The paper form must be greased. Paper muffin tins. How to bake Easter cakes in paper pans

There is less than a week left until Easter. The last and strictest week of Lent is underway - passionate. It's time to start preparing for the holiday and audit your kitchen equipment. Of course, many people already have metal or silicone molds in their household. Some people are used to using paper ones. And someone thinks that “I still bake once a year,” I’ll make do with it. Or perhaps the reader of our article is baking his first Easter cakes and has not yet had time to acquire the necessary equipment.

What should I use to bake Easter cake?

1. Metal cake pan with detachable or non-stick coating, pastry ring for small diameter cakes

The stores offer a wide selection of such forms. And individually and as a set, and in different sizes. You should look in departments with dishes or large hypermarkets such as Auchan. The molds are not greased before baking. To make it easier to remove the finished cake, you can lay a circle of suitable diameter from baking paper on the bottom. Of the following, this is the most expensive option. If you plan to bake 1-2 cakes, you will need to purchase several sets, and this is expensive. Or bake one at a time, dragging out the process for the whole day. Or combine several methods. For example, non-stick molds + homemade or paper. In addition, the molds are of non-standard size and, as a rule, are not suitable for baking charlottes and other simple homemade pies and muffins. You will have to store the “wealth” for a whole year until next time.

It is easy to then remove the finished cake from the springform pans.

You should also take care of the “clothing” of the Easter cake. Easter cakes decorated with ribbons, strips of paper, wrapped in lace or in paper “baskets” look very beautiful.

2. Silicone molds for baking Easter cakes

Just like metal ones, they are sold in different sizes, in sets and individually. The new form is greased with vegetable oil only once. There is no need to lubricate or seal anything in the future. Easter cakes are convenient to take out. I myself rarely use silicone, but friends who use such “helpers” say that over time they become deformed.

This option solves several problems at once:
1) price - the forms are very affordable. Retail from 4 RUR/pcs. Before Easter they are sold in any supermarket. If you buy in larger quantities, you can find even cheaper ones.
2) you don’t need to think about “where to store your wealth for a whole year.” The forms are disposable - throw it away and forget it.
3) What to wear for Easter cake. Easter cakes are served directly in the molds. The pattern can be chosen to suit your taste. There are traditional ones with temples and patterns, as well as brighter ones with funny designs.

Paper cake pans are made of special thick paper and have a reinforced bottom. They do not deform when baked and do not require a supporting shape. They don't get wet. They easily come away from the cake without leaving marks. There is no need to grease the pan before baking.

For me personally, this is the most convenient option.

4. Pots and ladles of suitable diameter.

By the way, I also started with this option :-) I unscrewed the plastic handles from the saucepans, baked, then screwed them back. Some, especially suitable in size, have since remained without handles.

It is better not to grease the sides of the pan, as this will make the dough rise worse, sliding along the surface and the product will turn out less fluffy. It is recommended to lay a circle of parchment of the required diameter on the bottom. Cool the finished cake in the pan, then turn it over. If the cake does not come off, carefully go along the edge with a knife.

I was writing an article and remembered that my husband told me how he and his brothers baked Easter cakes as children. Mom kneaded the dough in a large five-liter saucepan and left to run errands. She asked the children to put the Easter cakes in the oven. They did! The entire five-liter saucepan! :-) They say that it was even baked. Then we ate such a big Easter cake :-)

5. Cans

It can be difficult to find a ready-made silicone or metal mold of the right size. It is not surprising that many housewives like the height and diameter of Easter cakes baked in cans. Plus, they don't cost anything. On the eve of the holiday, it is enough to stop throwing away suitable jars. from beans, peas, coffee, baby food.

When baking, line the sides of the pan with a strip of baking paper or foil. It is better to also put a paper circle of a suitable diameter at the bottom.

6. Glass jars and glasses

I won’t lie, I’ve never tried this method and I’m not sure of its safety. However, while I was selecting a photo, I found many options online for buns and muffins in glass jars and glasses. In any case, be careful!

