The optimal fermentation temperature for mash made from sugar and yeast. At what temperature does the fermentation of mash from sugar and yeast take place?

Yeast requires air and sunlight, but in conditions of oxygen starvation, energy can be obtained from a carbohydrate substrate. In this case, the final product of metabolism becomes ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Their ability has long been used to obtain alcoholic drinks. But yeast microorganisms turned out to be demanding regarding cultivation conditions. The result depends on compliance with a combination of factors, such as:

  • mash temperature;
  • volume of liquid mixture;
  • ratio of sugar, yeast and water;
  • quality of initial products;
  • use of fertilizing, etc.

If the optimal temperature for fermentation of the mash is ensured, then the output can be obtained with a product with completely processed sugar, maximum alcohol content and the least amount of intermediate and by-products: fusel oils(isoamyl, propionic and methylbutyl alcohols), butylene glycol, dimethylglyoxal, aldehydes of acetic and butyric acids, acetylmethylcarbinol, dimethyl sulfide, glycerin, etc.

The temperature at which yeast shows signs of activity depends on its species. Bakeries begin to process sugars at +4 °C, bottom-fermented beer breweries love heat from +6 °C, and wine breweries - from +10 °C. Alcoholic yeast metabolic processes begin at temperatures from +5 ° C, they are considered more viable, because at temperatures from +38 °C to +50 °C they only stop working, but do not die yet. In most cases, the warmer it is, the more active the yeast is.

Creating ideal conditions for the right mash

For getting high-quality moonshine it is necessary to select the ideal ratio of the initial ingredients and the conditions under which the mash ferments.

First, prepare the components of the future drink. Water must be purified as much as possible from harmful impurities. You can use store-bought filtered or tap water, but let it sit for 2 days. It is not recommended to boil water, because... this removes dissolved oxygen.

When choosing yeast, pay attention to its type and age: the older it is, the worse it processes sugar. The cheapest and most often used at home are baking ones, but they emit a lot of carbon dioxide and are active only up to 12% vol. alcohol Alcoholic yeast is optimal for the production of moonshine:

  • less carbon dioxide;
  • activity - up to 18-23% vol. alcohol;
  • shorter fermentation time.

At the next stage, a hydromodule is selected; it is recommended to carry out fermentation at a sugar to water ratio of 1:3 to 1:5. IN in this case will depend a lot on the volume of the container, the availability of free storage space and other factors.

To obtain the correct alcohol, the fermentation temperature should preferably be constant. Yeast does not tolerate thermal fluctuations well, especially rapid heating. During the winter, most home cooks use an aquarium heater. Its convenience is that the heating temperature is limited by a thermostat, which reduces the risk of overheating the mash.

For calculations, take from 1 to 4 watts of power per 1 liter of solution, depending on the room temperature. These are mainly immersion heaters; the device is placed at the bottom of the container. When purchasing a device, you need to pay attention to reviews about its quality. Some models do not hold desired temperature, leading to mash cooking.

It is convenient when the thermostat is external. The power socket is located above the container and at a distance. If a water seal is installed (not always needed for sugar mash), you will have to improve the device yourself - you need to run the wire through the lid of the container. Switching on and off from the network is done with the heater immersed in liquid. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with electrical appliances.

Now they are producing a special heater for mash; it also perfectly regulates the temperature and is equipped with reliable thermostats. With this heating method, it is advisable to prepare mash only with sugar; other products (fruits, raisins, etc.) quickly lead to their malfunction.

Some use “warm floor” films, wrapping them around containers or walls and the floor around them. You can simply place a piece of such film under the container. The method is convenient for heating from the outside, but is more expensive than an aquarium heater. To maintain a constant temperature, thermal insulation materials are suitable, which are also used to wrap the container.

In summer, there is most often no need for additional heating, but self-heating of the mixture due to the release of heat during the fermentation process must be taken into account. For yeast, temperature deviations down or up can be critical, leading to a stop in colony growth. You can control the temperature using a water thermometer.

