An undeservedly forgotten plant. How to cook brown lentils

Lentils are one of the most useful and worthy legume products. Useful composition allows you to count on maximum benefit and the possibility of including the product in dietary nutrition.

Lentils: composition and nutritional value

The composition of lentils helps the product to be classified as dietary and healthy. The following composition is expected per 100 grams:

  • 25 grams of vegetable protein.
  • 54 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 14 grams of water.
  • 1 gram of fat.

Lentils can be a worthy substitute for meat, and they are guaranteed to be absorbed by the body.

Deciding to cook lentil porridge or other dish with such a valuable grain, you are guaranteed to quickly satisfy your hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. A minimal level of fat contributes to successful control of optimal physical fitness.

Nutritional value is determined by the variety. Despite this, starch, fatty acids, natural sugars will always be present in the product. For successful operation gastrointestinal tract Lentils are recommended due to their maximum concentration soluble fiber, improving digestion and intestinal health.

If you eat a serving of cereal a day, you can guarantee your daily requirement of folic acid. For this reason, lentils are beneficial for pregnant women.

Among the advantages is the ability to saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, various microelements, iron and potassium.

What can be noted about the calorie content of the product? Per 100 grams raw product accounts for about 300 kcal. Boiled lentils account for no more than 110 kcal per 100 grams, which meets the requirements of many diets.

A Brief Overview of Lentil Types

Lentils come in red, green, and brown varieties. What important differences are noted in each case?

  • Red (Egyptian) lentils. The cooking process is pleasingly easy. At the same time, the product remains solid despite the hard shell. Red lentils are in demand not only in Russia and the CIS, Europe, but also in eastern countries, starting from Egypt and ending with India.
  • . The product is assumed to be unripe. In most cases green lentils used for preparing salads and soups, which get an amazing aroma and original taste. Green lentils are most often used in European cuisine than in the east.
  • Brown lentils- This is the most common and ripe variety. Among the advantages are the hardness of the structure, the ability to good preservation. Besides brown lentils can be used for cooking delicious puree, because it boils soft in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, its high cost did not allow the product to gain the desired level of popularity.

Many people are interested in the difference between red and green lentils, avoiding the expensive brown variety.

Which lentils are better: red or green?

Any variety of lentil has pleasant taste and beneficial properties. Despite this, people are still trying to figure out which is better: red or green lentils?

There is an opportunity to highlight the benefits of each available option.

Green lentil grains are able to maintain a decent shape during heat treatment, since the fruits are not completely ripe. The variety is ideal for quick and easy to prepare salads, appetizers and side dishes.

Green lentils take much longer to cook than red lentils. For full cooking required about 1 – 1.5 hours. At the same time, even after such a long cooking time, a pleasant and pronounced taste remains.

Beneficial properties are always noted, regardless of the nuances of preparation. If you combine green lentils with sprouted grains and whole grains, the benefits are even greater. Among the main possibilities is improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and preventing constipation, restoring well-being when diabetes mellitus, normalization of cholesterol levels.

Green lentils are beneficial for the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Ulcer.
  • Hypertension.
  • Rheumatism.

Lentils contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, it is expected to normalize blood glucose levels.

Red lentils do not have a shell on the grains, so they boil quickly. This variety is ideal for purees and soups. In each case, red lentils acquire a piquant and pleasant taste.

The composition contains an increased amount of protein and iron, so red lentils are recommended for anemia and blood diseases.

Red and green lentils: important differences

So, what are the differences between green and red lentils?

  1. Cooking time. Red lentils cook quickly (15 minutes), do not require pre-soaking. Green lentils require pre-soaking and cook for about one hour.
  2. Green lentils retain their shape and are not capable of overcooking, which is why they are actively used for salads, cereals and individual dishes. Red lentils are ideal for purees or thick soups because they are expected to hold their shape.
  3. Green lentils have a spicy and bright taste. Red lentils can be compared in taste to classic peas.

