How to knead lean dough for dumplings. Lenten dumplings: the pearl of home cooking. Lenten dumplings - basic principles of preparation

Dumplings are one of the boiled dough dishes with various fillings. They are usually prepared with meat filling, but meatless dumplings are stuffed with fish, vegetables or spice mixtures.

Many nations have their own dumplings. The Chinese have jiaozi, the Europeans have kreplach, the Italians have tortellini and ravioli, the Caucasians have khinkali, manti, pasties, poses, the Uzbeks have samsa and chuchvara. Despite the fact that they have different names, sizes, shapes and fillings, they are all relatives.

What these dishes have in common is the way the filling is wrapped. The most important thing about dumplings is the rather thin dough shell. There is a historical explanation for this. The popularity of dumplings was quite high in those places where it was much easier to get meat than eggs and flour.

And in our time, dumplings are considered the “pearl” of home cooking. Therefore, every housewife simply must be able to cook them for her family and guests.

So, lean dumplings turn out to be quite tasty, for example, with To do this, boil 1 cup of dried mushrooms or 300 grams of champignons. Pass them through a meat grinder once. Fry with salt and pepper along with one large finely chopped onion until golden brown over low heat. Cool.

Knead the dough from three glasses of flour and water, adding a little salt. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, covered with a bowl. Make lean dumplings with minced mushrooms in the way you like best.

Place the peeled onion and bay leaf into a pan of water. Boil and wait until the onion floats. Then cook the dumplings in this water for about 7 minutes after they “float”.

Place the finished dumplings on a large deep dish and season with vinegar, vegetable oil and mustard. Sprinkle pepper and chopped herbs on top.

In the same way, you can prepare sauerkraut, which should first be stewed with bay leaf, parsley or dill and pepper. During Lent, this is an excellent hearty and healthy dish.

If you love seafood and fish, then you will probably like fish dumplings, the recipe for which is quite easy. The dough is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. And as a filling, take 1 kilogram of fish, the fillet of which (without bones and skin) is passed through a meat grinder. Add lightly fried one large onion and egg. Pepper and salt.

Mix the mixture thoroughly and form dumplings.

Also for dumplings, as an option, you can prepare a special one. During the brewing process, the starch in the flour turns into a paste, and this radically changes the structure, properties, and quality of the dough. Since paste holds much more water than flour, the dough turns out soft, molds and rolls out very well.

To prepare lean dumplings from choux pastry, you will need 2 cups of flour with a small heap, vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of boiling water.

Sift the flour and mix it with salt. Make a hole in the very center and add oil and boiling water there. After you stir it, you should get floury, peculiar lumps of different sizes.

When the dough has cooled slightly, stir it thoroughly until it has a uniformly smooth consistency. First, knead in a bowl, and then, when all the lumps come together, put the mixture on the table and continue kneading the dough in the same way until it becomes homogeneous and fairly smooth.

To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, sprinkle it with flour first.

Place the finished dough back into the bowl and cover with either a lid or plate to rest for about 20 minutes.

After that, prepare dumplings with the filling you like best.

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The Lenten menu is monotonous, boring and of course meager. Diversifying it is quite labor-intensive and a little complicated. How to choose foods that you can eat and that will at the same time become the basis of a hearty, unusual dish? I propose to “dilute” your boring Lenten dishes with real dumplings, only unusual ones, but Lenten ones.

How to prepare Lenten dumplings, what fillings to use during fasting and how not to break the fast, read on.

Recipes for Lenten dumplings

Almost everyone loves dumplings along with dumplings. Even modest ladies on a diet would sometimes happily taste a plate of delicious dumplings with cherries or cottage cheese. Most men prefer dumplings with cheese, potatoes and fried onions. There are also fans of dumplings with cabbage, mushrooms, pumpkin and even fish. However, not all of these types of dumplings can be classified as lean.

