How and what mushrooms can be salted. How to pickle mushrooms at home? What mushrooms can be salted? Salt the mushrooms cold. Mixed mushroom pickling

Step 1. Prepare the dishes for pickling.

To pickle mushrooms, it is better to choose a wooden tub, enamel pan or glass jar. Wash the selected dishes thoroughly in water. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Step 2. Prepare the mushrooms.

Thoroughly clean the mushrooms (boletus, aspen, moss mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, nigella, valui, champignons) from the soil, rinse, and place in an enamel pan.

Step 3. Cook the mushrooms.

Pour water into a saucepan with mushrooms, put on fire and lightly salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam. Russulas are boiled 5 -6 minutes; milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, white mushrooms and serushkas - 8 - 10 minutes; porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, fly mushrooms, butter mushrooms and champignons - 10-15 minutes; honey mushrooms, chanterelles, valui, rubellas and other mushrooms containing bitterness - 25-30 minutes. Then drain the water in which they were boiled, and rinse the mushrooms in cold water, placing them in a colander to drain.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients.

Mushrooms prepared in this way should be placed in dishes (tubs, jars, pans) and salted at the rate 45-60 grams of salt on 1 kg boiled mushrooms and cover with a wooden circle with pressure. As a seasoning, you can add garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon or dill to the mushrooms. It is better to first chop the onion into small cubes. You can either squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, or cut it into small pieces, or even throw it in whole. but this is provided that the teeth are small. I cut the garlic into pieces so that the mushrooms would be better saturated with the aroma of garlic when salted, but for the experiment I squeezed the garlic into a couple of jars using a garlic press. After all the mushrooms have been salted, they can be placed in jars and sealed with plastic lids. Mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten through six - eight days.

Step 5. Serve salted and boiled mushrooms.

Can be served as a cold appetizer, placed in a deep plate. You can season with vegetable oil and add onions, cut into rings or pieces. Bon appetit!

Previously, mushrooms were mainly salted in large wooden barrels and a method called cold salting was used. You can harvest mushrooms in this way if it is possible to collect them in the forest in sufficiently large quantities and of the same variety. Salting mushrooms in a cold way is only suitable for the following types: russula, smoothies, milk mushrooms, volushki, saffron milk caps, sow mushrooms and others with fragile lamellar pulp.

Soak the mushrooms, cleaned of debris and dust, in cold water for one or two days. At the same time, change the water to fresh water several times every day. For mushrooms with bitter flesh, use not pure water, but slightly salted and acidified water (for one liter of liquid, take 2 grams of citric acid and 10 grams of table salt). Refresh it several times a day too. Some mushrooms have a very strong bitter taste; soak them in salted water for more days. This time differs for different species:

— bitter and valui – 3-4 days;

— milk mushrooms and podgruzdi – 2-3 days;

- wavelets and whitefish - 1-2 days.

Mushrooms with neutral pulp (russula and saffron milk caps) don’t need to be soaked at all, but simply washed well under running water.

Blanching mushrooms before salting.

Instead of soaking, any mushrooms can be blanched in salted water. To do this, add 10 grams of salt to one liter of salt and boil the brine. Keep the mushrooms in the hot liquid for varying amounts of time:

- wavefish and whitefish - up to one hour;

- valui, chanterelles, podgruzdi and bitter - up to twenty minutes;

- milk mushrooms - up to six minutes.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter at home using cold pickling.

Place the mushrooms prepared by any of the methods described above in six centimeter layers in a large barrel. Cover the bottom of the barrel with dry salt and add salt to each layer as well. For every kilogram of soaked or blanched and cooled mushrooms, take salt:

- for saffron milk caps - 40 grams;

— for trumpets, russula, milk mushrooms and others – 50 grams.

Along with salt, place chopped garlic, cumin seeds, currant and cherry leaves between the mushrooms, and, if desired, fresh horseradish.