Perhaps one of the readers has baked Easter cakes, buns or muffins in this way and will share with us the nuances. Are the jars/glasses regular or special?

7. Homemade foil molds.

I rolled up a pastry ring for baking in a similar way. For constant use, it is cheaper to buy a ring. But if you bake Easter cakes once a year, perhaps this option will be suitable.

In short, you take a jar of the desired size and wrap it in foil, folded several times. Press the bottom and carefully remove the base. You can see the process in detail with step-by-step photos.

8. Homemade paper forms

I found several options online. Like this:

Let me remind you that this is just an idea. And with a 100% guarantee, I cannot promise that the mold will not fall apart during baking or will not stick. I would use thick cardboard lined with baking paper.

I also came across this option. It seems more reliable to me.

The manufacturing process is described.

9. Cupcake pans

And you don’t have to bake a traditionally shaped Easter cake. You can make portioned cakes in cupcake molds (paper or silicone). To be honest, it is not necessary to bake yeast cake at all. Any festively decorated cupcake will do.

10. Bread maker/multi-cooker

You can also bake Easter cakes in a bread machine or multicooker without additional molds.

You can see the recipe for the slow cooker.

I hope you find a suitable option for yourself! Or maybe they came up with something else. Share your finds in the comments! Which method do you prefer?

If you are going to serve homemade cupcakes to the holiday table, keep in mind that it is recommended to do this in paper forms. The original packaging not only looks very unusual, especially when chosen in a party style, but also allows you to avoid getting your hands dirty while eating. The cost of muffin tins is low, and such packaging does not affect the baking time in the oven, so you can safely buy a paper wrapper and start baking the products. It remains only to clarify a few points: do you need to grease the pan before baking and how much dough to pour into it? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

What types of muffin tins are there, and do they need to be greased?

Paper baking pans have numerous benefits. Firstly, using them allows you to keep your dishes clean - you don’t have to waste your free time cleaning the metal mold. Secondly, your hands remain clean while eating. Thirdly, they are inexpensive, every housewife can afford to buy them. But such forms have a significant drawback. The fact is that thin parchment cannot withstand the mass of dough and begins to deform. As a result, the products become like flat cakes. To avoid this? Cupcakes should be baked in metal molds, after placing paper ones in them.

There are different types of muffin tins on sale:

  • from parchment for baking;
  • from laminated paper;
  • from corrugated paper;
  • made of thick cardboard;
  • with side;
  • with reinforced edge;
  • with lace and others.

The choice of a specific form depends on the solemnity of the event for which the baked goods are being prepared. Lace will look delicate and elegant on a wedding table, and ordinary parchment will also be suitable for home tea drinking. Housewives often have a question: should they grease paper muffin tins or not? Additionally, such forms do not need to be lubricated with anything, since they are made of special oiled paper. Thanks to this, the finished product does not stick to it.

How to make your own muffin tins

If you forgot to buy paper forms, and the dough for cupcakes is already ready, you can make them yourself in just 5 minutes. To do this you will need baking parchment, a compass, a simple pencil, metal muffin tins and an ordinary glass.

First of all, you need to measure the diameter of the metal muffin tin with a compass. To the obtained result you need to add 2 cm (bottom diameter). Then use a compass to draw a circle on the parchment. To make several shapes at once, you need to fold the paper in three, then cut out several circles according to the template.

To make a real paper muffin pan, you need to soak each circle in water and place it between two metal pans. Wait a few minutes for the paper to dry and then begin the baking process.

Paper muffin tins: how to use

So, you have ready-made paper molds, but you don’t know how much dough to pour into them to make delicious cupcakes? Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. You can learn how to bake cupcakes in paper molds from the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Buy cupcake liners that match your party theme, or make your own from parchment paper.
  2. Place each mold in special recesses in a baking sheet or in metal cupcakes.
  3. Fill the molds with dough. If you want the products to be tall, pour ¾ of the dough volume, but if you want them to be shorter, pour no more than half.
  4. Bake the cupcakes according to the recipe in a preheated oven.

