Culinary guide to Rome. Culinary guide. Recipes from the king of French cuisine Culinary guide

The national cuisine of France is included in the World Cultural Heritage of Humanity. And it doesn’t take long to look for reasons for this. Probably, French chefs discovered a secret formula for the harmony of taste and put it into each of their creations. It is not surprising that these names alone make gourmets feel blissful. We invite you to take another gastronomic journey without leaving your home and prepare the most popular French dishes.

Meat from the count's family

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French pork in the oven often decorates our holiday table. However, few people know that the original version used veal in this recipe. It is believed that the dish was invented by Parisian chefs in the 18th century especially for the favorite of Catherine II, Count Orlov. It was called Veau Orloff, or Orlov-style veal. Then it was more like a casserole and was prepared from pieces of veal, mushrooms, potatoes and onions with bechamel sauce.

Modern French style with potatoes in the oven largely repeats the original version. Cut 600 g of pork into slices 1 cm thick, lightly beat, rub with salt and black pepper. We cut 5 potatoes into circles, and 2 onions into rings. Place half of the potatoes in an oiled pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and grease with homemade mayonnaise with garlic. Next comes the pork, also smeared with sauce, and onion rings. Place the remaining potatoes on top, add salt and pepper, and coat with sauce again. Cover the dish with meat and potatoes with foil and place in the oven at 200°C for an hour. 15 minutes before the end, remove the foil, sprinkle the dish with grated Gruyere cheese and put it back in the oven. Meat in French is served only hot, supplemented with chopped herbs or green onions if desired.

Vegetable sketch from the oven

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In addition to French meat and potatoes, there are a great many recipes in the oven. Ratatouille may well compete with it in popularity. The name of the dish consists of two words: rata - food and touiller - to mix. This simple technology was used by French peasants, who were the first to prepare hearty vegetable stew. According to another version, its author was Chief Guerard. In search of the perfect combination, he traveled all over Europe and, inspired by different dishes, came up with his own recipe.

Remove the skin from 2 fleshy tomatoes and grind the pulp into puree. Add finely chopped purple onion and red bell pepper. Simmer the sauce over low heat until thickened. Cut into thin slices an eggplant, 2 zucchini or zucchini, and 4 more tomatoes. Pour tomato sauce into the bottom of the baking dish and place vegetable slices in a spiral on top. Pass 4-5 cloves of garlic through a press, add a chopped bunch of parsley, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. Provençal herbs, a pinch of salt and black pepper. Coat the vegetables with the spicy dressing, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180°C for an hour. If you want the ratatouille to be crispy, reduce the time by 10-15 minutes.

Salad from earthly paradise

The famous salad nicoise is named after the no less famous resort of Nice, therefore it absorbs the bewitching flavor of the Cote d'Azur. It is not known for certain who first came up with the recipe. There are different origin stories. According to one version, the dish was brought from Italy by Catherine de Medici. Another legend says that British sailors taught the French how to cook nicoise. Modern culinary luminaries also did not agree on the classic composition of the salad.

We suggest turning to the most popular option. Blanch 200 g of green beans for 5 minutes, pour over ice water, fry in olive oil with a clove of garlic. Cut 5 cherry tomatoes and 4 boiled eggs into slices. Divide 180 g of canned tuna into pieces. Wash in water and dry 8 small anchovy fillets. Mix the dressing from 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. balsamic, garlic clove, 2 tbsp. l. fresh basil, a pinch of salt and pepper. We make a pillow of lettuce leaves on a plate, lay out the ingredients in layers in random order, and pour the sauce over everything. Decorate the nicoise with black olives or olives and quail eggs.

The soup was simple, but it became golden

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You can dedicate an entire cookbook of French recipes with photos that are incredibly delicious. And bouillabaisse will take pride of place in it. Initially, Marseilles fishermen fed themselves with this simple stew. They used fish, squid, shrimp and other shellfish caught in the net. Today bouillabaisse is considered a haute cuisine dish, made from the most expensive sea fish and even lobsters.