Cover the barrel filled with mushrooms with a canvas napkin and press down the pickles with pressure. Keep the mushrooms in a warm place for a couple of days so that they release their juice. After this, move the barrel to a cold basement. Salting mushrooms using a cold method is good because over time they will become denser in the barrel and the container can be filled to the top with freshly picked and soaked mushrooms.

Store barrels of mushrooms at temperatures from minus one to plus seven degrees and make sure that there is always brine above the mushrooms. If it is not enough, then add freshly prepared salt: for 1 liter of water, take 20 grams of salt.

See also video: Collecting and salting milk mushrooms

Also: Salting milk mushrooms. Part 1

Salting milk mushrooms. Part 2.

Step 1: clean the mushrooms.

First of all, the mushrooms need to be sorted, washed and peeled. For convenience, I recommend washing the mushrooms in a basin, changing the water several times, this will make it easier for stuck leaves, needles, small twigs and other forest debris to come off.
When the most difficult and time-consuming stage of pickling mushrooms has been completed, and all the caps and stems have been thoroughly washed and cleaned, cut them. Large mushrooms can be divided into several parts, for medium ones you can simply separate the cap from the stem, and small ones can be left whole.

Step 2: boil the mushrooms.

Pour some water into a saucepan (preferably enameled or with a thick bottom) and add salt. Add the mushrooms there and place everything over medium heat. Bring to a boil, and then cook for 20-25 minutes until the mushrooms are ready. The finished mushrooms will settle to the bottom.
After cooking, remove the pan with mushrooms from the heat and then cool to room temperature.

Step 3: pickle the mushrooms.

Prepare glass jars by sterilizing them in any way convenient for you.
Place some of the spices at the bottom of the prepared jars. Then a layer of mushrooms and again a layer of spices and herbs. This is necessary so that the mushrooms in the jars are evenly saturated with the aroma and taste of garlic, pepper, bay leaves, and so on. Thus, in layers, fill the glass jar up to the hangers. Then use a tablespoon to lightly press the tops of the mushrooms and drain off any excess water. Place a bay leaf at the very top, pour vegetable oil into the jars, its layer should be about 5-7 millimeters in height, and seal (but not tightly) the workpieces with lids.
Just in case, if suddenly during fermentation the juice begins to flow out over the edge, each jar should be placed in a strong plastic bag.

Step 4: serve hot salted mushrooms.

Serve hot salted mushrooms as an appetizer, placing them on a separate saucer. Let everyone take as much as they need. Of course, you can prepare various salads with salted mushrooms.
Bon appetit!

Mushrooms pickled hot for the winter should be stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Prepare mushrooms in small jars. This way they take up less space in the refrigerator and you can empty the entire jar at once.

It’s best to salt saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms and boletus according to this recipe.

Mushroom picking is a fun activity. But when going into the forest, you must follow some rules. The collected fruits must be processed immediately. They can be dried, frozen, pickled or pickled. Salting is the ideal way to preserve their quality and taste. Salted mushrooms are ideal for soups, sauces or as a separate dish. The main rule in salting is compliance with all cooking conditions, since a slight deviation from them can lead to poisoning.

What you need to know when going into the forest

To prevent a trip to the forest from being in vain, you need to know the simple rules for collecting mushrooms:

  1. 1. Collect only known specimens.
  2. 2. Place young and worm-free ones in the basket.
  3. 3. In order for the mycelium to produce a new harvest, the tubular mushrooms are twisted out, and the lamellar mushrooms are cut off with a sharp knife.
  4. 4. They do not grow in windbreaks and tall grass.
  5. 5. Place only in baskets, as they quickly deteriorate in bags, plastic or metal buckets.

Every mushroom picker knows that mushrooms are collected from spring to autumn. But autumn ones are more popular, since they can be prepared for future use: pickled, dried and salted. Pickling is an ideal way to preserve forest fruits for a long time.

Pickling rules

All edible mushrooms are suitable for pickling - both tubular and lamellar. The main thing is that these are strong young specimens without signs of a wormhole. Before salting, they are washed, and those that contain bitterness are soaked (volnushki, milk mushrooms, bitter mushrooms and valui).

