What spices are needed for fish? Spicy herbs and spice mixtures for fish

Seasoning for fish allows you to enhance the taste, add piquancy and help get rid of unpleasant odor. We will tell you which options are suitable for different types preparations - after reading the article you will be able to surprise your loved ones with new culinary masterpieces.

For frying

Spices for fish allow you to incredibly change its taste - the light and delicate texture does not have pronounced properties. That is why different herbs change it beyond recognition.

Fried foods delicious - they have the juiciness obtained from the oil and a crispy crust. Let's consider best spices for frying fish.

Among the best options for spices and herbs for fish, chefs highlight:

  • Fennel;
  • Dill;
  • Paprika.

All ingredients can be used both fresh and dried. Strictly monitor the quantity - too many spices can overwhelm the main taste of the dish.

It's best to cook this way:

  • In the grill;
  • In the oven;
  • In a frying pan.

We'll tell you a little trick! To avoid over-salting when frying, add salt directly to the oil.

We will also give perfect recipe. Mix these ingredients:

  • A small amount of black pepper coarse grinding;
  • Add salt;
  • Pour in spoon of lemon juice.

Let's talk about what spices are used to bake fish.

For baking

This type of preparation is considered the most healthy and dietary. Heat treatment in the oven occurs as follows:

  • On a baking sheet;
  • In foil or sleeve;
  • In glass or ceramic form;
  • In a food bag.

It doesn’t matter which method you choose, the main thing is the spices for fish in the oven, which change the taste and make the dish a complete masterpiece. Let's talk about the most suitable spices:

  • To remove the specific smell, add fresh parsley, onion, celery or lemon juice;
  • For baking without sauce, it is better to choose anise, marjoram, ;
  • A bay leaf will help highlight the aroma;
  • Mint and lemon balm will add freshness;
  • Basil, fennel and thyme add aromatic flavor to the dish;
  • Ground bay leaf and black pepper enhance the unique flavor.

A little advice– It is best to prepare the dish by covering the carcass with herbs on all sides.

Now you know what spices are suitable for fish cooked in the oven. Let's figure out what to avoid:

  • Avoid cumin, coriander, cardamom;
  • Do not use paprika, turmeric, or nutmeg.

Bright “oriental” aromas will erase the fish bouquet and ruin the dish.

We have reviewed best sets for baking. Let's look at the best spices and seasonings for fish that are used when cooking.

For cooking

Choose suitable option For large quantity liquid is not easy - the selected bouquet must be combined with boiling water and absorbed into the meat.

Let's figure out what seasonings are suitable for fish, what should be added to the pan when cooking:

  • Best option to saturate the broth - onion, celery and bay leaf. In addition, they interrupt the specific aroma. Dill and parsley will serve these purposes;
  • Any pepper will add a little heat;
  • Nutmeg, saffron, rosemary and sage are bitter - so they should not be added to the soup. But if you want to cook the fillet and remove it from the water, these seasonings will be the best option.

We found out which seasoning is best for fish cooked in a pan, as well as for soup.

It is best to avoid the following herbs - they saturate the broth, remaining useless for the fillet:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Paprika;
  • Turmeric;
  • Cumin - interesting, read the detailed answer in our other article;
  • Cardamom.

Now you know how to properly cook a carcass and prepare delicious, aromatic soup. Let's discuss what seasoning is added to fish when stewing.

For extinguishing

Many housewives complain that fish stew seems too bland. This can be corrected by just adding a small amount of spices.

The following options will suit you:

  • Onions and dill will help enhance the taste;
  • Melissa, mint and basil add freshness to the dish;
  • A sprig of rosemary will add a spicy aroma and decorate the plate;
  • Mustard seeds will make the taste piquant and refined;
  • Any type of pepper is ideal for spiciness.

Spicy sauces, which you can make yourself, will add piquancy, make the meat juicy and melt in your mouth. Let's give simplest recipe:

  • Mix sour cream and selected spices. Don't overdo it with the amount of ingredients;
  • Pour over the fish;
  • Add a little flour to thicken the sauce.