Based on your health status and culinary preferences, you can understand how often lentils will appear in your diet. Contraindications to lentils include increased gas formation, stomach diseases, and gout.

Lentils are rich in nutritional value and hence have health benefits. Lentils, first of all, contain a lot of protein, which can be a good alternative to animal protein. It is also a very rich source of potassium, which is important for the heart, and a source of folic acid, important during pregnancy. Which lentils are better - red, green or yellow?

Lentils, like other legumes, have unique health benefits because they are a treasure trove of many nutrients. Lentils are a good source of digestible protein and potassium. In contrast, researchers from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences found tannins in lentils—compounds that may protect the body from cancer, including by slowing down the rate of tumor cell division.

There are several types of lentils that differ slightly from each other in terms of calories and nutritional content. Also, lentil sprouts, compared to cooked seeds, contain more vitamins and minerals.

Lentils - a meat alternative

Lentils can be an alternative to the animal protein found in meat. 100 g of cooked lentils contains up to 9 grams of this nutrient. Although it is an incomplete protein (it does not contain all essential amino acids), however the combination of lentils and other plant products in one meal, allows you to create a good source of balanced protein.

It should also be noted that lentil protein comes immediately after soy protein What is the best protein for the body to digest? plant origin, almost 85%. For comparison, the digestibility of meat is 96 percent. Please note that in order to avoid loss of protein, lentils must be salted within 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Average the nutritional value cooked (without salt) lentils per 100 g:

Lentils prevent hypertension, anemia and atherosclerosis

Lentils, low in sodium, are a rich source of potassium - up to 369 mg of the element per 100 g of cooked grains. This makes it useful in treating and preventing hypertension. Moreover, lentils contain fiber in large quantities (about 8 mg/100 g), which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which helps regulate blood pressure.

Regular consumption of lentils not only reduces blood pressure, but also the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and further cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

Lentils are also useful in the treatment of anemia (anemia) - such as due to deficiency of iron and folic acid and vitamin B12, or megaloblastic anemia. Because lentils contain significant amounts of iron (3.33 mg/100 g) and folic acid (181 mg/100 g), which contribute to the formation of red blood cells and increase hemoglobin levels.

Lentils and weight loss

Lentils, low in fat and good in fiber, fill the stomach for a long time, giving a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing cravings. sweet snack. This is confirmed by research from Canada, which showed that legumes are very effective in satisfying hunger. They claim that eating one serving of this plant species per day increases satiety by a third compared to a diet devoid of lentils. In addition, lentils are rich in acid and B vitamins - substances that regulate the functioning of the nervous system, which is necessary in order to survive the hardships of weight loss.

Type of lentils and benefits

Red lentils, which are the most popular, are devoid of husks, unlike brown lentils, and due to the absence of husks they are better absorbed by the body. Red lentils are easy to cook, so this perfect ingredient for soups. In addition, it does not require pre-soaking.

Brown lentils, which have a distinctive flavor, are often an ingredient in vegetarian pates and breads. You can also use it to make minced pork chops or to make stews.

Green lentils have a very delicate taste and does not become soft when cooked, but retains its fluidity. You can use it as a filling for dumplings or croquettes. It also goes well with salads.

Yellow lentils, like green lentils, have a delicate taste. In turn, what it has in common with red is that it softens easily when cooked, so it is also suitable for soups.

Black lentils resemble caviar. Suitable for soups and savory appetizers.

In turn, the dark green French Du Puy lentils, which retain their shape when cooked, are considered the most expensive and aromatic.

Lentils and diabetes

Lentils have a low glycemic index, this is because they consist mainly of complex carbohydrates. In addition, lentils contain fiber, which lowers blood glucose levels. Thus, it can be consumed if you have diabetes. Glycemic index the smallest is in green lentils (GI = 25), then red (GI = 30), and yellow (GI = 35).

