Unfiltered beer is a source of good mood and nutrients. Unfiltered beer

What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer?

Traditional beer is made from barley malt, hops and water. Live, organic beer brewed by small breweries - unfiltered and unpasteurized. The drink of our ancestors has now been purified and put into mass production, somewhere due to a deterioration in quality properties.

What does healthy and tasty unfiltered beer mean?

Unfiltered beer differs from filtered fullness and richness of taste, dense foam and faint haze, which is not a sign of defectiveness, but indicates the ongoing fermentation process. All this makes beer healthy (in reasonable quantities); if you exclude alcohol, then beer contains about 2000 known substances. Here you can also add a special beer aroma and taste, which is why brewer’s yeast is so popular among connoisseurs and ordinary consumers.

Undesirable properties of unfiltered beer

  • High cloud point.
  • Short duration of consumption - only a few days from the moment of aging in beer barrels.
  • Change taste properties after over-processing.
  • Unfiltered yeast beer is rarely found on the market and is mainly the prerogative of brewery restaurants.

Filtration used to remove sediment and give crystal clarity. Purification works on a mechanical principle whereby the beer is physically pushed through filters. Initially, the clarity of the beer was achieved through an intensive production process - lying for a long time at a temperature of about 0 ° C, then the natural settling of yeast and other particles in total occurred.

Today, breweries (especially large ones) do not have time for aging, preferring to speed up production through filters. This is a relatively new technique - crystal clear beers came into fashion around 1842, when the famous Pilsner brewery was commissioned. Regular beer production has demonstrated excellent investment and capitalization.

Filtration extends the shelf life of beer and increases resistance to bad conditions storage

Euro pasteurized beer

Extend the period permissible level consumption up to several months, the process allows pasteurization– short-term heating of beer to high temperature and subsequent cooling. can be supplied through the national distribution network and is also suitable for export. General pasteurization allows you to get closer to the overall standardized taste Czech beer, which today is available to consumers in every store or in a regular restaurant. The average consumer, as a rule, does not know that pasteurization stops the fermentation process. In other words, Pasteurized beer is dead beer.

Test results

  • Staropramen Unfiltered– pasteurized does not contain live yeast.
  • Special Lager Bernard– pasteurized, filtered and then mixed with unfiltered beer/contains live yeast.
  • Hubertus 12 Unfiltered– unpasteurized, contains live yeast.
  • Gambrinus unfiltered lager: unpasteurized, contains live yeast.
  • Rychnovská Princess: pasteurized, unfiltered, contains live yeast.

Filtered vs. Unfiltered. Main differences

Filter beer refers to any type of ale, lager, or fermented malt beverage in which the sediment formed during the brewing process has been removed. Ancient methods included the use of mats, cloth or straw and often left a certain sedimentary element in the drink.

Modern filtration, introduced in the late 19th century, uses mechanical process, which can remove all deposits, including yeast. Such beer is known as "bright" and requires the use of carbon dioxide before bottling. Almost all commercial breweries filter their beer to quickly improve the flavor and clarity of the drink.

Unfiltered beer brewed with organic cereal crops. The yeast present in it gives the texture flavor and aroma - the beer becomes drier and crisper, there is a lack of velvety (in wheat beer). The color is cloudy. Typically this is classic ales, intentionally packaged with a moderately low amount of yeast. Pale Ale, Bitter, Brown Ale, Porter, ESB or any other type of ale can be in this subcategory.

Yeast filtration removes most B vitamins (brewer's yeast) and other nutrients like chromium. This serves as proof that unfiltered beer is more nutritious. Filtered beer can be either good or bad. Unfiltered is always a good beer.

Best alcoholic drink

– organic, with rich taste Ale from British breweries, brewed with organic barley, hops and yeast. Research shows that drinking beer once or twice a day actually reduces blood pressure. AND dark varieties beer (ale) contain more high levels antioxidants than lager.

As with all alcohol (red wine, for example), there are possible health benefits associated with moderate beer consumption.

There is a wide selection of quality beers to choose from. Try it different kinds beer and look locally for those making organic beer.

Some brewers are returning to "bottle conditioning," a centuries-old tradition of preserving beer. A bottle of a certain type of conditioner is subjected to a second short fermentation. The added yeast fights microbes, imparts flavor, and allows the beer to improve with age, much like aged wine in a bottle.

