How to cook fried veal brains. Beef brains: benefits and harms, cooking recipes. Veal brains in cheese breading

what can you cook from beef brains

Beef brains recipe

Fried beef brains are an underrated delicacy by many home cooks, perhaps due to some prejudice or visual aversion. And in vain, a very healthy product, and also tasty.

An offal of the 1st category with the most delicate structural consistency, which has such an uncertainty of taste that while eating it, closing your eyes, you begin to imagine what this taste is like, in fact. I would say that it resembles the fillet of expensive fish, but without its fibrous, fishy taste and smell, cooked with sophistication. In general, it's hard to describe, you just have to try it.

How do I cook beef brains? Cooking beef brains doesn't take a lot of time or a lot of money.


  1. beef brains,
  2. spices and salt,
  3. eggs and breadcrumbs for batter,
  4. vegetable oil and butter for frying.

I never boil them (before frying brains). For what? It's like frying boiled fish steaks in batter. Nonsense.

Of course, it’s great if they are fresh, but, alas, it is not always possible to purchase them that way. So today I will cook fresh frozen beef brains.

I defrost it, place it in a bowl of clean water and carefully remove the film.

the brains need to be thawed and the film removed from them

I immediately take it out of the water so that the brains do not spread and lose their shape, but this possibility exists, because the brain matter, so to speak, is a very delicate substance. Under no circumstances do I scald them with boiling water; the film will then be difficult to remove; it will come off with the meat.

trained brains

I cut each hemisphere in half, and also cut the middle part into two parts. Sprinkle with spices and mix gently with your fingers. Use spices to suit your taste. I use ready-made seasoning.

I sprinkle the chopped brains with spices

I dip each piece in beaten egg, then roll in flour or breadcrumbs.

roll in egg and breadcrumbs

I heat up the vegetable oil, add butter to it and place the pieces in the frying pan.

fry in a mixture of vegetable and butter

Fry them on each side for 5 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust appears. The frying process takes place over medium heat.

Fried beef brains are ready. You can prepare any side dish for them.

fried beef brains served with side dish

I made a zesty red bean salad with nuts and garlic. I like this flavor combination. And homemade horseradish, of course, would also be appropriate. Delicious!!!

how to cook beef brains

Dishes made from veal and pork brains can be considered a popular delicacy. Properly cooked brains have the most delicate taste. They can be used as an additive to almost any side dish, or as an independent product. Brains are rich in vitamins (E, PP, B1, B2), as well as microelements (phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, calcium, iron, sodium). Thanks to its beneficial qualities, brains are very useful for a growing child's body.

Below you will find 6 recipes for brain dishes for children.


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Roll - 25g
  4. Oil - 5g
  5. Milk - 25ml

To prepare pudding for your child, first soak veal brains in running water (cold) for about 60 minutes. Then you need to remove the existing films from them and grind them with bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder. Then grind the resulting mass with milk and yolk until it becomes pasty. Then beat the egg white and gently mix with the brains. After this drain. Grease a small saucepan with oil, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and transfer the whole mass into it. Then cover it with a circle of paper (oiled) and steam for about 60 minutes, covered with a lid.

Brain pudding is usually served to a child along with mashed potatoes. Meat and liver puddings are prepared in the same way.

Read also: Food for children.


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Milk - 20ml
  3. Flour - 5g
  4. Oil - 10g
  5. Egg - 1/6 pcs.

To make brain cutlets for your child, soak 125g of brains as in the previous recipe. Then throw them into boiling water and let them boil. Then place them in a sieve and remove all the shells. Then the kneaded dough (yolk, flour (1 tsp) and milk (1 tbsp)), mix with brains and whipped egg white.

Divide the resulting mass into cutlets (2 pieces) and, roll in breadcrumbs, fry them in boiling oil.


