How to thinly slice the potatoes for chips. How to make homemade chips. Ready potato spiral

Don't believe it if someone says they don't like chips. Yes, the product is high in calories and is contraindicated for dieters, but this does not apply to the bulk of the population. Everyone loves chips! Kids love the crispy delicacy, and adults can’t imagine any other snack to go with beer. Making chips at home is a particular pleasure. First of all, the process itself is interesting, and tasting the results usually brings the whole family together at one table.

Features of making chips

It is not difficult to prepare such a delicacy yourself. Homemade chips, unlike store-bought ones that contain preservatives, flavors and other harmless additives, are completely harmless to the body. They contain only natural products: potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. Cooking does not require special equipment, an oven or microwave is enough, and in the absence of such, an ordinary frying pan will do. Follow these simple requirements, and the crunch of potato slices will delight everyone without exception.

  1. Not only taste qualities are important, but also aesthetic ones. Therefore, put the “defective” (eyes, bumps) source material aside, and leave the smooth potatoes for processing.
  2. By rinsing the slices with cold water, you can reduce the starch content, after which the chips will not stick together during frying.
  3. Place the cooked potatoes on a plate, having previously covered them with baking paper, or sprinkle the dish with flour.
  4. You can add a slight piquancy to the taste of homemade chips by adding paprika, herbs or other spices at your discretion.

Potato chips in the oven

Necessary products: 5 potatoes, salt, spices, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cut the peeled, washed potatoes into extremely thin slices. Sprinkle them with vegetable oil, then mix with your hands. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper or parchment and grease with oil. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Arrange the potato slices in one layer and bake until done. Place the finished chips on a dish, add salt and sprinkle with spices. The result is golden in appearance and crispy in taste.

Potato chips in the microwave

We process potato tubers as in the previous method. Place oiled paper on a microwave-safe plate and distribute the potato pieces, keeping an interval between them. Coat the top with vegetable oil and place in the oven for three minutes, setting the power to high. Salt ready-made chips.

For one kilogram of tubers you will need about a liter of oil. Salt and seasonings as usual. At home, it is convenient to cook in a deep frying pan (or in a saucepan). Also have a paper towel, a colander and a flat plate ready. Rinse potatoes with cold water. Throw it in a colander, shake off the remaining drops, dry the slices, and after that put them in oil (it should boil). The cooking process in a frying pan is quick, just have time to remove the slices fried until golden brown. Place the finished chips on a towel to absorb excess oil. Place on a plate and sprinkle with salt and other seasonings. Cook the remaining potatoes, adding oil.

Potato chips in the deep fryer

Owners of deep fryers will have better luck when it comes to cooking time. And the dish itself turns out tastier, but there are negative aspects. Potatoes absorb a lot of oil, and chips prepared this way will be greasy, and doctors and nutritionists do not recommend excessive consumption of such food. The frying process is similar to the frying pan method, and the slices should be thinner than usual.

An alternative to a deep fryer can be a multicooker, if you additionally purchase special meshes used for cooking in boiling oil.

Chips – neoclassical

Chip manufacturers have long abandoned the classic version, and crispy potato analogues have appeared on store shelves. The consumer does not always think about what this or that product is made from, the main thing is that it satisfies the taste. The assortment for this is quite diverse: the aroma of bacon, jellied meat, mushrooms, cheese, but the most attractive thing is the crunch. So why not experiment at home.

From lavash
For preparation you will need the following products:

  • thin pita bread;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • dill;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

Finely chop the washed dill, mix with salt and crushed garlic. Grease pieces of pita bread (shaped like chips) with the prepared mixture, place on a baking sheet, and place in the oven. Drying requires a temperature of 200 degrees and only five minutes of time. Ready!

For those who like fatty chips, add a little mayonnaise or sour cream to the mixture.

From cheese
Any cheese is grated on a fine grater and placed on the deck in small portions for baking. There must be a distance between the pieces, otherwise you can end up with one large cake, since the product tends to spread when melted. Set the oven to 160 degrees and after about four to five minutes remove the finished chips. Cool and taste.

You can use this recipe if you have a piece of cheese lying around. You shouldn’t throw it away; it’s quite suitable for preparing such a hearty snack. And one more piece of advice for housewives. Add ham, garlic, any herbs, and get an unsurpassed taste.

Warning! Don’t be distracted for too long, as the cheese melts quickly, and if you miss the moment, it will burn.

