Avocado oil for face - skin care, moisturizing and rejuvenation. How it can be used for cosmetic purposes: recipes. To support immunity

It is important for any woman to feel young and beautiful, which is why many different procedures for skin rejuvenation have appeared. However, you shouldn’t rush to call a cosmetologist and make an appointment: products that can take care of your health and beauty are often very close by, and are several times cheaper than newfangled procedures.

This is about avocado oil, which has long won women’s hearts with its accessibility and effectiveness. About what this oil is rich in, where it can be used, what you need to pay attention to in order to purchase quality product, as well as many other things from that topic - we’ll talk today.

Often useful material are found in plant seeds, and many women are probably already familiar with apricot kernel oil. But avocado is not on the list of such oily liquids. The precious product can only be obtained from fruits, and it is important to pay attention to the condition of the fruit - it must be ripe.

Oil is extracted using a method such as cold pressed. It compares favorably with any other in that it takes little time to produce oil. In addition, the raw materials are not subjected to high temperature or steam treatment, due to which they retain all useful microelements and vitamins.

Did you know? This oily product became quite widespread five centuries ago. It was in the 16th century that the inhabitants of Europe became acquainted with avocado oil; South America is the birthplace of both the fruit and the ether.

Speaking about a lot of useful substances that make up natural oil without additional processing, we are not exaggerating at all. Avocados have long been famous for their high content of vitamins A, B, C, E and D. In addition, the product is rich in antioxidants and minerals: liquid with unique properties characterized by the presence of iron, magnesium, copper, iodine, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc.

Another amazing substance that is part of the oil is called “squalene”. This component helps heal wounds and also disinfect them. And all thanks to the fact that squalene is in human body, namely in subcutaneous fat and sebum. The same substance affects sex hormones, or rather, promotes their production.
Chlorophyll, which colors oily liquids green color, has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, stimulating work gastrointestinal tract.

Important! These substances are included exclusively in natural oils obtained through cold pressing. Heat treatment of oil promotes the evaporation of beneficial microelements and vitamins, which means that the use of the product is pointless.

Avocados are also characterized by the content of histidine, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, in particular oleic, linolenic, palmitoleic, stearic, palmitic, and linoleic. The oil also contains phosphoric acid.

Avocado oil is significantly different from regular essential oils. The range of applications for this product seems to be unlimited - from cosmetology to pharmaceuticals and even cooking. But first things first.

So wide range The use of oil is explained by the chemical composition of the avocado itself, and you have already had the opportunity to verify its richness. All beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, which is why the product is often used as a means of preventing diseases.

The substance improves its functioning of cardio-vascular system, in particular, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the product helps normalize high arterial pressure and thins thick blood, thus preventing the formation of blood clots.
Oil also affects cholesterol levels in the blood - beta-sitosterol, together with vitamin E and acids, help cope with its increase. It is precisely because of these beneficial properties that avocado oil is advisable to be consumed by those who have experienced a stroke or heart attack. The product will not be superfluous in the diet of people with hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

The complex of vitamins and acids will also be useful for people suffering from anemia or anemia. Copper, iron, zinc, cobalt, together with vitamins B and C, stimulate blood production, or more precisely, the synthesis of hemoglobin, the level of which decreases in anemia.

Oil also affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to establish metabolism, improves metabolism, so that the stomach can absorb beneficial microelements from food. Periodic use of avocado oil will prevent toxins from entering your body, which will consequently affect the condition of your skin and overall appearance.

In addition, the product is a preventive measure that is indispensable for fast food lovers, as it prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis or stomach ulcers. It will protect the oil and the kidneys and liver, largely due to the improvement of fat metabolism and a positive effect on the bile composition.
Despite the fact that the oil product itself is quite fatty, it is perfect for people with high blood sugar. Oil contains a lot of calories, but glucose does not exceed one and a half percent, which is why avocados can safely be classified as dietary products nutrition. Which, however, does not become an obstacle to saturating the body with energy.

Affects consumption of this product and on nervous system person. People who periodically use avocado oil in their food get rid of headaches, insomnia, and are also less stressed. Another reason to include oil in your diet is its ability to improve mood and even brain function. The use of the product affects both performance and neural connections in the brain, thanks to which a person begins to cope with intellectual tasks faster and more efficiently.

An oily liquid for women will be an excellent helper. Avocado has the ability to cope with premenstrual and menstrual pain, as well as discomfort during menopause. It is also advisable for pregnant women to use oil so that pregnancy proceeds without unpleasant symptoms, and during lactation there is enough milk to feed the baby.

Such a product will not be amiss in the diet of men, since avocado fruits are rich in vitamins that help solve problems with potency. In addition, they can even help cure prostatitis, adenoma, and sometimes get rid of a diagnosis such as infertility.

Can it be used for food?

The natural oil product has a pleasant nutty smell and taste, which is why it is loved by chefs in Latin America, Spain and the Mediterranean. It is in these regions and countries that you can often see the use of avocado oil. Seafood, chicken, various fish and vegetables go well with oil - they are simply fried in oil.