Second option for beginner cooks:

  • Stir tomato paste and seasonings - for example, peppers and onions;
  • Pour over the fillet and simmer a little under the lid.

Such sauces are also good because they allow you to reduce the number of calories, because they successfully replace fatty oil.

We have learned which ingredients will enhance the taste when baked, let's discuss the composition of the fish seasoning used for smoking.

For smoking

Smoked fish Almost everyone loves it - it has a delicate texture and a pleasant aroma. As a rule, this cooking method does not require additional taste and smell stimulants, because the smoke from smoking saturates the meat the best way.

If you want to improve the taste, it is important not to overdo it. Can be used:

  • Celery. Place it under the gills to create delicate aroma;
  • Mustard, saffron, tarragon. Dry the carcass before cooking.

What is included in fish seasoning that can be added to the smoke source:

  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • Black peppercorns.

Let's talk about seasoning for fish with your own hands, or rather, a marinade that will reveal all the taste qualities of the carcass. You need to prepare:

  • 5 bay leaves;
  • A few black peppercorns;
  • 1.5 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 carnation flowers


  • Pour a liter of water into a saucepan;
  • Add salt and sugar;
  • Wait until it boils, then add the spice mixture;
  • Pour the resulting marinade over the carcass;
  • Wait for it to cool and put it in a cool place for 2-3 days.

The amount of ingredients is calculated for one kilogram. Now you know how to smoke fish in the best way - now you can discuss what is needed for proper salting.

Every person's diet should include fish. It is very useful as it contains essential microelements, proteins and amino acids. And unlike meat, it is a more dietary and easier to digest product. But not all housewives like to cook fish. This is due, first of all, to its specific smell. In order to drown it out, you need to use various seasonings correctly. True, not everyone knows which spices are best for fish. Some of them mask the smell, others emphasize the taste. And if used incorrectly, spices can ruin the finished dish.

What fish spices are used most often?

When cooking, it is very important not to overdo it with seasonings and choose their combination correctly. Spices should highlight the taste of the fish and improve it, and not interrupt it. Depending on the cooking method, different spices are used. What are the most popular spices for fish?

  • Parsley goes very well with fish. Its greens and roots gently complement the taste of fish.
  • All types of peppers are suitable for such dishes. When cooking, it is better to add peas, and to fried and baked fish - ground. But the main thing is not to make the taste too spicy.
  • Fragrant rosemary enhances delicate taste boiled fish, suitable for baking and frying.
  • When cooking fatty varieties, it is customary to add fennel.
  • Mustard goes well with boiled fish and is very good in sauces.
  • Savory adds an amazing aroma to dishes, but it should only be added at the end of cooking.
  • Almost all housewives know that you need to add a bay leaf to your ear.
  • Basil is a must-have seasoning for many fish dishes. It makes them fragrant and juicy.
  • Any type of fish goes well with lemon or lime.

How to choose seasoning depending on the type of fish

Spices should improve the taste ready-made dish. Therefore, when cooking river and sea fish, it is recommended to add different spices. Although not all culinary schools give such recommendations. River varieties are fresher, so their taste needs to be enhanced and emphasized. And for marine product seasonings are almost not needed.

What spices are suitable? You can choose more spicy and aromatic seasonings. Best to highlight flavor river fish dill, black and red thyme, cumin and oregano. Almost always, onions and garlic are added during the preparation of such dishes. For juiciness and aroma, you can sprinkle the fish lemon juice. And those who love spiciness use curry or At the same time sea ​​fish itself has a strong taste and aroma, so seasonings should be selected carefully. It is best to use garlic, onion, cumin, ginger and lemon zest. But with spicy seasonings It’s better not to experiment, as they interrupt the taste.

What to add to fried fish

Many people think that this dish is already delicious, so there is no need to add seasonings. But no chef would put fish in a frying pan without sprinkling it with lemon juice and adding hot pepper. Coriander, cumin and nutmeg. Original and tasty dish it will turn out with this set of spices: salt, pepper, garlic and herbs. All this needs to be mixed, roll the pieces of fish in spices, pour olive oil and leave to marinate a little. Only after this can you fry.

