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Pie recipes

Delicious pies with rice and eggs - baked or fried - can be prepared even by a novice housewife without much difficulty! With step-by-step photos and video descriptions.

2 hours 30 minutes

230 kcal

5/5 (2)

Today, our gastronomic world has been taken over by all kinds of hamburgers, hot dogs and other overseas invaders, almost completely displacing our favorite pie from the culinary fashion catwalk. Friends, we need to return grandma’s pies to the worthy place they deserve in our kitchen, especially since preparing them is actually very simple.

For example, even a novice housewife (and the owner, by the way, too) can prepare pies with rice and eggs without much difficulty, and it doesn’t matter whether you prefer baked or fried pies: both recipes are simple and accessible, so you just have to decide on your preferences families.

Pies with rice and egg in the oven

Kitchen appliances. If you have a bread machine, it will be very useful for you in preparing yeast dough, without which you will not have baked pies. If you don’t have a bread machine, it doesn’t matter, you can make the dough yourself. But you can’t do without an oven; if for some reason you don’t have one, then you will have to make do with fried pies, which will be discussed below.

Dough ingredients

Filling ingredients

  • rice – 1 glass;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • green onions – 1 bunch (you don’t have to put them in);
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for making rice and egg pies in the oven


While the dough is rising, prepare the filling.

Form the patties

Bake pies

Video recipe for pies with rice and eggs in the oven

If you still have questions or doubts, watch the video, which shows in detail the process of preparing egg and rice pies. By the way, if you watch to the end, you will see several options for the external design of the pies.

Fried rice and egg pies

If you don’t have an oven, but you still love pies, try frying them in a frying pan - believe me, there are only minor changes in the recipe, and the pies themselves turn out just as good!

Step-by-step preparation

Prepare the pie filling using the recipe above.
  • By the way, you can add not only green onions, but also green peas to these pies, and in general anything that your imagination tells you.
Prepare the dough for fried pies

Form the patties
  • In this case, you should not experiment with braids and other decor, because the pies will be fried in a frying pan on both sides.
Fry the pies

Video recipe for fried pies with rice and egg

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about frying pies. Watch the video and you will finally understand all the intricacies of this dish.

Pie secrets

  • If you want your baked pies to have a golden crust, cook them over medium heat, and five minutes before they are ready, turn up the heat to high. Your pies will be golden brown.
  • The filling for pies with rice and eggs will be tastier and denser if you add softened butter to it, which will also help prevent the filling from leaking out of the pies.
  • Do not immediately place the formed pies in the oven or frying pan, but let them rise a little along with the filling.

What do you eat with rice and egg pies?

This is a dish that we all have loved since childhood. They can be prepared as breakfast or dinner, and also serve for lunch along with first courses instead of bread. It’s very tasty to eat these pies, washed down with meat broth from a cup.

Sift the flour. Dissolve yeast in warm milk.

Pour half the flour into a deep bowl, pour in the yeast and milk, stir thoroughly and place in a warm place for 1 hour. When the dough has doubled in volume, beat in the yolks and season to taste with salt and sugar, mix thoroughly.
Soften the butter and add to the dough along with the remaining flour. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead until it comes off easily from your hands. Return to the pan, cover and place in a warm place for another 1.5–2 hours.

Rinse the rice in several waters and cook until done according to the instructions on the package.

Wash the onion and chop finely. Peel and chop the eggs. Mix rice with eggs and onions, salt and pepper to taste.

On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out circles from it.

Place 1 tbsp on each circle. l. filling and pinch the edges. Place the pies on a greased baking sheet at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, brush the tops with a lightly beaten egg. Let rise for 15 minutes. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.

Pies with rice and egg

5 (100%) 2 votes

Has it ever happened to you that you wake up in the morning with the desire to bake a mountain of pies, but without the desire to make different fillings? I have an excellent solution for this case - pies with rice and eggs in the oven, a step-by-step recipe with photos will be useful for those who do not yet have much culinary experience. I make the yeast dough using a straight method, and for the filling I cook rice and eggs. Then I add oil and green onions with dill to one part, and a spoonful of mayonnaise and spices to the other. A small touch, but the pies taste completely different.

This is a basic recipe for pies with rice and eggs made from simple yeast dough without long proofing. The pies are very successful, fluffy, remain soft and fresh for a long time.


To make rice and egg pies you will need:

  • warm milk – 1 glass;
  • fresh pressed yeast – 20g;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 1 tsp
  • wheat flour – 800-850 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs;
  • sunflower oil – 5 tbsp. l.
  • rice (dry cereal) – 1 cup;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • green onions - half a bunch;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l (optional);
  • black pepper or other spices - to taste.

In addition, 1 yolk and sesame seeds for coating/sprinkling.

