What is non-alcoholic beer? Non-alcoholic beer: dubious benefits and undoubted harm. Restrictions on admission

Beer It is considered to be a low-alcohol drink that does not cause harm to the human body when consumed in small doses. Unregulated consumption of alcohol-containing foamy drinks often leads to addiction and causes various diseases. In the 70s of the last century, beer lovers around the world received a worthy foamy alternative - nonalcoholic beer. It is advisable to investigate whether alcohol-free alternatives to traditional beer are actually harmless to consumers.

Production technology and impact on consumers

The technology used by modern manufacturers in the production of the wheat drink will help you get closer to the correct answer. When consuming an intoxicating drink within normal limits, beer is considered to be absolutely harmless to the body. However, the beneficial qualities of foam are in great doubt. The impact of a product on the consumer is largely determined by the integrity of the manufacturer and the production technology used.

Nonalcoholic beer often produced in factories using equipment and technologies used in the production of traditional hop products. The production process involves the fermentation of barley wort with special yeast. At this stage, there is one technological difference: the soft drink is filtered twice to remove the alcoholic component. The final product contains a minimal amount of alcohol, so the drink does not cause significant harm to the body and health of the consumer.

An interesting fact: a soft drink contains a small proportion of alcohol (within 0.5-0.6%), and therefore is unlikely to be a completely harmless drink.

Double filtration in the production workshop does not deprive the composition of the non-alcoholic alternative to foam of other substances that are harmful to humans. It is worth noting that non-alcoholic beer contains cobalt, malt and hops, which have a negative effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, kidneys and liver, brain and cardiovascular system. Under the influence of cobalt, which is a toxin, the activity of the cardiovascular system becomes weaker.

Fermentation products have an adverse effect on the hormonal system. The stronger sex should be wary of the loss of the male component expressed by testosterone, while representatives of the fair half of humanity need to be aware of the nasty consequences - the appearance of a mustache, a deepening of the voice. Most often, men have problems with changes in the shape and size of their breasts and an enlarged abdomen. You should know about all the consequences of drinking a foamy drink in advance!

Video: Video of Zhdanov’s Lectures “On Non-Alcoholic Beer”

Reasons for the popularity of non-alcoholic products

Along with the rapid spread of motor vehicles around the world, interest in drinks that do not contain alcohol has arisen. Among vehicle drivers, maintaining concentration and reaction in road conditions remained the most important. Initially, manufacturers of non-alcoholic foam announced the appearance of a drink designed specifically for drivers. Later, the target audience expanded, and the following categories of consumers became lovers of beer without alcohol:

  • People who decide to stop drinking alcohol
  • Minors
  • People with acute and chronic diseases
  • Representatives of professions with a high degree of responsibility, focus and attention
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers

An interesting fact: non-alcoholic beer contains from 0.2 to 0.6% alcohol, which corresponds to the alcohol content of kefir produced in accordance with GOST. Sometimes the alcohol volume reaches 1%.

Benefit or harm?

There is a lot of disagreement on this matter, and it is still not possible to achieve a clear answer. Any foamy drink, be it an alcohol-containing or non-alcoholic drink, poses a threat to the physiological processes of the body. Looking at beer from the other side, the presence of beneficial microelements and the high calorie content of the product remain obvious.

One of the main components of production technology is barley, which contains a lot of vitamins. Barley is valuable for the human body because it helps remove cholesterol. If you touch on the harmful side of the product in question, there can be many unpleasant consequences. Consuming a non-alcoholic product increases the likelihood of developing the following diseases:

  • Obesity
  • Migraine
  • Impotence
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney and liver diseases
  • Gastrita et al.

Important: it is highly undesirable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to drink non-alcoholic beer!