For the home version, we will need at least 5 different varieties of sea fish. Salmon, pollock, trout, tuna, perch, sea bream, stingray are suitable - a total of 1.5 kg. Pour all the fish, except salmon, with 2 liters of water and cook the broth with the addition of 2 leeks. We make a bag out of clean gauze, wrapping it in orange zest, 2-3 peas of white and allspice, laurel, a pinch of thyme, basil and saffron.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, prepare a sauté of 2 onions, 3-4 cloves of garlic and a stalk of celery. Add 3 pureed tomatoes without skin, 200 ml of dry white wine and boil the mass. By this time the fish will already be cooked. We take it out of the pan, strain the broth, and pour it over the vegetable frying in the pan. We put here a bag of spices, salmon cut into pieces and boiled assorted fish.

We clean and wash 200 g of shrimp and squid, 100 g of scallops and mussels. Cut the squid and scallops into slices, add everything to the soup, and boil for 5 minutes. All that remains is to prepare the traditional rouille sauce. Grind the raw yolk with a crushed clove of garlic, a pinch of salt, chili, saffron, paprika. Gently stirring the mass, add 100 ml of olive oil, 1 tsp each. The result will be a sauce that resembles the consistency of mayonnaise. Serve bouillabaisse with rouille sauce and crispy baguette croutons. Sift 250 g of flour, add a pinch of salt and 120 g of frozen grated butter. Using your hands, knead the mass into crumbs, add the egg yolk, 2 tbsp. l. ice water and knead the dough. Place it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we compact the dough into a baking dish, make even sides, cover it with dry beans and put it in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes. While the dough is cooling and baking, let's make the filling. Cut 250 g of bacon into slices, brown in a frying pan without oil and place on the dough base. Place 8-10 cherry tomatoes between pieces of fried bacon. Separately, beat 200 ml of heavy cream with 3 eggs, pour 250 g of grated Emmental cheese, a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Pour this mixture over the base with bacon and tomatoes and bake in the oven at 180°C for 30-40 minutes. Let the quiche Laurent cool slightly and serve.

The culinary journey through the universe of popular dishes originally from France does not end here. You can continue it yourself on the pages of the culinary portal “Eat at Home”. Here you will find alternative recipes for French-style meat in the oven with photos from our readers and much more. What French dishes have won your heart? We will be glad if you tell us about them in the comments.

The idea to write this book was born twenty years ago, thanks to our dear and, unfortunately, already departed teacher Urbain Dubois, who inspired me to create it. Due to the multitude of affairs, I, together with Phileas Gilbert, was able to begin laying the foundation for this book only in 1898. However, even then I was forced to postpone the implementation of this project until another, calmer time, because I was soon called to London for the opening of the Carlton Hotel, where I began organizing the culinary services of this large house.

And yet, at the urgent request of my colleagues, as well as thanks to the collaboration with devoted friends F. Gilbert and E. Fetu, who showed persistence, and the support of many other people, this colossal work was completed.

I must explain that I did not want to create a collection of culinary recipes, but a tool that leaves everyone freedom to act according to their tastes and views, and therefore I tried, based on my forty years of experience in this field, to adhere to its fundamentally traditional foundations.

And I hope that this work, even if it did not turn out the way I dreamed of, will nevertheless be of great help to my colleagues. To this end, I sent the book to all hiring offices, especially small ones, because I dedicate it specifically to young people, those who, starting today, will become heads of corporations in twenty years. I dream that she will become their work partner, whose clear advice is always at hand.

Despite the fact that there are more than 5,000 recipes collected here, I do not pretend to have a complete list of them. Even if it looks like this today, tomorrow will still be perceived differently, because life moves forward and gives birth to new recipes every day. But this shortcoming can be easily eliminated - you just need to constantly update the book, adding innovations to it and correcting the inevitable omissions of each previous edition.

I consider this book to be under the auspices of my late friends Urbain Dubois and Emile Bernard, whose shadows still fill culinary horizons. And I am happy to express with renewed vigor my admiration for those who, following Karem, raised the glory of the culinary art even higher.

