Calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions. Stewed cabbage - calories. Calorie content of stewed cabbage with chicken pieces

A product like cabbage is the basis of many diets. This is due to the fact that it is simple and accessible to absolutely everyone.

The most delicious way to prepare this vegetable is stewing, in which both the vitamin and dietary properties of the product can be preserved. As for the calorie content of the vegetable, it is minimal, so it is allowed to be included in the weight loss menu.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of stewed cabbage and study its calorie content. This and other information can be found below in our article.

Beneficial features

First of all, it is necessary to note what a dish is can improve metabolism in the body, and the beautiful white cabbage itself is an excellent preventive product in the fight against vascular diseases. The white cabbage beauty contains such useful elements as potassium, calcium, glucose, folic acid, phosphorus, as well as vitamins PP and B. In addition, this vegetable is distinguished by a large amount of vitamin C.

Literally a couple of centuries ago, this product, or rather its leaves, was used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, and also for various liver diseases.

Many people probably know that the vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties Therefore, the leaves are applied to sore spots for pain relief. The composition of white cabbage can have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves kidney function and is an excellent means of stimulating the production of bile in the body.

Fat enemies and diet friends

Before you find out how many calories are in stewed cabbage, you should immediately note that in this case the conversation is about a white vegetable. As you know, there are many varieties of this product: Savoy cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Moreover, each variety has its own calorie content.

We will talk about the energy value of the usual and simple white cabbage. It is also worth noting that the number of calories of this product directly depends on the method of preparation, as well as additional ingredients included in the dish.

Let's consider the energy value of the product, taking into account that 100 g of stewed cabbage accounts for 70% of the main product and 30% of other ingredients.

  • Cabbage stewed with carrots contains 40 kilocalories.
  • White cabbage stewed with mushrooms contains 112 kilocalories per 100 grams of dish.
  • Stewed vegetables, prepared with the addition of tomato paste and tomatoes, contain 99 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • A vegetable stewed with potatoes contains 124 kilocalories.
  • If you do not add other vegetables during stewing, but use only vegetable oil as an additional ingredient, then the calorie content of this dish will be 50 kilocalories.
  • Stewed cabbage, prepared absolutely without any additives, contains 40 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Considering how many calories are in stewed cabbage with other vegetables, it should be noted that this dish is really dietary. Of course, the minimum energy value depends on how much water was added during cooking, and whether it was cooked without oil and other ingredients. But it is worth noting that many people quickly get bored with such a bland taste.

To consume as few calories as possible and get more pleasure, it is recommended to cook cabbage with the addition of carrots and vegetable oil. In this case, the calorie content of 100 grams of the dish will be 45 kilocalories.

You can also cook this vegetable with the addition of tomato and onion; this dish will have an unusual taste and lightness. To prepare a portion for 2 days you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh head of main vegetable;
  • Two medium onions;
  • Two medium tomatoes;
  • One carrot;
  • A little soy sauce;
  • One teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil.

Chop the white cabbage, pour 300 ml of water into the pan, add oil. Finely chop the remaining vegetables and add to the pan. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then add two teaspoons of soy sauce, simmer everything until tender over low heat. 100 grams of a finished dish, as a rule, contains no more than 100 kilocalories. In order to reduce the energy value, it is recommended not to add oil.

If you add meat

Now let's look at how many kilocalories will be contained in stewed cabbage with adding meat.

First of all, it should be noted that the fat content of a dish directly depends on the proportions and energy value of additional ingredients. When preparing this dish, it is recommended to adhere to the following proportion: 70% vegetables, 30% meat.

  • The energy value of a dish using minced chicken will be 102 kilocalories.
  • The energy value of a dish with the addition of chicken breast will be about 150 kilocalories.
  • By adding fat-free pork to the dish, its calorie content will be 145 kilocalories.
  • If the vegetable is stewed with beef, then the energy value of this dish will be about 160 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The modern generation of people monitors their health and excess weight extremely closely. Most people try to visit fitness clubs and eat healthy, plant-based foods low in unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Stewed cabbage is ideal for such nutrition, because... It is a low-calorie product and contains a lot of useful substances. To determine the calorie content of stewed cabbage, you should take into account the specifics of preparing the dish and the list of additional ingredients, but in any case, it will be much healthier than fried side dishes.