To drink or to refuse: decisive arguments

Let's look at the main reasons why a foamy drink without alcohol is considered harmless and even somewhat beneficial:

  1. According to research published by Japanese scientists, the soft drink inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells. Corresponding confirmations became known as a result of experiments conducted on animals (data not officially confirmed)
  2. The alcohol-free foamy drink saturates the consumer’s body with useful substances. Barley malt contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the human brain, hematopoiesis and hormonal levels.
  3. Consumption within the established norms (no more than 0.5 liters per day) reduces blood cholesterol levels
  4. There are no causes of hangover and their unpleasant consequences
  5. Drivers and workers in professions requiring high concentrations of attention are allowed moderate consumption of non-alcoholic beer
  6. Contains fewer calories than traditional alcohol alternatives

Along with the positive aspects of foamy beer, the negative qualities of non-alcoholic beer are worth getting acquainted with:

  1. According to doctors, it is the non-alcoholic version of the product that most often becomes the cause of alcoholism, which is associated with irregular consumption. The consumer believes that he is drinking an absolutely harmless drink, although the composition contains alcohol in a small concentration
  2. The effect on a man’s hormonal levels is similar to the effect of alcoholic beer. As a result of frequent use, the male hormone, testosterone, is replaced by estrogen - the female hormone begins to dominate. The consequences are an expanding pelvis, growing mammary glands and abdomen, and even a decrease in potency
  3. The insignificant content of ethyl alcohol in the drink does not serve as a reason for pregnant and nursing mothers to drink beer. The product contains other components that are no less harmful to the female body: malt, yeast, hops and cobalt.
  4. Some manufacturers resort to chemical processes to increase foam, using cobalt in the composition. This component has a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Women who are addicted to non-alcoholic beer should be aware of dramatic changes in their body: the female hormone is replaced by a male one, which is why a mustache appears, the voice becomes rougher and body weight increases

To drink or not to drink your favorite drink, which has become an attribute of evening relaxation for many domestic consumers, is a personal decision for everyone.

Driving and drinking non-alcoholic beer

If you value “zero” for its taste and aroma, but your work involves driving a car or other vehicle, you can drink the product in question, but in small quantities. Since alcohol-containing drinks affect a driver's concentration, drinking a small amount will not harm. Don't forget about the low alcohol content in soft drinks, which can negatively affect your driving performance if you drink a lot!

Most breathalyzers do not detect the presence of foam that does not contain alcohol in the driver's body. And although the product does not affect the attention and reaction of the driver of the vehicle, harm to the body remains. Consequences of consumption may include belching, heaviness in the stomach and headaches. The characteristic odor from the driver’s breath will cause the inspector to order an examination at a medical institution, and a detailed blood test will reveal the alcohol content in the blood.

Compatibility of antibiotics and non-alcoholic beer

In most cases, a soft drink contains a small percentage of alcohol, and therefore consumption during a course of taking antibiotics or diuretics is extremely undesirable! If you do otherwise, be prepared to negate the results achieved or even make the situation worse. A diuretic supplemented with beer puts a greater strain on the kidneys.

Without heeding the recommendations, the consumer runs the risk of allergic reactions and side effects. Intoxication of the body is possible due to the fact that alcohol is excreted much worse. Pay attention to the decrease in the absorption of drugs by the human body, which is facilitated by “null”.

The answer to the question posed earlier is yes, non-alcoholic beer certainly harms the human body if you drink your favorite drink in excessive quantities. However, if you adhere to the established daily norms, the negative impact of the drink on the body’s functioning remains minimal. Traditional alcoholic beer is more harmful to the consumer than a product without alcohol. It is worth remembering the additional components contained in the drink, which are contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers!

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful? What benefits and harm does it bring to the body? These questions often fall from the lips of fans of the aromatic intoxicating drink at moments when for some reason (medicinal diet, pregnancy, driving) they have to give up alcoholic nectars.

In fact, even the most elite non-alcoholic beer contains alcohol. True, in small doses - only 0.5-1.5% ethyl alcohol, which is 10 times less than in a regular drink, and 2 times less than in kvass.

Disputes regarding the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer have not subsided to this day. Many alcohol lovers claim that it is absolutely harmless and even beneficial to the body to some extent, while doctors call it the same harmful product as its alcohol-containing analogue. Today we will consider the opinions of both sides and try to find out what the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer are.