Even the dough for dumplings is prepared according to the Russian tradition with eggs and butter, and according to the Ukrainian tradition it is kneaded with yogurt or whey. And yet, I tell you, there will be dumplings on the Lenten table! You just need to show a little imagination, remove forbidden foods from the main familiar recipe and prepare real Lenten dumplings.

The tradition of preparing Lenten dumplings has its roots deep in the history of Russia. Even my grandmother knew and remembered perfectly how to make the dough for Lenten dumplings tender, soft and fluffy. But it is precisely this that distinguishes real Russian dumplings from Ukrainian ones. In Russian dumplings for porous airy dough, add a little slaked soda in vinegar. That's the whole secret!

Knead the dough, roll it out, lay out the filling, and make half-moon dumplings with a pigtail edge.

By the way, there are a lot of fillings for Lenten dumplings; you can make dumplings every day and never repeat them. Of course, only vegetable, cereal, berry, and mushroom fillings are suitable for Lenten dumplings. Cottage cheese, cheese, cracklings will not work.

How to cook Lenten dumplings?

You need to start making dumplings by preparing the dough.

Dough for Lenten dumplings I cook like this.

  1. About 1 tbsp. warm, almost hot water, dissolve 0.5 tsp. sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. I pour water into a bowl or saucepan, pour in a little vegetable oil, then pour in flour by the handful. I can’t say how much flour is needed, it always goes away differently. I just place a bowl of sifted flour next to it and take a handful until I get the desired dough consistency.
  3. While the dough is still liquid, I pour 0.5 tsp into it. slaked soda in 1 tsp. vinegar, regular, 6%.
  4. Next, you need to act a little faster, add the required amount of flour and knead the dough.
  5. I prefer to work with soft, slightly sticky dough. This makes it more convenient for me and the dumplings come out more tender.
  6. Then I leave the dough in a bowl, sprinkle with flour and cover with a napkin. The dough should rest for about 20 minutes, but no more.

Sometimes, you can prepare choux pastry for dumplings. I won’t say that it is better than the first option, but it has the right to exist.

Choux pastry for dumplings

  1. Sift 2.5 tbsp into a deep bowl. flour. You need to make a depression in the center of the slide. Add a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. In a thin stream, pour 1 tbsp directly into this “crater” of flour. boiling water At the same time, stir with a spoon or spatula. I grind the flour with water so that the dough comes out as good as possible and all the flour is cooked evenly. The result is large lumps of brewed flour. Then I transfer the dough to a board sprinkled with flour and knead thoroughly with my hands until the lumps become soft dough. I roll the well-kneaded dough into a ball, cover with a hot bowl and a towel.
  2. This test needs to stand for almost an hour, then use it for its intended purpose.

Well, now about the fillings.

The simplest filling for Lenten dumplings is cherry.

So what if it’s snowing outside? Supermarkets always have any berries in the frozen section. Frozen cherries work great.

Frozen cherry filling

  1. Defrost the cherries and cover with sugar. I have 1.5 tbsp. cherries takes about 1 tbsp. Sahara. It's not sweet, believe me.
  2. So, put the cherries in a bowl, cover them with sugar and leave them alone for 15 minutes. Then drain the juice released from the cherries. It can be useful for jelly, compote, or simply added to porridge.
  3. The cherries are without juice, which means they are ready to stuff Lenten dumplings.
  4. It is better to lay out the cherries in 2-3 pieces. for each circle of dough.

Advice: you need to cook dumplings with cherries in salted water! Serve with jam or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Another type of filling familiar to many.

Potato and onion filling

It couldn’t be tastier and simpler, but how satisfying!

  1. Boil the peeled potatoes, mash them with the remaining broth or add warm water.
  2. Separately, fry the onion cubes in vegetable oil. I recommend frying it until brown.
  3. Mix mashed potatoes with onions, salt and pepper. If desired, you can add dill.
  4. Make dumplings as usual.

I have a recipe for a rather unusual filling, made from cabbage and mushrooms.