Calorie content of cabbage depending on the variety

On the shelves you can find a great variety of cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and many others. The calorie content of stewed cabbage is affected not only by the method of preparation, but also by the variety. Below are options for preparing lean dishes with the addition of vegetable oil, which immediately increases the calorie content by almost 3 times.

White cabbage. This is the most common variety, the richest in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and fights viruses and infections. When finished, the stewed product with oil contains about 75-100 kcal per 100 g weight, without oil - only 35 kcal.

Cauliflower. A very useful species, improves digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a side dish it goes well with meat; you can complement the taste with olives or tomato puree. Oil added during stewing provides a calorie content of about 70 kcal per 100 g.

Brussels sprouts. It is very quick to prepare and is a truly dietary product that is very useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly. It can be used for diabetes and various diseases of the digestive system. During cooking, you can add ingredients such as onions, carrots and spices, the finished dish is obtained with a calorie content of 58-59 kcal per 100 g.

Options for preparing dishes with cabbage in terms of calories

During cooking, a large amount of oil is often used, which significantly increases the calorie content. Therefore, it is recommended to add no more than 2 tablespoons of oil. Since cabbage itself is a fairly light food, you can add various meats, potatoes or mushrooms to the dish for added nutrition. Below are the most popular cooking methods to guide you how many calories are in stewed cabbage with the addition of various ingredients.

  • 100 g of the finished dish contains:
  • stewed cabbage with beef meat – 160 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with lean pork – 140 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with chicken – 150 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with potatoes – 125 kcal,
  • stewed cabbage with mushrooms – 119 kcal.

As you can see, this vegetable, even in combination with meat products, is a dietary dish. The main rule is to choose meat without pieces of fat and add a minimum amount of oil during cooking.

The benefits and harms of stewed cabbage

The benefits of stewed cabbage are obvious: the high content of vitamins A, B and C, as well as the abundance of microelements (phosphorus, potassium, sulfur) and fiber make it indispensable in the human diet. It significantly improves metabolic processes in the body, prevents constipation, cleanses blood vessels and improves immunity. This product can be used by people suffering from various stomach diseases, because... stewed vegetables are soft foods. It is forbidden to use only in extreme cases: during exacerbation of gastric ulcer, patients with high acidity of gastric juice and people prone to diarrhea.

Diet based on stewed cabbage

Based on this product, you can arrange an excellent relief for the body under the slogan “Stewed cabbage - funny calories!” Indeed, the low calorie content and heat treatment make this product extremely safe for both the figure and the gastrointestinal tract; when stewed, it can be consumed in large quantities. But such a diet cannot be called balanced, so nutritionists strongly recommend sticking to a cabbage-based diet for no more than 6-7 days, and a strict monocomponent diet for no more than 3 days.

When on a diet, you can eat either a lean dish or with the addition of lean meats. Chicken breast is ideal for this. It is also possible to add vegetables such as carrots, onions, and herbs. When cleansing the body, you should not forget to drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters per day. You shouldn't go hungry; you can eat as much as you want. In a few days, the result will already be obvious: the extra pounds will begin to go away, and the body will cleanse itself and get rid of toxins.

However, not everyone can eat vegetables in large quantities. Contraindications may be in the following cases:

  • diabetes,
  • severe diseases of the digestive system,
  • various problems in the functioning of the kidneys.

Otherwise, such a tasty and uncomplicated vegetable diet will help you achieve a slim, toned figure and great health.

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that can be perfectly stored for several months. At the same time, when fresh, it retains a lot of vitamins for a long time, so you can’t think of a better basis for a winter side dish.

How to prepare a healthy and tasty dish from white cabbage while maintaining its nutritional value? Of course, simmer!

