How to wrap round belyashi. Triangular belyashi step-by-step recipe with photos. For the test you will need

Hello, dear hostesses!

Today we have a special recipe, it’s suitable even for beginners, it’s so simple.

We will make amazingly juicy and at the same time crispy and aromatic belyashi in a frying pan.

We have our own tricks for making these wonderful meat pies.

We will definitely share them with you. We will also show you the process with step-by-step photographs. Forward!

Delicious yeast whites in a frying pan

To prepare belyashi we will need:

For filling

  • 700 g minced meat
  • 2 pcs onion heads
  • Salt, pepper, coriander to taste

For the test

  • 500 ml warm water
  • 2 tsp yeast (1 package dry)
  • 750 g flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil for frying

At the end we will get 24-26 ruddy and delicious whites.

Preparing yeast dough for whites

First, let's knead the dough. To do this, place yeast in warm water, 1 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, mix to dissolve the yeast.

Then gradually add all the flour, kneading the dough.

The dough turns out quite elastic. Knead it until it stops sticking to your hands.

Place the finished dough in a glass or plastic bowl and place it in a warm place until it rises.

While the yeast gets to work, making the dough fluffy, we will start filling.

Let's take minced meat, it can be minced pork and beef or minced meat with the addition of poultry, depending on which one you prefer.

We have minced pork + beef in equal parts.

One of the whitefish tricks is to add 50 g of water to the minced meat to make it more juicy.

You need to chop the onion in a blender or grind it through a meat grinder, combine it with water and add this onion pulp to the minced meat.

Season with salt and pepper; if desired, you can add coriander, it will add a piquant taste. Mix everything.

In the meantime, our dough is ready.

Our task is to roll it into a long sausage and cut it into equal pieces.

We form these pieces into balls so that it is convenient to work with them later.

Another trick: to prevent the dough from drying out while waiting for the filling, cover it with cling film.

After that, we take a bun of dough and flatten it evenly with our fingers, giving it the shape of a circle.

Make the edges thinner than the middle. This will allow you to beautifully design the neck of the belyash.

Place the filling in the center of the circle.

Now, holding the dough with your fingers, we pull the edges towards the middle and begin to assemble the neck.

Constantly pinch the dough overlapping, moving in a circle. A little practice and you will succeed.

This is the kind of pie you should get, with a small hole on top.

Press it down a little with your palm so that the meat is better distributed inside.

We do this with all our koloboks - stuff them with minced meat and pinch them.

We are getting ready to fry our belyashi.

A few secrets:

  • fry the belyashi in a frying pan with a thick bottom
  • add a little salt to the oil to reduce splattering
  • to check if the oil is hot enough for frying, dip a wooden spatula into it; if bubbles and hissing appear, you can fry
  • Do not skimp on oil, do not pour less than in the recipe, otherwise the whites will absorb a lot of oil during frying, instead of immediately becoming crispy.
  • do not try to stuff as many whites as possible into the frying pan at a time; during frying, they will become fluffy and stick to each other

Place the whites in the oil, eye side down, and fry for 3-5 minutes until browned.

Turn over and fry on the other side for another 3-5 minutes.

Try not to let the juice from the whitefish get into the oil, otherwise such a shelling will begin, it won’t seem like much.

We take out the finished whites and place them on paper towels.

When the excess oil has drained from them and they have cooled down a little, you can eat them! Meal for the whole family.

Belyashi turns out juicy, tasty, with an amazing crispy crust.

See you with new goodies on our blog!

Belyashi is a favorite dish of many people. Almost all housewives know how to cook them at home. Everything is clear with the dough, each of us has our own proven recipe, with or without sponge, with milk or kefir. If someone is just exploring the world of cooking, then you will find good options for various doughs in this section. But how exactly to wrap whites sometimes raises questions. Let's look at the two most popular methods.

Round whites

After the dough has risen, divide it into portions the size of a small chicken egg. Roll out with a rolling pin and place the filling in the middle, smooth with a spoon. Form the whites by folding the dough towards the center and making folds. The minced meat should not be completely hidden.

Fry the whites in a large amount of vegetable oil, first place the minced meat down, and then carefully turn over so that the juice does not leak out.