If you don't have a special tray with indentations, you can only use molds.

Cupcakes in paper form in the oven

There are a large number of muffin recipes: from simple to complex, with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, chocolate and others. We offer to prepare the simplest, most inexpensive, but no less tasty of all.

According to the recipe, you need to beat two eggs with sugar (100 g) until fluffy foam is obtained. Next, sour cream (3 tablespoons) or the same amount of mayonnaise, a pinch of salt, soda (½ teaspoon), a few drops of lemon juice, softened margarine (one hundred grams) and flour (one glass) are added to the dough. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream.

To cook in the oven, you will need a paper muffin pan. To do this, spread it on a baking sheet, and put the required amount of dough inside. Cupcakes are baked at 210° for twenty minutes.

Chocolate cupcakes

Using this recipe, you can prepare delicious and fragrant muffins in a short time and without much hassle.

The cooking sequence will be as follows:

  1. Sift flour and sugar (2 tbsp each), cocoa powder (1 tbsp), soda (2 tsp), baking powder and salt (1 tsp) into a deep bowl.
  2. Add 2 eggs to the dry ingredients, as well as a glass of water and kefir, vegetable or melted butter (½ tbsp.).
  3. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  4. Place paper muffin tins into metal cupcake tins. Pour the batter inside.
  5. Place the cupcakes in the hot oven for 25 minutes.

If desired, you can decorate the cooled products with cream cheese cream or Swiss meringue.

Cupcakes in a slow cooker

Not everyone has an oven in their kitchen. Many people prefer to use a multicooker for preparing main dishes and baking. To bake muffins in this kitchen aid, it is recommended to use a paper muffin tin. To prepare the dough, you can use one of the recipes suggested above.

Place muffin tins in the multicooker bowl (put several pieces of paper into one so that the tin becomes denser and does not deform). Spoon out the dough - no more than ¾ of the mold's volume. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Bake” mode for 45 minutes. Let the cakes sit in the bowl for another 10 minutes after finishing cooking. Open the multicooker lid and place the muffins on a plate.

Microwave cupcake recipe

Do you want to make delicious and aromatic muffins for breakfast? You can do this in just 5 minutes if you have a microwave in your house. Cupcakes are prepared in ceramic cups or glasses, and to make them easier to get out, it is recommended to use paper forms.

To prepare dough for 4 servings you will need: flour (4 tablespoons), condensed milk, cocoa powder, vegetable oil (2 tablespoons each), milk (3 tablespoons), vanillin and 1 egg. All ingredients are mixed with a fork until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and placed in paper muffin tins. In a microwave with a power of 800 W, food is cooked in just 4 minutes. After this they can be served for breakfast. Regular muffins without cocoa are prepared in a similar way. To do this, replace the amount of cocoa powder indicated in the recipe with flour.

Traditionally, Easter cakes were baked in molds - tall and round, so the Easter cake came out in the form of a tall cylinder. This shaped cake resembles bread.

When I was a child, my mother and grandmother baked Easter cakes (we called them Easter cakes back then) in canned food cans. My father used pliers to press the sharp edges of the jar so as not to get hurt and to be able to pull out the finished cake. Pots, glasses, and cups were also used. Once a year, all this stuff was taken out from distant cabinets, washed and prepared for baking. Then it was cleaned up until the next one Easter.

All this is slowly becoming a thing of the past; some people still bake Easter cakes this way and don’t want to change their habits. But thanks to the advent of paper cake pans, I decided to make such complex baking (for me).

Paper molds for Easter cakes come in different widths, heights, and colors. The cake turns out well baked, tall and beautiful.

This cake will be a nice gift for... Happy Easter close and dear ones.

I have forms 3 sizes – small, medium and larger, I don’t buy very large ones.

Small forms - 7*6 cm, will appeal to children - who prefer beautiful sweet glaze in Easter cakes rather than dough.

