Methodological recommendations “How to work with scientific text. Secrets of working with the test Quickly creating screenshots

Basic rules when working with yeast dough

Most inexperienced housewives are primarily afraid of working with yeast dough. And this is not surprising: it is alive and senses your mood and atmosphere in the house. Therefore, it is better not to take on it with bad thoughts. And you need to tinker with it more than with any other test. But soft, airy baked goods are worth your time and effort, and the happy faces of your family are perhaps the best reward!
Let your mood remain with you, and I will tell you about the main points that you should pay attention to when preparing yeast dough.
To start a little theory.
There are two types of yeast dough: sponge and straight.
Oparnoe- to prepare it, first a dough is made - a batter made from warm liquid, yeast and half the amount of flour - which must ferment for quite a long time, and only then all the other ingredients are added to it. Products prepared using the sponge method have a larger volume, i.e. the air bubbles in them are larger. The dough is more elastic and not crumbly.
Safe- mixes right away, you just need to wait until it fits well, i.e. rose.
The main difference here is the following. If we want the dough to be rich - i.e. it contained more eggs, sugar, butter, milk - we make sponge dough. We bake from it kulebyaki, pies, buns, Easter cakes, braids, buns.
Unleavened dough is more suitable for baking pies, buns, pizza, yeast pancakes and pancakes. We also use this dough if we are going to deep fry - for example, donuts.
But in fact, this border is quite arbitrary. Experienced housewives can bake anything using straight dough.
And now ourselves secrets of making yeast dough:
1. The products from which the yeast dough will be prepared must be fresh.
Pay special attention to the choice of yeast. Pay attention to their smell and color, especially pressed ones. They should smell pleasantly of alcohol, and the color of the pressed yeast should not be too dark. Dark color indicates dryness and practically guarantees limp and fluffy dough. There is an easy way to ensure the freshness of the yeast: prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. After 30 minutes, cracks should appear in it. Otherwise, to avoid risking the entire dough, you will have to discard the yeast.
2. The better quality the flour, the better the dough will be. To do this, first of all, pay attention to the gluten level indicated on the packaging. In premium flour, this indicator should be at least 24%. In addition, the flour should not be stale or underdried, otherwise it may “float”, that is, if you need one amount of flour according to the recipe, then with bad flour you will have to increase this amount and the product will not be airy. The flour should be dry with a fresh taste, a beautiful white-cream color
3. Yeast does not like very hot or, on the contrary, cold ingredients.
Therefore, remove the food from the refrigerator in advance (about an hour in advance). They need to come to room temperature otherwise the dough will rise more slowly.
Milk needs to be heated to a temperature of 30-35 degrees - in such conditions yeast fungi are most active. Instead of milk, you can use water or kefir.
If you add melted butter or margarine to the dough, they should not be hot either.
4. The flour for the dough must first be sifted so that it is enriched with oxygen, which will also increase the quality of the dough.
5. If you want to make the dough more crumbly and soft, add only egg yolks to it. Use egg whites to brush pies before baking. Then they will be covered with a golden brown crust.
6. Butter (or margarine) should be melted a little before adding to the dough. Please note - a little, so the structure of the dough will be better.
7. If you have prepared the dough, then fat, eggs and salt should be added to the flour, and the rest of the products directly into the dough. Then mix everything and knead the dough.
8. Do not overdo it with sugar, otherwise these pies may burn, and the dough will be less fluffy. The same goes for soda and vanillin; if there is too much of them, the product will turn out dark and unpleasantly smelling.
9. In order for the dough to rise well, you need to find a place for it without drafts. Place it in a warm bowl and cover with a towel. A well-proportioned dough should double in volume and have a beautiful surface without a hard crust.
You can put the dough in a warm water bath or even on a large turned on household appliance (TV, for example). Also, modern electric ovens have a special function - the temperature at which the dough rises. You can also put the bowl of dough in a drawer or cabinet.
If you make the dough in advance, you can put it in the refrigerator, where it may rise longer.
10. Do not let the dough stand for more than 3 hours, otherwise its quality will deteriorate significantly.
11. When the volume of the dough has doubled, you need to start preparing the pies. Again, make sure that there is no draft in the room where you are working with the dough, otherwise it will form a dry crust.
12. The stiff dough is usually transferred from the bowl in which it was risen to a work surface. It is important to knead the dough well so that it comes away from your hands and knead well in flour.
13. If the recipe calls for raisins or candied fruits, they are added only after the dough has risen and kneaded. When adding raisins to the dough, wash them and dry them thoroughly, and then mix them with flour. Then it will be evenly distributed in the dough.
For the same purpose, mix cocoa powder, cinnamon, cardamom, ground into powder, with a small amount of flour or sugar, and then sift into the dough.
13. After you prepare the dough pieces, be sure to let them rest (15-20 minutes). Otherwise they will not bake well.
14. In an open pie, the fruit filling should be sprinkled with sugar after baking, otherwise all the juice will flow out of the filling; you can also sprinkle starch on the fruit-filled products, then the released juice will not flow.
15. When kneading the dough for the last time, you add to it a potato boiled without salt and rubbed through a fine sieve and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil (unscented), your baked goods will be even more fluffy and will not go stale for a long time.
16. To ensure that yeast dough products rise and bake better, leave some free space around them on the baking sheet. And you can stick large pasta into the dough so that the dough “breathes”.
17. To give the products a beautiful look, they are brushed with egg yolk, egg or milk before putting them in the oven. If you brush the products with beaten egg before baking, they will be shiny and rosy. If pies or other products are moistened with sugar syrup after baking, they will acquire a beautiful shine, and vegetable oil will also give them an aroma.
18. Bake pies over medium heat. Then they will bake evenly, and the filling will not dry out. Typically, products made from both doughs are baked at a temperature of 200-220 degrees; in a gas oven it is better to set it to 180 degrees. Time - from 10-15 minutes for small products to 50 minutes for large ones. But again, it all depends on the oven.
And be sure to preheat the oven, otherwise the top of the pie may fall off.
19. To prevent the dough from burning and drying out during baking, the best way is to place a frying pan or something else with boiling water on the bottom of the oven.
20. To check the baked goods for doneness, press on them. If the dent disappears instantly, the pies are ready.
21. If you have trouble removing the cake from the pan, try using a string.
22. After baking, finished pies must be greased with oil or at least tea, warm water, placed immediately on a dish and covered with a napkin or towel. Otherwise, in the heat of the moment, they will steam and dry out instead of becoming soft.
23. After this, place them on a dish, let them cool, and then store them in an earthenware container with a lid, then they will remain fresh and soft for a long time.

