Canned peas are a nutritious, tasty and healthy product. Fresh green peas provide many benefits to the body

We most often remember green peas when we want to cook everyone's favorite Olivier salad, where this product is the main component. But in fact, these eye-pleasing green peas contain a lot of useful substances that are simply necessary for the body to maintain health and external beauty.

By the way, our ancestors knew about the benefits of a green pot. For example, in the old days in France, peas were consumed exclusively by nobles, and in China today, green peas are a symbol of wealth and nobility. In Tibet, a drug was prepared from this product, which was given to sick people and wounded soldiers. Such a remedy contributed to a quick recovery, restoration of strength and blood renewal. Perhaps it's time for us to get to know this wonderful product better and learn about its beneficial properties.

Composition of green peas

Like most other plant foods, this legume is famous for its highly digestible plant protein, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

The vitamin and mineral composition of this product also deserves attention. For example, green peas boast the content of almost all B vitamins, a high content of vitamins A, C, E, K and PP. Of the minerals, peas are rich in calcium and magnesium, potassium and iodine, iron and phosphorus. In addition, this product contains starch, mineral salts and antioxidants that the body needs.

If we talk about truly unique substances, then one cannot but mention the presence of lysine in green peas. This valuable amino acid is considered one of the most valuable means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Peas also contain the substance pyridoxine (one of the forms of vitamin B6). The value of this substance lies in the fact that it prevents the appearance of dermatoses on the skin and muscle cramps.

Note the presence of selenium in this product. This mineral affects the performance of the whole organism, primarily by cleansing it from the negative effects of toxins, carcinogens and salts of heavy metals.

By the way, if we talk about the calorie content of green peas, then it is not the smallest and is 248 kcal per 100 g of product. True, it should be understood here that, unlike vegetables and fruits, peas belong to legumes and its main advantage is incredible satiety and nutritional value. It is not for nothing that people who dream of losing weight and, in this regard, refusing meat, switch to the use of legumes and, above all, green peas.

Therapeutic and preventive properties of green peas

1. Reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol. Due to the high content of nicotinic acid, this wonderful product helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. But this is extremely important for the cardiovascular system, which, due to the fault of cholesterol plaques, quickly becomes unusable, leading a person to the development of a serious disease - atherosclerosis, and provoking the development of deadly conditions - heart attack and stroke. By the way, it is enough to eat just a handful of green peas a day to replenish the body's daily norm in nicotinic acid.

2. By regularly adding green peas to your diet, you will be protected not only from atherosclerosis, but also from oncological tumors. This product contains a lot of vitamin C, but more importantly, 100 g of peas contain 10 mg of a powerful antioxidant - coumestrol, which actively destroys free radicals and prevents the transformation of benign body cells into malignant ones.

3. In addition to cleansing blood vessels and strengthening the vascular walls, green peas have a beneficial effect on the heart itself. In particular, this product strengthens the myocardium and contributes to the treatment of arrhythmias.

4. Green peas contain a lot of vegetable protein, which actually explains its high energy value. In this regard, this product is recommended to be taken by athletes, as well as children and adolescents, because peas contribute to the growth of muscle mass and maintain body tone.

5. According to doctors, the product in question is an excellent remedy for the development of asthma. Moreover, people who already suffer from this serious disease should definitely consume green peas, as they reduce the likelihood of complications in case of asthma attacks.

6. And here is another discovery of scientists, which was not previously suspected. It turns out that green peas contain antimicrobial and antibacterial substances that successfully eliminate Koch's bacillus, which means they must be in the diet of tuberculosis patients.

7. Considering that legumes are not inferior to meat in terms of energy value, but unlike meat they do not contain harmful animal fats, green peas are often recommended for people who want to lose extra pounds or are obese.

8. High doses of fiber and vegetable protein promote better digestion of heavy foods and significantly speed up the digestion process, so that the digestive system works smoothly and prevents constipation. Moreover, green peas perfectly relieve a person from existing constipation.

9. Peas are extremely beneficial for bone health and strengthening. 100 g of this product provides the body with half the norm of vitamin K and the same amount of manganese. But these components strengthen the skeletal system and at the same time prevent calcification (calcification) of bones.

10. The composition of fresh peas contains a valuable component of lutein, it is extremely useful for vision. In combination with vitamin A, which is also abundant in this product, green peas perfectly protect the retina from damage, and also prevent the development of cataracts and macular degeneration.