Price from 6 rub.

Weight ready-made Easter cake - 70-90 gr

Medium form - 9*9 cm

Price from 9 rub.

Weight ready-made Easter cake - 230 gr

Large form - 11*8 cm

Price from 12 rub.

Weight ready-made Easter cake - 320 gr

The bottom of the mold is made of corrugated cardboard with holes.

The walls of the mold are made of special thick heat-resistant and grease-resistant paper with a fine notch - so that the dough bakes better and the finished cake “breathes”.

Air Easter cake recipe


  • 2,5 glasses of milk
  • 1,5 glasses of sugar
  • 200 gr butter
  • 1 vanillin packet
  • 11 g dry instant yeast
  • 1.3-1.5 kg flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 200 gr raisins or candied fruits
  • 0.5 tsp. salt

for white glaze:

  • 2 squirrel
  • 0,5 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


Heat the milk slightly and dissolve the yeast in it. Add 3.5 cups of flour and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix. The dough should be slightly thicker than for pancakes. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel or cling film and put it in a warm place for 30 minutes.

While the dough is rising, separate the whites from the yolks. For the glaze we will need two whites, so we will have extra yolks left, they can also be added to the dough.

Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla. Beat the whites with salt into a fluffy foam.

Add soft butter to the suitable dough. Mix.

Then add the mashed yolks with sugar. Mix again.

Add whipped whites.

And gradually adding the remaining flour, knead a soft dough (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour).

Place the bowl with the dough in a warm place, covered with a kitchen towel or cling film. We give the dough time to rise (it took me exactly 1 hour 13 minutes)

While the dough is rising, soak the raisins in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water and dry the raisins on a napkin. Candied fruits can simply be cut.

Add raisins or candied fruits to the risen dough, mix them into the dough and put them in a warm place again, not forgetting to cover with a towel.

Let the dough rise a second time, this time it took me exactly 45 minutes.

While the dough is rising a second time, we begin to prepare the molds. Grease the molds with any oil; it is advisable to line the bottom of each mold with baking paper.

We tear off a piece from the risen dough, form a small ball and fill our molds to 1/3 of the height.

Turn on the oven to heat up, place a baking sheet with Easter cakes on top of the stove, give them time to rise in shape. Cover the cakes with a towel so that the dough does not dry out.

Bake Easter cakes in the oven over medium heat until golden brown. Baking time depends on the size of the cakes. To check the readiness of the Easter cake, pierce it with a wooden stick; if it is dry, the Easter cake is ready. In a regular gas oven, the cakes were baked for about 35 minutes.

Carefully remove the finished cakes from the molds. Place them on a pillow covered with a clean towel.

For the protein glaze, beat the whites with sugar to the desired consistency.

Grease the finished Easter cakes with glaze and decorate with confectionery sprinkles.

Before baking, the pan needs to be greased with vegetable oil using a brush in a small layer; the first time I didn’t do this, the sides of my Easter cakes stuck to the walls of the paper pan.

Form for 1/3 fill with dough.

Let the dough rise.

And bake in the oven over medium heat until done, which we determine using a wooden stick.

It is better to bake the cakes one at a time, in identical sized pans, then they will bake at the same time and there will be no need to open the oven again.

Place the finished Easter cakes sideways on a kitchen towel and let cool, turning them a couple of times so that the sides do not get crushed. Small ones can be placed simply on the bottom, but always on a thick towel.

Very easy to bake Easter cake

Required Products:

For the test.

flour 4 cups
butter 200 gr
yeast 12g dry
milk 200 ml
eggs 5 pcs
raisins 1 cup
candied fruits 0.5 cups
salt a pinch

For the glaze:

powdered sugar 250 gr
juice and zest of 1 lemon


In a glass of warm milk, dilute the yeast, add a teaspoon of sugar and a spoonful of flour. Leave it for a while

When the yeast has doubled in size, pour it into a large container where it will be convenient to make the dough.