Stuffed cabbage with pickled mushrooms

Of course, both fresh and dry mushrooms are suitable. At your discretion.

  1. It is better to grate the cabbage on a medium grater or use a special shredder.
  2. Pour a little oil into a cast iron frying pan, add cabbage and simmer until done. If you need to add water. Chop the pickled mushrooms finely and add to the cabbage.
  3. Separately, fry the onions. Mix all ingredients, add salt to taste. Cool the finished filling and make dumplings with it. I recommend serving these dumplings with vegetable oil and sprinkled with herbs.

Rare recipes for fillings for Lenten dumplings

  • buckwheat with fried onions and mushrooms
  • buckwheat with pickles
  • mashed potatoes with pickled cucumbers
  • stewed carrots in vegetable oil
  • steamed pumpkin with sugar
  • eggplants with tomatoes fried in vegetable oil
  • red sweet bell pepper baked in the oven
  • zucchini grated on a fine grater and blanched in salted boiling water

Experiment, fasting is not a reason to starve. You can go through it with the taste of Lenten dumplings!

Many people mistakenly perceive Lent as a period of strict restrictions, including in their favorite dishes. But there is no need to give up your favorite dishes, such as dumplings: just exclude the non-lenten ones and add lean ingredients.

We offer you recipes for Lenten dumplings that will help diversify your menu during Lent.

Lenten dough for dumplings

Regular dough

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 melts of cold water,
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.

In a large bowl, sift the flour, add salt and stir in the bowl. Make a well in the center and, gradually adding salted water, knead the dough until smooth.

Add salted water little by little to the flour

Cover the dough with a towel or napkin and leave for 30 minutes.

Choux pastry


  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 glass of boiling water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.

Mix the sifted flour and salt, make a well in the center, pour vegetable oil into it, and gradually, stirring with a spoon, add boiling water. Let the resulting mass cool slightly, and then knead the dough until smooth. Cover it with a towel and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.

Starch dough

You will need:

  • 1 cup flour,
  • half a cup of starch,
  • half a glass of cold water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix flour, starch and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour oil into it, then gradually water. Knead the dough well, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into portions. Roll out a sheet 3-5 mm thick from each.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-5 mm

Using a mold, squeeze circles with a diameter of 5-7 cm out of it. Place 1 teaspoon of filling in the center of the circle, seal the edges and place in a wide saucepan with salted boiling water. Stir gently, and when the dumplings float to the top, remove.

Lenten fillings for dumplings

Bean and mushroom filling

You will need:

  • 1 cup beans
  • 300 grams of fresh champignons,
  • 1 onion,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Soak the beans the night before. Boil until tender and puree in a blender. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil until golden brown, add finely chopped mushrooms and simmer over low heat. Grind thoroughly with bean puree, salt and pepper.

Potato and cumin filling

Dumplings with potatoes or spinach go well with lecho made from peppers and tomatoes.

You will need:

  • 600 grams of potatoes,
  • a third of an onion
  • a pinch of cumin,
  • sunflower oil,
  • salt.

Boil the potatoes and make mashed potatoes. Cut the onion into cubes and sauté in vegetable oil, add cumin. Mix and mash into mashed potatoes.

Spinach and tofu filling

You will need:

  • 400 grams frozen spinach,
  • 250 grams of tofu cheese,
  • 1 medium onion,
  • vegetable oil,
  • a bunch of fresh dill,
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Finely chop the onion and fry in oil until golden brown, add half-thawed and chopped spinach.

Fry the onion in oil until golden brown

Simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Let cool. Mash the tofu cheese, add finely chopped dill and spinach with onions. Stir, add salt and pepper.

Carrot and raisin filling

You will need:

  • 3 carrots,
  • 100 grams of large raisins,
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  • a bunch of fresh dill,
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Grate the carrots on a medium grater and simmer in oil until tender. Wash the raisins, pour over boiling water, cut into very small strips, mix with carrots. Add nutmeg and salt to taste.

