Thick milk jelly. Milk jelly: recipe with photo. Classic jelly recipes

We were all previously forced in kindergartens or by our parents to drink a drink like jelly. I remember that the question of whether to drink it or not was not even up for discussion. This was always justified by the fact that it is incredibly useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and in general for the entire body.

If before it took several hours to persuade me to drink at least half a cup, today I will be the first to come running to taste it. There are a lot of options for making jelly. It can be made from fruits or berries, or it can be made from milk. As the main sweet tooth in the family, I love the last option most, as it tastes very much like ice cream.

Recipe for making milk jelly from potato starch

Kitchen utensils and appliances: pan, spoon, glass, stove or hob.


Step-by-step preparation

Pour the finished drink into cups, decorate and serve!

Video recipe

You can see an even more detailed recipe for making milk jelly per liter of milk in a short video recipe.

Recipe for thick milk jelly with photo

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.
Number of servings: 3-5.
Calories: 107 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: a saucepan, spoon, glass or other container for mixing milk and starch, molds or serving plate, stove or hob.


Step by step recipe

Pour the finished dish into molds or onto a plate, decorate, and you are ready to serve!

Video recipe

In this short video you can see how to prepare a delicious dairy dessert in just a few minutes.

Basic truths

  • To prepare jelly, you can use milk of any fat content. If you think it is too oily, dilute it with water.
  • To give the drink a vanilla aroma and taste, you can use vanilla sugar, vanillin or vanilla essence. Be careful with the last two, as you need to add them literally at the tip of a knife or 1 drop. If you add more, the finished drink may taste bitter.
  • If your jelly does not reach the desired consistency, add a little more starch, about 1/2 tbsp. l., in cold water or milk and add to the pan.

How to decorate and what to serve with

  • The finished drink can be served slightly warm or completely cooled. It is usually decorated with grated chocolate or cinnamon. You can also top with fresh berries or fruit.
  • Strawberries, raspberries, bananas, peach or apricot perfectly complement this dessert.
  • Indulge your sweet tooth and top with 1 teaspoon of jam or melted chocolate.

This drink is not only tasty and healthy, but also nutritious, so it can be an excellent afternoon snack.

Other possible cooking options

  • Another tasty and healthy option for preparing this delicacy is. It perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes in the summer, and in winter it helps strengthen the immune system.
  • If you don’t have fresh berries on hand, then make frozen berry jelly. Finally, if you don't have any fruit on hand, make some. Probably the easiest way to prepare this delicacy is to “cook jelly from a pack.” Previously, one of the most popular drinks in every home was oatmeal jelly from Hercules.
  • This drink helps cleanse the body of toxins, gives it energy and vigor. This drink is said to promote longevity, so I think it's time to bring it back from the lava of forgotten dishes. A very similar recipe for making this drink would be oatmeal jelly from oat flakes. Despite the use of other cereals, the healing properties of this drink are preserved.
  • Kissel can act not only as an independent dessert. but also as a base for a pie. Try making jelly pie as an alternative to the usual dessert on your menu.

This drink is so easy to prepare that we simply have to make it as often as possible. In addition, it brings great benefits to our body. Pamper your little ones, and not only those in your household, with a delicious dessert.

What do you serve this drink with, how do you decorate it? Share your secrets with me in the comments on the site! Bon appetit!

Childhood gastronomic memories are not only cotton candy, but also cocoa with foam. Although, with age, even these things begin to be appreciated, and once unloved products are remembered with pleasant nostalgia. For example, such a traditional “grandmother’s dessert” as milk jelly. Today you won’t find it even in those cafes and restaurants that build their concept in a friendly and homely style. Fruit drinks, compotes - please, but jelly... There is only one thing left: to cook milk jelly yourself. And try to make it as tasty as grandma’s in the village!

