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How to brew wild rosemary? In this short article you can learn everything about wild rosemary briefly and clearly. What is wild rosemary, description and photo of wild rosemary, how to brew wild rosemary and make infusions and decoctions, methods of use and contraindications for using wild rosemary, side effects of wild rosemary and what the consequences of an overdose of wild rosemary may be, as well as the conditions and terms of storage of wild rosemary.

Briefly about wild rosemary. Marsh rosemary (Ludum palustre) This is a fragrant evergreen shrub. For medicinal purposes, only young shoots of the current year are used. You can use both dried and fresh wild rosemary leaves.

Indications for use. An infusion of wild rosemary leaves and shoots is an excellent antitussive and expectorant, suppressing cough in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficult to separate sputum - bronchitis, sore throat, cough. Wild rosemary is also effective as an analgesic for headaches and joint pain. Ledum infusions are good in the fight against insomnia and in the treatment of skin diseases. The essential oil contained in wild rosemary dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, has a detrimental effect on microbes and is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic.

Contraindications for the use of wild rosemary. You should not use wild rosemary if you are hypersensitive to wild rosemary, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 18 years of age.

Overdose when consuming wild rosemary. When taking large doses of wild rosemary, overexcitation of the central nervous system appears, and in severe cases, depression of the central nervous system. In these cases, the use of wild rosemary should be stopped. When consuming wild rosemary, you should follow the dosage, since wild rosemary is a poisonous plant and in large doses it can cause paralysis of the heart and breathing.

Side effects of wild rosemary. When consuming wild rosemary, allergic reactions, dizziness, increased nervous excitability and irritability may occur.

Conditions and shelf life of wild rosemary. Dry shoots of wild rosemary are stored at a temperature of 15-25 °C in a place protected from light and moisture. The prepared wild rosemary infusion is stored for no more than 2 days at a temperature of 8-15 °C, but it is best to consume fresh wild rosemary. The shelf life of wild rosemary is 3 years; wild rosemary retains its beneficial properties during this time.

Method for preparing wild rosemary. How to brew wild rosemary?

Ledum infusion is prepared as follows: take 2 tablespoons of wild rosemary shoots (this is about 10 grams) and pour them into an enamel bowl and pour a glass (about 200 ml) of hot boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for about 15 minutes. Then wait 45 minutes until it cools, filter and take 1/4-1/3 cup orally 2-3 times a day after meals.

Another way of cooking. Take 1 tablespoon of wild rosemary (this is about 5 grams) and infuse it in 200 ml of cooled boiled water for 7-8 hours, then filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Ledum infusions are taken orally mainly warm, but can also be taken cold.

Rosemary tea. When brewing black or green tea, you can simply add 1-5 wild rosemary leaves.

The wild rosemary plant has a sharp, spicy odor reminiscent of incense. Grows in swampy soil, tundra and permafrost areas. In the Russian Federation, it is found in the lands of Yakutia, Primorye, Sakhalin, in the forests of Karelia, the Sayan Mountains and Altai. an evergreen plant that has medicinal properties also has contraindications for use.

The wide area of ​​its distribution has become the reason for the variety of popular names of wild rosemary: forest rosemary, golovolom, fragrant bagan, bug grass, swamp stupor, gonobyl, etc. It has the form of a low shrub, green in color at all times of the year. All parts of wild rosemary growing above the ground are used to prepare medicinal products.

Note! If you are not careful when collecting and consuming products containing wild rosemary, then if you come into contact with its chemical composition in large doses, it can be poisonous.

Use in medicine - medicinal properties

The entire above-ground part of the marsh rosemary contains a component such as essential oil. The properties of the plant used for treatment are primarily based on this component. It contains iceol, alcohols: palustol, cymene, geranyl acetate, as well as glycosides, tannins, hydrocarbons, arbutin, and bioflavonoids.

The main areas of its use in medicine are the treatment of respiratory diseases, pain relief, and an anti-inflammatory agent. Used in the treatment of heart disease and. Taking medications based on wild rosemary stabilizes metabolic processes in the body. For external use - for frostbite, bruises, sprains, etc.

The essential oil extracted from wild rosemary and iceol are used as bactericidal agents. It is used to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus in the body. But caution is required, for example, ice can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa,

On its basis, the medicinal drug Ledin is produced. It is successfully used for dry coughs to separate sputum and mucus, as well as remove it from the bronchi. This drug also acts to reduce the cough reflex. Currently, development is underway to use it to lower blood pressure.

