What products are needed for delicious okroshka. Ingredients for okroshka: the perfect recipe

If you have boiled potatoes, fresh cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs and a variety of greens, then consider that your delicious okroshka is almost ready. For the liquid base, you can choose whatever you like or find in the refrigerator. Natural bread kvass, low-fat kefir, curd whey, and mineral water are good options.

History of the dish

Russian cuisine knew neither boiled sausage nor ham. She had beef and a limited selection of vegetables at her disposal. Instead of kvass, cabbage and cucumber pickles were used. All the ingredients were crumbled, for which the dish was awarded the name “okroshka”.

There is probably no family in our country that does not cook okroshka. This dish seems to be created for a hot summer.

What you need for a classic dish

In the classic version, the ingredients chopped for okroshka are poured with white kvass; it tastes much more sour than bread kvass. Today this kvass cannot be found, but we can independently prepare high-quality, tasty homemade kvass from rye bread or malt, with the addition of herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Place the beef tongue in boiling water and cook for an hour and a half. The skin on your tongue will come off easily if you hold it under running cold water. The already cooled tongue is cut into cubes. If the tongue is large, use only the required amount; 1 serving will require 100 grams;
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, place in a pan of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon or use a colander. In this case, it is necessary to keep the decoction in the amount of 1 cup. Cool all ingredients;
  3. Hard boil the eggs, remove the shells. Cut the whites into cubes. Chop the green onion, put it in a cup, add the yolks, and season with salt. These products can be crushed using a pestle or an ordinary wooden “potato masher”. Then pour in the cooled broth and mix;
  4. Peel the cucumbers, chop into small cubes, and add to the pan with the yolks and onions. Place egg whites, potatoes, tongue, radishes cut into slices in the same pan, pour kvass. In order for the okroshka to brew, it must be placed in the refrigerator for at least two hours;
  5. Serve okroshka cold, season with sour cream.

For okroshka with kvass

Traditional products for okroshka with kvass are lean meat, fish, herbs and vegetables. These products are taken in equal proportions. The main thing is to serve cold okroshka with sour cream.

For okroshka you need:

  • 1.5 liters of bread kvass;
  • 300 grams of boiled beef;
  • potatoes - 3 or 4 tubers;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • 6 radishes;
  • green onion and dill - 1 large bunch each;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pieces;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon zest – ½ teaspoon;
  • to taste – spices.

It will take 20 minutes to cook, the calorie content of 1 serving will be 300 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the cooked beef, boiled potatoes, vegetables (cucumber and radish) into cubes and mix. Add chopped onion and dill;
  2. Peel the boiled eggs, separate the whites and yolks. Add chopped proteins to a container with vegetables and meat;
  3. Grind the yolks with sour cream, add Russian mustard, lemon juice and zest. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Dilute with kvass;
  4. Place the mixture of meat and vegetables on plates and pour in the prepared kvass.

How to cook okroshka with kefir

Okroshka with kefir is a summer soup that is in no way inferior in taste to classic okroshka made with bread kvass. The method of preparing cold soup with kefir, in general, has no fundamental differences. First of all, prepare the base from fresh and boiled vegetables, meat or sausage. The liquid base in this recipe is kefir.


  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • ham – 400 grams;
  • parsley, green onions, dill - to taste;
  • cucumber (fresh) – 2 fruits;
  • liquid kefir 1% – 1 liter;
  • radishes – 6 pcs.

It takes only 15 minutes to prepare, 1 serving contains 390 kcal.

Cooking method:

What products are needed for a dish with mineral water?

Okroshka with mineral water is prepared simply and quickly. The main ingredients are boiled potatoes, egg whites, cucumbers, radishes and green onions. They go well with sparkling, not too salty mineral water.

What you need for 4 servings:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 200 grams of beef or boiled tongue;
  • fresh cucumber – 4 pieces;
  • radishes – 8 pcs.;
  • egg whites – 4 pcs.;
  • matsoni – 400 ml;
  • mineral water (carbonated) – 800 ml;
  • 8 pcs. – green onion feather;
  • to taste - spices;
  • dill for decoration.

You can prepare okroshka in 20 minutes, the calorie content is 300 kcal.

