At what temperature does sodium nitrite release a carcinogen. Sodium nitrite: what dose is dangerous to health? Storage and transportation

Sodium nitrite - sodium nitrate, salt of nitrous acid, chemical formula NaNO2. In appearance it is a white-yellow powder. This compound is used, in addition to food production, in construction, medicine (as a laxative, vasodilator, as an antidote to cyanide, etc.), and in photography. We are, of course, interested in the production of food with sodium nitrite, namely meat and fish products, where this additive is used as a coloring and preservative.

Without preservatives, sausage will be stored for several days, after which it will begin to deteriorate, become moldy and be hazardous to health. Staphylococci, salmonella, botulism bacteria and other bad microorganisms develop in meat. Sodium nitrite protects the product from them, thereby almost doubling its shelf life.

Sodium nitrite itself is considered a toxic substance, which “if ingested by the body can cause paralysis of the vasomotor center and the formation of methemoglobin in the blood,” we read in GOST 4197-74 “Sodium nitrous acid.”

Sodium nitrite in the Russian Federation is allowed by the State Standard, despite the fact that in case of overdose it causes oxygen starvation of the body (the methemoglobin formed by it when interacting with hemoglobin in human blood is not capable of carrying oxygen, which is one of the main functions of blood), and is also being studied by scientists for carcinogenicity. And “in addition to participating in the formation of methemoglobin, nitrites are dangerous because in the human gastrointestinal tract they can combine with amines and amides of any protein products and form carcinogenic nitrosamines and nitrosamides,” writes RIA Novosti.

However, according to experts, in order to exceed the concentration of sodium nitrite in practice, a person must eat about 250 kg of sausage at a time, because per 100 kg of raw meat there are about 6-8 g of sodium nitrite - it is in this concentration that the most plausible and appetizing color of the meat product.

By the way, about color. As we have already said, sodium nitrite is a white-yellowish powder; it does not color on its own, but when combined with the protein myoglobin, which is found in different concentrations in different meats (beef sausage will be redder than pork sausage, provided that they are made from the same amount of meat).

What happens? Sodium nitrite is toxic on its own, but is it safe in doses added to sausages? The question is open. Nitrates, the metabolites of which are nitrites, are one of the main concerns of scientists, because they can cause gastrointestinal cancer, and everything related to cancer is our priority today. And here the problem is much broader than sausages and frankfurters, because... nitrates are found in almost all agricultural plant products grown in the traditional way using nitrate fertilizers.

It turns out that if you are not a scientist who can convincingly prove the safety of sodium nitrite, then the situation with this additive for you resembles the situation with GMOs: there are no clear studies proving their danger, but there is common sense that shouts: “not sure - not eat!” If you can find sausages without sodium nitrite, then there’s nothing to think about, but, unfortunately, such sausages can be counted on one hand.

Sodium nitrite (obsolete sodium nitrite).

It is highly soluble in water and hygroscopic. In air it slowly oxidizes to sodium nitrate NaNO3.

Basic properties:

Systematic name: Sodium nitrite(English) (IUPAC) Sodium nitrite

Molar mass: 69.00 g/mol

Density: 2.2 g/cm 3

Phase: hard

Solubility in water: 82 g/100 ml (20 °C)

Melting temperature:-271 °C Decomposition temperature:>320 °C


Sodium nitrite NaNO2 is a salt of nitrous acid and is usually obtained from nitrogen oxides by the reaction:

NO + NO 2 + 2NaOH = 2NaNO 2 + H 2 O

    Qualitative analysis.

    1. Analytical reactions for sodium cation.

Reaction with zinc dioxouranium(VI) acetate Zn(UO 2 ) 3 (CH 3 COO) 8 with the formation of a yellow crystalline precipitate (pharmacopoeial reaction - GF) or yellow crystals of tetrahedral and octahedral shape, insoluble in acetic acid (MCA). To increase the sensitivity of the reaction, the test mixture should be heated on a glass slide.

NaCl + Zn(UO 2) 3 (CH 3 COO) 8 + CH 3 COOH + 9 H 2 O

NaZn(UO 2) 3 (CH 3 COO) 9 9 H 2 O + HCl

Interfering ions: excess K + ions, heavy metal cations (Hg 2 2+, Hg 2+, Sn 2+, Sb 3+, Bi 3+, Fe 3+, etc.). The reaction is used as a fractional reaction after removing interfering cations.