Seasonings for cooking fish

Ukha is very popular in many countries. But you need to remember that during cooking, some of the seasonings dissolve in the broth. It is customary to add the following spices for fish: onion, bay leaf, black peppercorns and dill. But you can improve the taste with the help of cloves, cumin and parsley. A more refined spicy aroma can be achieved by adding saffron, rosemary, nutmeg and sage. Many vegetables also improve the taste of fish when cooked. Therefore, carrots, celery and parsley roots, and leeks are added to the water. If the fish has a specific smell, you can kill it with vinegar or cucumber pickle. But when cooking sturgeon, no spices are added.

If you bake fish

It is not recommended to overuse spices with this cooking method. Most often, when baking, onions, garlic, lemon are added and the most popular cooking method is on onion pillow: Place onion rings on foil, then pieces of fish, which are sprinkled with salt, pepper and rosemary. Wrap the foil and cook the dish in the oven. Fish cooked in the same way with horseradish will be no less tasty. Among herbs, fennel, basil, rosemary or savory are most suitable for baked fish.

What fish spices are added when salting and marinating?

This method of cooking does not require hot spices. There are housewives who like to salt or marinate fish themselves. They use their favorite seasonings, and the dish always tastes special. What spices are best to use for salting fish? Delicious spicy salted herring made with allspice, cloves, bay leaves and coriander seeds. Red fish is salted with dill and parsley, bay leaf and lemon. Often with this cooking method, chopped onions and mustard peas are added.

When preparing fish dishes, it is hardly possible to do without spicy and aromatic plants. They tell the fish spicy aroma, improve taste and quality.
The purpose of a particular spice is individual. With the help of crushed calamus rhizomes, for example, the flesh of fish is thickened and its aroma and taste are improved.

Anise(ground seeds) in combination with other spices improves the aroma of fish and gives it a sweetish taste.

Camphor basil used to color the surface of fish golden color, imparting a spicy taste with a slight bitterness.
Eugenolic basil also gives the fish a golden color and imparts a pleasant spicy aroma.

Oregano powder ordinary attaches fish dishes slightly spicy taste.

Hyssop ordinary gives the fish an intense spicy smell.

Coriander sativum(seeds) is always included in spicy mixtures for fish dishes. It is added to imported spicy mixtures in amounts up to 35-40%. Most often, these mixtures include, in addition to coriander, basil, black pepper, white pepper, thyme, caraway seeds, and saffron.

Lovage pharmaceutical(in the form of a decoction) improves the taste of fish, gives it a spicy aroma, reminiscent of the smell of parsley, celery, and gives it a creamy tint.

Garden marjoram used in small quantities; it imparts a persistent spicy aroma and taste.

Melissa officinalis(in the form of a decoction) imparts a spicy lemony tint to dishes.

Longleaf mint promotes darkening of the surface of the fish, gives pleasant aroma and sweetish taste.

Thyme creeping is included in imported fish seasonings and imparts a spicy smell and taste to fish.

Fennel ordinary is used alone or in mixture with other herbs. Fish dishes have a spicy aroma and a sweetish taste.

Garden savory in powder form it is included in imported seasonings. Improves taste and aroma.

In decoction clary sage the fish acquires a spicy taste and aroma.

Tarragon used in powder form to improve taste.

Various fish dishes are traditionally prepared with established herbs or mixtures thereof.

IN fish salads add anise, basil, green onions, garlic, horseradish, red pepper, allspice, parsley, chives, hyssop, lemon balm, capers.

TO fish soups Anise, tarragon, rosemary, thyme, curry mixture, etc. are suitable. For more details, see “ Spices and spicy mixtures for soups, cabbage soup and borscht.”
With boiled fish, use anise, onion, garlic, cloves, bay leaf, parsley root, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, lemon balm, saxifrage, and nutmeg.

TO fried fish suitable anise, basil, parsley and dill, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, caraway, nutmeg, red Bell pepper, lemon balm, sweet and bitter almonds, watercress, cardamom, coriander, peppermint.

