The perfect breakfast: seven simple recipes. Different cereals - different benefits

Every graduate who is interested in preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies will be faced with the task of writing an essay. From several proposed quotes, the student must choose one thesis and write an essay. There will be some changes to this final challenge in 2018. Now you can get a maximum of 6 primary points for a correctly completed essay (before 2018, the maximum you could get was 5 primary points). The word “problem” (which is raised by the author) has been replaced by the word “idea”. But this is completely unprincipled. The main thing is that the value of the essay has increased, which means you need to double your efforts to get the maximum score.

So, the value of the mini-essay has increased, so you need to take the most significant task of the exam seriously. First, you should study the criteria for assessing essays in social studies in 2018.

  1. The main criterion: revealing the meaning of the statement. It is necessary to correctly identify the idea put forward by the author and (or) put forward a thesis on the topic, which will be substantiated with the help of arguments. If there are 0 points for this item, the entire work is not counted.
  2. Lack of theoretical justification for your point of view. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the concepts given in the quotation, using theory (definitions and statements from textbooks), reasoning (cause-and-effect justification for what you think about this) and conclusions (your opinion, supported by arguments). If there is no theoretical content, the result is 0.
  3. New criterion! Factual error: if (from the point of view of the science of social science) you presented an erroneous position, made an incorrect conclusion, illogical reasoning, mixed up a term, etc., then you face 0.
  4. Thematic incompatibility of an example or fact with the topic, conclusion and reasoning. Only those arguments that correspond to the stated topic will be counted. Incorrectly displayed and incomplete statements will also not be counted. You can get as much as 2 points for this point if both examples are correct. Facts must be formulated in detail and accurately, because a mistake can cost you the loss of points. Examples can be given from personal experience, other subjects (fiction, history, geography), the media (from magazines, newspapers, television and radio programs).

Essay plan

In order to write an essay for the maximum score according to the above criteria, first of all, you need to strictly adhere to the format or structure of the essay. So, the essay plan for the Unified State Exam in social studies is as follows:

  • Identification of the problem and its interpretation.
  • Agree or disagree with the author’s position (explain why)
  • Argumentation of one's own position.
  • Conclusion

We will examine each of these points in detail in the next paragraph.

Structure and writing algorithm

Problem Identification

When identifying a problem, the graduate should, first of all, comprehend the thesis proposed by the author and highlight some problem (idea) in it. More often than not, quotes include a variety of issues and their interpretations. It is better for the student to stop at one and consider it in detail, following further the points of the essay structure. You can highlight several problems (ideas) contained in the thesis and reveal them, but, in my opinion, the time frame of the exam will not allow you to thoroughly reveal several ideas at once and give arguments to them. You can identify the problem using cliche phrases, for example:

  • In his statement, the author wanted to draw attention to the problem associated with...;
  • The main idea formulated by the author of the quote..., I see...;

It is important that the words “problem” and (or) “idea” are included in the essay, otherwise they may be given 0 points for their absence. In the process of explaining the problem raised by the author, it is necessary to use social scientific terms and give them definitions; include material that was included in the school curriculum of the course.

Your opinion

In the second paragraph you should write about agreement or disagreement with the author about the problem. Just saying “agree” or “disagree” is not enough. Here it is important to write the reason on which you rely. This reason may generalize the arguments that follow. The cliche phrases are obvious:

  • “I completely agree/disagree with the author’s opinion...”
  • “It’s hard to disagree with the author’s opinion...”

You can also include theory from a social studies course at this point. With its help, you will competently and reasonably explain why you adhere to your voiced opinion. Please note that it is easier to agree than to prove the opposite, so if you are not confident in yourself, do not run into ideological polemics with invisible examiners, but do your job impartially and detachedly. It is not at all necessary to express your real views on certain issues.


The next point is the most complex and voluminous part of the essay. Making suitable arguments is often difficult. It is necessary to give at least 2 arguments that CLEARLY illustrate this problem. The main thing at this point is specificity. Examples containing “a lot of water” will be scored 0 points. Your arguments can be examples from fiction and scientific literature (history, chemistry, biology and other disciplines), biographies of great people, situations from films, TV series, life and personal experience. It is important to consider that these statements should be from different sources, for example, from personal experience and fiction. You cannot get the maximum score for examples taken from one area. Let's say that even if both arguments taken from books perfectly illustrate the problem, you will not be able to get the maximum score. Each argument should have a separate paragraph. Cliché phrases:

  • “To confirm my point of view, I will give the following argument...”
  • “An argument that can confirm my point of view is...”