Salmon and pineapple filling

For this filling you will need the following ingredients:

You will need:

  • 400 grams of salmon fillet,
  • 1 fresh pineapple (or 200 grams canned),
  • freshly ground white pepper,
  • a pinch of dried basil,
  • 2 tablespoons olive or sunflower oil,
  • salt.

Remove the bones from the salmon fillet and chop very finely. Peel fresh pineapple and finely chop the pulp (approximately 200 grams). Mix with minced fish, add salt, pepper, basil and oil. Mix thoroughly.

Apple and zest filling

You will need:

  • 600 grams of apples,
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice,
  • zest of half a lemon,
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons honey,
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Peel and core the apples and grate them on a coarse grater. Mix honey with lemon juice, zest, cinnamon and vanilla sugar.

Peel and core apples

Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the apples and pour in the honey sauce. Stirring constantly, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Let cool.

Cherry and cinnamon filling

You will need:

  • 400 grams of frozen pitted cherries,
  • 1 tablespoon starch,
  • 2 tablespoons sugar,
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

Sprinkle the cherries with sugar, vanilla sugar, and cinnamon, place over low heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Pour in the starch diluted in water, stir, boil again and cool.

Prepare vegetable frying for dumplings. It is based on vegetable oil, chopped onions and garlic. If desired, add grated carrots, celery, tomatoes, and fresh herbs.

If you don't have time to fuss with dough, make lazy lean dumplings. They will save time and diversify the menu. Take the ingredients for the lean dough, mix them with any filling, form into balls and boil.

Historical reference. Dumplings are a dish made from dough with various fillings; they can be made from meat and fish, or from vegetables or their various compositions and always with spices. Different peoples have their own “dumplings” and call them differently:

  • among the Chinese people it is jiaozi;
  • Italians have ravioli and tortellini;
  • Jews make kreplach;
  • in Vietnam it’s dem sum;
  • among the Japanese it is gyoza;
  • in the Caucasus - this is khinkali and poses;
  • in Uzbekistan - chuchvara.

What all these dishes have in common is that they have different fillings, but always wrapped in lean, yeast-free dough. Siberians, for example, prepare their dumplings from bear meat and the meat of various game and wild animals of this region of Russia.

The main thing when making dumplings is a thin dough shell. This is understandable - when dumplings appeared (in those ancient times), it was much easier to get meat than flour, and as a result, there was more filling in dumplings than the dough shell itself. The size of the dumplings is also clear - it was created so that you can eat one thing at a time.

According to historians, dumplings have Chinese roots. Since the Middle Ages, they have spread throughout China and in countries neighboring China, for example, Mongolia. There is also another version of the appearance of dumplings in several countries at once (independent of each other). The peak of popularity of dumplings occurred in the 10th-13th centuries among nomadic peoples. Their diet consisted almost entirely of meat, and due to the convenience of long-term storage when frozen, dumplings quickly took root in the kitchens of the Middle Ages.

The word “dumpling” itself, according to Dahl, comes from a combination of two Permyak words: 1) “pel” - which means ear and 2) “nyan” - which means bread.

And the first mentions of Russian dumplings can be found on the territory of modern Perm and the Urals. Later, in the 16th and 17th centuries, during the development of Siberia, all of Russia became familiar with this dish.

The basic recipe for dumpling dough without eggs is a mixture of flour, water and salt.

And all the others are simply derivatives of this recipe:

  • you can replace water with kefir;
  • you can replace water with milk;
  • You can add vegetable oil to the preparation;
  • You can add butter to the mixture
  • Unleavened dumpling dough can be custard.

All recipes are good, but every cook uses his own - proven and convenient.

The dough for dumplings is unleavened. For everything to work out, he needs to be simultaneously:

  • Cool (but at the same time soft);
  • Plastic;
  • Keep in shape;
  • Thin and easy to roll out;
  • It's good to mold.

