Can coffee make you sick? Coffee question: we understand the intricacies of roasting and taste together with experts. Bad from coffee from a coffee shop or homemade

Caffeine, one of the most active components of coffee beans, has been named one of the most common drugs of abuse by university researchers in Melbourne. The statements of Australian researchers are by no means groundless, since excessive and long-term consumption of coffee can cause physical and mental dependence, and if the daily norm is exceeded, nausea and tinnitus.

Coffee addiction has become a real attribute of modern man. This statement is especially relevant in relation to residents of megalopolises and cities. For them, the 5-10 minutes they spend drinking their favorite drink becomes, in their opinion, a way to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and another reason to enjoy the bitter-tart aroma and taste of coffee. Years of such habit lead to the fact that it is associated with relaxation, but this is far from the case. And in this article we will introduce you to the reasons that should prompt you to choose in favor of and abandon coffee and caffeine-containing drinks.

Why do people think that drinking coffee is good for health?

The advertisement paints an image of successful people who drink coffee.

Caffeine is often called a soft drug, and it’s hard to disagree with this statement. We all know that a cup of strong aromatic coffee can evoke in us:

  • a surge of strength and passion for physical activity;
  • elimination or smoothing of pain;
  • normalization of mood;
  • sharpening of attention, intellectual abilities and memory.

This is why many people believe that coffee is a healthy and necessary product in their daily diet.

Advertising plays an important role in the popularization of this invigorating drink. Endless viewing of videos with images of beautiful and successful people with a cup of coffee in their hands, broadcast on television or on the Internet, numerous printed advertisements listing the beneficial properties of this drink - all this is deposited in people’s subconscious, and they begin to buy this product with pleasure. stores, without thinking about the fact that it is harmful to our health.

With prolonged drinking of coffee, we notice that this “ritual” becomes an integral part of our life, and without a morning dose of an invigorating drink, our mood worsens and everything falls out of hand. This dependence is not observed in those who strictly monitor the “daily intake” of the drink, and in such cases, drinking coffee does not harm health.

What dose of coffee is considered normal?

One liter of traditionally brewed coffee contains about 1500 mg of caffeine. A daily dose of this substance that stimulates the nervous system is considered harmless for the human body, which is no more than 1000 mg. When it is exceeded, depletion of nerve cells is observed and after some time the person develops dependence.

Most studies conducted to study the effects of coffee on the body show that the maximum permissible dose of caffeine per day is 500-600 mg (i.e., no more than 5-6 cups of coffee), and for children and adolescents it is even lower. When addiction or overdose of caffeine develops, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle pain.

The appearance of these symptoms should always be a reason to refuse another cup of coffee and reconsider your attitude towards this invigorating drink!

Why is coffee bad for your health?

Harm to the nervous system and mental health

Excessive coffee consumption leads to exhaustion of the nervous system.

Prolonged stimulation of the tissues of the nervous system leads to the fact that it is constantly in an excited state and experiences excessive stress. Such intense work causes depletion of nerve cells, and they cannot ensure the coordinated functioning of all systems and organs.

In addition to the negative impact on the physical functionality of the nervous system, coffee has a destructive effect on mental health and can cause insomnia. Constant overexcitation of the cerebral cortex can lead to the development of:

  • unmotivated aggression;
  • psychosis;
  • paranoia;
  • epilepsy.

Harm to the cardiovascular system

Overexcitation of the nervous system causes activation of the vasomotor center, and a person’s pulse and heart rate increase, as the heart begins to contract faster and the blood vessels narrow. Despite the short duration of this effect of caffeine, in coffee lovers who drink coffee frequently, constant hard work of the cardiovascular system leads to an increased risk of developing arterial hypertension and.

Drinking coffee is especially harmful for those people who suffer from various diseases or have a predisposition to them.

The greatest damage to blood vessels and the heart is caused by coffee prepared by brewing, rather than in a coffee maker.