The other day I learned from very reliable sources that almost all unfiltered beer sold in stores and supermarkets is not unfiltered. This was proven during a closed laboratory examination - in 90% of cases, no yeast was found in the tested brands of beer, and the “original” color of the drink is given by various clouding agents, which are nothing good.

“So what,” 8 out of 10 who read this will say, “just think, well, there’s no yeast and that’s okay. This doesn’t make the beer any worse.” But this is where they are mistaken, and I will tell you further about how mistaken they are...

Let's first try to understand what “unfiltered” beer is by reading one of the articles kindly provided to us by the Internet:

Beer without filter

Good for the body

What does unfiltered mean? This is beer that has not gone through one of the stages of preparation and thus has preserved substances beneficial to the body. That is, beer needs to be simpler so that people are drawn to it. What were you reaching for? Firstly, for health. According to brewers, beer is healthier than, for example, milk. If only because it is easier to digest by an adult body. In addition, it contains much-needed phosphorus, calcium, iron, and all B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine. But filtration, one of the methods of preservation, removes many of the listed riches from the drink. Secondly, people began to gravitate towards unfiltered beer because of its taste. Noticed a trend? If a pub offers unfiltered, three out of four visitors take it (while the fourth most likely leans on vodka). In reality, this process is nothing more than a return to origins. Some eight years ago, on the shelves of Moscow you could still come across beer brought from Belarus, the price tags of which said “live”. And everyone bought it. Then the “living” disappeared - manufacturers began to switch to technologies that provide long term product storage. However, now, with the increase in demand for “live”, the supply is gradually increasing. The starting point was 2001, when Baltika No. 8 wheat beer was introduced to the market.

Top down

Unfiltered beer can be bottom-fermented or top-fermented. “High” beer is historically older than “low” beer. In the early days of brewing, everything was done using yeast. Until the “grassroots” was invented in the 15th century.

What is the difference? Externally - in the process of fermentation. During the production of “top” beer, top yeast forms agglomerates and rises to the top of the tank. By the end of fermentation, grassroots yeast accumulates at the bottom of the container. Accordingly, the taste and aroma of the resulting drink differ.

Since top yeast “spares” polysaccharides (raffinose is fermented by approximately one third, and malibiose is not touched at all), the taste and aroma of “top” beer are more intense. Grassroots yeast processes sugars completely, which is why the taste of “grassroots” beer becomes, as experts say, “empty.” By the way, the use of top yeast is typical for the fermentation of wheat wort, from which wheat beer is obtained. It is interesting that “top” beer, precisely because it does not undergo a filtration process, turns out to be very tenacious. And there is an explanation for this (see specialist comments). Nevertheless, in our time, “high-end” beer is a comparative rarity. Some 5% of the world market, although in the century before last it was almost 50%. And in Russia this figure is even lower. You can count the producers of domestic “saddle” on one hand. There is a company called Admiral. There are also several small factories... After all, now brewing is mainly carried out by large and very large companies that cannot master the painstaking technologies of top fermentation. Only small firms are able to thoughtfully produce small batches of “high-end” - and sell it more expensive than “low-end” analogues. Because following all the technological nuances takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.

But in general, there is not much “live” beer, and in particular “high-end” beer in Russia. But the brewers hope that people will soon try it.


Vladimir Shal, production manager at Admiral CJSC:

– What’s special about unfiltered beer?

– Top-fermented beer – in the West there is also the term “bulk fermentation” – differs favorably from bottom-fermented beer mainly in that it is healthy. After all, this beer does not exist without yeast - if, of course, the manufacturer adheres to traditional technology. And it is precisely yeast that contains the main substances beneficial to the body. In general, brewer's yeast, unlike baker's yeast, has remarkable medicinal properties. And they are the ones sold in pharmacies.

– Then why is “grassroots” beer filtered?

