To taste salty lard, you must follow the traditions. Salting bacon small recommendations for salting lard Salo when salting gave water what to do

I have great news! Recently, scientists from all countries agreed on a common opinion: salted fat should not be considered a harmful product! And even more - they started talking about the benefits thereof. And since the product is justified, today at home we will salt fresh lard in different ways and according to various recipes, so tasty that it will literally melt in your mouth.

Since ancient times, salting lard has been more of a necessity than a gastronomic delight. In the old days, this was how a strategic product was prepared for the winter. Now the need has disappeared, but how nice it is to cut off a piece, put it on bread and .... here the thief also remembers a glass, but okay.

I have a desire to write a separate article about the benefits of salty pleasure - it's time, it's time to debunk the myths about the dangers of a product loved by the people. And now some useful tips to feel like a real pickle.

How to deliciously pickle lard at home

So, our task is to salt fresh lard so that it becomes soft, tender, extremely tasty and melts in your mouth. Before proceeding directly to salting, I must explain something to you. There are three main ways to home salt:

  • Dry - the fastest and most affordable, not requiring special skills. The product turns out tasty, but has one drawback - it is desirable to store it for a short time. After about a month, it will not go bad, but the taste will not be the same at all. However, the drawback applies only to recipes with garlic, salted in the old, "old-fashioned" way of fat, this requirement does not apply, and I will give such an option.
  • In brine - the most common way for those who understand the product. It is he who is made for long-term storage, in which it does not change the taste, remaining tender and melts in the mouth.
  • Boiled - the most cautious. It is also stored for quite a long time, up to six months, without loss of quality and taste.

How long does lard salt

Depending on the preparation option, from 2 to 7 days.

Attention! If liquid is released during dry salting - do not be alarmed, the phenomenon is quite normal.

How much salt to take

For salting, always take regular, rock salt. Small can be used, but not desirable, but completely refuse iodized.

  1. About dry salting, paraphrasing a well-known phrase, we can say that you can’t spoil lard with salt. Because it will take as much as it needs. Therefore, do not be afraid to oversalt, just shake off the excess. Approximately you will need 4 large spoons of salt for each kilogram of the product.
  2. In brine: for every kilogram of product, take half a glass of salt - a classic.
  3. Boiled: per liter of water you will need 150 gr. salt. To find out how much water will be spent on salting, put in water so that it completely covers the piece. Then take it out and measure the amount of water.

How to dry salt lard to melt in your mouth

For salting at home in a dry way, you can take large pieces of fat. Accordingly, the capacity should be considerable.

  • If you intend to harvest for a long time, then keep in mind that it is better not to use garlic - it does not like the cold. It is better for lovers to salt in small portions.
  • Large pieces need to be turned over from time to time so that they are salted evenly.
To the recipe box:

Delicious recipe for dry salted lard

Suitable for cooking salted bacon in large quantities and in large pieces. However, a small one can be done, it is not forbidden.

  1. Roll large pieces in salt on all sides.
  2. Pour part of the salt on the bottom of the prepared container and lay the bars with the skin down. Please note: the pieces should feel free and not touch the walls of the container.
  3. Pour the rest of the salt on top and cover the container with a lid. Every day, change the pieces in places for better brining. Will be ready in a week.
  4. Then clean off the first salt from the pieces, and rub them with a mixture of fine salt with black and red pepper. If you wish garlic - chop and also rub the pieces with it.
  5. Such fat is stored for a long time if placed in a cellar or refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C.
Curious! Folk wisdom assures: fat is healthier than sausages. Doctors say with confidence that a piece of salty bacon with black bread is good for health and good mood. True, a piece should be 20 - 30 grams, no more.

Homemade lard salted with garlic - a simple recipe

The leader among homemade salting recipes is lard with garlic, the easiest way.

  • Take: bacon, pieces 5-6 cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper, bay leaf.

Salting recipe:

  1. Cut the lard into small pieces, so it will pickle faster. And to make the process go even faster, cut these pieces into pieces, but without cutting the skins.
  2. Cut the garlic into slices (I cut the garlic cloves along the length, I like it better). Mix salt and pepper.
  3. Rub each piece with the mixture and cover with garlic cloves.
  4. Fold the pieces into a container, shifting with a bay leaf, trying to lay them tightly to each other.
  5. Cover the container with a plate and put a small oppression on top. Let the product stand on the table for several hours and shake off excess salt.
  6. Then transfer to a bag and put away for storage.

Another option: hold for 3-4 days at normal temperature, it will just be salted, and only then put it in the cold.