What does wild rosemary help with? It is successfully used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • , pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • whooping cough, tuberculosis, enterocolitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the liver;
  • kidney disease, dysentery;
  • rheumatism, angina pectoris.

Ledum products are also used to treat the following skin diseases:

  • furunculosis, eczema;
  • non-healing wounds, hematomas;
  • chickenpox, ;
  • insect bites;
  • skin manifestations of diathesis.

For inflammatory processes in the nose, instillation of wild rosemary decoction is used, and for conjunctivitis, compresses from the decoction are applied to the eye area. The greatest effect for these purposes is achieved by brewing a mixture of herbs (ledum, rose hips, eyebright). Plants are taken in equal quantities and placed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour in the proportion of 1 tsp. plants and 200 ml hot water.

A decoction of wild rosemary flowers speeds up the process of getting rid of enuresis. It is also prescribed for rickets and headaches. For use as an external remedy, alcohol or oil infusions of flowers are prepared.

The action of the chemical composition of wild rosemary is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes. For bronchitis, traditional healers recommend taking 120 g three times a day, an infusion of 1 tsp. plants and 500 ml of boiled hot water. The product must be infused for at least 12 hours.

For bronchial asthma, tea is made from a mixture of herbs (nettle - 1 tsp and wild rosemary stems - 2 tsp). Plants are poured with boiling water and infused for 12 hours. Drink 120 g three times a day. For asthma, it is very important to observe the dosage and adhere to the recommended course of treatment. With long-term use, adverse reactions may occur in the body.

In Yakutia, drops prepared from oil with the addition of wild rosemary are used for sinusitis. By using this treatment, you will most likely be able to do without the traditional puncture of the maxillary sinus.

Oil recipe: 2 tbsp. l. wild rosemary is combined with the same amount of vegetable oil and simmered over low heat under a closed lid for 40 minutes, and infused for another 2 hours. Then you need to warm the maxillary sinuses with hot salt and drip 3-4 drops of carefully strained resulting oil. After some time, copious mucus secretion will begin. If you do the procedure a couple of times a day, then after three days the symptoms of sinusitis will go away.


A decoction of wild rosemary or a mixture of herbs with its addition is prescribed. The recipe for preparing the decoction is simple:

  • you need 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of hot water over the dried or fresh plant;
  • simmer over low heat or in a water bath for fifteen minutes;
  • Strain the cooled broth and drink 2 tbsp. l. four times a day.

After boiling, the liquid evaporates a little, so it is added until the treated drug reaches a size of 200 ml.

Against cough

A decoction of a mixture of wild rosemary and the medicinal herb coltsfoot gives a good effect to the treatment of cough and inflammation of the respiratory mucosa.

  1. To prepare, you need to mix these two herbs in equal proportions.
  2. Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. l. mixture and pour in 250 ml of boiling water. Boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour and set the pan aside to steep.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, strain and put in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. l. 6-8 times a day at equal intervals.

The amount of decoction must be prepared with the expectation of its consumption within 2 days, since after this time it may lose its medicinal qualities.

To treat cough in children, you can use herbal teas or wild rosemary decoction to facilitate coughing up mucus.

  1. You need to boil 1 tsp. plant stems in a glass of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then strain.
  2. Place the resulting broth in the refrigerator.

Throughout the day, between meals, give the child tea 3 times, using the resulting decoction instead of tea leaves. To improve taste, add honey. This treatment will help soften the mucus and cause it to pass away.

For bronchitis

For bronchitis, you can drink an infusion at room temperature, prepared from 1 tsp. wild rosemary and 500 ml of boiled cooled water. The components are placed in a container, tightly closed and infused for about ten hours. You can start preparing in the evening, and in the morning after straining the cake, the infusion will be ready for use. You should drink it 30 minutes after eating.

Treatment of female diseases

Gynecologists use wild rosemary to treat diseases of the female organs. In particular, taking an infusion of this plant helps to increase the tone of the uterus. Prepare an infusion of 1 tsp. plants and 1 tbsp. boiling water After cooling, the product is ready for use. This amount should be drunk gradually throughout the day. The infusion should be warmed before use.

In gynecology, the same remedy is used to treat trichomonas in the female genital tract. The infusion is consumed simultaneously, as well as douching with it.

In cosmetology

It has been noted that bioflavonoids, vitamins C and E, and selenium contained in wild rosemary have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, preventing it from withering. The ability of preparations with wild rosemary to tone the skin helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, improve the process of lymph microcirculation and nutrition at the cellular level.

To treat the skin, you can brew a decoction and wipe your face with it after washing with a sponge soaked in it. The decoction is prepared from 1 tsp. dry herbs per 250 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and strain after cooling.

