A delicious breakfast recipe on the theme of healthy eating. Breakfast - recipes for cooking quickly, tasty, satisfying and inexpensive. Nut-cheese pate “Morning caress”

In order to be active and cheerful, so that you have enough energy for the whole day, so that you do not feel empty in the first half of the day, you only need to adhere to the main rule - be sure to eat in the morning. Breakfast is the healthiest meal of the day and should never be skipped or replaced with a cup of coffee. Therefore, in this article we will tell you what is best to take for breakfast.

It is in the morning that minerals and minerals are absorbed best. If you want to get in shape and lose the required number of kilograms or simply maintain your current weight, then you should adhere to the following rules without fail.

TOP 5 healthy breakfast foods

Whole grain porridge

Why is porridge the best dish for tomorrow? The answer is quite simple. Yes, all because porridge is complex carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body slowly, so you will be full for a long time and will not soon feel hungry. It is best to eat porridge made from unrefined and unpolished grains, which are practically without any processing, as they contain a lot of fiber. The latter cleanses the body and removes toxins. For example, pearl barley, brown rice, wheat, and millet are also very rich in minerals and components, with the help of which you will feel full of strength and energy. If you don’t find it quite tasty in its pure form, you can diversify the porridge with dried fruits or fresh fruits, berries and honey. You can also add healthy fats - nuts, seeds or sesame seeds. Also an excellent breakfast would be toast made from wholemeal flour (whole grain). Mix eggs, milk and salt, dip our bread and fry in sunflower oil.

Skim cheese

Cottage cheese is a product that supplies your body with calcium and protein. Of course, we take cottage cheese with zero fat content or as little as possible. A very wide variety of dishes can be prepared from cottage cheese. If you have a sweet tooth, you can treat yourself to cottage cheese with honey, fruits, dried fruits, you can also add a little jam or preserves; sweet cottage cheese makes very tasty cheesecakes. If you prefer salty, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and herbs will suit you.


If you have breakfast in the morning, and an hour or two later you are hungry again, try eating boiled eggs or an omelet in the morning; the feeling of fullness will not leave you for a long time. You can add tomatoes, green bell peppers, basil and much more to the omelette. This breakfast will provide you with protein for the whole day.

Berries and fruits

If you decide to follow a healthy diet and have a healthy breakfast, your diet must include berries and fruits. The main thing is not to overdo it with quantity. You can choose the fruits that you like best and have breakfast with them, or even better, make a vegetable salad from different berries and fruits, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. All fruits contain fructose, so it is best to eat them in the morning.


Only yogurt should be natural, without sugar and other chemical additives. This product normalizes cholesterol. What could be more wonderful if in the morning you help the intestines wake up and work at full strength. Yogurt contains beneficial fungi and lactobacilli that stabilize metabolism and help the gastrointestinal tract function. If you drink low-fat yogurt in the morning, gastric juice is produced, which promotes rapid absorption of food. It is very tasty to eat oatmeal with natural yogurt in the morning. You couldn't imagine a better breakfast.

The healthiest breakfast recipes

You should not skip such an important meal, since a healthy breakfast helps you to be cheerful and energetic throughout the day. In order to diversify your menu and not think in the morning what to eat, write a menu for the whole week at once. Below are some simple recipes:

  • French beauty salad. 2 tbsp. l. and oatmeal pour 5th tbsp. l. cold boiled water, leave to settle for about an hour. Next add 3 tbsp. l. cold boiled milk, sugar to taste and a previously finely grated apple (with peel possible). Season the salad with lemon juice.
  • Cottage cheese with fruits, berries or herbs. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese with chopped fruits, berries or herbs (for example, parsley or dill). In the first option, you can optionally add honey and nuts, in the second - low-fat sour cream.
  • Protein omelet with herbs. Take 3 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until foam appears and add herbs, pepper, and salt. We put the resulting mixture in a frying pan or, even better, in a slow cooker.
  • Chicken salad. Cut about 150 g of boiled chicken fillet into cubes, bell pepper into slices, cherry tomatoes in half, and arugula into leaves. Season the salad with olive oil.
Video about the TOP 10 healthiest breakfasts:

Hello dear friends. Today we’ll talk about breakfasts, namely how to make them quickly and tasty. After all, it is in the morning that we always don’t have enough time to get ready, much less to prepare food. Many people love to sleep so much that they are content with just a cup of morning coffee. But as you know, in order for the stomach to begin to function well, it must be pleased with a light, but at the same time satisfying breakfast.