It cannot be said that the benefits of cooking with such a product will be greater, but the characteristic taste will be transferred to the dish, since the avocado after heat treatment remains with its original taste characteristics.

Can be topped with avocado oil various salads, add it to first courses and even to the diet of children, because the rich chemical composition Avocado is a huge plus and has a beneficial effect on the body not only of adults, but also of the youngest (preferably after three years).

Of course, you can find oily substances on the market at very different prices, so you need to learn how to distinguish the products yourself High Quality. The oil that has not gone through a procedure such as refining will be the most beneficial for the body.
High temperature regime destroys some beneficial microelements, as well as vitamins, which makes the oil less useful. Our task is to purchase an oil product that would be useful in any area of ​​life and bring maximum benefit.

Important! If you are purchasing an avocado oil product to care for your body, then the refined liquid is quite suitable for you - both in properties and in cost. The natural substance is intended, for the most part, for use in cooking.

It is best to purchase cold-pressed oil. Such a product does not go through heat treatment, so everything beneficial features are saved. It is quite easy to distinguish it.

pay attention to appearance liquid: it should be thick, even slightly viscous, with a pronounced nutty aroma. Full cost organic product will be more expensive than processed at high temperature.

Storage period and conditions

From the moment of purchase until you open the jar, you can store a bottle of avocado essential oil for a little over six months. However, be careful: after you first use this product, its shelf life will be reduced to one month.

Oil has many uses, so you shouldn’t systematically “stretch” it - this will only lead to you having to throw away a jar of a once useful product.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature regime: it is extremely undesirable for the ambient temperature to drop below +5°C. In this case, flakes may form, of course, if the product is organic, without chemical additives. If this does happen, do not be alarmed and do not run for a new jar of oil - you can simply return the bottle to the correct climate, then the flakes will dissolve.

It is no longer news that some essential oils can be extracted independently at home. Then the housewife can be sure that the product is organic, without chemical impurities and heat treatments, which means there is no doubt about its benefits. N
The oily product made from avocado was an exception, so now we will tell you what you need to prepare it at home.

You will need two kilograms of avocados and a liter of coke milk. The equipment you need is a blender, an enamel saucepan and gauze or bandage.

First, thoroughly rinse the fruits under running water, then remove the skins and seeds (they do not contain many vitamins and microelements, and the seeds are also quite difficult to grind).

Then place the avocado in a blender, pour coconut milk into it and grind these products so that the consistency becomes homogeneous. The next step is to boil the resulting mixture on low heat. This is necessary in order to rid the oil of unnecessary water, in which there is nothing useful, and leave exclusively useful liquid.

Important! The best container a dark glass container will be used to store the product, since it does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

The final stage of preparing the oil substance is squeezing it. This is done with gauze or a bandage. Just put the resulting mass into the material so that it does not flow out on the sides, and squeeze out the juice, or rather, the oil.

How it can be used for cosmetic purposes: recipes

The use of avocados in cosmetology is incredibly widespread. We will look at some of the methods of use and tell you how you can take care of yourself using this wonderful product.

To massage using this product, we will need not only the oily liquid from the avocado, but also an essential oil of your choice. Avocado in in this case is an oily base, and the ester you choose will give pleasant aroma and will help you relax.
We recommend using esters obtained from, cypress, rosemary or, they will complement the aroma of avocado as best as possible.

You only need two tablespoons of the base, but two drops of ether. Mix the oil substances well, after which you can proceed to the massage session.

A massage using such a mixture will help get rid of cellulite, if, of course, there is any.

Avocado ester does not absorb Sun rays, and even on the contrary, it protects against them, so you can use the product as a means of protection during summer season. To do this, simply apply the oil directly to the skin. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of lavender ether to enhance the protective effect and give the body a pleasant aroma with a light lavender note. The procedure must be carried out immediately before going outside.

Wellness baths

After taking such a bath, you will not only saturate your skin useful microelements, but also make your skin softer, firmer and more elastic. You will need organic avocado oil, as well as honey, salt and cream.

15 milliliters of the base, that is, oil, must be mixed with a small amount of cream and a pinch of salt.

Only after you have mixed all these ingredients, you can add the mixture to warm water. It is advisable to carry out the procedure weekly, but you should not stay in the bathroom for more than half an hour.

Beautiful nails have long been synonymous with strong, healthy nails, but women often face the problem of their fragility. This problem is easy to solve, you just need to purchase avocado, lavender and oil. The avocado product will become the basis of the care product; you will need a whole tablespoon of it.
Essential liquids are taken in the amount of five drops, after which the ingredients are mixed together and rubbed directly into the nail. It is best to do this procedure the day before a manicure or pedicure.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, so we suggest using our advice on caring for this area of ​​the face. To do this, take a napkin moistened with avocado essential oil. Place it under your eyes for 30 minutes, repeating this procedure twice a day for four days.