If you decide to change the dough recipe, what awaits you is:
Excess water - the dough is poorly shaped, the products turn out flat, vague;
Lack of water - the dough does not ferment well, the finished products are hard;
Replacing water with milk or cream - the finished products have a beautiful appearance and their taste improves;
Increasing the amount of fat - the products become more crumbly and tasty and do not go stale for a long time;
Excess salt - the dough does not ferment well, the products acquire a salty taste, the color of the crust is pale;
Insufficient amount of salt - products turn out vague and tasteless;
A large amount of sugar - the surface of the product quickly becomes tinted during baking, and the middle bakes slowly; in addition, the dough does not ferment well; when more than 35% sugar is added, fermentation of the dough stops completely;
Insufficient amount of sugar - pale and unsweetened products are obtained;
Increasing the number of eggs - the products are made more fluffy and tasty;
Replacing eggs with egg yolks - the products are more crumbly and have a beautiful yellow color;
Increasing yeast - fermentation accelerates; Too much yeast gives the products an unpleasant yeasty smell.

How to correct mistakes when preparing dough
If the dough does not ferment and is not suitable, then the dough cooled below 10 degrees must be heated to 30 degrees.
If the dough is too warm, cool it to 30 degrees and add fresh yeast.
The dough may not ferment due to poor quality yeast.
To check the quality of the yeast, prepare a small portion of the dough and sprinkle it with a thin layer of flour. If after 30 minutes no cracks appear in the flour layer, then the quality of the yeast is poor.
Over-salted dough also does not ferment well, it becomes stale, and the products turn out pale and salty in taste. To correct such a dough, you need to knead a new portion without salt and combine it with the salted dough. If, on the contrary, there is not enough salt, you need to dissolve it in a small amount of water and mix it with the dough. The same method can be used if the dough is oversweetened.

And remember that pie dough loves caring and warm hands! If you put your soul into the dough, it will definitely respond in kind and will delight you with a wonderful taste!

Most teachers in their lessons are faced with the fact that students do not know how to work with text.

