Homemade sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil is a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

Sea buckthorn is one of the most useful berries for its cosmetic and medicinal properties.

Its spectrum unique properties so broad that more than a dozen pages could be devoted to covering this issue. Sea buckthorn berry products have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-aging;
  • laxatives.

They also tone and nourish tissues, fight skin aging, and improve immunity. These and others wonderful properties sun berries have been known to people since time immemorial.

The plant's possibilities are endless: 15 microelements and a large number of other biologically active substances help in healing such ailments as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension, coronary disease;
  • eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • burns, bedsores;
  • gout, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • gastritis;
  • oncology in the early stages;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland.

Although everything in this plant is useful: the pulp of the berries, tinctures from the leaves, and the juice of the fruits, and sea buckthorn oil is especially actively used. It is, first of all, valuable for containing a record amount of vitamin A, which stimulates cell renewal and treats many diseases. We can say with confidence that a bottle of orange oil is in almost every home medicine cabinet.

However, not everyone who actively uses it knows that you can prepare this medicinal drug yourself. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but the result will be an environmentally friendly, completely natural and safe product that can cure various ailments. We will dwell in more detail on how to make sea buckthorn oil at home.

What berries are suitable for cooking?

Please note what to do quality oil best made from fresh rather than frozen fruits. But even if for some reason the berries are collected, but there is no time to prepare the preparation, you should not be upset. Eat good recipe, which uses frozen sea buckthorn fruits, because it is also valuable because it can retain its vitamins and minerals even at sub-zero temperatures.

In most regions of our country, sea buckthorn begins to ripen in August. At this time, the fruits are already rich in all useful substances, but experts say that to produce oil, it is better to keep the berries on the branches for another 2-3 weeks. As soon as the sea buckthorn berries are filled with juice, become bright and soft enough, you can work with them.

Cooking recipes medicinal product some. Let's start with the simplest and least expensive, because apart from berries, no other components are required.

100% quality oil recipe

After the ripe berries are removed from the branches, washed, sorted and dried on a paper towel, you need to squeeze the juice out of them. This can be done manually or using a press, blender, or juicer.

The main thing is that during the process the berries do not come into contact with metal objects, because they deteriorate during oxidation. useful qualities product. The resulting liquid is carefully filtered to separate the juice from the pulp.

Then the juice is poured into a wide (not metal!) dish so that the bottom is covered by 6-7 centimeters, and placed in a dark place for 24 hours. A day later sea ​​buckthorn juice covered with a thin oily film. It must be collected very carefully with a spoon and placed in glass jar with an airtight lid, then put it in the refrigerator. High-quality sea buckthorn oil is obtained at home.

The recipe has one drawback - a small amount of product at the end: about 50 ml from 1 kg of berries.

There is no consensus on whether this oil needs to be sterilized after preparation. Some are confident that it will be stored well without additional heat treatment, others advise making the oil sterile so that it can be used internally without any problems. In any case, it is of very high quality and medicinal, not diluted in any way. And you can simply drink the remaining juice or add it to compote, because it is very healthy.

Sea buckthorn berry oil

This recipe is considered a classic, so it is used most often. Just as in the first case, the berries must be carefully sorted and rotten or unripe fruits removed. After this, they need to be washed and dried room temperature and then squeeze the juice out of them.

The resulting mass is passed through a sieve to separate the cake. It is he who is placed in glassware and filled with sunflower (olive) refined oil in the following proportion: ½ liter of oil for every 3 cups of cake.

The container with the mixture is covered with a lid and placed in a dark place. It is believed that after a week the oil has already absorbed all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, so the cake can be thrown away.

But in order for the concentration of vitamins and minerals in finished product has become larger, the procedure must be repeated again, filling the new cake with the resulting sea buckthorn oil and keeping it for another week in a dark place. The calculation is simple: the more often the procedure is repeated, the higher the concentration becomes useful substances in the finished oil.

Powdered sea buckthorn berry oil

Fresh sea buckthorn berries must first be washed and then dried in the oven over low heat until they become completely hard. When the fruits have cooled, the recipe recommends grinding them with a coffee grinder to a powdery mass. The result will be brownish flour, which is poured with heated vegetable oil (olive or sunflower).