11. Thanks to this product of the legume family, natural skin rejuvenation occurs. According to doctors, if you use green peas at least three times a week, your skin will remain radiant and elastic for a long time, and senile wrinkles will not appear on it for a very long time.

12. Peas are an extremely useful product for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. This product is especially good in the complex treatment of prostatitis. In addition, green peas are advised to use with problems with potency and with a decrease in libido.

13. In alternative treatment, green peas are often used as an effective remedy for heartburn. To do this, it is enough to grind a few peas, chew the resulting mass well and swallow it.

14. It would not be superfluous to say about the most valuable ability of green peas to cleanse the body of accumulations of harmful substances. Indeed, having so many indigestible dietary fibers in its composition, this product is ideal for removing toxins, toxins and other metabolic products from the body. But what is even more valuable, green peas are included in the diet of people who have undergone chemotherapy or have been affected by radiation. This is due to the fact that the product is able to free the body from radionuclides.

15. Green peas are recommended to be eaten regularly by people suffering from diabetes, and all because this product contains a lot of fiber, which slows down the process of breaking down sugar and reduces the unpleasant symptoms of this serious illness.

By the way, in canned form, green peas practically do not lose their valuable properties, and therefore, you can safely use both ripe and canned peas for pleasure and, of course, for health benefits.

Folk recipes with green peas

Rapid healing of wounds, cuts or abrasions
Pea-based remedy copes well with burns. To prepare it, it is enough to mix a handful of chopped peas with a fresh chicken egg and apply the mixture to the affected skin, applying a bandage on top for 1-2 hours.

Toothache remedy
To prepare a remedy for toothache, a handful of peas should be poured with vegetable oil and boiled for 90 minutes, then squeezed, mashed in a puree and applied to the aching tooth for 20-30 minutes.

Remedy for urolithiasis and kidney stones
For this purpose, green peas in pods are crushed with a knife, after which 2 tbsp. such a green mass is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for an hour. After straining the infusion, it can be taken in 2 tbsp. 3-4 r / day before meals.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Green peas are the fruits of a herbaceous annual plant of the family Legumes, pea. Peas have a round shape, rich green color, depending on the variety, they are smooth or slightly wrinkled. Green peas are located inside an elongated pod, flat or convex. Green peas are very juicy, have a pleasant sweet taste and smell.

Peas are considered the first vegetable that people recognized and began to grow specifically. Historians find evidence of the existence of peas long before our era. Ancient India and Ancient China used peas for food for more than 5000 years, in Europe the vegetable appeared a little later, and replaced it in Russia.

It is a mistake to assume that ripe and dried green peas can be used as. Green peas are peas of brain and sugar varieties, not intended for cooking, they are consumed raw, frozen and canned.

green peas calories

The calorie content of green peas is 73 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition and useful properties of green peas

The main useful property of green peas is the presence of a high-quality vegetable protein that is easily digestible, similar in properties to the protein of meat products. The product contains several essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, especially vitamins in peas, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and take part in metabolic processes. Green peas promote the growth and strengthening of muscle tissue, increase the body's resistance to various diseases, and do not cause increased gas formation. Peas are useful for children, pregnant women and those who want to build muscle mass without increasing adipose tissue.

The harm of green peas

Green peas can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, like all legumes, if consumed excessively, it causes heaviness in the stomach and flatulence.

Fresh green peas are a perishable product that is only available for a short time, they must be harvested when they reach "milky" ripeness so that the peas do not have time to lose their juiciness. Green peas in pods should not be wet, the pods should be green and fresh stalks (calorizator). If you need to purchase peeled green peas, then in this case the absence of dark spots, obvious damage, high humidity and signs of rot and mold is checked. Slightly shriveled peas are the sweetest and juiciest if they have a bright green color and a shiny surface, otherwise the peas simply dry out.

Fresh green peas in the refrigerator will retain useful properties for no longer than 10-12 days, if it is, then more than a year, in canned form - according to the shelf life indicated on the product packaging.

Green peas in cooking

Peas are better and healthier to eat fresh, adding to salads and cold appetizers. Green peas can be eaten with their pods and will be an original addition to many summer dishes. In Arabic and Central Asian cuisine, there are many recipes using fresh green peas, for example, the traditional falafel dish can be made from green peas.

You can learn more about the benefits of green peas from the video clip of the TV show “Live Healthy”.

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The benefits and harms of this product, its composition and methods of preparation will be presented in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about how to choose the right canned peas, and what you need to pay attention to when buying.

general information

What constitutes a canned green of this product is the subject of controversy by many experts. And before talking about them, I would like to provide you with more detailed information about this ingredient.