The last point is the conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the thoughts given above. This part is no different from what you have to write in essays on the Russian language and literature. Cliché phrases:

  • “Thus, we can conclude that...”,
  • “To summarize, I would like to note that...”

It will be enough to write 2-3 sentences in the output.

Essay example

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Many people remember those moments when laziness prevents them from getting out of bed early in the morning. At such moments you don’t even want to drink coffee. And if you have a chance to be late, then in a hurry there is no time to think about food.

Many people's day begins with a meal. Experts say morning is the best time to eat carbohydrate-rich foods. Therefore, in the morning it is better to eat foods that contain complex compounds. These include porridge, bread or muesli. Complex carbohydrates will keep you full for a long time. Food containing this during breakfast should be consumed. But doctors don’t recommend eating it for dinner. Simple carbohydrates include sweets.

Nutrients entering a living organism are absorbed to ensure its performance. If you eat half or more than 50% of your daily caloric intake, then you will not gain extra pounds, because these kilocalories are burned until the evening. If you eat sweets in the evening, the consequences will be the opposite.

If you have the wrong breakfast, you will end up hungry in a short time. To regain strength, you will need to eat more than you should during lunch. Small portions (5-6 meals) are one of the principles of proper nutrition.

Your mood, well-being and ability to function throughout the day depend on how satisfied you are with food in the morning.

Healthy foods include porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat and others), yoghurt, sandwiches, croutons, egg and cottage cheese dishes. Having eaten this kind of food in the morning, you will fill your body with energy.

Every country has its own ideas for breakfast. What do people in different countries eat in the morning? Now let's talk about this in more detail.


Since ancient times, the Japanese have had miso soup as their first breakfast dish. In this country, they also eat raw eggs and vegetables, rice, and baked fish in the morning. The Japanese believe that eating this food for breakfast will keep them full for a long time.


In China, noodles and rice are revered. The first meal of the day in this country is an important and substantial event. Also for breakfast in China they can serve soup and rice flour pies, which are a bit like manti. But they are boiled, not baked.


It is not easy to go hungry in this country because there is a lot of fruit. For breakfast, Indians eat rice and flatbread.


In Turkey, it is customary to have a healthy breakfast. It could be vegetables, cheese. The most important attribute of breakfast in Turkey is honey. It is eaten with bread or simply with tea. Despite the fact that Turks are coffee fans, they still like to drink strong and hot tea in the morning.


In this country, preference in food is given to dairy products. This means that meat is excluded. And yet in Israel they also serve baked goods for breakfast.


For breakfast, Egyptians eat filyafili and ful medames. Tehin sauce is served with these dishes, and during meals you can dip bread, etc. in it. In the morning, Egyptians also drink hibiscus tea.


Morocco is a citrus supplying country. Contrary to this, breakfast here does not include oranges and tangerines. In the morning in this country they eat pastries, honey, cheeses and almonds. Breakfast is washed down with juice, tea and coffee. In Morocco, residents often eat out in the morning.


The morning meal in Italy is much more modest than lunch and dinner. For breakfast, Italians eat a bun and drink coffee, very rarely adding a slice of cheese.


Just like in Italy, the French have a very modest breakfast. The French breakfast consists of coffee and a small bun. Traditional types of baked goods for residents of France are croissants, bagels, and sandwiches. The real appetite will come only at lunchtime.


In Belgium, the morning meal is similar to the breakfast of the inhabitants of France and Italy. Here in the first half of the day they eat marmalade, jam, and lightly toasted bread. After this, drink a cup of coffee, tea, a glass of water or juice.

Great Britain

In England, they eat heavy and fatty foods for breakfast. In truth, such food is consumed once a week, after several working days. The traditional English breakfast is a combination of oatmeal, juice, and a boiled egg.


In Sweden, they eat several types of fish, vegetables and cereals for breakfast. During your morning meal, you should definitely eat a sandwich. People in this country prefer to drink coffee for breakfast.


Fast food plays an important role in this country due to the high pace of life. Therefore, breakfast mainly consists of baked goods. If an American has time to get to work, then breakfast will be richer - muesli or toast with peanut butter.


In this country, residents prefer churros for breakfast. These are tubes of choux pastry dipped in sugar, topped with sweet chocolate topping.