This mixture is placed in a dark but not cold place for 7 days and stirred periodically. This time is enough for the vegetable oil to be enriched with all useful minerals and vitamins, which sea buckthorn is rich in.

In order to increase the concentration of the resulting product, it is recommended to mix it with a new portion of powdered berries and leave for a week. To keep sea buckthorn oil clean, it must be carefully strained, first through a sieve, and then through gauze folded in several layers.

Frozen berry butter recipe

Despite the fact that most people prefer to make sea buckthorn oil at home from fresh berries, there is a good recipe for preparing it from freshly frozen fruits, which were placed in the freezer for 3-4 days. After gentle, leisurely defrosting, juice is obtained from these berries by grinding them with a plastic or wooden spoon.

The cake is dried in the oven and crushed into powder, and the resulting juice is mixed in equal parts with vegetable oil. Then all these ingredients are placed in a bowl and kept in a water bath for 3-4 hours, cooled, and placed in a dark place. If everything is done correctly, a thick layer of concentrated sea ​​buckthorn oil, which should be collected in a clean glass or ceramic jar and placed in the refrigerator.

As you can see, more than one is passed on from generation to generation. folk recipe preparing sea buckthorn oil. Use one of them - and be healthy!

Storing sea buckthorn oil

Whatever recipe you use for cooking, the storage conditions for the resulting product are the same:

  • Pour the prepared oil into a dark glass container.
  • Seal it tightly with a lid.
  • We put it in the refrigerator.
  • This is the only way to avoid rancidity of the product and use it for several months, until the new sea buckthorn harvest.
  • Some precautions for use

Despite the obvious medicinal properties sea ​​buckthorn oil, it can also be harmful because it contains very active substances. Therefore, it would not be amiss to mention a number of contraindications:

  • spinal disorders (osteochondrosis, scoliosis);
  • disturbances in the body's water-salt metabolism;
  • acute inflammation of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder.

Video: Sea buckthorn oil, how to make at home

Everyone knows this. But what are the benefits of sea buckthorn oil?

Modern conditions require snacking on the run, eating food instant cooking and use huge amount unhealthy foods rich in various harmful substances. And how good it is that there is such a wonderful tool as sea ​​buckthorn oil intended for:

For the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;

For the prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

For healing wounds and cuts;

For constipation, immunodeficiency, sore throat, tonsillitis, hemorrhoids;

When visual acuity decreases;

To restore immunity after illness.

Sea buckthorn oil will be extremely useful for other diseases. It’s impossible to list the entire list - it’s enough to know that when moderate consumption sea ​​buckthorn oil (about 100 g per day), you can be sure of maintaining beauty and health for many years.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home: is such a procedure possible?

IN industrial scale The oil from this berry is extracted through repeated pressing. The production of this type of oil was first described by biochemist V. Ruchkin at the beginning of the 20th century. In the process of discovery and improvement of manufacturing technology, it was determined that oil from the pulp of sea buckthorn berries has a pronounced orange tint. At the same time, the oil obtained from the seeds is colorless. Later it was found that this effect is associated with the absence of carotene in the seeds, which gives the corresponding color.

Implementation technological process Making oil involves using only ripe sea buckthorn fruits, which are dried in the shade or in the oven at a minimum temperature. Next, the berries are squeezed out, then pressed, and finally mixed with vegetable oil.

The process ends with the displacement of sea buckthorn oil by vegetable oil, as a result of which the product becomes especially valuable and nutritious. The resulting oil must comply with regulated standards and indicators.

Since obtaining oil using the industrial method is quite difficult, citizens often wonder how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. There are simplified methods for obtaining the product yourself and without using special equipment.

All you need is:

Sea ​​buckthorn;

Vegetable oil;

A little patience.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home from cake with the addition of vegetable oil

A fairly simple preparation method, but the quality of the final product will not suffer at all:

We sort the berries and wash them;

Dry the berries - to do this, lay them out on paper or cardboard;

The resulting cake needs to be filled with vegetable oil - for 3 cups of sea buckthorn you will need about half a liter of vegetable oil;

Place the mixture in a dark room, protected from ultraviolet rays, for several days;

For greater benefit and the concentration of nutrients, it is recommended to carry out the procedure again, that is:

o take sea buckthorn berries and squeeze the juice out of them;

o Pour the cake with sea buckthorn oil, which has already been obtained.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home without using vegetable oil

When looking for an answer to the question “Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home”, in addition to the previous method, you can use this, the most simple method where it's not even required vegetable oil:

We take sea buckthorn berries, carefully sort them and rinse them with water;

Dry the sea buckthorn in the oven - the temperature should be at a minimum, while making sure that the berries do not burn;

After the sea buckthorn has become hard and completely dry, you need to squeeze out the juice;

After given period Oil will form on the surface, which can be collected with a spoon or pipette, and then poured into a pre-prepared glass container with a tight lid.