What temperature conditions are needed to make mash?

For getting quality product The temperature of the mash during fermentation should be maintained in the range from +20 °C to +30 °C. If the temperature is lower, microorganisms become less active. In most cases, at +18 °C they go into suspended animation. Fermentation processes worsen when heated above +30 °C, and at +40 °C they die.

During the cooking process, several temperature jumps are taken into account:

  1. Preparation sugar syrup accompanied by heat loss during stirring.
  2. During the preparation of the syrup and the awakening of the yeast, the solutions have time to cool.
  3. In the first 2 days, microorganisms actively begin the processes of processing carbohydrates and the mixture quickly self-heats. The foam cap prevents heat loss.

It is recommended to keep the fermentation temperature of the mash for moonshine on the first day no higher than +24..+25 °C in order to reduce foaming. In the following days, you can increase the heating to +27..+30 °C. The lower the temperature, the longer the process takes, and the finished product may contain more fusel oils. At +31..+32 °C the process is temporarily accelerated. But at the same time, the yeast fizzles out faster, forming fewer winterases. This mash will contain more unprocessed sugars.

Gas formation and sweetness disappear in the finished product. It is placed in a cold place. Dormant yeast then precipitates, and the solution becomes lighter.

Is it possible to influence the speed of fermentation?

Fermentation of sugar mash lasts from 5 to 14 days. You can reduce cooking time using several techniques:

  1. When breeding yeast, the water temperature for the mash should be about +30 °C. This will ensure the process gets off to a heady start.
  2. Braga reaches well at room temperature (from +22 °C to +25 °C). But the process takes less time if the product is heated to +30 °C.
  3. In addition to sugars, the nutrition of microorganisms should include vitamins and minerals, so the introduction of nitrogen fertilizing accelerates fermentation.
  4. Additional addition of yeast improves the process of processing sugars.

In some cases, the finished product is obtained on the second day; more often, the ripening time is reduced to 3-4 days.

Temperature is one of the main factors in proper moonshine brewing. Chemical reactions occurring in the mash will be slowed down or will not begin at all if you do not prepare for them optimal conditions. What temperatures are we talking about and how to maintain them correctly?

Note that rarely any reaction requires a strictly defined temperature. Typically, a spread of several degrees is assumed, for example, from 18 to 28, at which the chemical reaction proceeds qualitatively. Not everyone has laboratories at home with a bunch of thermometers, so average values ​​are taken as a basis, which can be easily maintained at home.

To measure the temperature of the mash, use a thermometer with a probe

The generally accepted indicator is temperature from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. When such conditions are maintained, yeast of almost all types will actively work. When using baker's, dry, alcohol, wine, beer or turbo yeast, this thermal environment will be optimal.

“Cooking” yeast is much easier than “freezing” it. So try to contain the heat rather than give it in.

  • At a temperature below +5 degrees, any type of yeast will die. If you accidentally froze the mash, then you need to warm it up and add the fungi again.
  • From +5 to +20 the yeast exhibits extremely low activity, but continues to live. They are in a kind of hibernation. When the temperature rises, they wake up, and when the temperature drops, they die.
  • From +20 to +30 you will achieve maximum fermentation efficiency. This is an ideal to strive for.
  • From +30 to +42 you risk ruining the mash. The fact is that the ambient temperature is lower than in the fermentation tank. When the process is too active, a lot of heat is released and the fungi may not withstand such “heat”.
  • When increasing more than +42 degrees, all the yeast that is used in the fermentation of the mash dies. It seems that achieving such boiling water is very difficult, but in practice it is a common occurrence.

It's safer to keep the temperature a little lower. No one can say 100% how the mash will behave in a given situation.

If it “plays” very actively, then due to the heat generated, the liquid can heat up and destroy all the beneficial fungi. It is very difficult to bring it to +5, but to +50 without problems.

At what fermentation temperature is more moonshine produced?