2. Coloring the colorless burner flame yellow (YF).

3. Reaction with picric acid to form yellow, needle-shaped sodium picrate crystals emanating from one point (ISS).

    Error: Reference source not found

The reaction is used as a fractional reaction only in the absence of interfering ions (K +, NH 4 +, Ag +).

4. Reaction with potassium hexahydroxostibate(V) K with the formation of a white crystalline precipitate, soluble in alkalis.

NaCl + K
Na + KCl

Conditions for the reaction: a) sufficient concentration of Na +; b) neutral reaction of the solution; c) carrying out the reaction in the cold; d) rubbing a glass rod against the wall of the test tube. Interfering ions: NH 4 +, Mg 2+, etc.

In an acidic environment, the reagent is destroyed with the formation of a white amorphous precipitate of metaantimony acid HSbO 3.

KCl + H 3 SbO 4 + 2 H 2 O

HSbO 3  + H 2 O

      Analytical reactions for nitrite ion.

    With dilute mineral acids (group reagent) (GF) (Table 16).

    With diphenylamine in concentrated H 2 SO 4 (HF) to form a blue compound. Diphenylamine is oxidized by nitrite ion to diphenylbenzidine violet:

    With antipyrine (GP) to form nitrosoantipyrine of emerald green color.

Methodology : 5-6 drops of a 5% solution of antipyrine are placed in a porcelain cup (test tube), 2-3 drops of the solution being analyzed are added, 2-3 drops of 1 mol/dm 3 H 2 SO 4 are added, and mixed.

    With Griess reagent (sulfanilic acid and alkaline solution of -naphthol). Sulfanilic acid is diazotized with nitrous acid, and the resulting diazonium salt combines with -naphthol to form a red azo compound.

    Quantitative analysis.


Determination of the mass fraction of sodium nitrite in solution by the permanganatometric method (reverse titration)

5 NaNO 2 + 2 KMnO 4 + 3 H 2 SO 4 = 5 NaNO 3 + 2 MnSO 4 + K 2 SO 4 + 8 H 2 O

M (NaNO 2 ) = 69.00 g/mol

To avoid losses associated with this process, the titration order is changed: an acidified solution of potassium permanganate is titrated with a solution of sodium nitrite. The latter is instantly oxidized by potassium permanganate to nitrate ion and nitrogen oxides are not formed.

Methodology: In a conical titration flask with a capacity of 250-500 cm 3, place 10-15 cm 3 of 0.1 M potassium permanganate solution, add an equal volume of diluted sulfuric acid (1:5). Dilute the solution with 100-150 cm 3 of water, heat slightly (50-60 o C) and titrate with sodium nitrite solution until the pink solution becomes discolored.


Standardization of 0.1 M sodium nitrite solution

for sulfanilic acid (method of separate samples)

A. Preparation of a 0.1 M solution of sodium nitrite (see Table 1, page 21).

B. Installation of K P sodium nitrite solution

M (sulf. compounds) = 173.19 g/mol

Methodology: About 0.2 g (exactly weighed) of sulfanilic acid is placed in a thick-walled beaker, 60 cm 3 of distilled water, 10 cm 3 of diluted hydrochloric acid (1:2), 1 g of potassium bromide, 4 drops of tropeolin 00 solution and 2 drops of solution are added methylene blue, cooled to 18-20 0 C and titrated with a solution of sodium nitrite until the red-violet color of the solution turns blue.


Sodium nitrite is used to form diazo-amine compounds. These compounds are used in synthesis as a source of amino groups during reactions with the “core” of the compound, due to the relatively easier separation of nitrogen groups N2.

In the laboratory, sodium nitrite is also used to deactivate excess sodium azide

As a food additive, used in Food Industry for two purposes, as an antioxidant, providing meat and fish products with a “natural color”, and as an antibacterial agent, inhibiting the growth of Clostridium botulinum - pathogen botulism, - severe food intoxication caused by botulinum toxin and characterized by defeat nervous system.

In the European Union, it can only be used as an additive to salt, no more than 0.6%.

Food additive E250. Has similar properties potassium nitrite- food additive E249.