Possible reasons:

  • Modern children, in an oversaturated information environment, read little educational and additional literature.
  • The textbooks contain a fairly large amount of material.
  • The educational process is aimed at independent acquisition of knowledge.

Working with text is one of the tasks in any lesson. It is not enough to simply ask students to open the book to the correct page, read the material, and answer the question. This will lead to a lack of the required result and a pointless waste of time in the lesson.

The same type of activity within a lesson can be structured in different ways so that it becomes not just effective, but interesting and motivating for students. For reading to become productive, students must take an active position, carrying out a variety of mental operations. When working on a text, it is important to consider types of reading that serve different purposes.

Types of reading

  • Scanning reading is the most superficial type, giving the most general idea of ​​the content and meaning of the text. The end result is a decision whether to read the text or not.
  • Introductory reading is more detailed compared to browsing. This type is characterized by the extraction of basic, but not additional information from the text being read. As a result, students determine whether the text contains enough information or whether it needs to be reread or analyzed.
  • Study reading- the most detailed type of reading. The purpose of this type is not just a thorough study, but also insight into the meaning of the text, a detailed analysis of the text. The final result is aimed at understanding all levels of the text, as well as the perception of various information presented in the text (factual, conceptual and subtextual).

Reading goals are achieved using a variety of techniques for each type of reading.

Techniques for working with text used for skimming reading

  • Analyze the subtitle and predict the topic of the text.
  • Analyze subheadings if they are present in the text. As an additional task, you can view pictures and various highlights in the text.
  • Get to know the structure of the text.
  • View the first and last paragraph of the text being read.
  • Introduction to the table of contents.
  • Use annotations for texts.

Techniques for working with text used for introductory reading

  • Students read the text paragraph by paragraph. It is important to focus on the nouns, first and last sentence of each individual paragraph.
  • Highlighting important information. You can determine the main thing while reading the text.
  • Arrangement of graphic signs adopted by the students themselves: ? - I don’t understand or! - this is interesting.

Techniques for working with text used for learning reading

  • Isolating semantic parts of the text being read.
  • Predicting the content and meaning of subsequent parts of the text based on what has been read.
  • Highlighting key words in the text as you read.
  • Replacement of semantic parts of the text with their equivalents.
  • Identifying details, as well as subtextual information contained in the text.
  • Determining whether a text belongs to a specific functional style.
  • Preparation of questions that are problematic in nature, both during and after reading the text.
  • Making student judgments.
  • Drawing up a plan or graphic diagram that will help identify the structure of the text, as well as the relationship of its individual parts. Students love this type of assignment.
  • Processing text, creating new texts based on what you read.
  • Composing a commentary is the final stage of working on a text for learning reading.

The listed techniques for working with text are basic, but far from the only ones. Their use is largely determined by the teacher’s experience, his desire to work creatively and look for new effective ways to solve problems in the classroom. The choice of certain techniques also depends on the level of preparedness of students and their learning motivation.

Fragment of an English lesson aimed at teaching the student the type of reading

Working on any text in a foreign language consists of three stages:

  • pretextual;
  • text;
  • post-textual.

The pre-text stage involves familiarization with lexical units that may cause difficulty, as well as predicting the content of the text.

Exercises for the pre-text stage

  • Correlating the meaning of a word with the topic: filling in the gaps in a sentence from a number of suggested words.
  • Expanding students' potential vocabulary: reviewing text and finding common root words.
  • Recognizing the meaning of grammatical phenomena: identifying certain parts of speech and selectively translating them.
  • Predicting linguistic means and text content: reading aloud only those parts of sentences that answer the teacher’s question.

The text stage involves reading the text and working on its lexical and grammatical material.

Exercises for the text stage

  • Reading the text and highlighting key sentences and words.
  • Checking the understanding of the text: identifying true and false statements; answers on questions.
  • Highlighting the main parts of the text.
  • Matching parts of a text: reading specific paragraphs to support facts.
  • Abbreviation or paraphrase of the text: replacing sentences with synonymous phrases.
  • Selective text translation.

The post-text stage is needed to improve the skills of monologue and dialogic speech.

Exercises for the post-text stage

  • Determining the cognitive value of what you read: commentary on certain parts of the text.
  • Development of monologue and dialogic speech skills based on text: compose a dialogue or situation on the topic of the text. It is possible to use Passov's functional tables and logical-semantic maps of the problem.
  • Writing an annotation, summary of the text.