But first, let's get acquainted with the technologies of its production.

How alcohol-free beer is made

A soft drink is obtained in two ways:

  1. By reducing the percentage of ethyl alcohol in it by suppressing fermentation processes.
  2. By eliminating alcohol through evaporation or double filtration.

In the field of beer production, the latter method is more common, since its use does not affect the structure and taste of the drink. It is called the dealcoholization method. Beer is brewed using conventional technology, and then the “degrees” are removed from it. The drink is either heated, causing the ethyl alcohol to gradually evaporate, or it is double filtered.

In the first case, barley wort is treated with special yeast, which reduces the activity of the enzymes responsible for fermentation. This prevents malt sugar from turning into alcohol. Fermentation processes with this method are inhibited by low temperature conditions, which cannot but affect the taste of the drink - it differs slightly from its alcohol-containing analogue in the dominance of sweet malt notes.

However, in general, no matter how non-alcoholic beer is produced, it is not much different from traditional beer - the same taste and aroma, the same dense head of foam. It’s just that there aren’t enough degrees in it – no more than 5%.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer, or 5 reasons to stop drinking it

  1. According to doctors, the harm of non-alcoholic beer is that it often becomes the cause of alcoholism. The fact is that people can drink such a drink in unlimited quantities without feeling intoxicated and seriously believing that it is absolutely harmless and cannot provoke alcohol addiction.
  2. Beer, which does not contain alcohol, affects a man’s hormonal levels in the same way as a traditional drink. And, as you know, ardent fans of “a fresh, cold mug” suffer from a lack of the male hormone testosterone in the body, which is replaced by the female hormone estrogen. As a result of this, the “beer belly” grows, the mammary glands enlarge, the pelvis expands, and potency decreases.
  3. As for the effect of non-alcoholic beer on the female body, on the contrary, male hormones begin to dominate in it. Regular consumption of the drink provokes the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body, deepening of the voice, and excess weight. Abuse of mash can even lead to infertility.
  4. In order to increase the foam in the drink, many manufacturers season it with the chemical element cobalt, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
  5. The low content of ethyl alcohol in the drink is by no means a reason for pregnant women and nursing mothers to drink it. Despite the lack of degrees in beer, it contains enough other harmful substances (cobalt, hops, malt, yeast) that can negatively affect a tiny child’s body.

Benefits, or 6 advantages for non-alcoholic beer

The harm of non-alcoholic beer has been confirmed, but the benefits of the drink for the human body have also been proven:

  1. According to Japanese luminaries of medical science, such a drink inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells, preventing the occurrence of cancer. This statement is confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments on animals.
  2. Beer supplies the body with useful substances. For example, barley malt includes B vitamins, which are known for their beneficial effects on the brain, hormonal levels, hematopoietic processes, etc.
  3. Drinking the drink in small doses reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Non-alcoholic beer contains fewer calories than traditional beer.
  5. The drink is allowed to be consumed (in moderation) by people driving, as well as by those for whom alcoholic cocktails are contraindicated.
  6. Beer that does not contain alcohol does not cause hangovers or other unpleasant syndromes.

It is not known for certain who invented beer. The history of this drink goes back to the distant, distant past. And even today the name of the person who first brewed the now so beloved foamy elixir is not known. No one knows exactly in which country this nectar appeared. Scientists put forward different versions, conduct research, try to establish the name of the country in which beer was first invented. But there are so many versions and theories that it’s hard to decide, and many states have the right to be called the birthplace of foam.

Sumerians and Babylonians

It is not known exactly who invented beer, but what is certain is that this drink is considered the most ancient alcoholic product. Historians associate the origin of foamy nectar with Mesopotamia. On the territory of this country, during archaeological excavations, Sumerian clay tablets were found, which depicted brewers bending over a vat. The find dates back to the 7th millennium BC. The Sumerians also had a goddess of beer - Ninkasi Light Jet. The deity was not only worshiped, but entire poems were also dedicated to her. Sumerian beer cannot be called completely hopped, since it was brewed without the addition of hops. Spelled and barley were added to the liquid, as well as aromatic herbs to provide flavor. The strength of the final composition was three to four percent.