Triangular whites

There is a way to wrap whites in a triangle - quite simple and convenient. Also roll out the dough, cut round pieces using a tea saucer, put the filling in the center and form a triangle, as shown in the photo. Be sure to leave a small hole in the center.

In fact, in belyashi everything depends not on how you wrap it, but on the dough and filling. One of the secrets of preparing minced meat is that the ratio of fried and raw onions should be 1:1. Then the filling will be semi-liquid, which will add juiciness and amazing taste to the finished baked goods.

Any dish must respect both taste and aesthetic characteristics. Surely housewives were guided by this statement when they invented different ways of sculpting whites. Tatar pies have always been very popular; the most common are belyashi with or without a hole, as well as triangular ones. It is clear that the shape of the pie does not affect its taste in any way, but if the neat appearance of what you eat is important to you, this material will be useful to you.

Modeling belyashi with meat

The process of forming whites is no less important than preparing the dough and filling. Traditional belyash is a pie formed by a bag with a characteristic hole in the center. To make such a “miracle”, first grease the working surface with oil (note that it is oil, not flour), the dough is divided into portions and rolled out. Place the minced meat filling inside and distribute it along the edges, maintaining a gap of one and a half centimeters. Then the edges are connected, one after the other, until a ring is formed in the center.


Belyashi with a round hole is the most authentic way of modeling. Thanks to the hole, the pies are evenly fried; some experienced housewives pour broth into this hole to make the filling juicier.

Belyashi with a hole

This sculpting method is simpler than the previous one. Cut a piece of dough into portions so that there is enough for exactly one whitewash. Roll out the flatbread and place a ball of minced meat in its center, pressing it down to form a “pancake”. Connect two opposite edges, then do the same with the other two. Important: you cannot close the edges! Fold the resulting corners, that’s all, the white meat is ready for frying.

Modeling round whites

Some housewives prefer to pinch the edges of the cake to get a round cake with a hole, while others find it easier to make a full-fledged round cake and then cut a hole in it. This method is also quite good and interesting in its own way. Roll out the dough cut into equal portions and place the filling in its center, then begin to pick up the edges in a circle. Place all edges securely in the center.


Belyashi with a hole, during cooking in oil, are first fried from the hole side.

Next, the most unexpected move, turn the whitewash over so that there is a smooth surface on top. Using a knife and fingers, stretch the dough around the edges and make a hole in the center with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters.

Modeling triangular whites

Now let's get acquainted with the technique of sculpting white triangles. Those who are familiar with how “vac-whites” are molded will find it easy to figure out triangles. Just as in previous cases, first roll out the dough and smooth the filling into the center. Now divide the length of the entire circumference of the cake into three parts of approximately equal length, corners are formed at the points of contact. Connect the three corners together in the center with the fingers of one hand, and use the fingers of the other hand to walk along the sides. You can fasten them together in a simple way, but curly modeling will look more original.

If you want to make a triangular whitewash with a hole in the center, proceed a little differently. Everything is the same here, only you need to start sculpting the sides from the base, closer to the top the dough should be tucked inward.



Belyashi is a tasty, aromatic and sometimes exquisite dish. When preparing them, it is important to observe both the recipe and the aesthetic aspect. After all, a dish is only truly perceived when it is tasty and looks the part. There are many ways to sculpt whites, you are now familiar with the most popular ones, so you can safely put your knowledge into practice. Good luck and delicious whites to you!

How to sculpt whites

In ancient times, the best chefs prepared for the representatives of the royal families. The kitchen was considered a secret abode, where cooking was treated as a sacred ritual. But during the time of the tsars, Russian cooks did not know how to cook fried dishes; their skills were limited to boiling or baking. For these purposes, specialists of other nationalities were invited.

A little history

Only the Tatars knew how to make belyashi and fry them correctly, so they were invited to prepare dishes from their national cuisine. After all, belyash is an original Tatar invention; it was these people who taught the Russians how to cook round pies with meat filling. The ancestor of the belyash was an ordinary pie, which was called “peremyach”.