Circumstances have prepared for me the honor of also bringing into this line of activity, renewed by them, profound changes related to the demands of our ultra-fast life. I came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create new, simpler methods. However, I can honestly say: both today and then, when I had the opportunity to put into practice the luxurious recommendations of W. Dubois and E. Bernard, I felt a deep connection with their ideas. These brilliant people, who admired Karem, never doubted that harmony with the trends of their time was achievable only through reforms in creativity. They were the first to understand that the need for them would constantly arise. After all, everything changes and transforms, and against this background it is absurd to consider unshakable one of the arts, which has so many facets and is changeable in itself.

However, the basics of cooking are something that will always exist, no matter how tastes change and the kitchen improves to satisfy them.

And in this sense, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the three great masters of the 19th century who created them - Carême, Dubois and Bernard.

Of course, we owe a lot to Gouffe, Favre, Eloui, Reyuola, whom we will generously quote below. Their creativity has undeniable value, but none of the works of these culinary specialists can be compared with the masterpieces called “classical cuisine.”

I present this book to my colleagues, and it is my duty to recommend that they carefully study the immortal works of these great masters.

Popular wisdom says: there is no such thing as too much knowledge. The more you study, the more opportunities and simplest means appear for the practical improvement of our art.

The only benefit I would like to derive from this work, and the only reward I claim, is to see that my advice is listened to and followed by those to whom it is addressed.

Auguste Escoffier

Culinary guide
Recipes from the king of French cuisine


Our work is intended primarily for practicing chefs. However, we consider it necessary to especially emphasize that the basis of the cuisine is made up of basic sauces, because in our work they play a leading role.

Indeed, base sauces are a kind of foundation, the most important and necessary element, without which further work is impossible. That's why it's so important to learn how to cook them.

However, neither the desire to do quality work, nor even talent will be enough if there is no opportunity to purchase the necessary products.

We are opposed to both destructive waste and excessive saving, which hinder the development of talent, provoke a decline in the spirit of a conscientious worker and lead him to failure.

Even the most skilled cook cannot make something out of nothing. And therefore, it is illegal to demand from him results worthy of our art if we provide him with products of poor quality or in insufficient quantity.

When it comes to basic base sauces, the most important thing is to give the cook everything he needs in terms of quality and quantity.

It is clear that what is possible in one restaurant, impossible in another, the work depends on what the clientele is, and on how it is served, as well as on the ultimate goal that the enterprise sets for itself.

Everything in the world is, of course, relative, but there is a golden mean from which one cannot deviate. And this especially applies to the basics of cuisine - basic broths and sauces. So the director of a restaurant (or other enterprise), who skimps and saves, has no right to make comments to the chef and his subordinates. And if he does make them, he must understand that they are unfair and not based on anything. He must know that it is impossible to create a good kitchen if the quality of the products is poor or their quantity is insufficient, just as it is absurd to expect that sour meat poured into a bottle will ever become good wine.

But if a cook has everything he needs, he must take special care in creating the main base sauces and constantly monitor their composition to ensure they are perfect. The progress of his work must be precise, the preparation rules must be impeccable, but this already depends on his efforts.

The basics of the kitchen consist of regular or clarified consommé; basic brown or white stock, basic poultry stock, game stock, fish stock, thick stock, or basic stock sauce;

fish broths and concentrated fish broths, which are additional elements of compound sauces;

thick broths from meat, poultry and game; gravies (flour sauces) brown, light and white;

main base sauces: “Spanish”, “Velvety”, “Bechamel”, tomato; fatty and lean jellies. And also the main base sauces are understood as “Mirepoix” and “Matignon” cuts;

kurt broths and clarified broths for meat and vegetables;

marinades and brines; various minced meats, fatty and lean; a mixture of all kinds of additional elements for side dishes, etc.

So, in the chapter "Sauces" you will find ways to prepare basic base stocks, concentrated fish stocks, stock extracts, chilled concentrated stocks, marinades, jellies, oil mixtures, etc.

In the chapter “Soups” there are recipes for preparing consommé, clarified soups, and side dishes for soups.

The chapter “Side Dishes” contains recipes for preparing minced meat and various elements for side dishes.

In the chapter “Fish” there are recipes for preparing kurt broths, special minced meats, etc.