The Babylonians - the heirs of the Sumerians - improved the beer recipe. They began to brew the drink from malt, and not from barley, as their predecessors had done. The Babylonians waged a serious struggle for the quality of the foam product. (II millennium BC) issued a law according to which an innkeeper who inflated the price of a drink was subject to the death penalty - drowning. For diluting beer with water, the innkeeper was given the spoiled liquid until he died from terrible agony. If there was a conversation about politics in the innkeeper's establishment, then the owner of the establishment was also sentenced to death.

Ancient Egyptian beer

When asked who invented beer in Egypt, scientists answer: They draw this conclusion, referring to one of the ancient Egyptian manuscripts. The priests, whom Osiris taught brewing, became the only people who knew the secrets of preparing divine nectar. Many pharaohs owned breweries. So, even Nefertiti owned a brewery, and on the walls of this establishment the queen was depicted pouring through a strainer

In ancient Egypt, beer was brewed from barley, but in some cases it was replaced with wheat malt. Onions, bread and, of course, beer constituted the main food kit of an ordinary ancient Egyptian resident. The center of brewing in this state was the city of Pelusium, which is why the product itself was called the “Pelusian drink.” There was a special tax on it. During some time it was mixed with honey or wine.

History of Beer from Ancient Greece and Rome

It is unknown who invented beer in Ancient Greece and Rome. But the fact that he was despised in these countries is a fact. Here it was considered a drink of poor people who could not afford to feast on wine. But, despite this, Hippocrates devoted an entire scientific treatise to the foamy elixir, and Aristotle concluded that after intoxication with wine a person staggers around, and after beer he falls back. The weakest beer was very strong and bitter for the Greeks, since they were used to diluting wines with water, so their real taste was not fully felt, but ale had to be consumed in its pure form.

The Romans didn't like beer either. They drank it only on holidays in honor of Ceres, the goddess of agriculture. That's why in Ancient Rome they called the drink ceres. According to the historian Braudel, beer remained “the drink of the poor and barbarians” until the 10th century.

The emergence of beer in Africa

It is quite difficult to say who was the first to invent beer on the planet. But the fact that it was also known in Africa is a fact. Here it was a very common product. In Abyssinia it was brewed from buckthorn and hops. In some African regions where barley did not grow, millet was used to produce the hop composition, and dagussa for a stronger product.

Beer played an important role in various rituals of the peoples of Africa. At funerals, this drink was required to be placed next to the body of the deceased. Every person present at the ceremony had to drink this composition. The peoples of the Guinea coast and Sudan brewed an elixir from millet. But over time, millet was replaced by sorghum, another cereal crop. And in the 16th century, sorghum beer became famous in Europe.

History of European beer

In which country beer was invented, no source can say for sure. But in Europe it has been popular since time immemorial. It was a traditional drink among the Celts. In the 1st century BC, Posidonius mentions that he prepared an elixir based on honey and wheat. At the same time, in Gaul, beer was called corma and was called a folk drink. Among the Germans it was a national product.

Among the excavations carried out in Great Britain, tablets were discovered, the inscription on which was that someone was asking for a decree to deliver beer to legionnaires who had run out of it.

Ancient Viking beer

No one on Earth can say for sure where beer was first invented. But historical documents claim that the formidable Vikings, who lived in the distant northern lands, also mastered the art of brewing. They used spruce and pine needles instead of hops. As a result, the resulting composition was enriched with vitamins C and B, which supported the strength of people who consumed the drink. So, the beer that the Vikings brewed was called Odin's mash.

Any feast among these people was accompanied by incredible drinking. And the ability to drink more than your comrade was equated with military success. The tradition that exists today of pouring an extra glass for a late guest came from the Vikings.

The appearance of beer in Russia

It is also unknown who invented beer and in what year in Russia. The words “beer” and “drink” are consonant with each other. Previously, this word denoted all drinks in general. In Novgorod, the first mention of beer is found. Decoctions based on beer and honey were called perevars and were distinguished by their high strength. These products were used to pay tribute.