Lentils are good for pregnant women

The Department of Health recommends that women of childbearing age (even those who do not plan to have children) consume 400 micrograms of folic acid. Vitamin B9 may prevent the development of neural tube birth defects in the fetus, such as anencephaly, neural herniation, or spina bifida. 100g of cooked lentils provides 181 micrograms of the precious vitamin, which covers 45 percent daily requirement in folic acid. In turn, in pregnant women, this dose can be increased from 400 to 600 micrograms.

Who should avoid lentils

Eating lentils should be avoided by people with problems with the digestive system, because they can cause bloating and excessive fermentation in the intestines. All because of the oligosaccharides contained in it. They are not digested because humans do not produce the enzyme (alpha-galactosidase) needed to complete its degradation. Therefore, an increase in gas production in the large intestine and unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.

How to cook lentils

Each type of lentil varies in firmness, so each should be prepared differently. Red and yellow lentils take the least amount of time to prepare because they don't need to be pre-soaked and can be cooked in just a few minutes - about 15.

Green lentils, which must be pre-soaked (at least 30 minutes), take longer to cook. Pre-soaked green lentils are boiled for about 40 minutes.

Brown lentils take the longest to cook; after soaking for 30 minutes, they need to be cooked for up to an hour.

Remember that lentils absorb water very strongly and double in volume, so you need to fill them twice more water than the lentils themselves (the ideal ratio is two cups of water per cup of lentils).

Lentils should only be salted at the end of cooking, about 10 minutes before the end of cooking, for two reasons. After early salting, the grain hardens and this will affect the taste and loss of protein.

Lentils can be stored for a year. During this time, the color may vary, but this does not affect the change in the properties and aroma of the lentils.

Cooked lentils can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Just 100 grams of lentils and daily norm You are provided with vitamins that protect against stress and strengthen skin and hair. It will fit perfectly into your usual menu and enrich it with healthy vegetable protein.

In addition, the content of magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, chromium, as well as vitamins E, B6, B1 and others important elements Lentils are superior to many legumes.

Lentils have earned honor and respect in many national cuisines. And this is absolutely rightful, her energy value per 100 grams of product is 230 calories.

Chemical composition:

Microelements and macroelements
per 100 g red green, yellow, brown
dry ready dry ready
iron 7,7 2,5 11,9 3,6
manganese - - 6,0 -
calcium 50 17 70 21
zinc - - 1,3 -
nickel - - 162 -
phosphorus 315 110 340 140
potassium 715 215 950 320
fluorine - - 26 -
boron - - 380 -
B1 0,55 0,12 0,42 0,15
B2 0,21 0,05 0,28 0,08
B3 2,1 0,5 2,3 0,7
B6 0,70 0,13 0,94 0,29
B9 100 50 112 60
beta carotene 65 25 - -

The benefits of lentils for women and men

All types of lentils not only delicious ingredients for the most different dishes, but also recognized sources of vitamins and minerals. A few words about the types of lentils. What are their benefits?

Red lentils have spicy taste and cooks quickly. Its most valuable elements are iron and potassium, which reduce blood pressure, improve memory, and help with anemia and anemia. Add it to soups and salads.

Green lentils have nutty taste. It contains more coarse plant fibers than other types.

Yellow lentils are simply ground grains of a green variety of legumes. It contains the same abundance of coarse plant fibers, thanks to which metabolic processes in the body are improved, weight is reduced and the digestion process is improved.

Brown lentils have a mild, neutral flavor, making them an ideal companion to any soup or salad. It is good for anemia and heart disease. Will bring many benefits for vitamin deficiency.

Black lentils are the most expensive variety of this crop and one of the strongest antioxidants that can not only boost immunity, but also reduce the risk of cancer and slow down the aging process.

What do men need to know about lentils?

It is no secret that the products that are included in the daily male diet contain a lot of animal fats. As a result, after 40 years, problems with the reproductive system and heart begin.

