Oleng "Siamese coffee". Olyeng (Thai iced coffee) Thai coffee with condensed milk

  • Brewed strong coffee - 4 cups
  • Cream - 2 cups
  • Condensed milk - 3/4 cup
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. (more is possible, to taste)
  • Ground cardamom - 2 teaspoons
  • Finely ground almonds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Crushed ice or frozen in small cubes

Cooking method

  • Step 1 First preparation option: Place a saucepan over medium heat, pour in the cream, add sugar and cardamom.
  • Step 2 Wait until the cream just begins to boil and immediately turn off the heat.
  • Step 3 Let it brew for 15 minutes, covered.
  • Step 4 Then add ground almonds.
  • Step 5 Before serving, fill 4 glasses with ice and add equal amounts of flavored cream.
  • Step 6 Carefully pour coffee on top.
  • Step 7 Second preparation option: Fill the olengo glass with ice.
  • Step 8 Pour condensed milk onto ice - 3 tablespoons of condensed milk per glass.
  • Step 9 Top up with coffee prepared using any method.
  • Step 10 The amount of coffee added to the cocktail depends on the brewing method chosen.
  • Step 11 Espresso - 40ml, in a geyser type coffee maker - 50ml, oriental coffee - 50ml, filter coffee - 70ml, French press coffee - 70 ml.
  • Step 12 While brewing the coffee, add cardamom, and at the end, dissolve sugar and ground almonds (almond extract).
  • Step 13 Let the drink cool and carefully pour into glasses with ice.
  • Step 14 Add cream before serving.
  • Step 15 Oleng can be served with more than just whipped cream.
  • Step 16 You can decorate with cinnamon, vanilla, anise, and sprinkle with mint syrup.
P.S. Today it is impossible to imagine life without such a drink as coffee. It helps us wake up in the morning, relax during the day and get a bit of vigor in the evening, when you are already completely exhausted, but need to arrive cheerful and active.
Most often we drink freeze-dried, which is just as useful as the regular one brewed in a Turk. Many people don’t know what freeze-dried coffee means, but in fact it’s regular instant coffee. For us, it is ordinary soluble, but in order to become so, it needs to go through a unique technology - “freeze drying”, which retains all the beneficial properties, delicate taste and amazing aroma.

If you remember, Thailand was previously called Siam. What do we know about Siamese? Of course, the cat breed. They are distinguished by a special color that can be described as “coffee with milk”. And surprisingly, there is something similar in Thai cuisine. This is a local coffee called olyeng. It is served cold in a transparent glass. When served, the ingredients are not mixed, and those who drink it have the opportunity to appreciate the specific “color” of this drink.

So, our recipe involves:

  • Cream
  • Condensed milk
  • Sugar
  • Cardamom
  • Almond

Let's get started!

First you need to make strong coffee. Of course, instant is not suitable for real gourmets. The coffee must cool down.

Let us immediately share with you one subtlety: the amount of coffee added to the cocktail depends on the chosen brewing method. If you have espresso from a coffee machine, you will need 40 ml per serving. If the coffee is made in a geyser-type coffee maker or in a Turk, then 50 ml. You will need a little more coffee from a French press - 70 ml.

Meanwhile, put the pan on medium heat, pour the cream into it, add sugar to taste and ground cardamom. We wait until the cream begins to boil slightly and immediately remove the pan from the heat.
Cover with a lid and let sit for a few minutes.

At this time, grind the almonds. It is better to do this in a coffee grinder. Add almonds to cream. Let them sit for a while longer and be filled with aromas.

Before serving, fill glasses with ice. If you have large ice cubes, it is better to make them smaller. Now pour a little condensed milk into the glasses directly onto the ice. And then - flavored cream. Carefully pour coffee into glasses from above. Don't mix layers!

Friends, for everyone who can’t imagine the morning without a cup of their favorite aromatic drink, variety would be nice! Try the "Siamese" recipe! Strong coffee will give you energy, and the remaining ingredients will add new colors to the usual palette of tastes!

By the way, briefly about olenge and the features of Thai cuisine:

Thai cuisine is a prime example of a cuisine that does not travel. This means that you can only get acquainted with its true tastes in its homeland - Thailand.

Interestingly, there is no word for "hunger" in the Thai language. Eternal summer and mild climate make it possible to grow two or even three crops a year here. And the proximity of the sea provides the local population with fish, seafood and algae.

The Thais' love for grasshoppers, beetles, ants, larvae, scorpions and other unappetizing creatures is not explained by a lack of meat, but by the interesting taste and ease of preparation of all this exotic stuff. The spiciness of many Thai dishes, which is unusual for Europeans, is caused by necessity: in a hot tropical climate, this is the best way to avoid infections, retain moisture in the body and increase overall tone.