– The main reason is that different cultures of brewer’s yeast are used to prepare “bottom” and “top” beer. In the first case, yeast activity is maintained at a temperature of approximately 8 degrees, and, therefore, it is not viable at room temperature. This feature of “grassroots” yeast is the main reason for the short shelf life of such beer. Therefore, it is filtered, pasteurized and synthetic preservatives are added to it, which, in turn, nullifies beneficial features drink, leaving only harmful ones. And don’t believe grassroots beer producers when they claim that their beer is live and unfiltered.

In contrast, “top” yeast works at 20–25 degrees, and therefore under conditions room temperature When beer is ready to drink, it contains live yeast, which is an active natural preservative. Moreover, over time, top-fermented beer only improves its properties.

Of course, the taste of top-fermented beer differs from bottom-fermented beer. It took me some time to get used to it. I can recommend trying this beer this way. For a day or two, drink only “top” - say, a mug. Gradually, the fullness of its taste will be revealed to you. And after some time you will no longer be able to look at the “grassroots”.

– In general, what are the prospects for the top-fermented beer market?

- I think they are very big. Now such beer accounts for even less than half a percent of the entire market, however, when people try it, this figure will grow rapidly. It is theoretically possible for large brewing companies specializing in “grassroots” beer to set up the production of “top” beer, but this technology is more difficult to automate, and with large production volumes the quality will almost certainly deteriorate. After all, the technology for preparing “top” beer is very complex. And only in small breweries, where manual labor is present, is it possible to establish effective control over the process at all its stages. So, in my opinion, only small breweries will brew this beer in Russia. This is exactly what is happening in Western European countries.

If we move away from articles and all kinds of scientific terms, then the production of real unfiltered beer- the pleasure is expensive. And the product issued by many manufacturing companies called “unfiltered” beer is just a deception, because... It is not much more expensive than filtered one and its shelf life miraculously reaches several months. Here is a more specific article talking about what types of live (unfiltered) beer there are:

Draft beer (also called unfiltered And alive) - beer that has not undergone filtration, pasteurization and preservation. It retains most bacteria and useful substances(phosphorus, calcium, iron, all B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine), while in filtered and pasteurized they are killed due to filtration and heat treatment. Barrel can be lager, ale, or lambic.

Draft beer is the most delicious. There is such a tendency: if a beer shop offers unfiltered, three out of four visitors take it (while the fourth, most likely, leans on vodka). What explains this?

Filtering method involves removing part of the fermentation products to speed up the process of maturation and clarification of beer. As a result, the drink, of course, becomes more transparent, but, firstly, its taste changes, and secondly, the beer loses its beneficial properties, the lion's share of which are contained in brewer's yeast. In the 20th century, most of the beer produced is filtered, while the brewers of the past would never have thought of this: they already knew that beer is a sedate drink and does not tolerate haste.

Pasteurization method invented in 1864 by the French scientist Louis Pasteur. Despite the fact that pasteurized beer practically did not retain the beneficial properties of live beer, brewers immediately appreciated the commercial significance of the new idea: from now on, their products were stored longer, they could be bottled and transported over long distances. A new era of bottled, non-perishable beer has arrived. Both filtered pasteurized beer and slightly healthier ones are produced unfiltered pasteurized(also in bottles).

Preservation method used for the production of canned beer. As for canned beer, today in Europe, the USA and other countries various preservatives are considered acceptable: sulfur dioxide, ascorbic acid, bentonite, benzoic acid, sulfuric acid and many others.

For comparison: unfiltered lives for a week, filtered for two, pasteurized for up to three months, and canned for a year. The only way to keep beer alive in packaging is to let it ferment in the bottle, as the Belgian Trappist monks do. But this is a unique case.

One liter of unfiltered drink is ten times healthier than a liter of milk and provides up to 40% daily requirement human in vitamins. According to some experts, unfiltered beer helps break down kidney stones, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and rejuvenate cells. It is not prohibited to drink it for gastritis, ulcers and diabetes. Proponents of beer therapy attribute pain-relieving and even disinfectant properties to it.

The remains of brewer's yeast in unfiltered beer contain a full complex of amino acids and B vitamins. And brewer's yeast is known to cure many diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Malt particles have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improve appetite, and hop particles soothe nervous system and help relieve stress.

Under no circumstances should draft beer be poured from glass to glass. It is also unacceptable to add the remains of unfinished beer to a newly poured one. This is not only bad form, but also harms the taste of the drink. After all, this way it oxidizes and becomes cloudy faster. For the same reason, it is not recommended to stir or shake beer.

