What to cook from a hare? Hare pate


Rabbit, however, like hare, is considered dietary meat. Of course, the taste of homemade meat and game is somewhat different. Your man has returned from hunting and his catch today is a hare? Recipes for cooking it in the oven are varied. In our article we will discuss the secrets of cooking hare meat. Especially for you - several interesting recipes.

Agree, it’s not every day that we have to cook hare meat. In this regard, many housewives are interested in how to cook a wild hare in the oven. Firstly, the hare carcass needs to be cut up and freed from the skin. Secondly, it is kept in the cold for about a couple of days. Thirdly, before cooking, hare meat is soaked in purified water for at least one day. Hare stewed in the oven turns out juicy, aromatic and extremely tasty.

Advice! Experienced hunters advise using young hares for cooking. Hares are plumper and tastier in early autumn and winter.


  • hare meat – 1 kg;
  • pumpkin pulp – 1 kg;
  • garlic cloves – 40 pieces;
  • salt, mixture of ground peppers;
  • melted butter;
  • thyme – 5 branches;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • dry white wine – 0.2 l.


  1. Before starting the cooking process, the cut hare carcass must be soaked in chilled water for 24 hours.
  2. We change the water periodically.
  3. Now we will cut the hare carcass and cut it into portions.
  4. We thoroughly wash each piece of hare with water and dry it with a napkin.
  5. Wash a medium-sized orange thoroughly. Use any convenient method to remove the orange zest.

  6. We peel several garlic heads and separate them into cloves.
  7. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into portions.
  8. We pick the leaves from the thyme sprig and put them in a bowl. We don't need stems.
  9. We need to grind table salt in a mortar or coffee grinder to the consistency of powder.
  10. In a frying pan, heat the melted butter thoroughly.
  11. Place hare pieces in portions and fry until golden brown.
  12. Then sprinkle the hare with finely ground salt.
  13. In the same oil we fry the garlic cloves until golden.
  14. When the garlic cloves are fried, pour in dry white wine and freshly squeezed orange juice. Add thyme.
  15. Mix everything vigorously and add orange zest.
  16. Tasting, add salt and a mixture of ground peppers. Boil after boiling for about three minutes.
  17. Take a convenient heat-resistant dish and place pieces of hare meat into it. Spread pumpkin pulp on top.

  18. Cover the pan with a sheet of aluminum foil. Place the dish in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes.

  19. The hare will simmer in pumpkin, orange juice and wine. It will turn out tender, aromatic and incredibly tasty.

Feed your breadwinner

A hare in the oven in foil, if cooked correctly, turns out juicy and extremely tasty. When preparing game, you should not skip the soaking and marinating stage. The taste of the meat directly depends on the choice of marinade.


  • hare carcass – 1 piece;
  • tomato paste – 30-40 ml;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • parsley root – 50 g;
  • butter – 130 g;
  • filtered water – 1 liter;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Pour filtered water into a deep bowl.
  2. Add salt, selected spices and spices to your taste. Mix everything well.
  3. We cut the prepared hare carcass into portions.
  4. We transfer the hare pieces into the marinade and leave it like that for one day.
  5. After the allotted time has passed, wash the hare and dry it.
  6. Place a portion of hare meat on aluminum foil.
  7. Sprinkle chopped parsley root on top of the meat and grease with tomato paste.
  8. You can add any sauce you want. It is better to use spicy additives.
  9. Place a piece of softened butter on top.
  10. Wrap the foil tightly. Transfer all the pieces of hare onto a baking sheet.
  11. We will cook for about one hour at a temperature of 190°.

Advice! An ideal complement to hare would be assorted vegetables or mashed potatoes.

If you want to deliciously feed the whole family, cook hare with potatoes in mayonnaise sauce. Your family has definitely never tried such a delicious treat!


  • cut hare carcass – 1 piece;
  • garlic cloves – 4-5 pieces;
  • potato roots – 7 pieces;
  • mayonnaise – 0.2 l;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • salt, mixture of ground peppers;
  • chicken egg – 2 pieces;
  • refined vegetable oil.