An interesting study was conducted when measuring the efficiency of fermentation and the release of harmful substances when different temperatures. It turned out that when 30 degrees Fermentation proceeds 4 times faster, and the amount of fusel oils formed is 4 times less. The alcohol emission in this case is 10% less.

At 20 degrees"exhaust" produces more alcohol, but the mash costs longer. More harmful substances are also produced. Double distillation with the separation of fractions, it completely solves the issue with the quality of moonshine, so if quantity is more important than speed for you, then it is better to keep fermentation at the minimum permissible temperature.

The results of the study are presented in the photo below.

What devices can maintain the optimal temperature of the mash?

There are no specialized solutions yet, so we will use the ingenuity and experience of other moonshiners. Below we will describe three of the most known methods, which will help you preserve the contents of the fermentation tank under certain conditions.

Just don't laugh, it really works effectively. We set the required degrees, lower it to the bottom of the fermentation tank and monitor the temperature of the mash itself. It will be slightly higher due to active chemical reactions, so it is better to reduce the power by 2-3 degrees.

Price from 300 to 1500 rubles. You can order on AliExpress or buy at a pet store.

Aquarium water heater with thermostat

Heating pad for belt

The operating principle is as follows: we wrap the heating pad around the fermentation tank, set the required degrees and turn it on. In a cold room, it may not solve the whole problem, but its effect will be 100%.

The price is about 1000 rubles.

Heated mat

In this case, the fermentation tank is simply placed on a heated place and the heat comes from the floor. Considering that cold sinks and heat rises, heating the liquid from below is a very correct solution.

Price from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Hi all!

I often write about the need for yeast to create comfortable conditions to work. One of the most important conditions is the temperature of the mash during fermentation. Today I will show the results of laboratory studies of raw alcohol, proving that by heating the mash to the optimal fermentation temperature, you can reduce the fusel content by 4 times!

Laboratory tests with explanations

Laboratory research was carried out and the results were posted on the Homedistiller forum by a user with the nickname Alexander956. Here link to that post. By the way, I recently supplemented with his research an article about cleaning moonshine with coal.

And so what was done:

  1. Two containers with identical samples of mash were delivered at the same time. Proportions: 6 kilograms of sugar, 600 grams of compressed yeast, 24 liters of water. Containers with water seals.
  2. The temperature in the first container was maintained at 30 degrees.
  3. In the second - 20 degrees.
  4. The end of fermentation was determined by taste and the end of carbon dioxide production.

The results are summarized in the table (impurity concentrations are based on anhydrous alcohol):

As can be seen from the table, the sample, which fermented at a temperature of 30 degrees, fermented in just 3 days and in it 4 times! less fusel fish than in the second sample.

Yes, there are also disadvantages - low alcohol content of 13% or more high concentration acetaldehydes. But if you don't have distillation column, then the loss of alcohol can be sacrificed for the sake of quality.

As for acetaldehydes, as we know from articles about evaporation and rectification coefficients, these are the head fractions and can be gotten rid of by fractional distillation. But fusel oils are an intermediate impurity, which is extremely difficult to get rid of using a simple moonshine still.

I would also like to say something else. Fusel oils, as we remember from articles on impurities, this is a group of higher alcohols, up to 90% of which are isoamyl alcohol. It is very toxic.

The lethal dose is only 10 grams. And here in moonshine we have 12 grams per liter. This is of course in terms of pure alcohol, but by taking 0.5 liters of this 40% moonshine you can get a serious dose of poison. The first symptoms of isoamyl poisoning are rapid pulse and pulsating tinnitus, nausea.

Conclusion: To prevent the formation of an increased amount of fusel oils and obtain higher quality moonshine, it is necessary to maintain the optimal fermentation temperature of the mash - 30-32 degrees.

How to maintain optimal mash temperature

There is one good, proven way - to immerse an aquarium water heater in the mash with the required temperature set. You can purchase it at a pet store or online.