How to cook rice and egg pies in the oven. Recipe

I cut off the required amount of yeast, this is a fifth of a 100 gram packet or a little less than half of a 50 gram packet. I add salt and a spoonful of sugar.

I grind until I get a thin paste. This method eliminates the need to wait for everything to dissolve or knead lumps.

I pour in milk that has been heated a little warmer than room temperature. About 30 degrees. I leave it for ten minutes for the yeast to “wake up” and start working.

I sift the flour, but not all at once. For the first addition, two-thirds of the required amount will be enough. I add the rest during the kneading process.

Beat the eggs with a whisk until bubbles appear. Pour into bowl with flour mixture.

Stir lightly to moisten all the flour. I add sunflower oil and take refined oil, which I usually use in cooking.

I sift the flour onto a board and push most of it to the side. I spread a little thin layer, spread the dough and start kneading. I fold the edges towards the middle, as if assembling a bun, then roll it with my palm away from me. I pull it up and wrap it again, kneading it. During the kneading process, the dough becomes soft and stops sticking.

Flour is gradually mixed in and a neat round bun is obtained from a loose, shapeless lump. Knead for 10-12 minutes until smooth.

I transfer it to a greased bowl; I select the volume of the bowl so that the dough has room to grow. I cover it with film and put it in a warm place. The best place for proofing is in a preheated oven. How I do it: heat it to 40-45 degrees, turn off the heat. Place the bowl of dough on the grill on the middle tier. The heat holds well and the dough rises faster than if left at room temperature. After some time, the oven will cool down; you need to reheat it without removing the dishes. We brought it to 40 degrees and turned it off. The dough will rise in the oven for 1-1.5 hours. I got it in an hour.

I'm preparing the filling for the pies. I take the most ordinary rice; here it is sold under the general name “round”. I wash the rice grains several times. I fill it with cold water (1.5 cups), throw in a little salt. From the start of boiling, cook covered over low heat for 20 minutes or until the rice is soft. During cooking, the rice grains will steam and the water will be absorbed. I cool it a little.

I divide it approximately in half. In one part I add butter, dill and black pepper. In another, mayonnaise and spices to taste.

I boil the eggs hard, cut them into cubes, not very finely. I add half along with green onions to one bowl, half to another, where there is rice with mayonnaise. I stir it, taste it – the filling should be a little too salty, if you don’t add enough salt, it will be bland.

While I was filling, the dough rose and increased three to four times in size. Now it is ready for cutting.

I make small pies with rice and eggs; I divide the dough into 40 gram pieces. If you like larger pies, make 50-60 g balls. I cover each piece with a slightly bent palm and roll it into a ball.

I cover it with film or cover it with a towel. The pieces should stand for about ten minutes to fluff up a little, become softer and more elastic.

I knead it with my fingers into a thin circle, 0.5 cm thick or so. I add a spoonful of filling.

Lifting the edges, I connect them over the filling in the center of the future pie. The edges are still free. I press firmly so that the seam does not come apart. Then I correct the filling if it has spilled out and pinch it on one side, moving towards the middle, then the same on the other. The comb (or seam) will be dense and high.

I turn the seam up a little, as if pinching it, turn the pies over and transfer them to a baking sheet. The surface must be covered with baking paper or greased with oil. I leave a distance between the pieces - the pies will grow well in the oven.

After 15 minutes, I grease the pies with whipped yolk (add a spoonful of water) and sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can do without the sprinkles or use flaxseeds.

I turn on the oven while the pies are proofing and heat it up to 200 degrees. Place the baking sheet on the middle tier and bake for 15-17 minutes. This time is enough for the pies to brown evenly.

I transfer the hot pies to a wire rack or board, let the heat escape and then cover with a towel. Very quickly the crust of the pies will soften, they will become tender and soft.

Despite the simple filling, pies with rice and egg in the oven turn out very tasty. In winter, I replace green onions with fried onions - it’s also good, I just add a little more pepper. With tea or instead of bread with broth, chicken soup - that's what you need. So the recipe for rice and egg pies can be taken as a basis and adjusted to suit your products and tastes. Happy baking everyone and bon appetit! Your Plyushkin.

Pies... Your soul immediately feels warm, because it’s delicious, cozy, soft, tender... The list can be endless. In general, I think no one will refuse the pies. They will always come to the table and to the soul)))

Today we are preparing yeast pies with rice, green onions and eggs in the oven. The pies turn out very soft, tender, and of course, tasty.

To prepare them we will need the following products. First we prepare the yeast dough.

In a convenient container, mix warm kefir, sugar and salt. Pour in vegetable oil and stir.

Sift a glass of flour with dry yeast. Be sure to read the instructions on the yeast package on how to mix it correctly. My yeast is mixed with flour. Then gradually add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. You may need a little less flour to make the dough sticky and soft.

Leave the dough to rise in a warm place, covering it with film or a towel.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling. For it we will need the following products.