Sea buckthorn oil obtained by this method is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. Oil prepared according to this recipe, is perfect for facial skin care, the only drawback is the small amount of product that can be obtained using this method.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home using cake and seeds

This cooking method is notable for the fact that the product can be made even in the winter season, since the recipe calls for the use of frozen sea buckthorn.

To make it, we need vegetable oil (you can also use olive oil):

We sort the berries and rinse them under running water;

Dry the sea buckthorn by first laying it out on paper;

After this, they need to be defrosted - the defrosting process must be done gradually, first moving the berries from freezer in the refrigerator, and only then - at room temperature;

After the melting process is completed, you should rinse the sea buckthorn again under running water and squeeze out the juice using a juicer or wooden mortar;

Put the juice in the refrigerator - we will need it later;

Dry the cake, and after it is completely dry, separate the seeds from it and, using a coffee grinder, grind them to flour;

Take a container with a volume of at least 2 liters;

Mix the resulting seed flour with the cake, pour the juice into the mixture and add vegetable or olive oil;

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly;

o take a large pan, put some kind of metal stand under the bottom (for example, a lid from tin can);

o place a two-liter container with the workpiece in a large saucepan and pour water into a larger container.

Boil over low heat for about 3 hours;

After 3 hours, remove the container from the heat and place in a dark place for 3 days (storage should be at room temperature);

After 3 days, a layer of oil will form on the surface - this must be carefully removed with a spoon;

The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times.

Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home using seeds

This variety oil obtained from seeds is considered as the most valuable and useful. This method does not involve the use of whole berries - you only need the seeds, which can be separated from the pulp after squeezing the juice.

To make an extremely useful product you will need:

Squeeze sea buckthorn juice;

Dry the cake - to do this, you need to spread it out on paper and put it in a warm place;

Place the resulting sea buckthorn seeds in a coffee grinder and grind to flour;

Pour the flour into a glass container and pour olive oil;

We wrap the neck of the jar with paper and place the container in a dark place for about 2 months;

During this time, the mixture must be shaken periodically;

After this period, the oil must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Please note that the finished oil will have a fairly light shade - this is due to the fact that sea buckthorn seeds do not contain carotene, which gives Orange color the berry itself.

How to make your own sea buckthorn oil from berry juice

This method of producing sea buckthorn oil also does not require special effort. The product is extremely high quality and concentrated. But there is also a drawback - very little oil is obtained from the juice, and to extract required quantity the procedure must be repeated several times.

The process looks like this:

We wash the berries under running water;

Extract the juice using a juicer;

Pour the juice into a wide container and place it in a dark room;

After 1 day, you can collect the oil that forms on the surface of the juice - it can be easily identified by its oily consistency;

The resulting mass must be poured into a glass container and placed in the refrigerator, tightly closing the jar.

With these simple and unsophisticated methods you can get useful product, which can cope with any disease.

The main aspect is ease of implementation - every housewife probably has vegetable oil and a glass container in her house.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

It has long been known that the oil contained in the pulp of the fruit, and in the seeds, and in the leaves, and even in the bark of sea buckthorn, has miraculous properties. healing properties. Sea buckthorn oil can be used in the treatment of many diseases without any negative consequences.

How to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home?

Here's the easiest way to make sea buckthorn oil at home.
Sort through the fruits, remove any leaves and twigs. Wash twice in boiled warm (40-50°) water. When the water has drained, spread the sea buckthorn in a thin layer and dry on filter paper or cloth. It is advisable to use a heated fan.

Now pass the fruits through a juicer (preferably an auger). You can use the juice at your discretion, but it is important for us to get the pulp (meal) as dry as possible; it will be a good raw material for extracting sea buckthorn oil.