This is especially true for women who, in addition to everything else, also get their children ready for school, dress up beautifully and put on makeup.

Ask any doctor and he will tell you that proper nutrition in the morning is the main source of human energy. A nutritious breakfast energizes the body for the whole day and promotes greater performance.

I have put together for you several quick and, most importantly, delicious recipes, the preparation of which will require you to spend a minimum of effort and time. So let's get started.

Delicious cottage cheese casserole in the oven with semolina

A traditional casserole with cottage cheese will certainly surprise your guests with its incredibly pleasant taste. So don’t delay, but try to do it right now.


The casserole is a universal dish that will appeal to both children and parents. For most people, casserole is associated with kindergarten. It can be eaten either warm or cold. If you coat it with condensed milk or jam, you will get a very sweet and tasty dish; for beauty, you can sprinkle the casserole with powdered sugar.


  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • cottage cheese 300 g.
  • flour 2-3 tbsp.
  • sugar 50 g.
  • dried apricots or raisins (optional) 50 g.
  • semolina 2 tbsp.
  • salt - a small pinch.

Quantity for 6 servings.

How to cook a casserole

Cottage cheese pancakes step by step recipe

Surely everyone prefers fluffy pastries? Undoubtedly, this is so, because it looks more beautiful and is more pleasant to use. I have an excellent recipe for fluffy cheesecakes, today I will tell you how to prepare this delicious dish and please your loved ones with it.

We will not use any unnecessary components. Everything will be ready in a matter of minutes: we will not insist on the dough, the baking process lasts several minutes. On the table, cheesecakes will harmonize well with jam or sour cream. Let's find out what ingredients we need to prepare Russian cuisine:

  • butter 1 tsp.
  • flour 1 tbsp.
  • Refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • cottage cheese 9% 250 g.
  • salt on the tip of a knife.
  • sugar 1 tbsp.
  • egg yolk 1 pc.

Cooking process

The dish is ready! Bon Appetit everyone!

Delicious pancakes with kefir

It is believed that thin pancakes are the most delicious. But it often happens that we don’t have time for such cooking, so I want to tell you how I make pancakes with kefir almost in a hurry.

If you follow my recipe, you will definitely have delicious pancakes that you can make in a short period of time. They will go well with honey or jam. Make a little so you can eat them fresh right away, otherwise they will lose their fluffiness and change in taste later.


  • flour 1.5 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar 3 tbsp.
  • kefir 1 tbsp.
  • oil sl. 50 g.
  • salt on the tip of a knife.
  • yeast 20 g
  • water 0.5 tbsp.
  • refined oil 2 tbsp.
  • egg 2 pcs.

Cooking process:

Belarusian potato pancakes

I learned about a new recipe from a native Belarusian! One day he noticed that I was adding an egg to potato dough and was dumbfounded by my actions. I was given advice that all the viscosity will be without eggs; in our case, it will be made by starch and flour. The shape will keep its shape, and the crust will be very appetizing. Draniki should be served hot with sour cream.


  • flour 150 g.
  • full fat sour cream 1 tbsp.
  • potatoes 5-7 medium
  • soda 1 tsp
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


Egg in bread

You don’t have to worry too much about making a tasty and satisfying breakfast. Egg in bread will be a rather unusual, but very tasty breakfast.

All cooking will take no more than 15 minutes. The bacon will give off a pleasant aroma, so the first thing you need to do is fry it. Bread is best for toasting, but you can use other bread.


  • bacon 50 g
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • bread 2 slices.
  • salt.


Classic omelette in the oven

Omelet is the first dish with which my culinary life began. I have already prepared it several times using various recipes, this time I will tell you one of them.

Today I will share with you a recipe for making an omelet in the oven. The main ingredients will be eggs and milk. Everything else is at your discretion. In the oven we should have a light omelette.


  • milk 0.5 l
  • eggs 5 pcs.
  • butter 1 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Bon Appetit everyone!

Curd mass with dried apricots

If you find it difficult to prepare breakfast, then make a delicious curd mass that will be better than store-bought.