How to prepare okroshka:

  1. The meat base of okroshka is prepared in advance. Boil the meat or beef tongue and cool. Cut into thin pieces;
  2. Prepare vegetables: boil potatoes, cucumber, radish, wash and dry greens. Cut the vegetables into cubes and chop the greens at your discretion;
  3. Mix matsoni (or kefir) with mineral water and pour over the ingredients (tongue or meat, herbs and vegetables);
  4. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

  1. If okroshka is prepared with meat, then it should be soft and tender, preferably boiled with a bone and cut from it. To make the cold soup taste richer, you can use a variety of meats: chicken, beef, pork, but only beef;
  2. For okroshka, fish with a neutral taste is suitable: pike perch, tench, or cod. It is first cut into cubes and then boiled;
  3. Add lemon juice to cold fish soups to acidify them a little;
  4. Meat or vegetable cold soups can be supplemented with kvass, which has a light sweet taste;
  5. To prepare kvass, you need to cut the bread (rye) into pieces and dry it in the oven. Place dry bread in a container, add boiling water, and leave for four hours in a warm place in the kitchen. Strain the bread mixture, add dry yeast, sugar, and cover with a thick towel. Leave it in the kitchen to infuse. For preparation: a loaf of rye bread, 2 packets of yeast, four liters of water, 200 grams of sugar;
  6. To give okroshka a spicy taste, you must first combine kvass with black pepper and mustard. Add hot dressing to the prepared vegetables, herbs, meat, let it sit for a while, then pour in the remaining kvass;
  7. If okroshka does not contain meat products, horseradish is better suited for a harmonious taste rather than mustard;
  8. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst, it is especially useful in hot weather. However, if you pour okroshka with kefir alone, it will turn out very thick. Therefore, kefir must be diluted with water, or mineral water;
  9. Eggs are added whole or just the white to the okroshka, and the yolk is ground with mustard, horseradish, ground black pepper, diluted with a small amount of kvass and adding a little sour cream.

In the heat, you can refuse hot dishes, but cold okroshka is simply a must. It is easy to prepare. A couple of potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, meat or sausage - and the whole family is fed.

The classic version of cold soup uses kvass. However, kefir will not be superfluous in it. The fact is that it is fermented milk drinks that make the dish not only satisfying and healthy, but also truly healing.

Judge for yourself: kefir speeds up digestion and improves intestinal cleansing processes. Even if you prepare such a soup without sparing the meat, you will not cause any harm to your figure. After all, for okroshka with kefir, the calorie content does not exceed 60-70 Kcal per 100 grams of weight. A large number of vegetables and herbs complement the beneficial effects on the body and provide it with countless vitamins and minerals. In general, continuous health benefits.

You will need:

  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • greens and green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled sausage - 300 g;
  • lemon juice or vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • water - according to consistency;
  • salt.


  1. Start with green onions. It should be cut into rings, poured into a saucepan and rubbed directly with salt in it with a masher.
  2. Add the radishes and cucumbers cut into strips.
  3. Chop 3 potatoes into cubes and add to the mixture. Crush one with a fork and add it there for thickness.
  4. Cut the eggs and sausage into cubes and add to the other ingredients.
  5. Pour in kefir. It is advisable to add water, so that the okroshka made with kefir and mineral water will not be too thick.
  6. Add some more salt and vinegar or lemon juice. Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes and serve.

Okroshka with whey

You will need:

  • whey - 2 l;
  • boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 0.5 l;
  • dill and green onions - a bunch each;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • boiled meat or sausage to taste - 300 g;
  • citric acid, mustard, salt.


  1. Chop all ingredients into cubes.
  2. Prepare the filling: mix whey and sour cream in a container. Dissolve thoroughly. Add 2/3 teaspoon of salt, about the same amount of citric acid.
  3. Pour the mixture over the ingredients and cool. You can add mustard to the vegetables themselves, then the taste will be sweetish-bitter.

It is only important to know how to cook okroshka with kefir correctly. Here are the main recommendations.

  1. Use low-fat kefir. The high-fat drink is thick, which can turn the soup into porridge. Although if you come across fatty kefir, you can simply dilute the dish in a plate with mineral water to the desired consistency.
  2. Pre-soak vegetables in water. This applies to cucumbers, radishes, and greens. Firstly, it will help slightly wilted fruits and leaves become tight and beautiful again. And secondly, it will allow you to get rid of the nitrates they contain in order to eliminate the risk of poisoning.
  3. Use lean meat. A recipe for okroshka made with whey, kefir and other fermented milk products is an example of health benefits. Don't spoil it with fatty pork or beef. Boiled veal, chicken breast, turkey, even rabbit are suitable. If the dish is prepared in a hurry, you can find boiled sausage or sausages in the refrigerator for it.
  4. Mix the chopped ingredients with the dressing, and only then add kefir. This should be done so that the vegetables are saturated with the flavors of the dressing, which can be sour or spicy. So the classic version of the dressing in the recipe for how to make okroshka with kefir can be considered boiled yolks, ground with mustard. They add a little pepper and sugar, a little sour cream or the same kefir.
  5. Season the dish half an hour before serving - no earlier, no later. The fact is that waiting a long time for the finished okroshka can stratify its structure. And pouring kefir on a plate and immediately serving it means not allowing the dish to become saturated with flavors.