Harm to metabolism

Coffee consumption leads to impaired absorption of the following microelements and vitamins:

  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B6 and B1;
  • calcium.

As a result of a lack of microelements, a person’s teeth begin to deteriorate, developing, and frequent pain in the neck and back. A lack of magnesium and vitamins B6 and B1 causes disruption in the blood supply system, and a person may experience headaches, irritability and other symptoms of cerebrovascular accident.

Harm to Fertility

Caffeine can stimulate the excessive secretion of adrenal hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. An increase in their level leads to hormonal imbalance, and women will experience a deficiency of such an important hormone for the onset and successful completion of pregnancy as progesterone.

That is why avoidance of caffeine-containing drinks is recommended for all women and pregnant women. It is especially harmful to drink this invigorating drink after the 20th week of pregnancy and in the last months of gestation. Research confirms that consuming even 4 cups of coffee a day increases the risk of premature miscarriage in 33% of women.

Harm to the fetus and unborn child

Pregnant women should avoid drinking coffee.

Excessive consumption of coffee during pregnancy can cause the following disturbances in fetal development:

  • risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies;
  • delayed physical and mental development;
  • the birth of a child with caffeine addiction;
  • tooth growth at a later date.

Harmful to normal weight

Excessive coffee consumption leads to extra pounds. This conclusion was reached by many scientists who studied the effects of caffeine on the human body. The reason for the appearance of excess fat is a hormonal imbalance, provoked by excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Because of this, it begins to function incorrectly, and a person’s metabolic processes slow down, and more fat appears under the skin.

Harm to the immune system

Caffeine contributes to the insufficient production of thyroid hormones, and due to their deficiency, malfunctions in the functioning of our immunity appear. As a result, a person becomes more susceptible to the development of various infectious diseases, and it takes a longer time to recover.

Harm to skin and hair

An insufficient amount of thyroid hormones and disturbances in the absorption of microelements and vitamins lead to the following unpleasant symptoms for both women and men:

  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • roughening of the skin on the elbows and soles;
  • brittleness and dullness of nails;

Harm to the liver

Some doctors have differing opinions about the harmful effects of coffee on the liver. Some hepatologist doctors recommend that patients with alcoholism or alcoholism develop a small amount of this drink with the addition of milk. In their opinion, coffee is necessary to slow down the development of scarring (fibrosis) in liver tissue. However, it should be noted that excessive consumption of this drink can harm this vital organ.

The liver is a real “laboratory” for decontamination and removal of toxic substances from the body. And when growing some varieties of coffee and producing drinks such as decaffeinated coffee, pesticides and other toxic substances are used - ethyl acetate and methylene chloride.

They have a toxic effect on the liver, and it spends a huge part of its resources on processing these poisons. In addition, the liver is involved in the production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of substances contained in coffee and their metabolism. As a result, the liver of coffee drinkers experiences increasing stress, becomes depleted, and the person’s risk of developing hepatitis increases.

Harm to teeth

Coffee contains many substances that pigment teeth, which cause darkening of teeth and contribute to the appearance of tartar. Dental plaque accumulates a greater number of pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause the development of various inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tooth loss.

Harmful to the development of children and adolescents

In addition to all the health problems that are caused by caffeine overdose in adults, drinking coffee in children can cause problems in their development and health.

Invigorating drinks help you wake up quickly in the morning and gain clarity of thoughts. But sometimes after coffee you feel dizzy and experience other unpleasant symptoms. The main reason for this condition is caffeine itself, but this fact is not clear in all cases. Discomfort can also manifest itself under the influence of other provocateurs, which can be identified by a full examination of the patient.

The invigorating drink is saturated with a substance such as caffeine, which has a tonic effect on the human body. Abuse of this “drug” can lead to addiction. But the surge of energy after drinking coffee is short-lived and can cause unpleasant discomfort.

