What kind of tea and at what age can a child be given? Where can I buy children's tea at a good price? How to take children's herbal soothing tea correctly

Children's tea... Many pediatricians look at this drink with suspicion, other doctors, on the contrary, praise it and recommend it to all parents. A huge number of brands of tea appear on the shelves of stores and pharmacies. How to understand this diversity, and is it even necessary to give infants a herbal drink? Read the article below and understand the issue with us.

Should infants be given tea?

Most often, children are given tea not to simply quench their thirst, but for some purpose: to calm an excited child, help him sleep, or cope with colic. Every parent needs to remember that children's herbal tea is not just a drink like water, it sometimes contains a large number of microelements.

Infants do not need these substances in large quantities at all. You should not replace water with teas and herbal infusions, and before introducing them into your diet, it is better to talk to your doctor.

If you decide to introduce tea into the diet, then do not give it to the baby cold or hot - the drink should be warm. You should not put sugar in the drink; for an older baby, you can add a little honey (if there is no allergy).

If your baby is breastfed, feed him with a spoon. If he knows what a pacifier is, then he can drink the infusion from a bottle. Start getting acquainted with a new menu component with one or two teaspoons. Gradually the amount can be increased to 100 ml per day. Too much infusion can lead to allergies, abdominal pain, and, in later life, to the development of caries (since the drink contains a considerable amount of carbohydrates). Everything is good in moderation!

Children's tea: composition and benefits

Naturally, a weak child’s body cannot perceive all herbs. Only the lightest and most harmless ones can be included in tea by manufacturers. Most often we can see the following herbs in tea:

  • Dill is a well-known remedy for colic and tummy pain.
  • Fennel is also an excellent helper in the fight against gas in infants. Our mothers and grandmothers also saved themselves with “dill” water made from it.
  • Chamomile is the baby's main friend. Chamomile tea calms the nervous system, helps sleep and affects the child's gastrointestinal tract.
  • Linden - soothes and helps babies fall asleep sweetly. It also works against colds, gently reducing the temperature.
  • Cumin is often included in teas against colic and infant gas formation.
  • Mint - helps babies with colds, stress and overexcitement, bloating and colic.
  • Raspberries and rose hips are often included in children's tea, giving it flavor and filling it with additional vitamins and microelements.

At what age is tea allowed for a child?

Most often, the manufacturer writes on the packaging at what age a drink with herbs should be introduced into the diet. But if you want to cook it yourself, keep in mind:

  • Fennel (and “dill water”) is introduced when the baby is one month old.
  • Chamomile is allowed from four months.

  • Collections filled with berries are given after five months.
  • Mint is allowed for use when the child turns six months old.

It is better not to give baby tea to infants unless absolutely necessary. Introduce it into the diet along with the first complementary foods, that is, starting from 5-6 months. Of course, we are not talking about colic or other problems when a drink can be a salvation for the baby and his parents.

Is it possible to give a child “adult” tea?

Often young parents are interested in: “Is it possible to give the baby the usual tea we are used to?” The answer is categorical - “No way!” Black and green infusions do not contain substances beneficial to the child’s body, but are rich in caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system. In addition, this drink may be of poor quality.

Very often, the drink that you and I drink causes severe allergic reactions in children. Therefore, purchase or brew yourself only those herbs that the children's doctor advises you.

Popular brands of tea for children

If you decide to introduce a new drink to your child’s menu, then choose children’s tea, which has good reviews from both pediatricians and parents. Such drinks are sold in bags and in bulk, and can also be instant, which some parents like. The soluble infusion contains lactose, dextrose or sucrose. Let's look at the most popular brands from well-known manufacturers.

Drink for gas and colic

Colic often becomes a real problem for new parents. The baby screams day and night, arches and raises his legs, not understanding what is happening. An infusion of special herbs can relieve spasms, soothe the tummy and the baby. You can buy the drink in a store, or you can prepare it yourself. Take two teaspoons of chamomile, a spoonful of string, a spoonful of raspberry leaves, three teaspoons of dill seeds and five teaspoons of mint leaves.