There are several methods of pickling at home:

  • cold method with pre-soaking;
  • cold method without soaking;
  • hot method.

Cold method with soaking

The usual method, which is suitable for all mushrooms that contain bitterness. They are washed and cleaned of contamination. Then fill with salted water (add ½ teaspoon of salt per liter of water). To quickly get rid of bitterness, the water must be changed several times a day.

Soaking time:

  • milk mushrooms – 5 days;
  • valui – week;
  • waves - 2 days.

After soaking, the fruits are cleaned again and placed caps down in a clean container. Each layer is salted. Horseradish leaves, bay leaves, dill, currant, cherry and oak leaves, as well as pepper and cloves to taste are placed on the bottom of the container and on top.

The prepared mushrooms are covered with clean gauze, a disk and a press is installed. After a short time, a brine appears in which the mushrooms will be salted.

You don’t have to add spices and herbs to the milk mushrooms.

Cold method without soaking

The mushrooms are cleaned of soil and dirt, washed thoroughly and placed with their caps down in layers. Each layer is salted. To add flavor, you can add horseradish leaf, dill, allspice and black pepper, oak and currant leaves.

Readiness dates for some mushrooms:

  • saffron milk caps - a week;
  • milk mushrooms - month;
  • valui – 2 months;
  • waves - 40 days.

The best container for pickling is an oak barrel. After complete filling, the mushrooms are covered with clean gauze, a wooden disk and a press are installed. If the brine has not formed, it is necessary to select a larger size bend.

Hot salting

Accelerated method. Most specimens can be tasted within a few weeks. Mushrooms with bitterness are pre-boiled in salted water for about half an hour. Milk mushrooms - for 5 minutes.

Russulas, champignons and mushrooms do not need cooking; they are doused with boiling water and kept in it for about half an hour. After the preparatory stage, the mushrooms are pickled, as with the cold method.

The hot method is very popular because it does not require much time and effort.

Storing salted mushrooms

You can store workpieces only in a cool, ventilated room. The ideal temperature for storage is 6 degrees. It should not fall below the 0 mark, since at sub-zero temperatures the mushrooms crumble and lose their taste. If it is high, they sour and become unsuitable for food.

When salting, you need to monitor the brine. If it has evaporated, add boiled salted water.

If mold appears, the circle and gauze are washed and scalded with boiling water.

Salted mushrooms - proven recipes

How to pickle mushrooms depends on the variety, since each has its own characteristics and taste. To get a tasty preparation, you need to learn how to salt them correctly. For any recipe there are general recommendations:

  1. 1. It is advisable to salt only the caps.
  2. 2. It is better to salt pork, honey mushrooms and morels using the hot method.
  3. 3. To remove severe contamination, mushrooms are soaked in saline solution.
  4. 4. To lighten fruits during hot pickling, add 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  5. 5. Oak barrels are the best container for pickling; aluminum buckets are not suitable.
  6. 6. In order not to interrupt the taste of milk mushrooms, spices and herbs are not added.
  7. 7. Before closing, jars must be clean, or preferably sterilized.

To ensure that the mushrooms retain their forest aroma, you can put heather or spruce branches between the layers.

Honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are agaric mushrooms that grow in large, close families on stumps and trees.

Many mushroom pickers confuse edible and false honey mushrooms. How to distinguish them?

Autumn honey fungusAppears in August and grows until the first frost. The mushroom cap is round, copper-colored with small scales. Young specimens have a thin film under the cap. The plates are light, the stem is thin and elongated, the pulp is coffee-colored

False honey agaric
Grows in families on birch stumps. False honey fungus is similar to an edible mushroom, but has a rounded flat cap of a dirty lemon color. The plates are greenish-dirty in color. When a leg is broken, colored milky juice is released.

Hot salting method


  • honey mushrooms – 3 kilograms;
  • salt – 9 tbsp. l. ;
  • bay leaf – 7 pieces;
  • pepper, bay leaf, horseradish, currant, cherry and oak leaves - to taste;
  • onion, dill - 60 grams each.