The effect of an invigorating drink on the body:

  • the head becomes clear, thoughts are clear and not confused;
  • a good appetite appears;
  • the air is inhaled deeply;
  • you feel a surge of energy.

The alkaloid caffeine has a direct effect on the receptors of the “gray matter”. It stimulates brain activity, improves impulse transmission and attention. A person’s stupor and drowsiness disappear, he is charged with incredible energy.

Coffee can act for several hours. Then the alkaloid content in the blood decreases, and the patient may again feel overwhelmed and tired.

The effect of an invigorating drink on blood vessels is to improve their tone, accelerate blood flow, increasing the heart rate and pulse, which in turn increases the content of oxygen and nutrients in organs and tissues.

But this condition is not observed in all people. Some people feel nauseous and dizzy after drinking a cup of coffee. Weakness, drowsiness, incredible fatigue, and a desire to rest appear. This is explained by the reaction of a particular organism to the alkaloid.

Causes of vertigo after coffee

Doctors explain the occurrence of pathological symptoms after consuming invigorating drinks by several factors. One of the main reasons is the individual characteristics of the human body, others can be one-time or periodic. One way or another, this is a reason to take action regarding your health.

So, why do you feel dizzy after drinking coffee?

  1. Changes in blood pressure. Caffeine can increase blood pressure, provoke headaches, vasospasm, and disrupt the blood flow of the “gray matter,” which can cause vertigo. In excessive quantities, it can reduce blood pressure, resulting in weakness and dizziness.
  2. Overwork. If a patient suffers from insomnia, works at night and drinks coffee constantly, he may experience negative symptoms. Immediately after consuming an invigorating drink, he becomes more active, and incredible vigor appears. But after the effect of the alkaloid decreases, fatigue returns, and cephalgia is observed.
  3. Very sweet coffee. Just 150-200 ml of the drink can increase the blood sugar level, as a result the body begins to work hard, and after half an hour tension occurs, resulting in a severe headache.
  4. Oversaturation. The lethal dosage of coffee for a person weighing 80 kg is 100 cups. But even a liter drunk throughout the day can negatively affect the patient’s well-being. This especially applies to strong drinks without milk. Other signs of intoxication are tachycardia, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, headache, stomach cramps, diarrhea.

For various diseases, it is recommended to reduce the usual dosage of coffee. An invigorating drink has a negative effect on a weakened body and the person’s condition in general during flu and colds.

Caffeine can increase blood pressure, provoke headaches, vasospasm, and disrupt the blood flow of the “gray matter”

Sensitivity to caffeine alkaloid

The body's reaction to drinking an invigorating drink is individual. For many people, even a small amount of coffee can cause arrhythmia, headaches, and a general deterioration in well-being. If dizziness occurs after coffee, then it is best to avoid it.

Whether unpleasant discomfort can develop depends on several factors:

  • weight is less than normal, the patient will feel the effect of coffee much faster;
  • systematic use of an alkaloid leads to an increase in dosage (the harm to the body will be greater);
  • It is strictly prohibited to combine caffeine and certain drugs; there is a risk of adverse reactions;
  • if the patient rarely consumes invigorating drinks, then the pressure may rise sharply, but this is a short-term phenomenon that quickly passes;
  • Stress, anxiety, depression are the main reasons for giving up coffee.

For a full night's rest, a person needs about 7-8 hours. Stimulant drinks in large dosages cause insomnia, which can lead to problems with memory and the nervous system. This is why you should drink coffee 8 hours before going to bed.

Pregnancy and alkaloid consumption

All women carrying a child must protect the future baby from the influence of negative factors. If we assume that caffeine is a kind of drug, then it should be avoided during pregnancy.

According to doctors, systematic consumption of invigorating drinks can provoke a miscarriage, which poses a serious threat to a woman’s life. The alkaloid raises blood pressure, which causes an increase in uterine tone.