Canned peas are young green peas that are preserved by conservation.

Preservation of this product is the most optimal way of harvesting it for the purpose of long-term storage.

How this method affects canned greens and the harm of the bean product remain virtually unchanged. Moreover, during preservation, most of the vitamins of the grains are preserved.

Raw material selection

What are canned green peas made of, the benefits and harms of which will be described below? This product is produced from special varieties of young grains that are in the milk stage of maturity. It is during this period that they are most tender, and also contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars.

If in its mature form this product is considered a leguminous crop, then green peas are a vegetable and differ significantly from their “ripe brother” in dietary and taste qualities.

What ratio should green peas be in a jar? The benefits and harms of the product in question directly depend on this figure. Each tin should contain about 65-70% young and tender grains, as well as about 30-35% special filling.

Composition of the product

What are the components of green peas? Canned peas (the benefits and harms of the product are well known to many cooks) contain a lot of vegetable protein. Unlike the animal counterpart, this element is well absorbed by the body. In this case, there is no need to subject it to heat treatment.

In addition to protein, this product contains a huge amount of various minerals and vitamins. According to experts, green peas contain almost the entire group of vitamin B. It also contains vitamin A, which improves metabolism, vitamin C, which regulates the body's regenerative processes, vitamin K, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys, as well as synthesizing protein compounds and aiding in the absorption of calcium.

What mineral elements does green peas contain? The benefits and harms of this product are inextricably linked with its composition. According to experts, this vegetable has a large amount of sodium and potassium. This product is ideal for people with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Among other things, green peas contain selenium and zinc, which improve the quality of the lens and retina of the eye.

Canned green peas (calorie content, useful properties of the product)

Few people know, but there are not so few calories in green peas. According to experts, such a product contains more than 300 energy units per 100 grams. Therefore, green peas, whose calorie content and properties are closely interconnected, saturate the body well and quickly, but are perfectly absorbed.

The use of this product significantly reduces the likelihood of hypertension, oncology and heart attack. It should also be noted that skin aging is noticeably slowed down in those who constantly include green peas in their diet.

It is impossible not to say that the fiber contained in the vegetable effectively lowers cholesterol levels, and also helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation.

What else is rich in green peas? The benefits and harms, the beneficial properties of this product are known to few housewives. Therefore, only a small number of people include it in their daily diet.

It should be noted that there is a lot of nucleic acid in green peas. And, as you know, it is this substance that increases tissue regeneration, prolonging a person's youth. In addition, the nucleotides in this product are perfectly combined with an element such as magnesium. It is he who contributes to their better assimilation.

Can I drink a dressing that contains green peas (canned peas)? The benefits and harms of this liquid are known to a small number of people. According to experts, such a marinade can serve as an excellent remedy. However, it is not recommended to drink this filling in too large quantities, since it contains a lot of different additives.

The benefits and harms of green peas

The discussion about the beneficial properties of green peas has been going on for many years. But, in the end, experts agreed that this product should be included in your diet. After all, it contains a lot of nutrients. However, I would like to note that this product has another side. For example, eating peas in large quantities can easily lead to increased gas production, difficulty digesting food, as well as an increase in the load on the kidneys.

It is impossible not to say that there are a lot of purines in green peas. After their decay, it is formed which is contraindicated in patients suffering from kidney diseases.

How to choose the right product?

Canned green peas should be chosen no less carefully than canned fish. After all, if stored improperly, this product not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes hazardous to health. Therefore, before buying a jar of peas, you need to study all aspects.


Before purchasing this product, you should pay attention to its packaging. Of course, if the peas are in a glass jar, then there will be no difficulties in evaluating the contents. But if the vegetable is placed in a tin, then you are unlikely to be able to determine what quality the product has. Therefore, carefully examine the packaging for swelling or dents.

By the way, canned peas can be stored for quite a long time in a closed jar. But if the package is opened, then the product should be consumed within two days.


When studying the label of canned peas, pay attention to the indication of the composition, the manufacturer's address, storage conditions and The safe product should not contain food additives, flavor improvers and sweeteners. The ideal composition is the following: peas, water, table salt and white sugar.

Product grade

When canning peas, both brain and smooth grain varieties can be used. The first involves the use of small grains that have an oval shape, as well as a milky aroma and sweet taste. The second one looks like a large smooth and round ball. Most often, this variety is used to decorate dishes and prepare salads. This is due to the fact that the taste of such peas is weakly expressed.