  • cottage cheese 150 g.
  • milk 40 ml.
  • dried apricots 5 pcs.
  • butter 25 g.
  • sugar 40 g.
  • vanillin 5 g.


  1. First melt the butter.
  2. Take low-fat cottage cheese and place it in a blender bowl.
  3. Add sugar with milk and butter.
  4. The mixture is ready, now you need to beat it.
  5. Add chopped dried apricots to the prepared mixture and serve.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))

Doctors say that breakfast is an important meal that should not be skipped. If you skip your morning meal, your body will not have enough strength and energy to function properly throughout the day. A proper breakfast is the key to good health. What we eat when we wake up in the morning will determine our mood for the whole day. Start your morning with a healthy and balanced breakfast prepared according to the right recipes.

Proper nutrition is compliance with special principles and dietary recommendations regarding food. To start eating right, you need to:

  • Eat food at the same time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should start at the same time every day without exception. Eating according to a clear schedule promotes proper absorption of food and normalization of the digestive system.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, this will help it be better absorbed.
  • Do not take liquids before or immediately after meals. It is advisable to drink water, tea, and other drinks an hour after breakfast, lunch or other meals.
  • Each meal should begin with eating raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Make your daily menu so that it contains 40% proteins, 30% carbohydrates and 30% fats, this is especially important for athletes.
  • Give up processed foods and fast food in favor of proper healthy dishes.

What is healthy to eat in the morning?

Many people prefer to eat in the morning what is fastest to prepare: croutons, scrambled eggs with sausage or sausages. Eating these dishes in the morning violates the principles of proper nutrition. The morning menu should make up a third of the entire daily diet. For breakfast, you need to choose the right nutritious dishes that will help saturate your body. It is advisable that the morning menu consist of a set of different products. To follow the principles of proper nutrition, eat for breakfast:

  • Milk and dairy products. Low-calorie cottage cheese will satisfy the body's needs for protein foods, saturate it with useful vitamins, microelements, and will not harm the figure.
  • Cereals. Whole grain breads and cereals are the perfect start to the day. Oatmeal and bran bread, greased with a thin layer of butter, will become sources of energy for a working day for both adults and teenagers.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Every meal should contain some fresh vegetables and fruits, and breakfast is no exception. Dried fruits are also useful; add them in small portions to your breakfast porridge.
  • Meat, poultry. Protein foods are beneficial throughout the day. Eggs are not the only source of protein. Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol, which is harmful to health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend preparing an omelet of three whites and one yolk for breakfast instead of the usual scrambled eggs. A sandwich with a piece of boiled chicken will not harm your diet, but will become a healthy, proper morning dish.

Menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss

Thanks to a properly selected diet, during breakfast the body receives nutrients that support it and satisfy hunger until lunch. Scientists have found that a person who skips a morning meal slows down their metabolism by 7-8%, and this leads to excess weight gain. At breakfast, it is recommended to eat at least 25% of the calories of the daily menu. To lose weight, choose the following as the right morning dishes:

  • oatmeal;
  • protein omelet with vegetables;
  • cottage cheese with herbs.

Don't forget about second breakfast; it must be planned in your daily routine. Suitable for lunch:

  • chicken sandwich;
  • vegetable salad;
  • kefir with a handful of dried fruits;
  • natural yogurt without sweeteners.

Lunch is a large meal that consists of several courses. According to the principles of proper nutrition, at lunch you need to eat about 40% of the calories of your entire daily diet. Doctors recommend including a hot dish in the lunch menu to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, and also for weight loss. The right lunch for weight loss is:

  • a fresh vegetable salad to start your meal with. A vegetable dish will help start digestion and saturate the body with healthy fiber.
  • vegetable soup, lean borscht, cabbage soup or ukha - a hot dish is recommended to be consumed daily.
  • a piece of boiled chicken, turkey, lean fish. The portion should be small, the meat should be cooked without oil or salt.

For the sake of newfangled diets, many people begin to refuse dinner. Don't ever do this! A low-calorie healthy dinner will help you wake up in the morning in a good mood, without a headache. If you skip an evening meal, problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers, may occur. To lose weight, it is recommended to eat for dinner:

  • boiled or stewed vegetables, stew.
  • fish dishes. It is better to steam the fish or bake it in the oven.
  • dairy products. Both low-fat varieties of hard cheese and low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt are useful.