How to salt lard in a jar in a dry way at home

At home, a very convenient way of salting fat immediately in a jar. It is well suited for a dry version, salted in brine and in onion peel. The condition is that the pieces should not be too large, and for even greater convenience, pick up a jar with a wide mouth.

  • Take 2 - 3 heads of garlic, red pepper, basil, coriander, bay leaf and other seasonings for 1 kg of product.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut small pieces of lard, make small cuts on them and stuff with garlic.
  2. In a bowl, mix all seasonings and salt. Then rub the pieces with this mixture and place them very tightly in a jar.
  3. Leave for 3 - 4 days at room conditions. Or move the jar to a cooler location. But then the product will salt for a couple of days longer. After the fat is salted, send a piece for storage in the cold.

How to quickly pickle lard in brine

Over the centuries of use, people have come up with more than one or two recipes for salting lard at home in brine. I will offer a classic version, but starting from it and adding a variety of spices, you can make different options. Choose any container, a regular jar or a deeper bowl is quite suitable.


  • Salo - 1 kg.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Bay leaf - 5-8 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - half a glass.
  • Black pepper.

Salting fat in brine:

  1. Cut into small pieces, chop the garlic and, having made small holes in the piece with a knife, put the garlic cloves into them.
  2. Dissolve salt in water, throw in bay leaves and boil. Then let the brine cool down. I put the pepper in the already cooled brine or rub the pieces with it. If you decide to put other spices, put them in at the same time.
  3. Pour the brine over the pieces and put something heavier on top. After 6 hours, you can already try.
Attention! Popular wisdom says: they get fat not from lard, but from its amount. And people need to believe.

Soft boiled lard - a recipe at home

The most popular, traditional recipe for making homemade boiled lard, with a small set of spices and without much difficulty.


  • Salo - 500 gr.
  • Water - litre.
  • Salt - 150 gr.
  • Lavrushka - 2 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • Cloves - 3 sticks.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Greens, coriander, a mixture of peppers - as desired.

How to salt boiled lard:

  1. Boil water by adding salt, cloves, pepper, parsley to it.
  2. Put the lard into the boiling brine and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then leave the product right in the pan until the water cools down.
  3. Take out a piece, wipe and rub with spices. To make it more convenient, combine them in advance in a plate - coriander, garlic, red and black pepper, chopped greens, greens. In general, take spices, which will fall on the soul. If you want to make it spicier - put more pepper.
  4. It remains to wrap the piece in cling film or foil and send for a day in the cold. After a day you can try! If left, then move to the freezer - there the shelf life is much longer.

How to choose fresh lard for salting

Almost everything depends on the right fresh product, friends, without exaggeration. It doesn’t matter if you buy a store or a market one, now even large supermarkets sell farmer’s.

Delicious homemade salted lard is a song, a balm for the soul for everyone who understands delicious and healthy food. Another, "remaining" recipe you will learn from the video. But I do not say goodbye, there are several ways of salting, here are only a small part of them, and I will introduce you to all of them. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Many countries have their own national varieties of salted pork fat - lardo, bacon, pancetta and many others. It turns out that almost every nation has its own way of preparing it. Lard is salted pork fat, which is the national product of Ukraine and Russia. Rural residents still store this product in very large quantities today.

Salo is one of those national dishes that have their own recipe for cooking in each individual family. There are also recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. Despite the fact that the main ingredients of this dish are pork fat and salt, there are many other nuances - how many days to salt the lard in brine, what else to add extra, and so on. Let's look at some recipes.

How to cook salted lard

The most important thing in creating a delicious product is to take a very good and fresh piece of lard from a reliable source. Do not buy frozen convenience foods. Try to find farm-fresh produce. For one of the classic recipes you will need:

  • 1 kg pork fat.
  • 2 cups of sea salt.
  • A few bay leaves and peppercorns.
  • A handful of garlic cloves.
  • 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes.

How to do it

In this case, salt the lard with brine in a cold way. Place the fat on a cutting board and leave it for an hour at room temperature. Pour a layer of salt about 1 cm thick into a glass jar. Spread pieces of lard on it. Put a layer of bay leaves, peppercorns, red pepper flakes on top and sprinkle a thick layer of salt on top. Pour everything with clean cold water so that the pieces are lightly covered. How many days to salt lard in brine in this way? The jar should be kept in the refrigerator for at least four days. Once this time is up, try the product. If you want to achieve a saltier taste, you can age it for a few more days.