Wash the mushrooms, separate the stems from the caps and boil for half an hour in salted water. When cooked, they begin to darken and to return the original color, you can add lemon juice to the water.

Place the mushrooms in a colander to remove the liquid. After cooling, we proceed to salting.

Place the spices in the prepared container, and then the legs and caps.

We salt each layer, cover the top one with horseradish leaves and clean gauze. We install the wooden disk and the bend.

Leave to pickle for 2-3 weeks.

Salted mushrooms in cucumber brine

Honey mushrooms cooked in brine are very aromatic and crispy.

Products for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • cucumber pickle - half a liter;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • bay leaf and dill - 1 piece each;
  • pepper, cloves - to taste.


Wash the mushrooms and place them in a saucepan. Fill with salted water (use 10 grams of salt per 1 liter). Bring to a boil, drain all the liquid and wash the mushrooms.

Place them in cold water and cook for about half an hour. Next, put it in a colander to get rid of the water.

Place spices and cooled mushrooms on the bottom of the pickling container. Sprinkle each layer with salt and fill with cucumber pickle. We put pressure on it and put it away for a week in a cool place.

After 40 days you can make the first test.

A quick way to pickle honey mushrooms

This method is simple and easy to perform.

Ingredients for 1 kg of honey mushrooms:

  • white salad onion – 1 head;
  • cumin – 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • bay leaf, dill, pepper - to taste;
  • cloves - 2 pieces;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l. without slide;
  • garlic – 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

We fill the washed honey mushrooms with water, to which cumin, bay leaves, salt and an onion wrapped in gauze have been added.

After the water boils, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for about half an hour, remembering to skim off the foam.

Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander to remove the liquid.

Place garlic, dill, pepper, cloves and bay leaf into the prepared jar. You can also add cherry and currant.

We put the honey mushrooms into jars and fill them with boiling brine up to the shoulders. Roll up the lids and leave for a week to salt.

Milk mushrooms

Milk mushroom is a favorite of many mushroom pickers. There are a considerable number of species in nature, but mushroom pickers prefer white and black ones.

White milk mushrooms belong to the first category, have a hollow stem and a funnel-shaped cap of milky white color. After salting, they are very tasty and aromatic, acquiring a bluish tint.

Black ones grow until frost. The hat is painted black and green, so in common people they are called gypsies or nigellas.

Salted black milk mushrooms

Ingredients for 1 kg of milk mushrooms:

  • refined oil;
  • water;
  • dill;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • salt – 2.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Add oil to the water and add the washed mushrooms. Boil for 7 minutes, place in a colander to remove liquid.

Transfer the mushrooms to a wide container, add dill, chopped garlic, and salt. Mix everything, cover with a towel and set up a press to obtain brine.

After 12 hours, mix again and leave under pressure for 12 hours.

Place the mushrooms in a jar, compact them, add dill and fill with brine so that they are completely covered.

Seal the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for salting. After 30 days you can make the first test.

Cold salted milk mushrooms

We take milk mushrooms into a bucket:

  • salt – 2 cups;
  • pepper and bay leaf - per package;
  • blackcurrant leaves, horseradish and dill umbrellas - to taste;
  • garlic - 1 head.

Cooking method:

The washed milk mushrooms are placed with the plates up on dill, currant and horseradish leaves. Large specimens are divided into several parts.

Each layer is salted and bay leaf, dill, chopped garlic and pepper are added. The topmost layer is covered with horseradish leaves and dill. Cover with gauze, install a disk and press to obtain brine.

After the juice appears, the mushrooms are removed for a week in a cool room. After a week, they are placed in jars, adding brine and sealing. Store in the refrigerator.

Hot salted milk mushrooms

For 1 kg of milk mushrooms you will need:

  • laurel;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • dill and currant leaves;
  • horseradish root;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Remove the stems from washed mushrooms.