Recipes for delicious and healthy breakfast dishes with photos

Baked apples with cottage cheese - a healthy breakfast option


  • large apples – 5 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • raisins - a few tablespoons;
  • candied fruits - to taste;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon.
  1. We wash the apples under running water and dry them. Carefully cut off the “cap” of the apples and remove the core using a teaspoon.
  2. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender until fluffy.
  3. Pour boiling water over raisins and candied fruits, then drain the water.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and candied fruits, add powdered sugar.
  5. Stuff prepared apples with curd mass.
  6. Cover the stuffed apples with cut-off lids and wrap each fruit in foil.
  7. Bake the dish at 180 degrees in the oven for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Serve the dish lightly sprinkled with cinnamon and poured with natural honey.

Omelette with vegetables in the oven - a healthy and nutritious breakfast


  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • heavy cream – 50 ml;
  • young zucchini or zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • small carrots - 1 pc.;
  • one sweet pepper of any color;
  • large tomato – 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of parsley and green onions;
  • hard cheese if desired - a couple of tablespoons;
  • spices.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the tomato into slices.
  2. Remove the skin from the zucchini or zucchini and cut it into cubes.
  3. We also chop sweet peppers without seeds into cubes.
  4. Peeled carrots are cut into thin strips.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. In a deep saucepan, heat a few tablespoons of sunflower oil and add carrots to it. Simmer until cooked (about 7 minutes).
  7. Add all the other prepared vegetables to the carrots and simmer them under a closed lid for 5 minutes.
  8. In a separate deep bowl, beat the eggs with cream until fluffy for several minutes. Add grated cheese to the dish.
  9. Combine the egg mixture with the cooled stewed vegetables.
  10. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant bowl and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Breakfast is ready!

Healthy oatmeal - a healthy breakfast with a minimum of calories


  • oatmeal – 1 cup;
  • two glasses of skim milk;
  • sugar, salt to taste;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • one small apple.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour oatmeal into boiling milk. Stirring, cook the porridge over low heat until cooked (3-5 minutes). Add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  2. Cut off the skin of the apple and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into small cubes and add to the porridge.
  3. Scald the raisins with boiling water and dry. Place on a plate with oatmeal. The dish is ready!

Cottage cheese with herbs - a healthy and nutritious dish


  • cottage cheese 0% fat – 200 g;
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions);
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Finely chop the greens.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, add salt to taste.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  5. Place a tablespoon of curd mixture on each tomato circle.
  6. Decorate the dish with a sprig of parsley.

A healthy sandwich is the right start to the day


  • diet bread;
  • goat cheese – 100 g;
  • sun-dried tomatoes – 50 g;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • lettuce or arugula.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Toast the diet bread in a toaster or grill without adding oil.
  2. Place a leafy “pillow” of sprouted wheat, lettuce or arugula on the bread.
  3. Pieces of goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes are laid out on the leaves.
  4. Top with some more greens and cover the sandwich with the second loaf of bread. Breakfast is ready!

Check out the options for each day.

An ideal and balanced start to the day from Herbalife

If you don’t have the time to prepare a proper breakfast in the morning, we recommend that you pay attention to Herbalife products. The advantage of Herbalife's ready-made breakfast is that you do not need to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to make the dish healthy for the body. You just need to drink ready-made cocktails with the correct caloric content.

The ideal breakfast from Herbalife is ready-to-eat products. According to the scheme indicated in the instructions, add dry mixtures to low-fat milk, beat the cocktail in a blender and consume it in the morning for breakfast. The cocktail formula is selected to saturate your body with all the beneficial substances and vitamins. If you want to learn more about a proper and healthy breakfast, watch the video below.

Video: breakfast options with proper nutrition

With the help of our recommendations and step-by-step recipes, you can prepare yourself the right healthy breakfast. Use your imagination while cooking, add new products, experiment with ingredients, then you will get a delicious dish. If you want to learn even more recipes for the right breakfast dishes and get inspired to cook, we recommend watching the video master class below. After watching the video, you will learn how to cook even more dishes that fully comply with the principles of proper and separate nutrition.