All types of lentils are recommended for men to obtain the necessary substances to prevent diseases of the genital organs, prostate gland and sexual weakness. It is extremely important for men to keep themselves in good physical shape.

Dial muscle mass Lentils will also help, because they great source squirrel. For getting daily dose protein you need to eat 90 grams of the product.

What women need to know about lentils?

The number one legume for women is lentils. One serving contains 90% of the daily dose of folic acid (vitamin B9), which is essential for the health of women during pregnancy and for the full development of the fetus.

At correct use this product helps women get rid of extra pounds, and at the expense of fat, not muscle. Prevents the development of uterine fibroids, breast cancer, relieves PMS, improves condition during menopause, helps relieve fatigue, joint inflammation, strengthen immune system, promotes vigor and gives women's skin youth and hair thickness.

Damage to lentils

Lentils provide the body with everything it needs. But like any product, it has its pros and cons.

Let's look at the cons:

  • because of large quantity coarse dietary fiber, it cannot be used in the diet of people with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • the ratio of microelements such as calcium and phosphorus in it is unfavorable for the body’s absorption of iron and calcium;
  • the abundance of coarse fibers can become a significant burden on the body and even healthy person Lentil dishes cause unpleasant consequences, such as bloating;
  • another drawback is the purine content, so legumes are not recommended to be included in the diet for urolithiasis and gout.

What diseases does lentils treat?

Doctors quite actively recommend that their patients include lentils in their daily diet, and this is no coincidence; all types of them are very useful. The minerals and various vitamins included in its composition will help the body cope with serious diseases.

Regular consumption of lentils:

The benefits and harms of sprouted lentils

Sprouts are even more nutritious than lentils themselves. It is into the sprouts that she transfers all the most valuable and useful things. Therefore, they benefit the entire body: improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, promote weight loss, nourish the heart muscle, and have a positive effect on visual acuity.

Sprouts are a source of natural proteins and vitamins that are necessary for the functioning of the body as a whole. By the way, the amount of nutrients in sprouts compared to original product increases significantly. For example, they contain 40 times more vitamin A than lentils.

They also contain a lot of coarse fibers, which are extremely useful for the intestines and cleansing the body of toxins. There is also oxygen, which the beans are saturated with while they are in the “germination” stage. When using seedlings, all cells human body are enriched with oxygen, which means they are rejuvenated.

Sprouts are especially useful in spring, when the body is in dire need of vitamins. The grain usually germinates in five days. Then the jar of sprouts is sent to the windowsill for about two days. When the green shoots appear, you can eat them immediately, otherwise after two days they will become bitter.

To avoid intestinal bloating and digestive problems, sprouts should not be used by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), duodenal or stomach ulcers.

Lentil based weight loss diet

Nowadays, the “lentil” diet has become widespread. How does it work?

The vegetable protein contained in legumes provides the body with long-term energy and a feeling of satiety. The fact is that lentils take a very long time to digest, so dishes made from them will not allow you to get hungry. This means that the likelihood of breakdowns is reduced.

It is interesting to know that consuming just a couple of servings of this product per week can give you a flat stomach. This is explained by the fact that legumes contain many substances that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

In addition, it is an excellent natural source of coarse dietary fiber and prebiotics.

Lentil menu for example

Sit down at the table 4 times a day. For daily ration Select from the list one option for breakfast, one for dinner and one for lunch.

For breakfast:

For dinner:

  • any dish with lentils;
  • 40 g vinaigrette, artichoke and 1 rye bread;
  • 1 toast, 2 slices of cheese, salad with radishes;
  • vegetable soup with lentils.

For a snack:

  • 1 unsweetened fruit or 250 ml tomato juice;
  • green tea and table mineral water.
  • 250 ml kefir.

For lunch (main ingredient: lentils):

  • vegetable stew;
  • flatbreads;
  • thick soup;
  • vegetable puree;
  • rice with lentils in tomato sauce;
  • meatballs or cutlets.

