How to cook peas in a Panasonic multicooker. Peas in a slow cooker. Recipes for making peas. Secrets of experienced chefs

Pumpkin is a real garden queen. Bright orange, pot-bellied, sunny - she pleases with just her appearance. And the taste is simply amazing! Hundreds of different dishes are prepared from pumpkin - juice, jam, pancakes, porridge, pickles, casseroles, candied fruits and a lot of other things. But in order to prepare all these dishes, you will need a good ripe pumpkin. Unripe fruits do not taste as good, and their aroma is much weaker. So, how do you know if a pumpkin is ripe? It turns out that there are many signs of maturity.

How to determine the ripeness of a pumpkin by its tail?

The same principle works here as with the closest relatives of pumpkins - watermelons. A dry tail indicates maturity, while a green tail or clear signs of cutting off the vine indicate that the vegetable was removed from the garden ahead of time. Special attention should be paid to the stalk - it should be dense, hard and externally resemble cork material.

How to determine the ripeness of a pumpkin by the color and thickness of the peel?

A ripe pumpkin should have a thick skin. A good way to check is to press the tip of your fingernail onto the peel. If it is easily damaged, it means the berry is still unripe. However, a very dense, almost “wooden” peel is also not a very good sign, since such a pumpkin will be overripe. The presence of natural wax on the surface of the berry indicates ripeness; in addition, such natural protection ensures long-term preservation. The clearly visible pattern of veins on the peel also indicates maturity.

How to determine the ripeness of a pumpkin by its size?

Some buyers suggest that the ripeness of a pumpkin can be determined by its size and weight - the more ripe it will be. Actually this is not true. Weight and size depend, first of all, on the variety and growing conditions - there are large pumpkins, medium ones and very small ones. However, when purchasing, you should still pay attention to the size. The huge pumpkins lying on the counter are most likely forage varieties, and their taste is not up to par. They turn out to be either too dry or watery, and their smell is not so expressive. The optimal weight for the fetus is 3-5 kg. Before buying a pumpkin, be sure to weigh it - it is usually much heavier than it seems at first glance.

How to determine the ripeness of a cut pumpkin?

It is not recommended to buy cut pumpkin, since most often it is impossible to find out who cut the pumpkin and under what conditions, and what sanitary standards were violated. However, some people prefer to buy it cut, since in this form they can accurately determine the degree of ripeness. A good ripe pumpkin has a rich, bright, yellow or orange color. The more intense the color of the pulp, the more vitamin A it contains, which means it will not only be tasty, but also healthy. Experienced shoppers have a little secret when buying pumpkins - they always try the seeds. If they are unripe, it means that all the berries have not had time to ripen.

And finally, the last secret - a good ripe pumpkin always pleases the eye in any form - be it whole or cut. If something confuses you about it, then most likely there is something wrong with this berry.

If pumpkin fruits are left to ripen in the garden beds in the fall, they may freeze during the first frost. In this case, the crop will not be stored well. Therefore, it is important to help the pumpkin ripen faster.

Some varieties of pumpkin in the middle zone do not have time to ripen during such a short summer. But it doesn't matter! Vegetables ripen perfectly at home. However, when ripening in the garden, the pumpkin's immunity increases, then it better resists diseases that can develop during storage.

How do you know when a pumpkin is ripe?

Several signs indicate that the vegetable is fully ripe.

1. Dense bark. When pressing on the peel, there should be no dents left on it. Only butternut squash can sag slightly because its bark is thinner. In this case, ripeness is best determined by the color of the peel: it should be light brown or beige. The bark of a mature pumpkin turns rich yellow, brown or orange.

2. Clear drawing. Ripe vegetables have a distinct pattern. It is absent only in green-fruited varieties ( Augustine). And the pumpkin Benincasa When ripe, it becomes covered with a white coating.

3. Hard stalk. The vine on which the fruit is located hardens, becomes woody and lighter when ripe.

4. Resonant sound. Like a watermelon, when tapped on the bark, a ripe pumpkin makes a distinct sound rather than a dull sound.

