Wholesale suppliers of confectionery equipment and raw materials. About company. High-quality raw materials for confectionery products

Welcome to the sweet world of Arabella!

The Arabella company supplies high-quality raw materials for confectionery production, being one of the leading companies in the domestic market, supplying manufacturers in all areas of the food industry. Our company’s clients have a rare opportunity to purchase on favorable terms not just raw materials for confectionery, but products with a diverse range of amazing aromas and tastes.

All Arabella products are marked with the highest quality seal.

High-quality raw materials for confectionery production are the key to creating masterpieces
We present to your attention the widest range of essential ingredients for the confectionery industry. The company's product range includes high-quality raw materials for confectionery production, represented by more than 50 products, including:

  • stabilizing foundations for creams based on whipped vegetable cream;
  • mixes for cakes, rolls, muffins;
  • mixtures for making honey cakes
  • mixtures for cookies - almond, coconut, biscuit, shortbread and sugar;
  • mixtures for preparing heat-stable creams
  • curd powder
  • stabilizers for cottage cheese and masses
  • mixture for prolonging the freshness of baked goods
  • non-melting powdered sugar
  • gels for decorating pastries and cakes;
  • baking powders;
  • dry vegetable whipping cream and much more.

An exclusive offer for the sale of raw materials for the confectionery industry from the Arabella company - individual development of recipes for any type of our products according to your order. To create real culinary masterpieces, you need high-quality ingredients. The Arabella company's production facilities include high-tech foreign equipment from leading manufacturers, and the experience and skill of our technologists allow us to produce products with stable quality indicators.

High-quality raw materials for confectionery products

Do you want to produce products that stand out clearly against the background of competitors' products? Your choice is raw materials for the confectionery industry from the Arabella company. We are ready to carefully study your individual needs and vision of the product, and also offer proven semi-finished products for confectionery production. Our raw materials for confectionery products and your ideas are the path to prosperity and the sweet life!

Raw materials used in the production of confectionery products can be divided into basic and additional. The main raw materials form a certain structure of confectionery products with the necessary mechanical and rheological properties. The main raw materials are sugar, molasses, cocoa beans, nuts, fruit and berry semi-finished products, wheat flour, starch, fats, which account for 90% of all raw materials used. Additional raw materials, without changing their rheological properties, give confectionery products a piquant, aesthetic appearance, improve the structure, and extend shelf life. Additional raw materials include gelling agents, food acids and dyes, flavors, emulsifiers, foaming agents, moisture-retaining additives and others.

Let's look at the main types of raw materials used in the production of sponge cakes.

Wheat flour - the main type of raw material in the production of flour confectionery products (cookies, waffles, cakes, pastries, etc.).

Wheat flour is produced in the following grades: semolina, premium, 1st and 2nd grades, wallpaper. There is no specialized flour for the production of flour confectionery products in our country, so wheat baking flour is used for their production.

For the production of flour confectionery products, premium and 1st grade flour is used. 2nd grade flour is used to make certain types of cookies, gingerbread, and biscuits.

Wheat flour is produced by grinding wheat grains into a powdered product.

The chemical composition of wheat flour depends on the composition of the grain for its preparation and the variety. Different parts of the grain differ from each other in chemical composition. That's why different types of flour are produced.

The higher the grade of flour, the less fiber, ash, protein, fat it contains, i.e. substances that are rich in the shell, embryo, aleurone layer. The lower the grade of flour, the closer the flour approaches the chemical composition of the grain. Wallpaper flour mainly consists of crushed grains without removing the shells, aleurone layer and germ.

Flour is characterized by smell, crunch, taste, color, grind size, moisture content, protein content, carbohydrates, ash, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.

Depending on the type of flour confectionery products and the requirements for the dough, baking flour with different protein content and gluten quality is used.

Humidity b flour should be 14... 15%. In recipes for confectionery products, the calculated moisture content is 14.5%. If the humidity is different, then adjust the consumption by recalculating the flour dry matter.

Flour is supplied to enterprises in bags weighing 50 and 70 kg or in bulk (flour trucks).

Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (it absorbs moisture well) and is highly soluble in water. The sugar is sifted before use. Store in a dry, ventilated area at a relative air humidity of no higher than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps, at a temperature of 18 C.

Starch- a food product belonging to the group of high-molecular carbohydrates polysaccharides. Starch is deposited in bulbs, tubers, fruits, berries, as well as in leaves and stems.

Starch makes up the bulk of the most important food products: flour - 75-80%, potatoes - 25%. It is also found in rice, sago, etc. It is easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the body, starch is hydrolyzed to glucose, which is used as an energy source.

White starch powder has no taste. It has excellent properties of dissolving in water. Usually cold is used, since hot lumps form that are difficult to grind. When heated, it takes the form of a paste, therefore it is widely used in cooking for preparing dough made with milk, fruit and berry jelly with subsequent sweetening and acidification, sweet sauces, blamange, etc.