Composition and benefits of milk jelly
Kissel is a traditional dish for Slavic peoples. Since ancient times it has been prepared from cereals and fruits, and initially jelly was not a sweet dish, and only over time it turned into a delicacy when it began to be cooked with the addition of berries, fruits, jam and milk. Now this dessert can be considered one of the few that does not harm, but improves health. Milk jelly is prepared with the addition of starch, so it is quite high in calories. However, they are useful for both children and adults, especially during periods of intense physical and mental stress, stress, recovery from illness, and simply when you want to treat yourself to something tasty and of high quality. In all these cases, milk jelly is an ideal option because it has the following properties:
  • Mild alkalizing effect, especially beneficial for people suffering from high acidity, gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • High content of vitamins and minerals, which correlates with the specific cereal and/or fruit ingredients of the jelly.
  • Activation of intestinal motility and prevention of dysbacteriosis.
  • Increased immune properties, activation of metabolic processes and general tone of the body.
At the same time, jelly made from natural products has practically no contraindications, with the exception of rare cases of intolerance to one or another component. But even in this case, you can find a way out, because there are a huge number of recipes for jelly, sweet and fresh, thick and liquid, fruit and cereal, dairy, oat and combined. Each of them will bring general benefits and their own individual properties. But the jelly will be truly tasty only if you know the peculiarities of its preparation.

Milk jelly recipes
Don’t even think about dry instant jelly and other semi-finished products. There is about the same amount in common between them and real, healthy milk jelly. Like between fresh cherries and cherry-flavored candies. Despite your busy schedule and dynamic pace of life, find the opportunity to cook delicious jelly from natural ingredients. Moreover, it will take very little time, and we, for our part, will suggest several successful recipes:

  1. Liquid milk jelly. Take 1 liter of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of potato or 4 tablespoons of corn starch, a drop of vanilla extract or vanillin on the tip of a knife. Dissolve the starch in one glass of milk, and bring the rest of the milk to a boil. Add sugar to boiling milk and stir until completely dissolved. Then pour milk with starch, vanilla into the bowl with sweet milk and mix. Without ceasing to stir, cook the jelly over low heat for 2 minutes if you used potato starch, or 5 minutes if you used corn starch. The reason for this difference is that potato starch is a stronger thickening agent than corn starch. Pour the finished jelly into cups and serve warm with honey, jam or any other sweet sauce. Milk jelly turns out to be soft white in color, but if desired, it can be colored into a pleasant creamy shade by adding a tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice to cold milk before mixing it with starch.
  2. Thick milk jelly. Take 1 liter of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of potato starch or 8 tablespoons of corn starch, a pinch of natural vanilla or vanillin on the tip of a knife (can be replaced with half a bag of vanilla sugar). Dissolve the starch in one glass of milk so that there are no lumps. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil in a saucepan. Place sugar in boiling milk and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour milk and starch into a ladle with boiling milk, add vanilla and stir. Without ceasing to stir, cook the jelly over low heat for 2 minutes if you used potato starch, or 5 minutes if you used corn starch. Thus, the consistency of the jelly depends more on the amount of starch, and not on the time of its boiling. On culinary websites and in literature you can find a recommendation to add flour to jelly. But starch does an excellent job of creating a viscous consistency without it. Place the finished jelly in low cups or bowls and serve slightly cooled, garnishing with nuts, berries, honey and/or grated chocolate to your taste.
  3. Milk and berry jelly. Take 1 liter of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of ready-made cherry syrup (you can buy it in a bottle or strain it from a jar of jam), 2 tablespoons of potato starch or 4 tablespoons of corn starch, a pinch of ground cinnamon or nutmeg. Completely dissolve the starch in one glass of milk, add flavoring. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil along with the sugar. Then combine all the milk in a saucepan, mix thoroughly and, stirring constantly, cook the jelly over low heat for 2 minutes if you used potato starch, or 5 minutes if you used corn starch. Add the syrup a minute before it is ready and distribute evenly in the jelly mass. Serve berry jelly with milk in portioned mugs, garnished with fresh mint and/or whole berries. These may be the same fruits from which the syrup is made, or others. Choose the syrups themselves at your own discretion.
  4. Milk chocolate jelly. Take 1 liter of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 100 grams of chocolate (1 bar), 2 tablespoons of potato starch or 4 tablespoons of corn starch, a pinch of natural vanilla (can be replaced with half a bag of vanilla sugar or vanilla on the tip of a knife ). Dissolve starch in 1 glass of milk and stir until lumps disappear completely. Dissolve cocoa powder in half a glass of milk. Break half the chocolate, put it in half a glass of milk and melt it in the microwave or in a water bath. Pour the rest of the milk into a ladle, add sugar and bring to a boil. Then add milk with starch, milk with chocolate and milk with cocoa, add vanilla, mix evenly and, stirring continuously, simmer for 2 minutes if you used potato starch, or 5 minutes if you used corn starch . Pour the finished jelly into cups and decorate with the remaining chocolate, turning it into shavings using a grater.
  5. Milk-egg jelly. Take 1 liter of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 3 eggs or 3 yolks, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of butter. Separate the yolks from the whites and grind them with sugar and flour until white and homogeneous consistency. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on low heat. Immediately add the yolk mixture to the milk and begin stirring slowly. Cook the jelly until thickened, gradually heating it, but not allowing the boiling process to begin. After about 3-5 minutes, when the jelly reaches the desired consistency, add warm butter to it, mix thoroughly and remove from heat. Transfer the jelly into bowls and serve hot. This recipe allows the use of any flavorings of your choice (vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, etc.). As a thickener, starch is replaced by eggs, which changes the nutritional value of the jelly in favor of proteins and fats, reducing the amount of carbohydrates.
The simplicity of preparing milk jelly is not deceptive: it is really very simple to cook. If you wish, you can complicate the recipe, add flavorings, aromas, decorations, etc. In addition, inventive housewives like to experiment with the consistency of jelly, turning it either into an aromatic drink or into a thick dessert. By the way, Italian milk jelly panna cotta has recently become very popular among gourmets. Although thick milk jelly, decorated with berries, chocolate chips and waffle crumbs, is in no way inferior to it either in taste or aesthetics. Therefore, do not look for prophets in a foreign country - cook milk jelly for yourself and your loved ones with pleasure and imagination. Bon appetit!