In the Old Russian state, foamy brew and bread constituted the main food supply. Monasteries were the center of brewing, and the drink itself became ritual.

Non-alcoholic “brother”

Today, in addition to traditional beer, non-alcoholic beer is also popular. And scientists can already say for sure who came up with it: the Americans. During Prohibition in the United States, all drinks that contained ethyl alcohol were prohibited. All the big manufacturing companies were under threat of complete bankruptcy. But one very large enterprise managed to continue its existence. Under the Budweiser brand, it released the world's first non-alcoholic beer containing half a percent alcohol.

Fans of traditional nectar did not immediately like the new product. But he helped the brewers not go bankrupt. For more than a century and a half, the Anheuser-Buschc brand has been producing beer called Budweiser.

Alcohol intoxication activates changes in human physiology, behavior and psyche. Therefore, in those states where the majority of car accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers, a decision was made to mass produce a non-alcoholic foam product.

Dark, light, foamy... what other beautiful epithets are used to describe beer that both adults and teenagers drink with undisguised pleasure. I have already written about the fact that it is drunk easily enough to achieve a certain state of intoxication, you need to drink a lot of it and about the dangers of drinking beer.

So, what is non-alcoholic beer?

What exists is known, but there are several questions. Does a person get drunk after drinking non-alcoholic beer, how to choose non-alcoholic beer, how many calories does it contain and do people gain weight from its consumption, what does it consist of, the difference between one and the other, how many degrees of alcohol does it contain, and so on?

Let's try to answer some of them and say a few words about the beer itself.

Despite the fact that the name of such beer is marked “non-alcoholic”, it contains up to 1% alcohol and it is impossible to get rid of this alcohol. When making non-alcoholic beer (non-alcoholic), the alcohol contained in regular beer is removed using the technology of boiling alcohol, inhibiting fermentation, using distillation, and other technological processes.

But here it is worth noting the point that the taste of beer is significantly influenced by alcohol, and in the absence of it in non-alcoholic beer, the taste of this one differs from the usual one, not in favor of the former. However, the cost of beer without alcohol is an order of magnitude higher than that of regular beer due to difficulties with production technology. This is such a paradox.

Non-alcoholic beer itself began to be produced somewhere in the 70s of the twentieth century for those who, for certain reasons, could not drink alcoholic beverages: for health reasons, while driving, pregnant women, and so on. A state of intoxication simply will not occur if you drink such beer, although this is debatable. It depends on how much you drink and what the body’s reaction is to even such a small amount of alcohol. Although, you can’t drink a lot of it! The foam will fill your entire stomach after the first bottle of this drink and you will be tormented by belching for the rest of the time.

But, if the presence of the name “beer” at some point is important to you, then, as they say, “no comment.”

The most interesting thing is that this beer retains all the negative aspects that are inherent in ordinary beer. This drink contains cobalt (just like a regular drink), which is used as a foam stabilizer, which has a toxic effect on the heart, stomach and esophagus.

All the harm that we will analyze another time, here is just one example: With regular use, men begin to produce female hormones, which lead to a change in appearance. Yes, you see this yourself in life. Ask any man with a huge belly: “How much beer do you drink, comrade?” The answer will be obvious. Although, non-alcoholic beer does not have many calories.

Judge for yourself: 100 grams of it contain 30 calories, while the usual one contains 500. That’s the difference for you. But with beer you want to eat something: chips, crackers, all sorts of other nonsense. I would advise, however, to refuse both regular and non-alcoholic drinks. Why? What's the point of drinking it? Better - kvass! In general, they say: Beer without vodka is money down the drain!

And I cannot disagree with this...

Nowadays they no longer make the same beer as they did 15-20 years ago, its production technology is not followed (and I know and saw how beer was made before, although even then they committed violations of technology) for the sake of time, increasing the quantity and reducing the cost of products.