P.S. So think in next time— is it worth buying this “unfiltered beer” that is not clear from what and how it was produced, overpaying solely for the name and clouding agents, or taking the usual one. Or even not take it at all. 😉

Unfiltered beer, the benefits and harms of which are not yet known to all people, is produced in smaller volumes than ordinary filtered beer. But at the same time, the number of true, regular connoisseurs of this drink is constantly increasing every day. And there is nothing to be surprised here. After all, such a drink has a special taste and aroma, which cannot be said about ordinary store-bought drinks.


Regular filtered beer differs in many ways from live (unfiltered) beer. And you must know these differences in order to better understand the benefits and harms of this drink. Today, alcohol experts identify five main differences. Let's look at them in more detail.

First of all, you need to understand that live beer can only be stored for a few days, after which it becomes simply unfit for consumption. But filtered can be stored for months, which is why it is found on store shelves much more often.

Live unfiltered beer

But in Lately There has been a strong tendency to sell pasteurized beer in dark glass containers. But it is not alive, as many people believe. It just tastes very much like filtered drink, but at the same time it does not contain all the qualities of this drink. It is stored much longer than live food.

The second difference lies in the processing features. As a rule, a real live drink is not subjected to absolutely any processing, therefore it retains all the useful components in its composition. But the store-bought one undergoes at least filtration, preservation and pasteurization. All these processes remove beneficial components from the drink, and in some cases chemical additives may also make it harmful to health.

The third difference is in taste, appearance and aroma. has sediment at the bottom, its color is darker and muddy. But this is precisely what gives the drink a deeper taste and aroma. More often than not, it is a little stronger than the usual store-bought one.

The last difference is in the composition. Live beer constantly ferments, even when kept tightly closed. glass bottle. At the same time, it contains a lot of hops and beneficial bacteria. The filtered drink stops fermenting immediately after processing.

But true connoisseurs should know both the positive and negative aspects of drinking live beer.

There are many myths about both beneficial properties and harmfulness. Let's look at all this in more detail.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


The undeniable advantage of live beer is its ability to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This is especially useful for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as for people prone to obesity. And if you drink this drink in moderation, you can even improve your figure a little and increase your activity.

Drinking a live drink small quantities significantly reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, even many doctors recommend that patients with heart problems and vascular system drink unfiltered beer.

Qualities of unfiltered beer

And this is due to two main factors. The first is that beer can normalize blood pressure. But for this, it is recommended to drink it in small portions only after meals and try not to drink it in extreme cold or under the baking sun. It also significantly improves blood clotting. As a result, the walls of blood vessels are also strengthened.

Live beer has a very good effect on kidney function, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. It makes the kidneys work more actively, but does not burden them, since it contains absolutely no poisons or toxins.

Live (unfiltered) beer has a great effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It has been noticed that if a person who suffers from rashes on the face drinks a glass of unfiltered beer at least once a week, very soon the number of acne on the face will decrease, the skin will become smoother and acquire a beautiful, healthy shade.

It also has a good effect on hair. When drinking this drink internally, the hair gradually becomes shinier and smoother, as the hair follicles are saturated from the inside with all useful components. And if you also rinse your hair with such a drink, this will significantly enhance its effect.

It is also worth noting that live beer is rich in B vitamins, all kinds of elements such as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium. This is why some people prefer to drink this drink instead of expensive vitamin complexes. After all, this way you can combine business with pleasure!

But we must not forget that even from unfiltered beer the benefits and harms can be equal. And this is especially important to know for people who like to drink alcoholic beverages often and in fairly large quantities. Let's take a closer look at what this could mean.

First of all, you need to remember that live beer is stronger, so it leads to intoxication much faster. But few people think about it. As a result, persistent alcohol dependence develops. After all, unfiltered beer contains ethanol, like other drinks.

It is dangerous to drink such beer frequently for people who suffer from liver diseases. This drink can gradually destroy its cells and also slow down brain activity. It can also lead to an enlarged tummy in men, as well as fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs in women. And the only way to avoid this is to observe moderation and not get too carried away with drinking such a drink. It is especially not recommended to drink it at night before bed.