Up to 4 kilograms per week – this is the reduction the diet “promises” if all recommendations are followed. Note: there is no need to soak lentils before cooking, just rinse with water.

Lentil dishes

If complex dishes If you're tired, then soups and lentil pies are just what you need. Simple, fast and tasty. Let's look at the recipes.

Prepare delicious food for your family, hearty lunch hastily.

You will need:

  • tomatoes in tomato juice– 1 bank;
  • peeled garlic – 1 clove;
  • regular size onion - 2 pieces;
  • 40 ml refined oil;
  • fresh, peeled carrots - 1 fruit;
  • milk sausages – 4 pieces;
  • lentils – 200 g;
  • peeled celery – 100 g.

The entire cooking process requires: 40 minutes. Each 100 g serving: 320 kcal.


  1. For soup, do not soak the lentils. Cook in a saucepan, 15 minutes is enough. Chop the carrots into strips and the onion into cubes. Fry in a saucepan;
  2. Peel the tomatoes, cut into slices and send there. IN vegetable dressing cut milk sausages. At the end of cooking, place chopped celery in a saucepan;
  3. Fried vegetable mixture send to lentils. Add chopped herbs and garlic to the soup. It works great if you squeeze the juice from one tomato into the soup. Season and serve hot.

Many people simply call this pie potato casserole, although its real name is “Shepherd's Pie”.

You will need:

  • 100 ml fresh cream;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • dill - for decoration only;
  • peeled garlic – 2 cloves;
  • refined oil – 30 ml;
  • radishes - for decoration;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • salt – 10 grams;
  • dry red wine – 150 ml;
  • green onions - for decoration;
  • beef tenderloin – 0.4 kg;
  • mashed potatoes – 0.2 kg;
  • peeled carrots – 1 piece;
  • lentils – 120 g;
  • champignons - 3 caps.

Cooking time: 1 hour. Calorie content of 100 g serving: 360 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Finely chop a piece of meat. Chop the carrots and onions into cubes. Place garlic in hot oil in a frying pan. As soon as the oil is hot enough, add the carrots, then the onion. Season everything and add the meat. Increase heat, stir well. After two minutes, add the diced champignons to the frying pan. Salt again, pour in wine;
  2. Simmer until the meat is done. Usually 20 minutes is enough. Boil the lentils until half cooked. Then mix with meat. Place the meat and lentil mixture on the bottom of the prepared pan. Sprinkle with chopped thyme;
  3. Place the puree on top and place the pan in the oven, preheated to 230 ºC. 20 minutes is enough.

For those who love green lentils, this recipe will be a great help.

You will need:

  • boiled smoked bacon – 100 grams;
  • red onion - 1 head;
  • regular onion - 1 head;
  • light green lentils – 200 grams;
  • large garlic – 3 peeled cloves;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 fruit;
  • Bay leaf+ black pepper – to taste;
  • table salt – 10 grams.

The whole process will take: 60 minutes. Per 100 g serving: 350 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the carrots into cubes and place them in a saucepan with water until it boils. Add large pieces garlic, bay leaf, salt. Boil the lentils in this water;
  2. Cut the bacon into squares, then fry over low heat without adding oil. In this case, the bacon will be crispy, and the fat will be rendered out of it better. Add onion to bacon, season with salt and pepper. Fry until golden color Luke;
  3. Place the cooked lentils in a colander, remove the bay leaf, and add them to the bacon. Fry everything together for 5 minutes.

So, to summarize, we can say that all types of lentils contain sufficient quantity B vitamins, which are necessary for the nervous system, also contain beta-carotene to improve or preserve vision.

In addition, under the skin of the product there is potassium, which can strengthen the heart and normalize blood pressure. Therefore, in order to supply the body useful substances, don’t be lazy, just cook lentil dishes.

Additional interesting information You can learn about lentils from the following video.

Lentils are one of the oldest legumes that have gained recognition since the dawn of mankind. In different countries and different times it was the main food for the poor (due to its prevalence and ease of cultivation) and the favorite dish of wealthy townspeople.