Okroshka is an ancient dish of Russian cuisine, the name of which comes from the verb “to crumble”. The recipe for this cold soup has been mentioned in literary sources since the 18th century. Since its inception, this dish has been constantly supplemented and improved. If initially okroshka was prepared as a mixture of meat or fish, vegetables and pickles (pickled cucumbers and mushrooms), seasoned with white kvass and sour cream, then gradually the recipe for the dish changed a lot. Today, as a rule, it includes boiled meat, potatoes, eggs, fresh vegetables and a large amount of herbs. Not only kvass is already used as a dressing, but also whey, kefir, other fermented milk drinks and mineral water.

Recipes for delicious okroshka are presented in our article. We suggest preparing each of them and choosing one worthy of your table.

Any recipe for delicious okroshka can always be changed and supplemented with other ingredients to your liking. This rule should be followed when preparing this original Russian dish. When preparing ingredients, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Potatoes for okroshka can be boiled in their skins or baked in the oven with their skins on. In this case, any cooking method will do.
  2. It is preferable to use meat instead of sausage. Good okroshka is made from tender domestic pork, beef and poultry.
  3. From fresh vegetables, you can use both cucumber and radish, which will make the taste of cold soup more piquant.
  4. If you need to add a little heat, season the okroshka with black pepper or mustard.
  5. You can add any greens in large quantities. To make the taste of the soup more rich, it is recommended to grind finely chopped dill, parsley and onion in a mortar with salt until juice forms, and only then add to the okroshka.

Delicious classic okroshka: recipe

Initially, kvass was used as a base for cold soup. We suggest preparing this recipe for the most delicious okroshka, which is considered a classic, below.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish is as follows:

  1. It is good to cool white or bread kvass. Leave it in the refrigerator until the rest of the ingredients for the dish are chopped.
  2. Boil any meat (200 g) with spices to taste. At the end of cooking, add salt. Then cool and cut into small cubes.
  3. Boil potatoes (3 pcs.) in their skins, wait until they cool down and cut into pieces in the same way as meat.
  4. Boil eggs (4 pcs.) in water with salt, cool, peel and chop into cubes.
  5. Finely chop the cucumbers and radishes.
  6. Chop the greens (onion, parsley, dill) in the same way.
  7. Mix all chopped ingredients in one bowl. Divide the resulting mass into plates, pour cold kvass and add sour cream to taste. Salt as desired.

Recipe for delicious okroshka with kefir

Finding delicious homemade kvass for classic okroshka is not so easy. Therefore, when preparing cold soup, many housewives try to replace it with fermented milk products, for example, whey, ayran or kefir. It is the last ingredient that is used in the next recipe.

The most delicious okroshka with kefir is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Potatoes and eggs (3 pieces each) are boiled in salted water, cooled and cut into cubes.
  2. Greens (onion, dill) are chopped.
  3. Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.) and radishes (10 pcs.) are cut in the same way as potatoes and eggs.
  4. Boiled meat (300 g) or ham is finely chopped.
  5. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and poured with kefir (1 l). Salt, mustard and pepper can be added to your taste.

Okroshka with kvass

This recipe will appeal to all spicy lovers. This okroshka has a sharp taste due to the use of kvass as a liquid ingredient, as well as a piquant spiciness due to mustard dressing. The list of other components remains virtually unchanged.

The recipe for delicious okroshka with kvass is as follows:

  1. Potatoes and eggs (4 pieces each) are boiled until tender.
  2. Beef (300 g) is boiled with spices for about 1.5 hours, cooled and cut into strips.
  3. Potatoes, egg whites and 2 fresh cucumbers are cut into cubes.
  4. Any greens to taste are chopped (large bunch).
  5. Prepare a spicy dressing from mustard (1 tablespoon), boiled egg yolks and salt to taste. A few tablespoons of sour cream are also added here.
  6. The chopped ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and poured with kvass (1 l).
  7. Okroshka is poured into plates, after which a spoonful of mustard-sour cream dressing is added to each.

Okroshka on kefir with mineral water

If there is no kvass in the refrigerator, then do not be upset. Highly carbonated mineral water will help replace this ingredient in okroshka. The sharp and piquant taste of the dish is achieved thanks to a special dressing based on egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice.

A delicious okroshka is prepared using kefir and mineral water according to the following recipe:

  1. Boil in the skins, cool, peel and chop 4 potato tubers into small pieces.
  2. Perform similar steps with chicken eggs, but only the whites should be chopped, and the yolks should be left for dressing.
  3. Boil the meat with spicy spices, onions and carrots.
  4. Chop the greens and a couple of cucumbers.
  5. Combine all ingredients together.
  6. Prepare a dressing based on hot mustard (1 tablespoon), lemon juice, salt and 4 yolks from boiled eggs. Add a few tablespoons of mineral water and mix well.
  7. Pour chilled mineral water (1.5 liters) over vegetables, herbs and meat. Add kefir to taste (about 500 ml).
  8. Pour the okroshka into bowls and add the dressing.

