Dietary vegetable casserole. Dietary cottage cheese casserole without flour

Modern people choose balanced diet and this is right, because it allows you not only to maintain a good figure, but also health. This dietary dish, How cottage cheese casserole included in the menu of various diets. It is very useful for any age, especially children; it can be used for people with various diseases, is indicated for athletes, as well as those who want to lose weight. We present to your attention ten recipes for a delicate dietary cottage cheese casserole.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

This dietary dish is one of the healthiest. Suitable for children as it promotes proper development child's body. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and protein, this is one of the best products in terms of nutritional value. Adding raisins to it further enhances the value of the product, enriching it with mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. All this makes a cottage cheese casserole the perfect dish for small children.

It must be in the diet of a person who suffers from diseases of the digestive system. Since cottage cheese casserole is easily digestible and is a fermented milk dish, it has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. So, we present to your attention various recipes this dish.

Dietary cottage cheese casserole recipes

Cottage cheese casserole can be served as a main dish or as a dessert. There are only 90 calories per 100 grams. The recipes presented are simple and do not require a lot of time and money, suitable for novice cooks. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole prepared without adding flour. The main ingredients of all recipes are cottage cheese and eggs. During cooking, you can add not only traditional fruits, but also vegetables to this dietary dish. So, here is a recipe with pumpkin and vegetables.

Recipe No. 1 with kefir

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you should take the following products:

  • Cottage cheese in the amount of 250 g,
  • Two eggs,
  • Low-fat kefir- 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar is added to taste
  • Raisins in any quantity.
  • If desired, you can add an apple, dried apricots or prunes.


Recipe No. 2 for a multicooker

Prepare the products:

  • 600 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Eggs - 1 piece,
  • Yogurt or sour cream 15% fat - 4 large spoons,
  • Semolina - 5 large spoons,
  • Fructose or sweetener to taste.
  • Fruits or berries of your choice.


  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or using a blender.
  2. Add all ingredients except fruit to it and mix well. Depending on the consistency, add fruit. It should be noted that with them the casserole may turn out a little liquid, since the gifts of nature give off a lot of juice.
  3. We put the homogeneous mass into a greased form and set it to the “baking” mode, in which the cottage cheese casserole turns out perfectly. Cover with a lid and turn on the program for 50 minutes.

Recipe No. 3 with pumpkin

The following products will be required:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • 400 g pumpkin pulp,
  • 1 apple,
  • You can do without sugar or to taste,
  • Vanilla - optional
  • Raisins to taste
  • Salt to taste.


Recipe No. 4 with dried apricots and raisins

You need to take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Depending on the size of the egg you need to take 4-5 pieces,
  • Sugar or substitute - 1 large spoon,
  • Fruits or dried fruits in any quantity,
  • A pinch of soda.


  1. Beat the whites with sugar.
  2. In another container, combine the yolks with cottage cheese, add soda, fruit, and mix.
  3. Pour the egg whites and sugar into the curd mixture and mix well.
  4. Into the lubricated sunflower oil rearrange the form ready mixture and bake in the oven at 190 or 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 5 with cheese and herbs

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you will need the following ingredients:

How to prepare cottage cheese casserole:

  1. Beat the eggs and combine them with the grated cottage cheese, mix well.
  2. The soda should be quenched in kefir and added to the curd mass.
  3. Place in a container with dietary weight bran, cheese and herbs. Stir again.
  4. IN silicone mold spread the curd mixture and bake for about 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
  5. If you wish, you can make a cheese crust. To do this, 5 minutes before cooking, spread the grated cheese on the surface of the casserole.

Recipe No. 6 with yogurt, pear and banana

This recipe calls for sweet fruits, so no sugar is added.

To prepare cottage cheese casserole you need to take:

  • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • Egg,
  • 30 ml yogurt,
  • Banana puree,
  • Pear, cut into cubes.

How to cook cottage cheese casserole?

Recipe No. 7 with apples and oatmeal

To prepare this cottage cheese casserole you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 3 eggs,
  • Oat flakes ground into flour - 3 large spoons,
  • Low-calorie sour cream or yogurt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons,
  • An apple, preferably green, medium size, cut into slices or strips.