Prepare brine at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. salt per liter of water. Dip the milk mushrooms into it and boil for half an hour, constantly removing the foam. After 30 minutes, drain the mushrooms into a colander and rinse under the tap.

Place spices and mushroom caps on the bottom of the prepared container. We salt each layer.

Cover the top layer with a towel and install the press. After 2 days, after the brine has formed, remove the container to a cool room. After a month you can do the first test.


Volnushka belongs to the Syroezhkov family. In young specimens the cap is convex, but with age it becomes flat with a deep depression in the center. The leg is strong and hard, pale pink in color.

When the plate is broken, abundant snow-white milky juice is released. The flesh of the mushroom is light, the taste is sharp and bitter.

Cold salting of volushki

For salting you will need:

  • wavelets - 7 kilograms;
  • salt – 200 grams;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp. ;
  • dill and caraway seeds;
  • cabbage leaf – 1-3 (across the width of the barrel).

Cooking method:

Soak clean mushrooms in salted, acidified water for 3 days, refreshing it periodically.

We lay the waves in layers with the plates facing up. Mix salt with cumin and dill. Salt each layer with this mixture. We cover the top one with cabbage leaves, install a wooden disk and place a weight.

We put the container in a cool room for several months. Before serving, the volushki must be soaked.

Cooking method:

Hot method. We separate the hats from the legs. We divide large ones into parts and wash them.

Boil water, add all the ingredients, add the mushrooms and boil for 10 minutes, remembering to remove the foam.

Transfer the cooled fruits into the prepared jars, add the garlic and close the lids tightly. A day later we make the first test. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Cold way. For 2 kg of mushrooms we take 200 grams of salt.

Place spices, salt and mushrooms in layers at the bottom of the container. We salt each layer. Cover the top one with a clean towel and apply pressure. You can taste the dish in a week.

Saffron milk caps

Ryzhiki are considered noble royal mushrooms. They grow in pine forests on sandy soil.

The mushroom cap is funnel-shaped and orange or brick-colored. The pulp is fleshy, when broken, it acquires a red and then green tint, and releases abundant bright orange milky juice.

Cold pickling of saffron milk caps

A common method of pickling, as it is easy to perform, and the preparations can be stored all winter.

For 2 kg of saffron milk caps you will need:

  • salt – 3 tbsp. l. ;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • currant leaves, allspice - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 package.

Cooking method:

We clean the saffron milk caps, wash them and dry them.

Place spices and a little salt into the prepared container. We stack the mushrooms with their caps up, salting each layer, cover them with gauze and install the press.

After 6 hours they will settle and it is recommended to add a new batch for compaction.

Ryzhiki are salted at a temperature of 20 degrees. Every third day we wash the gauze and scald it with boiling water. It is also necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are constantly in the brine.

After 2 weeks, put the mushrooms in jars, add brine and put them in the refrigerator. Cooked saffron milk caps in this way can be stored for 2 years or more.

Salting saffron milk caps according to an English recipe

An accelerated method, within a few hours you can surprise your guests with a delicious dish.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need:

  • dry red wine and olive oil - ½ cup each;
  • salt, granulated sugar and Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp each. l.;
  • onion - 1 head.


Boil the mushrooms in salted water for a few minutes. Place in a colander and form into strips.

Pour wine, oil, all ingredients into a ladle and put on fire. Onion mode in half rings. Place the saffron milk caps into the boiling mixture and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the resulting mushroom mass and transfer it to clean containers.

Store the snack in a cool place. You can taste the dish, which is often called mushroom caviar, a few hours after preparation.

September is rich in various mushrooms; they grow especially well in oak and birch forests. Experienced mushroom pickers can collect several buckets during this period. What to do with them now? From two to three kilograms you can prepare several dishes, for example, soup, julienne, fry potatoes with mushrooms. And where do the rest go?

The right solution would be pickling and salting for the winter. We have already talked about pickling, now we will tell you how to salt them at home.