Why you should avoid stimulant drinks

If you constantly feel dizzy from coffee, it is not recommended to take it. There are several more reasons why the consumption of alkaloids should be excluded:

  1. 4 cups of coffee a day shortens life expectancy.
  2. Increased blood pressure levels.
  3. Caffeine can cause urinary incontinence.
  4. Alkaloids may cause sleep problems.
  5. Caffeine increases the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Frequent attacks of headaches, vertigo.
  7. The risk of developing migraines increases.
  8. Coffee can lead to infertility.
  9. Alkaloids are contraindicated in patients with diabetes.
  10. Overdose is a rare occurrence, but can cause death; the first signs of deterioration in health may include dizziness, painful spasms, and loss of consciousness.
  11. Disruption of the course of menopause.

Caffeine increases gastrointestinal acidity

An allergic reaction to the alkaloid is another reason to avoid taking caffeine-containing liquids. Some patients are diagnosed with individual intolerance to the active substance. As a result, a person may develop unpleasant symptoms: skin rash, migraine attacks, dizziness.

If the invigorating liquid constantly makes you feel worse, it is better to stop drinking coffee or try drinking it with milk, without adding sugar. An alternative can be real coffee without alkaloids or its substitute - chicory.

It is not recommended to use the invigorating liquid for patients with diabetes and women carrying a child. This category of people is at risk for the development of pathological discomfort. It is better to take care of your health from an early age, and it is better to give up caffeine in favor of healthy green tea, berry and herbal homemade decoctions, as well as herbal infusions.

If dizziness becomes systematic, regardless of taking a stimulating drink, you should urgently consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. Headaches and attacks of vertigo may be a sign of the development of a serious disease that requires timely and adequate treatment.

A complete diagnosis will allow you to establish the pathology and select the correct therapeutic technique. Delaying treatment is not recommended; it is dangerous to human life and health.

More than half of the world's population drinks coffee. This is explained by the universal love for this drink and its ability to tone up and give strength, but different people have different reactions to the drink, including dizziness.

Effect of coffee on the body

Several dozen active ingredients have been found in coffee beans. Some disappear during frying, others undergo transformations, and others become more active. If you feel dizzy after coffee, it means that the active ingredients are not combined with the internal environment of the body, an overdose, or other problems that need to be sorted out.

The main active component of coffee is the alkaloid caffeine. It is also found in tea, cocoa and some types of nuts. It is he who is responsible for the tonic and stimulating properties of the drink, if it is made from high-quality natural grains, properly fried and brewed.

The alkaloid affects brain receptors. It stimulates brain activity, improves concentration and the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. The person goes through a state of drowsiness and stupor, he receives a charge of energy, which he strives to use in the right direction. As a rule, this condition lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Subsequently, the concentration of caffeine in the blood decreases and the person may again feel tired.

If we consider the process of coffee’s influence on the body from the inside in more detail, then we should note a change in the condition of the blood vessels. The walls of the blood vessels acquire tone, blood flows through them with greater intensity, this causes the pulse and heartbeat to increase. Blood brings more nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues.

But this does not happen for everyone. Some people, on the contrary, lose all their tone after drinking a cup of drink; they become drowsy, weak, and want to relax rather than cheer up. Some may experience dizziness and headaches, attacks of nausea and extreme fatigue. This is explained by the body’s individual reaction to the drink or poor quality coffee.

Why do you feel dizzy?

The first reason why coffee makes you feel dizzy may be a simple overdose. When the concentration of caffeine and other substances contained in coffee in the blood is prohibitive, the body’s defenses are activated. In order not to cause overstrain of the cardiovascular system, the brain reduces the sensitivity of receptors that do not transmit impulses to other organs and systems. This is the so-called reverse effect, when coffee makes you sleepy, even dizzy. The main way to treat this condition is to temporarily stop drinking the drink for 7-10 days.

If you feel sick from coffee even if you rarely drink the drink, they speak of a special sensitivity of the body.

It is possible that caffeine causes too much blood flow to the brain, causing tightness, spasms, and pain.