From mashed potatoes
The unusual taste of chips according to this recipe will only be appreciated by those who have a waffle iron.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil, with the exception of olive oil.

Prepare regular puree, cool slightly, pour in milk, add flour and egg. Mix thoroughly, the ideal mass is obtained using a blender. The consistency should be rare, but not spread. Add salt, spices (herbs and mushrooms if desired).

Grease a hot waffle iron with oil, add 1 tbsp. l. potato dough, smooth it over the surface and bake for no more than 30 seconds, otherwise it will burn. Carefully remove the finished chips using a knife.

From a bow
Homemade chips made from regular onions have a unique taste. The process is labor-intensive, but the end result is excellent. Initially prepare the batter by beating two eggs with flour. Add salt, pepper or other spices to taste. The dough should be liquid, and you can increase its volume by adding a little mineral water.

The onion is cut into circles, with an average thickness of four millimeters, and disassembled into individual rings. Dip each part in batter and place in a frying pan with well-heated oil. Fry on both sides, then place on a towel, as in the case of the potato version. The finished chips should have a beautiful golden color. If you have a little more free time, add a quick sauce to the onion crisps. To do this, chop dill, green onions, pepper and mix with sour cream.

From meat
At first glance, this recipe will seem complicated, but only in terms of time. Be patient and you will enjoy the process itself. Cut the meat into slices two millimeters thick and in sizes of your choice. Beat each piece as thinly as possible. Next make the marinade. Crush a few cloves of garlic, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar, a little soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, parsley and any spices. Pour the resulting marinade over the meat and place in the refrigerator for five hours. Heat the oven to one hundred degrees (low setting). Place the pieces of meat on a baking sheet lined with food foil and bake. This will take thirty to forty minutes until all the moisture has evaporated.

The suggested recipes are the most popular, but inventive housewives went further. Especially those who like to crunch on diet foods. Chips are prepared at home from any vegetables: zucchini, carrots, blueberries, and without the use of oil. The technology is similar to cooking in the microwave, and the holding time is approximately ten minutes. Ready-made multi-colored chips are sprinkled with dill, garlic, parsley, mixed with fine salt. This homemade seasoning is completely harmless.

But human capabilities are not limited to this. Chips can be one of the dessert options.

Sweet fruit slices
Divide pears and apples into thin slices. Make a syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water and boil the fruit in it for five minutes. Then remove and dry in the oven for about five hours. Fruit chips are sweet and crunchy.

The process can be simplified by eliminating the syrup. Then dry the fruit slices as usual - and no additional material or time costs. This method will allow you to preserve semi-finished products for making compotes during the winter season.

So, there are quite a lot of recipes and a varied choice of products, but making chips at home can’t be rushed, so do it when you have free time.

Video: delicious homemade chips

Many people love chips, so you can often meet people, especially teenagers, with the coveted bag in their hands. Most lovers of this product firmly believe that thin slices are made from fresh, fried in oil, sprinkled with spices. The result is a tasty, natural product. What's harmful about fried potatoes if you don't eat them very often? This is exactly what we think when buying a delicious product.

Much to the regret of chip lovers, many manufacturers no longer use potato tubers in their preparation. In production, corn flour and starch are most often used, and of the lowest quality, in order to save as much as possible. For example, starch obtained from genetically modified soybeans is most often used. Once in the body, its excess is synthesized, forming glucose, which accumulates in the liver, contributing to obesity.

The dough is made from starch, from which thin slices are formed that imitate chopped potatoes. Then they are fried in the cheapest fat, since using good oil is too expensive. Moreover, the same fat is used repeatedly, which “flavors” the finished chips with a large number of carcinogens.

Well, so that the finished product has the taste of natural fried potatoes, the chips are generously sprinkled with additives: spices, dyes, seasonings and a lot of salt. A mandatory ingredient in chips is . He is able to make any product a treat, which makes him want to buy this food often.

But what about those people who simply cannot exist normally without crunchy, tasty slices? Children love them so much, for whom it is most often useless to talk about their harmful effects on the body.

There is an exit. You can make natural, safe chips at home. And not only from potatoes, but also from your favorite fruits. Here are some popular homemade chips recipes that you will definitely find useful:

Natural fried potato chips

To prepare, we will need the following ingredients: smooth, undamaged large tubers, good refined vegetable oil for frying, salt, spices to taste.