Other uses

In areas where wild rosemary grows, it is used as a broom for bathing procedures. To enhance the effect of a bath broom, it is made from branches of several trees (birch, oak, maple). Several branches of wild rosemary are hung in the bathhouse to give it a unique smell and create a disinfectant effect.

In everyday life it is also based on its ability to repel insects. Sprigs of the plant placed in the house and on cabinet shelves repel moths and mosquitoes with their pungent odor.

Warning for use

This is a poisonous plant, but when taking drugs based on it, there are no acute reactions in the body. However, there are contraindications to its use for the treatment of women during pregnancy, with severe diseases of the renal system, liver and pancreas.

When an overdose of a medicinal product occurs, some people experience side reactions in the form of nervous system agitation or a depressive state. Even if minor nervous system disorders such as dizziness or irritability are observed, you should stop taking this medication.

Also, an increased dosage can provoke disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, causing an inflammatory process in its mucous membrane. For these reasons, wild rosemary preparations are usually not prescribed to children under 14 years of age. If you stay near the plant for a long time and inhale its aroma, you may experience a headache and clouding of consciousness.

Infusions, decoctions of wild rosemary - how to prepare

Important! Marsh rosemary is considered a poisonous plant and must be taken, knowing exactly the required dose, as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

As a potion for treating respiratory diseases, it is better to use a warm infusion of wild rosemary stems and leaves.

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. chopped wild rosemary and combine with 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Close the thermos lid tightly and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. After straining the cake and cooling, place the finished product in the refrigerator.
  4. You should drink 1/3 glass shortly before a hot meal.

This infusion treats the symptoms that occur with ARVI. You can add a spoonful of honey to your tea.

How else to brew wild rosemary? Here's one way.

  1. It will take 1 tsp. ground shrub stems and 250 ml of boiled water.
  2. Combine these ingredients and let it brew for 5-6 hours.
  3. After this, place the container in a water bath and boil for 25-30 minutes, or simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Strain the resulting liquid and add boiled water to the original amount. You need to take this decoction 125 g three times a day.

Although wild rosemary is considered a medicinal plant, it has poisonous properties if the dosage is not followed. Therefore, doctors strongly warn about caution when treating with drugs that include wild rosemary. It is recommended to use such products only as prescribed by herbalists. A positive effect will be achieved if you follow the rules for taking it.

Folk remedies are often used to treat certain diseases. Ledum is especially popular for coughs - the herb is a diaphoretic. This is an evergreen shrub with a sharp...

20183 02.09.2019 6 min.

In the treatment of coughs, folk recipes are often used, for example, a recipe for preparing ginger with honey and lemon for cough. The herb wild rosemary has long been used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It is prepared during the flowering period and used both externally and internally. It is a known diaphoretic for colds and other illnesses that cause coughing. However, it must be used very carefully: an overdose of wild rosemary preparations can cause serious poisoning of the body.


The wild rosemary plant has a strong, specific odor. Insects do not like it, so at home the branches are placed in cabinets instead of insecticide. In nature, during flowering, its aroma spreads tens of meters from the place of growth.

Find a list of cough recipes at home.

Medicines from wild rosemary inhibit the cough center in the brain, that is, it affects the reflex. This helps with residual cough: when the disease has already been defeated, but coughing attacks still continue. In addition, the plant helps remove mucus from the bronchi.

In herbal medicine, annual flowering shoots are used. They are dried, and then infusions, decoctions, extracts and ointments are prepared from the raw materials. The effectiveness of wild rosemary is explained by its unique composition.

The following were detected in plant tissues:

  • essential oils and phytoncides, including ledin;
  • pectins and glycosides;
  • sesquiterpene alcohols;
  • organic acids;
  • B vitamins, vitamin C;
  • micro- and macroelements.

After internal use of medicines from wild rosemary, essential oils, moving along the gastrointestinal tract, pass to the stomach, and then are excreted from the body through the bronchi.

The recipe and technology for preparing wild rosemary depend on the diagnosis.

In this case, the plant has the following effect:

  • bactericidal;
  • expectorant;
  • cough suppressant.

Preparations from wild rosemary are also used as a diaphoretic. They also inhibit pathogens. However, the use of medicines from this plant is not completely safe.

Marsh wild rosemary - contains poisons that can help in treatment or harm if used incorrectly. Caution must be observed at all stages of treatment. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and treatment regimen. This applies to all traditional medicine recipes.

Find out how to treat a wet cough in a child.

Ledum helps to cope with cough with:

  • ARVI;
  • chronic and acute forms of bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia.