This picture can be observed in people with weak blood vessels and hypertension.

Teenagers who have not previously drank coffee may also experience a similar picture during the period of hormonal changes. You may feel suddenly dizzy, and a dull pain in the stomach may appear, similar to an attack of hunger. In this case, it is better to refuse the drink and switch to green tea, the effect of which is less pronounced than that of coffee.

Fatigue and stress can also cause headaches

What exactly should you do if you feel sick after a cup of coffee?

  • Lie down, taking a horizontal position, but keeping your head higher than your body.
  • Unbutton the collar of your shirt or blouse.
  • Provide a flow of fresh air into the room.
  • Reduce noise pollution (turn off TV, music).
  • Drink some cool water.
  • If the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

When buying coffee, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, its reputation, and the availability of detailed information about the product. Often, in order to save money, the manufacturer dilutes the grains with other ingredients. No one is surprised by cereals or chicory, but the product may contain other substances that provoke a deterioration in well-being. That is why after coffee the condition of a person who is accustomed to the drink and drinks it regularly at home or in a cafe can change.

If an invigorating drink regularly causes changes in your well-being, it is better to give up the drink altogether or try drinking it with milk and without sugar. An alternative can be natural decaffeinated coffee or its analogue - chicory.

Hypertensive patients, people with diabetes, and pregnant women should not drink coffee. These people are at risk for the occurrence of pathological conditions. You need to take care of your health at any age, and it’s easy to give up coffee in favor of healthy green tea, herbal teas or homemade herbal and berry teas.

Italians tell you how to prepare espresso correctly, avoiding common mistakes and shortcomings.

There is nothing more invigorating in the morning than the aroma of good coffee slowly filling every corner of the house, isn’t it? And so you pour yourself a cup of steaming espresso, slowly bring it to your mouth, anticipating its pleasant taste and... grimace.

Agree, at least once each of us experienced disappointment after drinking freshly prepared coffee with our own hands. Why does this happen? It seems that everything is as required by coffee etiquette: it was brought from Italy, and the coffee is from Italian “Eataly”. Nevertheless, the drink is very bitter and has a burnt aftertaste. Don't worry, you're just making a tiny mistake during the brewing process.

So, let's learn how to make espresso correctly. Here they are, 6 reasons why sometimes our moka “does tricks”.

Check the coffee blend

The first thing to check right after you've brewed a tasteless one is what kind of mixture you poured into the moka. Perhaps it had been stored incorrectly for a long time. Is the container you use to store your coffee sealed tightly? Was it really well sealed? Coffee absorbs surrounding aromas, so it is very important to keep it away from particularly odorous products, such as herbal teas, spices, and ready-made dry broths. The problem may also lie in the mixture itself: buy coffee that is not ground too finely.

Beware of the grains

Perhaps you are a true coffee lover who buys coffee beans and grinds it yourself. Great, but only if you grind fresh coffee every time you prepare it or store it correctly. It is also important to properly preserve the grains themselves: they oxidize very easily and also suffer from moisture. If the finished coffee was too bitter, the problem may be the roasting: avoid brands that sell beans that are overly charred.

What kind of water did you use?

If the problem is not in the mixture, then maybe it is the water: for example, hard water greatly changes the taste of coffee. Then you need to fill the coffee maker with cold water only. General rule: make coffee only from water that you usually drink (but never sparkling).

Do you wash moka with dish soap?

Mocha should never be washed with detergent. In addition, the first coffee from the new Moka should simply be poured out, it only serves to “dirty” the coffee maker or, as the Italians say, “incaffettarla”. Of course, after each coffee preparation, it must be rinsed with clean hot water and allowed to dry before using again. After the Moka has brewed about thirty espressos, it needs to be rinsed thoroughly: disassembled and, if necessary, replaced the seal, and then cleaned the filter with a toothbrush; Also make sure that the holes in the strainer are not clogged and use a pin (needle) to free them. Sometimes it's a good idea to put the coffee maker on the stove with a little water and baking soda in the non-coffee water reservoir.