A sweet dessert made with cow's milk can be thin or thick. The consistency of milk jelly can be adjusted. How to do it? We reveal the secrets in the proposed recipes.

This is a basic recipe that will become the basis for other options for preparing the drink under discussion. After you learn how to cook this recipe, you can try more complex variations.


  • milk – 850 ml;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • fruit syrup - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Dissolve starch in a mug of milk. Boil the rest of the milk. Pour in granulated sugar. Cook while stirring for three minutes. Pour in the cold starch mixture in a thin stream. Boil for the same amount of time. If you like a dessert with a liquid consistency, cook for one and a half minutes.
  2. Pour in fruit syrup. Add vanilla. Stir.

With added oatmeal

Try making milk jelly with the addition of oatmeal. It will charge you with energy for the whole day. When consumed daily for breakfast, it will help remove toxins from the body.


  • rolled oats – 110 g;
  • salt;
  • milk – 480 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Pour milk over cereal and set aside. Hercules must swell. Strain. The drink requires only fortified milk.
  2. Mix with starch. The consistency should become homogeneous. Add some salt. Add sugar. Mix. Heat.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove from the stove.

Drink with caramel flavor

Not everyone knows how to cook milk jelly so that the drink is filled with caramel flavor. We offer a proven method that will delight you with an amazing aroma.


  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 480 ml;
  • water – 120 ml (hot);
  • sugar – 100 g.


  1. Pour half the sugar into a saucepan. Stirring constantly over low heat until completely dissolved. Pour in boiling water. Mix. Cook for two minutes. Pour in half the milk. Add sugar. Boil.
  2. Pour starch into the remaining milk and pour into the bubbling sweet mass. Cook for three minutes.

Milk-egg jelly

The delicate creamy taste of the dessert will captivate you from the first seconds.


  • milk – 900 ml;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar;
  • yolk – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons.


    1. Pour sugar into the yolks. Beat. The mass will turn white. Add flour. Stir thoroughly, there should be no lumps left.
    2. Warm up the milk. Pour in flour mixture. It is necessary to cook the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly and not allowing it to boil. If the mixture boils, the yolks will curdle.
    3. Place butter. Mix. The dessert is consumed hot.

How to make with cocoa

To avoid lumps, pour the diluted starch quickly into the boiling mass. It is necessary to pour not into the center of the pan, but closer to the walls.


      • sugar – 3 teaspoons;
      • starch - 1 tbsp. potato spoon;
      • cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons;
      • milk – 550 ml.


      1. Warm up 50 ml of milk. Pour in cocoa. The product must be completely dissolved in milk.
      2. Pour starch into 100 ml of milk. Dissolve. Heat 150 ml of milk and pour into the chocolate mixture. Mix.
      3. Boil the remaining milk. Sweeten. Mix with chocolate mixture. Boil.
      4. Pour in starch mixture. Stirring with a whisk, cook for 3 minutes. It is recommended to serve hot in transparent cups.