Place the mixture in a clean box and brew one spoon at a time. Boil for five minutes, strain. This children's tea is given to the baby one spoon five times a day. By the way, fennel decoction will also be useful for a nursing mother.

If you decide to purchase a finished product, then pay attention to its composition. An infusion with fennel (for example, from “Hipp” and “Babushkino Lukoshko”) will relieve intestinal spasms, with chamomile (for example, “Bebivita”) it will soothe the intestines, and with dill it will reduce bloating and eliminate gas formation.

Children's sleep tea

Sweet sleep for a baby is an integral part of development and good health. It is very important that the child gets enough sleep, because then he will be in a good mood. A special herbal infusion can come to the rescue. Most often, the manufacturer includes herbs such as lemon balm, mint, linden, thyme and chamomile. You can prepare the tea leaves yourself or purchase a ready-made infusion in the store, for example, “Evening Fairy Tale” children's tea. It is allowed for babies almost immediately after birth. The “Soothing” infusion has positive reviews from pediatricians. It improves the baby's mood, gently acting on his nervous system and relieving increased excitability. Baby tea “Babushkino Lukoshko” with mint can be consumed starting from three months. A drink of the same brand, but with the addition of thyme and lemon balm, has been drunk for six months. Sugar-free Hipp products can be given to babies from four months of age. This drink will ensure a restful sleep throughout the night.

You should not rely only on drinking the infusion to improve the quality of sleep. Help your child in other ways. A light relaxing massage, baths with herbs at night, quiet time in the evening, lullabies and fairy tale therapy are very useful.

Is the infusion useful if the baby has a cough?

For a baby, coughing is a real challenge. Naturally, the doctor will prescribe medications to eliminate it. But a drink would also be a good addition to the treatment. Melissa, raspberries, thyme, elderberry are excellent in helping fight the disease. If the illness is prolonged, then it is worth brewing linden flowers for the child.

Ginger is great for coughs. It has a mucolytic effect and cleanses the bronchi. Please note that ginger can irritate the intestines, so infusion with it is allowed for children after two years.

If you do not want to tinker with herbs yourself, purchase a ready-made drink at a store or pharmacy.

“Florina” tea for cough is allowed for babies from six months, “Bebivita” with linden, anise and rose hips - from 4 months, and “Babushkino Lukoshko” with chamomile - from the first month of a baby’s life. Herbal tea "Sonya" from a domestic manufacturer will also help with colds.

How to strengthen your baby's immunity?

If you want your child to grow up healthy, strengthen his immunity as early as possible. Children's tea will help you with this. Rosehip, St. John's wort, linden, chamomile, and echinacea can help parents in this difficult matter. It is best to consume such drinks in the off-season: it is during such periods that children get sick more often. A drink with rose hips contains ascorbic acid and vitamins; ginseng increases the body's resistance to disease. For the youngest children, regular chamomile is brewed to boost immunity.

At the pharmacy you can buy immunotonic “Florina”, “Bebivita”, “Heinz” and “Humana” with chamomile, “Babushkino Lukoshko” with rose hips.

Can a baby develop an allergy to tea?

Unfortunately, no one is immune from allergies to any product. Tea will be no exception. Mothers do not even know that by drinking this drink and then breastfeeding their baby, they can cause an allergic reaction in him. If you notice some symptoms in your child after consuming tea leaves, reconsider your diet.

The fewer additives and herbs the tea leaves contain, the less likely it is to cause an allergic reaction. If your baby is allergic to any other product, you can soothe it with a special infusion.

When introducing a new drink to your child’s menu, remember - this is not just a source of liquid and a way to quench thirst! Children's tea for sleep, strengthening the immune system, and relieving colic should not be used too often. It contains herbal extracts, essential oils, and microelements that a growing body does not need in large quantities. Every child will appreciate the taste of the drink, but only in the required quantity can it bring real health benefits.