5. Dense pulp and hard seed skin. When cutting the fruit, the flesh inside should be dense, not loose. And the seeds must be covered with a hard skin. The exception is gymnosperm pumpkins, which do not have a protective coating on the seeds.

Individual signs of pumpkin ripening

Some varieties have their own signals that indicate the ripeness of the fruit. So, on the orange bark of the pumpkin Bush gold light yellow stripes appear. In a large-fruited pumpkin Medical a dark dense network appears on the thin gray bark. butternut squash Vitamin becomes brown and covered with lighter round spots.

In addition, the ripening period of the pumpkin can be calculated. Seed packets usually indicate how many days it takes for a particular variety to mature. But keep in mind: this technique only works if the summer is warm and sunny.

As a rule, in the middle zone, hard-barked varieties are harvested first (at the end of August - beginning of September). In mid-September - large-fruited. And the last to be cut (from the end of September until the first frost) are nutmeg pumpkins. In the southern regions, harvesting is carried out 20-30 days earlier.

How to speed up the ripening of pumpkins?

To prevent vegetables from freezing in the garden, about 3 weeks before the expected cold snap, remove all the flowers on the pumpkin vines and pinch the tops of the young shoots. Then the plant will direct all the nutrients to the development of already set fruits. If there are a lot of small pumpkins on the plant, some of them (and sometimes all) need to be removed so that the large specimens have time to ripen.

If in your region, even with a fairly warm summer, the pumpkin does not ripen on time, try sowing seeds for seedlings in deep pots in April. Transplant seedlings with 2-3 true leaves into larger containers or into the ground (if the weather permits). Growing it on a compost heap will also help speed up the ripening of pumpkins. Here the plants are not only better fed, but also warmed up additionally.

The most valuable fruits are late-ripening varieties grown under the southern sun. These include Muscat, Pearl. These pumpkins have a thick, hard rind and sweet flesh that is added raw to salads. Late varieties can be stored in a cool room for up to six months. They are harvested late, but even in the south ripeness occurs in a month or two.

The ripening times indicated on the seed packet are based on ideal conditions. The weather makes its own adjustments. Therefore, you need to navigate when to harvest a pumpkin based on the weather, the condition of the plant and the biological maturation of the variety.

When storing any pumpkin, it is important that the integrity of the fit of the tail to the womb is not compromised. If there is a gap in this place, an infection will set in and the fruit will rot.

Harvesting rules

Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, after the lashes have dried well from the morning moisture. If bad weather strikes, you will have to harvest the crop in wet weather; such fruits need to be dried well. At the same time, separate damaged specimens. In dry, warm weather, root crops cut off from the main stem can still be kept in the melon patch, under the rays of the sun.

Everything that is said concerns pumpkin as a food product. There are many other varieties in cultivation. Loofah pumpkin provides us with excellent washcloths and serves as a filler in the furniture industry. This type of pumpkin is left to grow after frost until the skin becomes thin.

Decorative pumpkins are used for crafts in folk art. Therefore, light freezing does not affect the condition of the rind, and the pulp from these fruits is almost never used. Therefore, decorative fruits lie in the garden or hang longer than food varieties.

There are certain deadlines that gardeners focus on when harvesting. For the southern regions, Crimea, pumpkin harvesting time is the end of September and the beginning of October, with possible ripening of late varieties indoors. These are mainly nutmeg pumpkins, very tasty.

In the Moscow region, harvesting should end before mid-September. In this case, you should take into account the weather forecast and avoid delaying the removal of pumpkins when it gets colder.

Siberia is large and here, as in the Far East, the time when you can pick a pumpkin depends on regional climatic conditions.

Video about growing pumpkin

It is grown everywhere due to the presence of a huge number of varieties of this vegetable. Pumpkin is tasty and healthy, it is unpretentious, does not require careful care and can be grown even on a small plot of land, as it does not take up much space. It is enough to water the pumpkin on time so that it becomes sweet and tasty, and sometimes feed it. But for some gardeners, the timing of removing pumpkins from the garden may be a problem. How can you tell if a pumpkin is already ripe?