To be fair, it should be noted that starch obtained from different natural sources differs in its properties. Rice starch produces the densest mass, while corn starch produces the most tender.

Melange- is a mixture of proteins and yolks (either yolks alone or whites alone), frozen in tin cans at a temperature from -18 0 to -25 0 C. The melange is defrosted immediately before use, the jar is pre-disinfected. Jars with melange are kept for 2.5 - 3 hours at 40-50 0 C for settling. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and used immediately as it quickly deteriorates during storage. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Storage and preparation of raw materials for production

Flour powdery product, very soft, finely ground, white in color with a slight creamy tint, sweetish taste. The standard moisture content of flour is 14.5% and should not exceed 15%. We take flour with gluten - 28-36%

When sifting flour, foreign impurities are removed, it is enriched with oxygen, which helps the dough rise better. If confectionery products are prepared from flour with the addition of starch, then mix the flour at the same time as sifting it.

Starch. Flour contains up to 70% starch. When kneading the dough, the starch swells and gelatinizes during baking. Common starch is potato and corn; it gives dough (shortbread, biscuit) friability. Its color is white with a crystalline sheen. It does not dissolve in cold water; at 65-70 C it forms a paste. The moisture content of potato starch is 20%, corn starch is 13%. Starch is stored in dry rooms. Once damp, it acquires a bitter taste and becomes unusable.

Granulated sugar contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, completely dissolves in water, has no foreign taste or odor, tastes sweet, and feels dry. It is stored in a dry, ventilated room with air humidity no higher than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, becomes sticky, and lumps form.

Powdered sugar it should be finely ground and, before use, sifted through a sieve to remove larger particles.

Egg white It has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, and retains sugar. When whipping, the volume of protein increases 7 times; when adding sugar, the volume decreases 1.5 times. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.

Melange is a mixture of whites and yolks (or yolks or whites alone), frozen in tin cans at a temperature of -18 to -25? C. The melange is thawed before use, and the jar is pre-disinfected. Jars with melange are kept for 2.5-3 hours. On a food warmer at 40-50? C for thawing. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and used immediately, as it quickly deteriorates during storage. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Butter provided in the recipes of creams, cakes, pastries, muffins, some baked semi-finished products and butter cookies.

It is produced in two ways:

  • 1) churning from pre-prepared cream;
  • 2) separation, based on the conversion of high-fat cream into butter on mechanized flow lines.

Cream made from sandwich or hydrated butter turns out to be liquid and does not retain the design when finishing products. Therefore, it is advisable to use it for finishing the side and icing of the top surfaces of cakes, as well as for layering. The cream used for artistic decoration should be prepared from butter obtained by churning cream. It contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Before use, butter is thoroughly peeled, cut into pieces, shavings, or softened to a plastic state by vigorous stirring or tempering. The butter can be salted or melted; it must be free of foreign odors and tastes, evenly colored (from white to cream). Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products and improves their taste. When making all confectionery products (except for puff pastry, butter sponge cake and cream), butter can be replaced with ghee (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of ghee). It is recommended to store the oil at a temperature of 2-4°C in a dark room in a carefully closed container - light and oxygen in the air spoil the oil.

Margarine is an artificially prepared food product similar to butter in taste, color, aroma and consistency. Margarine is obtained from animal and vegetable fats, cream, milk or water. It is an emulsion of water in fat or fat in water, or a mixed emulsion. It is produced in three types: milk, cream and dairy-free. It is used primarily for periodic kneading of dough for making cookies and gingerbreads, since this method does not require preliminary melting of fats. Margarine must meet the following basic indicators: fat content - no less than 82%, moisture - no more than 17%, foreign odors and tastes are not allowed.

Milk and cream margarine are used in confectionery production. It is stored under the same conditions as oil.

Fruits Before use, wash, remove the seeds and cut into several pieces. Used for decoration or filling, preparing preserves, jams, jams.

Vanilla powder. Vanillin is a synthetic white crystalline powder with a very strong aroma. The aroma is so strong that very little of it needs to be put into the product. Therefore, to ensure the correct dosage, vanilla powder should be used. To prepare vanilla powder (1000 g), vanillin (40 g) is mixed with ethyl alcohol (40 g); the mixture is heated until the vanillin dissolves. After this, the solution is mixed with 1000 g of powdered sugar, dried and sifted. The amount of vanillin in confectionery products should not exceed 0.5%.

Dessert wines and cognac used for flavoring creams, jellies and blotters. Wines must have their characteristic aroma, taste and color; sediment or turbidity, foreign taste and smell are not allowed.

Food essences- have a strong aroma. They are stored in glass bottles with ground stoppers in baskets or boxes with sawdust in a cool, dark room. When using a more concentrated essence, the rate must be reduced by 2 or 4 times. If a specific essence is specified in the recipe, it cannot be replaced. Essences are added to creams, doughs and syrups only when cooled, since the aroma changes when heated.