Hare meat is a healthy delicacy that contains vitamins and nutrients. The taste of this meat will not leave anyone indifferent. But it needs to be cooked correctly. How to cook hare so that it is tender and soft? This will be discussed in our article.

How to marinate meat?

The meat must be marinated. Young meat requires less time to marinate. You can marinate hare using kvass, water acidified with vinegar, kefir or milk. You can make this marinade: pour a glass of vinegar and sunflower oil, 400 ml of water into a deep container, add celery and parsley root, add carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil. Vinegar should be added when the water starts to boil. Place the meat in the cooled marinade and marinate it for 12 hours.

Hare meat in sour cream


  • Hare carcass
  • Pork fat – 50 g
  • Onion – 4 pcs.
  • Cabbage – 500 g
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 1 glass
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  1. Use meat that has already been marinated. Remove it from the marinade, wipe and drain. Smell to see if the meat has lost its odor; it should smell good. Divide it into pieces, rub with salt and spices.
  2. Fry the hare pieces in oil in a frying pan until golden brown. Mix the meat with the onion cut into half rings and place in ceramic pots. Sprinkle with hard cheese and cover with cabbage leaves. Place thinly sliced ​​potatoes on top. Salt each layer to taste.
  3. Fill the contents of the pot with sour cream. Bake for 2 hours at 160 degrees.

Serve in a pot!

Roast hare

Take the necessary ingredients to prepare the dish:

  • Frozen hare meat
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • 50 ml dry white wine
  • Salt and spices to taste
  • Sunflower oil

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate pieces of frozen hare for 20 minutes using salt, wine and spices. For spices, take some red pepper, paprika, black pepper and ground coriander. Frozen meat does not need to be soaked for 12 hours.
  2. For frying, choose a cast iron pan. Fry the meat in a frying pan, heating it with oil. Fry, giving the hare a golden crust.
  3. Add the vegetables, chopping them coarsely. After frying for 5 minutes, cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes.

The dish is ready!

Hare meat with apples

Prepare a dish of healthy meat. The presence of wine and apples in the dish makes it very tender, juicy and aromatic.

For this dish, take the following products:

  • 1 kg hare meat
  • 5-6 apples
  • 1 onion
  • 150 ml red wine
  • 2 tbsp. paprika
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of Provençal herbs
  • A pinch of ground black pepper
  • 4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil

How to prepare the dish:

  1. Soak the meat well for 12 hours in clean water, changing it periodically.
  2. Cut the carcass pieces into portions.
  3. Fry the hare pieces in oil in a frying pan until golden brown.
  4. Sprinkle with a pinch of pepper, paprika and herbs.
  5. Pour water to cover the meat and simmer for about 2 hours.
  6. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, so that it is soft and send it with the apples to the meat. Pour in a little wine and simmer for 40 minutes.

The dish is ready!

Hare with potatoes

Take these products:

  • Hare carcass
  • 7-8 potatoes
  • One carrot
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 150 g mayonnaise
  • A little vegetable oil
  • Salt and spices to taste

How to prepare the dish:

  1. Soak the meat and then divide into portions. Salt, pepper and spread the meat with sunflower oil.
  2. Add garlic passed through a press and some spices. Leave the meat to marinate for one hour.
  3. When the meat has been marinated for 45 minutes, add mayonnaise. Stir and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay out the meat, the second layer will be onion rings, then grated carrots, then lay out the potato circles.
  5. Mix a glass of water, eggs, 50 g of mayonnaise, salt and spices. After whipping it all up, pour over the meat and vegetables.
  6. Cook in the oven for 2 hours at 160 degrees.

We hope you liked our article and found it useful. Bon appetit!

Hare meat, like any game, is dry and tough. This is due to the lack of sufficient fat in it. Experienced hunters and their mistresses know how to cook hare meat so that it is soft, juicy and melts in the mouth. You can read about this in this article.