Moisturizing lip balm

To protect your lip skin from the scorching sun or frost, you can prepare a natural balm that will not only protect your lips, but also restore their delicate skin. Prepare 10 milliliters of avocado and jojoba oil product, mix these two esters and apply them to the skin.

Important! The oil must be natural, without heat treatment.

With this product you can easily get rid of microcracks and wounds on your lips.

To restore dry, brittle hair, use with the following recipe masks. Add to organic avocado ester (30 ml) olive oil(30 ml), as well as liquid honey (15 ml) and one protein. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and then apply the mixture to your hair after washing your hair. It is advisable that your curls do not have time to dry.

Leave the mixture on your hair for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse without shampoo.

For cracked heels

The skin of the feet requires no less care than the skin of the face or hands, so there are special masks aimed at caring for the feet, because the modern rhythm of life requires constant movement, which is why the feet often suffer.

To get rid of dry or even cracked heels, prepare the following mixture: mix one finely grated one with six tablespoons of avocado oil product and two ampoules of vitamin E.

Apply this mixture to your feet, especially the damaged areas, and keep for 20 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask and treat the skin of your feet with pumice. It is advisable to carry out this procedure daily.

In order for the product to bring only one benefit to your body, you need to make sure that you do not have individual characteristics that make taking the oil impossible. The first contraindication is an allergic reaction to avocado.

If you have not previously used this product, check your skin's reaction to a drop of oil: simply apply the liquid to the crook of your elbow, and take a look at your skin after a few hours. If there is no redness or irritation, you can safely use an oily substance - it is safe for you.
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In ancient Russian legends, heroes cured all ailments and gained second youth with the help of miraculous rejuvenating apples. If only such apples really existed! There is such a miracle in life. Only they are called not “rejuvenating apples”, but “rejuvenating pears”. To be absolutely precise – “alligator pears” or avocados with their healing substrate.

For the first time, Mexican women began to use avocado oil for their faces. And they called it “beauty oil.” One of the richest in nutrients, environmentally friendly oily pomace is obtained by cold pressing dried fruits. This technology preserves absolutely all the richness of the exotic fruit.

Beneficial features

The resulting substrate has a rich yellow-green color, which, when exposed to sunlight may acquire a brown tint.

The most valuable avocado oil for facial skin is unrefined. The refined, light yellow substrate contains few useful substances; it is not suitable for us to care for the skin.

The composition of the pomace is as close as possible to the composition of the fats in our skin. This allows the oily liquid to be absorbed very quickly, saturating the epidermis with its unique biological active substances. And there are a lot of them in avocados.

Component Interesting information What is the benefit
Fatty acid Almost 80% of the composition is oleic acid (Omega 9). Without it, proper metabolism is impossible Cell development, regeneration, removal of toxins, normalization of blood flow
Vitamins of groups A, B, D, PP, E, F Vitamin F is 4 times more than in fish oil
Vitamin E is 5 times more than olive oil
Regulates fat metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, slows down cell breakdown
Mineral complex More than 25 micro- and macroelements essential for the skin Regulation of water-salt metabolism, cleansing, cell rejuvenation, their regeneration, increasing elasticity
Steroidal phytoestrogens (plant sterols) Their structure is as similar as possible to the structure of human hormones Powerful anti-aging effect, strong antioxidants
Chlorophyll Antibacterial substance due to which the oil has a rich yellow-green color Has restorative properties, removes toxins from skin cells

As well as lecithin, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, phosphatides, squalene, histidines. Such a rich composition makes the oily substrate an excellent assistant in the fight against impending old age and wrinkles.

Which oil is better - essential or cosmetic?

Essential oil is more concentrated, very aromatic (which is ideal for aromatherapy). It evaporates very quickly. We can say that it is “a volatile mixture of odorous liquids plant substances" Essential oils in pure form Cannot be used for facial care. You may experience an allergic reaction.

Essential oil Avocado for the face is best used in combination with various ingredients. But cosmetic squeeze has a wider range of uses. Which oil should be used in recipes can be determined by the amount required. If the essential oil is measured in drops, then cosmetic avocado oil for the face is usually added in large proportions (in ml, spoons, grams).


The aromatic substrate is ideal for daily facial care. It is universal and will suit any skin. But the oily squeeze of avocado is especially useful for dry, fading, dehydrated dermis.

  • Enrich your usual care products with it (milk, tonics, lotions, creams). Add a couple of drops to a portion of the product and immediately apply it to your face.
  • Use in its pure form. Rub the warm oily extract into the epidermis with gentle movements. Remove any leftovers after 15 minutes.
  • Take care of the sensitive eye area. Gently apply the oil to this tender area. After a quarter of an hour, blot the skin with a napkin.
  • A mixture of avocado juice and more light oils( , ) can be used during spa treatments, for massage, and in aromatherapy sessions.
  • For removing makeup. The oil perfectly dissolves cosmetics, having a beneficial effect on the epidermis.
  • Night cream. Apply the oily substrate to your face half an hour before bed.