It is better to bake fish with cayenne pepper. Marjoram is added to the aspic.
Other seafood is also prepared with herbs. Most often used Cayenne pepper, caraway, thyme, tarragon.

Spicy herbs for fish dishes are consumed raw and dried. The raw ones are crushed, chopped, and the dried ones are finely ground (calamus root, angelica root, bay leaf and a number of other herbs). Parsley roots, onions, garlic - chop.

Most often, a spicy mixture is used to prepare fish, consisting of parsley (leaves) - 1 tablespoon; celery (leaves and roots) - 1 tablespoon; garden savory - 1 teaspoon; fennel (seeds) -0.5 teaspoon; bay leaf- 2 pcs; peppercorns - 1 pc.

If you take dry spices, then, after grinding them well, they sprinkle the product along with salt and sugar so that the fish gives juice and is well saturated with the smells of the seasonings.

If decoctions are prepared, then water-salt solutions or sauces are added to them.
Spicy herbs can be used to prepare fish dishes marinade fillings. There are several ways. Here are some of them:

1 way. Heat the spice mixture to a boil (but do not boil) in small quantity clean water(1/5 of the required dosage) with the lid tightly closed for 20-30 minutes and add it to the boiled brine (4/5 of the dosage).

Method 2 The spices are heated to a boil (but not boiled) in half the amount of water and the second half of the solution is added in the form of brine.

3 way. Spices are poured with boiling water (50% of the norm) and kept until cool, tightly closing the container and wrapping it.

4 way. A gauze bag with spices is immersed in water for 30 minutes at a temperature of 95-98 ° C in a tightly closed container.

Marinade fillings- a perishable product. They are not stored at a temperature of 10°C. more than three days.

Fish is an integral part of every person's diet. Although it itself has a neutral odor, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices. Seasoning for fish emphasizes its refined, original taste. How to choose the right spices to make a dish truly delicious and delicious? This question interests many housewives.

Seasoning for fish: composition. The role of certain spices in the taste of a fish dish

Spicy and aromatic plants for improvement taste qualities fish have been used since ancient times. Probably everyone who prepares fish dishes knows that it goes well with lemon or lime, allspice, bay leaf, herbs, rosemary, and basil. But to create a truly original aroma, other seasonings are also used.

Few modern housewives know that the purpose of this or that spice is individual. Seasonings for fish, depending on the method of its preparation, include the following aromatic plants:

  • crushed anise seeds - give dishes a sweetish taste;
  • camphor basil - helps to obtain a golden color of fish;
  • oregano powder - imparts a spicy taste to fish dishes;
  • coriander seeds - add a refined aroma, in most cases they are included in the above-mentioned seasonings;
  • lovage - gives the fish a smell reminiscent of parsley and celery;
  • lemon balm - gives these dishes a slightly lemony tint;
  • fennel - contributes to the sweetish taste of fish;
  • Melissa longifolia - prevents darkening of its surface;
  • tarragon and thyme - improve the taste of the above dishes;
  • Clary sage - contributes to the exquisite aroma of fish.

It should be noted that there are no specific lists of spices for a specific type of fish. Every housewife can safely experiment with the above spices, trying to create her own original set of aromas.

What seasonings are best for fish?

The set of specific spices depends on the method of preparing the fish dish.

Fried fish is best prepared with the following herbs:

  • pepper - red and black;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;
  • Melissa;
  • Bay leaf;
  • turmeric;
  • cardamom;
  • thyme;
  • saffron.

The following seasoning is used for smoking fish to prepare the marinade:

  • fennel;
  • tarragon;
  • pepper - white, allspice, black;
  • nutmeg;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • bay leaf;
  • peppermint;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • rosemary;
  • sage.

If you are going to cook fish on the grill, then choose the following spices:

  • tarragon;
  • paprika;
  • saffron;
  • turmeric;
  • mustard seeds.