Recipe for okroshka with shrimp

Do you want to try something unusual and exotic? Prepare okroshka with shrimp, although it has almost nothing in common with the classic dish. Instead of cucumbers and radishes, tomatoes are used in cooking, which taste great with shrimp.

R The recipe for delicious okroshka involves the following step-by-step preparation:

  1. The shrimp are boiled until tender in boiling salted water. Then they need to be cleaned and, if necessary, cut.
  2. Tomatoes (3 pcs.) cut into cubes.
  3. Boiled eggs (5 pcs.) are crushed in the same way as tomatoes.
  4. Green onions and dill are also finely chopped (a bunch at a time).
  5. All ingredients are mixed in one bowl with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Next, pour water (1500 ml) into the resulting “salad” and squeeze out the juice from one lemon. Okroshka with shrimp is ready. It will taste even better if you use chilled and purified mineral water.

How to cook okroshka with sour cream?

A very tasty cold soup can be prepared from seemingly incompatible ingredients. The filling for the chopped main ingredients is prepared from water and sour cream, and the result is a very tasty okroshka.

All products for cold soup are practically no different from those presented in previous recipes. You will need several potato tubers, boiled eggs, meat, sausage, ham or sausages, cucumbers and radishes, as well as a large amount of various greens. The filling is prepared from two liters of cold boiled water and 500 ml of sour cream. The ingredients are mixed well, salt, pepper and mustard are added to taste. After this, the filling is poured into a mixture of eggs, vegetables and meat.

For many people, this is the best recipe for delicious okroshka. Water and sour cream make the dish tender, perfectly quenching both thirst and hunger in the summer heat.

Whey okroshka recipe

Many housewives, thinking about what to replace kvass in okroshka, are not even aware of the possibility of using this product. Meanwhile, whey is a very high-quality and healthy alternative to the famous bread drink.

According to the recipe, a very tasty okroshka is prepared as follows:

  1. Potatoes (4 pcs.), eggs (7 pcs.), meat (500 g) are boiled until tender.
  2. All ingredients are cooled, if necessary, peeled and cut into cubes or otherwise.
  3. Fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.) and herbs are also chopped.
  4. After this, the filling is prepared, on which the taste of the dish depends. To do this, add 200 ml of sour cream, salt to taste, as well as mustard and lemon juice to the cooled whey. The prepared filling should have a pleasant sour-salty taste.
  5. The whey filling is added to the other ingredients, after which the okroshka is mixed and served.

Okroshka with mineral water

If there is no kvass or kefir in the refrigerator, but only a bottle of cold mineral water, you can easily prepare a delicious summer soup that will be a real salvation in the heat. This dish is prepared from already familiar ingredients. Firstly, these are potatoes, boiled in their skins or baked in their skins, peeled and cut into cubes or cubes. Secondly, these are diced eggs. Thirdly, boiled meat. Fourthly, greens, several fresh cucumbers and radishes are added to the okroshka if desired.

All chopped ingredients are combined in one deep bowl with pouring. To prepare it, carbonated mineral water (1.5 l) is mixed with mayonnaise (100 g), salt, mustard, lemon juice and other spices to taste. Recipe for delicious okroshka with mineral water allows you to prepare a dish in a hurry. However, the taste of this cold soup is in no way inferior to the classic version of preparation.

Okroshka with sausage

Most housewives traditionally use either boiled meat or boiled sausage when preparing this dish. We suggest you deviate a little from the rules and prepare an unusual cold soup. It uses smoked or semi-smoked sausage (about 400 g) as an original ingredient. Okroshka turns out unusual, but very tasty.

Potatoes, eggs and other ingredients are prepared similarly to previous recipes. Kefir or kvass (1.5 liters) is used as filling. Before adding to sliced ​​foods, they must be well cooled. Other ingredients are added to okroshka to taste, for example, sour cream, salt, citric acid, mustard. Cold soup with a smoked aroma and taste is poured into bowls and served to the table.

Lenten okroshka recipe

The obligatory ingredient of this traditional dish is meat or sausage. But if you adhere to church fasting, you will have to give up these ingredients.

The recipe for delicious okroshka (lenten) is as follows:

  1. First of all, prepare boiled water and cool it well.
  2. Finely chop boiled potatoes, cucumbers, radishes and herbs. Neither eggs nor meat are used in preparing Lenten okroshka.
  3. Additionally, lettuce leaves torn by hand are added.
  4. Green onions are chopped and ground in a mortar until juice forms.
  5. The prepared ingredients are poured with chilled water and seasoned with lean mayonnaise, soy sauce, citric acid, salt and pepper.
  6. The finished Lenten okroshka is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which it is safely served to the dinner table.