The cottage cheese casserole is prepared as follows:

Recipe No. 8 with vegetables

For unsweetened cottage cheese casserole you will need the following ingredients:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • White of 1 egg,
  • onion head,
  • 1-2 tomatoes,
  • 3-4 boiled cauliflower florets,
  • Half a bell pepper
  • 2 clove of garlic,
  • Bran - 1 large spoon,
  • Spices.


  1. Sauté the onion until golden color on olive oil.
  2. Combine it with pieces of tomatoes, chopped cabbage, pepper cubes, crushed garlic cloves, bran, grated cottage cheese and whipped egg white, add spices and mix well.
  3. Place in a silicone mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.​

Recipe No. 9 with honey

Ingredients required:


  1. The protein is whipped until foamy, semolina and honey are added to it. The mass is mixed well.
  2. Protein mass mixed with mashed cottage cheese.
  3. Grease the mold with oil and add the curd mixture.
  4. The casserole is cooked in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 10 with milk

Ingredients required:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g,
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Fructose to taste,
  • Milk - 120 ml,
  • Butter- 1 large spoon for greasing the pan.


You will like this dietary cottage cheese casserole. busy housewives for the speed and ease of preparation. You will need a minimum of products and a little time. In addition, it is low-calorie, tender and tasty dish Suitable as a late dinner, as it perfectly satisfies hunger without harming the figure.

Greetings, fighters against kilograms and centimeters. We are back in the kitchen, at the forefront of the problem “What should I eat to lose weight?”

Today my guest is the deserved heroine of all low calorie menus- dietary cottage cheese casserole.

I started the topic of using cottage cheese in diets in the article . For those who haven't read it, I recommend it. Now let's continue...

Classic cottage cheese casserole

Once upon a time, in kindergarten and school age, we all ate cottage cheese casserole with sour cream. Of all school breakfasts, she is the one I remember with love. I can’t say the same about pasta, cutlets and soups. .

The classic cottage cheese casserole consists of cottage cheese, flour, eggs and sugar. You have already met this set of products in my article about.

Yes, cottage cheese casserole is the sister of cheesecakes and the grandmother of all cottage cheese cakes from the article . These merits of hers encouraged me to continue talking about dietary products with cottage cheese.

Let's start cooking classic casserole from cottage cheese.


  • Cottage cheese -500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (11 g);
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml. (to lubricate the mold).


Grind cottage cheese with sugar and eggs. It is better to do this with a blender or masher so that there are no hard lumps left.

Add flour and mix well. Grease the mold with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour. Shake out excess flour from the pan.

Using a spoon, carefully spoon the curd mixture into the pan. Smooth the surface with a spoon or spatula.

It is possible, but not necessary, to grease the surface of the product with sour cream to form a golden brown crust.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20-35 minutes.

The baking time varies so much because it depends on the height of the contents in the pan. If the initial height is 2 cm, then 20 minutes.

If the mold is small and the initial height of the raw dough is 4 cm, then you need to bake for at least 35 minutes.

A height of more than 5 cm should not be made. Better take two forms. Otherwise, the inside of the dish will not be baked, and the outside crust will be too dark, with a bitter aftertaste.

If there is no other form, you will have to reduce the baking temperature and increase the time.

After baking, the finished product should be allowed to cool slightly. Then turn the casserole out of the pan onto a plate. Ready casserole You shouldn’t cut right away so that the knife doesn’t stick.

The dish can be eaten either warm or cold.

Diet casserole in the microwave

Casserole, unlike cheesecakes, is already a dietary dish. The cheesecakes are fried, and the casserole is called that because it is baked in the oven.

Modern baking options - in the oven or slow cooker . But diet lovers even create curd masterpieces in the microwave . I advise you to watch the video: Fast, simple, dietary!

Recommendations for reducing the calorie content of cottage cheese baked goods

To make the casserole more dietary, you can do several things to reduce the calorie content of the main ingredients.