Canned peas are always sold in brine. Therefore, when buying this product, you need to pay attention to how many pure grains are in the jar. To do this, it is recommended to shake the package. If it is literally filled with peas, then it can be safely purchased.

Self-preservation of peas

Few people know, but you can preserve green peas at home. Such a product is perfectly stored in the cellar or refrigerator (no more than a year).

For self-canning, green peas can be grown by yourself, or you can buy it on the market. Raw materials should be peeled from the pods, washed thoroughly, placed in salted water and boiled for about 4-6 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the peas are washed and laid out in sterilized jars with a volume of not more than 500 ml. Then the product is poured with boiling water, in which salt is dissolved in advance (1 large spoon per 1 liter of liquid), and sugar and vinegar essence are also added. At the end, the jars are rolled up with lids, left at room temperature, and after cooling they are put in the refrigerator.

Such peas can be added to various salads, and can also be used as a side dish.

History of green peas.
Not all people think that the benefits of green peas are not only to decorate Olivier salad on the New Year's table. We will prove to you that peas are a completely complete and independent food product that must be included in your diet without fail. This is extremely important for people who decide to give up food of animal origin. And do not forget that the benefits of green peas will be especially noticeable if they are eaten fresh.

Pea is a plant that has helped people cope with hunger for many centuries. And all because growing peas is not difficult. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of China, India, Rome, France and other countries have prepared and are preparing many different dishes from peas. They were eaten with pleasure, at one time, not only by peasants, but also by representatives of the upper classes. Over such a long period, culinary experts have learned how to successfully combine peas with many products. For example, the French kings were very happy with green peas fried in lard.

Sweet green peas appeared around the 16th century and the resourceful Dutch were among the first to master its production. In England, peas were considered a delicacy and were very expensive, after some time they also learned how to grow them. Green peas came to Russia in the 17th century, and before that other varieties of peas were known and eaten in Russia. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, loved to eat peas no less than the French king. He gave his preference to pea cakes and green peas in ghee.

Fresh green peas.

Everyone knows that in the summer, you almost don’t want to eat protein and heavy foods, and fresh green peas can saturate our body well. The fact is that the protein, which is contained in a modest amount in peas (in a percentage of about 6%), is very well absorbed along with the carbohydrates necessary for our body (11%). If we compare sprouted lentils with green peas, then in terms of the efficiency of protein absorption, it is inferior.

Canned peas.

Canning factories in our country were already operating in the second half of the 19th century, but canned peas were not produced then. Canned food at that time was mainly fish, later meat, and only after more than 100 years, they realized that it was no less profitable to produce canned peas. In Soviet times, hardly anyone managed to overtake our country in the production of canned food. The production of canned peas increased to 210 million cans per year.

Every time we go to the store, we often add canned green peas and corn to the list of necessary products. What has earned green peas our respect?

Everything is very simple, it is very convenient: you can add it to salads, use it as a side dish or make soup with them; but the main thing - being canned, green peas do not contain preservatives. The Latin word "conservatio" means "preservation", and not the presence or addition of preservatives, as many of us believe.

Today, canned green peas are widely used in cooking, including in the preparation of dietary dishes: they are eaten with potatoes and other vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, eggs, as well as with cereals and pasta.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce canned food in such a way that nutrients and useful substances are preserved in them for a long time, and most vitamins also remain intact.

Composition of green peas.

Peas contain carotene, vitamins A, C, H and group B. Peas are rich in useful minerals (about 26), most of all it contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron and chlorine. Proteins and carbohydrates are important components of green peas, as well as: fats, dietary fiber, starch and sugar. Calories in peas are about 300 kcal per 100 g, which is why peas perfectly saturate.

The benefits of green peas.
In folk medicine, peas have always been considered a means to prevent beriberi, treat the liver and kidneys. This is facilitated by a high content of vegetable protein and alkaline salts.

Green pea puree has a diuretic property, it is recommended to use it for edema and kidney stones. The anti-sclerotic effect of dishes with green peas has also been proven. In recent years, scientists have learned that peas help to eliminate radionuclides from the body. In addition to all this, nitrates do not accumulate in peas.

The use of fresh green peas or other varieties of peas can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack, the development of hypertension and cancer. With regular use of this product, skin aging slows down.

After a stormy holiday, canned green peas will help get rid of a hangover, as well as relieve fatigue and improve sleep.

Harm of canned green peas and contraindications.