Lentil stew is mentioned in Old Testament, and bread made from lentil flour was often placed in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. IN Ancient Rome doctors were confident that this product helps calm nerves and makes a person calm and patient, and Chinese medicine gives lentil dishes (especially those with added spices) excellent warming properties.

Today, lentil recipes are prepared in homes on all continents, and in the countries of Asia and the East it is an integral component. national cuisines. There have been several surges in the popularity of this legume in our country, and now interest in it is awakening again. And this is no coincidence - nutritious, tasty and healthy, lentils will appeal to everyone, and in the frosty Russian winters, spicy lentil soupgreat way get warm.

Lentils: benefits and contraindications

So, lentils - beneficial features This product combines all the advantages of legumes and its own unique features. The high content of protein and carbohydrates with the almost complete absence of fat (less than that!) makes it excellent dietary dish, wherein vegetable protein well absorbed. Some may be alarmed by this figure: lentils - their calorie content ranges from 285 to more than 300 kcal, depending on the “legume” variety. But aromatic soup or porridge will not harm your figure - complex carbohydrates saturate with energy for a long time and stimulate metabolism.

Lentils are one of the most environmentally friendly products! It does not accumulate nitrates and all kinds of toxins, while successfully removing them from the body. So residents of megacities are especially recommended to regularly include lentils in their menu.

The composition of legumes is very diverse: B vitamins have a calming effect on our nervous system and, vitamin A is responsible for our vision and beauty, and sprouted grains are a good source of vitamin C.

Potassium and magnesium in lentils strengthen the heart and nerves, are good for the blood and are indispensable for pregnant women. Legumes contain the iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine and zinc we need. Lentils are rich in instant lentils: porridge made from this product for breakfast will provide a long feeling of fullness and improve digestion.

Lentils are also valued for high content tryptophan, which, once in our body, is converted into serotonin. And serotonin saves us from depression, anxious thoughts and bad mood. Some of the most available sources tryptophan today is whole grain rice and green lentils; it is no coincidence that a mixture of these two products has long been prepared in the East.

Lentils are especially useful for women - they contain the ability to suppress breast cancer, and these substances are retained after any processing.

It is no coincidence that the glory of such a legume as lentils has lasted for several centuries - the benefits and harms simply cannot be compared. Lentils have few contraindications, but you definitely need to know them:

  • like all legumes, lentils should be limited to people with increased gas production;
  • with frequent use, the product can cause the appearance of kidney stones - be careful if you have urolithiasis;
  • For gout and chronic joint diseases, it is better to exclude lentils from the diet.

Lentils: varieties

Over the course of many centuries, new varieties of this crop have been grown and created. Green, red, black lentils - photos show us small flat beans of the most different colors. So which varieties are the most popular and how do they differ?

  • Brown. The cheapest and most common variety. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak lentils in water for 12-20 hours. This type is ideal for stewing and soups.
  • Red. The grains of this variety are without shell, so they boil very quickly. Popular in Asian cuisine, great option for puree soups and porridges. Rich in iron and easily absorbed.
  • Green. Champion among all other lentil varieties in terms of fiber content. It takes a long time to cook and requires pre-soaking. Such grains do not lose their shape after cooking and are popular in salads, meat dishes and in combination with various cereals.
  • Black. The grains of such lentils are very small, they cook quickly - about 20 minutes. This variety is convenient for sprouting - grains with sprouts are added to various vegetable salads.

Lentils: recipes

If lentils have recently appeared on your table, it is better to try classic and not the most complex recipes; in the future you can experiment. Also, remember some little tricks in preparing this dish:

  • The iron in lentils is best absorbed in combination with vegetable salads and greens;
  • all varieties (except red and black) need to be soaked before cooking;
  • Lentils go well with a variety of spices and herbs: don’t be afraid to try new options.

So, lentils - cooking recipes:

  • One of the simplest and most recognized dishes is lentils with.