Caring for pumpkin before harvest

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a pumpkin before it is harvested is the vegetable rotting. Care is aimed at preventing this. The pumpkin lies on the ground and one of its sides is constantly in contact with it; this can lead to rot, as a result of which the vegetable will be unsuitable for consumption. Rotten pumpkin cannot be eaten, nor can it be used for processing to prepare various preparations.

If you want to pumpkin remained intact until harvest, place the grown fruit on a mound. You can put a board down under the vegetable. To save him from contact with the ground. In addition, when it rains, it is a good idea to cover the pumpkin with film.

The pumpkin develops its sweetness during the last month before it can be picked. At this time, you need to completely stop watering it. The roots of the pumpkin are long, so they will provide the plant with enough moisture. But if you water the plant additionally, the pumpkin will no longer be so sweet.

With the first cold snap, you should think about harvesting, since pumpkin categorically does not tolerate frost. If the weather is dry, then on cold nights you can cover the pumpkin with covering material. In rainy times, there is no point in delaying collection.

When to pick a pumpkin

Pumpkin ripens 100% only in regions with a hot climate, although there are also varieties for the middle zone. But in general, it takes at least four months for pumpkin to ripen. However, one of the advantages of this vegetable is that it ripens for some time after it is picked from the garden.

There are several signs by which you can determine whether a pumpkin is ready for harvest. One of them is the foliage of the plant. If the leaves are dry and yellow, then this is a sure sign that the growing season is over. True, if the pumpkin was sick before, then pay attention to other points.

The top layer becomes hard and dense, like cork. The color becomes brighter and more saturated, and the pattern appears more clearly on the surface of the pumpkin. The stalk also turns into a hard stem that does not bend, but breaks.

Try scratching the rind of the pumpkin with your fingernail. If there are no traces left, the pumpkin can be cut off. If you pat a ripe pumpkin, you will hear a ringing sound. It also forms a thin matte coating. The stalk of a ripe pumpkin can be easily separated.

Knowing all these signs, you can easily determine the time when it is time to harvest. Pumpkin can be stored for a long time; even without processing and creating special conditions, it can last, maintaining its qualities almost all winter.

Pumpkin has long been considered a very healthy vegetable. The fact is that it contains many vitamins to normalize the functioning of all vital human organs. The fruits of this vegetable have grown in your dacha, but you don’t know how to determine the ripeness of a pumpkin and whether it can be harvested?

What are the benefits of pumpkin

Thanks to the presence of vitamins A and C, pumpkin improves the human immune system and serves as an excellent antioxidant. It also contains all B vitamins, which help the normal functioning of the nervous system. And vitamin E, considered a “feminine” vitamin, supports natural female beauty. Therefore, our products are widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Pumpkin ripening

Pumpkin is a unique vegetable; it takes a long time to fully ripen. Even after you remove it, it will still continue to ripen. In the middle zone, due to the weather, it does not always have time to ripen in the garden, and not everyone can grow seedlings early. According to the ripening period, early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are distinguished.

Determine pumpkin ripeness possible based on the following criteria:

  • its stalk has dried out or become woody;
  • the color of its bark on the side exposed to the sun became brighter and yellower compared to the side lying on the ground;
  • the bark has hardened and acquired the color and pattern characteristic of this variety;
  • The pumpkin vines have dried up.

Only late-ripening varieties are harvested before they have reached maturity, but this is not a problem for them - they will ripen during storage.

Pumpkins are usually harvested in September, in dry weather, before frost sets in. Even when the tops and stalk have dried, and you have removed the fruit, it will still ripen, only for this you need to: put it in a dry and shady place and make sure that there is no moisture under it, otherwise it will rot.

As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the ripeness of a pumpkin; this can be done simply by its appearance.