The Portuguese drink milk or tea before going to work. Drinks accompany sandwiches with cheese or butter. If the Portuguese are not late for work, they can happily treat themselves to sweet pastries.


In Germany, breakfast consists of pastries, coffee, and ham. Recently they have become more popular. In addition, some people began to eat more cheeses, while others began to eat more fruits.


In Korea, breakfast is no different from lunch and dinner. Koreans usually eat rice, ramen and kimchi in the morning.


Residents of this country are accustomed to having breakfast very early, as soon as it begins to get light outside. Mexicans have two breakfasts. The first one is considered something hot). The second breakfast is somewhat more filling (fruits, dishes with eggs, various pastries, etc.).

Breakfast ideas are different, but still in every country people honor their dishes.

What is the best breakfast? The most common choice for many people is scrambled eggs. Some will say that the best breakfast is an omelette or porridge. Some people don’t eat at all in the morning. Still, from the point of view of the compatibility of some indicators, scrambled eggs are the best breakfast. This is a simple dish that can be prepared quickly and easily. Therefore, due to the lack of free time in the morning, it is easier to make scrambled eggs.

As you know, oatmeal is very beneficial for the body. It contains potassium, phosphorus and other elements. If you eat oatmeal in the morning, you can prevent stomach and intestinal problems.

Oatmeal prevents gastritis and the development of stomach ulcers. In addition, this porridge supports the immune system. Cholesterol and fat are not found in oatmeal. This means that in any case it is important and beneficial for the body. Despite this, this dish has disadvantages. which is contained in oatmeal, flushes calcium from the body - a chemical element that is very beneficial for bones.

Well, the expression “Oatmeal, sir!” appears in the Sherlock Holmes film. It became winged.

Menu for athletes

The breakfast menu is especially important for a person if he is involved in sports. While working hard in training, the athlete feels tired, and therefore it is necessary to correctly distribute the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In the morning, athletes eat different foods. For example, oatmeal, honey, banana and rice are good. This combination of products will keep you full for a long time.

Buckwheat, berries, banana and fish - you will also definitely like the combination of these dishes.

As you can see, the breakfast menu for athletes is quite varied. Everyone will choose something for themselves!

Curd mass in the morning

Is there any benefit to eating cottage cheese in the morning? What do you think? In fact, the body often lacks protein. Having breakfast with cottage cheese, you make your day light and rich. Another advantage is that cottage cheese goes well with various fruits and dairy products.

Is it possible to lose weight with cottage cheese? You can if you eat a low-fat product. This will reduce the daily caloric content of food consumed.
If you mainly eat only salty dishes, then you can add herbs, salt, and pepper to low-fat cottage cheese.

Different cereals - different benefits

It has long been known that everyone has their own benefits. So, oatmeal is a cereal that is eaten during a diet.

People prefer semolina porridge because it is quickly and easily digested. Buckwheat porridge is rich in some elements that are important for the body. These are iron, potassium, magnesium.

Pearl barley porridge contains B vitamins, minerals, and protein. Barley porridge improves digestion and helps reduce weight. Despite the fact that rice is high in calories, it is still consumed as it is rich in vitamins B and E.

Millet porridge contains protein and is easily digestible. Corn contains many elements that are beneficial for the body. There are also “quick porridges”. They are prepared in a short period of time. After processing, there is almost no fiber left in such a dish. Such porridge becomes tasteless, so powdered milk, sugar, etc. are added to it. But since this food does not contain fiber, it is easily digestible, and a person will want to eat again after a short period of time.

In order to make the porridge tastier, you can add fruits, berries, and honey to it.

Time for breakfast

As a rule, people eat their first meal of the day from 06:00 to 08:00. This time is the best time for breakfast. Remember that you need to eat in the morning to provide your body with energy for the whole day. Of course, you have already become hungry during the time allotted for sleep. Moreover, if you skip your morning meal, it will have a bad effect on your health.

Thus, breakfast time from 5 to 9 am is optimal. And now more about the dishes that we recommend preparing for your large family.

We recommend preparing a kind of scrambled eggs with the addition of spinach. Take 3 egg whites, mix with half a glass of already defrosted spinach, add salt and spices to taste. Cook this dish in the microwave for 2-5 minutes.