  1. Reduce the number of eggs or eliminate them completely. You can add airiness to the dish by adding it to the dough. slaked soda. It is not necessary to bind the ingredients together with an egg in the baking dough, since cooking happens in the form.
  2. Baking dough can be very liquid, so even the cottage cheese itself can be partially replaced with another fermented milk product - kefir or yogurt. The number of calories will decrease, but the shape and taste will change.
  3. You can replace wheat flour with whole grain flour or oatmeal. Often flour in a recipe is replaced with semolina. Ready baked goods becomes more crumbly with a delicate texture. However, the calorie content of semolina is almost the same as wheat flour. In this case, the amount of semolina needs to be made less than the amount of flour. Not suitable for weight loss.
  4. For a dietary casserole, it is advisable to avoid sugar. You can add sweetness to the dish by adding dried fruits to the dough.
  5. If you use not dried fruits, but fresh fruits and vegetables, then the calorie content of the entire dish will be minimal.

Sweet curd pastries

To diversify the taste of your usual casserole, add ready dough Sweet ingredients instead of sugar.

  • Dried fruits.For example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, any dry berries, pitted cherries. Dried fruits can be mixed evenly with the dough, or they can be laid out in a separate layer between the curd layers.
  • Fruits and berries. For example, apples, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, oranges and others, fresh, frozen or canned fruits(berries). It is better to cut the fruits into thin slices or small cubes. Ready product will be elegant. If you prepare puree, the baked goods will have a uniform texture.
  • Confiture, marmalade, jam, preserves. These sweet ingredients make curd baked goods attractive to children, but are completely unsuitable for dietary nutrition.

I love casserole myself with blackcurrant . Sour taste, wonderful color and aroma. But my mom likes it better with apples.

Unsweetened curd pastries

Feeding a child cottage cheese or carrots is not at all easy. That's probably why carrot casserole with cottage cheese is the most unpopular so far. Although from a dietary point of view, it is the most useful.

Curd and carrot casserole can be either sweet or savory. Unsweetened casserole with added fresh vegetables and herbs can be an excellent second course.

Vegetables for savory cottage cheese baking You can use finely chopped raw or pre-stew.

In addition to carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, tomato, etc. go well with cottage cheese. cauliflower and broccoli.

The mixture is prepared from cottage cheese, eggs and flour (semolina) without sugar. Add salt. but we won't. You can also chop greens: dill, parsley.

The vegetables in the casserole preparation can be mixed and then placed in the pan. You can do it differently: put the curd mass and a layer of vegetables into the mold in layers.

There is another curd mass on top. For getting delicious crust Sometimes the top of the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese. This will definitely add calories, but it looks delicious.

Non-standard recipe

I was already finishing work on the article when they sent it to me unique recipe casseroles without flour and semolina , without eggs and sugar, with bananas.

For a pack of cottage cheese (250 grams) take three overripe banana and half a glass of chopped oatmeal.

Bananas are pureed in a blender, mixed with oatmeal. Cottage cheese is added to the mixture and thoroughly beaten again.

The mixture should stand at room temperature 20 minutes for the flakes to swell. Then a quarter teaspoon baking soda to repay lemon juice and mix with the curd mass. Place in a greased pan and bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

I cooked it and tried it. Tasty, aromatic. I didn’t and don’t count calories. On the one hand, we remove flour, eggs and sugar altogether.

On the other hand, three bananas - nutritionists may be against them, they say they have a lot of sugar and are high in calories. However, I don't think so. It is a product of nature.

Banana pulp contains many useful substances: beta-carotene, pectin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus and sodium, fructose and fiber. Look at the monkeys who eat bananas all their lives - are they fat?!

What do you think? Can this recipe be called dietary? I look forward to your comments.

Send us your low-calorie recipes.

Always in touch

Vitaly Sorokin

This is a healthy and light treat. Now you will learn several new recipes. After all, cottage cheese casserole can have many variations in preparation.

Recipe like in kindergarten


  • egg - 1 piece;
  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • raisins – 0.1 kg;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream – 0.1 kg.