Were you in too much of a hurry?

If you make bad coffee, don't immediately blame it on coffee, mocha and external factors: it may be your fault. First: how much water did you pour? Water should not leak out when installing a reservoir with the mixture; it is better to underfill than overfill. Secondly: the coffee in the filter should not be pressed with a spoon, just fill it to the brim without compacting it. Third: moka should be placed on low heat. Fourth: as soon as the coffee has risen, immediately remove the moka from the heat.

Did you remember to stir the coffee?

Did you stir the coffee in the moka before pouring it into the cups?! Bad, very bad, probably now you are not drinking coffee, but “dirty water” (acqua sporca), as the Italians say.

Why doesn't the espresso taste like what I drank at the bar?

It's true, the Moka coffee maker is synonymous with tradition for Italians. But if you want to drink your coffee like a bar, espresso with creamy crema, skip the mocha and buy a coffee machine that uses capsules.

Happy coffee drinking everyone!

If Ostap Bender were a coffee lover and lived today, he would probably know at least four hundred relatively honest ways to save money and make a tasteless drink in a coffee machine. Four hundred is, of course, a lot. Let's focus on one, but the most common one. Moreover, both coffee machine manufacturers and our human greed and practicality provoke us to it.

So, we take a fresh medium-roasted non-acidic Arabica espresso blend. To prepare, we use a manual (carob) or automatic espresso machine. At the end we get a drink with the following taste symptoms: sharp bitterness, an empty watery taste, and, which is very unpleasant, a pronounced obsessive sour aftertaste. Not bitter, not tart, especially not chocolate or nutty, but sour. And there is no need to talk about any taste nuances. Coffee is just “boring.” When talking about sour Arabica, which they don’t like, coffee lovers often mean this particular drink.

How did we prepare it? It couldn't be easier! Pour 150-200 ml of water through the formed coffee tablet. Those. We turned on the machine and waited for our large mug to fill. Or selected the appropriate option in an automatic machine. Indeed, the manufacturer provided such a function - a large cup - and we also want to squeeze all the juices out of the coffee. But the coffee turned out to be anything but wow. Even though the beans are freshly roasted. You have to dilute it with milk and sugar...

Before I figure out why this happens and what ways to correct the situation, I’ll take a short excursion into the family of espresso drinks. Espresso was invented in Italy. They say it specifically to reduce the time of work breaks, i.e., so that people drink less coffee and work more. The drink is prepared in a special espresso coffee maker by pouring hot (86-96 °C) water under pressure through a compacted “tablet” of ground coffee. Fast and tasty!

Dozens of drinks are prepared using espresso technology and based on it. Without milk or other flavoring additives – four to five. This ristretto, espresso And doppio(double espresso) lungo, Americano. We'll include it here long black- essentially Americano, but with the reverse cooking sequence. The drink we prepared two paragraphs above does not fall under any of these names. Well, look.

Ristretto– the richest in taste, but not the most bitter. Water, passing through the standard 7-11 grams of coffee for one serving, yields only 15-20 ml (or 7-11 grams) of the drink. We get this “half-espresso” for 1-2 sips :) But what kind!

Espresso– 25-35 ml (or 14-22 grams) of drink and the same 7-11 grams of coffee. Cooks in 25 ± 3 seconds. Doppio– twice as much coffee, twice as much water, twice as much ready-made drink. But the taste is the same. And the cooking time is the same 25 ± 3 seconds.

Lungo. Here the amount of coffee is the same, but the portion of water and the pouring time are doubled. The result is 50-60 ml (28-44 g) of a drink in which the bitter note is even stronger. But 60 ml is still very little. Can't compare with what we have in our circle.