For drinks, be sure to try making a milkshake with fruit. We choose any berries or cut up fruits. Mix 1 cup of berries or fruits with 2 cups of skim milk, add 100 grams of vanilla pudding and the same amount of crushed ice. The energy cocktail will be useful for you, try it!

We recommend that you try making a wonderful casserole using cottage cheese. Mix 2 packs of cottage cheese, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, 2 chicken eggs and 1.5 tablespoons of semolina. Stir until smooth. Bake the dish for 10 minutes in the oven. After baking, we recommend that you do not remove the dish from the oven for the same 10 minutes.

The breakfast ideas above are sure to please. Try cooking one of the dishes to surprise your family or significant other!

Breakfast with the whole family

Sunday breakfast is an important meal for the whole family. It is very filling and will provide everyone with daily energy. On your day off, you can do something special to please your loved ones. Prepare a Moroccan, Japanese or British breakfast for them, and a week later offer the next set of traditional dishes, but from a different country. Your loved ones will appreciate this care.

Problem situation Early sunny Sunday morning. Today we are going to go to the park. This is a real holiday! A holiday also requires a festive breakfast. I decided to make it a surprise and make a family Sunday breakfast. You can order food from a cafe or restaurant, but there is no guarantee that healthy and fresh products will be used. It’s better to cook it yourself and surprise everyone.

Research 1. What foods are necessary for human nutrition? Fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, cheeses, etc. 2. How many people will be present at breakfast? 6 people. 3. What products are best for breakfast? From light and low-calorie foods. 4. What foods do our family love most? Fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses. 5. Who can help me with my work? I decided to prepare a surprise and so the Internet and my mother’s old recipe book will help me. 7. What can I cook? I will put forward an idea and choose the best one.

Selecting the best idea To select the best idea, I interviewed 8 people and compiled a table. Conclusion: I will prepare sandwiches and tea because they scored more points. Dishes Ratings Total points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Salad - + + + + - + + 6 Sandwich + + + + + + + + 8 Scrambled eggs + + + + + + + - 7 Coffee - + - - + + - + 4 Juice + + + + - + + + 7 Tea + + + + + + + + 8

What sandwiches should I make? Conclusion: in order not to get your hands dirty while eating, it is advisable to prepare closed sandwiches.

Choosing the right products Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Loaf Loaf Loaf Loaf Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Tomato Mayonnaise Cheese Cheese Cheese Cucumber Sausage Crab sticks Sausage Tomato Conclusion: I will cook according to the third recipe because it does not contain mayonnaise, which is undesirable to eat for breakfast .

Selection of additional products - for decoration Parsley

Calculation of products and monetary costs for a family breakfast Dish Product Quantity per person Price Sandwich Loaf 2 slices 4 rub. Tomato 2 slices 5 rub. Sausage 50 g 10 rub. Cheese 25 g 15 rub. Parsley 2 g 2 rub. Tea Infuser 2.5 g 5 rub. Sugar 10 g 0.3 rub. Total: 41.3 rub. Conclusion: To purchase products to prepare breakfast for 6 people, you need 247.8 rubles.

Sandwich preparation technology 1. Take a loaf, cut two 1 cm slices from it. 2. Take a washed tomato, cut 2 circles from it and put one on a slice of bread. 3. Take the sausage, cut a piece from it and place it on the tomato. 4. Take the cheese, cut one slice from it and put it on the sausage. 5. Take a tomato slice and place it on the cheese. 6. Cover everything with a second slice of bread and garnish with a sprig of parsley.

Requirements for the quality of ready-made sandwiches Let's see if our sandwich meets all the requirements: 1. The sandwich must be prepared immediately before serving. 2. The products included in the sandwich must be fresh. 3. A slice of bread should be 1-1.5 cm thick. 4. The taste, color and smell of the sandwich should be pleasant - because fresh products were used. Everything is fine, which means you can prepare a few more sandwiches and serve them.

Technology for brewing tea 1. Rinse the teapot with boiling water 2. Pour the tea leaves into it (at the rate of one teaspoon of tea per one cup of drink) 3. Pour boiling water over one third of the teapot 4. Let it brew under a special heating pad for 7-8 minutes 5. Top up the teapot boiling water 6. Pour tea into cups.