The wound-healing and bactericidal properties of avocado oil are very effectively used in the treatment of frostbite, bedsores, and burns. IN medicinal purposes Using avocado oil on the face is effective in treating some (dermatitis, eczema, mycosis, rash of various origins), when smoothing out scars left after acne.

For dry, sensitive skin

  • Creamy nourishing mask

Mix equal proportions of avocado oil, low-fat cream, cereals. The mass needs to brew for a quarter of an hour. Apply the mixture to your face. Remove after 20 minutes.

  • Sour cream for aging skin

Mix lemon juice (2 drops) with avocado squeeze (5 ml), sour cream (10 g). After mixing, apply to face. The procedure lasts 15 minutes.

  • Raspberry against peeling

Take fresh puree from raspberries (35 ml). To it add essential oils of avocado, neroli, sandalwood, chamomile (1 drop each). Keep the mixture for 15 minutes.

For oily, shiny skin

  • Drying clay mask

Take equal amounts of avocado oil and blue clay. Dilute the mixture a little with water until it becomes sour cream. We keep it on the face for a quarter of an hour.

More masks with blue clay.

  • Whitening kefir

Add oily avocado squeeze (15 ml) to kefir (50 g). Apply the mixture to your face and leave for half an hour.

  • Pearl barley cleansing, decongestant

Grind pearl barley (50 g), add tomato juice (15 ml), egg white. Beat the mixture with a mixer, then add sandalwood, chamomile and avocado essential oils (1 drop each). Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.

Recipes for all occasions

  • Give your face a velvety look

Mix 5 ml of oil (avocado, shea butter). Apply the composition to the face and leave for half an hour. Remove the remains with a napkin.

  • Face mask with avocado oil against crow's feet

Mix the oily squeeze of avocado with olive or grape juice (15 g each). Add 2 drops of rosemary and geranium essential oils. Apply applications (wipes soaked in healing composition) to problem areas for half an hour. Carry out the procedures 3 times daily. After a month, not a trace of small wrinkles will remain.

  • Against sunburn

Take avocado oil (20 ml), mix with lavender (10 drops). Always lubricate your skin after sunbathing. You will save her from possible irritation and redness.

How to store

The healing substrate in its pure form (unrefined) must be used 8-9 months after opening the jar. Provided that you store it in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle. By the way, if the oil is stored in the cold for a long time, it can form a flaky sediment. It's quite normal. The sediment disappears after warming the oily liquid.

What a rejuvenating apple we introduced you to! This exotic fruit– a real magic healer who is able to give your face a second youth in a short time. And help in solving some problems that sometimes spoil the mood.

Alligator pear oil contains a set of biologically active substances. These are phytosterols, amino acids, chlorophyll, vitamins. The detailed chemical composition is given in the table.

Table - Content of minerals, vitamins and acids in 100 g of avocado oil

Omega-30,96 AT 90,04 Copper0,19
Omega-612,53 WITH5-10 Iron1,5
Oleic67,89 AT 60,22 Phosphorus26-28
Palmitic10,9 AT 20,1-0,23 Potassium700
Linolenic0,96 IN 10,08-0,12 Magnesium35
A0,44 Calcium6-19

Most useful product- first cold pressed. High-quality unrefined oil is thick, dark green, and has a subtle nutty aroma. Refined is light, less dense and not as valuable.


The product has a complex effect on the body, normalizes vital processes, improves immunity, and helps fight vitamin deficiency. Four properties are considered the most valuable.

  1. Regenerating. Has a healing effect when applied externally and internal use. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration in case of burns, cuts, dermatitis. Prevents the formation of scars.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Relieves inflammation, soothes. When taken internally, it helps with inflammatory diseases digestive organs. Externally used for joint diseases, dermatitis, eczema, and other inflammatory processes.
  3. Antisclerotic. When taken internally, it reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol and prevents the development of vascular and heart diseases.
  4. Antioxidant. Increases the body's defenses and resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

The opened bottle is kept in the refrigerator. Hermetically packaged oil is stored in a cool place, away from light. In a frozen product, a sediment appears in the form of flakes, which completely disappears when heated to room temperature.


For serious illnesses, oil is not used as the main medicine. But its use in complex therapy increases the effectiveness of medications. Recommended for the following conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • heart problems;
  • varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • problems with the digestive organs;
  • cholelithiasis and kidney stones;
  • joint damage - arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  • infertility;
  • weak lactation;
  • low immunity;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • psoriasis, eczema, bedsores.

Unrefined oil is not subjected to heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperature they are destroyed valuable substances, harmful carcinogenic compounds are formed.

Rules for oral administration

They drink in courses for about a month. Dosage - one teaspoon in the morning and evening. Avoid taking it on an empty stomach. Courses are repeated up to four times a year. The rest of the time, the oil is used as a vitamin supplement in cooking.

Avocado oil contraindications: individual intolerance, exacerbation of gallbladder diseases. Increasing the dosage when taken internally may lead to the development of diarrhea.