To work with text to become productive, you need to:

  • Carefully build an algorithm for the lesson, think through its course down to the smallest detail.
  • Clearly set tasks for students.
  • Focus on the level of preparedness of students and their learning motivation;
  • Do not forget about a differentiated and person-oriented approach.

Working with text is a lot of different things. This is the search for the right texts, this is the correct reading of the texts you need, this is the ability to write clear, vivid and lively texts yourself.

Effective Reading

How to find the right text and the right information? First, you need to understand and decide what you really want, what your goals are. Secondly, you need to read the right books. Thirdly, these books need to be read correctly, and not like you :).

Reading can be different. For one it is important whether the book will be interesting and exciting, for another - what results it will allow to achieve. Some people read because reading is exciting and because it’s a way to pass time, while others read because they want to achieve their goals. Let's call the first reading process; they track the results after each book read. This is the most important skill.

Therefore, the general direction remains: if you pick up a book, much less start reading it, you must clearly know what you will read in it, how long you will do it, what result you expect from reading and where the results of reading you in your life apply.

When an author writes something, he himself has not always figured out what he wants to say. But he writes. The reader’s task in this case is to understand what the author would have written if he had understood his own thoughts. The higher the clarity of a writer’s thinking, the more meaningful, clear and logically structured texts he writes. The better your LAT (logical text analysis) skill is developed, the better and faster you understand texts. And not only in written texts, but also in oral ones - you begin to better understand what the people you are talking to want to tell you.

Advice for schoolchildren


1. Work with the title.
- Stop after reading the title! Formulate for yourself what the text will be about.
- Remember everything you already know on this topic.
- Make up questions that you think will be answered in the text.
- Try, as far as possible, to give tentative answers to these questions before reading the text.
- After that, start reading. As you read, compare the assumptions with the actual content of the text.

2. Working with text
- As you read, check if there are any incomprehensible words or expressions in the text. If there is, find an explanation for them in dictionaries or reference books, or contact those who know it.
- The content of the text itself may be unclear. Think about whether this misunderstanding is related to the material you have covered but poorly mastered. Think about what exactly
Of old material interferes with understanding, and repeat it. Consider whether the text would become clearer if you looked at specific examples.

3. Conduct a dialogue with the author.
- While reading, ask questions about the text and make your assumptions about further content.
- Be sure to check your assumptions as you read. If you cannot give a tentative answer to your questions, look for them in the text. If you didn’t find the answer in the text, look in other sources.

4. Highlight the main thing!
- When reading the text, try to separate the main from the secondary. Think about which part of the text expresses the main idea, what complements and substantiates this main idea.
- As you read, make an oral or written plan.
- Make diagrams, drawings, tables that reflect the essential points.
- If necessary, make extracts.
- Consider all the examples given in the text, come up with similar ones.
- Throughout the reading, imagine what you are reading about.

5. Remember the material you studied.
- Explain the connection between the thoughts and points of your plan.
– Retell the text according to plan.
– Answer the questions to the text, if any.

6. Test yourself!
- After answering the questions, check the text for the correctness of your answer.

Understanding the Text
Any text you read is divided into paragraphs. And this is not just like that.
Each paragraph contains one main idea, for the sake of which the author wrote this paragraph.

The texts are redundant, 75% is water that frames the main idea. In principle, it would be possible to write texts with only main thoughts, but it is inconvenient to read them that way.

The main idea in its pure form is an aphorism.

To better understand what the main idea is, let's look at one paragraph together. Read the given text and formulate its main idea.
“The European railway gauge was adopted long before the invention of the steam locomotive. It exactly corresponds to the distance between the wheels of the ancient Roman chariots with which the Romans carried out their campaigns of conquest across the territory of modern England and France. The peoples of Europe made their chariots according to Roman models. The same standard was taken into account during the construction of railways.” .
The main idea will be the answer to the question: “What did the author want to say with this text?” or “What new things did I learn from the text after reading it?”

How to work with texts
Before searching for the main idea in a paragraph, you need to learn how to highlight key words - these are words that carry meaning and cannot be excluded from the text in any way.

To master the skill of highlighting keywords, they should be underlined in texts. For example, you read a newspaper and underline key words with a pencil. It is quite difficult to explain what keywords are. To put it simply: do not emphasize those words without which it is already clear what is being said.