Can canned green peas be harmful? Yes, if it's spoiled, or if you eat too much of it. Harmful green peas for problems with the intestines, especially with a tendency to flatulence. With gout, you should also control its use, however, the presence of 2-3 tablespoons of canned peas in your favorite salad is unlikely to exacerbate any diseases.

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Green peas are considered one of the first food crops that people began to grow. Archaeologists are sure that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt.

If earlier peas were consumed dried, today they are more in demand fresh or canned. One of the reasons for the wide distribution of green peas is its unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

Frozen, dried and canned, it does not lose its nutrients, texture and color.

Nutritional composition of green peas

Green peas are famous not only for their low content of cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, but also for their richness in manganese (36%), copper (12%) and phosphorus (16%). It is a good source of vitamin A (22%), ascorbic acid (32.5%), vitamin B6 (15%), vitamin K (44.6%) and folic acid (21.6%). It also contains dietary fiber useful for digestion (30.3%).

All about the benefits of green peas

  1. For heart. This useful property of green peas is due to the high content of folic acid, vitamins B6 and K, lutein. These nutrients are rightfully considered the main defenders of the heart and blood vessels. Eating green peas at least 4 times a week, you reduce the risk of coronary disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis by 22%.
  2. Against cancer. One cup of peeled peas contains 10 mg of coumestrol, a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. It is especially effective against stomach cancer. In addition, the product is rich in anticancer phytonutrients.
  3. Digestive benefits. High doses of protein and fiber in this culture help regulate the rate of metabolic processes, promote the digestion of heavy foods, break down starch into simple sugars, improve intestinal motility, and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  4. For bone health. Green peas can provide up to 50% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K and a good dose of manganese. These substances strengthen bones and prevent their calcification.
  5. For good vision. Lutein (a natural plant pigment) and vitamin A in the composition of the product nourish the organs of vision, protect against cataracts and macular degeneration, and the retina from damage.
  6. For weight loss. Green peas are a low-calorie, high-fiber food. It contributes to the rapid appearance of a feeling of satiety and cleanses the intestines of toxins. Try adding it to heavy, fatty meals to help you eat less without feeling hungry.

Possible harm of green peas and contraindications

The product contains purines, which aggravate the course of certain diseases. People with gout or kidney stones should better refrain from consuming it.

Green peas are a versatile food crop. It can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked and stewed. Choose!


Good afternoon, dear readers!

How I love young green peas. With the onset of spring, this wonderful product appears on our tables, salads, borscht, side dishes for meat dishes are prepared from it.

It can be used when compiling a menu for weight loss. And how delicious it is in its raw form, I would eat it and eat it.

If you decide to regularly eat green peas, the benefits and harms of this vegetable should be known to you.

Composition of green peas

I think many of you grew peas on your plots. This is a climbing herbaceous plant, the fruits of which are harvested at the stage of milky maturity. It is then that they seem especially soft and tender.

The value of peas is that it contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed much better than an animal. Vegetables can be eaten fresh without being cooked. So it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Young peas contain:

  • vitamins C, K, B, A;
  • minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium);
  • protein compounds;
  • cellulose.

Peas are quite nutritious when dried, but fresh or canned vegetables do not provide much nutritional value. Its calorie content is 50-80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green peas can be used without fear for weight loss, adding to salads and vegetable soups. It will give satiety to the dish and satisfy hunger for a long time.

Beneficial features

Did you know that if you eat green peas at least 2-3 times a week, you can significantly improve your health and strengthen your body. Regular consumption of this vegetable will help in restoring the functions of many internal organs:

  • thanks to the content of vitamin A, metabolism improves;
  • vitamin C in the composition activates protective functions and allows the body to resist infection;
  • vitamin K ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • fights against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes glucose levels;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina of the eye;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • due to the high content of fiber, the work of the digestive tract is normalized;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • enhances tissue regeneration.

Marinade from canned peas can be used to relieve a hangover.

Contraindications to the use of green peas

However, the frequent use of green peas in food can harm the work of some organs:

  • there are difficulties with digestion of food;
  • increased gas production.

Peas are rich in purines. When they break down when they enter the esophagus, uric acid is formed. It can be deposited in the body, causing gout and the accumulation of salts in the joints. In addition, this compound negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys.

In order for green peas to bring you only benefit, you need to choose the right one in the store or prepare it yourself.

How to choose a product?

Fresh green peas come to our table only in the summer. If you want to enjoy legumes in the winter, you can freeze them, and then add it to various dishes as needed. However, most often we have to buy it in the store in canned form.