Every cuisine in the world has simple and complex recipes, the same applies to Russian traditional cuisine, for example, okroshka. The dish is known for the fact that it requires a minimum of products and primitive technologies. People have come up with a lot of sayings on this topic, such as “kvass and potatoes are already okroshka.”

But not everything is so simple, true connoisseurs of this tasty and healthy dish will say; there are many recipes and secrets on how to make it incredibly tasty. This will be discussed below.

Recipe for okroshka with kefir

The largest number of recipes offered in cookbooks and on specialized forums is okroshka with kefir. The dish is indeed both simple and healthy, since it contains a lot of fresh vegetables and fermented milk product. Beginning housewives can blindly follow the recipe written below; cooks with at least minimal experience can experiment, especially with vegetables.


  • Cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • Onion feathers and greens - 1 bunch each.
  • Potatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs – 3-4 pcs.
  • Sausage – 300 gr.
  • Low-fat kefir – 1 l.
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water (if necessary, make the okroshka more liquid).
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil the potatoes without peeling, cool, then peel and cut into cubes. One potato can be mashed.
  2. Boil eggs, cut into cubes.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and cut into strips. Chop the greens, cut the onion feathers.
  4. Also chop the sausage or boiled chicken (into cubes).
  5. Mix everything, add salt and vinegar (even better - lemon juice). Stir again.
  6. Pour in kefir and add water if necessary.

Garnish with a green sprig of dill and a circle of yolk, serve.

Okroshka on water with sour cream and mayonnaise

Okroshka with kefir is tasty and quick to prepare, but if you don’t have kefir, it’s easy to find a replacement. You can also prepare okroshka using water (ordinary water, brought to a boil and cooled), it is only important to pour in a little sour cream and mayonnaise, it will add a pleasant piquant sourness to the dish.


  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers – 4-5 pcs. (small size).
  • Radishes – 8-10 pcs.
  • Onions in feathers and dill - 1 bunch each.
  • Sausage – 250-300 gr.
  • Water – 1.5 l.
  • Fat sour cream – 100-150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise – 3-4 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil water in advance and cool.
  2. Boil potatoes and eggs. Cut into beautiful cubes.
  3. Wash other vegetables, cut into thin strips, sausage into cubes.
  4. Chop the greens, pre-washed and dried, with a sharp knife.
  5. Mix the products in a large deep container. Add sour cream and mayonnaise here. Stir the okroshka mixture again.
  6. Add water gradually, stirring until the okroshka reaches the required thickness.

This recipe is good because it allows you to get okroshka of the thickness that your household likes!

How to cook okroshka using mineral water

The following okroshka recipe differs in that it is proposed to use mineral water as the liquid. In principle, it is very convenient; there is no need to boil or cool.

It is recommended to place a bottle of mineral water in the freezer an hour before cooking.

Pour in the ingredients and immediately bring the okroshka to the table, the mineral salts will add a pleasant piquant taste to the dish, the carbon dioxide released will look fantastic.


  • Potatoes – 3-4 pcs. (1 piece per person)
  • Eggs – 3-4 pcs. (also 1 piece per consumer).
  • Beef – 400 gr.
  • Greens – 1 bunch.
  • Cucumbers – 2-4 pcs.
  • Mineral water – 1.5 l. (less may be required).
  • Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard – 2 tsp.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil potatoes and eggs, cool. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Chop the whites too and add to the potatoes.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into strips, cut the beef into cubes, and tear the greens.
  3. Combine delicious ingredients, excluding greens, in a large bowl.
  4. For the dressing, grind the yolks, add a little salt, mustard, squeeze the juice from ½ lemon.
  5. Add the dressing to the ingredients for okroshka. Now you can add mayonnaise and herbs.

Add iced mineral water, stir and pour into plates. Add more herbs to each plate on top for beauty and aroma.

Okroshka with whey

Russian housewives traditionally prepared okroshka with kvass or whey; today, “fashionable” kefir and mineral water are in high esteem. But below is one of the oldest recipes, where whey is used as a liquid base.


  • Sausage – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes, boiled in skins – 4 pcs.
  • Eggs – 2-3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.
  • Kefir (for whey) – 1.5 l.
  • Lemon juice - from ½ lemon.
  • Sour cream – 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare whey in advance (homemade is tastier). Freeze kefir completely.
  2. Then place on a sieve lined with several layers of gauze. The flowing liquid is whey, it needs to be collected. The remaining cottage cheese can be used to prepare other healthy dishes.
  3. Cooking okroshka is traditional. Also boil potatoes and eggs in advance. Cut all ingredients into cubes.
  4. Add salt, ground pepper, sour cream. Squeeze lemon juice. Mix.

Before serving, pour in the whey, garnish with herbs and finely chopped yolk.

Recipe for okroshka with vinegar

The main task of the housewife is to make the okroshka sharp enough, for which kvass, mineral water or whey is used. But sometimes the sharpness may not be enough, then cooks at home use ordinary vinegar. A few spoons of this product radically (for the better, of course) changes the taste of okroshka.


