ration.

Individual diet of the Russian army

After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, logistics specialists of the Russian army were faced with the task of developing a new dry ration to provide military personnel in the field. Soviet canned dry rations not only did not correspond to the new realities of modern war, but also simply looked like a mockery against the backdrop of the Western armies flashing on TV.

In the mid-90s, an individual diet was developed for military personnel of the Russian army: it was prepared in two varieties: IRP-B (combat) and IRP-P (everyday). The composition of these dry rations was officially regulated by order of the Minister of Defense dated July 24, 2000.

IRP-B contains 3590 kcal, and IRP-P -3360 kcal.

Compared to Soviet dry rations, the new IRPs looked like aliens from another planet. They were significantly superior to their Soviet counterparts in all respects: range of products, taste, convenience of packaging. Canned fish, dry drinks, dried fruits, tea, milk, and instant coffee were added to the stew and canned porridge.

Both diets are made in several versions, each of which contains its own range of products. Therefore, they do not become boring to the soldiers. New dry rations received modern plastic packaging, convenient and airtight. It had a handle with which the dry ration could be easily attached to equipment or “armor.” The rations included means for heating food, matches that are resistant to wind and moisture, napkins, plastic spoons and knife. The packaging was divided into three compartments, each of which contained a set of products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. IRP-B is not too different from IRP-P, the latter is slightly smaller in weight and calorie content.

For reconnaissance and special forces units, a small-sized dry ration containing foods with a higher calorie content was developed.

In 2014, on the initiative of Defense Minister Shoigu, the design of the IRP was changed, and since 2015, the same packaging has been introduced for all army dry rations.

Currently, there is a large list of different types of dry rations, each of which is intended for special cases:

The most common of the above is dry ration IRP-P.

Dry rations for foreign armies

Dry rations from different armies around the world are developed according to similar principles; they are tasty and high in calories. Usually they bear a clearly visible imprint of the national cuisine and culinary preferences of the people. For example, the South Korean army ration contains large amounts of rice and spicy pickled Chinese cabbage. In Scandinavian countries, soldiers are given fish with sour cream, the German army ration contains a lot of meat, and the Polish one contains pates and canned meat.

One of the most famous dry rations is the American Army IRP. It's called MRE (Meal Ready to Eat). This ration has 24 menu options, it is packaged in sand-colored plastic, on which the menu number and its main dish are written. The package is designed for one meal. In addition to products, the MRE package includes instant tea or coffee, as well as powdered lemonade. To heat food, each set has a package with a chemical heater; it also contains disposable spoons, matches, toilet paper and wet wipes. Energy value -1300 kcal.

In addition to MRE, the US Army has other types of dry rations:

The Italian packed lunch includes 50 ml of 40% alcohol and a warmer, pasta, bean soup, instant coffee with cream, canned turkey, salad with rice, fruit salad or chocolate muesli.

French sushi will satisfy the most spoiled gourmet: venison pate, cold cuts, Creole pork, cream pudding, powdered drink, muesli, coffee and caramel. There are sets with beef dumplings and salmon pate.

The Germans are also not averse to eating well. Their individual diet includes: liver sausage, rye bread, goulash with potatoes, biscuits, assorted jam and exotic juice in powder form.

Polish packed rations are designed for two meals and contain the following items: two jars of meat or pasta (meat or cheese), two bags of hard crackers, condensed milk, two bags of instant coffee, a bag of tea, sugar, a vitamin C tablet, chewing gum, matches, paper towels.