Wash the green onions, trim off the stems and chop finely.

Boil the rice in salted water with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, after rinsing it until the water is clear. Usually they take one measure of rice and two measures of water, that is, in a ratio of 1:2. After the water boils, cook the rice over low heat, with the lid slightly open. Once the water has boiled, the rice is ready.

Boil the eggs, peel and chop finely.

Mix green onions, boiled rice and chopped eggs. Salt, pepper and you can add your favorite spices. For juiciness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of melted butter to the filling. The filling for the pies is ready.

Meanwhile, the dough has already risen. Transfer it to a table dusted with flour.

Divide the dough into equal parts. I was making small pies, so I divided the dough into balls slightly larger than a walnut. Form even balls and leave them to proof under a towel. 15 minutes is enough.

Then flatten each bun, place the filling in the center and form a pie, carefully sealing the edges. For example, it’s more convenient for me to do this in my hand, as this way more filling fits inside.

Place the pies on a baking sheet, let them rise in a warm place, and then brush with beaten egg. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until golden brown. Monitor your oven for readiness.

Remove the baked pies from the oven, sprinkle with water, cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. After this, the oven-baked pies with rice, egg and green onions will become even softer and airier. This quantity of products yields 19-20 medium-sized pies.

Enjoy your tea!


Baked pies with rice and eggs in the oven are a universal dish. It is perfect for both a festive table and an everyday treat. Children will happily gobble them up on both cheeks, and adults will like them too. They can be used as an appetizer, a snack or an independent dish, since they can be served with cold tea, with kefir or hot milk, some people like to dip pies with rice and eggs in sour cream, and others, thanks to the unsweetened filling, will want to eat them instead of plain bread and broth.

Pies with eggs and rice are baked in the oven, because this is the simplest and most affordable way to prepare yeast baked goods. In one sitting you can get a very decent amount of baked goods out of the oven. But for sure, no matter how much you cook, your household will demand more, because pies with savory filling turn out tasty, filling and look very appetizing.
As for the dough for pies with rice, in the step-by-step photo recipe this is choux yeast dough in boiling water, prepared with dry yeast. Of course, most housewives have their own secrets and methods for kneading yeast dough for baked pies; we suggest you knead it in water using margarine and vegetable oil. A spoonful of mayonnaise will add airiness to the dough, and this dough recipe does not involve the use of eggs.

Like all baked goods, the rice and egg pies will need to be brushed with egg during baking to give them a nice color.

yeast pies with rice and egg photo recipe


  • 1.5 cups (or a little more) already cooked and cooled boiled rice;
  • 5 boiled eggs;
  • add salt, black pepper, and fresh herbs to taste (green onions are best).

For soft and tasty yeast dough:

  • 600 g sifted flour;
  • 6 g instant yeast (usually half a package of dry yeast, which is sold at any grocery store);
  • 300 ml boiled hot water;
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 5 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. margarine;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • salt to taste, but usually about 1 tbsp is needed.

Cooking process:

The pie dough for this recipe prepares very quickly, so you will need to knead it carefully, but without pauses. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients except flour, yeast and water. Try to bring the mass to homogeneity as quickly as possible. Then hot water is poured into this cream, 2 cups of flour are carefully poured in and yeast is poured on top. You need to add the ingredients in exactly this order, otherwise the dough will not rise. Start the second stage of mixing after adding water, flour and yeast in layers.

When the dough is elastic enough, cover it with a towel or napkin and leave it in a warm place.

At the stage of preparing rice for the filling, you do not need to salt it or add any spices; it is best to cook it in plain water. Finely chopped eggs and, if desired, green onions are added to the boiled rice. These three points will be enough to prepare the filling for the pies. All you need to do is simply mix the indicated products, add salt and your favorite spices.

After a couple of hours, when the dough has increased, you will need to knead it a little with your hands and leave it for the second stage of “rest” in a warm place. When the dough has risen a second time, you should start making pies.

For convenience, all the dough can be immediately divided into small lumps, which are rolled out not too thin into a flat cake.

You can prepare an open or closed version of pies with rice and egg. For a closed form, a spoonful of filling is immediately added to the rolled out dough, after which the edges must be pinched with your fingers.

And for open pies such as pies, two cuts are made on both sides of the filling in the flatbread.

The opposite sides are closed with an overlap (one slot is under the other, forming a “bag” in which the filling is visible.

Open sections must be carefully molded by hand to ensure the perfect shape.

The pies do not immediately go into the oven, they must lie on a baking sheet for a while (at least 15-20 minutes), after which they are brushed with egg and baked at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. The oven must be preheated in advance.

The first baking sheet came out with open pies, in the form of pies with rice.

On the second sheet are baked pies with eggs and rice in a classic shape.

Bon appetit!