  • Potatoes – 0.5 kg.
  • Beef – 400 gr.
  • Eggs – 2-4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers – 0.5 kg.
  • Mayonnaise – 5-6 tbsp. l.
  • Water – from 1.0 to 1.5 l.
  • Vinegar 9% – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (whatever is on hand) – 1 bunch.
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Some products (beef, potatoes and eggs) will have to be prepared in advance, since they are added to the dish cold.
  2. Rinse fresh vegetables and herbs before cooking, cover with cold water and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Beef can be boiled as a whole piece, and after cooling, cut into cubes. Or chop and boil, then you will get an excellent broth on which you can cook porridge or borscht (the next day).
  4. Chop the ingredients into one large container and mix mayonnaise and water in the second.
  5. Pour vinegar over the chopped products, add mayonnaise-water dressing.

You can add salt and sprinkle with herbs at the table! Be sure to serve okroshka with black bread made from wholemeal flour. The video recipe suggests preparing okroshka with horseradish.

How to make okroshka - 5 options

Okroshka can be prepared from almost any product. Below are five recipes, differing in filling options, each one can help out the housewife.


  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Radishes and cucumbers.
  • Any fresh greens.
  • Sausage (ham).
  • Liquid base (1-1.5 l.).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first part of the steps is the same: boil the potatoes directly in their skins, hard-boil the eggs.
  2. Peel and chop potatoes and eggs.
  3. Wash and chop the vegetables.
  4. Wash the greens, blot off excess moisture and chop as well.
  5. Sausage (ham is even tastier) also cut into cubes.
  6. Mix the ingredients and pour one of the filling options:
  • mineral water;
  • plain water mixed with lemon juice, sour cream;
  • kvass, prepared at home or factory-made;
  • kefir, diluted with water or in “pure” form;
  • serum.

This dish “adores” greens, so you don’t have to stop at one bunch, but take a bunch of each type.

Okroshka with sausage

Mothers love okroshka for the speed of preparation, especially if the preparatory work (boiling potatoes and eggs) was done in advance. And instead of meat, which takes a long time to cook, you can take regular boiled sausage.


  • Sausage – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumbers – 4 pcs.
  • Radishes – 8-10 pcs.
  • Kvass - about 1.5 liters
  • More greenery.
  • Salt.
  • If desired, ground hot pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil potatoes and eggs in advance. Cool, peel, cut into bars.
  2. Chop the washed cucumbers, radishes and sausage in the same way.
  3. Add salt. Gently mix the ingredients with a spoon in a large container.
  4. Pour in kefir.
  5. Sprinkle each plate separately with herbs.

Add salt and pepper to taste at the table.

Meat okroshka

Modern housewives do not speak very well of boiled sausage; they know that it is better to use real meat. By the way, it is also suitable for okroshka.


  • Kvass – 1 l.
  • Potatoes – 3-5 pcs.
  • Eggs – 3-5 pcs.
  • Meat – 200-250 gr.
  • Cucumbers – 3-4 pcs.
  • Greens and onions.
  • Sour cream and salt - to taste.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare potatoes, eggs, meat in advance and cool.
  2. Cut the ingredients into equal, beautiful cubes.
  3. Mix in a large container and add kvass.
  4. Pour into plates, garnish each with herbs.

There is a secret - you can use smoked meat, then the okroshka will have a pleasant smoked taste.

Winter okroshka

Thanks to hypermarkets with their large assortment of vegetables and fruits all year round, you can even prepare okroshka for the New Year’s table. Here is one of the recipes.


  • Ham – 200 gr.
  • Potatoes – from 4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs – from 4 pcs.
  • Onions and greens.
  • Cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • Filling – 0.5 l. kefir and water.
  • Citric acid – 3 g.
  • Mustard – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and sour cream.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare vegetables - boil potatoes, rinse cucumbers. Cut them up.
  2. Prepare the eggs - boil, cool in ice water, cut into cubes, leave one yolk for preparing the dressing.
  3. Cut the ham into beautiful bars or, maintaining the unity of style, into cubes.
  4. Chop the onion and crush to release the juice, chop the greens.
  5. Grind the remaining yolk with mustard.
  6. Add kefir, salt, citric acid, and a little sugar to the water.
  7. First add the yolk with mustard to the chopped ingredients, and then the liquid base.

Pour okroshka into each plate, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and a little greenery on top, for beauty!

Diet okroshka (without meat and sausage)

Okroshka is one of the most favorite dishes among those who are on a diet; it is tasty and satiating, in addition, it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. In addition, you can cook okroshka without adding any meat.


  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers – 4 pcs.
  • Radishes – 10 pcs.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Onion, cilantro, dill.
  • Low-fat kefir – 1 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare eggs and potatoes in advance (boil, cool).
  2. Chop vegetables, eggs and herbs into a saucepan.
  3. Pour in kefir.