Children's tea- These are tasty and healthy drinks made from natural herbs that can be given to children even from a young age. Medicinal plants in their composition become an excellent addition to a child’s diet, give the body beneficial properties, and help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Can a child have tea?

The usual black and green tea should not be given to children under 2–3 years of age, and children under 7 years of age can only be given in small quantities. Why?

Regular tea contains tannins, theine (a type of caffeine), and natural acids, which have a negative effect on a fragile child’s body: they excite the nervous system, slow down the absorption of vitamins and minerals, which are extremely important for harmonious development. Therefore, pediatricians recommend choosing a special children's herbal tea.

Children's tea: buy ready-made or prepare it yourself?

Of course, you can make tea from pharmaceutical herbs, especially if there is one component, for example, chamomile or rose hips, but it is still more convenient and even safer to use ready-made children's herbal tea. There are 3 good reasons for this.

Clear dosage

Environmental Safety

The tea components are grown and collected in environmentally friendly areas and will not cause harm. Children's teas do not contain flavorings, additives, or dyes that could cause allergic reactions and cause health problems.

Ready-made mixtures for different occasions

Different herbs are suitable for different occasions. For example, fennel helps cope with colic, normalizes digestion, and chamomile will provide relief from colds and inflammatory diseases. Experts have already collected all the essentials in mixtures, and you do not have to study hundreds of pages of specialized literature about the dangers and benefits of each plant. All that remains is to choose a suitable children's tea from the entire assortment and give it in the recommended quantities.

Children's tea. Popular components and effects

Most often, people decide to buy tea for children in order to:

Strengthen immunity;

Calm the child and normalize sleep;

Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Help cope with infectious diseases;

Replenish the lack of vitamins in the off-season and after illness.

They produce both single-ingredient teas and herbal mixtures for baby food. Here are the most popular plants that are found in children's tea.

Fennel helps relieve colic, reduces gas formation and bloating.

Chamomile has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, has a positive effect on digestion.

Mint has a calming effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Rose hip rich in vitamins and minerals, increases the body's defenses, and has a general strengthening effect.

Thyme have a bronchodilator and expectorant effect, therefore helping to cope with cough.

And mixtures of herbs allow you to combine beneficial properties for a more effective, but at the same time gentle, complex effect on the body.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Before introducing children's tea into the diet, you should consult your doctor.

Children's tea in the online health products store

We offer buy children's tea in our online store. There are many products in our assortment, to make it easier for you to make a choice; for each of them we have prepared a detailed description with composition, beneficial properties and recommendations for use.

Place an order for herbal teas on the website or by phone, we will deliver children's tea throughout Moscow and anywhere in Russia.

Baby tea is a tasty and healthy drink that can be given to your baby from the first month of life. It will help diversify the diet, become a source of a number of vitamins, and in some cases can be used as an effective medicine and sedative for a small child.

  • Calming. They add mint, lemon balm, fennel, chamomile - these plants have a mild sedative effect and promote deep sleep and the health of the nervous system.
  • Antipyretics with raspberries and linden enhances the effect of medications, although it does not replace them. It helps strengthen the immune system and cope with colds.
  • Vitamin with rose hips, citrus fruits, berries, etc. This is not only healthy, but also very tasty, every child will like this drink.

You can also buy children's tea, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, improves digestion and the functioning of internal organs. When choosing, you need to pay attention to several parameters:

Chemical composition. Children's teas do not contain artificial compounds, preservatives, dyes, etc. They are made only on a natural basis, this reduces the likelihood of allergies.

Type of packaging. Tea in bags and instant mixture are available for sale. For many, the first option is much more convenient; you just need to put the bag in warm or hot water.

Minimum age. Not all types can be used from the first month; manufacturers set restrictions.