Add flour and melted butter

Separate the yolks and whites

Beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt, and beat the yolks with a glass of granulated sugar.

When our dough has doubled in volume, add the beaten yolks to it.

Then the squirrels

Cut the candied fruits smaller

Mix the dough thoroughly. Add pre-washed raisins and candied fruits

Grease cake pans with butter

Place the dough in them and let them proof for 1 hour.

After an hour the dough has doubled in size

Place in the oven carefully, without shaking, at 200˚, I baked in paper forms, they can withstand this temperature perfectly. In an hour the cakes are ready!

The cakes turned out good

And they baked well!

For the glaze you need powdered sugar and lemon juice. In general, everyone can come up with any decoration themselves, but in this case I made classic glaze.

Bring it to the consistency of cream, dilute the powder with lemon juice. If you heat it at the same time, you will get snow-white fondant, I will prepare it for the pie.

Then we decorate our Easter cakes as your imagination dictates.

I'm ready for Easter!

Many housewives have questions: how to bake in paper forms? Will the Easter cakes burn? How long should they be kept in the oven? Do paper pans need to be greased? How are finished products then separated? We will try to answer all these questions.

Firstly, you need to make a reservation right away. Baking in paper forms is much easier and here's why. Firstly, there is no need to grease paper molds with anything. It is enough to fill them halfway with dough and place them in a warm place. While many people line iron molds with paper, there is no need to do this here. The walls and bottom of the paper mold are made of special baking paper and your Easter cake simply will not be able to stick to the walls of the mold.

Of course, if you want to separate the cake from the mold in the first minutes after you take it out of the oven, it will not be easy to separate. Let your baked goods cool before removing them from the paper pan. By the way, today these molds are so beautiful that it is not at all necessary to separate your Easter cakes from them. In addition, remaining in their molds, such cakes do not go stale for a long time and remain soft and tender.

It should also be noted that the bottom of Easter cakes in paper forms does not burn. It is slightly harder than the walls of the mold. The cake itself does not burn, but is perfectly baked. Of course, you should remember that you should not put different sized molds in ovens. Baking in paper forms is easy and simple, and the result will definitely please both you and your loved ones.

Fun Fact: 💡

Desperate To Lose Weight? 8 Things To Try When Your Diet Isn’t Working

Written by: Tyree Hicks-Perkins — Aug. 27, 2018

What To Do When You Can't Lose Weight

I was sitting in traffic listening to a health and wellness podcast (I know, sounds boring but it’s pretty amazing) when I heard something profound. The guest speaker said, “Want to know the best way to gain weight-go on a diet.” I think my brain exploded when I heard her say it. Sounds disheartening, but depending on the diet, this oftentimes is true.

I know first hand how it feels to be desperate to lose weight fast with no motivation. As well as how discouraging it can be when you’ve seemingly tried every diet but nothing works for getting results.

There are plenty of inspirational weight loss blogs out there full of amazing tips, but when you aren’t losing weight fast enough you may ask yourself, “Why is my diet not working?” This is a question I’ve asked myself repeatedly in recent months.

After my own trials and tribulations, I decided to do some research and found out some pretty interesting tidbits along the way. As a result, I’ve put together a list of the top steps to lose weight that’ll cover what to do when you can’t shed the pounds.

1. Stop Thinking Of It As “A Diet.”

If you can be “on” a diet, you can be “off” it as well. This is one major reason diets fail.

Because they're temporary. 📆

Eating healthy should be more than just a temporary diet, it’s a complete lifestyle change; one you have to be comfortable maintaining.

This change in mindset is one of the major steps to lose weight and improve overall health.

You can see major weight loss eating only chicken broth, low-calorie, low-fat meals, and drinking tons of water, but if you go back to the way you were eating before as soon as you start losing weight, your weight loss experiment will ultimately be doomed.