For every summer resident, autumn is a time for summing up and evaluating the results of the labor invested. At the final stage of gardening work, it is very important to avoid mistakes and to collect the fruits, which have been carefully nurtured throughout the whole season, on time.

In the symphony of the harvest season, pumpkin is one of the final chords. Its cold resistance and unpretentiousness allow you to leave the vegetable in the garden until frost, especially since the fruits ripened on the vine are the healthiest and tastiest. As a rule, the timing of pumpkin harvesting depends on two main factors: the ripening period of the variety and the climatic conditions of the growing region. Moreover, the second point is often decisive, especially for the middle zone and more northern regions.

Signs of a ripe pumpkin

You can easily understand that a pumpkin is already ripe by visual signs that are common to a variety of varieties.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the stalk. When the pumpkin is fully ripe, the place where it joins the stem dies, gradually becoming hard, like real wood.
  • The bark of most varieties takes on a shade characteristic of the variety, changing from green to yellow or orange. When paying attention to this sign, it is necessary to keep in mind that there are varieties that do not change color upon reaching full maturity. These include pumpkins with white or gray bark, butternut or waxy varieties.
  • In addition to color, the ripeness of the pumpkin is indicated by the increased hardness of its bark. It is made so dense that it is almost impossible to leave a scratch on the surface of the fruit with a fingernail.
  • At the end of the growing season, the pumpkin, ripening, sucks all the juices from the plant. As a result, the lashes and leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out until they finally die.

All of the above signs are a guarantee that the fruits are fully ripe and will be perfectly preserved for several months. If circumstances force you to remove pumpkins from the garden before they are fully ripe, then such specimens must be ripened before storing.

Pumpkin ripening time

In addition to visual signs, the declared duration of the growing season of a particular variety will help you navigate the harvesting time.

  • For regions with short summers, planting is most relevant early ripening pumpkins. Most often these are hard-barked varieties that ripen after 3 months of growing season. Their pulp is not particularly tasty and is not at all rich in substances valuable to our body. Therefore, most often such pumpkins are grown for their wonderfully tasty and very healthy seeds.

    Harvesting of hard-barked fruits usually occurs in the last ten days of August. It is not recommended to leave them in the garden until September, as the flesh of overripe specimens becomes loose.

  • The most popular among gardeners are: mid-ripening pumpkins. Usually these are large-fruited varieties, which differ from their hard-barked counterparts in having more tasty pulp and excellent keeping quality. They reach full ripeness after 4–4.5 months. Such fruits contain high concentrations of carotene, sugars, macro- and microelements, vitamin C and B vitamins.

    Long-term storage of a large-fruited pumpkin is possible only if it is removed from the garden before the first frost. Therefore, in the Siberian regions or in the middle zone, harvesting is usually carried out until the end of September, and then the pumpkins are ripened for two to four weeks in a warm place with low humidity.

  • Among the late varieties, the most common are muscat varieties. They are the most delicious, but the most whimsical and heat-loving. Fully ripen in the garden late pumpkins can only be found in southern regions with long summers, because their ripening period exceeds 4.5 months. In more northern regions, nutmeg varieties are picked before frost and ripened for one to two months, and then eaten as quickly as possible, since they are not stored very well (4–5 months).

How to properly collect fruits?

In warm regions, pumpkins ripen directly on the plant, becoming as tasty and healthy as possible. In regions with short summers, it is necessary to harvest fruits ahead of time, without waiting for all signs of full ripeness to appear. But in both cases, it is very important to properly clean the pumpkins to ensure they have maximum shelf life.