Please note that the yield of the drink can be measured in both milliliters and grams. And it's not the same thing. Due to the crema and bubble-filled structure, the volume of just prepared ristretto, espresso or lungo is almost twice its weight. It just so happens that they often talk about milliliters, however, using the weight of the drink may be more convenient. There is an important and at the same time very simple indicator - ratio. This is the ratio of the weight of ground coffee used to the weight of the finished drink. The traditional Italian standard ratio is 1:1 to 1:2 for ristretto, 1:2 to 1:3 for espresso and 1:3 to 1:4 for lungo. I think it's very simple. We take 16 grams of coffee and get 32 ​​grams of drink - classic espresso!

Go ahead. Europeanized Americano(classic Americano has nothing to do with espresso and is prepared in a filter coffee maker). It seems similar. The volume of the drink is 100-150 ml, even 200 ml and above! We just prepare it differently. Simply add the required amount of hot water to a standard one or two shots of espresso. This is Italian Americano. And if we pour espresso into prepared hot water, we will get long black or Scandinavian (Swedish) Americano. The proportions are the same, but the sequence is different - pour the coffee into the water and a beautiful cream remains on the surface!

In general, there is no smell of our drink here. It does not have a taste worthy of its own name.

And now the culmination is time to deal with this very taste and get acquainted with “rule of thirds” . The extraction process for standard espresso can be divided into three parts.

On early stage Strait (the first milliliters) the drink is dominated by acids and essential oils. It is characterized by the intensity of taste.

IN middle stage sugar and caramel predominate. The drink is sweet and balanced.

On final third stage(in ristretto it doesn’t come to this) coffee begins to give off heavier fractions and bitterness: tannins, caffeine, a group of various organic substances that introduce an unpleasant component into the taste characteristics.

This way we get the classic taste of real espresso – a combination of sour, sweet and bitter. If we continue to pour water through the coffee, then, unfortunately, we will no longer be able to “pull” anything tasty out of it. The quality will only deteriorate; even resins and carcinogens will transfer into the drink. As a result, we get a bitter, even burnt and flat taste. And if the roast was medium or light, then there was a pronounced sour aftertaste.

What should we do if we are used to drinking coffee in large cups and don’t like classic espresso? Two pieces of advice. The first one is “harmful”. For those who appreciate a strong bitterness in coffee, who are annoyed by the sour aftertaste and who, no matter what the sauce, will not give up the habit of preparing a large mug of drink in one pour. Choose non-acidic blends or Arabica varieties, for example, containing Brazilian Santos. Or even blends with Robusta - they are not as aromatic, but less sour. Or choose a medium-dark (Full City, Vienna) or dark (Espresso, Italian, French) roast. The drink will be even more bitter, but not sour. You can also experiment with water temperature and grinding: make the temperature higher and the grind finer.

But I like the second tip! Just prepare Americano or long black in compliance with all canons. To avoid being put off by a too light and unsaturated taste, use double espresso. This is 50-60 ml. drink made from a double portion of coffee (14-16 g) and in no longer than 25 ± 3 seconds (in an automatic coffee machine it may be faster, select the double espresso option). Add 60-120 ml of hot (65-75 °C) water to your coffee and the Americano is ready! Or prepare the water first and pour the espresso into it. Long black with beautiful foam in front of you.

When you cook, the main thing is to stop in time! Yes, 30 ml of espresso (60 for a double) is ridiculously small for the uninitiated. But this is a concentrated drink. It has everything you need to enjoy even after adding water!

Theory is, of course, good, but nothing works better than your own experience. So just do a little experiment for yourself. You can do it right now. Prepare one cup of Americano and a second cup of the same volume, but pouring all the water through the coffee. And compare first the smell and then the taste of the two drinks. To make the experiment as clean as possible, prepare another glass of water. You will rinse your mouth between samples from different cups - this way you can refresh the receptors. Everything will take a little more time than usual, but you will once and for all close the question of how to make delicious coffee. I will be glad if you share your results in the comments. Or even give your advice!

The best way to ruin coffee in a coffee machine