How to cook hare meat?


Rabbit 1 carcass Bulb onions 1 piece(s) Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. Cheese 150 grams Potato 1 piece(s) White cabbage 100 grams

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 200 minutes

How to cook hare meat: rules for preparing wild hare for cooking

Hare meat is red in color, so the meat is soaked in cold water. It is changed several times until it becomes light. To soak the meat of young animals, 12 hours are enough; adults are kept in water for a day.

It is recommended to immerse the whole carcass in water and press down with a slight pressure so that it is all in the liquid. The hare is then cut into pieces like a regular rabbit. First, they cut (cut) in half along the spine, and the resulting halves are divided into 2 more parts. Paws are cut out. The hare is prepared in large pieces or divided into small pieces.

Shallow cuts are made in thick pieces of pulp. Then housewives act differently. Some soak the meat in a mixture of water and vinegar. Others sprinkle pieces of hare with salt and ground black pepper. Still others roll the pieces in a mixture of garlic, pepper and salt, put the pieces in a bowl and sprinkle generously with onions. Leave it like this for 1-1.5 hours and cook.

Mustard can add juiciness and piquancy to hare if you coat the pieces with it. The cuts in the hare's flesh will ensure that the liquid formed during marinating penetrates into the piece. This will make the finished meat soft and juicy.

Cooking soft and juicy hare

Hare is a delicious meat. During the heat treatment process, it is important to preserve its beneficial properties. There are many ways to cook a hare so that its meat is soft and juicy.

You can stew it, bake it in the oven, or cook soup with it. To cook the hare, take a spacious container: a casserole dish, a roasting pan or a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. This is necessary so that the meat is completely immersed in water and cooked for a long time.

1. Stewing hare begins with preliminary quick frying of the pieces on both sides.

2. Thick parts are placed down, small parts are placed on top.

3. Layers of meat are generously sprinkled with fried onions.

4. When all the meat is in the container, pour warm water, add pieces of lard, bay leaves, and favorite spices for game.

5. Place the roasting pan on the fire and keep it on low flame for 1-2 hours, depending on the youth of the carcass.

To cook hare meat juicy in the oven, the pieces are first fried in a large amount of fat to form a golden brown crust. Place them in clay pots with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) poured on the bottom, sprinkle with raw, coarsely chopped onions. It will allow the meat to remain soft and juicy. Cover the top with a cabbage leaf or potato slices. Bake the meat at a temperature of 160-180 degrees for 1.5 hours. When deciding for yourself the question of how to cook hare meat juicy and soft, you should try different methods and choose the optimal solution for yourself.

The hare is one of the most coveted trophies of every hunter. The very process of tracking and shooting this wild animal, which is quite common in our latitudes, brings great pleasure. And after an exhausting hobby, you should have a good meal. The mountain hare is better suited for these purposes. In comparison with its fellow tribesman, who live in low-lying, swampy places, it stands out favorably in terms of taste. It is also believed that brown hare meat is better than white hare. For food consumption, it is advisable to shoot a younger animal. The best dish that can be prepared after such a hunt is hare stewed in sour cream. We will reveal all the culinary secrets, and also tell you several alternative recipes.

First steps

A dish like hare stewed in sour cream is not so easy to prepare. First you need to properly prepare the meat. The hare must remain in the skin for at least three days. Only after this time should it be gutted. The skin of the hare must be removed at least two days before cooking. One day before, you need to soak the meat in water, you can add a little vinegar. And before frying, you need to wash the hare and completely clean it.

Recipe No. 1: easy

Hare stewed in sour cream can be prepared quite simply. The recipe does not contain anything extra, only basic products. So, we will need:

  • meat of one hare;
  • onions (no more than three heads);
  • a glass (200-250 g) of sour cream;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the animal carcass. It’s better to leave the meat for a couple of hours in water (1 liter) with vinegar (1 glass). After this, cut the hare into small pieces, place on a baking sheet, add salt. Then sprinkle chopped onions and chopped herbs on top. Add frying oil and place the pan in the oven. Bake until the meat is covered with a light golden crust. Now the hare is ready for stewing. The meat should be transferred to a deep pan. Sour cream should be mixed with the juice that remained on the baking sheet after frying. The resulting sauce should be poured over the meat. A hare stewed in sour cream over low heat will be ready in half an hour. Bon appetit!