So, the benefits and harms of live beer for healthy person are not comparable. If you drink this drink correctly, and do it not so often, you can even improve your health. But you need to buy the drink only from trusted outlets to avoid counterfeiting.

And a little about secrets...

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Beer is considered to be one of the oldest alcoholic drinks in the world. This drink is most often made from malted barley, hops, yeast and water. Various ways receipts and ingredients give stunning wide range various types beer that can be produced. This raises the question - which beer is best: unfiltered or filtered and how much to drink?

Filtered vs. Unfiltered

Most mass-produced beers are filtered to impart their appearance transparency and attractiveness. However, there are manufacturers who do not use this type processing. Filtered contains less yeast or sediment. Unfiltered contains large quantity yeast that can contribute to the aroma or flavor of beer, which is why it is also called “live.”

The lion's share of beer sold is filtered and pasteurized. Yeast is removed by centrifugation, a labor-intensive task performed with expensive equipment. Pasteurization of beer aims to kill microorganisms that may have been acquired through the filter. This beer is actually "dead" and the process essentially reduces the freshness and flavor from the moment it hits the bottle. For commercial brewery There are many business reasons for filtering their beer.

The main reasons for filtering are:

  1. Customer Expectations: Many customers expect to see a clear, light color of the drink in the bottle, which unfiltered beer may not always have.
  2. Beer taste: filtration serves as a tool to stabilize the taste, ridding the drink of lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Foam stability: The process ensures filtered beer has good foam.
  4. Extend Shelf Life: Proper filtration can extend shelf life by up to 6 months.

The big question is whether the beer should be clear and bright—or whether it's okay to see it as hazy and with particles of sediment.

Shelf life

Beer is a food product, so it can be called perishable. This may be due to the action of bacteria, light and air. Therefore, it is important to know how long it can be stored.

Before bottling, typical commercial beer must undergo a stabilization process to increase its shelf life. Two main forms of stabilization:

sterile filtration, in which the product is passed through a microporous filter that prevents any unwanted particles from entering the finished drink

pasteurization, which heats the beer briefly to kill any microorganisms.

Both approaches are widely used, although it is believed that sterile filtration removes hop aromas from finished product, and it’s better not to carry it out.

The shelf life of a beer refers to the length of time it will remain “fresh” under normal conditions and conditions. This period depends on many things, namely: the ingredients used for preparation, the type of beer, storage and transportation conditions, packaging. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the production date in order to know exactly how long it will be suitable for consumption.

Today it is generally accepted that unfiltered beer can be drunk within 30 days. And filtered can be good for 4 to 6 months from the date of production. However, depending on the heat treatment, this period can be extended to one year.

Container and packaging

Not all consumers understand the impact packaging has on the product in question. Surprisingly, this can be a very significant factor. Below is a summary of the main points regarding the different packages.

Clear vs. Colored Glass Bottles

Probably everyone has ever wondered why most beer bottles are amber or green. The answer is quite simple: the full spectrum of daylight can have undesirable effects on beer over a period of time. The ultraviolet part of the spectrum is especially harmful; she promotes chemical reaction, which gives “flavors” that spoil the product. Dark glass significantly inhibits this photochemical effect, while clear glass leaves the ale vulnerable to light.

Aluminum cans

Aluminum cans are more popular. Such containers require mandatory pasteurization. A major obstacle to using cans instead of bottles is the high cost of pasteurization and necessary equipment for package.


The controversial question: which beer is better and tastier, filtered or unfiltered, can be said to be insoluble. The difference mainly comes down to appearance, to some extent the degree of taste and shelf life. There are 3 things that can be left in the final product after it is boiled: remaining yeast, proteins and hop particles.

From a brewing standpoint, the addition of hops is key; it's what imparts the bitter note to the flavor that can easily be detected in a sip of beer. It contains organic compounds called alpha and beta acids. Most bitterness comes from alpha acids. During the cooking process, they degrade to form iso-alpha acids; these compounds are more soluble and contribute much of the bitterness associated with the taste of beer.

Beta acids are another class of compounds found in hops. They produce the same bitterness as alpha acids, but since They are insoluble and their contribution to taste is much lower.