To prevent the dumplings from falling apart when cooking, and to prevent the dough from cracking when freezing, you must follow some rules:

  • The liquid component in the mixture should be warm;
  • The flour must be sifted;
  • The mixture begins to be kneaded with a fork or spoon, and finished with your hands. For a well-kneaded dough, 15-20 minutes are enough;
  • When the dough is kneaded, it is allowed to “rest” for about thirty minutes;
  • Pinch the dough after half an hour or press it with your finger. If the dough “holds” its shape, feel free to start rolling out dumplings.

Recipe No. 1 Dough for dumplings without eggs

For the recipe you need:

  1. flour 500 grams;
  2. water 220 ml;
  3. salt ½ teaspoon.
  • We start by dissolving the salt in warm water in a deep container.
  • Sift the flour into the same container and begin making the mixture first with a fork (or spoon) in a circular motion.
  • When all the flour is used, it will become difficult to stir with a fork. Continue kneading the dough with your hands. To do this, put it out of the container onto the table. The table is sprinkled with flour.
  • There comes a point in working with the dough when it stops sticking to your hands and the table.
  • The correct dough is obtained - cool to the touch, homogeneous in appearance.
  • Next, you need to put the dough in a bag and do not touch it for half an hour.
  • After 30 minutes, the dough for making dumplings without eggs is ready.

The classic dough for dumplings is lean; eggs and dairy products are not added to it in order to maintain the required texture: not too dense, but not loose, easily boiled dough, capable of holding any filling and at the same time complementing its taste. Despite the fact that the dough is lean, it still has different variations of recipes, which we will devote this material to.

Lenten dough for dumplings with potatoes

As we wrote earlier, it doesn't really matter which filling you decide to use for the dough, but they require special attention because pureed filling doesn't hold well in an overly soft dough. Since these dumplings are prepared specifically with potatoes, the potato broth itself will be used as a liquid in the dough.


  • flour - 320 g;
  • potato broth - 190 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml.


If you are not entirely sure of the quality of the flour you are using, then sift it first to get rid of any large particles. Add a pinch of salt to the sifted flour and mix everything together. It is better to take the broth warm, as it will allow the gluten threads to swell, which in turn will provide a fairly dense, but not rubbery dough. After the broth, add oil. After mixing, the dough is left to rest while preparing the filling, and only then proceed to rolling and shaping.

Lenten choux pastry for dumplings

This dough is called choux because during its preparation the flour is poured not with plain water, but with boiling water. In this case, the flour itself instantly absorbs moisture and swells, as a result the dough is pliable and easy to work with, while retaining its shape well.


  • flour - 220 g;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • boiling water - 230 ml.


After sifting the flour, mix it with a pinch of salt and pour in boiling water. After boiling water, add vegetable oil, then mix all the ingredients with a wooden spatula until you get lumps of different sizes. At this stage the dough is left to cool until it becomes comfortable to work with. Then all the lumps are collected together and kneaded thoroughly.

Lenten dough for dumplings with cabbage - recipe

If you like, then prepare the dough according to this recipe, adding yeast to it. During steaming, the dough will increase significantly in volume and become much lighter.


  • water - 275 ml;
  • olive oil - 45 ml;
  • fresh yeast - 20 g;
  • flour – 215 g;
  • sugar - 5 g.


Heat the water until warm and dissolve sugar in it. Dissolve the yeast in the sweetened solution and leave to activate (until a foamy head appears on the surface). Next, pour the yeast solution into 100 g of flour and leave the dough to rise for an hour. Place the risen dough on a table generously sprinkled with flour, sprinkle flour on top. Next, start kneading, adding flour to the dough if it is sticky. The amount of flour may vary depending on its moisture content, so this process should be guided by the “as much as it takes” principle. The finished dough is left to proof again for another hour.

If you decide to use this lean dough for dumplings with cherries, cottage cheese or any other sweet fillings, then increase the amount of sugar in the recipe.