Homemade butter recipe

Peculiarities. You can make avocado oil at home, but the quality will be inferior to a 100% cold-pressed product. Required Ingredients- 1 kg of avocado and 0.5 liters of coconut milk.

Cooking method

  1. The pulp of the main component is ground in a blender.
  2. Pour in coconut milk, beat until smooth.
  3. The mixture is poured into a thick-walled container, placed on low heat, and boiled with frequent stirring.
  4. When the moisture has evaporated, turn off the fire.
  5. Several layers of gauze are placed on the container. The cooled mass is spread on cheesecloth and squeezed out.
  6. The oil is poured into glass bottle, put in the refrigerator.

There are no restrictions on the use of oil during pregnancy. Fatty acids benefit the expectant mother and her baby.

Role in cosmetology

Avocado oil is often used in the production of creams, shampoos, and balms. Applicable in home cosmetology as the basis of products for hair, face, cuticle softening, body care.

Face, body, hair

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails due to its high content of fatty acids. Six cosmetic properties are considered especially valuable.

  1. Restorative. Promotes skin regeneration and collagen production. The skin becomes more elastic, local immunity increases. By systematically massaging problem areas with alligator pear oil, it is possible to reduce the severity of cellulite and stretch marks.
  2. Nutritious. Promotes restoration of metabolic processes and blood circulation, absorption of nutrients. Skin cells receive more oxygen.
  3. Moisturizing. With systematic use, skin turgor is restored, the upper layers of the epidermis are saturated with moisture.
  4. Anti-aging. The oil contains antioxidants that protect the skin from premature aging. With regular use, the depth and number of wrinkles are reduced, and age-related pigmentation becomes less pronounced.
  5. Protective. Protects sensitive skin from negative external factors - ultraviolet radiation, wind, frost.
  6. Anti-inflammatory. Quickly removes local foci of inflammation, helps fight individual pimples and severe acne.

The product is classified as a base oil and can be used daily. Avocado essential oil is no less beneficial for the skin. But it is not used in its pure form - it is mixed with ready-made products or any base oils.


Avocado oil is the basis for preparing masks to soften the skin, nourish hair and eyelashes. The most effective recipes are given below.

  • For hair . Useful for dryness, split ends, slow growth, and hair loss. Mix the yolk, honey, and avocado oil in equal proportions. Distribute over damp hair and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • For face . Eliminates wrinkles and nourishes the skin. Use as a stand-alone product or mix with other oils.
  • For the skin around the eyes. Mix three base oils - olive, avocado and grape seed. The mixture is applied to the skin around the eyes. Leave for about half an hour, remove excess with a napkin. The composition is improved with any essential oils, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.
  • For eyelashes. In the evening, distribute the oil over the eyelashes with a clean mascara brush. Leave it overnight. The effect is that hair loss stops and growth accelerates.
  • For hands . Mix a couple of tablespoons of basic oil, five drops of peppermint oil and apple cider vinegar. Use instead of cream. Don't wash it off.
  • For nails. Softens the cuticle, reduces nail fragility, improves their condition. Every evening the oil is rubbed into the nails and the skin around them.
  • For lips . The oil is used to treat dry, chapped lips. The regenerating effect promotes rapid healing of cracks. The product has a moisturizing, nourishing, softening effect. It is rubbed into the lips up to two times a day.
  • Against cellulite. Add lavender, juniper, and fennel esters to avocado oil (a few drops each). The mixture is applied after taking a bath to clean, steamed, scrubbed skin. After ten minutes, remove excess product with a napkin. The procedure is repeated three times a week for a month.

A little alligator pear oil is added to finished cosmetics - shampoos, balms, creams, scrubs. Mix in small portions for one use.


In cooking, the product is added to sauces and dressings. There are no restrictions on use - it is allowed to be included in the daily menu. The most common are three recipes.

  1. Salad dressing. To a quarter glass of butter add the juice of half a lime, a pinch of salt and black ground pepper. Depending on the dish and taste preferences, the dressing is supplemented with garlic, rosemary and other spices.
  2. Dressing for hot dishes. Mix a couple of tablespoons of avocado oil, chopped basil, wine vinegar. Salt, pepper, combine with 100 g of feta cheese.
  3. Homemade mayonnaise. To three egg yolks add half a teaspoon of mustard, salt, white pepper. Beat the yolks intensively, gradually pouring in avocado oil (300 g). At the end of beating, add two tablespoons lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar.

Avocado oil can only be harmful if you are hypersensitive. It's valuable food product, regular use of which has a positive effect on health.


Avocados have long grown in Chile, in the states Central America, USA and Australia, as well as in parts of Africa and New Zealand. Made from the fruits of the tree nourishing oil, widely used in cosmetology, medicine and gastronomy. It's surprising that most people think of avocados as a fruit, when in fact the pear-shaped fruit is a member of the berry family.