Salting in own juice

This is another option on how to deliciously salt lard in brine. In this case, it is not filled with water, and the brine is formed from the juices released by the product. The product prepared according to this recipe can then be processed by smoking. You will need the following:

  • 1.5-2 kg of pork fat.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon molasses.
  • 2 tablespoons of kosher salt.
  • 1 teaspoon pickling salt.
  • 1 teaspoon freshly frozen black pepper.

How to pickle lard in this way

This is one of the most delicious recipes for salo in brine, as it cooks in its own juice. Rinse off the grease and wipe it thoroughly. Cut off any thin edges so that the piece is a uniform long rectangle.

In a small bowl, mix sugar and molasses. Then add 2 tablespoons of kosher salt, pickling salt and pepper. Spread this mixture evenly on a piece of lard, then put it in a glass container or jar, cover with a clean cloth on top. Put in the refrigerator and regularly press on the surface of the workpiece. You will see that a significant amount of liquid will be released. How many days to salt lard in brine according to this recipe? Since there are other ingredients besides salt, the aging period must be at least seven days. When this time has passed, remove the fat from the jar and inspect. It should be firm to the touch. If the flesh still feels spongy and soft, rub the piece with 2 more tablespoons of salt and place it back in the refrigerator for two days. When the fat is completely ready, drain all the liquid from it, rinse well and wipe the piece.

Salt only option

Of course, when salting lard, you can add any additional spices to ensure your favorite taste and aroma. But the classic is the use of salt alone. In this case, we salt the lard in a jar in hot brine. This product is easy to prepare. Subsequently, it can be used in many dishes. In this case, you need to accurately weigh the fat that you want to prepare, since you will need to calculate the correct proportion of salt. It will require 30 grams for each kilogram of fat, as well as 500 ml of water.

Cut the fat so that you have even and even-sized pieces. You can remove or leave the skin (at your discretion). Weigh the fat prepared for salting. Calculate the required amount of water, pour it into a saucepan and boil. Add salt and dissolve it completely, stirring well. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool slightly. The brine should be hot, but not boiling water. Put the pieces of lard in a clean jar and fill with the prepared hot liquid. Wait for the brine to cool and place the container in the refrigerator. How many days to salt lard in brine? Wait five days and then inspect and taste the finished product. When the fat is ready, rinse it and dry it.

Dried harvest for the winter

As a rule, salting products is carried out in order to preserve them for a long time. In order for lard to be stored longer, it is advisable not only to salt it, but also to dry it. This is very easy to do and the results will surprise you. How to salt lard in brine for the winter? For longer storage, it is advisable to add a little sodium nitrite to the product. This substance inhibits the development of mold spores, and also gives the product a beautiful pinkish tint. In addition, the fat will become slightly sweet. This substance can be found commercially under the name "pink salt" (do not confuse it with Himalayan pink salt).

Some believe that this is the most delicious recipe for lard in brine. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this instruction does not have a clear recipe. The main thing is to observe the proportions of water and salt. It should be added for every 500 ml of liquid 75-100 grams. You can measure the right amount with a tablespoon, which contains 25 grams of salt. The required amount of sodium nitrite must be calculated by following the instructions on the package. The amount of sugar in the recipe is not specified anywhere. You can add it or not (at your discretion). You can also put garlic, pepper, bay leaf, cumin and so on in the brine.

How to salt lard for the winter

Make a brine by mixing water, salt, pink salt (nitrite), and sugar (or other additives of your choice). Heat the mixture over moderate heat in a saucepan, stir everything until completely dissolved. Turn off the fire. Cut the lard into pieces of the same size and thickness. Put it in a clean jar and fill it with brine. Remove air bubbles (by stirring the liquid vigorously with the handle of a spoon) and close tightly. Place in the refrigerator and keep it there for five days. Stir the brine daily to evenly redistribute all the juices. Once five days have passed, remove the product and check for readiness. If the lard is edible, rinse well under running water and pat dry with paper towels. Place it on a wire rack lined with clean paper and leave it in a well-ventilated place for a while. A sticky layer should form on the surface, and the pulp should dry out a little. Such salted and dried fat can be stored for a very long time.