From the chapter “First and second courses” you will learn how to grill, stew, and fry in a frying pan.

Fundamental Principles

Sauces are the main part of cooking. They occupy a dominant position in French cuisine, and therefore you need to be especially careful when preparing them.

The basis for brown sauces is brown broth, or estufad; for velvety sauces, it is clear or white broth. All these broths must be perfect. After all, the person who makes sauces, according to the Marquis de Cussy, “is a real chemist, a creator who creates the cornerstone of haute cuisine.”

In ancient French cuisine, in addition to cooking roast on a spit, special methods were used for stewing or steaming meat. And the amount of ingredients that was required in that era to prepare soups seems simply fabulous in our time of every possible economy. Gravy with flour and butter came to French cuisine from Spain along with Anne of Austria, but for a long time remained practically unnoticed - then broths were enough. And only the advent of economy made the “Spanish” sauce necessary for simplified broths.

It was improved, and at the end of the 19th century it reached its highest peak of popularity. However, the overuse of this sauce led to the emergence of neutral cuisine, without pronounced aromas, where all flavor notes were mixed into one bland tone.

After some time, a powerful reactionary movement came out against this monotaste, reproaching the culinary experts with it. As a result, clear, light veal broths with a pure and refined taste again took their place in haute cuisine, and the “Spanish” sauce began to lose popularity.

What is the essence of such a wonderful sauce? The base broth provides its flavor tonality. The complementary gravy of flour and butter, in addition to contributing to the formation of thickness, adds little taste value. But for the sauce to be perfect, all small elements must be removed from it. This sauce usually has a starchy flavor. To avoid this, to make the sauce soft and velvety, you need to keep it on the fire as little as possible. And it is quite possible that after some time, well-cleaned potato starch in this kind of gravy will completely replace flour.

In modern cuisine, the simultaneous use of these two elements - “Spanish” sauce and thick broth - is necessary when stewing meat and preparing stews (except for lamb and lamb). “Spanish” sauce, together with tomatoes, causes abundant juice release of its constituent elements. And when semi-chilled, it is an excellent base for sauté. It is also necessary to take into account that the use of thick broths benefits from delicious and light first courses of meat or poultry. Modern cooking makes extensive use of this.

It is known that game should be served with game sauces or neutral sauces, and not with sauces made from minced meat. Such sauces are less spicy, but retain the original taste inherent only to game. The same applies to cooking fish, which, in addition to neutral sauces, requires a special fish sauce made from thick fish broth.

We understand that the need to save money prevents compliance with these rules; but, despite this, a reasonable and responsible cook will do everything possible to achieve, if not an excellent, then at least a satisfactory result.

Preparation of bases for sauces (broths)
Brown broth, or estufad

(proportions for 10 liters)

Main products: 6 kilograms of meaty beef shin, 6 kilograms of veal shin or the same amount of lean veal, boiled ham on the bone, 650 grams of well-washed fresh pork skin, 650 grams of carrots, 650 grams of onions, 100 grams of parsley, 10 grams of thyme, 5 grams bay leaf, clove of garlic.

Separate the bones from the meat and chop them, then fry the bones, meat, carrots and onions in the oven until they become dark brown. Place everything in a saucepan, add 14 liters of water, add parsley, thyme, bay leaf, garlic, put on low heat and boil for 12 hours, constantly adding boiling water to keep it at the same level.

Separately, fry the pork skin cut into large pieces until brown. Pour some prepared broth into it and boil. Combine with the main broth, boil, skim off foam and fat. Strain the finished broth. The broth should be 10 liters. Pour the cooled broth into bottles and store in the cold.

Note. We consider it a big mistake to remove all small elements from the broth. Practice shows that the presence of meat crumbs contributes to the coloring of the broth and is the best, natural way to give it color.

White meat broth

(proportions for 10 liters)

10 kilograms of shanks and shoulders of veal, or veal trimmings, offal of 4 poultry or their carcasses without bones, 800 grams of carrots, 400 grams of onions, 300 grams of leeks, 100 grams of celery, 100 grams of parsley, a sprig of cumin, one bay leaf, 4 cloves, 12 liters of water, 60 grams of salt.