You will need: a glass of lentils (preferably brown), 50 g, 2 onions, 25 g and a little vegetable oil.

Drain the water from the pre-soaked lentils, add 2-2.5 glasses of water and cook until tender.

Soak dried apricots for 15 minutes in warm water, then fry in oil along with finely chopped onion. Add salt and pepper, place in a saucepan with lentils, and add finely chopped nuts. Cook for 10-15 minutes, place on plates and garnish with fresh cilantro.

  • Many people will like it very tender. red lentil soup with sausage.

You will need: 200 g red lentils, 2 cans tomato puree volume about 400 g, 1 red onion, cut into half rings, clove, 300 g smoked sausage, 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 800 ml, and.

Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion and... Fry, stirring, until the onion is soft.

Add water, tomato puree, lentils,... Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Then add finely chopped sausage and cook for 8-10 minutes. Add half.

Ready soup pour into plates, top with the remaining, finely chopped.

  • If you are a vegetarian but passionately love Italian cuisine, be sure to prepare Lentil bolognese with spaghetti.

You will need: 200 grams of lentils (definitely red), one onion, 1 clove and - to taste.

Chop the chicken into small cubes, finely chop the onion, carrots and garlic.

Pour washed green lentils cold water and cook in a large saucepan - after boiling for about half an hour. About 10 minutes before the end, add salt.

Meanwhile, fry the garlic in a frying pan for a couple of minutes, add pieces of meat and fry again (until crusty!). Then - carrots and onions, spices. Cook for another 10 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add the lentils to the meat and heat for another minute over low heat.

Lentils are a unique legume; each variety is very useful and has its own unique taste, be it porridge, thick soup or aromatic stew with vegetables. Try it different recipes, change the seasonings - and you will definitely appreciate and love lentils.

In the Old Testament (Book of Genesis) it is mentioned that Ahab sold his birthright to Jacob for lentil stew. And those who have tried this variety of legumes today say: it was worth it. What are the benefits and harms of lentils? How many calories are in these little "beans"? What varieties are there, which one is the most useful? We will cover all this in this article. We will also talk about the basic principles culinary processing lentils. You'll learn how to properly sprout these little beans. This article will also reveal the secrets of the lentil diet.

Humanity began to cultivate this legume crop at the dawn of civilization. Leftovers lentil puree, quite petrified, were found in the burial chamber of an Egyptian pharaoh. In Ancient China, these flattened, small, seed-like beans were consumed along with rice. The benefits and harms of lentils have long been known. Doctors in Ancient Greece prescribed it as a healing remedy for liver diseases. For the Roman plebs, lentils replaced meat because they contain a lot of protein. The patricians did not disdain it either. He considered it a delicacy for its delicate nutty taste.

Do not think that lentils are a very heat-loving plant. It’s hard to believe, but before the October Revolution, Russia was one of the world leaders in the area under cultivation of this crop. She even sold it for export. Now in terms of cultivation volumes legume India is in the lead.

Lentils in Rus'

In our country, the culture has become known since the fourteenth century. And she immediately gained popularity among the people. Since the Slavs have always loved porridge, lentils “hit the spot” - after all, they resemble cereals in appearance. This plant is unpretentious and always productive. For example, when there was a severe drought at the end of the nineteenth century, only lentils saved the country from widespread famine. What happened that made this culture become exotic for modern Russians? The benefits and harms of lentils did not play any role here. This crop just has one drawback: it ripens unevenly. If harvested by hand, this property can be corrected by simply packaging green and red beans in separate baskets. But in the era of primary mechanization, it was not possible to separate ripe pods from those that were not yet ripe. Therefore, the USSR switched to less problematic potatoes. Only the Russian proverb remained, as a memory of my former life: “Lentils are on the table, but health is in the family.” It's time to remember the past.