Spread the pulp in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dry it in a slab oven over very low heat with the door open. Grind the finished raw materials in a coffee grinder. The finer the grind, the more oil from sea buckthorn you can extract at home.

Then prepare two different sized pans. Insert the smaller one inside so that it is held by the handles by the upper edge of the larger one, without touching the bottom.

Divide the ground pulp into 3-4 equal parts and place the first part of the pulp in a smaller pan. Pour in vegetable oil (preferably refined) heated to 50° and close with a lid. Pour into a large saucepan hot water and put on fire. Stir the mixture from time to time and measure its temperature. The temperature of our raw materials should not exceed 50°, otherwise biologically active substances may be destroyed. After mixing, close the lid.

Keep the mixture in a water bath for 12-16 hours. Then remove the smaller pan, wrap it in something warm and leave overnight. The next day, slightly reheat the mixture in a water bath and squeeze through a nylon bag. Do the same with other portions of pulp.

Pour the squeezed oil into a glass jar or bottle, let it sit for a week in a dark, cool place, drain from the sediment and put it back on the sediment. After a week, repeat the operation. And so on several times until the homemade sea buckthorn oil is completely clarified.

Store the resulting sea buckthorn oil in the refrigerator in bottles filled to the top. For a year or two the oil does not lose its medicinal qualities.

There is another way to prepare sea buckthorn oil.
For example, in Siberia, where sea buckthorn grows in natural thickets, oil is sometimes obtained this way.
The fruits are passed through a juicer, yeast and sugar are added to the pulp (20 g of yeast and 1-1.5 kg of sugar per bucket of fruit) and tied in a gauze knot. The knot is placed on the bottom of an enamel bucket and pressed three-liter jar with water covered with a plastic lid. The remaining space in the bucket is filled with sea buckthorn juice, half diluted with water. After 5 days, fermentation begins. In this case, droplets of pure sea buckthorn oil float to the surface. It is collected into a bottle with a teaspoon. The temperature of the mass in the bucket is maintained within 18-25°. The oil is allowed to settle, and if a sediment forms, the upper fraction is poured into another bottle.

You can also use in a simple way.
Place the ground pulp or crushed sea buckthorn fruits in a thermos with a wide neck, pour in vegetable oil heated to 50° and leave for a day. If desired, you can, as in the first method, repeat the extraction three times, each time using a new portion of pulp.

This is how you can make sea buckthorn oil at home.

In the end, I repeat, never store oil at room conditions, it can quickly deteriorate. In the dark and cold (preferably in the refrigerator), sea buckthorn oil can be stored for up to two years.

Sea buckthorn oil is a high concentrate of vitamins and microelements contained in this berry. The use of sea buckthorn oil concerns many areas - cosmetology, medicine, and everyday life. And here make sea buckthorn oil- a biologically active product, not so simple.

Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from berries and seeds by repeated pressing. Biochemist V. Ruchkin was one of the first to obtain and describe sea buckthorn oil in detail at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was found that the oil obtained from the berries (pulp) of sea buckthorn is orange-red in color, with a characteristic sea buckthorn odor. While the oil obtained from the seeds is colorless. This is due to the fact that sea buckthorn seeds lack carotene, but contain enough high concentration contains linolenic acid.

To obtain sea buckthorn oil, only ripe fruits are used, which are dried in the shade or in the oven at a minimum temperature. Technologically, in order to make sea buckthorn oil, the fruits are first squeezed out, then pressed, subjected to mixing with vegetable oil and diffusion.

At the end of this process, vegetable oil replaces sea buckthorn, resulting in valuable vitamin product. The resulting sea buckthorn oil must comply with established indicators and standards.

Of course, the whole process for obtaining oil is quite labor-intensive, and we are unlikely to repeat it at home. But there are simplified ways to obtain sea buckthorn oil at home. What will you need for this? Sea buckthorn fruits, vegetable oil, patience and time.

How to make sea buckthorn oil?

Ripe, dried fruits are used to obtain oil. Dry the fruits in a warm room (not in the sun!) or in the oven at a temperature of 40-50. The effect on berries is more high temperatures will lead to the destruction of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. It is recommended to store the resulting oil in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method No. 1.