Evaluation and self-esteem Experts Evaluation (self-esteem) Me “I did a great job: the sandwiches turned out very tasty and the hot tea was very welcome.” Mom “Everything was very tasty, but I especially liked the sandwiches. The tomatoes soaked the bread and it became very soft and tasty. I’ll definitely take note!” Dad “Everything is very tasty and the sandwiches don’t get your hands dirty, it’s very convenient.” Sister “The sandwiches are very tasty and the sweet tea too. I will ask you to prepare this breakfast for me every day!” Brother “Very tasty!”

After all, even ordinary and boring oatmeal can be prepared in such a way that breakfast turns into a real holiday. You say: “Time! In the morning there is sorely not enough of it for a banal sandwich.” We offer you seven simple but very tasty breakfast recipes for the week. You will spend a minimum of time preparing them, given that most can be prepared in the evening without haste or fuss.

Monday. Banana oat pancakes

This recipe is a real find for those who care about health and value their time. Ten minutes - and a portion of tender, airy pancakes is on your table. There is no sugar in the recipe at all, and in terms of protein content, these pancakes can compete with omelet or scrambled eggs.

(for 5 large or 10 small pancakes)
35 g oat flakes
1 medium banana
1 large egg
cinnamon, vanilla, pinch of salt - to taste
vegetable oil - for greasing the mold

How to cook:
1. Place all ingredients in a blender.
2. Beat for 1 minute until smooth.
3. Bake in a heated Teflon pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil.
4. Serve with honey, maple syrup, natural yogurt or cottage cheese.

Thursday. Frittata


How about something sunny in Italian? An excellent breakfast option would be the closest relative of the omelet - a delicious frittata of eggs, champignons, spinach and juicy cherry tomatoes, covered with a golden-brown cheese crust and served on a hot frying pan. Buon appetito!

150 g champignons
6-8 cherry tomatoes
6 large chicken eggs
sprig of fresh thyme
bunch of baby spinach leaves
100 g feta cheese or cow's milk cheese
35 g Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp. butter
salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
2. Heat the butter in a frying pan suitable for baking in the oven.
3. Fry the sliced ​​champignons over high heat until golden brown.
4. Add cherry tomatoes and simmer for a couple more minutes, stirring constantly.
5. Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk with a fork. Add finely chopped thyme, salt and pepper. Don't get carried away with salt, cheese is salty in itself.
6. Reduce heat to medium.
7. Add spinach to the mushrooms and tomatoes, stir. Then pour in the eggs and cook for a couple of minutes. The edges of the frittata should be slightly set.
8. Meanwhile, crumble the feta with your hands or cut into small cubes. Grate Parmesan.
9. Sprinkle the frittata with feta and Parmesan and place the pan in the oven for 8 minutes.
10. Serve hot.

Sunday. Mini curd casseroles with banana

cottage cheese casseroles

These miniature cheesecake casseroles have an intense banana flavor and a creamy texture that will make even the most decadent cheesecake jealous. An excellent choice for a light and healthy breakfast on a weekend when you can spare yourself a little more than fifteen minutes.

(for 2 servings)
1 tbsp. walnuts or almonds
1/4 cup oatmeal
2 tbsp. applesauce
half a large ripe banana
200 g pasty cottage cheese (1-9%)
1 tbsp. honey
1/2 tsp. corn starch
1/2 tsp. natural vanilla extract
butter - for greasing the molds

How to cook:
1. Heat the oven to 150°C.
2. Prepare baking dishes by greasing them with butter.
3. Finely chop the nuts and mix with oatmeal and applesauce.
4. Place the resulting mixture on the bottom of the molds and place in the oven for 8 minutes. Cool in the pan.
5. Mash the banana and mix with cottage cheese, honey, starch and vanilla extract until smooth.
6. Place the mixture into molds on top of the cooled base and bake for 18-22 minutes at 150°C. Do not allow the top to brown!
7. Cool in the pan at room temperature, then remove, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least an hour.
8. Serve with fresh berries and fruits.

Wednesday. Chocolate pudding with avocado

Avocado pudding

As you know, chocolate lifts your mood. This savory pudding has an incredibly velvety texture and deep, rich flavor, with a range of monounsaturated fats, highly digestible protein and no refined sugar.

(for 2 servings)
1 ripe avocado
1 medium ripe banana
3 tbsp. cocoa powder
1-2 tbsp. honey or maple syrup
4 tbsp thick natural yogurt
2 tbsp. ricotta or cottage cheese 9%
1 tsp natural vanilla extract
a small pinch of salt

How to cook:
(all ingredients must be cold!)
1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth for a minute.
2. Place in bowls or glasses, decorate and serve immediately, garnishing with fresh berries if desired. We recommend supplementing the serving with natural yoghurt.