How to cook:

Peel and wash the potatoes, place the tubers in a deep bowl, cover with cold water so that the slices do not darken during cooking. After 10 minutes, remove the potatoes, dry thoroughly with a towel, and very thinly cut each tuber into circles or slices. They should be very thin and slightly translucent. When you have cut all the potatoes, place the slices in a bowl, add salt, add some spices, and mix well. Now get to the butter.

Pour a large amount into a saucepan, deep fryer or deep frying pan, heat it over high heat (but do not let it smoke, regulate the heat). Now place the potato slices in boiling oil and fry until browned. Then remove with a slotted spoon and place in a colander (placed in a pan) to drain off excess oil.

Place the finished chips on a large platter and let cool. After which they will become crispy.

Potato chips in the oven

If you don't want to use a lot of oil or prefer to skip the fried potatoes, use this recipe.

To prepare, you will need smooth, undamaged tubers, salt, your favorite spices, and just a little vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Peel the tubers, wash thoroughly, and dry with a towel. Using a sharp knife, cut into very thin slices. Excellent slices are obtained if you use a regular vegetable peeler for slicing. Place everything in a deep bowl, add a little vegetable oil, salt, sprinkle, mix carefully, trying not to damage them.

Turn on the oven. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place a thin layer of chopped potatoes, bake for 15 minutes until browned. Stir the chips during cooking to prevent them from burning.

Place the finished slices on a plate and let cool. After which they will become crispy, and taste a little better than store-bought ones.

Fruit chips

For children, prepare fruity, sweet, crispy chips. It is very tasty, and most importantly, healthy. In addition, this product is considered dietary, so fruit slices are useful for dieting to satisfy sudden feelings of hunger.

In order to prepare such a healthy product, we will need: bananas, ripe pears, oranges, 1 glass of water, 1 glass of sugar.

How to cook:

Peel bananas and oranges. Wash and remove apples and pears
cores. Cut all fruits into thin slices. Then cut each circle in half (except bananas).

Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar. When it dissolves, carefully add the fruit and cook at a gentle boil for 5 minutes. Now place them in a colander and let the water drain.

Turn on the oven, set the heating mode to no more than 70 degrees. Cover a baking tray with baking paper, spread the fruit slices in a thin layer, dry them in the oven for a long time, about 6 hours, until they become dry and crispy. Cool the resulting chips and serve. By the way, they can be given to children over 2 years of age. Bon appetit!



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Modern manufacturers come up with everything they can to make kitchen processes easier for housewives and help them prepare something original. Now the question of how to cut potatoes into a thin spiral can be easily solved by looking at any supermarket and buying a tool special for this case. I have already purchased this wonderful device and am ready to show you how you can easily use it to make homemade potato chips.

Yes, yes, potato chips are a favorite dish not only of children, but of adults. After all, what manufacturers offer us today can hardly be called a healthy diet, and therefore the homemade version of potato snacks will be much healthier and tastier. In addition, this method of serving potato side dish to the table looks very original and will effectively decorate any feast with its presence.

Undoubtedly, you can try using wooden skewers and cutting the potatoes with an ordinary kitchen knife, but it will take much more time to prepare the root vegetable. But you don’t want to spend the whole day in the kitchen!?

How to properly cut potatoes into thin spirals (video from the chef)

You can use the visual hint to cut a thin potato spiral by watching our video tutorial.

And for those who are ready to put the prepared root vegetable to work and pamper their household with a new dish, the following recipe.

Recipe for making potato spirals in the oven

There is nothing easier than making fragrant potato garlands at home. To do this, you will need very little time and a small set of products to please your loved ones with this little culinary miracle.


  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • Breadcrumbs - 5 tsp;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Paprika, ground black pepper, a mixture of Provencal herbs - to taste.

How to deliciously and quickly bake potatoes cut into thin spirals at home

  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly and peel them. Young potatoes just need to be washed thoroughly and can be baked with their skins on.

Large, oblong-shaped potatoes are best suited for spiral cutting.

  • Cut a potato spiral. Here, everyone chooses for themselves which way is best for him to do this: with a regular culinary knife or a knife for cutting potatoes into a spiral.
  • Melt the butter and generously grease our spirals inside and out.

A silicone brush, which every housewife has in her arsenal, is perfect for these purposes.