You can often see mushroom pickers abandoning their cars along the highways, and not far from them city residents scurry about in search of mushrooms. They apparently are not aware that such gifts of the forest have absorbed toxins and heavy metals that have accumulated from exhaust gases. Yes, salted mushrooms will eventually contain the entire periodic table.

So you need to remember three basic rules:

  1. Look for mushrooms at least a kilometer away from the roadway. Console yourself that such a walk will have a good effect on your health. After all, you breathe the purest air.
  2. Arrive at the forest by 5 a.m., not by lunchtime. Those collected in the morning have the best qualities: they are tight, crunchy and store better.
  3. Don't take huge oversized ones. They are already old and tasteless, in addition, they are often wormy. Look for tiny russula or a family of little mushrooms.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

There are ways to pickle mushrooms at home. All three types are suitable for storage in jars: hot pickling; cold salting; dry salting.

These methods differ from each other in the cooking time. Each mushroom family has its own preferred type of pickling. But more on that later. Now we will cover the issue of sorting and preparing mushrooms for pickling.

All the gifts of nature are poured into the bath and are filled with water until they are hidden from view. This procedure will clear them of stuck leaves and forest debris. After this, you can immediately begin sorting and rejecting.

Disassemble mushrooms by type it is necessary, since the cooking time is different for everyone. Plus, some require extra soaking, while others don't need it at all.

It is necessary to keep in water for up to 5 days with its change such varieties as milk mushrooms, volnushki and podgrudki. We put saffron milk caps, white mushrooms and russula into a separate container - they do not need to be soaked. Remove the skin from the butter caps. The legs of boletus and boletus are cleaned so that they become light.

Sorting is also necessary to ensure that poisonous ones, which are excellent at camouflage, do not fall into the ranks of edible ones. And checked for wormholes, sometimes even very small ones become unusable.

Hot pickling of mushrooms

This method is ideal for pickling in jars. Any variety can be hot preserved. This method is quick to prepare; within a month they are ready for tasting. The downside is the lack of crunch and long shelf life of mushrooms, which distinguishes cold canning.

Prepared mushrooms - washed and soaked - should be weighed before cooking to determine the amount of salt. For every kilogram of mushrooms you will need two tablespoons.

Filled with water, cook for 30 minutes. Milk mushrooms are boiled for 45 minutes. Foam will form during cooking and must be removed. Then drain in a colander and leave until cool. During this time, we prepare the jars, it’s better to take five-liter jars, it’s convenient to put a load on them.

Place a layer of spices at the bottom of the sterilized jar. They are chosen according to taste. This could be bay leaf, garlic, umbrella dill. After them add a layer of mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, then spices again follow and repeat until the mushrooms run out.

This is all filled with brine, which is obtained by boiling mushrooms and placing pressure on top so that all the mushrooms are in the brine. After this, we put them in the cold for two weeks. They are then transferred to smaller jars.

Cold pickling of mushrooms

This method requires the mushrooms to sit longer before serving. For example, white milk mushrooms will be ready only 1.5 months after salting. But this method allows you to get crispy mushrooms. He does not require heat treatment However, mushrooms need to be soaked before salting with frequent changes of water.

The method involves placing mushrooms in a clean container in layers, interspersing with seasonings, for example, adding allspice and black peppers, bay leaves, cut along a clove of garlic.

Each mushroom layer covered with salt. You need to take two tablespoons per kilogram. Of course, before pickling, mushrooms need to be weighed.

Then there are spices, on which a weight is placed, it is needed to create juice. In this case, you should monitor the release of juice; if there is little of it, then the pressure should be increased. Mushrooms put in the cold for 1.5 months, if space allows, they can be reported.

Pickling mushrooms: dry method

This method is very simple and fast, however, not all mushrooms are suitable for it. Those that are not soaked are selected. This method is called that because the mushrooms are not even washed. Usually this method suitable for russula, you need to remove the peel from the caps with a knife, clean it a little and you can salt it.

All of the listed seasonings are suitable for this method. Mushrooms are also laid out in layers in a jar or wide dish, which scalded with boiling water for disinfection. Each row is sprinkled with salt.