It’s impossible to call what they produce now beer. Just water, alcohol (it’s not clear which one or from what) and chemistry! And beer is a natural product that should not be stored for more than one week, and its production takes about a month! What is sold in stores is a common poison that will only harm the body.

After drinking several bottles of non-alcoholic beer, a situation will certainly arise when you want to drink real alcoholic beer, and this can lead to dire consequences for those who have begun to lead a sober lifestyle and who have an alcohol addiction.

Real beer used to make people go crazy, but now they go crazy.

In short, friends. Have you decided to start a sober life? Forget about both non-alcoholic and regular beer. Why do you need this? This is my parting word to you, as a “former” alcoholic, for whom any beer, or any alcohol in general, is simply contraindicated.

Good sobriety to you!

  • The alcohol found in regular beer is removed using the low boiling point of alcohol;
  • Using dialysis - membrane method;
  • Suppressing the process by lowering the temperature in the presence of special yeast that does not convert maltose into alcohol.

The best way to remove alcohol is the membrane method, which involves the use of traditional brewing technologies, which makes the taste of non-alcoholic beer closest to the taste of alcoholic beer.

All microelements of regular beer are present in non-alcoholic beer, and accordingly, all the positive and negative qualities of the drink are preserved. Therefore, such beer does not lose its beneficial properties, but harm from non-alcoholic beer basically absent. However, the small amount of alcohol in non-alcoholic beer makes its taste different with any alcohol removal technology, since the influence of alcohol on the taste of the final product is very significant.

Complex technology for producing non-alcoholic beer increases its final cost. But at the same time, nonalcoholic beer is an excellent alternative for beer lovers at times when blood alcohol levels and intoxication are unacceptable. In order to safely get behind the wheel, you need to know the permissible alcohol content in the body, for this we advise you to read the article:. Ours will help you determine the approximate blood alcohol content.

Against the backdrop of falling sales of alcoholic beer, which in 2013 amounted to 16.5% compared to 2012, sales of non-alcoholic beer are gradually gaining momentum. This is partly due to the ban on alcoholic beverages, including beer. Nowadays, an increasing number of different varieties are appearing on sale, some of which we will consider in this article:

– is currently an exclusive beer for Russia. This drink is not publicly available even in the United States, where the brand occupies a leading position. BUD Alcohol Free has a balanced taste, light bitterness and a pleasant aftertaste. Ingredients of the drink: water, barley, rice, extract, . Alcohol content in beer is no more than 0.5%. The beer gives a rich, stable foam and, in my opinion, is one of the best drinks in this segment. The cost of BUD Alcohol Free in Krasnoyarsk ranges from 50 to 70 rubles per 0.5 liter can. At the moment, the design of the can has undergone some changes compared to what is shown in the picture on the left. A strip with an inscription appeared at the top, indicating that the beer is non-alcoholic.

– non-alcoholic beer from a famous Dutch producer. The alcohol content in the drink does not exceed 0.5%, while the company’s brewers tried to preserve the taste of real beer. Ingredients: purified drinking water, light malting barley, malting barley, . is not large and is only 26. The drink's shelf life is six months from the date of production. In Russia it is produced at production facilities in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of a half-liter jar in Krasnoyarsk ranges from 50 to 70 rubles.

- light non-alcoholic beer, brewed using classical preparation technology, one of the oldest drinks of this kind on the domestic market, the first batch of Baltika No. 0 was released in 2001. The production of “Baltika No. 0” is based on the removal of alcohol from finished beer and a unique technology. The alcohol content in the drink is no more than 0.5% with an extract density of 12%. Ingredients: Purified drinking water, light barley, maltose molasses, . The cost of non-alcoholic beer “Baltika No. 0” in Krasnoyarsk varies from 45 to 65 rubles.

– a real German light non-alcoholic beer. The alcohol content of the drink is no more than 0.45%. As in the entire range of the company, wheat is used to prepare Erdinger Weissbier Alkoholfrei. The beer has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is an excellent replacement for alcoholic counterparts of this brand and alcohol-containing beer in general. The main disadvantage of this variety is its price, which in Krasnoyarsk varies from 130 to 180 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle.