Here's what I came up with (it may work out differently for you) for our text:

was accepted long ago before inventions locomotive. She definitely corresponds to distance between wheels of ancient Roman chariots, with which the Romans carried out campaigns of conquest across the territory of modern England and France. Peoples of Europe made their own chariots by Roman samples. The same standard was taken into account during construction railways .

Reading only the underlined words, we get: “The width of the European railway gauge adopted to the locomotive corresponds to the distance of the wheels of the ancient Roman chariots. The peoples of Europe chariots according to models. Railway Standard". The text was shortened, but the meaning remained.

We underlined 20 words - this is 42% of the original text (48 words in total). Already at this stage we have eliminated 58% of the text.

You need to underline as you read, perhaps later (when you read the text completely) the underlined will turn out to be not so important. But it’s better to emphasize more in the first stages.

Over time, you will no longer need to underline words - the brain itself will automatically highlight key words in the text.

Consider the underlining of the first sentence: “ European railway gauge was accepted long ago before inventions locomotive.
Why did I emphasize so much: we are talking about width(not height or length), European(not American) railway track(not highways), accepted(it’s not clear without him) to the locomotive(not after or on time).
Now analyze this proposal and you will see one nuance that you did not immediately pay attention to. A nuance: how could the railway gauge be adopted if the steam locomotive had not yet been invented?!!
With this sentence, the author simply wants to interest us, according to the principle: do you know what? The proposal is erroneous, since the railway gauge could not have been “adopted” before the invention of the steam locomotive.

As you can see, there are so many interesting things in one small text, if you think about it.

So, I got the main idea of ​​the text: the width of the railway track in Europe is equal to the distance between the wheels of the ancient Roman chariot (12 words – 25% of the original text). 75% redundancy - which was what needed to be proven.

It can be even shorter: the distance between the rails is equal to the distance between the wheels of the chariot. (8 words – 17% of the text)

You can imagine: a chariot on rails (image of the main idea). By remembering this image, you will remember all the information from the text. Try it!
Finding the main idea is like solving riddles. But only riddles have answers. But no one will give them to you in the text.

One way to learn to understand what main ideas are is to try to write something yourself. For example, when preparing an essay, students can not just copy it completely from the Internet, but write something in there from themselves. This way you will immediately understand what paragraphs are and what they are needed for. Another option is to read and think more.

Let's summarize: Each paragraph is 1 thought. And this is the author’s thought and it needs to be found. Procedure: we emphasize the key words - we find the main idea - we create its image.

Necessarydistinguish two stages of work:

research process withfixation the results obtained, observations, conclusions and description of the study FOR OTHERS, i.e. for people who are specialists in the same field of knowledge, but may not be familiar with the intricacies and details of your narrow problem. This is the reader whose perception the text of the work should be oriented towards. You are describing the results and results of the research you have already completed, so the main task at this stage is to organize the presentation of material for a person who is not familiar with your “kitchen”.

It is useful to identify for yourself the mostimportant and secondary in the material, successfully arrange the information so that FROM THE TEXT the logic of proving the problem, the sequence of revealing the purpose and objectives of the work are clear. Mostthe easy way - organization of material from general to specific. First, a general classification of the material, indicating the criteria for dividing it into groups and subgroups. If the division turns out to be too fractional, then you must decide which phenomena to focus on in detail in this work and why? Your choice will determine the initial division of the chapter into paragraphs, parts, etc. The simplest plan is where each group of facts (or aspect of the description) corresponds to a separate part of the text. Thus, based on the characteristics of the material and aspects of its analysis, you will determine the structure of the text. The structure of the main part of the work is agreed upon with the supervisor. Then it is useful to separate out that part of the facts that you can explain using the information available in the literature. Describe these facts and explain them. If you disagree with something, see contradictions or another solution to the problem, then state it with reason. Please note: are there other interpretations of such facts? What specifically can you clarify or refute? Why? How is your solution useful? Try to interpret groups of facts that are not described in existing publications or are not mentioned at all, based on theoretical concepts known to you. As methods of justification, you can use qualitative and quantitative experimental data, both your own and those obtained by other researchers.

To seriously study and memorize a large amount of information, you need to learn rational techniquesworking with text . The ability to work with the text of a book will not only help you remember the text you read for a long time, but will also teach you how to briefly formulate and present the main thoughts.

We suggest dividing all reading methods into groups. Every time, before you start reading, you need to choose a specific mode in accordance with your goals, objectives and time budget.