To prepare sea buckthorn oil, the simplest way is to squeeze the juice out of dry sea buckthorn berries. You can drink the juice. Good for health and good for beauty.

The mass of sea buckthorn pulp is dried naturally and poured with refined sunflower oil or in a 1:1 ratio. It is necessary that the oil lightly covers the sea buckthorn fruits. The oil is infused at room temperature for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally.

Finally, the liquid part of the oil is drained. The resulting product is a mixture of sea buckthorn and selected vegetable oil, therefore home cosmetology It is better to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil for making oil.

  • How to make sea buckthorn oil - method No. 2.

A similar method for obtaining sea buckthorn oil. Its advantage is that it takes less time (compared to the first recipe). Similar to the first recipe, dry sea buckthorn fruits are squeezed and the juice is separated. The resulting mass (pulp) is poured with olive oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 50-55º. Infuse the oil in a water bath at a temperature of 50º for 24 hours, after which the oil is squeezed out and poured into a glass container.

  • Sea buckthorn oil at home - method No. 3.

This method is a continuation of the previous one and allows make sea buckthorn oil higher
concentration and high quality.

To prepare it, mashed sea buckthorn fruits (separated from the juice) are poured not with vegetable oil, but with the oil prepared in the second recipe! (prepared mixture of olive and sea buckthorn oil). Similarly, the oil is infused in a water bath at a temperature of 50-55º for 20-24 hours. Finally, the oil is squeezed out.

The product thus obtained is superior in beneficial properties similar to the second recipe. Repeating this procedure two or three times will result in obtaining high-quality sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn fruits are used each time to obtain pulp.

  • Obtaining sea buckthorn oil - method No. 4.

Dried sea buckthorn fruits are thoroughly crushed (for example, in a coffee grinder). The resulting mass is poured with refined (sunflower or olive) oil. Vegetable oil is preheated to a temperature of 45-50º. The oil should completely cover the fruit. The resulting mass is infused at room temperature for 5-7 days. The mixture is stirred periodically.

During the “infusion” process, vegetable oil replaces sea buckthorn oil. After a week, the oil is filtered and allowed to settle for a few more days, after which it is filtered again. The resulting product contains about 5-10% pure sea buckthorn oil. Well, you probably already guess how to increase the concentration of the product...

  • How to prepare sea buckthorn oil - method No. 5.

The oil obtained in the 4th recipe is heated to a temperature of 45-50º and poured into a new batch of crushed sea buckthorn fruits. The oil is infused in the same way for a week, squeezed out and filtered. Sea buckthorn oil obtained in this way is more concentrated. Each repetition of this procedure increases the concentration of sea buckthorn oil by 1.5-2 times.

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Good afternoon, dear gardeners!

Let's talk today about what to cook from sea buckthorn.

This is very valuable and healthy berry, and it wouldn’t hurt to stock it up for the winter.

As always, we will offer you an excellent selection of simple and proven recipes.

For fast travel For the article, use the links in the box:

Sea buckthorn without cooking with sugar

This is the most quick way do the so-called raw jam" A no-cooking recipe that retains maximum vitamins.


  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.3 kg


Sort sea buckthorn from spoiled berries and twigs and rinse.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar.

Place this berry mixture into clean jars and close.

Candied berries can be stored in this form in the refrigerator for about 4 months.

The sea buckthorn will release juice in which the sugar will dissolve. You will get a berry in syrup. Tasty and healthy!

You can eat it with tea, make fruit drinks, or add it to compotes.

Mashed sea buckthorn with sugar


  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.3-1.5 kg


Prepare all ingredients. Sea buckthorn needs to be washed and cleared of twigs.

Sea buckthorn must be poured into deep container and add sugar.

Using a blender, grind the berries along with sugar.

You will get a fragrant orange mass. If you want, you can strain it through a sieve to remove the pits.

But in fact, these bones contain great benefit, because it is from them that healthy sea buckthorn oil is made.

Therefore, the dish will be healthier if you leave the bones.

Pour the mixture into clean, scalded or sterilized jars.

Sprinkle one or two tablespoons of sugar on top of the product. And close the lid.

This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 months. The longer it sits, the thicker it becomes.

This “jam” without cooking is very tasty!

It can be spread on bread or added to tea - a real vitamin recharge.