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Whole piece pork shoulder Net weight: 325 g Ingredients: pork (95% of the content), spices "Garlic-pepper" (garlic, paprika, black pepper), table salt Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 15 .0 g Fats - no more than 11.0 g Calories -257.0 kcal/1079 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative air humidity no more than 75% -12 months from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 4°C Attention! The product is sold with a color label. Without using a cardboard box DO NOT PLACE PACKAGE IN MICROWAVE Shelf life: 12 months

IRP-Z (individual diet - winter) dry ration, designed to feed one person for more than one day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals). For whom: used in providing food to law enforcement officers; serves as an emergency food supply in emergency and unforeseen situations; used by fishermen, hunters, tourists, truckers and many others; Ideal as a gift for February 23, May 9, birthday to colleagues and friends. Advantages: it is one of the flagships of the entire IRP line, there are no analogues in the Russian Federation; in terms of calories and composition it has a clear advantage over all types of dry rations (IRP-P, IRP-B, etc.); long shelf life (usually 12 months); contains products that do not require special storage conditions; serves as an emergency food supply in emergency and unforeseen situations; Name Quantity Military biscuits 200 g Canned meat 250 g Canned meat and vegetables 250 g Canned meat and vegetables 250 g Canned vegetable snacks 100 g Liver pate 100 g Chocolate-nut paste 50 g Tonic drink concentrate 50 g Dry milk drink 30 g Fruit jam 45 g Natural instant coffee 2 g Black long tea 4 g Sugar 60 g Table salt 5 g Pepper 1 g Portable heater 1 set Water and windproof matches 6 pcs. Multivitamins 1 pc. Water disinfectant 3 pcs. Disposable plastic spoon 3 pcs. Disinfecting wipes 3 pcs. Paper napkins 3 pcs. Chewing gum 3 pcs. Condensed milk 100 g Fruit stick 50 g Tomato sauce 60 g Second lunch dish (instant) 1 serving First lunch dish (instant) 1 serving Breakfast dish (instant) 1 serving Sterilized processed cheese 80 g Nuts 30 g Autonomous heat source for heating a person 3 pcs. Fats 256 g Proteins 164 g Carbohydrates 572 g Energy value 5037 kcal Shelf life 12 months. Weight (gross) 2.4 kg

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (37.7% by weight), buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onions, fresh carrots, table salt, dried garlic, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 17.0 g Calories -290.0 kcal/1212.2 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative air humidity no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (30% by filling), beans, drinking water, fresh onions, fresh carrots, tomato paste, table salt, dried garlic, spices Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 10 g Fats - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 16.5 g Calories -242.0 kcal/1011.6 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75 % - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: Cutlet: pork, beef, white bread, fresh onions, powdered milk, table salt, spices Garnish: rice cereal, drinking water, fresh onions, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, salt table food, ground black pepper Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 16.0 g Calorie content -338.0 kcal/1412.8 kJ Store at temperature from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature from 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: Cutlet: pork, beef, white bread, fresh onions, dry milk, table salt, spices Garnish: buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onions, fresh carrots, salt table food, dried garlic, bay leaf. Nutritional and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 14.0 g Calorie content -332.0 kcal/1387.7 kJ Store at a temperature from 0° to +25°C and relative air humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: dried peas, drinking water, raw smoked bacon, fresh onions, fresh carrots, table salt, spices, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - at least 10, 0 g Fats - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 17.0 g Calories -225.0 kcal/940.5 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture. Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (37.7% by weight), buckwheat, drinking water, vegetable oil, fresh onions, fresh carrots, table salt, dried garlic, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 28.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 15.0 g Calories -336.0 kcal/1404.48 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative air humidity no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Dry rations IRP-MG (small) are designed for two meals, have compact dimensions and weight. Advantages: long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); contains products that do not require special storage conditions; Name Quantity Military biscuits 50 g Canned meat 250 g Canned meat and vegetables 250 g Tonic drink concentrate 25 g Fruit stick 50 g Fruit jam 45 g Natural instant coffee 2 g Black long tea 2 g Sugar 40 g Table salt 5 g Pepper 1 g Plastic spoon disposable 2 pcs. Disinfecting wipes 2 pcs. Paper napkins 2 pcs. Fats 103 g Proteins 59 g Carbohydrates 180 g Energy value 1880 kcal Shelf life 22 months. Weight (gross) 0.9 kg