The pulp of the fruit is used in the manufacture of an effective cosmetic product -. The result of hand picking and cold pressing of dried berries is a transparent and unrefined extract of emerald green hue. You can recognize the “miraculous” avocado substrate by its spicy, nutty aroma and viscous, viscous consistency.

If no heat treatment was used in the production of the oily liquid, then the extract retains useful substances and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The “rich” chemical composition of the liquid allows the oil to be used as an independent skin care product. It is also appropriate to include additional components in the recipe of a mask made from avocado substrate - the ingredients are used to enhance the effect.

Structural composition and beneficial properties of avocado oil for the face

The structural composition of avocado pulp is comparable to the ratio of unsaturated fats present in the epidermis. In the process of absorbing the oily liquid, the skin is saturated with biologically active substances. Traditionally, unrefined avocado oil for the face contains:

Vitamins “A”, “B1”, “B2”, “E”, “D”, “F”.
Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (antioxidants).
Micro and macro mineral formations.
Plant estrogens.

As a result of regular use of an oily liquid made from tropical fruit, the following processes are carried out:

Saturation of the skin nutrients and minerals.
Stimulation of collagen production, which restores firmness and elasticity to the upper layers of the epidermis.
Moisturizing and softening the skin.
Regeneration and tissue restoration.
Removing toxins and normalizing blood circulation.
Return of a healthy and natural complexion.
Skin protection from negative impact environment.
Slowing down the process of cell breakdown.
Strengthening the vascular-circulatory system.
Regulation of fat and water-salt balances in the body.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, the “rich” chemical composition of the avocado substrate allows you to eliminate various defects located on the surface of the facial skin. This extract has a strong rejuvenating effect and becomes indispensable in the procedure for restoring dead or damaged tissue. The peculiarity of this consistency is its affordable price, so people with different financial capabilities can purchase the cosmetic product.

Features of using avocado oil for facial skin

To achieve the desired result in a short period of time, you need to use avocado oil for the face correctly:

An extract made from tropical fruits may cause allergic reaction. Before applying the mask to your face, test the body’s sensitivity to the substrate by rubbing a drop of the consistency on a small area of ​​your hand.
It is recommended to heat the oily liquid in a water bath so that beneficial substances and minerals penetrate deeper into the structure of the epidermis.
Before use, made from avocado pulp, use a scrub. By removing foreign substances and impurities from the surface of the skin, the oily consistency is absorbed better.
Regardless of the purpose of compresses and applications soaked in avocado oil, the applied mass is washed off after 15–20 minutes using a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of herbs or pasteurized water.
Masks consisting of several ingredients are recommended to be used no more than once a week. Avocado extract compresses can be used up to 2 times within 7 days.

To chemically enrich existing cosmetic products, drop a drop of unrefined avocado oil into containers with extracts.
It is recommended to apply a warm consistency to the skin.
Avocado substrate can be used to remove makeup, because the extract perfectly dissolves various cosmetics.
A mixture based on avocado oil with the addition of aromatic esters is used in SPA centers for massage sessions.
The consistency is used as a soothing face cream at night, rubbing the oily liquid into the epidermis with massaging movements 30 minutes before bedtime.

Avocado oil for the face is a harmless product created on the basis of natural ingredients, which means that the substrate can be used daily. The main thing is that the oily consistency does not cause an allergic reaction.

Recipes for masks and compresses based on avocado oil for the face

To enhance the desired effect and reduce the time required to carry out a cosmetology course, mix with other natural ingredients:

Nutritious. We use unrefined avocado oil, low-fat cream and oatmeal in equal proportions. After whipping the consistency, apply it with massaging movements to problem areas of the face.
For aging skin. Add 2 drops of lemon juice, 5 milliliters of avocado extract and 10 grams of sour cream to the container, thoroughly mixing the above components. Apply the resulting mixture to your face in a thin layer, gently rubbing the mixture into the epidermis. The oily liquid should be washed off after 15–20 minutes under warm running water.
Anti-flaking. Beat 35 grams of raspberries until you obtain a mushy consistency, add 1 drop of essential oils of avocado, sandalwood, chamomile, and neroli to the contents of the reservoir. It is recommended to remove the mass from the surface of the face with a cotton pad, generously moistened cucumber lotion.

For sebaceous skin. Mix blue clay and avocado extract in equal proportions, diluting the contents of the container with water until the mass begins to resemble a thick consistency. Rinse off with exclusively warm water so that no limestone elements remain in the narrowed pores.
Against swelling on the face. Grind 50 grams pearl barley, add 15 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice, 1 egg yolk, one drop each of avocado, chamomile and sandalwood esters. Rub the mixture onto your face using massaging movements, rinsing off the mixture under running water after 20 minutes.
For shiny skin. Add 50 milliliters of kefir to 15 ml of avocado juice. Apply the mixture to your face an hour before you start resting, rinse off 30 minutes before bedtime.
Preventive. Thoroughly whisk the oily liquid consisting of, avocado and (5 ml each). Apply the mixture to the surface of the face, pre-checking for 30 minutes. After time has passed, wash off the mixture using a cotton pad, generously soaked in a container with a decoction of herbs.
Against burns. Mix 20 milliliters of avocado extract with 10 drops of lavender ether, lubricating the face with the resulting consistency after sunbathing.