    1. Turn your weight loss diet into a more sustainable regime, so you can maintain your healthy weight.
    1. Learn how to control your portions, and how to properly balance your meals. Try to get a good idea of ​​what a proper serving of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber looks like, and what the proper ratios are for your body.
  1. Practice creating your own healthy and delicious foods, and you’ll learn how satisfying eating healthy can be.

And If you’re still looking for a natural way to curb cravings and make healthier food choices look no further! SkinnyFit Snack Attack contains CLA, White Kidney Bean and Green Tea extracts known to accelerate fat loss, increase your metabolism, and aid in weight loss, as well as cayenne and apple cider vinegar. It contains natural appetite suppressants that will help curb those cravings to keep you on track on your fitness journey.

2. Exercise On A Consistent Basis

Easier said than done, right? Tell me about it.

The drive-time commute, and evening family duties, on top of the fatigue that starts to set in after working a full 8 hours at the office all factor into your decision whether to workout or settle down, eat a good dinner and take in a little America's Got Talent . 🎤

While studies (1) have shown that exercise isn't as important as cutting calories, it's one of the most important steps to lose weight-it's also a major factor in weight maintenance among the thousands of successful losers in the (2) National Weight Control Registry-which is an ongoing study of how people manage to keep the weight they've lost off.

90 percent of those that kept the weight off exercised about an hour a day. Most of them aren’t doing intense cross-training either-they merely walk every day.

Fun Fact: Normal low-intensity exercises, like walking and swimming, reduces cortisol, the hormone that causes stress, which has also been linked to overeating. 💡

Find an activity you enjoy doing and do it every day consistently. Walking is always one of the more convenient ways to exercise. You can do it anywhere, from your neighborhood to the local high school track-even around the mall! 🛍 Another easy way to stay active is dancing-yes, dancing. Que up the playlist, throw on your headphones, and just dance to your heart’s content! Being consistent is tough, but the important thing is to find something active that you love doing so it’s not just a task you dread.

3. Get Your Preparation Game Up

As the old saying goes, “Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.” This holds true when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Food is our source of life, and energy (and joy!). Unfortunately for us, what tastes the best is usually not what’s best for us in the long run. Humans are biologically wired to crave fats and carbs because those energy-dense foods have helped us survive food shortages throughout our history.

But don’t go blaming your ancestors when you down a half dozen glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. That's on you. 😆

Whether we’re genetically predisposed to eating fatty foods or not, there are still ways to be sure that you’re eating healthy no matter what the situation is. Since eating out is one of the main culprits behind gaining weight, you can start by putting in a little extra effort into grocery shopping, and food prep.

Purchase storage containers, and other accessories that will support your lifestyle change. Carve out some time on the weekend to cook and store several meals. As a result, you'll find yourself eating more wholesome meals and snacks (good fat, protein, and fiber), which will, in turn, reduce your cravings for those tempting sugar and fat combos, and give you more energy to perform at work, with your family, and during your fitness activities.

Relying on dieting alone to lose body fat could be a frustrating road to travel. You must pair your diet with a consistent workout plan, more specifically one that includes a variety of exercises.

A very common misconception is that lifting weights are only for bodybuilders and hardcore fitness enthusiasts. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, lifting weights could be what your fat loss campaign is missing.

You're probably like I was; on a low-carb, high-cardio plan because you think it’s the quickest way to reach your weight loss goals. Turns out, I was wrong and there are a couple of reasons why.

A cardio workout does burn more calories than a weight-training workout. However, your metabolism may stay elevated for longer after weight training than it will after a cardio session. Weight lifting is also better for building muscle.

The ideal exercise program for improving the composition of your body and maintaining overall health includes cardio and weights. You won't be able to eat whatever you want just because you add a few pounds of muscle. But weight training will help you retain lean body mass while on a diet, ultimately giving you the look and feel you want.

Need a little motivation to start your cross-training campaign? Try SkinnyFit Jump Start ! Jump Start is a powerful pink lemonade flavored pre-workout supplement, formulated specifically for women who need a boost of energy and focus to get the most out of their workout. It keeps you motivated and energized throughout your whole workout, and helps you maintain your focus and endurance so you can reach your goals quicker!