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Not every morning you and I have the opportunity to stand at the stove and cook delicious, healthy and rich food. Admit it honestly, it’s not uncommon for you to jump out of bed and realize that you overslept. Breakfast is the last thing on your mind under the current circumstances, but your subconscious mind persistently tells you that this meal is one of the most important meals of the day. Often we make a deal with our conscience and start the day with a quick, but not at all healthy, and sometimes even harmful snack. But a healthy and proper breakfast not only provides our body with all the necessary nutrients, not only helps stabilize hormonal levels and blood sugar levels, relieving morning sleepiness and increasing mental and physical activity, but even helps maintain a healthy body weight, protecting us from overeating during the whole day. Today we invite you to solve this dilemma together and figure out what to cook for breakfast quickly, tasty and healthy.

So where to start your day? The main goal of breakfast is to saturate our body with enough protein, add some slow-burning carbohydrates and at least five grams of fiber. Don't forget that carbohydrates are the best source of energy for our body, so even if you try to stick to a carbohydrate-free diet during the day, you shouldn't give up carbohydrates for breakfast. In addition, a small amount of healthy fats will definitely increase your stamina and save you from the unpleasant and harmful desire to snack an hour after breakfast.

Choosing ingredients for a quick breakfast is not at all difficult. Eggs, low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese, nuts, white meat, and fish are excellent sources of protein. Your source of slow-burning carbohydrates will be whole grain porridge or muesli, good grain bread or crispbread, and even a couple of tablespoons of bran added to yogurt. In addition, grains are an excellent source of fiber, which your stomach needs. Don't forget about fruits, berries and vegetables, because these delicious foods will not only nourish you with healthy vitamins and microelements, but will also help make your morning brighter and more colorful.

Today “Culinary Eden” has prepared for you a selection of interesting ideas and recipes for delicious dishes that will definitely help you decide what to cook for breakfast quickly.

1. The winning combination of yogurt and fruit will not only delight you with its taste and undoubted health benefits, but will also eliminate the need to cook anything. Just take a cup of good natural yogurt without additives or flavors and mix it with pieces of your favorite fruit. A slice of wholemeal bread and a cup of aromatic herbal tea will perfectly complement your breakfast. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits that retain all the beneficial substances - figs, dried apricots, raisins, prunes - are an excellent replacement.

2. Another win-win and well-known option for a very quick breakfast is muesli. You can take store-bought muesli, fill it with water or milk, and while you wash your face, your breakfast is ready. But who can guarantee that the manufacturer has not added a hefty dose of flavorings and colorings to your breakfast along with nuts and dried fruits? So prepare your own muesli, especially since it is not at all difficult and will take no more than five minutes of your precious morning time. Pour a cup of whole grain cereal (rolled oats, wheat, buckwheat) with a glass of water overnight. In the morning, drain the unabsorbed water, add a spoonful of yogurt, a handful of fresh chopped fruits or berries, some nuts and honey. Mix thoroughly and your complete delicious breakfast is ready!

3. Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don’t have time to prepare it? This is not a problem, because you can always find 5 minutes! Place six tablespoons of rolled oats or any other quick-cooking cereal in a microwave-safe bowl, add 2/3 cup of water and microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins, a pinch of ground cinnamon, stir and cook for another 3 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle your porridge with 1 tbsp. spoon chopped walnuts and top with any fruit sauce or homemade jam.

4. Without any doubt, cottage cheese can be called an ideal breakfast product. Containing a large amount of easily digestible protein, calcium, and vitamins, cottage cheese is also valuable for its taste and lightness. And preparing a morning dish from this magnificent product is a matter of two minutes. Place 100 grams on the bottom of a dessert cup. low-fat cottage cheese, add half a banana, cut into rings, pour everything with two tablespoons of natural yogurt and one tablespoon of any fruit sauce or homemade jam. Sprinkle the dish with any chopped nuts and your breakfast is ready. Add a slice of whole grain bread and a cup of coffee or herbal tea. Great start to the day, isn't it?

5. Hot sandwiches can be not only tasty, but also healthy. In the evening, hard-boil two eggs, pour cold water over them, peel them, cut them into slices and leave them in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, cut two round buns of whole grain bread into halves and toast them in the toaster. Place your bun halves on a microwave-safe plate, top each half with a thin slice of tomato, followed by slices of boiled eggs. Drizzle each sandwich with olive oil, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs and a small amount of Mozzarella or any other cheese. Microwave for one minute on high power.