For care around the eyes. To prepare the mask, you will need to mix 15 milliliters of avocado substrate, and. Add 2 drops of willow, geranium and. We soak a cotton pad in a similar consistency, and then carefully apply such a mask to.
Balm for cracks and wounds. After combining jojoba oil with avocado substrate, slowly rub the resulting consistency over the entire surface of your lips.
Against age spots and scars. The mixture and avocado are applied to the problem area of ​​the face, previously cleansed with a scrub. The oily liquid is removed using a cotton pad soaked in a container with a decoction of herbs.
For skin care of newborns. Pure avocado extract is applied in a thin layer to the baby's face before going outside in the winter season. This film protects the skin from frostbite and eliminates the risk of frostbite.

All the components present in the recipes for masks based on the pulp of tropical fruits are cheap and are sold in pharmacies and stores, so such mixtures can be easily prepared at home. Regardless of the purpose of the medicinal consistency and the amount of mass made, the shelf life of the product must be observed.

Avocado oil – natural product, with which you can get rid of acne, irritation, rashes and acne, restore elasticity and firmness to the skin without harming your health.

December 28, 2013, 15:33

Avocado oil is widely used in cosmetology, it is added to professional skin care products, and it is also present during salon procedures. The product can be used at home both in pure form and as part of recipes. The product has a wide range of areas of influence, is easy to use and effective, as evidenced by positive reviews those who have tried it.

Avocado oil is the result of pressing and processing the pulp of the fruit. The product has a yellow-green tint and a thick consistency. Besides delicate aroma It has pleasant taste, which is why it is used not only in cosmetology, but also in cooking. The oil belongs to the “base” category.

A distinctive feature of the product’s composition is the high content of the following elements:

  • vitamin F (it is believed that avocado is ahead of fish oil in terms of the content of this component; vitamin F includes a number of unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid);
  • vitamin E (avocado oil also ranks high in the content of this vitamin);
  • vitamin B (vitamins B1, B2 and B3 are mostly present in the product);
  • potassium;
  • gland;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

If avocado oil is light yellow in color, it means it has been refined and contains much less nutrients.

Thanks to the complex composition and combination natural substances Avocado oil has a number of beneficial properties;

  • has a beneficial effect on blood circulation;
  • can strengthen the immune system as a result of regular use;
  • stimulates the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • helps strengthen the nervous system.
  • The active components of the product (in particular, vitamin E) prevent skin aging.

Avocado oil has gained wide popularity in the care of face and body skin, nails and cuticles, as a means for weight loss and treatment.

Methods of using the product in cosmetology

Avocado oil deeply moisturizes and tightens the skin. Thus, it is often used to prevent or eliminate tightness and dryness; the product prevents tissue from fading. This product has an anti-inflammatory effect and successfully fights acne and blackheads, evens out skin tone. As a result of long-term use, you can notice how the skin becomes smooth and velvety, small cracks and wounds disappear. Avocado oil is also valued because it is absolutely safe for use on particularly sensitive areas, such as the skin around the eyes or lips.

Ways to use facial oil

The product can be used in its pure form. For example, apply the product daily to a cotton pad and wipe the skin. You can pour it a small amount of liquid into the palm of your hand, rub to warm the oil, and apply to the face, rubbing into the skin with massage movements. It is advisable to carry out such manipulations before bed, as the oil needs time to be absorbed. To solve several problems at once or enhance the effect of a product, oil can be included in various recipes.

If you want to get rid of acne or blackheads, mix avocado and grape seed oils in equal proportions. The second is aimed at deep cleansing the skin, restoring metabolic processes and normalizing moisture content in tissues. The mixture can be used as a mask.

  1. Apply to dry, cleansed skin.
  2. Leave for 30–60 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off warm water using cosmetics for washing.
  4. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

To even out skin tone and eliminate pigmentation, add 2-3 drops of tangerine essential oil to the main product. Essential oil should be mixed with the base oil in a separate container; it is advisable to prepare a new mixture before each use.

  1. Apply the mixture to your face in a thin layer.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the oils using your usual skin cleansing products.
  4. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a week for a month, after which you should take a break.

Castor oil produces a nourishing effect on facial skin. To prepare the mask, you need to mix castor oil and avocado oil in equal proportions. This product has a very thick consistency, so the resulting mixture can be left overnight.

  1. Apply the mixture to your face.
  2. Blot off excess with a dry cloth.
  3. Leave the product overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash thoroughly with warm water using cosmetics to cleanse the skin.
  5. This procedure can be carried out daily.

Helps against dry skin Coconut oil. It is added to avocado oil in equal proportions. Depending on your wishes, the mixture can be kept all night or for several hours.