5. Start Counting Calories

It’s easy to lose track of the calories you intake throughout the day. Especially when you aren’t eating meals that you prepared from home.

A coworkers birthday in the office - raspberry white chocolate cheesecake, yum. Coffee machine broke in the kitchen, no problem-double latte with vanilla sweetener from the fancy cafe across the street. Calories just start to add up and before you know it you’ve blown right past the 1600 you’ve allotted yourself for the day.

Losing weight and building lean muscle is a science. The key is to burn more calories than you intake, so at the end of the day, you have a deficit of at least 500 calories, which averages out to losing about a pound per week. Keeping track of your calories also allows you to think twice about making a food choice that may work against your goals. Studies (3) show that keeping track of your diet does help with weight loss. People who use food diary apps on their smartphones, keep food logs or take pictures of their meals, consistently lose more weight than people who don’t. It’s all about accountability!

Download an app, learn how to use it, and track your calories. Some of these apps allow you to also track your workouts so you can see how many calories you burn throughout the day. They even include an internal search engine that pulls up the calories of any food you look up. Over time this will help you learn what foods to avoid, and how much food you really need to feel satisfied. As a result, you’ll feel more confident about your weight loss journey.

6. Stop Drinking Your Sugar

Studies (4) show sugary drinks are the most fattening items in our food repertoire. Our brains just don’t account for the calories in these beverages by making us eat less of other foods, in other words, they don’t make you feel full.

This isn’t only true of sugary drinks like your go-to soda and energy drinks; it also applies to so-called “healthier” beverages, like cranberry juice cocktail and sports drinks.

One of the biggest culprits is alcoholic beverages. They’re typically high in sugar, and since alcohol impairs your judgment, we tend to overdo it and lose track of how many calories we’re taking. A few cocktails can easily cost you 600 calories, which is probably more calories than you had at dinner.

Replacing some of your high-calorie drinks with super tasty, all-natural SkinnyFit Detox will not only help you reduce your caloric intake, but it will reduce bloating, release toxins from your body, and give you sustainable energy; unlike fattening, sugar-heavy drinks that make you crash hours after drinking them.

7. You're Not Getting Enough Sleep

Between your job and your family life you hardly get any time to yourself. So most like of us, “me time” gets pushed into the late night, consequently affecting the nutrition and fitness decisions you make the following day.

Though there’s no doubt you can get by on 4 to 5 hours of sleep, playing iron woman will catch up to you in the long run. Getting good sleep is one of the most important factors for your physical and mental health, as well as your weight.

Studies have shown that poor sleep is one of the biggest factors in obesity. Adults and children with poor sleep have a 55% and 89% greater risk of becoming obese, respectively (5) . Pretty staggering numbers.

Lack of quality sleep is a strong risk factor for obesity. It will also lower your motivation to workout. But if you struggle with getting good rest on your own, I have just what you need. SkinnyFit ZzzTox is a soothing, caffeine-free blend of whole tea leaves, herbs, and flowers that will help you burn calories while you sleep, and calm unsightly bloating. Its all-natural ingredients and antioxidants promote healthy digestion and flush harmful toxins from the body, all while promoting restful sleep.

8. Start Drinking More Water… (Really)

Diet not working? Desperate to lose weight fast? You may not believe it but water could be the boost you’re looking for. We’re all aware of the other health benefits of drinking water regularly, but believe it or not, drinking water CAN also benefit weight loss.

In one 12-week weight loss study, people who drank half a liter (about 1 ½ bottles) of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not (6) . Drinking water has also been shown to boost the number of calories burned by 24–30% over a period of 1.5 hours (7, 8).

Water is your diets best friend-like really, bff’s. To reduce the number of calories you intake, drink a glass of water before you eat. In fact, drink water all day long! 💧❤️ Drinking water may also increase the number of calories you burn so drink up, and good luck with your weight loss journey!