It is customary to wash down all the splendor of the local cuisine with tea or coffee. Thai tea - cha en - is a close relative of Indian masala, sweet and strong black tea with milk with aromatic additives: anise, tamarind, orange blossom, mint and lime. Thai coffee - oeleng - is a mixture of coffee beans with soybeans, corn and sesame. Coffee, like tea, is served cold, with syrup or condensed milk.


  • Brewed strong coffee - 4 cups
  • Cream - 2 cups
  • Condensed milk - 3/4 cup
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. (more is possible, to taste)
  • Ground cardamom - 2 teaspoons
  • Finely ground almonds - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Crushed ice or frozen in small cubes

Cooking method

  • Step 1 First preparation option: Place a saucepan over medium heat, pour in the cream, add sugar and cardamom.
  • Step 2 Wait until the cream just begins to boil and immediately turn off the heat.
  • Step 3 Let it brew for 15 minutes, covered.
  • Step 4 Then add ground almonds.
  • Step 5 Before serving, fill 4 glasses with ice and add equal amounts of flavored cream.
  • Step 6 Carefully pour coffee on top.
  • Step 7 Second preparation option: Fill an olengo glass with ice.
  • Step 8 Pour condensed milk onto ice - 3 tablespoons of condensed milk per glass.
  • Step 9 Top up with coffee prepared using any method.
  • Step 10 The amount of coffee added to the cocktail depends on the brewing method chosen.
  • Step 11 Espresso - 40ml, in a geyser type coffee maker - 50ml, oriental coffee - 50ml, filter coffee - 70ml, French press coffee - 70 ml.
  • Step 12 While brewing the coffee, add cardamom, and at the end, dissolve sugar and ground almonds (almond extract).
  • Step 13 Let the drink cool and carefully pour into glasses with ice.
  • Step 14 Add cream before serving.
  • Step 15 Oleng can be served with more than just whipped cream.
  • Step 16 You can decorate with cinnamon, vanilla, anise, and sprinkle with mint syrup.

P.S. Today it is impossible to imagine life without such a drink as coffee. It helps us wake up in the morning, relax during the day and get a bit of vigor in the evening, when you are already completely exhausted, but need to arrive cheerful and active.
Most often we drink freeze-dried, which is just as useful as the regular one brewed in a Turk. Many people don’t know what freeze-dried coffee means, but in fact it’s regular instant coffee. For us, it is ordinary soluble, but in order to become so, it needs to go through a unique technology - “freeze drying”, which retains all the beneficial properties, delicate taste and amazing aroma.

If you're already tired of drinking the same coffee every morning, then take a look at these original ideas for making a coffee drink. And lovers of hot coffee, cold coffee, and even a coffee milkshake will find a suitable recipe for themselves. And every coffee lover will have all the necessary ingredients at home. If you are just getting acquainted with coffee, then these recipes will definitely be a pleasant discovery for you!

  1. Thai iced coffee


crushed ice

1 tsp almond syrup

2 tsp ground cardamom

4 tbsp. heavy cream

4 tbsp. Sahara


Mix ground cardamom and ground coffee and then brew the mixture. Add sugar and almond syrup. Stir the mixture well and let the coffee cool slightly.

Fill 4 highball glasses halfway with crushed ice, then fill 2/3 full with coffee. Add 1 teaspoon of cream to each glass.

  1. Black magic


300 ml freshly brewed coffee

¼ tsp. chocolate extract

¼ tsp. hazelnut extract

¼ tsp. rum extract

Sugar to taste


Pour freshly brewed coffee into a mug. Add chocolate, hazelnut and rum extracts. Sweeten, stir, and enjoy!

  1. Shot Cortissimo

Ideal base for many drinks


20g good ground coffee for each shot


Brew strong coffee. Pour 20 ml of drink into each shot, and then add a little frothed milk.

  1. Cold vanilla-caramel coffee


4 cups cold brewed coffee, at room temperature

1 cup milk

1/3 cup vanilla cream

¼ cup caramel sauce

3 cups crushed ice

Whipped cream (optional)


Pour coffee, milk, cream, caramel sauce into a blender, add crushed ice. Grind at high speed. Pour the drink into 4 glasses and top with whipped cream.

  1. Gingerbread coffee


Hot milk and water

3 tbsp. l. coarse coffee beans

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

1/8 tsp. ground allspice

½ tsp. ground ginger

1 tbsp. l. molasses


Add all ingredients (except milk) to the French press and let the mixture sit for 4 minutes. Then lower the plunger, pour the drink into cups and add milk to taste.

  1. Imperial coffee


6 cups of freshly brewed strong coffee

4 cinnamon sticks

½ cup heavy cream

Sugar to taste

crushed ice

Whipped cream


Add cinnamon sticks to your coffee and let it brew for an hour. Remove the cinnamon, add sugar to taste, and then heavy cream. Then pour the drink into a glass with ice. Garnish your coffee with whipped cream and a pinch of cinnamon.