Food colorings. Used for coloring confectionery products.

Natural dyes - coffee, cocoa, chocolate, juices, burnt juice and dyes of animal and plant origin.

Synthetic - harmless confectionery colors approved for use by the Ministry of Health, such as tartrazine and indigo carmine.

Tartrazine - powdery dye of orange-yellow color, soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and insoluble in fats. To obtain a solution, take distilled water, add dye and boil for 10-15 minutes until the paint is completely dissolved. The resulting solution is filtered through 2 layers of gauze or through a sieve with cells with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Indigo carmine - bluish-black paste. Gives blue color. The paste is diluted in hot water at a temperature of 70-80°C (5% solution) and filtered as indicated above.

Carmine - red paint. Obtained from insects living in the tropics. Dissolves in water, alkali and alcohol. 10 g of paint are combined with 20 g of ammonia, after 1 hour add 200 g of water and boil until the smell of ammonia disappears, and then filter. Carmine gives a red or pink color. When it comes into contact with metal, the paint turns purple.

Safflower obtained from flower petals. Contains two coloring agents: yellow and red. The yellow is obtained by boiling safflower in water or fats, and the red in alcohol or alkali. Paints quickly deteriorate when exposed to light, air and moisture, so they should be diluted in small quantities and stored in a dark container in a cool, dry room until use.

Burnt sugar (burnt)- product of caramelization of sucrose. It turns creams and sponge cakes brown. An overdose of burning powder can give products a bitter taste.

Beetroot dye. To prepare it, layers of beets are cut off from the rhizome and tops, washed thoroughly, peeled to a depth of 3 mm and cut into 6-8 pieces. The beets and peels are placed in a stainless steel bowl, poured with cold water so that the water just covers them on top, citric acid is added, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes at low heat. Strain the juice, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and use the resulting dye. It can be stored for no more than two months in the refrigerator. Beetroot - 700 g, citric acid - 0.5, sugar - 1200 g. Yield - 1000 g.

The Baking Master LLC company supplies the market with high-quality raw materials for bakery and confectionery production from leading global and European manufacturers. These products fully comply with international quality and safety requirements.
The company's product range includes all types of raw materials for the production of confectionery and bakery products, represented by more than 300 products:

Ingredients for confectionery and bakery production;
vegetable fats and margarines;
dry yeast;
jams and fruit and berry fillings;
products for decorating culinary products;
fat glazes;
cocoa products;
marzipans, nuts and nut masses;
ready-made mixtures and components for desserts and ice cream.

The raw materials and ingredients chosen for production are critical to the success of the business. Our products will allow you to produce delicious and original products of excellent quality that stand out from your competitors. Call and order the raw materials you need right now! We will carefully study the individual needs of your production and offer the best we have!
Our company is aimed at long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, therefore we have the most favorable conditions and the best prices for regular and wholesale customers.

The most varied and beloved pastries for adults and children require a certain cooking skill and a wide variety of confectionery ingredients. Pastry chef talent and knowledge of recipes are not enough for any bakery. To prepare products such as pastries, pies, biscuits, etc., the pastry chef will use sprinkles and glazes, nut and pistachio pastes, almond flour, thickeners, etc. In our online store you can purchase retail and wholesale a wide variety of confectionery ingredients at an affordable price in Moscow and Russia. The assortment includes a wide variety of raw materials, which any cook cannot do without. Confirmation is provided by certificates of conformity. Available:

  • Agar-agar;
  • Trimoline;
  • NH pectin and yellow pectin;
  • Fruit Krispies and Powders;
  • Gelatin;
  • Nut praline and pastes;
  • Neutral glassage;
  • Confectionery chocolate;
  • Cocoa products;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Stabilizer for ice cream and sorbets;
  • Fondant and other confectionery raw materials, without which it is unthinkable to imagine the work of a real confectioner.

Russian manufacturers of food ingredients and additives - 130 factories. Large and new factories of flavoring additives and ingredients for food production. Catalog 2019: official websites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers. Become a dealer, order a wholesale price list!

Russian manufacturers of food additives comply with international standards adopted by the Joint Committee of Experts of the International Organization of Agriculture (JECFA), Codex Alimentarius, mandatory for WTO member countries. The production of food additives in Russia is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary rules of the Ministry of Health.

The factories presented at the online exhibition produce and offer to buy in bulk:

  • juice concentrates without sugar;
  • non-melting powdered sugar;
  • dry egg melange;
  • antiseptic and fungicide "Septocyl", etc.

Prices according to the manufacturer's price list are lower than offers from import competitors and intermediaries. Contacts of factories, addresses and official websites will help you avoid extra charges and conduct direct cooperation, becoming a dealer in the region.

Suppliers of additives and ingredients of own production are reliable partners. Delivery to regions of the Russian Federation, the Customs Union, and foreign countries. Certificates are provided for shipment to the countries of the Customs Union.