  • For cleaning, choose only fine and fairly warm days. Keep an eye on the weather forecast so you can harvest your pumpkins before frost. Fruits affected by subzero temperatures will not be able to be stored for long.
  • Transportation and storage should be done as carefully as possible so as not to leave wounds and cracks on the bark from falling. Any damage is a gateway for pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, which over time will lead to the development of various fetal diseases. In addition, bruises cause areas of the flesh to become deformed, which also leads to early spoilage of the pumpkin.
  • When separating the pumpkin from the vine, use a special tool (knife or pruning shears). After all, by unscrewing or tearing off the fruit, you damage the pulp area in the area of ​​the stalk, which increases the likelihood of it rotting. It is recommended to leave the cutting at least 5 cm long. But remember that you cannot use it as a convenient carrying device. It is especially important to adhere to this rule when harvesting large-fruited pumpkins, as well as dessert varieties.
  • The surface of the pumpkins, separated from the rest of the plant, must be dried in air, and then, having been cleared of soil and plant debris, removed for ripening in a warm place with low humidity. The period depends on the degree of maturity of the fetus and can vary from a week to one to two months.
  • Ripe pumpkins are sorted, removing diseased, damaged and too small (up to 14 cm in diameter) specimens. Only full-fledged and healthy fruits can withstand long-term storage without loss. All substandard items are immediately sent for processing.

How to save the harvest

To be able to enjoy pumpkin dishes for a long time, you should create the most comfortable storage conditions for the crop.

  • Choose a place with a consistently low temperature, the optimal values ​​of which are in the range from +10 to +13 °C. At the same time, the thermometer in the storage can drop to +4 °C, but not lower. It is allowed to keep pumpkins in an apartment, provided that the temperature does not exceed +20 °C.
  • Additional conditions for long-term storage are the absence of daylight and good ventilation in the room.
  • The fruits are laid out on wooden surfaces so that they do not come into contact with each other or with wet surfaces. It is important that the harvest is stored as far as possible from fruits that emit ethylene (pears, quinces or apples). This gas accelerates the ripening process and leads to premature spoilage of pumpkins.
  • During the winter, do not forget to periodically audit vitamin reserves, promptly removing rotten specimens, as they are a source of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.
  • Please note that hard-bark varieties are stored the shortest (no longer than a month). Other varieties, especially late ripening ones, may even last until the next harvest. However, over time, their pulp increasingly loses its taste and aroma and becomes unpleasantly loose. The exception is butternut squash, which becomes even more appetizing when stored for a long time.

Many varieties of pumpkin allow you to grow this healthy vegetable from Arkhangelsk to Crimea and from the Far East to the western borders of the country. The unpretentiousness of agricultural technology and the size of the resulting nutrient mass make pumpkin desirable on any garden plot of land. But how can an inexperienced vegetable grower determine the maturity of a pumpkin in the garden without being late with harvesting?

How to properly care for a pumpkin before harvesting?

Regardless of the size of the fruit and the timing of harvesting, there are rules that will help protect the fruit in the garden from rotting and pests. Lying constantly on its side, in contact with the ground, in wet weather a huge berry can rot and become unusable. Those who try to process a pumpkin with a rotten side are doing it wrong. Before the fruit receives visible damage, changes have already occurred in the core, and it should not be eaten.

The pumpkin should be placed on a hillock or a specially constructed mound, a wooden or plywood board should be placed down, and covered with film on top during autumn rains. In the last month, when the pumpkin gains sweetness, watering should be stopped. The length of the roots, which go down to a depth of three meters, is enough to provide the required amount of water.

Indicates that the pumpkin harvest time has arrived, the first cold snap, since even a slight frost makes the fruit unsuitable for storage. You can also keep the fruit in the garden in dry weather, protecting it from cool nights.

When can you pick a pumpkin?

You can get a fully ripened pumpkin from the field only in hot regions, when the fruits naturally ripen in the field for more than 4 months. But the good thing about pumpkin is that in addition to its long shelf life of several months, it still continues to ripen.