  • Mix breadcrumbs, pepper and salt in a deep bowl. Adjust the amount of salt and pepper yourself depending on the taste preferences of your household.
  • Sprinkle each portion of spiral-cut potatoes with the resulting mixture on all sides and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake the potatoes in a preheated oven for about an hour at a temperature of 200-220°C.

As soon as the potato spirals are ready, sprinkle them with Provençal herbs and, if desired, finely grated cheese. It turns out to be simply delicious!


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    For slicing, we need root vegetables, peeled and washed under running cold water.

    And also here is a set consisting of a knife, 4 skewers and a handle attachment for slicing potatoes into a thin spiral.

    The skewers are made of stainless steel and can be used at high temperatures without fear. If you need more than 4 servings, you can use wooden skewers and place the already chopped potatoes on them.

    Also, this spiral knife can easily cope with slicing cucumbers, as a result of which you will get a wonderful decoration for any dish.

    Without potatoes, the whole structure looks like this - a knife is put on a skewer, and the end of the skewer is inserted into a handle-holder that directly fixes the root vegetable.

    The process of obtaining a spiral is very simple, you just need to know a couple of secrets for successful cutting. And so, we take peeled and washed potatoes. We look for the center of the root vegetable and screw the knife into it along with the skewer all the way to the handle.

    If you did everything correctly, you should get it as shown in the photo.

    Now it's the turn of the pen. We insert the end of the skewer into it and at the same time press the holder handle tightly to the potato.

    Ready potato spiral.

    The result is a very beautiful potato spiral that will help you serve a familiar dish in a non-standard form.

1. Peel the potatoes and rinse. Slice thinly using a food processor fitted with a slicing attachment or a mandoline grater. If you don't have such devices, use a paring knife and "scrub" the potatoes into thin slices. The illustration shows potatoes being sliced ​​using the grid attachment of a food processor. In addition, the lattice grater is used in two directions.

2. Place the chopped potatoes in a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave for 6-7 minutes. Then drain in a colander and place on paper towels to dry the potatoes. These actions are needed in order to get rid of excess starch.

3. While the potatoes are drying, mix the spices (if you wish, of course). I usually make potato chips in three flavors - salty, spicy and dried dill. By “spicy” I mean a mixture of peppers - black, cayenne or chili, ground red paprika.

4. Let's move on to frying. You can use a deep fryer. Or you can fry it in a pan. Pour in half a pan of oil, heat it and add the first portion. I advise you to first throw in one chip and make sure that the oil is hot. Plus, you will see how quickly the chips will fry. So, fry the chips in batches and drain on paper towels.

We all love crispy and fried potatoes, cut into small slices and given a golden crust in sunflower oil. It’s not difficult to guess that such potatoes are called nothing more than chips, I wrote earlier. But not everyone can cut potatoes neatly; even and thin potato slices can only be cut by a professional or a special chip grater, which we will make at home.

Here's how it's done in the video:

We will need:
- blades for a stationery knife;
- 4 self-tapping screws;
- a small board, preferably made of solid wood. The board must be perfectly smooth. A piece of laminate will also do.
- a small piece of board, 13.5 centimeters long;
- 2 blocks 3 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters wide;
- a hacksaw that will make cuts.

In the largest board we make 4 holes: 2 at the top and two at the bottom. The distance between the upper holes is 8 centimeters, the distance between the lower holes is 10 centimeters.

Then we prepare 2 cubes. We will also have to make one small hole in each of them and use a hacksaw for metal to make a small cut on the blocks. The main thing is that this cut should not be more than 1 millimeter.

We begin to assemble our structure. We place two bars on the board with the cuts facing up, take a utility blade out of the packaging and insert it into the bars where we made the cuts.

We screw the bars with the blade to the board with self-tapping screws. We should get a tightly fitting blade from the utility knife to the wooden surface.

We cut off the ends of the screws with wire cutters so that we cannot be injured by them during operation.
We screw a 13.5 centimeter long leg to the bottom of the board. Just as in the version with the first two screws, we bite off the protruding edges with wire cutters.

Disadvantages of a grater
The stationery blade bends a little, and the potato pieces can be 1 mm thick, or they can come out 2 mm. The second disadvantage is the size of the opening with the blade, it is only 6 cm. If you take large varieties of potatoes, they simply will not fit here.

The advantages of this design are obvious: a simple design that does not require much expense or special effort.