IRP-U (individual diet - enhanced) dry ration, designed to feed one person for more than one day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals). Own development of SpetsPit LLC, which has no analogues. For whom: -used in providing food to law enforcement officers; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; -used by fishermen, hunters, tourists, truckers and many others; -Ideal as a gift for February 23, May 9, birthday to colleagues and friends. Advantages: - is one of the flagships of the entire IRP line, there are no analogues in the Russian Federation; -in terms of calories and composition, it has a clear advantage over all types of dry rations (IRP-P, IRP-B, etc.); -long shelf life (usually 12 months (if condensed milk is excluded, the shelf life increases to 22-24 months)); -contains products that do not require special storage conditions; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; Ingredients: No. Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 200 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetables 250 g 4 Canned meat and vegetables 250 g 5 Canned vegetable snacks 100 g 6 Liver pate 100 g 7 Chocolate-nut paste 50 g 8 Tonic drink concentrate 50 g 9 Dry milk drink 30 g 10 Fruit jam 45 g 11 Natural instant coffee 2 g 12 Black long tea 4 g 13 Sugar 60 g 14 Table salt 5 g 15 Pepper 1 g 16 Portable heater 1 set 17 Water- and wind-resistant matches 6 pcs 18 Multivitamins 1 piece 19 Water disinfectant 3 pieces 20 Disposable plastic spoon 3 pieces 21 Disinfecting napkins 3 pieces 22 Paper napkins 3 pieces 23 Chewing gum 3 pieces 24 Condensed milk 100 g 25 Fruit stick 50 g 26 Tomato sauce 60 g 27 Second lunch course ( instant) 60 g 28 First lunch dish (instant) 40 g 29 Breakfast dish (instant) 60 g 30 Sterilized processed cheese 80 g 31 Peanuts 30 g Fats 239 g Proteins 159 g Carbohydrates 560 g Energy value 4981 kcal Shelf life 12 months Weight (gross) 2.3 kg

IRP-P (individual diet - everyday) dry ration, designed to feed one person during the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Produced according to the standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For whom: -used in security suitcases of law enforcement agencies; -used in providing food to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; -is an emergency supply of food in emergency and unforeseen situations; -used by fishermen, hunters and tourists; -Ideal for a gift on February 23, May 9, to colleagues and friends. Advantages: -long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); -contains products that do not require special storage conditions; Ingredients: No. Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 200 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetables 250 g 4 Canned meat and vegetables 250 g 5 Canned vegetable snacks 100 g 6 Liver pate 100 g 7 Chocolate-nut paste 50 g 8 Tonic drink concentrate 25 g 9 Dry milk drink 30 g 10 Fruit jam 45 g 11 Natural instant coffee 2 g 12 Black long tea 4 g 13 Sugar 60 g 14 Table salt 5 g 15 Pepper 1 g 16 Portable heater 1 set 17 Water- and wind-resistant matches 6 pcs 18 Multivitamins 1 piece 19 Water disinfectant 3 pieces 20 Disposable plastic spoon 3 pieces 21 Disinfecting napkins 3 pieces 22 Paper napkins 3 pieces Fats 189 g Proteins 115 g Carbohydrates 346 g Energy value 3582 Kcal Shelf life 22 months Weight (gross) 1.8 kg * some components may be changed to similar ones without prior notice

High-quality beef Net weight: 250 g or 325 g Ingredients: beef (92% by weight), fresh onions, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 15.0 g Fats - no more than 17.0 g Calorie content -213.0 kcal Store at a temperature from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature from 2° up to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

High-quality stewed pork Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (92% by weight), fresh onions, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 13.0 g Fats - no more than 33.0 g Calorie content -349.0 kcal/1458.8 kJ Shelf life: 24 months Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN THE MICROWAVE OVEN

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (30% by filling), beans, drinking water, fresh onions, fresh carrots, tomato paste, table salt, dried garlic, spices Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 10.0 g Fats - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 16 g Calories -183.0 kcal/764.94 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75 % -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: beef (37.7% by weight), rice cereal, drinking water, fresh onions, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, table salt, ground black pepper Nutrition and energy value 100 g of product : Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 22.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 16.0 g Calories -286.0 kcal/1195.5 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity air no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (37.7% by weight), rice cereal, drinking water, fresh onions, vegetable oil, fresh carrots, table salt, ground black pepper Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 6.0 g Fats - no more than 28.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 16.0 g Calories -340.0 kcal/1421.2 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

High-quality stewed pork Net weight: 250 g or 325 g Ingredients: pork (92% by weight), fresh onions, table salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 13.0 g Fats - no more than 33.0 g Calories -349.0 kcal/1458.8 kJ Shelf life: 24 months Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% -2 years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C. DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN.