  1. Apply the product to your face.
  2. Leave for 1-2 hours or overnight.
  3. Rinse off the mixture with warm water using cleansing cosmetics.
  4. Repeat the procedure every day.

Avocado oil is often added to finished cosmetics (creams, lotions, tonics). This way, you can enhance the effect of using your usual product. It is advisable to add the oil not to the factory bottle with the cosmetic product, but to a separate container, and for one serving, before each use. This way, the product will not have time to stagnate and lose some of its beneficial properties. For one tablespoon of cosmetic product, two drops of avocado oil are enough.

Oils and oil mixtures can be applied to the face not only with your hands or using cotton pads, but also with special cosmetic brushes. They provide additional skin care and do not create unnecessary friction. However, do not forget that the brushes themselves also need care.

Avocado oil for the skin around the eyes

An exceptional feature of avocado oil is that it can be used on the skin around the eyes. This area is very sensitive and requires careful handling. At the same time, it is susceptible to age-related changes and external influences, as a result of which it needs care.

Quite difficult to pick store product(implying the presence chemical substances composition) that can take into account all the features of this zone and have the appropriate impact. The oil is a natural product that meets all the requirements regarding skin care around the eyes.

It is advisable to use the oil in its pure form. You can use the product 2-3 times a week, and leave it on the skin either for a short time or overnight. How to use the product:

  1. Pour a small amount of oil into your palm.
  2. Rub in your hands until warm.
  3. Apply the product to the skin around the eyes using gentle massage movements.
  4. Leave for 1-2 hours or overnight.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

Using the product in hand care

Avocado oil can completely replace hand cream. It is well absorbed into the skin, and the substances it contains are actively absorbed by the body. In addition, you can change the nature of the effect of the product by mixing it with other components:

  • oils suitable for dryness and nutrition: coconut, olive, almond, peach, argan;
  • small cracks and damage to the skin can be eliminated with the help of oils: jojoba, sea buckthorn;
  • Oils such as rosehip and castor will protect you from the effects of harmful environmental factors.

All of the above products should be mixed in equal proportions. But what specific oils to add to avocado oil depends on your preferences. The resulting mixtures can be used both instead of cream and as masks.

How to use the product instead of cream:

  1. Apply a small amount of oil to your palm (just a small amount so that it can be completely absorbed).
  2. Leave it overnight.

This option does not require subsequent rinsing of the product. Repeat the procedure daily.

If you use oil instead of cream, you should do it before bed to give the product time to fully absorb into the skin.

Method of using the product as a mask.

  1. Apply the oil to your palm (there is no reservation about the amount; you can use more oil than in the previous version).
  2. Carefully rub the oil into the skin of your hands.
  3. Leave for 30–60 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water using your usual cosmetic products for cleansing the skin of your hands.

This option can also be used every day.

Applying nail and cuticle products

Nails and cuticles need care no less than the skin of your face or hands. Moreover, considering the fact how often we expose them to aggressive nail polish removers and nail polishes themselves. As a result of such influences, the nail plate becomes brittle, acquires a yellowish tint, and the cuticle becomes covered with burrs. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is enough to devote 5 minutes a day to care.

It is advisable to use avocado oil in its pure form, without the addition of excipients. For ease of application, you can use an old nail polish brush or pipette.

  1. Apply a small amount of oil to the base of each nail.
  2. Distribute the product over the entire plate and adjacent skin area.
  3. Leave it overnight.

The oil must be allowed to absorb, so it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night, preferably daily.

Video: avocado oil in cosmetology, methods of use

Avocado oil for medicinal purposes

Thanks to high content A product of vitamins and fatty acids, avocado oil has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The product can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases. As a rule, in these cases the product is used internally, but there are exceptions to the rule. Diseases that avocado oil effectively treats:

  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen;
  • eczema;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • infertility;
  • BPH;
  • osteoporosis.

Internal use of oil will be appropriate in all of the above cases, some of them can be supplemented with external use (if there is an external manifestation of the disease). The procedure for using the product is universal. The oil is taken 2 times a day (after meals or half an hour before meals) 1 teaspoon in its pure form. Repeat the procedure for a month, after which you need to take a two-month break. So, you should take 4 courses over the course of a year.

To use the product externally, use a cotton swab soaked in oil and apply it to the treated area for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day until signs of the disease disappear.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any product, avocado oil has some contraindications for use:

  1. First of all, avocado oil is contraindicated for use by those who are allergic, including to citrus fruits.
  2. It is also possible intolerance to individual components of the product (in particular, specific types of fatty acids).
  3. Excessive use of the product (both internally and externally) can lead to the development of allergies. Avocado is not one of the strong allergens, but a similar outcome cannot be ruled out. Everything should be in moderation.

This is where the contraindications to using avocado oil end. This fruit is not aggressive to the body, so if you do not have the above symptoms, and if you use the product properly, you will only benefit.

To check if your body is allergic to avocado oil, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of your wrist, wait 15 minutes, if no reaction occurs, you can safely use it in the future.