Stewed cabbage is:

  • very tasty (especially if you don’t skimp on spices);
  • healthy (fiber, vitamins, protein - everything the body needs);
  • affordable, because white cabbage is an inexpensive and popular product;
  • simple - even a novice cook can handle it;
  • It is universal because it is combined with a wide variety of products - from fish and mushrooms to cutlets and sausages.

People on a strict low-calorie diet are certainly concerned about the calorie content of stewed cabbage.

To calculate this indicator, it is not enough to know the number of calories contained in a raw vegetable, since a variety of products are added to the dish for a richer taste. Cabbage is combined with butter (butter or vegetable), tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, meat - pork, beef, chicken.

Therefore, you can determine as accurately as possible how many calories are contained in stewed cabbage cooked in water - without oil, sour cream, mushrooms and meat, flavored exclusively with carrots, onions and spices (turmeric, bay leaf, parsley, dill, etc.). This exceptionally dietary and easy-to-digest dish boasts an extremely low calorie content - up to 17 kcal per 100 grams.

This means that it can be included even in the strictest diet and cooked at least every day as a low-calorie side dish: unlike the beloved potatoes and pasta, vegetables in water do not pose any threat to your waistline - eat as much as you like!

But not everyone likes the “clean” and slightly boring taste of such a side dish, so sooner or later, for variety, you will want to add something else to it - for example, vegetable oil or a little tomato paste. The taste will undoubtedly become richer, but the calorie content of stewed cabbage in this case will inevitably increase.

How many calories are in stewed cabbage with vegetable oil?

The answer to this question directly depends on the amount of oil you add to the dish. As a rule, oil is used at the first stage of cooking, when you need to lightly fry vegetables and root vegetables - onions, carrots, celery, parsley root. To fully fry 1.5-2 kg of vegetables, about 40 ml of olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil is required, but this is not much. Adhering to the specified proportion, you will receive a dish containing about 46-47 kcal per hundred grams (if it also contains tomato paste).

Of course, this result cannot be compared with the calorie content of stewed cabbage in water (no more than 17 kcal per 100 grams), so you still have to watch the portion sizes. Even more caution must be exercised when it comes to adding meat. On the one hand, in this way you will get not just a side dish, but a complete and very nutritious second course, so you won’t need to supplement it with a cutlet or sausages; on the other hand, the food will be quite high in calories.

Calorie content of stewed cabbage with chicken pieces

If you are used to saving your personal time, stewing vegetables with meat will save you more than one hour - minimal participation in the process is required, especially if you use a slow cooker, and the result is a universal “two in one” dish - both the meat base and the side dish. When adhering to a diet, it is important to know at least the approximate calorie content of stewed cabbage cooked with meat, so as not to harm your figure.

This indicator directly depends on the type and quantity of meat that you put in the dish: if it is pork, then a hundred grams of the finished dish will contain at least 82 kcal. So it’s better to opt for lean white chicken meat (then the calorie content will be approximately 78 kcal per 100 grams - the difference is not so impressive, but it will be noticeable for a large portion).

By eliminating vegetable oil, you can further reduce the energy value of the dish. Don't limit your imagination; the results of culinary experiments may pleasantly surprise you!

Remember that dishes made from white cabbage enrich the body with vitamins A, E, P and C, help eliminate cholesterol metabolism disorders, prevent early aging and stimulate intestinal motility.

But there are also limitations: if you suffer from gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, a tendency to diarrhea or inflammatory bowel diseases, it is better to avoid cabbage, especially fresh cabbage.

When a person adheres to a diet, he carefully creates his menu. Otherwise, there is a high risk of breaking down and overeating. And it is precisely during the period of restrictions that one is drawn to something forbidden. Therefore, food should be healthy, tasty and aromatic. And at the same time low-calorie. Fortunately, there are plenty of such dishes. For example, what is the calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions and carrots? Many people think this dish is bland, but there are hundreds of cooking variations. Show your imagination and you will get a hearty lunch.