Another version of lard in its own juice

We offer another recipe for salting lard in brine. Step by step, this instruction looks very simple: you need to process the fat with salt and sugar and then wait until a natural brine is formed in your own juice. You will need the following:

  • Good quality fresh lard.
  • Fine sugar - about 3 cups.
  • Coarse sea salt - about 6 cups

How to salt lard in your own juice

Mix sugar and salt. Generously rub the lard with this mixture, on all sides. Place it in a jar and top with the remaining salty-sweet mixture. Press everything well, cover with a cloth and place a heavy object on top as a press. Leave in the refrigerator for a day. The next day you will see that the fat has released juice. Strain it, sprinkle the fat again with a mixture of salt and sugar, and pour strained brine on top. Put back in refrigerator. Repeat this process for 10 days. The amount of brine will increase in this case - do not pour it out, filter it and add it to the fat. Once the product is ready to use, rinse and pat dry. Such fat can be eaten in this form, but if you wish, you can dry it or smoke it.

Variant with onion peel

This recipe for salting lard is also a classic. At the same time, the finished product acquires a specific aroma and shade. How to salt lard in onion brine? For this you will need the following:

  • 500 grams of pork fat.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 glass of salt.
  • Husk from about ten onions.
  • Favorite spices to your taste (garlic, pepper, cumin and so on).

Salted salo in brine with onion peel

Pour water into a saucepan, heat and add salt. Bring to a boil, stir until completely dissolved. Put the onion skins and boil the brine for about five minutes. Add lard directly to boiling water (it should be completely covered with water). Lower the heat, adjust to a slow simmer, and simmer the mixture for about ten minutes. Turn off the stove and leave everything under the lid for another 15 minutes. Then take out the fat, put it on a plate and press down with a press to squeeze out the excess brine. Let it cool completely.

At this time, prepare the spices. For example, garlic needs to be peeled and cut into small pieces, crushed peppercorns and cumin with a knife, and crushed bay leaf. Once the piece of fat has cooled, make small cuts in it over the entire surface. Rub it with a mixture of prepared seasonings so that some of them fall into the cuts. Then wrap the piece in foil and place in the freezer. In this form, it can be stored for a long time. The longer it sits, the more flavorful it will become. It can be eaten directly frozen, cut into thin slices with a sharp knife. Best served on black bread.

Fat, despite the fact that it is 100% fat, is a very useful product. It is completely absorbed by the body, and can be found in almost any meat department. Most often it is eaten salty, and anyone can cook it this way, it's not difficult at all. If you want to salt the fat yourself, then you should start by choosing the right one. The product must be fresh, the best fat is obtained from the sternum. It should be smooth, without lumps and any seals. Choose a piece 3-4 centimeters wide, and the meat layer will only improve the taste. In addition, you will also need, of course, salt and a glass jar or a plastic bag.

Salt in a cellophane bag
Layers of fat must be cut into smaller pieces (approximately 6x10cm). You need to take a lot of salt (in no case do not take iodized salt - iodine can corrode everything) and carefully grind the fat with it. After that, the resulting pieces are folded into a plastic bag and sprinkled with salt a little more. The bag is tied tightly and left at room temperature. After 3 days, the fat will give juice, so the package should be turned over and put in the refrigerator for a few more days. If your fat has a meat layer, then the readiness of the product can be determined by the fact that it will darken. If there is no such layer, then after 3 days of aging in the refrigerator, the readiness of the fat can be checked simply by trying it. If the taste of the finished product suits you, then remove the remaining salt from the napkin and put the fat in the freezer for storage.

If you want to diversify the taste, then before salting, you can make cuts and put half a clove of garlic. You can simply leave the garlic in the bag before tying it up. Of the spices, dill seeds go well with salted lard - they give a very delicate aroma and good taste.

Salting method in a glass jar
Salo can also be cooked in brine, for this they use a large glass jar. It is cut into pieces and sprinkled with various seasonings. Dill has already been mentioned above, and even in stores you can find ready-made mixtures of spices for lard. One and a half liters of boiling water is taken for a three-liter jar, in which a glass of salt is dissolved. First you need to put the fat, and then pour it with the resulting solution. Make sure that it is completely hidden by this brine.

The jar is closed with a lid and left in a slightly cool place (but not in the refrigerator) for a day, and then transferred to the refrigerator for 4 days. After that, open the jar and drain the water. With this “wet method” of salting lard, it turns out soft and tender. In the same way, you can salt using a cold saline solution - after you prepare it, wait until the mixture has cooled, and after that pour the lard in a jar.

So, choose the method that suits you best. If you want to store the bacon in the refrigerator and not in the freezer, then wrap it in plain paper. Enjoy your meal!

View Full Version : Why does salting fat produce liquid?