There is no need to add salt, there is enough acid for a pleasant taste, as they say, eat and lose weight!

Okroshka with radish

Traditional okroshka recipes include the usual cucumbers and radishes, but you can also find variations of the dish prepared with radish. They are tasty and healthy, the only unpleasant thing is the specific smell of radish, which you can get rid of if you grate it and put it in the cold for 30 minutes.


  • Radish – 1 pc.
  • Ham – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Eggs – 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion, dill.
  • Kefir – 0.5-1 l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Buy ham, pre-cook potatoes in their skins.
  2. Hard boil the eggs.
  3. Wash the greens and cucumbers.
  4. Grate the radish, put it in the refrigerator, wait the right time.
  5. Cut all other ingredients in the same style - into cubes or strips.
  6. Mix, add salt and add kefir.

When serving, sprinkle with herbs and add a little sour cream. It turns out to be a very healthy and tasty dish!

We offer a few secrets and tips that will help the novice housewife not to get confused and prepare a tasty and healthy dish.

Kefir with a high percentage of fat content is often quite thick, and you won’t be able to get a “soup” from it, which is what okroshka essentially is.

Advice - you should take low-fat kefir, and if you don’t have such a drink in the refrigerator, then mineral water will help out, which you need to dilute the fatty fermented milk drink.

The desire of today's farmers to preserve food longer is known, and therefore nitrates are actively used.

Advice for housewives preparing okroshka with fresh vegetables - soaking in cold water will help. This applies to cucumbers, radishes, and onions.

Problems of excess weight worry many; okroshka will help saturate the body and maintain an ideal figure, but only if it is prepared without meat or using low-fat varieties, for example, boiled veal or chicken.

The next tip concerns the dressing that some housewives love to add to okroshka. Vinegar, mustard, ground with yolks and sour cream can serve as a dressing.

It is important to first mix the products with the dressing, let it sit for a while, and only then add the selected liquid.

The last tip again concerns the fermented milk product that is used to season okroshka - kefir should be added last, and served immediately after that. Then the taste will be great, and the appearance of the dish will look amazing!

And finally, an interesting culinary experiment on a given topic: ordinary okroshka with a very unusual liquid ingredient.

Of all the summer soups, okroshka remains the most popular and beloved - its composition, on the one hand, satisfies well, and on the other, does not burden the stomach, which works rather lazily in the heat. The vegetables included in this soup actively nourish the body, weakened in winter, with vitamins; the base (whichever you choose) cools it, and the meat component gives strength for a vigorous life. It is also good because it is easy to make, since preparing okroshka means simply cutting all its ingredients. A person even very far from cooking can cope with this.

Required Ingredients

No matter what liquid the okroshka is prepared in, the composition of its cuts remains approximately the same. This soup certainly includes potatoes, cucumbers and eggs. Traditionally, the meat component should be meat. Most often, chicken is used - it is low-fat, so it is perfect for summer soup. However, the recipe for okroshka with sausage is also widely used - it is even more popular because this ingredient does not require pre-processing. Whether to put radishes in a dish or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Many people do not like the taste of this vegetable, and some believe that radishes are added to okroshka only to reduce the cost of the soup, since in the spring this vegetable is much cheaper than cucumbers. Greens are required in okroshka - at least dill and parsley, but onions are also desirable. The ratio of all components is taken “by eye”, since people have different tastes: some prefer more vegetables, while others prefer meat. But you can approximately calculate the number of products from the following considerations: one cucumber, egg and potato and 150 grams of sausage and meat per person. Let us also note that almost any okroshka is made with sour cream, since with any base (except, perhaps, kvass) it is recommended to put a spoonful of sour cream on the plate. Some, however, replace it with mayonnaise, but this is a matter of taste.


So, what do you need to do to get the most delicious okroshka? We have described the composition of the products it contains. Next proceed as follows: boil the potatoes and eggs. Most cooks prefer to cook potatoes unpeeled, “in their uniforms,” but there are also those who believe that this spoils the entire final dish - the aftertaste of the peel remains. So if you agree with them, peel the potatoes before cooking. Then both she and the eggs are cut into approximately equal cubes. Cucumbers (and radishes, if you are preparing okroshka with them) are chopped into short strips. If your okroshka involves meat, it must be pre-cooked. If your recipe for okroshka is with sausage or ham, just cut it into the same cubes. The greens are washed and finely chopped. Some people like to immediately add it to the soup, while others prefer to serve it in a separate bowl. All that remains is to pour the resulting “salad” with the chosen dressing - and you can invite everyone to the table.