Basic reading methods:

in-depth reading;

selective reading;



Let's consider each of these methods separately.

In-depth reading. With this reading, attention is paid to details, they are analyzed and evaluated. Some higher education teachers call in-depth reading analytical, critical, and creative. This reading method is considered the best when studying academic disciplines. With this kind of reading, a schoolchild or student does not just read the text and figure out incomprehensible passages, but, based on his knowledge and experience, considers the issue critically, creatively, and findsTstrengths and weaknesses in explanations, gives an independent interpretation of provisions and conclusions. Your own interpretation, your own view make it easier to remember the material read, and increase the student’s activity in the classroom. This is how you usually read material on a new, unfamiliar topic, tables.

Selective reading - a type of quick reading in which individual sections of the text are read selectively. In this case, the reader seems to see everything and does not miss anything, but fixes his attention only on those aspects of the text that he needs. This method is very often used when re-reading a book after previewing it. Naturally, the speed of such reading is much higher than the speed of regular reading, since in this case the pages of the book are flipped through until the desired section is found. It is read in depth.

Read-View used to preview the book. This is an extremely important way of reading, which, despite its simplicity, few master. The remarkable Russian scientist N.A. Rubakin mastered it perfectly. This is how his son, prof., describes N. A. Rubakin’s reading technique. A. N. Rubakin: “He read amazingly quickly, or rather, he determined the book and its value. I took the book in my hands, skimmed through the preface, looked through the table of contents for the most important provisions of the author, by which one could judge his views, looked through the conclusion - and a diagnosis of the book and its contents was made.”

Scanning. The name itself speaks about the nature of such reading: it is a quick scan in order to search for a name, a word, a fact. If you purposefully develop and train your visual apparatus, and especially peripheral vision, you will be able to instantly see the desired surname, title, or quote when looking at a page of text.

Main types of notes when working with scientific text

Work on compression begins with carefully reading the text and highlightingkey words and sentences. Key words and sentences carry the main semantic load in the text. Based on the selection of keywords and sentences, they make upplantext.

Plan - this is a guide to the text, a list of the main ideas of the text. A good outline clearly reflects the main content of the text and makes it easy to remember. This is the shortest recording of the text.

The plan could be:

nominative and thesis


The plan has a number of advantages. Hereflects the logic of presentation of the text, and a well-written plan reveals the content of the text.With the help of a plan, you can recall the contents of the source in your memory.Based on the plan, further notes are made: theses and a summary of the text.

Algorithm for drawing up a complex plan

Formulate the main idea of ​​the text.

Highlight the main ideas of the text (subtopics).

Group the text around the main ideas of the text, breaking it into parts.

Title each part. The title should bebriefand answer the question:“What does this part of the text say?”

Number the headings sequentially in Roman numerals.

Break large parts of the text into smaller ones and title them. Highlight the subparagraphs of the plan in the main part and number them with Arabic numerals.

The hardest part of working on a plan is to clearly formulate the headings.A well-designed plan is fifty percent of the success of all work on the text. This is the basis for compilingthesesAndnotes.

Main mistakes when drawing up a plan:

Inaccuracy in the wording of plan items: it is not clear what is being discussed in this part, excessive brevity or vagueness.

The points of the plan are not interconnected, there is no logical connection between points and sub-points.

The text is divided into parts regardless of the highlighted thoughts.

Excessive fragmentation of the text, many small subparagraphs that are simply a list of facts.

Abstract writing

To draw up abstracts for each point of the plan, you need to briefly write down the main idea of ​​the highlighted part of the text. Theses are the golden mean between the headings of the plan points and a written retelling of the text.

Theses are a brief, consistent presentation of the main ideas of the text.

Note taking can be done in three ways:

Quoting (full or partial) the main provisions of the text;

Conveying the main ideas of the text “in your own words”;

Mixed option.

All options require the use of abbreviations.

analyze the content of each fragment of text, highlighting those that are relatively independent in meaning;

highlight the main information from each part, removing redundant information;

write down all information important for subsequent recovery in your own words or by quoting, using abbreviations.

To visualize the differences between plan , thesis And outline you can refer to the table:




Answers the question:

About what does the text say?

Answers the questions:

About what does the text say?

What does the text say?

Answers the questions:

About what does the text say?

What does the text say?

How does the author prove and confirm his thoughts (examples, facts)?