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Egg - 1/10 pcs.
  3. Flour - 5g
  4. Oil - 10g

It's very easy to fry a child's brains. To do this, wash 125g of brains well. Then put them in water (boiling!), boil and place on a sieve. After this, remove the films from the brains and divide them crosswise into 4 parts. Roll each part in flour, brush with egg using a feather or a brush, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in oil.

Read also: Nutrition of a child at 5 months - 1 year.


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Milk - 100g
  3. Oil - 10g
  4. Yolk - 1/2
  5. Flour - 6g
  6. Lemon - 1 slice

Your child will definitely like brains in sauce. To prepare this dish, boil the brains (see recipe “Val brain cutlets”), drain the liquid through a sieve, remove the films and cut them into cubes (small).

White sauce.
To prepare white brain sauce, dissolve 1 tsp. oil, add 1 tsp. spoon of flour and without stirring, let it boil. Then pour in 0.5 tbsp. hot milk and boil the sauce for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The sauce is ready.

Dip the brains (chopped) into the sauce and steam once. Then dissolve half the yolk in 1 tbsp. milk and gently stir them into the brains. After this, steam for half an hour over low heat.

Before serving to the child, add lemon juice (0.5 tsp).


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Yolk - 1 pc.
  3. Rusks - 15g
  4. Oil - 10g
  5. Flour - 15g

To prepare pies for a child, wash the brains (veal) in salted water. Then remove all films from the brains and 5 min. boil it. After this, remove them from boiling water, mix with flour, breadcrumbs and butter (heated). Cut them into pies and then fry them in oil.


  1. Brains - 125g
  2. Roll - 100g
  3. Milk - 100ml
  4. Oil - 15g

Before preparing any dish from brains, you need to soak them in water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of vinegar for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse them well in cold running water. In this case, the gray film covering their surface will swell and will come off easily. After you clean the brains and they become white, like the white of an egg, you can start cooking.

Brains in breadcrumbs

My family's favorite brain dish is brains in breadcrumbs. To do this, throw the cleaned brains into boiling water, cook for about five minutes, remove, cut, and salt. Dip each piece into a raw beaten egg, roll in pre-prepared breadcrumbs and fry in a regular frying pan until golden brown. It will turn out very tasty.

Brain puree soup

You can make puree soup from brains. Cook carrots, potatoes and celery, diced until half cooked. Throw brains into vegetable broth, cook for 5 minutes, remove and blend. Pour the resulting mass into the broth and pour cream there. Fry the onions and add them to the soup. Salt, sprinkle with herbs. Quantity of products to suit your taste.

Beef brains are also perfect as a filling for pies. To do this, boil the brain for 10 minutes in salted water, adding nutmeg, bay leaf and dill. Mash the prepared brain with a fork, mix in 5 tablespoons of boiled rice, add fried onions and chopped herbs.

Beef brain stew

You can make brain stew. For this we need brains, 5 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 bell pepper, 200 grams of mushrooms, salt, pepper, vegetable oil. Fry diced onions, carrots, mushrooms, peppers and potatoes in a cauldron in vegetable oil. Simmer until half done. Pour water into the cauldron; when the water boils, add the brains. Cook for 10 minutes, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with rich sour cream. You can cook the same dish in pots; this presentation is more interesting, and the taste of such a stew is richer.

As you can see, even from such a seemingly worthless organ, you can prepare a delicious dish. If there are gourmets among your family and friends, I’m sure they will appreciate your efforts. Don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, because you only have one life and you need to try everything.

Veal brains are a delicacy in your home!