  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to allow it to soften.
  2. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with the curd. For convenience, you can use an immersion blender.
  3. In a separate container, mix eggs with sugar. Beat them with a whisk or mixer until smooth.
  4. Pour the eggs into the curd and butter mixture.
  5. Now add raisins, semolina, salt and vanilla. Mix everything several times.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs.
  7. Place the curd mixture into the mold. Coat everything with sour cream on top.
  8. Place the baking sheet in a hot oven for 40 minutes. Its temperature should be 180 degrees.
  9. Cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten ready! Cut it into beautiful portions and serve.

Classic cottage cheese casserole

  • soft cottage cheese – 0.6 kg;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

Step by step:

  1. If you have regular cottage cheese, grind it in a blender or grind through a sieve to get rid of lumps.
  2. Place the soft cottage cheese in a bowl and break 3 eggs into it. Mix until smooth.
  3. Add sugar and semolina to the future casserole.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with non-fragrant oil and pour in the curd mass. Send to bake.
  5. The optimal temperature for cooking is 180 degrees, the approximate time is 30-40 minutes.

After the specified time, pierce the casserole with a wooden stick; if it is wet, continue baking the dish. If the stick is dry, then the casserole is ready. It can be decorated and served. Enjoy your meal!

Easy dietary step-by-step recipe

We suggest you prepare this dish in a slow cooker, because then you will not need to use so much oil.

A simple dish for those who want to lose weight or maintain a normal figure are dietary vegetable casseroles. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vegetables - everyone knows that they contain a lot of valuable fiber, a wide variety of vitamins, and substances necessary to maintain health. And with all this, the calorie content of vegetables is quite small - for example, 100 grams of spinach contains approximately 23 calories, eggplant - 25 calories, and celery - only 16. This means that combining the most different vegetables, you can come up with different, but equally tasty and healthy dietary casseroles.

Rules for preparing vegetable casseroles

There are also cooking rules dietary casseroles. Vegetables should be exposed as little as possible heat treatment, for casserole it is better to use low-fat sour cream rather than mayonnaise. In addition, you can vary the fillings - for example, you can prepare them with milk, kefir or natural yogurt.

Vegetable casseroles: dietary recipes

1. Broccoli Casserole

The first place among dietary ones is rightfully occupied by cauliflower or broccoli casseroles. They are very tasty, filling, quick to prepare and contain very few calories. Making this casserole is very simple. First you need to disassemble the head of cabbage into small inflorescences and boil them for five minutes. And at this time you can make a dressing - it consists of one egg, milk (or kefir) and a pinch of salt. Place the boiled cabbage in a deep dish, pour in the pre-prepared dressing and place in the oven. You can add boiled water to this dish chicken breast– the added calories will be quite small, but the taste will be completely different.

2. Celery casserole

Diet celery casserole contains only about 90 calories, yet it is complete and hearty dish. Boil thinly chopped celery root until half cooked and drain the liquid. Break one egg and any greens into a cup with the celery, add salt. Mix everything and bake in the oven. When serving, sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

3. Cabbage casserole

Cabbage casserole white cabbage usually cooked with minced meat. To prevent the dish from containing too many calories, it is better to make minced meat from chicken meat or turkey. Prepare the minced meat, then chop the cabbage very thinly and mix with the minced meat. Add salt, pepper and egg, mix, place on a baking sheet and bake. After the casserole is cooked, it is usually sprinkled with herbs.

4. Zucchini casserole

You definitely need to add it to your zucchini casserole. a small amount of flour - zucchini tender vegetables, a casserole made from them will not hold its shape without flour. Grate the zucchini and squeeze out excess liquid. Then add a small amount of flour, an egg and your favorite herbs. Mix the minced meat thoroughly, place in a silicone mold, and bake in the oven or slow cooker. This casserole goes well with a topping of hard cheese.

5. Casserole with tomatoes

Coarsely chop the tomatoes bell pepper, broccoli inflorescences. Pour in a mixture of milk and eggs, add salt. This casserole turns out very beautiful.

6. Casserole with zucchini and eggplant

Place zucchini slices and tomato in layers in a mold with high sides; you can add eggplant if desired. Intersperse each layer with filling from natural yogurt with egg. Salt everything, sprinkle with cheese or herbs. It is better to bake this dish longer - about half an hour in the oven.