6. A tasty and satisfying frittata with onions and herbs will require a little more time and attention from you. However, is 10 minutes too much? Pour ¼ cup of water into a small frying pan, add one chopped onion, stir, bring to a boil and cook over high heat, covered, for 2 minutes until the onion is soft. Remove the lid and let the remaining water evaporate for another 2 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Pour two fork-beaten eggs over the onion, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 seconds. Then reduce the heat to low, sprinkle your frittata with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped parsley and 1 tbsp. spoon of grated hard cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the frittata for 2 minutes until the eggs are completely cooked.

7. You can make a deliciously delicious American egg and tomato scramble in just 10 minutes. In a wide frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, add four eggs, lightly beaten with a fork, and cook, stirring constantly and mashing with a wooden spatula, for 3 minutes, until the eggs are almost completely cooked. When the eggs are almost done, add two diced tomatoes, stir thoroughly and cook for 1 more minute until the tomatoes are slightly soft. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately along with a couple of rye breads.

8. It will take you less than five minutes to prepare a delicious berry parfait. Before going to bed, transfer ½ cup of any frozen berries from the freezer to the refrigerator. In the morning, remove the defrosted berries from the refrigerator and layer them in a tall glass, interspersed with equal layers of vanilla yogurt and sweet cornflakes. Two minutes, and a delicious, bright and very aromatic breakfast is ready! All that remains is to brew a small cup of good coffee or brew tea.

9. You can prepare a delicious, satisfying, thick breakfast smoothie in a couple of minutes. A After all, such a cocktail contains all the nutrients you need in the morning! Pour ½ cup milk or light yogurt into a blender bowl, add ½ cup orange juice, half a banana, a few fresh or thawed strawberries and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet breakfast cereal. Whisk everything together for 2 minutes until smooth. Pour into a tall glass, garnish with a mint leaf and a cocktail straw. Such a simple, satisfying and healthy breakfast will appeal not only to you, but also to your children!

10. But you don’t have to prepare breakfast in the morning; you can prepare it in advance! When you can't find even five minutes to prepare even the simplest dishes, homemade breakfast bars will help you. Prepare them in your free time, and one morning they will save you and your mood. In a dry frying pan, toast two cups of rolled oats and one cup of finely chopped nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.) for 10 minutes. Stir frequently and make sure the cereal and nut mixture does not burn. Pour the finished mixture into a saucepan, add ½ cup wheat bran, ½ cup grated coconut, 1/3 cup honey, 1/3 cup corn syrup (can be replaced with any thick berry or fruit syrup), 1 ½ cups any dried fruit, cut into small pieces , a pinch of salt and a drop of vanilla essence. Mix everything thoroughly. Grease a wide baking dish with oil, lay out your mixture and carefully, using a wooden spatula dipped in water, smooth it out into a layer about one and a half centimeters thick. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200⁰ until golden brown. Cool the finished dish for 2 - 3 hours, and then cut into small rectangles. Store your breakfast bars in the refrigerator and serve with tea or juice.

And on the pages of Culinary Eden you can always find even more interesting ideas and tips that will tell you what to cook quickly for breakfast.

If you don’t have time to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast in the morning, you can do this in the evening. We'll tell you what dishes you can prepare in advance so that you can enjoy a nutritious breakfast in the morning and save time.

Before you start preparing the dish you like, you should pay attention to two simple but effective rules that will save your time.

  1. Plan your menu in advance. Nothing helps save precious time in modern society more than the ability to plan. By thinking through your breakfast meal plan in advance (preferably a week in advance), you can make your meals varied, which means more healthy and tasty.
  2. Prepare your kitchen for battle in advance. The preparation time for many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, put plates, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into a teapot or coffee into a coffee machine. These simple steps will allow you to save some time that you miss so much in the morning.

To get more done in the morning or to get a few extra minutes of sleep, take a little over half an hour in the evening to prepare nutrition bars. Moreover, such a tasty and healthy dish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and even taken with you as a meal.



  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • ½ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 handful of dried fruits;
  • 2-3 cloves of grated dark chocolate;
  • ⅓ glass of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


Mix all dry and liquid ingredients separately. Combine both mixtures and mix well until thick and homogeneous. Spread the dough in a layer of 5-7 millimeters on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut the hot dough into bars, turn them over and leave them in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

To diversify your breakfast, the dried fruits in the bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.