Separate the bones and chop them finely. Place the meat and bones in a saucepan, add water, salt, and put on fire. When the broth boils, skim off the foam and add the rest of the ingredients. The broth preparation time is 3 hours.

Note. This broth should turn out transparent due to a long boil. You need to remove foam and fat from it all the time.

You can do the same as with brown broth, that is, first process the bones, then add water and make sure that it remains at the same level, cooking the broth over low heat for 5 hours.

This broth serves as the basis for the sauce for the meat, and this method of preparing it, thanks to the bones, will give it a gelatinous quality.

Poultry broth

(proportions for 10 liters)

It is prepared in the same way as white meat broth, but you need to add some giblets and bones of poultry, 3 large chickens.

Brown veal broth

(proportions for 10 liters)

6 kilograms of beef shin and shoulder, separated from the bones and tied with twine, 5 kilograms of finely chopped veal bones, 600 grams of carrots, 400 grams of onions, 100 grams of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 2 sprigs of cumin, 12 liters of white broth or water . If water is used, it must be salted at the rate of 3 grams per 1 liter.

Place carrots and onions, cut into slices, on the bottom of the pan, then pre-fried bones and meat.

Cover with a lid, simmer for about ten minutes so that the vegetables and meat release their juices, add a little water, fry until brown and repeat this operation once or twice. Pour in the rest of the water, add parsley, bay leaf, cumin, bring the broth to a boil and maintain the simmer over low heat for 6 hours.

Game broth

(proportions for 5 liters)

3 kilograms of necks, breasts and trimmings of adult fresh roe deer, 1 kilogram of hare meat, 2 large wild rabbits, 2 partridges, 1 large pheasant, 250 grams of carrots, 250 grams of onions, 2 sprigs of sage, 15 juniper berries, parsley root, thyme, bay leaf, 6 liters of water and a bottle of white wine.

Fry the game in the oven, place it in a pan, on the bottom of which place pre-fried vegetables along with seasonings. Add white wine and fry everything again until brown, then add the same amount of water as the wine and fry everything again.

Add the remaining water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and simmer over low heat until tender. Cooking time 3 hours.

White fish broth

(proportions for 10 liters)

10 kilograms of bones and trimmings of flounder, whiting or Kalkan, 500 grams of thinly chopped onions, 100 grams of greens and parsley root, 250 grams of mushroom peelings, juice of 1 lemon, 15 grams of black peppercorns, 10 liters of water, 1 bottle of white wine, 3 –4 grams of salt per 1 liter of liquid.

Place onion, parsley, mushroom peelings, flounder and its trimmings on the bottom of the pan, add water and wine, put on high heat. Skim off the foam and keep boiling constantly. Add pepper 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Cooking time 30 minutes. Strain through a sieve.

Note. Poor quality white wine will give the broth a grayish tint, so if the quality of the wine is in doubt, it is better not to use it at all.

This fish stock serves as the basis for many sauces. Most of all, it is suitable for “Spanish” Lenten sauce. In this case, all the products needed for the broth must first be stewed in oil.

Fish broths with red wine

(proportions for 5 liters)

These broths are prepared on special occasions because they require pre-boiling the fish itself.

Since modern practice requires that the fish be boned, we must especially mention this recipe, which is now increasingly needed.

In principle, fish bones and peelings are used to prepare this broth to give it a characteristic aroma. But regardless of the type of fish, the preparation remains the same.

2.5 kilograms of fish heads, bones and peelings, 300 grams of finely chopped boiled onions, 100 grams of greens and parsley root, thyme stick, 2 small bay leaves, 5 cloves of garlic, 100 grams of mushroom peels, 3.5 liters of water, 2 liters of good red wine, 15 grams of salt.

Prepared in the same way as white fish stock. Cooking time 30 minutes.

Concentrated fish broth

(proportions per 1 liter)

2 kilograms of heads, bones and peelings of whiting or flounder, 125 grams of finely chopped onions, 300 grams of mushroom peels, 50 grams of parsley, juice of 1 lemon, 1.5 liters of very light white fish broth, 3 deciliters of high-quality white wine.