7. Carrot casserole

Carrot casserole is a dietary type of dessert. It is best made with slightly sweetened rice. The rice is boiled like porridge. Grate the carrots on a very fine grater and mix with the porridge. Add an egg to the mixture and pour in some milk, mix thoroughly. Bake in hot oven. You can add sour apples to this recipe - they will add a “zest” to the dish.

8. Potato casserole

Potato casserole can be prepared with salted cheese instead of mayonnaise - this will make it much less high in calories and very healthy. Spread each layer of potato slices with feta cheese (you can put garlic in it). Add greens. Bake in the oven.

9. Casserole with tomatoes and corn

Bright and beautiful casserole obtained by adding green peas or corn to the main ingredients. This way you can make a casserole with tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini - the dish will turn out very festive and tasty.

10.Pumpkin casserole

Pumpkin casserole is a dessert, usually prepared with cottage cheese. Mix cottage cheese with egg, add semolina and leave to swell for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, peel and very finely chop or grate the pumpkin. Mix both masses, add sugar and place in the oven.

Man has been using cottage cheese in his diet for many centuries, ever since he domesticated the cow and learned how to extract milk and make products from it. Cottage cheese is very rich in protein and minerals, especially phosphorus and calcium. This fermented milk product can be consumed raw, and all sorts of delicacies can be prepared from it.

IN modern world people try to stick to proper nutrition, which helps maintain physical and aesthetic shape and maintain health. Any dietary dish made from cottage cheese is perfect for this. When we hear the words “curd casserole,” we immediately mentally return to our infancy, remembering breakfast in kindergarten.

Cottage cheese casserole

This curd delicacy useful for everyone:

  • children;
  • adults with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • athletes;
  • people who want to lose excess weight.

Benefits of casseroles

Delicacy from fermented milk product Perfect for children, as it helps proper saturation and development of a fragile body. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and protein, which makes cottage cheese the main nutritional product.

If you add dried fruits, this will only enhance the value of the prepared dish and fill it:

  • vitamins;
  • useful acids;
  • minerals.

And this is the main thing for ideal nutrition for babies.

This delicacy should definitely be added to the menu of a person on a diet or suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, since cottage cheese is easily absorbed by the body and belongs to fermented milk dishes.

Cottage cheese casserole is perfect for both breakfast and dessert for tea.


The main product for preparing dessert, of course, will be cottage cheese. If you follow a healthy diet, try to use a product with low fat content.

The curd mass must be rubbed through a sieve. Add eggs to the resulting mass and stir thoroughly. From the eggs it will become viscous and when baked in the oven it will give golden brown crust. By adding vanillin, you will make your baked goods fragrant. For sweetness, you can add sugar or a substitute, as well as honey.

To suit your taste, you can replace flour with cereals, rice, semolina, and pasta.

You can add any berries (dry or fresh), fruits, vegetables:

We offer you several recipes for dietary casserole.

Casserole recipes

Classic casserole

  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l. or 1 tbsp. l honey.
  • Vanillin - 10 g.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tsp. for lubricating the mold.

Mix all ingredients, place in a greased pan and bake in an oven preheated to 185 degrees for about 40 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer or toothpick.

Casserole with rice

  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • raw rice - 200 g;
  • raisins -100 g;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • low fat sour cream - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 20 g for greasing the mold;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l. or honey 4 tsp.

Boiled rice will add viscosity to your casserole mixture and add calories to the future dish. For originality, you can add raisins. It is washed and scalded with boiling water; after 20 minutes, drain the water and let it drain. Add eggs and cottage cheese, sugar, raisins to the cooled rice, mix everything thoroughly. The baking dish is greased with oil and the finished curd mass is placed in it, baking time is about 40 minutes, served hot with sour cream or jam.

Recipe for low-fat cottage cheese casserole without semolina

  • Cottage cheese -250 g,
  • fresh egg - 2 pcs,
  • curdled milk - 40 g,
  • raisins and sugar to taste.

Grind the cottage cheese and mix with kefir and eggs, add the remaining ingredients. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, the crust is golden brown - an indicator of the readiness of your dish.

Recipe without semolina

  • Fresh eggs - 6 pcs,
  • cottage cheese - 1 kg,
  • 150 g of any dried fruits,
  • vanillin - 10 g.,
  • sugar to taste, can be replaced with honey.