Despite the fact that tea for infants is not a mandatory or even recommended part of the diet, many parents quickly introduce it to the baby’s menu. This is often explained by the desire to quickly introduce the baby to the traditional family drink. In addition, there are cases when a baby has certain problems that can be eliminated with the help of a composition prepared on the basis of special mixtures.

The most common questions that deserve special attention are: at what age is it best to introduce the drink, and how safe is it to give babies a traditional liquid brewed with green or black tea.

Arguments for and against regular tea

According to pediatricians, regular teas are not suitable for infants, regardless of the age at which they are introduced. This is explained by the following arguments:

  1. Such preparations contain tannins, or tannins. They have a destructive effect on iron molecules, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. At the same time, they also reduce appetite and irritate the delicate gastric mucosa. Moreover, green tea often contains these components in much larger quantities than black tea.
  2. Oxalic acid spoils the child’s tooth enamel that has not yet fully formed, provoking the development of caries.
  3. Caffeine, which is also quite abundant in store-bought tea, regardless of the type, negatively affects the condition of children's hearts and blood vessels.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to give your child a drink made from so-called sachets. Typically, such a mass does not even contain real tea leaves, only a residual product that contains a maximum of harmful components and almost no useful substances.

Among the most common consequences that black or green tea offered to a child before he reaches a conscious age can cause are hyperactivity, a tendency to allergies, sleep problems, and memory loss. Some of these phenomena will appear only after some time, as a result of the gradual accumulation of harmful products in the tissues.

On the other hand, when certain conditions are met, children can also be given an “adult” product, but this only applies to absolutely healthy children:

  1. The child has already reached the age of 1.5-2 years.
  2. The daily volume of the drink does not exceed 100-150 ml.
  3. We start with herbal, fruit and berry or black varieties. Green tea should be the last one.
  4. We make the tea leaves as light a color as possible.
  5. It is recommended to add milk to the liquid (proportion 1:1). This will neutralize potentially dangerous substances and compounds.
  6. We do not add sugar, honey and lemon to tea for children!
  7. Green tea has a pronounced tonic effect. It can be given to children only in the morning, otherwise disturbances in daytime or nighttime sleep are guaranteed.

And yet, the best option for tea drinks in the first months of life will be children's analogues, developed taking into account all the characteristics of a growing organism.

Ready-made formulations for infants, which we buy at the pharmacy

Today in pharmacies and specialized stores you can find simple and multi-component herbal preparations that not only have a pleasant taste and aroma, but also have a number of therapeutic effects. Some purposefully strengthen teeth and bones, others improve the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle, and others have general strengthening properties. Some products contain both plant and fruit components. Making tea from them for a child is much easier than mixing the mixture yourself, especially when there is sorely not enough time for everything.

When choosing a suitable product, you need to pay attention to its composition. The high-quality mass does not contain preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors and GMOs. It's good if it doesn't contain gluten or sugar. The finished drink should be given to the child as soon as it has cooled to the desired temperature. It is not recommended to brew the product a day in advance; children's teas should always be fresh. Opened packaging with tea leaves should be used within 2-3 months, after which it is better to throw away the remainder.

Effective teas with therapeutic effects for children under one year of age

For the first 28 days of life, the baby does not need to be offered anything other than breast milk. After this period, water is introduced, the rest of the additional drink can be postponed until the introduction of the first complementary foods. Particularly popular among mothers are medicinal teas, which are offered to the child in response to any malfunctions in the body. In this case, you must pay attention to the age of the baby:

  • Fennel. Copes perfectly with such troubles as flatulence, colic, dysbacteriosis. If you regularly give your baby 50-70 ml of drink per day, you can quickly correct the situation without resorting to drug treatment. It can be introduced into the diet from the first month of life.

Tip: When a baby is breastfed, he is given tea only from a spoon. Otherwise, the baby may refuse the breast, from which it is much more difficult to obtain food than from the nipple.