Classic recipe

Of course, initially this dish was prepared exclusively with kvass. The main components are still the same. They are cut, mixed, poured with the original Russian drink - and you get a wonderful okroshka. The recipe for kvass, however, also requires adding some water. The volume ranges from a ratio of 1:4 to 1:1. It depends on the saturation of kvass. You don’t have to dilute it with water at all, but then the pungent smell of the drink itself will overwhelm the aromas of herbs and vegetables.

Let us note certain nuances. First of all, store-bought kvass is not very suitable for making okroshka - it is usually sweetened, so the taste of the soup will be ruined. It’s better, without a doubt, to make it yourself, without sugar at all. However, if you don’t want to wait for it to “ripen”, go to the market and look for a grandmother with small kvass.

Second. Filled with kvass, okroshka has a very short shelf life. The very next day, the solid components are saturated with the base and lose their taste. So if you have made a bucket of okroshka, store it in a saucepan and pour kvass on the table.

Variants of the classics

If you want a completely low-calorie dish (or you are fasting), the following okroshka is an ideal choice. A classic recipe for kvass, but without any meat additions, but with some new ingredients - horseradish and mustard. To make it especially tasty, don’t be lazy to make your own kvass: dry the black bread in the oven (dry it well, almost fry it), pour boiling water over it, strain after four hours and add sugar and yeast. To make the kvass fragrant and spicy, add ginger, raisins, and cumin. After two days you will need to strain it - and you can make okroshka. This recipe also requires radishes. When everything is cut and filled with kvass, horseradish and mustard are ground until smooth and added to the soup. Very tasty, completely low in calories and very refreshing.

Dairy bases

Those who prefer to see kvass in a mug rather than on a plate may like okroshka made with sour cream, whey or kefir. Of course, if those who eat it have nothing against fermented milk products. In all cases, the result is a very tasty okroshka. The composition of the products remains the same: potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, greens, possibly radishes. Everything is shredded traditionally too. But it is fueled differently. If you choose whey, you simply pour it over the prepared salad. If you are more attracted to kefir, try to buy one that is not too fatty. 1% will be just right. A fattier product will have to be diluted with water. But if you like sour cream, then before filling the okroshka you will have to dilute it with water and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Special note

The use of a milk base often gives okroshka a sweetish taste. To make the soup more neutral, squeeze a lemon into it, little by little and constantly taste it so as not to over-acidify. If you don’t really like the unexpressed taste of whey (kefir) or you like it spicy, you can add mustard to the finished okroshka. Here, too, it is important to know when to stop, otherwise you may end up with such bitterness that you will have to add liquid again.

Red okroshka

Recently, housewives have come up with many dressings for their favorite dishes. Including very dietary ones. For example, red okroshka seems very interesting to us - its composition is supplemented with boiled beets, and it is seasoned with ordinary water. The initial stages are usual - boiling, cutting, salting, stirring. But then things get interesting: the usual “salad” is filled with cold water and seasoned with mayonnaise. Separately, boil the beets and grate them on a coarse grater while cooled. When serving, place a spoon or two of alyssum on each plate, pour in okroshka and mix. It turns out very beautiful, extremely healthy and quite dietary, especially if the meat component is boiled chicken breast, and the mayonnaise is lean and light.

For those who don't like traditional dressings

Not everyone likes kvass in okroshka. Likewise, some people do not accept whey or kefir as a base for this soup. It is quite possible that they will like okroshka with mayonnaise. The start of the process is standard. However, when the time comes to dilute the salad to a liquid state, different actions must be taken. The mixed cuts are poured with mayonnaise (preferably not too greasy) and kneaded well again. When the mayonnaise evenly covers all the pieces, water is poured into the resulting mass. You need to stir constantly so that the mayonnaise literally dissolves in the water. How much to add is up to you: the thickness of the okroshka is a matter of personal taste. And at the end, as in the case when okroshka is prepared with sour cream, you need to squeeze a little lemon into it. Please note that mayonnaise has its own specific taste and slight sourness. So the main thing is not to overdo it with citrus.

Little tricks

To make sure you get a delicious okroshka, use a few tips.

  • Firstly, if you add radishes to its composition, the vegetable must be salted before adding and left for several minutes in a separate bowl. Before adding to the rest of the ingredients, you will need to drain the drained liquid from this bowl. This way the radishes will lose excess bitterness.
  • Secondly, the greens that go into okroshka should not just be chopped. It needs to be salted and lightened a little. Dill, parsley and green onions will release juice, and the soup will be richer and more aromatic. Some chefs advise using cucumbers in this process, but, in our opinion, the dish will lose a fair share of its visual appeal, but it’s still more pleasant to eat beautiful-looking food.
  • Thirdly, if your okroshka is made with sour cream or mayonnaise, you will definitely add water to it. Try, instead of regular, boiled or filtered, take mineral water (not alkaline or medicinal, but table water). And under no circumstances combine the “salad” with water in advance! This must be done when submitting.