The cooking process is similar, mix all the ingredients and bake in the oven.

Dishes with the addition of Hercules flakes in a slow cooker

  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • dried apricots - 150 g,
  • oat flakes -120-150 g,
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.

Mix cottage cheese with egg, add oat flakes and chopped dried apricots. Place the resulting mass in the multicooker container on the “Multicook” program. Cooking time 50 minutes. After turning off, let stand for another 10 minutes.

Dessert with carrots

  • Curd mass - 200 g,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. or honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • raisins and or nuts to your taste.

Mix all ingredients (you can add salt, vanillin or cinnamon) and grated carrots fine grater. Cooking time in the oven is 35 minutes at 185 degrees.

Dietary cottage cheese casserole with apples and pumpkin

  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • cottage cheese - 250 g,
  • peeled pumpkin - 0.5 kg, you can add one apple.

Grate the pumpkin and apple, add all the remaining ingredients to this mixture, you may not need sugar, since both the pumpkin and the apple will give off their sweetness, mix well, put in a greased pan, and bake.

Casserole with herbs and cheese

Combine eggs with cottage cheese, add soda slaked in kefir to the total mass, add bran, herbs, grated cheese, and mix well. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

Dessert with yogurt and fruit

  • Cottage cheese - 200-250 g,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • yogurt - 3 tbsp. l,
  • banana - 1 piece,
  • tangerine - 1 pc.

Combine yogurt, egg, cottage cheese and banana together until homogeneous mass, you can do it in a blender. We divide the tangerine slices between each other and each one in half. Add to the total mass, mix gently, place in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs pan.

Casserole with vegetables

Sauté the onion in a frying pan, add chopped tomatoes, cauliflower, pepper, chopped garlic, bran, cottage cheese mixed with egg, add all the spices, mix thoroughly, bake.

Casserole with honey

  • Cottage cheese -250 g,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • honey -1 tsp,
  • semolina - 50 g,
  • oil for lubricating the mold.

Beat the egg, add cereal and honey, mix with cottage cheese, put in a mold, and bake.

Dessert with milk

  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg,
  • fresh eggs - 4 pcs,
  • milk - 120 g.
  • sugar or honey to taste.

This casserole is very reminiscent of a soufflé, it is so tender. Thoroughly mix the curd mass, milk, eggs and sweetener. Beat until soft and creamy. To give curd mass If tender, you can beat the yolks and whites separately, and then mix everything. Bake for 40 minutes.


  • Cottage cheese -0.5 kg,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • boiled pasta - 200-250 g,
  • ground crackers, butter for lubricating the mold,
  • sugar or honey to taste.

Beat eggs with sugar, mix with grated cottage cheese, add to pasta, add salt. Place the thoroughly mixed mass in a mold sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and pour sour cream on top. You can add any fruits, raisins, nuts.

Cottage cheese puff pastry

This delicacy is not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Peeled carrots are cut into cubes or circles, steamed in water or milk, apples, figs, two eggs, and cheese are added to it. Cottage cheese is mixed with sugar, semolina and the remaining eggs. Place a layer of cottage cheese in the mold, then a layer of fruit, alternating several layers. Bake for about 40 minutes.

Dessert with dried fruits

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 1 kg,
  • fresh eggs - 6−7 pcs,
  • dry fruits or berries to your taste,
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l,
  • vanilla - 10 g,
  • oil for lubricating the mold.

Beat eggs with sugar and add to grated cottage cheese. Pour boiling water over dried fruits, leave for 10 minutes, add to the general mixture, mix thoroughly. Serve the casserole chilled.

Cottage cheese casserole without eggs in the oven

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • pudding mixture - 20 g (can be replaced with 20 g starch)
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp,
  • sugar or sugar substitute to taste.

Mix cottage cheese with pudding, add lemon juice and sweetener. Mix thoroughly, place in a silicone mold, cook in microwave oven 7-8 minutes at maximum. Ready dessert Place in the freezer for 10 minutes to harden easily, serve with syrup.

Cottage cheese casserole "Chef's Tricks"