Lightly fry the onion, parsley and mushroom peels in 100 grams of butter until golden brown. Add fish bones and peelings, simmer for 15 minutes in a sealed container, stirring constantly, add white wine. When half the liquid has evaporated, add fish broth, lemon juice and 2 grams of salt.

Simmer for another 15 minutes and strain through a cloth. Cooking time 45 minutes.

Note. Pour boiling fish broth over flounder or halibut fillets.

This broth is later thickened and used as an addition to the sauce for fish fillets.

Various concentrated fish broths

As the name suggests, concentrated fish broths are less watery than regular ones, which ultimately gives dishes a special taste. Their use is not necessary if the broth is prepared with all the necessary ingredients. It is much easier to prepare a broth that tastes impeccable than to add concentrated broth to a mediocre one. The result will be better and the savings will be greater.

And let us emphasize once again that in nine cases out of ten it is better to use all the necessary products when preparing the main broth, and not to skimp.

Therefore, we do not consider it necessary to dwell particularly on concentrated fish broths, since the basic broths themselves contain all the necessary flavor components.

Various condensed broths

Condensed broths from meat, game, poultry or fish, which are widely used, are prepared directly from broths cooked on these products by condensing them and giving them the consistency of syrup.

Condensed broths are used either to coat a dish with a thick and shiny layer, or to add oiliness, flavor, and piquancy to bland broths.

We believe that condensed broths are always preferable to concentrated ones. Nevertheless, there are still chefs, adherents of the old school, who do not recognize thick broths.

However, a theory has a right to exist if it is not limited either in time or in means. When thick broths are made as carefully as they require, the results exceed all expectations.

Concentrated condensed meat broths

They are achieved by thickening the brown broth (estufade).

As it thickens and reaches the desired concentration, the broth is filtered through a cloth and poured into small pans. The purity of the broth depends on the careful removal of foam and fat as it thickens.

The fire on which the thickening process takes place must be strong at first, but towards the end of the process it must be gradually reduced.

The broth is ready if it sticks in a thick layer to a spoon dropped into it.

Note. If you need to prepare an airy white broth, you need to replace the brown broth with regular veal broth.

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Culinary guide to the world: cuisines of the world - Caribbean, French, English, Japanese, food in Spain and Crete, Italy and Austria, the best authentic recipes, the best restaurants in the world, the best gastronomic places

French toast, classic travel recipe

French toast (French le pain perdu, English french toast) is a classic dish of bread, which is soaked in a mixture of eggs and milk, and then fried in butter. But the geography of French toast is so wide and exciting that as the classic French recipe travels around the planet, it is quite possible to learn the ways of the French nation’s wanderings around the world, the migration of its culinary tastes and preferences.

Arabic cuisine, lamb with chickpeas

In fact, gourmets call this dish “tagine,” but few people here are familiar with this name. Tajine is considered a traditional Arabic dish, made mainly from lamb, but beef can also be used. The method of preparing it is quite simple, and it won’t take much time either. The recipe is for 4 servings.

Lamb with chickpeas

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Caribbean cuisine, Yellow Bird cocktail

Try making this classic West Indian cocktail for your summer barbecue. I immediately remember the gentle Caribbean Sea, its white sand beaches and unusual Caribbean cuisine.

The Caribbean cocktail “Yellow Bird”, which we invite you to prepare, has a very simple recipe.

Caribbean cuisine drink Golden Mojito

The mojito recipe was created in the hot and humid Havana, the capital of Cuba, in the small cafe-restaurant "Bodeguita del Medio".

This restaurant is still open today and delights visitors with freshly prepared mojitos in the same colonial-style bar in the heart of Havana.

Caribbean cuisine, Caribbean chicken recipe

When traveling with our website to the Caribbean islands - Barbados, St. Lucia, you will probably want to try the Caribbean or Creole cuisine for which these islands are famous.

We present to your attention one of the masterpieces of Caribbean cuisine - a recipe for Caribbean chicken.

This is an authentic Caribbean dish, with a spicy marinade and a delicious crust, that is revered throughout the Caribbean.

Required (ingredients):