Therefore, you can find out whether the pumpkin is ripe and how long it can lie on the ridge by knowing the main signs that the vegetable is ready for harvesting:

  1. The leaves of the bush withered, changed their color to yellow, and dried out. If before this there were no signs of anthracosis disease, then the natural death of healthy foliage serves as a sure sign of the end of the growing season.
  2. The stalk becomes rigid, the top layer becomes corked, and it becomes woody simultaneously with the stem supplying food. It is no longer possible to rearrange the pumpkin in any other way without compromising the integrity of the liner.
  3. The color of the pumpkin, whatever it is, from gray to yellow, becomes brighter, the pattern is more noticeable.
  4. There should be no traces left on the crust from scratching it with a fingernail. The cover hardens and does not spring back when pressed with fingers. A ripe pumpkin responds to cotton with a ringing sound. A ripe pumpkin becomes covered with a matte coating, the stalk is easily separated.

When harvesting a pumpkin, you need to treat it with care, trying not to scratch it. If trouble occurs, seal the damaged area with a bactericidal plaster or do not leave the damaged vegetable for storage.

Picked pumpkin can ripen for about a month in a dark, cool, dry place. You can store the fruit in such conditions for a long time, allowing you to use a fresh, healthy product during the winter.

It is very important in different regions to use zoned varieties with different periods of reaching biological ripeness. But even the earliest ripening varieties ripen in about 4 months. Therefore, in regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method of cultivation is used. A new method in the northern regions is to use mini-greenhouses with biological heating, leaving the root system constantly warm, and releasing the vines into fresh air during the short summer.

Early ripening varieties are harvested at the end of August and grown as seedlings. These varieties include the common Gribovskaya bush, Vesnushka, Golosemyannaya. They have a thin crust and can be stored for up to a month.

Medium-ripening pumpkin varieties - Ulybka, Lechebnaya, Rossiyanka - will ripen in 4 months. Harvest in September, but before the first frost. Frozen fruits are not suitable for storage. Varieties of these pumpkins last up to two months after ripeness.

The most valuable fruits are late-ripening varieties grown under the southern sun. These include Vitamin, Muscat, Pearl. These pumpkins have a thick, hard rind and sweet flesh that is added raw to salads. Late varieties can be stored in a cool room for up to six months. They are harvested late, but even in the south ripeness occurs in a month or two.

The ripening times indicated on the seed packet are based on ideal conditions. The weather makes its own adjustments. Therefore, you need to navigate when to harvest a pumpkin based on the weather, the condition of the plant and the biological maturation of the variety.

When storing any pumpkin, it is important that the integrity of the fit of the tail to the womb is not compromised. If there is a gap in this place, an infection will set in and the fruit will rot.

Harvesting rules

Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, after the lashes have dried well from the morning moisture. If bad weather strikes, you will have to harvest the crop in wet weather; such fruits need to be dried well. At the same time, separate damaged specimens. In dry, warm weather, root crops cut off from the main stem can still be kept in the melon patch, under the rays of the sun.

Everything that is said concerns pumpkin as a food product. There are many other varieties in cultivation. Loofah pumpkin provides us with excellent washcloths and serves as a filler in the furniture industry. This type of pumpkin is left to grow after frost until the skin becomes thin.

Decorative pumpkins are used for crafts in folk art. Therefore, light freezing does not affect the condition of the rind, and the pulp from these fruits is almost never used. Therefore, decorative fruits lie in the garden or hang longer than food varieties.

There are certain deadlines that gardeners focus on when harvesting. For the southern regions, Crimea, pumpkin harvesting time is the end of September and the beginning of October, with possible ripening of late varieties indoors. These are mainly nutmeg pumpkins, very tasty.

In the Moscow region, harvesting should end before mid-September. In this case, you should take into account the weather forecast and avoid delaying the removal of pumpkins when it gets colder.

Siberia is large and here, as in the Far East, the time when you can pick a pumpkin depends on regional climatic conditions.

Goroshnitsa is an old Russian porridge.

It is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker.

There it doesn’t burn, doesn’t run away and always turns out delicious.

There are a huge number of porridge recipes, here is a selection of the best and proven ones.

Shall we introduce our relatives to the pea plant?