With pumpkin

The dessert will delight you with its unusual taste and will amaze everyone with its bright color. Children will appreciate this delicacy. Suitable for first feeding from 6 months.


      • potato starch – 15 g;
      • pumpkin – 110 g;
      • walnuts;
      • water – 120 ml;
      • fruit syrup;
      • sugar – 20 g;
      • milk – 120 ml.


      1. Chop the nuts. Cut the skin off the pumpkin. Cut the pulp into pieces. Place in the microwave oven. Bake. The vegetable should become soft. Beat with a blender. Rub the puree through a sieve.
      2. Boil the milk. Pour in the puree.
      3. Dissolve starch in water and mix with pumpkin mixture. Set to low heat. Cook until thick.
      4. When the mixture boils, sprinkle with nuts. Mix. Pour into cups. Serve with syrup.
      5. Do not use nuts if you are preparing a dessert for small children.

With gelatin and strawberries

Only those who have never tried a real delicious dessert don’t like milk jelly. The most successful delicacy is obtained when natural additives are added to the composition.


      • strawberries – 250 g;
      • milk – 1100 ml;
      • coconut flakes - 4 teaspoons;
      • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
      • gelatin – 20 g.


      1. Use instant gelatin. Pour in 200 ml of milk. Set aside for 17 minutes. When the product swells, transfer to the remaining milk.
      2. Transfer the mixture to the stove. Enable minimal mode. Warm up. The mass will need to be hot, but not boiling. When boiling, gelatin loses its gelling properties. Sweeten. Adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste preferences. You can increase the volume or not use it at all. Mix. Pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator.
      3. Remove leaves from berries. Remove damaged and spoiled fruits. Leave only strong berries. Cut.
      4. When the jelly begins to thicken, distribute the strawberries evenly. Place in the refrigerator. Leave for 2 hours.
      5. In the winter season, jam is suitable instead of fresh berries. To do this, choose berries. Place them in a sieve and let the syrup drain. Then add strawberries to the jelly.
      6. After the dessert has thickened, sprinkle the surface with coconut flakes.

Cooking thick milk jelly

Everyone knows French and Italian desserts: blancmange and panna cotta. We offer a wonderful alternative to foreign delicacies - milk jelly. Gourmets will appreciate its taste.


      • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
      • vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet;
      • fresh milk – 480 ml;
      • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons corn.


      1. Pour starch into 60 ml of milk. Stir with a whisk until completely dissolved.
      2. Dissolve granulated sugar in the remaining milk. Add vanilla sugar. Mix. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat. When the mixture boils, pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream. Stir quickly to prevent lumps from forming. Cook for three minutes.

With carrots

An original, healthy treat will help saturate the body with vitamins and satisfy the feeling of hunger.


      • carrots – 2 pcs.;
      • milk – 950 ml;
      • sugar – 100 g;
      • starch – 5 teaspoons.


      1. Clean the surface of the carrots. Grate. Use a fine grater.
      2. Dissolve starch in 250 ml of milk. Boil the remaining milk, add carrot chips. Mix. Add sugar. While stirring, wait until the mixture boils. Cook for 2 minutes.
      3. Continuing to stir, pour the starch solution into the carrot mixture. Boil until bubbles appear.

Pour into small molds. Cool. If you like very thick jelly, we recommend increasing the amount of starch to seven small spoons.

It’s hard to imagine national Russian cuisine without jelly. Our ancestors drank this drink, and we willingly drink it, especially since it takes no more than ten minutes to prepare a tasty and nutritious mixture.

The main character of jelly is potato or corn starch: it is this that gives the drink its characteristic thickness. But its base can be very different: fruit, berry, dairy, oatmeal and even vegetables (for example, pumpkin and carrots), which are brewed with starch during the cooking process. One of the fastest and most nutritious options is to make milk-based jelly: no preliminary preparation is needed.

If you take starch to a minimum, you will get a thick drink. And if you mix in more of it, you get a separate jelly-like dish that can be eaten with a spoon. The choice is yours.

Cooking time: 10 minutes / Yield: 5 servings


  • milk 1 l,
  • potato starch 4-5 tsp,
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp. l.,
  • raspberry jam 150 ml,
  • chocolate 4 pieces,
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife,
  • mint for decoration.