True, the price is steep. I couldn’t find it in pet stores for less than 1,000 rubles; in online stores it was 600 rubles. So I ordered it from Chinese (link to the product):

The heater cost only 360 rubles including delivery. Power - 25 W (more is available). It is stated that it heats up to 30 liters of water. I haven’t tested it at this volume, but in 19 liter bottles it holds the set temperature perfectly.

The set temperature range is from 20 to 34 ºС.

At first I thought that the Chinese degrees would be different from ours, but the Chinese thermometer confirmed the correctness of the readings. The thermometer, in turn, was tested by me, which I wrote about here Here.

The body of the heating pad is made of glass. There were fears that it would crack during shipment. Moreover, when I received the parcel, the box was heavily dented. I was already starting to get upset, but everything turned out okay. Thanks to the seller - well packed.

In general, I highly recommend purchasing such a heater. I’ve also seen versions in a stainless steel case, you can look for those too. True, they are more expensive.

Another original way from a blog visitor

Another interesting way temperature maintenance was sent to me by email from a blog visitor named Alexander. For which I thank him very much. Below is his text and photo:

To heat the mash, I use a Pekatherm S30 heating pad for the lower back, bought from Yulmart for 1000 rub.

The heating pad is placed over a can of any diameter, has a thermostat and automatically turns off after 2 hours of operation. Very comfortably.

That's all.

Bye everyone.

In order to prepare the mash correctly and get the product at the end High Quality the need to meet a number of conditions. The key issue in the cooking process is the required temperature. How to choose it correctly, and what does this choice depend on?


Fermentation mechanism

To begin with, it’s worth remembering what mash is and what role the fermentation process plays in its production. Braga is a whole closed ecosystem. It’s not just yeast, sugar and other components mixed together haphazardly that create necessary conditions for the development of organisms that provoke fermentation. Braga is a complete environment for the appearance of microorganisms such as fungi. Due to their reproduction in the structure of the mash complex carbohydrates turn into alcohol.

Such fermentation products obtain their energy in a simple “human” way - by processing oxygen obtained from the environment into carbon. But this process will occur correctly provided that you have access to them fresh air And sun rays. Then, due to the addition of more complex carbon compounds such as glucose or sucrose, the yeast structure changes its nutrition, producing energy from sugar. This provokes the release of carbon dioxide into the drink and, most importantly for us, ethyl alcohol.

The so-called “wild” yeast, which can cause this process to occur, is also available in its natural, original form. These include most fruits and leaves. Over the course of its existence, winemaking and the production of strong alcoholic beverages have managed to transform into something unlike the works of their ancestors, but the basic principles are still unchanged.

Creating ideal conditions for the right mash?

The process of preparing a truly high-quality base for any strong drink made from mash requires compliance with many nuances:

  • The required amount of resulting mash. From this volume depends utensils used.
  • Its material (most importantly - not aluminum).
  • The percentage of sugar contained in the original volume of the mixture.
  • Yeast used and its quantity.
  • Presence of a water seal.
  • The room temperature of the room where the mash will be stored.
  • Compliance correct sequence actions during production.

What temperature conditions are needed to make mash?

We won’t bore you with long introductions. The temperature required to obtain the output mash of the highest possible quality, provided that all other parameters are observed, is in the range from 20C to 28C. A decrease or increase in one direction or another is permissible by no more than 2C.

When crossing the lower temperature limit (18C is the limit), the yeast “dies”. This entails a total reduction in the quality level of the final product. If the operating temperature is higher than the maximum permissible 30 degrees, then this causes excessively rapid fermentation, and as a result, the mash will not work either. Absolutely high temperatures cause protein folding and inevitable death of the “yeast”. This is also due to the fact that during the fermentation process, the mash, due to the constant release of heat, sometimes heats up on its own. If the temperature is within the upper permissible limits, this is sometimes decisive.

What to do if operating ranges are violated temperature regime and influence?