Veal brains are not stored for long - we draw your attention to the fact that the product must be very fresh! There are two options for preparing them: fry , or, if there is no time to cook them right away, boil and then fry . But first the brain must be properly processed. In a famous cookbook from 1952. "About healthy and tasty food" It is said that before cooking the brains, they must first be soaked in cold water. You can safely skip this moment, but it is imperative to remove the films, very carefully and delicately, in order to preserve the shape. And now you can cook them.

from “The Book of Healthy and Delicious Food” from 1952


1 PC. brains
1 tablespoon flour
1/2 lemon
2 tablespoons oil
1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar
2-3 bay leaves
5-6 peas of allspice
Parsley or dill
Ground pepper


1. Soak the brains in cold water for 30-40 minutes, then peel off the film, put in a saucepan, add cold water so that the brains are covered with it, add vinegar, salt, bay leaf and 5-6 peppercorns (or 1/2 10 pieces of pod). When the water boils, reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 25-30 minutes.

2. Remove the brains from the broth and let dry slightly, then cut each half into two parts, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper, roll in flour and fry on all sides in oil in a heated frying pan.

3. Place the finished brains on a dish, pour over oil and lemon juice and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

BY THE WAY: as a side dish you can serve fried potatoes, potatoes in milk or mashed potatoes, as well as peas, beans, carrots, etc.



1 PC. brains
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1 egg
3 tablespoons oil


1. Rinse the brains with boiling water, then cold water, pat dry with a napkin, and add salt.

2. Roll in the egg, then in breadcrumbs, repeat the process.

3. Place the brains prepared in this way in a frying pan with oil well heated over medium heat for 1-2 minutes, then reduce the heat and fry for 4-5 minutes on one side until a golden crust forms, and then on the other for 6-7 minutes. And make sure it doesn’t burn; if necessary, reduce the heat!

4. Place the finished brains on a dish and garnish with parsley. Serve as a side dish with fried or mashed potatoes, green peas, carrots or beans. Tomato sauce can be served separately.

BY THE WAY: in the latter version, the brains have a more delicate taste, although there is not much difference. In any case, it is not necessary to cook the brains for as long as indicated in the “Book on Tasty and Healthy Food”, 5-10 minutes is enough (if you fry them the next day), or simply put them in boiling water for a few seconds and fry immediately .

Fresh, uncooked beef brain is unlikely to cause a person's appetite, since it has a specific appearance. In fact, this offal is of particular value to the body because it contains many useful elements. But in order to enjoy the dish, the housewife needs to learn how to cook it correctly.


Gourmets around the world eat the delicacy with various side dishes and simply with bread. It is valued for its delicate texture, special taste and nutritional value. If several centuries ago the brain was served as a gourmet dish, then in our time not every average Russian can buy it at the meat market.

In its raw form, the calorie content of beef brains is only 127 kcal per hundred grams. Of these, 80 grams of water, 11.8 grams of protein. There is only 8.5 grams of fat in the product, and even less carbohydrates - 0.7 grams.

The product contains a large amount of unsaturated acids, but it also contains a lot of cholesterol and fat, so it does not belong to the category of dishes suitable for a diet. Doctors advise consuming animal brains no more than once a week in order to get the necessary mineral complex, but without harming your body, which is especially important for women watching their figure.

Despite its fat content, the brains of cows contain a sufficient amount of micro- and macroelements and a vitamin complex. Among the most popular: zinc, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and others. It contains a huge amount of vitamins not only of group B, but also D, PP, E. The spinal cord also has the same composition.

Benefits and harms

The healing effect and minor harm are the result of the chemical composition that this product has. Despite the fact that the product contains everything the human body needs, doctors and nutritionists advise consuming it in limited portions. And all because there is too much cholesterol in the brain, which negatively affects the functioning of the cardiac system and blood vessels. The fats in the product are poorly digestible, so the product is not recommended for older people, as well as for those who have:

  • gout;
  • diathesis;
  • atherosclerosis.

As for the benefits of eating offal, it is an excellent source of protein. Regular use helps restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Active elements activate cell growth, thereby rejuvenating the body. Some trace elements help reduce pain from migraines and improve digestion. Vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Storage rules

Beef brain can be prepared in a variety of ways, including boiling, frying, and baking. The result is a tasty dish that does not need to be cooked for a long time. A stale product can be dangerous to humans, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the shell; the shade should be cream; gray color is allowed. There is no extraneous aroma that would be characteristic of the described offal.