Peas in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

You can use absolutely any peas for this dish, but it is better to use shelled and crushed beans. They will cook porridge much faster. Pre-soaking the beans will also speed up the process. Always fill them with cold water and leave until they swell. If time is short, simply add washed beans to the slow cooker and add water. On average, 2-2.5 glasses of liquid are used per glass of product. If the beans are swollen, then reduce the quantity.

Just with spices, butter;

With various mushrooms, including canned ones;

With fish products.

For the dish, you can use processed products: stews, sausages, canned food. It is welcome to add all kinds of spices, sauces, and cheese to the peas. If you don’t want to add them directly to the porridge, you can cook them separately and put them on a plate when serving.

To cook porridge in a multicooker, you usually use the “Soup” or “Stew” program. The time depends not only on the recipe, but also on the beans themselves. Sometimes peas take a very long time to cook and require more water. In this case, you can always add additional boiling water to the multicooker pan. Cold water is not added.

Simple peas in a slow cooker

A recipe for ordinary peas in a slow cooker, to which nothing is added except oil and spices. The dish can serve as a side dish for any meat, poultry, and goes well with fish and mushrooms.

A glass of any peas;

Salt, paprika, pepper, clove of garlic.

1. Pour the peas into a convenient bowl and select the damaged grains. Rinse in cold water and transfer to a slow cooker.

2. Add the prescription liquid. It is not necessary to take just water. Pea porridge tastes better when made with broth or vegetable broth.

3. Close, set to cook for an hour, selecting the “Stew” mode.

4. Open, add salt, season with any spices you like, throw in a whole clove of garlic.

5. Add oil. If the dish is not lean, then throw in a piece of butter.

6. Stir the peas and cook for another twenty minutes.

Peas in a slow cooker with smoked pork

For aromatic peas in a slow cooker you will need any piece of smoked pork. You can take smoked lard if the calorie content of the dish doesn’t bother you.

0.5 kg split peas;

200 grams of pork;

1. For this porridge, it is better to take split peas. We rinse it and place it in a multicooker cup.

2. Add water according to the recipe, close and cook on the soup program until the end.

3. While the peas are cooking, pour oil into the frying pan and add the chopped pieces of pork. If lard is used, you can do without oil.

4. Fry the pork for a minute, then add the onion cut into small cubes. Sauté until golden brown.

5. Check the peas. If it is cooked, take a masher and mash it. Salt the porridge.

6. If the peas are still hard, then cook further.

7. Add the sautéed onions with the pork and stir.

8. Let the peas steep so that the porridge is saturated with the aroma of smoked meats.

Peas in a “Two in One” multicooker with cutlets

A wonderful recipe for peas in a slow cooker. The porridge is immediately cooked together with the cutlets, which allows you to get a complete dish without any extra hassle. You will need some mixed minced meat. Makes three servings.

300 grams of minced meat;

A glass of split peas;

1. Rinse the peas and soak them in cold water for half an hour.

2. Then pour out the liquid, transfer the beans to the slow cooker, and fill with water from the recipe. Add a little salt and throw in a piece of butter.

3. While the peas were brewing, it was necessary to chop half an onion and combine it with the minced meat, add salt to the mixture and form three cutlets.

4. Place the cutlets on the steamer basket.

5. Place the tray over the peas.

6. Close the multicooker and cook a double dish for two hours on the stewing program.

7. That's it! All that remains is to take out the cutlets, stir the side dish and place on plates.

Peas in a slow cooker with stewed meat

For such pea porridge, you will need a can of any stew, weighing 300-400 grams. Don’t stir the product right away; first remove the fat from the surface, since the vegetables will be fried on it.

500 grams of peas;

Onion pair of heads;

1. Soak the peas in cold water. It is advisable to wait at least three hours for them to swell.

2. Place the washed peas into a saucepan.

3. Add enough water to cover the cereal by three centimeters.

4. Turn on the cooking, periodically remove the foam and cook until soft.

5. Remove the fat from the stew and transfer it to the frying pan. If there is little fat, then you can add any oil. Turn on the fire.