When fermenting mash, the most important thing is to remember one simple thing. Keeping the temperature within the recommended temperature limits does not in any way affect the quality of the product. Those. there is a minimum limit of 18-20C and a maximum of 28-30C. Temperature fluctuations within these limits do not directly affect the quality of the mash. More than this range is not possible, less is also not possible. But there is no difference between 22C and 26C. The main thing is not to cross the boundaries of permissible temperature values.

If they decrease in a great way This can be eliminated by purchasing an aquarium-type water heater in advance. A special thermometer, which aquarists use in their work to most accurately determine the water temperature, will also be an invaluable assistant. If searching for this unit causes you inconvenience, you can also use a regular room “thermometer”.

If the temperature of the mash has exceeded the upper range of permissible temperature values, its forced reduction is required. In particular, this applies most strongly to those cases when large-volume dishes are used as a container for mash. This is directly related to the spontaneous increase in temperature of the mixture due to the activity of yeast. The most in a simple way“to bring down the temperature” will be the most ordinary ice cubes.

Is there any other way to influence the fermentation rate?

Fermentation can always be accelerated using available means, with a minimum of effort. Here, again, it is necessary to remember that all yeast are completely living microorganisms. Like everything else on our planet, they want to reproduce. But they do this only in conditions that are comfortable for themselves. And, in addition to the correct temperature regime, when creating them you need to be guided the following rules:

  • The fresher the better. Old yeast greatly inhibits the fermentation process. Therefore, you should not skimp on the time it takes to find a high-quality, specialized product. Good yeast can then be used instead of sourdough.
  • When adding, add. By adding a little more yeast than the required amount, you can also speed up the process. And you can also apply next way– pour in a little ammonia, based on the calculation of 10 drops per 1 liter. If you don’t like this kind of “chemistry” as an additive, then add some grains and mix them into the mash.

Storage conditions and periods finished product and what to do if you do not have a specially designated room for this?

If you are preparing mash without the goal of large-scale production, then it is likely that you will have a question, where to put it when it is ready? After all, most of us hardly have a specially designated cellar for this or a separate room equipped with first-class refrigeration chambers, thermometers, electronic devices and more. In such a situation, the first thing you need to do is decide how much time you need?

The main thing to remember is that the lower the ambient temperature in relation to the mash, the better. At average values room temperatures– from 24 to 30 C – the shelf life of the drink is extremely short. Just a few hours. During this time, the drink loses its taste and acquires bad smell. Accordingly, you cannot leave the container with ready-made mash near the pipe and windows, through which the sun’s rays will additionally heat the mash.

If you need to store your drink for longer long termthe best option there will be a refrigerator or a cold basement in the house (if, of course, you live in a private house and you have one). In this case, subject to maintaining a temperature of 2 C to 5 C, the “life” of the mash increases to several weeks. As a rule, the maximum period during which the drink does not significantly change its properties taste characteristics- 21 day. But it is still recommended to consume it within the first 7 days in order to enjoy its excellent taste to the maximum.

In conclusion, I would like to say that preparing mash in compliance with all recommendations and creating all the required conditions guarantees you quality drink. You will always know how and what it is made of. And awareness of your work will also help you enjoy its amazing taste. Taking the first sip of freshly brewed mash, you will feel an incomparable taste, flavored with a pinch of pride for yourself.

Millions of people prefer to make alcohol at home. Of course, making mash is an incredibly exciting activity. But before you begin the process, you need to find out all the nuances: what it is made from, what the fermentation temperature of the mash should be for moonshine, choosing a recipe for yourself, how the drink is distilled, and much more. All this is important if you want to get excellent results.

Braga is nothing more than a sugar-containing wort that has been processed by yeast.