Although alpha and beta acids provide the bitterness of beer, hop essential oils are responsible for most of the aroma.

More than 250 essential oils have been identified in hops. The main ones found in the highest concentrations are:

  • myrcene, adds citrus or pine flavor;
  • humulene, responsible for the characteristic hop aroma;
  • caryophyllene, adds spicy notes.

Useful microelements

Nowadays, filtered beer is completely different from what it was a few decades ago. The production process and quality of raw materials are already different. However, if you do not drink more than the recommended intake per day, then this drink can be consumed with health benefits. The composition contains mineral compounds, vitamins and organic acids. The question of how much nutrition there is in this drink is very relevant. Largest quantity V this product potassium - from 200 to 450 mg/l, this is about 30% daily norm of an adult in this microelement.

This statement can live on condition of consuming no more than one liter of intoxicating drink per day. Experts say that in terms of the content of calcium, magnesium, lead, iron, copper, zinc and other minerals, beer can be equated to juice. Thanks to malt, it contains a number of vitamins. Like wine, this product contains phenolic compounds that can be used for health benefits if consumed at the correct daily rate. Excessive consumption, not only will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, it will harm the body. The decision on how much of an intoxicating drink to drink per day is individual, but experts recommend 1 liter per day.

The benefits and harms of consumption

Beer has long been known for its heart health benefits. A 2012 study found that "moderate" consumption is associated with lower cardiovascular risk. Experts have concluded that natural antioxidants known as phenols, found in many types of intoxicating drinks, improve heart function. The most high concentrations phenols were detected in light varieties.

Beer consumption may also help improve mental health. Drinking a moderate amount per day can help reduce anxiety and depression. It is better to choose unfiltered, which contains a large number of nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, iron, niacin, riboflavin and magnesium. Thanks to their presence, you can improve your emotional state, provided you drink no more than a liter of beer per day.

It's important to remember that despite any potential health benefits this drink may offer, there are some things when drinking it is not appropriate. This concerns various diseases, pregnancy.

Other studies have shown that overuse Alcohol can actually lead to depression and other mental illnesses, so beer needs to be drunk responsibly. You should remember how much of this intoxicating drink you can consume per day.

Beer is considered the most popular and best-selling alcoholic beverage in the world.

There is a large number different varieties this alcoholic drink.

However, many people are interested in what its benefits and harms are.

Production process

Unfiltered beer is made from natural ingredients such as yeast, water, malt and hops. The production technology is based on several stages of fermentation. For top fermentation, a temperature of 20-25°C will be required. Bottom fermentation occurs at a temperature of -8°C. For standard beer, filtration is used, which gives this alcoholic drink a more beautiful and transparent appearance. However, its flavor richness is lost. Unfiltered beer does not undergo such processing, which allows it to retain its benefits for no more than 7 days.

This beer is also useful because it helps slow down fat metabolism. Small doses of this drink improve blood clotting levels, stabilizing arterial pressure. It is also useful for the cardiac system. If this alcoholic drink consumed in small doses, then it will reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the protective functions of “good” cholesterol are increased, which significantly reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction.

A small consumption of live beer lowers blood sugar, increasing the production of insulin and improving the human body's response to it. Due to the diuretic effect that this drink has, only salt. At the same time, potassium and magnesium remain in the body. Live beer is often used in cooking as an excellent marinade for cooking barbecue or meat.

It has received widespread use in folk medicine. This drink is used:

  • for preparing remedies for various ailments of cardio-vascular system;
  • hair strengthening;
  • preparing face masks, etc.

Unfiltered beer is rich in vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, copper and others. However, it must be remembered that significant consumption of this drink can lead to beer alcoholism. It is very difficult to cure such an addiction.

The harmful thing about live beer is that it contains alcohol. It is possible to experience its beneficial properties if it is consumed in moderation. Scientists have proven that unfiltered beer has to the human body the same harm as other alcoholic drinks:

  • the liver is destroyed;
  • brain activity slows down, etc.

Unfiltered beer that has not been preserved or pasteurized brings great benefits to the human body. Stores mainly sell a pasteurized version of this product, which does not have any beneficial properties. This is due to the processing process to which it is subjected. At the same time, the vitamins included in its composition are destroyed.