08-03-2009, 22:01

There was such a question. I salted the fat (I covered it with coarse salt and spices, wrapped it in foil, put it in the refrigerator) and when I got it out today, it was in a puddle of liquid. why? I rinse it with water and immediately wipe it dry with a towel, and the other piece I didn’t wash and it’s still a puddle. I remember that my grandmother salted, then no liquid stood out. The fat was dry, the excess salt was shaken off and eaten.

08-03-2009, 22:19

I have only one thought, maybe the fat (meat) was pumped with water or thawed. Then the water is clear where.

08-03-2009, 22:36

And pumped up how? We bought a quarter of the pig and then I cut it up. If another small piece is somehow soaked, then what can be done with a part of the carcass? Much needed thoughts on this. It’s just that doubts overcome whether we should continue to buy meat there (unless, of course, it’s about meat, and not just my hands are growing from the wrong place). Can they be fed somehow? I recall the gossip from Soviet times that cattle were fed with salt and then watered plentifully to improve performance, etc.

Girls, what are you talking about - the fat is pumped up!

ANY, even the most homemade fat emits water!

When salted, everything releases water.
When you fry the meat, do you immediately salt the meat?
And if not before serving, do you salt the salad right away?

Salt draws water from tissues, fibers and other constituents of vegetation or living creatures.

The husband has been salting fat for a long time and with high quality, he cannot live without it.
So, he is terribly worried if the pieces are not all covered with brine.
He puts the press, does not put it in the refrigerator, monitors the process)))

In general - a puddle of liquid - this is actually quite small)))
And so - the process is normal

09-03-2009, 07:16

You know, maybe I'm wrong, I just came across a couple of times that you are frying a piece of meat, but it turns out that you are stewing in your own juice. True, I buy meat at the market. In any case, you need to listen to the experts, maybe they will catch up)))

I wonder why no one is surprised that they come out of the steam room wet?

No, meat, chicken and fish are pumped up.
And there are among this champions - Brazil.
But it's just freezing.

Pay attention in supermarkets to frozen meat, fish, chicken, we are talking about those in the package.
There is some ice there.
Moreover, sometimes water reaches half the weight of the total mass.

The squids are imported. They are like ice.

This is called warming hands on ice(e?).

But to pump up fresh meat or lard!

09-03-2009, 10:35

So I really want to know the opinion of experts on salting fat - should there be a brine? The liquid must, of course, be released. But not in the same quantities. But the liquid content in meat and fat is different. And I also remember lard in the markets - after all, no one sells wet lard. It is always dry, the salt is wet. Salt and takes the released water, it becomes raw. But so that almost all the salt dissolves ...

And what fat do you salt?
plain bacon or with layers?

I assure you - brine is a completely normal phenomenon
then the amount of liquid that secretes lard cannot absorb salt
we salt with a pack of coarse salt - the salt does not dissolve, but there is plenty of liquid

I'll wait for a specialist (I wonder how he will identify himself?)
15 years of salting fat is certainly not an experience))))

09-03-2009, 16:04

Salo without layers. And does anyone get “dry” lard?


09-03-2009, 18:19

Oh, something lard wanted! :)
Can you tell me where you can buy delicious lard ... Preferably with a layer and garlic! :support:
And I can't find something

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How to pickle homemade lard, recipe with photo. Salting fat at home. We make corned beef at home.

What could be tastier than delicious bacon, yes with garlic, yes with black bread, but with a glass of vodka, God forgive me.

You can buy delicious salo in the market, but the prices in Moscow markets are completely inhumane. A kilogram of good salted bacon costs 300-400 rubles. This is despite the fact that raw lard or brisket with a good layer of meat can be bought for 90-120 rubles. So let's salt the fat on one's own. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in this.

We will need:

  1. Pork fat or brisket.
  2. Coarse salt.
  3. Bay leaf
  4. Peppercorns black, can be red and green.
  5. Garlic.

Salo it is better to salt if you salt oblong pieces, like in the photo.

We chop the garlic. The more garlic the better.

Pepper grains are crushed with a crush or crushed in a mortar. We break the leaves of parsley into small pieces.

We put the fat in a deep container. We rub the lard with garlic and pepper with lavrushka.

Sprinkle generously with salt. There should be plenty of salt.

Cover the lard with a bowl and leave at room temperature for a day. After a day, we remove the fat in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

During salting, lard will give juice. After five days, we take out the fat and take a sample. It is better to take a sample from the middle. Those. cut a piece in half and try. If everything suits you, then you can remove the excess salt and put the fat in the freezer.

Salting lard at home is tasty and easy, is not it?