The result of fermentation is the formation of ethyl alcohol, by-products and carbon dioxide. To prepare mash you always need:

  1. Wort is a special liquid that contains sugar. It is pre-prepared for mixing with yeast. Each moonshine producer decides for himself what kind of wort to make. It could simply be a mixture of water and sugar. If desired, you can make a wort from berries, fruits and water. Wheat produces a good product. It's a little more difficult to prepare. You will need grain prepared in a special way. Such wheat contains starch. It must be saccharified and then mixed with water. In general, wort can be made from any raw material that contains sugar.
  2. Yeast is an important component on which quality depends ready-made moonshine. The main job of yeast is to convert sugar directly into alcohol through fermentation. To make mash you can use different types yeast. The most popular are bakery ones. However, they produce only up to 10% alcohol and many by-products. You can use special alcohol. This mash produces up to 23% alcohol content. Wine yeast based on grapes - great option for fermentation of fruit and berry wort. Only by applying good yeast you can get a high quality product.
  3. Sugar or any raw material containing it. You can ferment beet molasses. There is an option for fermenting grapes. The result in one and another case will be different. But it’s worth remembering, even if you take quite a large number of grapes, it is advisable to add a little more sugar to obtain a tasty and aromatic mash.
  4. The water should be clean, drinkable and tasty. It should not be boiled before use. Otherwise, all the oxygen will disappear from it, which will negatively affect the finished alcoholic drink.
  5. Nutrients are important ingredients for making mash. Simply grapes, any other fruits and sugar will not be enough for active fermentation and production of moonshine. It should be phosphorus and nitrogen. However, you can always get by natural products: black bread, berries and fruits (previously thoroughly crushed).

Recipe and temperature are important

There are mash recipes incredible amount. The result is your own unique moonshine.

However, many amateurs homemade alcohol adhere to classic recipe. To bring it to life, you need to follow all the stages and nuances:

  1. First, prepare the yeast. For this, take half a liter warm water(about 30-40 degrees, no more). 100 grams of sugar are added to it. Yeast is already mixed into the resulting solution, based on the method of application. Leave the resulting mixture for 2 hours in a warm place where the temperature is at least 30 degrees. The product should be stirred periodically. As soon as foam begins to actively form, it is time to continue preparing the mash.
  2. You need to prepare the wort. To do this, you need to dissolve a kilogram of sugar in 4 liters of water. The temperature should be room temperature or slightly higher.
  3. The yeast is poured into the wort. The ideal situation is if the temperature of both the yeast solution and the prepared wort is the same. In extreme cases, it should not differ by 10 degrees. Everything is thoroughly mixed and left to ferment. Optimal temperature at the same time - 20-35 degrees. When the temperature rises to 40 degrees. most yeast species die. When heating the mash to 60 degrees. All types of yeast are guaranteed to die.

The temperature regime must be strictly followed. On average it is about 24-30 degrees. However, each yeast has its own needs. Therefore, it is worth clarifying at what temperature they begin to actively “work”. Only in this case will the yeast produce heat, which is important for mash. After all, in this case, she will be able to warm herself up.

It is important to prevent overheating. Therefore, during fermentation, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Then the yeast will simply die, and no moonshine will result. The process will simply stop.

When is everything ready?

The readiness of the mash is indicated by such signs as:

  • There is no release of carbon dioxide, fermentation stops;
  • On top the product becomes light and transparent, because... “spent” yeast begins to sink to the bottom;
  • If you taste the mash, it will be sour and bitter. There is no sweetness in it, but there is alcohol;
  • When measuring sugar levels special device the indicator will be zero.

Usually the mash ferments for 3-14 days. This period depends on temperature and raw materials. The longer the mash sits, the more harmful, completely foreign substances it will contain.

Fruit and berry sugar mash ferments for about a week. If we make mash from starch, it will ripen faster - in just 4 days.

Immediately after the end of fermentation, you need to leave the mash for a day so that it settles. And only then can it be drained from the sediment. For this, it is desirable and most convenient to use a special flexible tube.

Of course, you can start distilling the mash before it is fully ripe. Only then will there be less moonshine after distillation than usual.