Corresponds to GOST 4197-74 or TU 6-09-590-75 (OSCh 4-7-3 grade).


    Lurie Yu.Yu. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry. Moscow, 1972;

    Methodological instructions “Instrumental methods of analysis”, Perm, 2004;

    Methodological instructions “Qualitative chemical analysis”, Perm, 2003;

    Methodological instructions “Quantitative chemical analysis”, Perm, 2004;

    Rabinovich V.A., Khavin Z.Ya. Brief chemical reference book, Leningrad, 1991;

    "Great Soviet Encyclopedia".

Meat processing plant technologists unanimously claim that there is no sausage without the “E” code. Do you have any doubts? In vain. Manufacturers are required by law to add sodium nitrite, known as E 250, to minced meat. This is required by GOST 4197–74.

Why do we need a chemical filling? To protect us from severe intoxications caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Sodium nitrite E 250 (or food grade sodium nitrite) - names enshrined in GOST (32781–2014, R 54956–2012) and SanPin. International synonym - Sodium nitrite.

Other names of the substance:

  • sodium nitrate (chemical name);
  • nitrite curing mixture (in the food industry);
  • Curing salt (English synonym);
  • Natri-umnitrit, SalpetrigsauresNatrium, Nitritpokelsalz (German versions);
  • Nitrite de Sodium (French name).

Type of substance

Sodium nitrite is the sodium salt of nitrous acid. It is produced by treating caustic soda (sodium) with a mixture of nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide. The presence of oxygen leads to the formation of nitrite and nitrate. Their subsequent separation is required.

GOST allows the use of similar raw materials.

Food grade sodium nitrite is oxidized under the influence of oxygen and turns into sodium nitrate.

Being near flammable substances can cause them to spontaneously ignite and explode.



The main requirement for packaging is strength and moisture resistance.

Typically polypropylene bags, laminated multi-layer paper bags or soft disposable containers are used.

Packaging in unimpregnated bags is allowed. In this case, an additional liner made of durable polyethylene is required.


The food industry uses the E250 additive as a preservative that extends the shelf life of sausages, meat and fish products. The value lies in the effective suppression of anaerobic bacteria, including botulism bacillus. It has little effect on intestinal pathogens.

Sodium nitrite is an excellent antioxidant. It is used to record the color of meat and fish products and the “sausage” aroma.

The toxic substance is not added to products in its pure form. Sodium nitrite is used in the form of ready-made salting solutions in a concentration of no more than 2.5% by volume or together with other food additives.

The permissible norm in Russia is 50 mg per 1 kg of product.

In the EU countries it is allowed only as a 0.6% additive to table salt.

Sodium nitrite uses:

  • construction industry (anti-corrosion and anti-frost additive to concrete);
  • chemical (production of rubber and rubber products);
  • metallurgy (metal surface treatment);
  • textile (applying patterns on natural fabrics).

Widely used in medicine as a vasodilator and bronchodilator. Most anti-asthma drugs include the additive E 250. Sodium nitrite is a powerful antidote for poisoning with hydrocyanic acid salts. It relieves intestinal spasms and acts as an effective laxative.

Benefits and harms

The food additive E250 is toxic. According to the degree of negative impact on health, the substance belongs to hazard class 1 (GOST 12.1.007).

Exceeding the maximum permissible norms in the body can cause serious problems:

  • the formation of methemoglobin in the blood, which leads to oxygen starvation;
  • damage to parts of the central nervous system;
  • liver intoxication;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • respiratory tract disease.

Lethal dose consuming more than 2 grams of sodium nitrite is considered.

Sausage lovers should not panic: to die, you need to eat about a hundred kilograms of the product in one meal.

The E 250 additive itself does not pose a serious danger. The same spinach contains much more sodium nitrate than sausages.

Fans of fried bacon and other smoked meats should reconsider the menu. When heated, a chemical reaction occurs between sodium nitrite and ammonia derivatives, which are always present in meat products. As a result, the formation of the carcinogenic organic compound N-nitrosamine is possible.

Scientists from the USA have proven the effect of nitrosamines on the development of intestinal and pancreatic cancer.

Vitamins C, A, E and foods containing large amounts of antioxidants help reduce carcinogenic properties.

Main manufacturers

The main domestic manufacturer of the E 250 food additive is the chemical company Uralchem. The largest holding has sales offices in Latvia, Brazil, and Cyprus.