A drug of the same name was developed based on ledin (a substance isolated from wild rosemary). "Ledin" is used for frequent and dry coughs caused by diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. The medicine is prescribed only to adults.

How to brew

High-quality raw materials are used for treatment. It must be dry (have humidity up to 14%). Ledum should be collected during flowering and contain:

  • stems – up to 20%;
  • of which, branches older than one year – no more than 10%;
  • organic additives and impurities – less than 1%.

Inflammation of the respiratory tract is treated with wild rosemary, using it in the form of aqueous infusions or decoctions. To do this, take dry raw materials, dried in the shade, grind them and brew them. You can combine wild rosemary with other herbs.

Hot infusion

  • Pour a teaspoon of dry leaves and branches of flowering wild rosemary into 0.5 liters of boiling water. This should be done in a hermetically sealed container, for example, a thermos.
  • Wrap the container with the medicine and leave for half an hour.
  • Take 1/2 cup warmed up during ARVI after meals, after separating the cake.
  • Sweet lovers can sweeten the infusion with a spoon of natural honey.
  • Consumed warm, this infusion helps remove phlegm and acts as a diaphoretic.

Ledum has a mild hypnotic effect.

Cold infusion

  • Boil 2 cups of water and cool.
  • Pour a teaspoon of dry raw materials (you can buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself) with cooled water.
  • Infuse wild rosemary for 10 hours. It is convenient to prepare the infusion in the evening: it is convenient to fill it with water overnight.
  • Filter the infusion and use 1/2 cup 20–30 minutes after meals for tuberculosis and influenza cough.
  • The product has a sedative effect and is a mild diuretic.


  • Coughs are treated not only with wild rosemary herb. The addition of other medicinal herbs shows good results.
  • Ledum goes well with the herbs of nettle, eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, linden, coltsfoot.
  • The collection is brewed in the following proportion: 20 grams of wild rosemary and 10 grams of other medicinal raw materials.
  • Pour a teaspoon of dry mixture into a glass of boiling water.
  • Infuse the herbs for about 10 minutes.
  • Drink half a glass of the product with honey three times a day (20 minutes before or after meals).


How to use for cough

Ledum is well known in folk medicine. They treated both people and animals. Traditional medicine became interested in its properties. Clinical studies have been conducted that have confirmed its effectiveness in many diseases, including cough.

All products containing wild rosemary must be used very carefully. The essential oils contained in this medicinal plant can cause poisoning in those who inhale volatile substances while near flowering plants, and in people who consume infusions and teas internally.

An overdose can lead to poisoning, which manifests itself as:

  • dizziness;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive excitement;
  • in severe cases, inhibition of the central nervous system may occur.

Use of the herb for adults

The daily intake of wild rosemary for an adult when consumed orally is 1 tablespoon of dry raw material per day. It is safe if there are no contraindications. Use the product 20–30 minutes before meals or 20 minutes after meals.

Inhalations with wild rosemary are also effective for coughs. To do this, take 15 g of dry young shoots of wild rosemary and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the herb for about half an hour and breathe in steam for 10–15 minutes.

It is good to do the procedure at night.

Treatment with wild rosemary should be avoided if:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of diagnoses of glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

The use of marsh wild rosemary for children

For cough, children 14–16 years old are given a decoction or infusion of wild rosemary, reducing the daily dose per dry raw material by 1/3. If adults need to prepare decoctions and infusions from 1 tablespoon of dry herb per day to achieve a therapeutic effect, then 1/3 of this portion is enough for children.

You may also be interested in information on how to take.

Decoctions are prepared in the morning for the whole day. The medicine cannot be stored longer. It can be sweetened with honey and heated in a water bath before each meal. If during treatment you experience nausea, dizziness or any manifestations of allergies, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe something else for the child.

You need to be especially careful when choosing the daily dose of medication for children under 14 years of age. Pediatricians do not recommend using such a strong remedy as wild rosemary for children of this age group. If it cannot be replaced with more gentle medications, then treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.


This video will tell you about the medicinal properties of wild rosemary.

Ledum is popular among practicing herbalists and homeopaths. Official medicine also paid attention to it. And it's deserved. It helps to quickly cope with a dry cough, cure a lingering cough, and relieve a painful cough. But wild rosemary can cause poisoning if used uncontrollably. Store dried wild rosemary herb correctly, always prepare a fresh infusion and, most importantly, do not exceed the dosage. Then this gift of nature will help you quickly overcome your cough. Treatment of dry cough in children with folk remedies is described.