Important nuances

The mash temperature should not be too low or high. If the room where it is placed is cool, then heating will be required. For these purposes, you can always use a glass aquarium heater.

The power of such devices can vary, starting from 50 watts. In order to heat the container where fermentation occurs, a device with a power of 100 W is sufficient. However, it is worth remembering that this parameter largely depends on the ambient temperature and the volume of the container itself. Perhaps a 50 W heater will be enough for someone. Then why overpay?

You can purchase temperature regulators at any pet store that has everything for aquariums or in socialized salons. It must be installed carefully, because... The device itself is made of glass. You can independently regulate the temperature on the device by setting the required indicator. And then it always remains stable. All you have to do is wait about 12 days until the mash finishes maturing.

Thermometer and thermostat are important components of a moonshine still

While the fermentation process is taking place, it is necessary to prepare the equipment that will be needed to distill the resulting drink directly into moonshine. And here the temperature regime plays an important role. To maintain it you will need several important devices:

  1. Thermometer. It is required to measure the temperature directly in the cube moonshine still. A mercury thermometer will do. The main thing is that its scale reaches 120 degrees. It is made of glass. Therefore, it requires special care during use. You can, of course, install a bimetallic thermometer or even a multimeter. All of these devices are quite acceptable for measuring accurate temperature during distillation of moonshine. And this helps determine exactly when to stop the process of collecting the highest quality product.
  2. A thermostat is a device that is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the container where the mash is located. Depending on the volume of the container, it is necessary to select the most suitable power of the device. If the barrel contains about 50 liters, then the thermostat must have a power of at least 100 W. This device always works in cycles, so it does not consume a lot of electricity. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the mash heats up to a greater extent from above. Therefore, in order for it to have the same temperature throughout the entire volume, it is necessary to stir it periodically. The thermostat is very easy to install. There is no need to make any holes for this. You just need to bend the wire over the edge so that the entire body of the entire regulator is in the mash. Only the sensor with the temperature scale should protrude. Then the thermostat wire is pressed from above using a cover. You need to make sure that the cover does not damage this wire; you should not twist it either.

How to speed up fermentation?

If desired, there is always the opportunity to speed up the ripening process of the mash. The fact is that yeast are living organisms. And in order for them to multiply quickly, it is necessary to create for them the maximum good conditions for this. Here are just a few secrets that will help you make mash for moonshine faster:

  • The temperature of the mash is very important. Only in warmth will microorganisms feel great. Optimal - 25-35 degrees. But the hotter the mash is, the faster it will ripen. Do not forget that at temperatures above 40 degrees the protein coagulates and the yeast dies.
  • The yeast used to make mash must only be fresh. If the fermentation process does not occur, it means the yeast is too old. Experts advise buying special high-quality breeding yeast. Subsequently, they do not even need to be poured out, but can be used as a starter.
  • The fermentation rate can be increased by adding a little more yeast.
  • You can speed up the ripening of mash by adding a small amount of nitrogenous minerals. It will be enough to mix in 10 drops of ammonia ( ammonia) per 1 liter. Don't feel like adding chemical ingredients? Then steam some peas or any grain. This is what interferes with the mash.
  • Another secret to speeding up the fermentation process is to make the mash slightly sour. If this is a recipe made from grapes or other berries and fruits, without added sugar, then the mash will ripen in about 3-4 days, which is quite fast. In other options, you need to squeeze only one small piece of lemon into the container (do not add it all, because it will make the mash bitter).

Ready mash should not be stored for a long time. Over time, certain processes begin to occur in it, during which harmful substances. And if you just need to store the mash for more long time, then it is better at low temperatures without access to air in the container.

From a kilogram of sugar and 4.5 liters. mash, it is possible to get a whole liter of moonshine, the strength of which will be about 40-50%. Self-cooking Moonshine is a guarantee of quality. In this case, you will be absolutely sure that you are getting natural and a good product. The main thing is to find your own recipe that works best for you!