  • Chamomile decoction. Strengthens the immune system, allows you to quickly cure colds, and helps solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Used from 4 months. The daily dose can be increased to 150-200 ml.

  • Linden, Melissa. Great for soothing gums as teeth begin to emerge. It is recommended to use from 4-5 months in a standard amount.
  • Rosehip and raspberry. Very light, but quite effective. They are used separately and in combination, no earlier than the child is 5-6 months old.
  • Berries. An excellent general health drink, which is recommended to be given to children prone to various colds. The optimal time to start is 7-8 months. The daily volume of liquid can already be 250 ml.

Children's teas with a calming effect deserve special attention. In this case, it is better to give preference to drinks that contain birch leaves, rose hips, licorice, motherwort, mint and lavender. Linden blossom, chamomile and lavender enhance the severity of the therapeutic effect of the listed components.

How to make medicinal tea for babies with your own hands?

Despite the responsible attitude of modern manufacturers to the creation of specialized drinks for infants, it is still better to give a child an absolutely natural product prepared at home. The main ingredients can be those collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy.

  • Rose hip tea. It has a pronounced calming effect, strengthens the immune system, relieves gum inflammation, and promotes hematopoiesis. It is best given to children 2-3 times a day within the age-appropriate dose, immediately before meals. To prepare the drink, you need to chop the rose hips, pour two tablespoons of the product into two glasses of water and place in a water bath. After boiling, let the product sit for 15 minutes, then remove and leave at room temperature for at least an hour. Strain through two layers of gauze.

  • Mint tea. In addition to the well-known calming effect, it has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, and relieves bloating. Pour a pinch of fresh or dried mint into a glass of boiling water and wait no more than 10 minutes. Strain the liquid, dilute it with drinking water twice so that the product is not too strong, and cool a little more if necessary.

When offering tea to your child, you must carefully monitor his well-being. In case of any negative manifestations, it is better to give up the drink for a while and return it to the diet no earlier than after 2-3 weeks.

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Nowadays, the children's goods industry is represented by a very wide assortment; such diversity makes life much easier for both mothers and fathers. In addition to advanced children's toys, modern and comfortable clothing, as well as diapers, significant changes have also affected children's food products. So, even the smallest babies can count not only on breast milk, but also on special baby tea. Pleasant and useful, it is actively used not only for feeding newborns, but also for health purposes.

Why do children need tea?

For what purposes is baby tea most often used? A fairly large number of medical specialists agree that even a newly born child needs not only mother’s milk as food, but also water as a liquid. Replenishing its deficiency is especially important in the summer, when the air temperature is very high. In addition, formula-fed or formula-fed babies need fluids more than others. Of course, you can object and say that feeding babies is much easier and more correct with plain water, but this is not entirely true. Children's herbal teas are absolutely harmless, they have a pleasant taste and are often liked by children much more than regular water. In addition, they are very useful and can be used to treat colds and strengthen the immune system.

Classic chamomile for little ones

One of the most popular products in this category is Babushkino Lukoshko children's tea. The domestic mixture has an excellent composition and a reasonable price, which provides it with positive reviews, as well as high popularity among the population. Chamomile tea is in greatest demand. Its use is simply necessary for colds, as a means of increasing immunity and relieving inflammation in the throat. The drink can be consumed from 1 month of life; it contains absolutely no dyes, harmful preservatives, or sugar. Dried flowers are crushed into granules and packaged in individual bags, making them very easy to brew without making mistakes with the dosage.

Aromatic mint for the nervous system

Another good drink is Babushkino Lukoshko children's tea with mint. It is allowed to be taken by babies as young as 3 months. One package contains 20 sachets, each of which contains 1 gram of herbal component. is the only ingredient of such a drink, it also does not contain any harmful additives. The drink has a wide range of indications and is prescribed to calm the nervous system. It should be consumed according to a certain pattern. So, up to one year you should not drink more than the volume of one usual feeding per day, after a year you are allowed to drink up to two cups per day. Usually tea is drunk in a course lasting about 20 days, and then a break is taken for the same period.