Tuesday. Mini baguette sandwich with ham and cheese


Do you feel like this banal sandwich doesn’t deserve your attention? We advise you not to rush to conclusions, but try to make our sandwich with a secret. Homemade tart apple mustard will transform even the most ordinary combination of ham, cheese and white bread.


Apple mustard:
3 tbsp. white wine vinegar
3 clove buds
1 tsp cinnamon
3 black peppercorns
2 tbsp. Sahara
1 tsp salt
250 g applesauce
3 tbsp. mustard powder

(for 2 servings)
2 mini baguettes
6 slices smoked ham
4 thin slices Swiss cheese
4 tsp apple mustard

How to cook:
1. For apple mustard, bring vinegar with cloves, cinnamon and black pepper to a boil, add salt, sugar and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
2. Mix applesauce with dry mustard so that there are no lumps. Pour in vinegar with spices. To stir thoroughly.
3. For sandwiches, preheat the oven to 220°C.
4. Cut the baguettes lengthwise.
5. Spread 2 tsp on the bottom of each sandwich. apple mustard, top with cheese and ham.
6. Cover with the top of the baguette and place in the oven for a couple of minutes until the cheese begins to melt. Serve immediately!
7. Transfer the apple mustard to a small jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Friday. Oatmeal with plum and cinnamon

The original duet of sour plum and spicy cinnamon turns ordinary oatmeal into a gourmet breakfast. Brown sugar melts deliciously, forming a caramel cap. Add a little fresh cream for a richer taste.

(for 1 serving)
1/2 cup large rolled oats
1 1/4 cups water or milk
4-5 small plums
2 tsp brown sugar
1-2 tsp. flaxseeds - optional
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp. natural vanilla extract
a pinch of salt

How to cook:
1. Bring water or milk to a boil, add oatmeal, diced plums and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon.
2. Cook over low heat, stirring, for 8 minutes.
3. Remove from heat, add vanilla extract, 1 tsp. brown sugar, salt, flaxseeds and mix.
4. Cover with a lid and let sit for 3 minutes.
5. Place the hot porridge on a plate, sprinkle with the remaining cinnamon and 1 tsp. brown sugar.
6. Serve with fresh fruit, yogurt, nuts and honey if desired.

Saturday. Apple filled with ricotta, chocolate and ginger

A crispy juicy apple with a delicate filling of ricotta, dark chocolate, honey and fresh ginger will be an excellent alternative to boring morning sandwiches with coffee.

(for 2 servings)
2 Pink Lady apples, Braeburn
250 g ricotta
1 cm ginger root
50 g dark chocolate
2 tsp honey
2 tsp lemon juice

How to cook:
1. Cut the apples in half, remove the pulp, leaving about 1 cm from the peel.
2. Finely chop the pulp and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the apples from darkening.
3. Grate the ginger root, mix with ricotta, honey and grated chocolate (you must leave 1 tablespoon of grated chocolate for decoration). Carefully combine the resulting mixture with the apple pulp.
4. Stuff the peeled halves with filling, sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve.

These breakfasts look like you got up early to prepare them. But in reality, you will need 15 minutes to pamper your family with a delicious and beautiful breakfast.
1.Buns with a secret
The best thing about this recipe is that there are no dirty dishes! The most you have to wash is the knife.
Preparation: Cut off the tops of the buns and scoop out the pulp. Place ham or bacon on the bottom. Break one egg into each bun (the yolk can be left whole, or you can stir it). Add herbs and spices, sprinkle with cheese and wrap in foil. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time is 10-15 minutes, depending on the degree of readiness of the eggs.
2. French toast sticks
This is how you can have breakfast in a cafe in Montmartre. Or you can do it in your kitchen, licking your fingers. Ingredients:
8 slices toast bread 4 eggs 1/2 cup cream or milk 2 tsp. cinnamon vanilla 1 tbsp. sugar 2 tbsp. butter
Preparation: Cut the bread into oblong slices. Beat eggs with cream/milk, add sugar, vanillin and cinnamon. Next you need to soak the bread well in the egg mixture. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the bread on all sides until golden brown. Serve with syrup, honey or jam.
3. Omelet in a cup in two minutes
Everything ingenious is simple.