Hare stewed in sour cream and garlic - recipe

Now let's look at the second cooking option. Garlic is an ideal spice for meat, giving it a piquant taste and pungency. The list of required ingredients:

  • hare (weight about 2 kg);
  • one large carrot;
  • the same amount of onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • half a liter of fat sour cream;
  • spices to taste.

The preparation of meat is similar - it needs to be soaked. Then the hare pieces need to be rubbed with garlic, sprinkled with spices (it is better to choose pepper) and left for another hour. Then you need to lightly fry the meat in a hot frying pan. At the same time, fry chopped onions and carrots in another bowl. Now we need a deep saucepan. Place the meat on the bottom and vegetables on top. All products should be topped with sour cream, slightly diluted with water. In just an hour, the hare will be ready, stewed in sour cream and garlic. The recipe requires a long hour of preparation. After all, that’s how long it will take for the meat to become soft.

Juicy stewed hare in sour cream - recipe

We will describe step by step another possible preparation option. Many people complain about the dryness and hardness of the meat of these animals. If your goal is an appetizing and soft hare stewed in sour cream, the recipe should be varied with any fatty product, for example, lard.

To begin with, pieces of meat need to be stuffed with bacon. For this you will need about 100 g of lard. Then the meat must be peppered, salted, and sour cream (1 cup) added. Now you need to cook the meat in the oven in the usual way until half cooked.

Now let's start stewing the hare. To do this, put the meat in a deep bowl, pour it with broth (about 2 cups), add more sour cream (1 cup) and put the pan on low heat, where we leave until done.

But that's not all. In a frying pan you need to melt butter (about 50 g), add 2 tbsp. l. flour, mix thoroughly. Then add the broth in which the meat was stewed and boil the resulting mass for a couple of minutes. This sauce needs to be added to the pan with the hare pieces, put the dish back on the fire and turn off the stove when the liquid is brought to a boil.

Now you can decorate the dish with beets or beans and serve.

Happiness for gourmets

If you want to add zest to a dish such as hare stewed in sour cream, it is recommended to slightly edit the recipe. Meat will be delicious in combination with some sweetness. It can be fruits or berries. Many are delighted with the combination of hare meat and sweet prunes.

In order to prepare such a dish, you will need:

  • hare;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • a little more than half a glass of dried fruits;
  • half a liter of fat sour cream;
  • 2 large onions;
  • large carrot;
  • spices (it is better to pay attention to rosemary, pepper);
  • salt.

First, you need to marinate the meat by first rubbing it with garlic and adding herbs and a little vegetable oil. The prunes must be poured with boiling water so that they swell. In a deep bowl, lightly simmer the chopped vegetables, then add dried fruits to them. Now it’s the hare’s turn to languish in the cauldron. Let only the meat lightly fry first, and then add vegetables and prunes to the pan.

The hare should be stewed for an hour, after pouring sour cream diluted with water over it. Real jam!

Alternative recipe

Prunes are not the only sweetness that goes with meat. You can cook a hare stewed in sour cream with apples. There is no special culinary secret here. You can take any recipe described above and improve it with sweet apples. You just have to take into account that you need to put the chopped fruits on the bottom of the pan first, and then the meat and other ingredients.

If you have looked at this page, congratulations on a successful hunt can be expressed without quotation marks. Even if you didn’t personally bring the loot to the house, they will be happy to share their laurels when it’s ready the hare will turn out triumphantly delicious. We will cook the entire hunting trophy in the oven, stuffed with sauerkraut and apples.