Useful collection for kids

Herbal tea for older children may contain several components at once. For example, another product from the Babushkino Lukoshko brand is a mixture for babies from 5 months, consisting of fennel, lemon balm and thyme. The maximum dose of this composition is 200 milliliters per day; the composition should be prepared immediately before use and not stored for a long time. Tea made from these ingredients is taken for:

for immunity

From 4 months it is allowed to drink tea from the same company based on rose hips. This unique herbal component contains a significant amount of vitamins C and E, due to which it has a positive effect on the immune system. Among other things, the presence of substances such as potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which are part of rose hips, ensures the normalization of the overall tone of the body.

From 6 months, the company offers parents to introduce not only herbal, but also berry teas into the child’s diet. A mixture of currant and raspberry leaves, as well as apples, saturates the baby’s body with a large amount of vitamins and useful components, which promotes proper development, digestion and increased immunity.

Any children's tea "Babushkino Lukoshko" is supplied with detailed information about what components are included in its composition, in what dosage it should be taken, and also for what period it is allowed to be stored. Pay close attention to the last point; it is strictly not recommended to give expired products to small children.

Consumer opinions about domestic products

The best advertising for a product is the opinion of real customers about it. What do young mothers think about baby tea? The reviews from most of them are quite positive, so the product is introduced into the diet of babies both at one month and at one year. Many people prefer more affordable options, while others prefer more expensive ones; specific opinions are determined by personal preferences and taste. As for the popular domestic brand, it is also quite highly rated by consumers. Pleasant taste, good composition - these are the qualities noted by both mothers and their babies.

Foreign analogues

An alternative to products under the Babushkino Lukoshko brand are popular foreign analogues, for example, Hipp children's tea. Products under this brand are also of high quality and excellent composition, but have a higher cost and less convenient packaging. The positive qualities of such products include a very wide range, for example, there are teas based on fennel, cumin, lemon balm, chamomile, strawberry and black currant. In addition, entire herbal collections designed to eliminate specific problems are widely available. For example, to calm the nervous system or treat the tummy. Children's tea "Hipp" costs about 220-250 rubles for a container of 200 grams.

Home Recipes

Of course, you can not only buy children's soothing tea, but also prepare it yourself. Drinking such drinks will definitely have a beneficial effect on the state of the baby’s nervous system, helping to reduce nervousness, improve sleep and mood. When you decide to make a sedative mixture on your own, be extremely careful; very often parents make the mixture by eye and violate the required proportions. So, you can prepare children's soothing tea according to the following recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons of crushed chamomile inflorescences per glass of boiling water, give infants one spoonful.
  • 1 tablespoon of valerian, 1 tablespoon of mint per glass of boiling water; The tea is drunk in a course for one month.
  • 5 grams of chamomile, lemon balm and mint per glass of water. After mixing, the liquid should be boiled for half an hour. The resulting decoction has a mild but very effective effect.

What not to include in tea for children

What other herbs can be included in children's tea? Unfortunately, their list is very, very limited. Try to follow classic recipes (chamomile, mint, fennel) and not get carried away with using various gifts of nature; if possible, coordinate your decisions with your pediatrician, because some herbs are simply not recommended for children. For example:

  • A series. Excellent for compresses and warm baths, has a positive effect on the nervous system, can be used internally only in consultation with a specialist.
  • Calendula. It is well suited for gargling, as it has antibacterial properties, but it is strictly not recommended for children, especially at a young age, to use it internally.
  • Sage. For children under 3 years of age, it is indicated primarily as a means for inhalation to treat colds and other diseases.
  • Thyme. Used for preparing external compresses. Has the ability to enhance the regenerating properties of the skin.
  • Plantain. Also suitable exclusively for external use in the treatment of wounds and cuts.