Before we talk about the benefits and harms of lentils, let us mention that there are several types of this legume. There are about ten of them, but we will list only the five main, most frequently used ones. These are brown, red, green, yellow and black lentils. They differ not only in color, but also in taste, method of preparation and, therefore, beneficial properties.

The most common are brown lentils. Her beans hold their shape well and cook slowly. Therefore, this variety is even soaked like regular peas or beans. After this, brown lentils are used for first courses. The red variety is also called Egyptian. Just like yellow, it cooks quickly and is used to prepare vegetable stews, purees, and thick stews. Green, or French, lentils retain their shape well. It is often added to salads. Popular in the Middle East, black lentils are called stellate lentils because they are the smallest variety. "Beans" are only two to three millimeters in size. Just like black caviar! This variety also holds its shape well and looks great in salads. There is also special kind lentils - "puy", named after French city, where it began to be cultivated. It has a somewhat spicy taste.

Red and yellow lentils

All varieties of this legume plant are extremely useful. All of them contain a lot of protein (approximately half of the total weight) and only one percent fat. And this circumstance makes lentils dietary product, although her nutritional value quite high - 295 kcal per hundred grams of product. All varieties of this plant contain vitamins A, B, E, as well as substances essential for the health of the body such as iron, boron, iodine, silicon, cobalt, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine and copper.

Lentils should be consumed by pregnant women, because they contain folic acid, which has a positive effect on fetal development. Yellow and red lentils, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, do not have skin and boil quickly (in just a quarter of an hour). These varieties are rich in iron, so they should be consumed by people suffering from anemia. Red and yellow lentils It is useful to eat for colitis and stomach problems. But diabetics should pay attention to other varieties.

Green lentils: benefits and harms

The French variety is poorly digestible and therefore lowers blood sugar levels. Green lentils are also used for constipation. This variety takes a little longer to cook, but retains its shape better. Lentilles (as lentils are called in France) looks great in salads and also goes well with grains. This variety is rich in fiber.

It is believed that green lentils do not accumulate nitrates, toxins and radionuclides - the eternal companions of many products in our environmentally unfavorable times. This type is good for rheumatism, cholecystitis, ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, hypertension.

Brown lentils: benefits and harms

Recipes for dishes from this variety are the most common. The beans have a spicy, nutty flavor. This variety is moderately overcooked. It is good for casseroles and thick soups. Brown lentils are used for lung diseases and especially for tuberculosis. This variety is indispensable for quick treatment bone injuries. As a prophylactic agent it is used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevents the development of cancer tumors and osteoporosis.

Women during menopause should also eat this variety of lentils more often. But this variety, like all legumes, has the unpleasant property of causing gas formation in the intestines. People with ulcers, as well as people suffering from dysbacteriosis, should treat brown lentils with caution.

Black variety

Beluga lentils look very beautiful in dishes. The benefits and harms, preparation of this product (its subtleties) are still a matter of debate, since the variety was bred relatively recently in Canada. From there it spread to the United States and Southeast Asian countries. It is only known that black lentils strengthen the immune system. It also normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. People suffering from gout and biliary dyskinesia should use it with caution. Black lentils are extremely prized for their spicy taste. When cooking it, it is not at all necessary to add spices. Heat treatment tiny “beans” require a little time - about twenty minutes.

How to properly sprout lentils. Diet

Lentils, which have already sprouted small shoots, are especially useful in early spring, when the body needs to strengthen the immune system. It is also good for pregnant women and people watching their figure. What are sprouted lentils? The benefits and harms of this product have been studied, and we can say with all responsibility: it does not cause health problems. But how to sprout lentils correctly? These should be whole (not split) beans, preferably of the brown or green variety. You need to fill them with water to completely cover the grains. Once a day, the liquid must be expressed and fresh water added. After a week, the product is ready for use. For a lentil diet, you need to steam a glass of beans in the evening. You need to eat this porridge for three full days, washing down each meal with a cup of low-fat kefir. According to nutritionists, during this time you can lose three kilograms.