6. Cut the onion into cubes and fry.

7. Add grated carrots and cook together.

8. We take apart the large pieces in the stew, you can cut them with a knife and transfer the meat to the vegetables. Heat well and cook until the onions and carrots are soft. The pieces should not crunch.

9. Open the porridge and check its readiness. If the peas are soft, then add the vegetables with the stew from the frying pan, salt and stir.

10. Leave to cook for another ten minutes, at the end you can fill the pea pot with herbs.

Peas in a slow cooker with mushrooms

Preparing mushroom peas will not take the housewife more than a quarter of an hour; the multicooker will do everything itself. The only thing you need to take care of is to soak the peas in advance so that they swell well.

250 grams of mushrooms;

30 grams of butter.

1. Throw any oil into a saucepan and turn on the cartoon to the baking program.

2. Cut the mushrooms into pieces, but not finely, and add them to the heated oil. This is very important so that the mushrooms do not start releasing juice.

3. Cut the onion into cubes, cut the carrots into circles. Add to the mushrooms about five minutes after the start of frying.

4. Lightly fry the vegetables, then add the swollen peas to them. The water in which it stood must be drained, it is advisable to rinse the beans.

5. Pour clean boiling water, about 1.5 cups.

6. Close the multicooker and set the peas to cook on the stewing program.

7. Open it and add any seasonings to the porridge. Stir and evaluate the thickness of the porridge. You can add a little boiling water.

8. Close and cook for another twenty minutes; there is no need to change the program.

Peas in a slow cooker with chicken fillet and Adyghe cheese

Another version of delicious peas, which is prepared with the addition of chicken fillet. Although, you can use other parts of the chicken that can be finely chopped.

0.1 kg of Adyghe cheese;

Spices, oil or fat.

1. Fill the washed peas with water and leave for six hours. Or put it in the refrigerator overnight. There should be at least three times more water than beans.

2. Drain this water, add new water and set the porridge to cook in a slow cooker. Soup mode, cook for an hour.

3. Cut the onion into cubes, also chop the fillet and Adyghe cheese into small cubes.

4. Place chicken fillet in a frying pan with oil and fry for about ten minutes, add onion and cook until golden brown.

5. The Adyghe cheese is added last; it only takes a couple of minutes to fry it.

6. Add any spices to the chicken and cheese, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic and herbs.

7. Open the porridge, add salt, and if desired, knead it a little with a masher; there is no need to season it with anything else.

8. Place the peas on plates and sprinkle the fried mixture of chicken, cheese and onions on top.

Peas in a slow cooker with sausage

Simple, but very satisfying and aromatic peas. The type and grade of sausage does not matter. The porridge turns out equally tasty with both smoked and boiled sausages.

1 cup peas;

1. Peas can be soaked in advance, in which case 1-1.5 glasses of water will be enough. If the beans are dry, then add liquid to them according to the recipe.

2. Place the beans, pour in the water, cover and cook for an hour. We use the soup program.

3. Cut the sausage into cubes, lightly fry in oil. We use a frying pan. To taste, you can fry the sausage with vegetables, for example, onions, peppers.

4. Open the multicooker and check the porridge. The peas should be soft and fall apart when pressed.

5. Salt and add fried sausage.

6. Stir and cook for another ten minutes. The pea is ready!

Pea porridge will be much tastier if you use broth instead of ordinary water. You can take mushroom or vegetable broth. It’s tasty, although not very healthy, with the addition of bouillon cubes.

Peas will never boil and will take a very long time to cook if hard water is used. If the porridge has been cooking for a long time, you can add a small pinch of soda; it will neutralize the hardness of the water and help the dish cook faster.

You should not keep soaked beans at room temperature for a long time, they may turn sour and an unpleasant odor will appear. If you don’t have time to cook the dish now, then you need to change the water and put the product in the refrigerator.

If peas are prepared without meat, then you can improve the taste of the porridge with cheese. Add a little grated product to a hot dish and stir.