- German light non-alcoholic wheat beer, and therefore cloudy beer of amber color. The alcohol content in beer is from 0.35 to 0.5%, the initial extract is 6.1%. Available in 0.5 liter bottles. In my opinion - one of the best examples of non-alcoholic beers, which can be purchased in our country. Paulaner Hefe-Weisbbier NON-ALCOHOLIC is quite dense with a thick white head. It is imported to Russia from Germany. According to the manufacturer:

beer is perfect as a complement to lunch or after sports

due to the low alcohol content and low - only 20 per 100 ml, in addition, the beer is isotonic, contains electrolyte, nutritional and mineral substances. In Krasnoyarsk, the drink can be purchased at a price of 160 rubles. Below is a video tasting of this drink:

– light beer with an alcohol content of no more than 0.5% and an extract content of 5.6%. Produced in Russia under license. Available in 0.5 liter green bottles. In my opinion, there is nothing particularly remarkable in the taste, but no negative taste qualities were noticed either. The impression is rather positive and, in principle, the price of this drink corresponds to the quality. However, you should not drink this beer; after drinking, for example, Paulaner Hefe-Weisbbier NON-ALCOHOLIC, the taste may not seem so pleasant. In Krasnoyarsk, a 0.5 liter bottle of Zlaty Bazant Nealco can be purchased from 46 rubles apiece.

– light non-alcoholic beer from a Dutch brewing company. In Europe it is considered the standard of non-alcoholic beer. Unlike most other non-alcoholic beers, where the alcohol is brewed using a standard recipe and the alcohol is subsequently removed, Bavaria Malt is prepared from the start in such a way that there is no alcohol in it, so The alcohol content in the drink is zero! This fact is confirmed by the corresponding HFFIA certificate from the food inspectorate. The drink is not the most expensive; in Krasnoyarsk it can be purchased at prices ranging from 51 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle. The taste is quite pleasant for a non-alcoholic beer. The cap can be easily removed from the bottle without using a bottle opener. It is produced in Russia CJSC "Moscow-Efes Brewery". Thus, If you absolutely do not accept products containing alcohol, this drink is for you.

Stella Artois N.A.– light non-alcoholic beer of the famous Belgian brand. The manufacturer in Russia is SUN Inbev OJSC; it is produced in the famous city of Klin, Moscow region. Stella Artois non alcoholic has a golden color and a pleasant taste. However, the composition of the drink is somewhat puzzling: water, barley, rice or corn grits or maltose molasses, glucose-fruit syrup, . It seems that there is something superfluous in the composition. The alcohol content in beer does not exceed 0.5%, the energy value is 26, the extract density is not indicated on the label. In Krasnoyarsk, non-alcoholic Stella Artois can be purchased at a price of 70 to 80 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle.

Clausthaler classic non-alcoholic malt beverage– light non-alcoholic, imported to Russia from Germany. Manufacturer BINDING-BRAUEREI AG. Ingredients: water, barley, . Alcohol content no more than 0.5%. Clausthaler Classic is a premium non-alcoholic beer, the cost of a 0.33 liter bottle ranges from 90 to 140 rubles. The taste of the drink is excellent and corresponds to the classic one. Excellent for non-alcoholic beer, the taste and aroma are pronounced, there is a pleasant hop bitterness. The Clausthaler preparation technology does not imply the removal of alcohol after preparing beer according to a standard recipe; the drink is immediately prepared as non-alcoholic, but, unlike Bavaria Malt, a certain amount of alcohol is still present. At the same time, the cooking technology is kept in the strictest confidence. Producing the drink since 1979. During its existence, it has managed to win a huge number of prestigious awards and, today, is rightfully considered one of the best types of non-alcoholic beer in Europe. In Krasnoyarsk, I found beer only in a small green bottle of 0.33 liters, but they also produce it in 0.5 liter cans.