The relevance of proper nutrition

The modern generation is learning to set the right priorities, including a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and physical activity. For such a life, cabbage dishes are ideal, which is a low-calorie, tasty and aromatic product containing a lot of useful substances. In addition, it is available in stores and markets, and many people also grow cabbage in their gardens. But when cooked, how long will it last? The calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions and carrots is 44 calories per 100 grams. This is the energy value of a dish prepared according to a basic recipe, but, in fact, cabbage can be prepared to suit any menu and any list of ingredients. This vegetable is always healthy and pleasant for digestion. In any case, it will be better than fried side dishes and will not be inferior in taste.

We focus on the variety

As they say, there is no arguing about tastes. And among the variety of cabbage varieties, everyone will find the one they like best. Of course, stores most often have cabbage, but you should not ignore Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. Accordingly, the calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions and carrots depends not only on the cooking method, but also on the variety. In particular, just adding vegetable oil increases the calorie content of the dish at least three times.

The most popular white cabbage is rich in vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and various infections. The calorie content of cabbage stewed with onions and carrots with butter is approximately 75-100 calories per 100 grams. If you do without oil, then only 35 calories.

Dishes with cauliflower contain slightly less calories - 70 calories per 100 grams. This variety is very useful. It improves digestion and stomach function. In cooking, cauliflower goes well with meat, olives and potatoes.

Brussels sprouts are considered a truly dietary dish. It is extremely easy to prepare and is useful for children and the elderly. This type of cabbage is allowed for diabetes, pregnancy and diseases of the digestive tract. The taste of cabbage is revealed brightly when combined with onions, carrots and spices. The result is a dish with a calorie content of 58 calories per 100 grams.

Cooking options

Since oil seriously increases the calorie content of cabbage stewed with onions and carrots, it is recommended to limit its amount to two tablespoons per total mass. Cabbage itself is a light dish, but you can add meat, potatoes or mushrooms for added nutrition. A very hearty and nutritious combination of cabbage and beef. The result is about 160 calories per 100 grams. With low-fat pork, cabbage will become a little “lighter” - 140 calories per 100 grams. The situation is approximately the same with chicken - the dish will cost 150 calories. Thus, stewed vegetables with meat have a relatively high calorie content, but at the same time the dish becomes more filling, appetizing and juicy. If you are on a diet, you can achieve nutrition without adding meat. For example, cabbage with potatoes has only 125 calories per 100 grams. And if you lightly fry the mushrooms separately and then add them to the stewed cabbage, you will get only 119 calories. Obviously, even in combination with meat, cabbage remains a fairly low-calorie dish. The main thing here is to choose meat without fat and reduce the amount of oil.

Benefits and harms

So, what is the calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions and carrots? The final figure depends on the amount of oil and the list of additional ingredients. In the basic version, this is 75 calories per 100 grams. Quite a bit, but cabbage contains a high content of vitamins A, B and C, macroelements and fiber. Therefore, cabbage is indispensable in the diet of a modern person with his sedentary lifestyle and pronounced love for fast food. It is cabbage that improves metabolism, the digestive process, cleanses blood vessels and improves immunity. People suffering from stomach diseases can easily afford stewed cabbage, since it is a really soft food. The ban occurs only during exacerbations of ulcers, a tendency to diarrhea and increased acidity of gastric juice.

Going on a diet

It turns out that there is a diet based on stewed cabbage. This vegetable can provide excellent relief for the body, since the calorie content of stewed cabbage with onions and carrots is simply ridiculous. Heat treatment makes cabbage safe for the figure and stomach, and even quantitative restrictions can be removed. But such a diet cannot be called balanced, so the diet should not be delayed. Give yourself a deload for a week maximum. This is provided that other foods are included in the diet. If the meal is planned to be monocomponent, then its duration should be a maximum of three days.

Meat plus

Even on a diet, you can afford meat, absolutely any kind. Meat is good for the human body. So don't give up on it. But before cooking, remove strips of fat and rinse the piece of meat well. Chicken breast is ideal for dietary nutrition. You just need to be cunning in preparing it, as the breast may become dry after heat treatment.