The jar containing the product must not be swollen. Dear readers, pay attention to the expiration date. This is a very important choice. It will also be nice if you find the inscription "GOST", which corresponds to the state standard when harvesting products.

The ideal composition of industrial canned peas will be the presence, in addition to the vegetable, salt, sugar and water. No preservatives should be detected. If the composition contains dyes, flavors and other additives, it is better to refuse such a product.

If you have the opportunity to prepare peas for the winter yourself, be sure to do it.

How to preserve green peas yourself?

You can make canned peas at home, but it is recommended to store them in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator or cellar, for no more than 1 year. Raw materials can be bought at the market or grown on your site.

  1. Peel the peas and boil in salted water for a few minutes.
  2. Arrange raw materials in jars with a volume of not more than half a liter.
  3. Prepare brine. To do this, 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar and vinegar is taken per liter of water.
  4. Pour the brine into jars and roll up.

In winter, you can get such peas and use them for making salads.

Slimming with legumes

Green peas are a great helper for weight loss. In fresh peas, there are only 80-85 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is the perfect weight loss product. Dry peas are not used at all for weight loss. When dried, its nutritional value increases several times.

A green vegetable can completely replace one meal. For example, you can mix it with sour cream and eat it as a separate dish: tasty and nutritious.

The benefits of this diet are many:

  • well tolerated by the body;
  • due to the large amount of easily digestible protein, it allows you not to lose muscle mass;
  • availability;
  • meals are prepared quickly;
  • well satisfies hunger;
  • all components are balanced;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

For a course of weight loss, you can not only lose weight, but also get rid of anemia, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevent beriberi.

No wonder in Russia this vegetable was called "Tsar Pea". It is truly the king among herbal products. Even with poor nutrition and no meat, it can allow a person to lead an active lifestyle and feel great.

Eat peas for food, be sure to introduce it into the children's diet. Green peas will thank you for your attention to it with cheerfulness and good health.

Now you, dear readers, know exactly how useful green peas are for our body, but do not forget about contraindications.


With the advent of summer, everyone wants lighter and healthier food. Both meat eaters and vegetarians include fresh green peas in their diet.

Peas have been eaten since time immemorial. It was served to the table of both kings and commoners. Green peas have many ways of cooking: we add them to salads, soups, vinaigrettes, vegetable stews and pies.

Fresh green peas are considered the most useful. But not everyone knows the benefits and harms of fresh green peas.

The benefits of fresh peas

Fresh green peas have many health benefits. It contains the following minerals and macronutrients:

The benefit of fresh peas for women is that it contains vitamins A, C, H and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

With frequent use of peas, the aging of the skin, and of the whole organism as a whole, slows down. It does not accumulate toxins that are harmful to your body and helps to remove radionuclides from it.

At the same time, fresh green peas contain a large amount of protein with a low calorie content, which averages 81 kcal per 100 g.

The benefit of fresh green peas is also to reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions of peas and greens in folk medicine are used as a diuretic, as well as to prevent beriberi. Harmful green peas in large quantities for people suffering from flatulence and gout. Also, green peas should not be carried away by the elderly and with uric acid diathesis.

Unfortunately, green peas can only be eaten fresh for a few months of the year. Therefore, we advise you to have time to pamper yourself and your body with such a useful product. And if you want to supply your body with vitamins in the winter, you can preserve or freeze green peas for future use.


Green peas are a starch-free vegetable highly prized by nutritionists. By its properties, young peas are similar to meat. At the same time, unlike the protein in the composition of meat, pea protein is of a higher quality, so the product is ready for consumption in its raw form.

The word "pea" has ancient Indian roots, so in Sanskrit "garshati" means "grated", because once peas were rubbed to get flour.

Green peas are the first food crop that people began to grow. Archaeologists have proven that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt. But the real discoverers of peas were the Dutch, who in the 16th century brought this vegetable. And if earlier peas were consumed mainly dried, today they are more in demand fresh or canned.

The main reason for the popularity and wide distribution of green peas is its nutritional value, as well as unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

There are several legends about the origin of peas. The first says that when God punished people for their sins with hunger, the Mother of God wept, and her tears turned into peas. According to another legend, when Adam, expelled from paradise, plowed the ground for the first time, he wept, and peas grew where his tears fell.

Composition of green peas

The main reason people love green peas lies in a large set of useful nutrients and minerals. Green pea contains a large amount of antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols. Among the vitamins, the highest content are vitamin C, thiamine and pantothenic acid.

100 g of fresh green peas contains the following substances.