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 325 g Ingredients: broiler chicken meat (40% by filling), rice cereal, drinking water, onions, fresh carrots, vegetable oil, table salt, dried garlic, ground black pepper Nutrition and energy value 100 g of product: Proteins - no less than 7.5 g Fats - no more than 5.5 g Carbohydrates - no more than 20.0 g Calorie content -160.0 kcal/670.0 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative air humidity no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 4°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 12 months

Ready-made sterilized dish Net weight: 250 g Ingredients: pork (30% according to the filling), frozen sweet peppers, fresh onions, fresh carrots, tomato paste, table salt, ground black pepper Nutrition and energy value of 100 g of product: Proteins - not less than 3.5 g Fats - no more than 15.0 g Carbohydrates - no more than 5.0 g Calories -133.0 kcal/556 kJ Store at temperatures from 0° to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75% - two years from the date of manufacture Store opened packaging for no more than two days at a temperature of 2° to 6°C DO NOT PLACE THE PACKAGE IN A MICROWAVE OVEN Shelf life: 24 months

IRP-TR (individual food ration - for emergency suitcases) dry rations, designed specifically for use in emergency suitcases. The size and weight of dry rations for emergency suitcases are 1.5 times smaller and lighter than the standard daily food ration IRP-P. For whom: -used in security suitcases of law enforcement agencies; -used in providing food to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; -Ideal for gifts to law enforcement officers. Advantages: -long shelf life (usually 22-24 months); -contains products that do not require special storage conditions; For dry soldering IRP-TR, "economy" packaging is used (a box covered with shrink film), which allows to reduce the cost. Ingredients: No. Name Quantity 1 Army biscuits 50 g 2 Canned meat 250 g 3 Canned meat and vegetables 500 g 4 Liver pate 100 g 5 Fruit jam 90 g 6 Black long tea 6 g 7 Sugar 60 g 8 Water-and-wind-resistant matches 6 pcs 9 Portable heater 1 k -t Fats 154 g Proteins 83 g Carbohydrates 207 g Energy value 2531 Kcal Shelf life 22 months Weight (gross) 1.25 kg

New Dry ration, individual diet (IRP) - a set of products designed for one day for one person (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Dry rations are intended for military personnel and citizens who find themselves in extreme conditions when there is no way to prepare hot food.
Individual diet (IRD) is developed by scientific institutes around the world. Russian dry rations are considered the best in the world; they are balanced in the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for the rapid absorption of cold and hot foods.
There are several types of dry rations in different packaging: cardboard, sealed and vacuum, we will tell you about the everyday one in cardboard packaging. The IRP set is thought out to the smallest detail, there is porridge, goulash, pates, cheese, lard, biscuits, a tonic drink in powder form, water disinfectants, dry alcohol for heating food and much more.
The compact box of dry rations (IRP) includes everything you need for comfortable nutrition for an adult in the most difficult conditions.
New food supplier "RUSCON" - the food is much tastier, the packaging has also become much nicer.

This is how the IRP is compactly equipped.

Dry ration for one soldier (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Beef meatballs.

Buckwheat porridge with beef.

Meat with beans and vegetables.

Canned salted bacon.

Vegetable stew.

Apple puree.

Liver pate.

Amateur sausage mince.

Processed cheese.

Soluble juice (blackcurrant, peach and raspberry).

Apple jam and chocolate.

There are 2 types of biscuits: white and black.

Coffee, tea, napkins, salt, pepper and cream.

Sugar, spoons and knife, dry alcohol (for heating food) and stimorol.

Matches (burn in strong winds and rain).

Instructions for using an individual diet, distribution of foods according to meals.