Sodium nitrite for food needs is offered by Chinese companies: Zouping Changshan Zefeng Fertilizer (motto “Zero defects - zero complaints”) and Qingdao Sonef Chemica lCompany Limited (cooperates with several scientific institutes).

Every day a fairly large amount of sodium nitrite enters the human body. In its pure form, the substance is present in saliva. Found in vegetables, fruits, and leafy salads.

It's time to think about whether we need extra chemistry? It is better to replace synthetic sausages with a piece of natural meat. Is it difficult to part with your favorite food? Choose sausages that contain.

The absence of an “E” code on the label does not guarantee the purity of the product. Manufacturers often disguise sodium nitrite with the phrase “Spice mixture”.

The article describes the food additive (preservative, color fixer) sodium nitrite (E250, sodium nitrate), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefit, composition, consumer reviews
Other additive names: sodium nitrite, sodium nitrite, E250, E-250, E-250

Functions performed

preservative, color fixer

Legality of use

Ukraine EU Russia

Sodium nitrite, E250 – what is it?

Sodium nitrite is used in meat products as a preservative and color stabilizer.

A substance with index E250, or otherwise sodium nitrite, is known as a food additive all over the world. Its chemical formula is NaNO 2.

Sodium nitrite (sodium nitrate) was first used as a food additive in 1906, when its ability to serve as an excellent preservative for animal products was discovered. Nowadays it also serves as a color fixative.

In order to obtain the E250 food additive, the following chemical process is carried out: sodium compounds are subjected to chemical interaction with compounds that contain nitrite ion in an aqueous environment. As a result of this chemical reaction, a precipitate is formed, which is evaporated and cooled, resulting in the formation of a white powder, which is sodium nitrite. In practice, sodium nitrate powder is not pure white, but slightly yellowish.

Since this substance is quite toxic, production conditions strictly regulate the working conditions with it.

Nitrites are found in small doses in natural products familiar to us: vegetables, fruits, berries, for example, potatoes, beets, apples, watermelons, and so on.

Sodium nitrite, E250 – effects on the body, harm or benefit?

Preservative E250 is a very toxic substance and for a person a single amount of it exceeding 2 grams is fatal. To reduce the toxicity of sodium nitrite, it is mixed with table salt. And even despite all the precautions when using this additive, it can cause serious harm to human health. The fact is that sodium nitrate, under certain circumstances, can react with amines that are found in the human body and form N-nitrosamines, which contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

Nitrites are very well absorbed into the body. Their effect on the human body is manifested as follows: a decrease in pressure occurs, relaxation of the intestinal muscles and relaxation of blood vessels.

Due to the harm caused to the body by sodium nitrite, it is advisable to either abandon its use or significantly limit it. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet found a safer substance that has the same beneficial properties as the E250 preservative. In some cases, potassium sorbate (E202) can serve as a substitute for this chemical compound, but not in meat products, since potassium sorbate does not give them a bright red color or pronounced aroma.

Therefore, today, the best option would be to include in your diet products containing components that inhibit the nitrosation process. These are natural products containing vitamins C and E.

It is believed that the doses in which sodium nitrate is contained in food products as an additive cannot adversely affect health.

American scientific sources indicate that the use of the E250 food additive in recommended doses does not harm human health. This conclusion was made by studies to identify its effect on the body. Research results show that, despite the high toxic effect of this preservative, it can be used strictly adhering to the recommended standards and production technologies. And if handled correctly, you can safely enjoy the benefits that this nutritional supplement provides.

In the European Union, they took a more careful approach to the harm of nitrite to the body and allowed it to be used only as an additive to table salt. Some countries limit the concentration of this substance to 50 mg per 1000 grams of finished product.

And, despite the ambiguity of the harm of the E250 additive, it is part of the permitted food substances in Russia and Ukraine.

Food additive E250, sodium nitrate – use in food products

As stated earlier, sodium nitrite in foods plays the role of a preservative and color stabilizer. In modern conditions, adding it to meat products becomes a necessity. We are talking not only about the fact that it colors the meat in a more attractive red color, but also about the fact that it protects it from oxidation and has a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria. Thanks to E250, meat can be stored much longer.