JEVER FUN friesisch herb – non-alcoholic light premium class. Produced in Germany by the Frisian Brewing Company " Radeberger Group KG" Ingredients: water, barley, . Content alcohol no more than 0.5%, initial extract – 4%, – 14 per 100ml drink Shelf life is as much as 2.5 years, the bottling date on my bottle was 10/24/13, and I purchased it on 01/10/15. The beer is golden in color and has a pleasant aroma, but not as pronounced as Clausthaler. Despite the fact that many descriptions talk about the thick, stable foam of Jever, I hardly noticed it, perhaps I poured it too carefully. The taste is pleasant, but, in my opinion, not too bright. But the aftertaste is very pronounced - a pleasant hop bitterness lingers in the mouth for several minutes. Beer is brewed in the usual way, after which excess alcohol is removed. The drink is packaged in 0.33 ml volume. I bought one in Krasnoyarsk for 85 rubles.

Obolon Non-alcoholic – light non-alcoholic beer. Produced in Ukraine, in Kyiv by the company PJSC "Obolon". Ingredients: light barley, glucose-fructose syrup, . Content alcohol in beer – 0.5%, initial extract – 12%, – 23 . Best before date - 270 days from the date of bottling. The drink is packaged in a green 0.5 liter glass bottle. The beer is golden in color, the taste is sour, there is practically no aftertaste, the aroma is weak. The foam is plentiful, but not persistent. A distinctive quality of this drink can be considered its significant carbonation, which partly suppresses the sour taste. You should open the bottle with caution, because beer, even if it had been in the refrigerator for a week, tended to escape from the bottle when opened. Those bottles that were opened immediately literally gushed out. The manufacturer states in the official promotional video that “Obolon Non-Alcoholic” is prepared according to the standards of regular beer, and the alcohol is removed from it using certain membranes. In my opinion, this variety is somewhere at the level of “Baltika 0”, perhaps some will like it more, and others less. At the moment, I find it difficult to announce the cost in Krasnoyarsk, since I purchased beer directly from.

Trekhgornoye NON-ALCOHOLIC– a new variety of non-alcoholic beer from the Moscow Brewing Company. Ingredients: water, . The alcohol content is 0.5 ml per 100 ml of drink, that is, 0.5%, - 42. The period is 10 months. Beer is packaged in 0.5 liters. The drink has a golden color and very stable high white foam, has a pleasant taste and aroma. The manufacturer says that the beer is brewed using a special technology, where the low percentage of alcohol content is due to the low cooking temperature. The beer, in my opinion, is quite good and significantly surpasses, for example, Baltika 0 in taste, while being in the same price category. In Krasnoyarsk, Trekhgornoe Non-Alcoholic can be purchased from 49 rubles per can.

Hopped non-alcoholic cider produced using technology and under the supervision of a craft distillery " Elk and Cedar"with the aim of destroying the stereotypes existing on the territory of our state. The first non-alcoholic cider brewed in Russia, I am especially proud that this was done in Siberia, namely, in the glorious city of Barnaul. The cider has a very interesting rich, refreshing apple flavor combined with hops, a strong apple aroma and high persistent foam. A sip leaves behind a rather pleasant apple aftertaste. Medium carbonated non-alcoholic juice drink Release 0.3. While drinking, you can read the original information posted on the label:

Included: apple juice, water, sugar, hops, natural apple flavoring agents, natural “Apple” flavoring, acidity regulator (malic acid).

Nutritional value 100ml: carbohydrates – 3.98g. Energy value: 16.3 Cal/68.3 kJ. Store at temperature from 0°C to +30°C. Use immediately after opening. GOST 28188-2014. Filtered, pasteurized. The presence of natural sediment (including undissolved hop sediment) is allowed. Manufacturer: MPA-1 LLC Manufacturer's address: 656023, Russian Federation, Barnaul, st. German Titova, 35A. Best before date- 3 years.

The first non-alcoholic cider is bottled in 500 ml dark glass bottles. In Krasnoyarsk, cider was found in a store of the " TRADE UNION"at a price of one hundred rubles per bottle. We recommend it for use!

The article will be regularly updated with new varieties of non-alcoholic beer, if you have any preferences - be sure to leave comments!