It is worth keeping the product chilled in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, and it is best to prepare the dish immediately after purchase. When frozen, it can be stored for more than four months, but it must be thawed properly before use.

In order for the brain to thaw, it is not put away in a warm room on the table, but rather transferred to a storage room for regular food in the refrigerator.

How to cook?

Before you start preparing the dish, you will need to first soak the beef brain and remove blood clots and film from it. The average cooking time is 20 minutes. If the product is boiled, then do it only as a whole, otherwise the brain will simply fall apart. After that, you can cut it into the necessary parts.

If we talk about the taste of the product, it is weak and even bland, so it is better to use strong meat broth for boiling. It is worth adding herbs and spices to the liquid.

Before frying, the brain is treated with lemon juice so that it retains its attractive color.


Beef by-product is widely used in cooking in Middle Eastern and European countries. It is a good source of protein, vitamin B12 and selenium. It contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus - an important component necessary for the health of the body. Phosphorus is responsible for healthy kidneys, reproductive and digestive systems and, most importantly, the brain.

Beef brain is considered a delicacy in the Middle East. It was in demand decades ago, but its popularity declined after the disease outbreak.

In America they love to make a simple sandwich using beef brain. Thinly sliced ​​fried pieces on white toast became popular in St. Louis, Missouri, following the boom of stockyards in the late 1880s. Although the demand for this dish has decreased today, several restaurants still offer it on the menu.

To prepare you will need a round bun, tomato, lettuce, cheese and brain. You can put fresh or pickled cucumber, add other ingredients to your taste, the most important thing is to prepare the offal correctly. It is better if it is pre-boiled and then fried in oil with the addition of aromatic spices.

If such a dish is unattractive, then you should pay attention to another one that will not be shameful to serve. To prepare it you will need:

  • brain;
  • flour;
  • eggs;
  • pepper and salt;
  • oil.

The advantage of this dish is its simplicity and speed of preparation. The brains are boiled in salted water, or in broth for an hour. Then they are taken out, allowed to cool and the film is removed. Beat a couple of eggs, add flour and breadcrumbs. The chopped brain is coated in this batter, or simply breaded with breadcrumbs, then fried in hot oil.

There are also more complex recipes that not only require the use of more ingredients, but also take up a significant portion of time.

You need to prepare:

  • beef brains;
  • a cup of thinly chopped onion;
  • 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced;
  • 1 green hot chili, chopped;
  • 1 tablespoon peanut or corn oil;
  • 2 teaspoons curry;
  • ¾ cup coconut milk;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • lemon zest;
  • 1 teaspoon tamarind dissolved in 1 tablespoon water;
  • green sweet bell pepper, cut into long strips.

The brains are steamed over hot water for ten minutes, then allowed to cool. Cut into slices and put in a separate container. Let's begin the second part of the process of creating a delicious dish.

To do this, fry the onion, garlic and chili in oil for two minutes. Add curry powder and mix well. Then pour in the coconut milk, add salt, sugar, tamarind liquid and stir for two minutes to combine the flavors. Now add brain slices and sweet pepper. Simmer the dish for ten minutes or until the sauce thickens.

There is another option to make the offal very tasty. First, you will need to soak the brains in cold water for 24 hours before using. Before you start cooking the cow brain, it's best to start mashing the potatoes. Place the peeled and chopped vegetable in a large saucepan, pour in cold water and generously sprinkle with salt. Place the container over high heat, bring to a boil, then let simmer until the potatoes are tender. Then drain some of the water and make a puree, mashing the vegetable. You can pour in milk, add a raw egg and butter - everyone has their own preferences for how such a side dish should look.

To prepare the brains, you need to drain the water and use a small knife to cut away any unwanted pieces left near the base of the brain.