This method requires more salt. Take 3-4 tablespoons per kilogram. A weight is placed on top to allow the mushrooms to release juice. After just two weeks, you can try dry-salted russula or saffron milk caps. These varieties of mushrooms can be placed under pressure as they arrive.

Recipe for pickling mushrooms with garlic for the winter

This recipe is good for little ones. They are especially good on a holiday table with garlic. Based on this recipe for pickling, you should stock up on:

For pickling at home First the mushrooms are washed, then soak if necessary. Remove excess water and allow it to drain in a colander. The jar is sterilized and dried.

Greens need to be rinsed, garlic cut lengthwise into slices. First, lay out a layer of greens, a dill umbrella, horseradish leaves, and currant leaves. Then the mushrooms are placed with their caps up, then salt is added, dill and chopped garlic are used.

Jar filled in layers mushrooms and spices. A weight is placed on top and the jar is sent into the cold for half a month. Then the mushrooms are laid out in small jars, poured with vegetable oil on top and covered with nylon lids.

Pickling porcini mushrooms at home

To do this you will need:

To pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter at home using a hot method, first clean, wash, if large, then cut into pieces. Chop the garlic into plates.

Dissolve salt in a saucepan and place white cook for 15 minutes, during this time we remove the foam. Then add spices and leave to cook for another seven minutes.

Place dill and a few cloves of garlic at the bottom of a sterilized jar. Then add the white ones, sprinkle each layer with garlic. After that pour brine into a jar and roll it up. The mushrooms will be ready in two weeks.

Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

Milk mushrooms first sorted, cleaned, washed. Soak for three days before salting, change the water to clean water in the morning and evening. After this time, the finished milk mushrooms are placed in a container with their caps down, sprinkling the layers with salt and spices.

Place a heavy weight on top and put in the refrigerator for 30 days. After this time, we take out the pickling and put it into sterilized small jars, with the bottom of each filled with a small amount of salt.

Then the milk mushrooms are transferred and filled with brine, pour vegetable oil on top or sprinkle with salt. After this, the jars are closed with lids and placed in the cold.

For this recipe we will need: saffron milk caps - 1 kilogram; salt - three tablespoons; garlic - 5 cloves.

From mushrooms cut off the legs, only the caps are salted. They are washed well and poured with boiling water. Close the lid and let stand for three minutes. Drain the water through a colander and let it drain properly.

Next, add salt and add the garlic cut into slices. Mix the saffron milk caps thoroughly and leave for 30 minutes. We prepare half-liter jars and sterilize them. We place the mushrooms tightly in them, sprinkle with salt and cover with lids. Storage occurs in cold conditions.

The subtleties of pickling mushrooms at home

It is believed that the most delicious salted mushrooms are lamellar ones, such as milk mushrooms, volushki, russula, honey mushrooms, etc. The ideal ratio of mushrooms and salt for the dry salting method is 40 grams of salt per 1 kg.

For the hot and cold salting method, the best salt ratio is: approx. 4% by weight of mushrooms. When pickling mushrooms coldly in hot weather, they are first blanched. That is, soaked gifts of nature in a colander are dipped in boiling water for 4 minutes, after which they are immediately washed in cold water, cooled and salted.

Pre-blanching eliminates the risk of mushrooms turning sour; in 7–10 days they will be ready. With the hot salting method for the winter, they cook in several stages. The water is drained each time and clean is poured in, so they will not be bitter and will not darken.

Tara is chosen glass or enamel with a wide neck for easy installation of cargo. The ideal option would be barrels or tubs made of deciduous trees, and spruce trees would also be suitable.

After salting wooden containers are soaked in cold water for 15 days, with the water changed every three days. After this, the containers are steamed with the addition of soda ash, which is taken at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters of water, or juniper.

Storing salted mushrooms in winter is carried out at a temperature from 0 to +4 degrees. Thus, pickling mushrooms is an excellent way to prepare nature’s gifts for the winter, along with pickling. Healthy and tasty, they will decorate any table.