Necessary equipment: oven, stove, baking sheet, parchment paper, frying pan, knife, toothpicks.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. The hare, like any other game, must first be soaked in order to get rid of the specific smell and unpleasant bitterness. We place it for 24 hours in a large container with cold water, which we change periodically. For the last 2 hours, you can keep it in a solution of apple cider vinegar (30 ml per 1 liter of water).
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the soaked carcass.
  3. Mix salt and ground black pepper in a small container, choosing the proportion at your discretion, and rub the hare with this mixture inside and out.
  4. Place a frying pan on the stove and pour 15 ml of vegetable oil into it.
  5. Place 300 g of sauerkraut in a heated frying pan, after squeezing out the excess brine. Simmer over low heat, remembering to stir occasionally so that it does not burn.
  6. Core an apple weighing 150-180 g and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  7. Cut two cloves of garlic into thin slices. Using a knife with a sharp end, we pierce deep pockets in the soft tissues of the hare and fill them with cloves of garlic.
  8. Add the chopped apples to the pan, stir and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.
  9. If the hare's chest is cut, we fasten it with toothpicks in the same way as using a pin to connect 2 pieces of fabric.
  10. Fill the inner cavity of the hare with cabbage stewed with apples. As it is filled, we secure the edges of the peritoneum with toothpicks.

    Do not pack the cabbage too tightly: during the cooking process, it can break the fragile fastening and spill out onto the baking sheet.

  11. Coat the carcass on all sides with 200 g of sour cream. Apply it in a thick layer, not forgetting the inside of the front and hind legs.
  12. Preheat the oven to 200° and place the baking sheet with the hare in it for about 2.5 hours. You will need to check readiness by piercing it with a knife.
  13. Cut a quince weighing 180-200 g in half. Using the edge of a knife, remove the core from each half and cut the quince into thin slices.
  14. 30 minutes before the end of the baking period, remove the baking sheet with the hare from the oven. Place quince slices around it and pour 15 ml of vegetable oil over the carcass so that the meat does not turn out too dry.
  15. Sprinkle the hare with 10-15 g of breadcrumbs or semolina and put it back in the oven.
  16. Transfer the finished game to a plate and remove the toothpicks. If not all of the stewed cabbage is needed for the filling, place it next to the meat. Place quince slices on top of the cabbage. Serve to the table.

Video recipe

After watching the video, it will become absolutely clear to you how easy it is to cook a wild hare at home using the above recipe.

How to decorate and what to serve with

In too the dish does not need masterly decoration, you can add color to it with cloudberries and cranberries, and bunches of fresh herbs. As an additional side dish, you can serve boiled potatoes with butter.

Salted and soaked vegetables, berries, mushrooms will add a special flavor to the table and will make good company for the hare. Sour cream or cranberry sauce will not be superfluous.

  • Like other game, You can cook a hare tasty and odorless only after a long soak in water. But if you are ready to wait a little longer, keep the carcass for 5-6 hours in milk, the meat will become softer and juicier.
  • To make the dish more flavorful, you can use the hare carcass marinate in sour milk, white wine, lemon juice with a variety of fragrant herbs. If you cannot make a marinade yourself, look at the recipe for rabbit marinade, it is ideal for hare.

Other food options

Having figured out how to deliciously cook a wild hare, look at the recipes for its domesticated relative. Rabbit meat is very healthy, and to get it, you don’t need to be a hunter, just go to the market or supermarket.

  • The recipe for rabbit stewed in sour cream will appeal even to those who are trying this type of meat for the first time.
  • By preparing rabbit fricassee, you will not only get a luxurious dish, but you will also be able to reveal some of the secrets of French cuisine.
  • For those who value recipes for speed, check out how quickly they cook.
  • You can cook for a warm family dinner, and the most ordinary day will end with a holiday.
  • See how to cook rabbit liver if you managed to purchase this delicacy.

I hope you liked the recipe. Write how the meat turned out and how you rate the side dish. Describe your methods of preparing hare meat, share if you know how to soak it faster. Bon appetit!