Stewed and boiled fish Most of all, it goes well with seasonings such as:

  • carnation;
  • bay leaf;
  • cumin;
  • basil;
  • hot pepper (all types);
  • rosemary;
  • borage;
  • Melissa.
  • parsley;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon balm;
  • allspice;
  • capers;
  • basil;
  • anise.

Fish soups are made with exquisite taste, if you add to them:

  • tarragon;
  • anise;
  • rosemary;
  • curry mixture;
  • thyme.

When trying to create your own set of scents, consider the following points:

  • European aromatic plants differ slightly mild taste. Therefore, if you add more of them than necessary, the taste of the fish can still be saved.
  • Oriental seasonings are characterized by a peculiar pungency, as a result of which some “overkill” can ruin the final dish.

It is also important to remember that there are spices that are added only at the end of cooking the fish, and there are seasonings that require a long time. heat treatment. Only then can their true flavor be revealed.

Little tricks for preparing fish dishes with exquisite taste

  • For fish soup, it is advisable to add parsley and bay leaves and just a little sage and coriander.
  • Fried fish should not be heavily seasoned with spices.
  • Baked fish is just the dish where you can safely experiment with spices.

Seasoning for fish is selected depending on the method of its preparation. To create a unique original aroma of a dish and improve its taste, it is important to take into account the purpose of a specific spice plant. Properly selected seasoning for fish will beautifully highlight and complement its natural taste.

Seasoning for fish is a dry mixture of various herbs and spices, which is used to improve the taste of fish dishes (see photo). There are many types of this product. Each of them differs in composition and purpose.

  • Best used for frying fish standard set herbs, which usually consists of turmeric, cardamom, ground coriander and fennel seeds, as well as basil, saffron, bay leaves, a mixture of peppers, lemon balm and cumin.
  • Tarragon, saffron, as well as turmeric, paprika and black pepper go perfectly with grilled fish dishes. These spices are especially in harmony with red fish.
  • To make a marinade for fish fillets, use a seasoning that includes fennel and rosemary, as well as ground nutmeg, tarragon, dill seeds and oregano.
  • It is recommended to stew and boil fish with cumin, lemon balm, cloves, basil, laurel leaves and black pepper.
  • To smoke or bake fish in the oven, use garlic, basil, as well as rosemary and fennel.

For pickling fish product exists separate species seasonings It contains turmeric, onion, lemon acid, garlic, salt, black pepper and sugar. This is an ideal combination of spices for curing seafood, but this mixture is not suitable for cooking.

Currently, there are many varieties of such dry mixtures on sale, but only five manufacturers of this product are considered the best: Knorr, Maggi, Chicoria, Pripravych and Chim Chim. Despite various compositions of these mixtures, they can all be used for both river fish and sea fish.

How to make seasoning for fish with your own hands?

Absolutely every housewife can make fish seasoning with her own hands. There is nothing complicated about it, just combine the necessary ingredients correctly.

There are many ways and recipes for preparing this product. It can be prepared from either fresh herbs and vegetables or already dried ones. We will focus on the last option. So, to make a universal seasoning for fish dishes at home, take following ingredients: dry garlic, coarse salt, dried carrots and ground parsley root (1 tsp each). Also prepare a mixture of peppers, turmeric and marjoram (0.5 tsp each). Next, take out the mortar and warm it well in a water bath. Make sure that no liquid gets into the object being heated. After this, place all the specified components in a mortar and grind them until you hear a rich spicy aroma. Then grind the spices with a blender until smooth. When the resulting seasoning has settled a little, pour it into the most airtight container possible and put it in a dark, dry place for further storage. Open containers with contents only when necessary.

During production homemade seasoning for fish you can also use camphor basil and crushed anise. The first component gives the fish an appetizing golden color, and the second gives it sweetness.

Lemon zest is often used as a seasoning for fish. This product gives fish dishes unique aroma. And if it's ready fish fillet sprinkle with lemon juice, its taste will be enriched with a pleasant sour note.

Seasoning for fish is most often dry aromatic mixture spices, which can be used in cooking in different ways. This product can be added to a dish at the beginning or end of cooking. It depends on how the fish is prepared.