Sea buckthorn jam without seeds

Wonderful recipe thick jam from seedless sea buckthorn.


  • Sea buckthorn 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 gr


We wash and sort the sea buckthorn. Our task is to obtain sea buckthorn juice with pulp for wonderful seedless jam.

Therefore, we will rub the sea buckthorn through a sieve.

To make this easier, scald the berries with boiling water and leave there for a couple of minutes or blanch in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Place the scalded berries in portions into a sieve and grind until only the seeds and pulp remain.

Mix sea buckthorn juice with sugar and cook for 15 minutes to thicken.

You can cook longer, then you will get a thicker version.

Spill ready-made jam in sterilized jars, roll up. Place on the lid and wrap until cool.

This jam keeps well, it is sweet and tasty!

Sea buckthorn with honey without cooking

Perhaps this is the most useful and gentle recipe for preparing sea buckthorn. All vitamins are preserved, and honey further increases these benefits.

To learn how to prepare sea buckthorn with honey without cooking, watch this wonderful video:

Be sure to try it! Benefits from nature!

Seedless sea buckthorn jam for the winter

Beautiful, bright jam! And also healthy, because we will cook it without boiling.

It's no secret that when sufficient quantity Sea buckthorn sugar can be stored for several months in the refrigerator without spoiling.

Therefore, we will take advantage of this property and prepare amazing, tasty and natural jam.


  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg


For this recipe we will need a juicer.

Prepare sea buckthorn and sugar. The berries need to be washed and cleared of twigs.

The next step is to squeeze the berries through a juicer.

First, we pass all the berries through it, and then once again we pass the remaining cake.

We will get wonderful bright sea buckthorn juice.

We need to mix this juice with sugar. Leave the mixture to steep for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.

We need the sugar to dissolve completely.

In this case, the juice will acquire a slightly higher viscosity.

Pour it into sterile jars and close the lids. We send it to the refrigerator.

There the mass will thicken and finally become a very tasty jam.

It can be stored for at least 4 months, but, to be honest, it is eaten much sooner!

Sea buckthorn compote with apples

A recipe for a vitamin compote that is loved by both adults and children.

Ingredients for 1 jar

  • Sea buckthorn with apples – half a jar
  • Water - how much will go in to fill the jar?
  • Sugar – 300 g for every liter of water
  • Cinnamon – 1/4 stick
  • Cloves – 3 pcs.


Prepare sea buckthorn, cleared of debris and washed. Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds.

Fill the jars halfway with apples and sea buckthorn, add cinnamon and cloves.

Fill it all with boiling water to the top of the jar and cover with lids.

Let it brew for 20 minutes. Then pour the water from the cans into a separate pan or basin. Add 300 g of sugar to it for each liter that is obtained after we drain the water.

Stir well and place on medium heat. Let the syrup simmer for 5 minutes, stirring until the sugar is well dissolved.

Fill the jars with the resulting syrup and roll them up.

Turn over and wrap with something warm until completely cool. After this, they can be stored in the pantry.

Drink with pleasure!

Sea buckthorn fruit drink

See how to cook vitamin juice from sea buckthorn in this video tutorial:

Really very tasty, and so many benefits!

Nothing is made as easy as sea buckthorn juice.

The juice of this berry does not sour and is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for about two months in its raw form.

Therefore, you can simply squeeze the juice through a juicer and put it in the refrigerator.

If there is not enough space in the refrigerator and you want to close the juice, then we offer this recipe.


Sea buckthorn – 2 kg

Water – 400 ml


Place clean sea buckthorn berries in an enamel or ceramic bowl.

Crush the berries well with a masher until they release juice.

Heat the water to 40 degrees and pour it over the sea buckthorn, stir. Place the mixture on the fire and bring the temperature to 50 degrees.

Drain the resulting juice through a colander into a separate container. Squeeze out the remaining berries thoroughly.

The resulting juice can be passed through a sieve to make it more transparent and to prevent pieces of cake from getting into it.

The water should reach the jars “up to their shoulders.” Sterilize the contents for 10-15 minutes and roll up.

Turn the finished jars over onto the lid and cover until completely cool.

That's it, you can enjoy your own homemade juice in winter!

We hope that our recipes will be useful to you!