Preparation: Grease a cup with vegetable oil. Break 2-3 eggs into it and beat with a fork. Add finely chopped ham, bacon or sausage, 1 tbsp. grated cheese, salt and pepper. You can also add finely chopped peeled tomato. Whisk everything together. Microwave on high for one minute. Remove and stir well. Microwave for an additional 45-60 seconds until desired doneness.
4. Enchilada
A dish with a mysterious southern name, these are traditional Mexican tortilla rolls. They can be completely replaced by lavash. It will take you less than 15 minutes to prepare, but it will take a little longer to bake.

150 gr. ham, cut into cubes 1 bell pepper, cut into cubes finely chopped greens 200 gr. grated cheese 10 round tortillas or pita breads 6 eggs 1 cup cream or milk 1 tbsp. l. flour 1 tsp. salt
Preparation: First mix the filling: ham, pepper, herbs and half the cheese. Place the filling on tortillas or pita bread and wrap with rolls. Place them in a greased baking dish. Prepare the filling: beat eggs with milk or cream, add flour and salt. Pour in the enchiladas, cover the pan with foil and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. Remove the foil, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake for another 10 minutes to melt the cheese.
5. Fried eggs in pepper
Simple, fast and beautiful

Preparation: Cut the bell pepper into rings. Fry in oil for a couple of minutes, then crack an egg into each ring. You can lightly press the pepper into the pan so that the egg has time to set and does not leak out. Salt and add spices to taste. To add variety to this simple dish, you can add herbs, ham or tomato slices to the eggs.
6. Pancakes with fruit rings
There's a fruity surprise hidden inside the fluffy, beautiful pancakes.
1 egg 1 tbsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 cup kefir 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. soda 1.5 cups flour fruits - apple, pear, canned pineapple rings.
Preparation: for the dough, beat the egg with a whisk, add sugar, kefir, salt. You can add vanilla or cinnamon and take more sugar if you are cooking for those with a sweet tooth. Add soda and flour, stir until smooth. You will get a dough similar in thickness to sour cream. Remove the core from apples or pears and cut them into rings about half a centimeter thick. Dip the fruit into the dough and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.
7. Yogurt ice cream.
Ice cream for breakfast is a childhood dream! You can make it healthy by using yogurt and fruits. It will take you a minimum of time to prepare, but you will have to wait a little for the yogurt to cool.
Preparation: Wash and cut your favorite fruits and berries. If you are using regular yoghurt, you can add a little sugar or fruit jam to it. Fill waffle cups, alternating between fruit and yogurt. You can sprinkle nuts on top. Now put the cups in the freezer for an hour - you don’t need to freeze them, but just cool them. A little patience - and your dream breakfast is ready!
8. Mini bread quiche
Make a quiche pie for breakfast - why not? There is no need to stir the dough. 10 minutes to assemble everything, 15 minutes to bake - perfect!
50 gr. chopped bacon or ham 1/4 finely chopped onion 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 6 slices bread for toast 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/3 cup grated cheese 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped herbs salt and pepper
Preparation: heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and bacon for two minutes. You need to cut out circles from the bread (or just cut off the crust). Roll it out with a rolling pin to make it flatter. Grease cake pans with vegetable oil and place bread in them. It needs to be pressed so that it takes the desired shape. Place the bread in the oven at 180 degrees for three minutes - this is necessary so that it dries slightly and does not soften when we pour the egg mixture into it.
Beat eggs with milk, herbs, salt and pepper. In each ramekin, place bacon and onions, grated cheese and pour 2.5 tablespoons of egg mixture on top. Bake at 180 degrees for 12-15 minutes until the top is golden.
9. Cheese croutons with egg
A similar recipe, only even faster and easier. Preparation: Take the toast bread and use a spoon to make a depression in the slice so that only the crust protrudes. Break one egg into the hole. Grease the raised sides with butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Season with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Ready!
10. Three Ingredient Banana Cookies
Three ingredients, 15 minutes - and you're in banana heaven. Plus, it won't harm your health!
Preparation: Mash the bananas with a fork. It is better to use ripe, darkened bananas - they are sweeter. Add quick oatmeal (the proportion is a glass of oatmeal for two bananas). Mix everything well. Now add chocolate chips, nuts, raisins or cinnamon - whatever you like best. With wet hands, make small cakes from the mixture, place them on a greased (this is a very important part) baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Enjoy your breakfast and have a nice day!