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Thai Iced Coffee (Ka Fe Yen) is fantastic for day or night or with your favorite Thai dish. A blend of ingredients and flavors from around the world, this is a great drink for the holidays if you want something exotic without being intimidating. While there are several variations of this drink, they all require coffee, cream, sweetener and spices. The three recipes below will give you some leeway with faster or slower (and stronger) cooking methods, noting that the first recipe requires overnight refrigeration.


Night version :

  • Coffee - using grounds to suit your brewing method is ideal - medium-dark roast Estate Java coffee (or using Thai coffee powder)
  • Granulated cane sugar, white or raw, 2-4 tablespoons per serving
  • Spices, only 2 teaspoons per serving. Cardamom is a must, adding cinnamon, almond extracts or other dessert spices is a matter of personal taste
  • Condensed milk or cream (half and half), 30-60ml per serving

Thai coffee (powder version):

  • 4 1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup Thai coffee powder
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • Crushed ice or ice cubes per glass
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups evaporated milk or half and half cream

Quick mix version :

  • From 236 ml to 295 ml iced coffee
  • 30ml heavy cream (half and half) or condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped cardamom
  • For vegans and non-dairy diets: condensed milk can be replaced with soy condensed milk or read Ca-fe Dam's explanation below


Choose your version and collect the ingredients and equipment. They are listed above under "Ingredients" and below under "What You'll Need."

Method 1 of 4: Night version

Brew coffee according to French press brewing instructions. See the relevant manuals for more details.

Pour the coffee into the carafe. Mix with vanilla sugar and spices, stirring lightly.

  • Refrigerate the carafe of coffee overnight.

  • To serve, pour into a clean glass over ice and leave a finger-sized space at the top. Slowly pour cream or milk on top.

  • Mint leaves are recommended as a garnish.
  • Method 2 of 4: Thai Coffee (Powder Version)

    Thai coffee (powder version) has a unique flavor due to the roasted beans and toasted sesame seeds in its ingredients. If you can get your hands on them, this version is definitely worth trying.

    Pour Thai coffee powder into a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and once it reaches boiling point, remove from heat.

    • Alternatively, Thai coffee powder can be brewed using a French press coffee maker as described above.

    Add sugar and let the mixture cool. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar.

    Strain the coffee once it has cooled. Use a fine mesh filter or coffee filter when pouring coffee into the pitcher.

    Refrigerate until you are ready to serve. To serve, fill each glass with ice or crushed ice and add 3/4 cup Thai iced coffee to each glass. Add condensed milk or cream on top (about 3-4 tablespoons per glass).

    Method 3 of 4: Quick Mix Version

    Pour iced coffee into a tall glass.

    Add cream or condensed milk and sugar. Mix.

    Add cardamom and mix.

    Place a spoonful of cream or condensed milk on top. You can now serve.


    Method 4 of 4: Cafe Dam Yen

    If you don't want to add milk or cream to your Thai iced coffee, that's fine too. It's known as Cafe Dam Yen (or O-liang in Chinese) and all you have to do is leave out the cream or condensed milk at the end.

    • About 50 years ago, the US military brought Eagle Brand Milk (originally developed in 1856) to bases in Thailand. It is still used today by the Thai people in their coffee.
    • Experiment with different flavors. Additional spices can add complexity, and an interesting option is to substitute coconut milk for the dairy.
    • Serve the drink quickly - the condensed milk soon gets lost against the color of the coffee, and then it's not that interesting to look at.
    • To get the cream to float at the top of the glass for this classic Thai iced coffee, dip a spoon into the top of the coffee and pour the cream in very slowly.
    • Another option is to use a chilled Americano. Espresso just over ice will probably overwhelm other flavors, but that's a matter of taste. Experiment to find your preferences.
    • An alternative to hot brewing is to use the cold press method - leaving the coffee grounds in the press overnight in cold water to soak, then emptying and pouring the next day. This is considered a better way to make iced coffee, but will require you to use liquid simple syrup instead of granulated sugar.
    • The coffee in the first recipe can be brewed in a drip coffee maker; for excellent aroma, pressed coffee is recommended.


    • As always, use caution when handling hot liquids. Don't pour very hot liquids into a cold glass container, or very cold liquids into a hot glass container (don't try to save time by drowning ice in a pot of hot coffee).

    What you will need

    • Coffee maker (press coffee maker recommended) of suitable size. If you serve coffee in 354 ml glasses, approximately 226 grams of coffee per person will be consumed
    • Carafe for blending, cooling and serving iced coffee mixtures. Ceramic, plastic or Pyrex® glasses are adequate - avoid glass
    • Service glasses – iced tea and milkshake glasses – crystal glasses are commonly used in restaurants
    • The spoon can be used to "pouring" milk into coffee
    • Saucepan, fine mesh filter, stirring spoon, pitcher and tall glasses for Thai coffee powder version
    • Tall glass, mixing spoon for quick mix version

    Attention, TODAY only!

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