What is the calorie content of cabbage stewed with onions and carrots, chicken? The general figure can vary from 100 to 155 calories per 100 grams. If you twist the meat into minced meat, and then fry it and add it to the cabbage, you will get 102 calories. When stewing in oil, the dish receives about 150 calories per 100 grams.

To keep the chicken juicy, you can lightly marinate it before cooking. Make the marinade soft - low-fat mayonnaise, herbs, garlic and spices. Refrigerate the meat for an hour and a half, then cut it into pieces and place in the roasting pan. Now is the time to add carrots and garlic. Bon appetit!

Have you ever considered how many delicious dishes can be prepared from ordinary white cabbage? If not, then let's try to do it together. So: sauerkraut, salted cabbage, fresh cabbage salad, cabbage rolls (and lazy ones too), cabbage pies, lean cabbage cutlets, lahanorizo ​​(Greek national dish of cabbage and rice), cabbage loaf, Korean cabbage, etc. . In addition, cabbage is included in many salads, giving them a fresh taste. And, of course, the well-known stewed cabbage should not be forgotten - a juicy, nutritious dish that is perfect for weight loss.

How many calories are in stewed cabbage?

We all know that cabbage is, in simple terms, a “grass” whose calorie content does not exceed 28 kcal per hundred grams. But when it is extinguished, this value can increase several times. And if we calculate how many calories are in stewed cabbage prepared in the traditional way without adding meat products, we will get a figure increased almost four times (equal to 102.2 kcal).

How to cook low-calorie stewed cabbage?

Of course, this is not so much, but, nevertheless, this figure can be further reduced. How? There is an easy way to do this. It consists in the fact that practically no vegetable oil is used for stewing. We start cooking by placing finely shredded cabbage on a hot frying pan, where it “wilts” a little, after which low-fat chicken broth and sautéed carrots and onions are added (put them on a paper towel to remove excess fat). It is necessary to simmer under a closed lid over low heat. Halfway through cooking, add tomatoes, seasonings and salt. A few minutes before the dish is completely ready, add a little fried flour to it - it will absorb excess moisture. How many calories do you think are in stewed cabbage prepared this way? Believe it or not, only 32 kcal per 100-gram serving!

Stewed cabbage with chicken

Although the above recipe is not bad in itself, sometimes you really want to flavor the cabbage with meat. I wonder how many more calories will be in the stewed cabbage then? Do not be surprised! It turns out that if you choose not only the cooking method, but also the ingredients themselves, the energy value of this dish will not exceed 72 kcal! To make the stewed cabbage with chicken you prepared, the calorie content of which is so low, also tasty, take: not just chicken, but its breast; Do not fry the carrots, but simmer them; In the cooking process itself, use stewing rather than frying. Please note that such a high-calorie product as vegetable oil is not included in this recipe. Therefore, this dish should be suitable for anyone who is on a diet and strictly watches their figure.

Cabbage with meat

Naturally, the calorie content of stewed cabbage with meat cannot be small. On average it is about 210 kcal. But it turns out that this figure can be significantly reduced. This happens due to:

  • choosing the right meat (beef or lean pork);
  • use of cookware with non-stick coating;
  • using a minimum amount of oil (1 tsp only for frying meat);
  • the predominance of stewing (as the main method of cooking).

If you follow all these rules, then from 500 g of meat, half a fork of white cabbage, ketchup, salt and seasonings you will get an excellent dish. And when asked how many calories are in stewed cabbage with meat prepared according to this recipe, you can safely say: “Only 95 kcal!”

And finally

Finally, I would like to say that nothing is impossible, you just have to want it and you can always find wonderful ways to rid your body of excess calories overload. Modern household appliances offer us a lot of possibilities for this: steamers, multicookers, grill pans. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then you won’t have to prepare low-calorie lunches and dinners separately for yourself. Because the whole family will eat everything you have prepared with great pleasure. It's so delicious!