In the national Tatar cuisine there was a dish “belish”, which was the name of a large round pie made from unleavened dough. Its filling included many ingredients, one of which was meat. Time passed, and gradually the small meat pie lost its name somewhere and began to be called “belish”. To this day, there are two types in Tatar cooking - a small pie "belish" and a large pie with meat - "zur belish".

Nowadays belyashi are made not only from yeast dough, but also from unleavened dough; the filling can also be very varied - potato, potato-meat, with vegetables and even berries.

Types of whiting

Probably every housewife knows how to make belyashi. But not everyone knows how varied the recipes for this dish are:

  1. Belyashi with meat is a traditional dish; the filling consists of minced meat and onions.
  2. Potato whites in the oven are an excellent alternative for vegetarians, in addition, it is a healthier option.
  3. Lazy belyashi - this wonderful recipe will tell you how to make belyashi with meat when you have absolutely no free time.
  4. Belyashi with cabbage - the filling includes cabbage, carrots, onions and greens.
  5. Chicken whites - chicken fillet makes this dish lighter and more dietary.
  6. Belyashi with beef and lamb is a Kazakh version of the dish, but since lamb has a specific taste and smell, it is suitable for lovers of this type of meat.
  7. Belyash-cheesecakes are large round open pies with meat or other filling, fried in vegetable oil or baked in the oven.
  8. Belyash with sausage filling is a quick way to prepare this dish.
  9. Fish white - the filling can include any sea fish, this is a very tasty and light option.
  10. Belyash with egg and onion - made from boiled egg and green onion.
  11. Belyash with carrots is also an original Tatar recipe; in addition to meat, the filling includes bell pepper and grated carrots.
  12. Belyash with veal and beets is a rather unusual, but very tasty dish.

These are not all the varieties of this wonderful pie, but most prefer the traditional version, so let’s look at all the intricacies of its preparation.

How to put the dough on belyashi

What dough to use and how to make belyashi is a matter of taste for every housewife. You can make them from store-bought dough, or you can use homemade dough, which, of course, is much better. Typically, yeast dough is used for this purpose; preparing it yourself is not at all difficult. For this you will need:

  • Flour - 1 kg.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet.
  • Warm water - 50 ml.
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

Pour the yeast into warm water, stir well, add sugar and leave for a few minutes. Sift the flour into a large bowl, break the egg and pour in the warm milk. Add the yeast mixture, salt and knead the mass thoroughly. The dough should stick to your hands a little; if it is too steep, the whites will turn out tough. Cover the dough and place in a warm place for 1 hour. When it doubles in volume, grease your hands with vegetable oil, knead it a little and leave for a while. When it rises a second time, you can start cooking.

How to prepare the filling

To achieve an excellent result, you need to know how to properly sculpt belyashi with meat fillings, the most popular of which is a mixture of pork and beef. To make the minced meat juicy and tasty, you need to add a lot of onions to it. Experienced chefs claim that 1 kg of meat requires 300 grams. up to 1 kg of onion. Many people add chopped garlic and herbs to the minced meat. This gives the product a pleasant aroma and spicy taste. You can also put various spices there; these preferences are purely individual.

One of the secrets of success is ice water. It is poured into minced meat for greater juiciness and taste. It gives it more viscosity and elasticity, as a result of which the whites will become more tender. It is not recommended to add raw egg white to the filling, it will make it dry, it is better to limit yourself to one yolk.

So, the dough and minced meat are ready, you can start preparing the whites.

Cooking closed whites

There is a simple way to sculpt closed belyashi with meat, which will not take much time. Place the dough on a floured table, knead it a little and cut it into small balls. Roll each ball into a flat cake at least 7 mm thick, place the filling in the middle, gather the edges on top and pinch well.

Shape the white dough into a ball, make sure that there are no cracks on the surface of the dough, otherwise all the juice will leak out during frying. Let the products rise a little, flatten them slightly and fry in oil until cooked.

Cooking open whites

Many people prefer open products, but not everyone knows how to make open whites and fry them so that they remain juicy and do not lose juice during the frying process. It's actually simple. Roll out the dough into flat cakes and place a tablespoon of filling in the middle. Connect the opposite edges together, and do the same with the other two edges. You can’t close them, you need to bend the corners so that the center remains open, then flatten the whitewash a little with your hand.