    Take a ladle or pan made of stainless material. To prevent milk from burning to the bottom when boiling, rinse the container with cold water before pouring it in. Put the milk on the fire to boil. At this time, you should not move far away so that it does not run away. Remove the boiled milk from the stove.

    Pour potato starch into a glass.

    Pour 100 ml of boiled milk into the container with starch in a small stream and stir quickly so that no lumps form.

    Add granulated sugar to the ladle with liquid and return to the stove. Turn on low heat and stir the milk until the sugar dissolves. If desired, add vanilla at the tip of a knife.

    Make a funnel in the milk with a spoon and pour in the starch in a slow stream. Bring the milk and starch to a boil, stirring constantly with a spoon, but do not boil. As soon as the milk mixture begins to thicken, immediately remove the container from the heat. If you boil it, the jelly may turn out liquid and there will be lumps in it. We take a little milk mixture into a spoon and pour it into a separate container - this way we will determine whether the jelly is thick enough. To make it even thicker, add a little potato starch and return to the stove, bring the jelly to a boil. And vice versa, if, in your opinion, the drink turned out to be too thick, next time add less starch.

    Depending on how thick the jelly turns out, we choose a form for it. Pour the medium-thick drink into cups, and pour the very thick drink into molds or plates. Then cool at room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes.

    Pour raspberry jam (or any other jam of your choice) over the cooled jelly, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and decorate with mint leaves.

Many people associate milk jelly with childhood. Indeed, if you remember, then probably every second person tried this thick, unusual drink when they were little. There is little that distinguishes it from the usual jelly; on the contrary, by mixing milk and fruit for preparation, you get a delicious drink that your children will definitely enjoy. Another advantage is that it can be easily prepared even by an incompetent housewife who is encountering the preparation of not only such drinks, but also the kitchen in general, for the first time. Thick milk jelly will quickly become one of the favorite drinks in your home.

How to cook milk jelly?


  • milk – 500 ml;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.


Stir sugar, starch and vanillin in a small amount of milk. Bring the remaining milk to a boil over medium heat and remove from heat. Slowly pour in the starch mixture, stirring constantly. Then put on low heat and stirring constantly, bring the jelly until it thickens. Pour the finished drink into molds and leave to cool.

How to make milk jelly with chocolate?


  • milk – 1 l;
  • chocolate – 250 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • starch - ½ tbsp.;
  • vanillin.


Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and mix with starch. Pour this mixture into a glass of milk at room temperature and stir well. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil and then add vanillin and sugar. Pour the chocolate-starch mixture into the boiled milk and, stirring constantly, bring the jelly to a boil. Pour the drink into mugs. When serving, you can decorate the jelly with whipped cream.

Milk jelly with egg

Milk jelly is good for children. This fact makes it easier for many mothers in those situations when children simply do not want to drink milk, but at the same time it is necessary for their own health to consume it. In such cases, preparing milk jelly is very suitable. Children will love it due to its unusual taste and consistency. In addition, adding various fruits will only improve the taste of the jelly and its usefulness.


  • milk – 1 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vanillin.


Separate the egg yolks and mash them with sugar. Pour in warm milk, stirring constantly. Cool part of the milk mixture and stir with starch. Add vanilla and mix with the rest of the milk. Place the mixture over low heat and, stirring all the time, bring the jelly to a boil. As soon as the jelly boils, remove it from the heat and leave to cool.

Milk jelly with raisins - recipe

Russian jelly has a distant relative in Arab cuisine. This drink is called sakhleb. This is a delicious dessert, similar to our milkshake, with the addition of coconut and raisins.



Rinse the raisins well and cover with warm water. Leave to stand for 25 minutes and then squeeze out. Heat the milk and add vanillin and sugar. Dilute the starch in a small amount of water and slowly pour into the hot milk. Add raisins. Cook the jelly over low heat until completely thickened. When the jelly is ready, pour it into cups and sprinkle with coconut flakes mixed with cinnamon.

Cook milk jelly according to your taste. Don't be afraid to experiment by changing the composition and quantity of ingredients. If you have a sweet tooth, feel free to add more sugar. And if you like thicker desserts, then simply keep the jelly on the fire longer, and then let it stand overnight in the refrigerator.