In addition to the food industry, this substance is used in other areas of human life. For example, in medicine it is used to treat cyanide poisoning, as well as as a vasodilator and as a medicine for respiratory diseases.

Sodium nitrite or E250 is a common food additive from the group of preservatives. Its addition to food guarantees prolonged chemical sterilization of products, preventing their spoilage and extending shelf life.

Other common names:

  • sodium nitrate;
  • Sodium Nitrite.


Sodium nitrite is a fairly toxic inorganic substance that, if it enters the living body of any mammal, has a mutagenic, carcinogenic and generally toxic effect on it.

Experiments on rats have shown that 50% of rodents die when they consume more than 180 mg of nitrite per 1 kg of weight. For humans, the critical dose for the onset of an acute toxic reaction is the immediate consumption of 0.5 g of sodium salt of nitrous acid.

Even small doses of nitro supplements, if used systematically, can lead to unpredictable and tragic consequences for health - after all, this substance can not only accumulate in the body, but also react with amino acids, thereby forming extremely harmful compounds - nitrosamines.

As a result, it is likely that the toxic effects of even a minimal amount of nitrite may be hidden for the time being.

Chemical composition and properties

Formula NaNO 2 – inorganic compound, sodium salt of nitrous acid
What does it look like White or slightly yellowish finely crystalline powder - in its pure form. In industry, it is more often used as a component of a pickling mixture, where it is added in low concentration to table salt.
Reaction to high temperatures Fusible
Reaction to being outdoors Slowly oxidizes to nitrate (sodium nitrate)
Hygroscopicity High – absorbs water well
What does it dissolve in? Easily and quickly dissolves in water, worse - in alcohols
Toxicity Highly toxic, has a mutagenic effect. It can accumulate in tissues and cells and have a hidden toxic effect on them.
Flammability Fire and explosion hazard
Effect on the organoleptic properties of food (taste, smell, color) Improves the appearance of animal products and gives meat and fish an appetizing red-pink hue.

Purpose of application

In food production, NaNO2 is used for the following purposes:

  • as a preservative and antibacterial additive, extending shelf life and ensuring their safety from the harmful effects of bacteria, from botulism bacilli, including as an antioxidant in the production of meat products;
  • as a dye and fixative natural appetizing color of meat and fish products: interacts with the natural coloring components of blood and forms a persistent and heat-resistant pale pink color.

In addition, nitro additives are used:

  • in construction– as a component of fastening additives for concrete;
  • in the chemical and textile industries– in dyeing and the production of artificial dyes;
  • with non-digital photo printing– as an antioxidant and reagent;
  • in medicine– as a broncho- and antispasmodic, a vasodilator and laxative, an antidote for cyanide poisoning.

Information from GOST

The use of the substance in question, including as a food additive, is controlled in accordance with GOST 4197-74 “Reagents. Sodium nitrous acid. Technical conditions".

This document emphasizes the toxicity of the substance and the need to use personal protective equipment when working with it, special conditions for its storage and special training of workers to work with nitro additives.

E250 is added to semi-finished food products only in the form of a weakly concentrated solution, and not in pure powder form.

Unlike most European countries, in which sodium nitrate is used only as a component of the curing mixture in a concentration of up to 0.6%, in the CIS countries E250 is still used in its pure form.

According to hygiene standards, the maximum possible daily dose is up to 0.2 mg per kilogram of weight, but most researchers consider this dosage to be unreasonably high.

Examples of products in which E250 is found

E 250 food additive and harm in the table below:

What can the use of a substance lead to for a person?

E250 itself does not pose a significant danger for good health. Its toxic and malignant effect occurs when certain conditions are met.

E 250 in sausage undergoes heat treatment. Under the influence of heat, E 250 in sausage or other product is converted into carcinogenic compounds, the consumption of which can lead to the development of malignant tumors of the lower digestive tract and lungs.

Under no circumstances should any products with nitro additives be subjected to heat treatment.

Systematic consumption of meat and fish products with this substance can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pathologically affect blood pressure.

People suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, ulcers are at risk for the development of carcinogenic and toxic complications due to consumption of E250.

Scientists are currently developing workarounds to reduce the amount of the substance in question. It has not yet been possible to completely eliminate it from the food industry, so all responsibility for the amount of its consumption falls on the shoulders of the consumer himself.