When the oil in the frying pan is well heated, place the white meat with the open side down and fry over medium heat until cooked. It is thanks to the hot oil that the meat will become crusty and prevent the juice from leaking out. Using a wooden or plastic spatula, carefully turn the white meat over to the other side and cook until done.

Preparation of triangular whites

Everyone knows how to sculpt round whites. But you can give the product another shape, for example, triangular. There is a very simple way to sculpt triangular belyashi. As in all cases, the dough needs to be rolled out into a flat cake, in the center of which the filling is laid out.

Then you need to close the two opposite edges in the center and pinch the dough with your fingers from the center to the edge, forming an angle. Connect the third side of the belyash in the center with the other two and form the corners of a triangle. You can leave a small hole in the middle of the product.

A way to beautifully sculpt

How to sculpt belyashi so that they turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful? Many housewives do not pay attention to the appearance of the product, believing that good taste is enough. In fact, dishes should also be aesthetic. There are many ways to beautifully sculpt belyashi, let’s look at one of them.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of no more than 5 mm, and the middle of the cake should be slightly thinner than the edges. Place the minced meat in the middle, place your index finger in the center of the filling and begin making tucks around it. While collecting the dough, the white dough needs to be turned all the time so that it turns out smooth and beautiful. Then carefully remove your finger and flatten the product slightly.

  • for frying whitefish, dishes with a thick and wide bottom, for example, a duckling pan, are best suited;
  • To ensure that the products are not too greasy, after frying they should be placed on napkins or paper towels, then the excess fat will be absorbed;
  • to prepare the filling faster, you need to pour hot oil in small portions into the hole of the belyash, besides, this will add juiciness to the product;
  • If fried foods are contraindicated for anyone, you can use an oven or bread maker.

Fragrant meat products are made quite quickly, so you can pamper your loved ones with them not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.

When my grandmother was alive, she often prepared delicious triangular belyashi. Crispy, aromatic, with juicy minced meat inside, from which juice flowed when biting into the white meat. We always opened a delicious preparation for such belyashi and ate the belyashi with tomato juice. It was very tasty! Today we will prepare just such delicious triangular-shaped belyashi. A step-by-step photo recipe will help you with cooking.

Triangular whites

Belyashi is prepared using yeast dough. Thanks to him, they become so lush and plump. The filling is made from different minced meat, but today we will make what can be called a classic version from mixed minced meat - pork and beef. Then the filling will be juicy and very tasty.


For the test:

  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Dry yeast - 10 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

For filling:

  • Mixed minced meat (pork and beef) - 800 gr
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste

For frying:

Vegetable oil


Let's start preparing the dough. Yeast dough does not cook quickly. First, let's prepare the dough; to do this, pour a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of flour and yeast into warm milk (not hot). Leave for 10 minutes until the yeast has dissipated.

After time, add egg, salt and flour in portions to the pan with milk. Mix the dough. The dough should be soft and pliable.

Place the dough in a clean pan and cover with a cotton or linen towel. Place in a warm place for 1 hour.

As time passes, you will see that the dough has risen, you need to knead it and leave for another 15 minutes.

When the dough is ready, let's start making triangular whites. Take the dough out onto the table, grease your hands with sunflower oil and knead the dough a little.

Cut it into equal small pieces about the size of a chicken egg. Roll them into circles.

Let the mugs sit for a while until they rise.

While the mugs are rising, prepare the minced meat.

Finely chop the onion and mix with the minced meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Spoon the finished minced meat onto the circles.

We roll the belyash into a triangle and pinch the edges.

Let these triangles sit for a few more minutes until they fit. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil for frying.

Place the whites on the heated oil, seam side down. Fry on all sides until browned.

We also fry the sides of the whites.

After the belyashi are fried, put them in a cauldron. Pour a tablespoon of water into the bottom of the cauldron and cover with a lid. We set the gas to very low. You can use a flame spreader. Keep the belyashi covered in the cauldron for about 7 minutes. This will make them soft.

Our delicious and juicy triangular whites are ready! You can serve it piping hot to the table. Enjoy your meal!