A serving of natural yogurt without additives and pieces of your favorite fruit is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save your time, but will also be very healthy. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.) can be an excellent substitute.

If you're used to starting your morning with nutritious scrambled eggs, try replacing them with a delicious frittata. Having prepared an Italian omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning all you have to do is warm up your breakfast.



  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g chanterelles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon grated parmesan;
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


Fry finely chopped mushrooms and onions in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Beat the eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan and pour the mixture over the mushrooms. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished frittata with herbs and cheese and cut into portions.

If you cook oatmeal in the evening, it will become tender and aromatic, having absorbed yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this dietary dish looks like a delicious dessert.



  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • berries to taste;
  • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


Mix cereal, favorite spices and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, simply add berries, coconut, nuts or dried fruit.

To the delight of those with a sweet tooth who care about their figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.



  • 2 cups of nuts (preferably hazelnuts or almonds);
  • 350 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 4 squirrels;
  • vanilla to taste.


Grind the nuts with sugar in a blender until fine crumbs. Whisk the egg whites and salt, then gradually add the nut mixture and vanilla, continuing to beat. Spoon the mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).


Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don’t have time to prepare it? Then take advantage of modern technology. In the evening, pour wheat, corn, rice or other porridge into the multicooker, add milk and water (the ratio of porridge to liquid is 1:3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - that’s all, the multicooker will do the rest. In the morning, a hot and healthy breakfast will await you.


If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology as a multicooker, then you still have many other options for preparing porridge. For example, pour kefir into buckwheat in a ratio of 1:3 (cold version) or boiling water in a thermos (warm version) and leave overnight. In the morning, your breakfast, filling you with B vitamins and microelements, is ready.

8. Berry parfait

Sometimes in the morning you want to please your soulmate (maybe yourself) with something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and useful. This recipe is just for such cases.



  • 150 ml vanilla yogurt;
  • 150 g corn flakes;
  • 150 g berries.


Layer berries, yogurt and cereal into a tall glass, maintaining equal proportions. Just a few minutes and your delicious, bright and slightly romantic breakfast is ready.

The good thing about this cheesecake recipe in the oven is that there are several options for serving it in the morning. They can be prepared in advance and served cold for breakfast, or heated in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, put it in molds or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just put the cheesecakes in the oven. While you are getting ready, a fragrant and airy breakfast will be ready.



  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g flour or semolina;
  • 5–6 apricots;
  • sugar and vanilla to taste.


Mash the cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and mash. Add flour or semolina in small portions, stirring with a spoon each time. Divide the apricots into four parts. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and lightly grease with oil. Spoon half of the mixture. Place a slice of apricots on each cheesecake, and the remaining mixture on top. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


In the evening, prepare a set for - a banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, all you have to do is mix all the ingredients.


Grind seeds, nuts, dates in a blender with natural yogurt. You can top it with any other ingredients you like, such as raspberries, blueberries or coconut flakes. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator, and in the morning enjoy a beautiful and nutritious breakfast.


Thanks to salmon toast in the morning, you will receive a storehouse of useful elements - protein, omega-3, fatty acids and iron. This breakfast is definitely worth including in your diet due to its high sodium content.

Everything is elementary simple: take whole grain bread or crispbread, put a slice of salmon on top, and then, if desired, cucumber, tomato, onion or herbs. Such a healthy and nutritious breakfast will calmly wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. The main thing is not to forget to cover it on top with cling film.

Yeast-free bread or crispbread and homemade pate. Start your morning with a breakfast rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus.



  • 400 g chicken or beef liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • spices to taste.


Cut the liver into pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Simmer, covered, until tender (approximately 15–20 minutes). Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry over moderate heat. The cooled ingredients need to be ground in portions in a blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put it in a container.

The benefit of baked apples is that during their preparation, a maximum of nutrients, minerals and vitamins are preserved. First of all, it is potassium and iron.



  • 1 apple;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


Remove the core of the apple, fill the cavity with honey and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes. If you wish, you can add raisins, walnuts or fill the apples with cottage cheese and fruit.


Simply cut a banana into two halves and top with natural yoghurt, coconut, muesli and a little honey. This is a very simple but tasty and healthy breakfast.

This low-carb dish is rich in vitamins A and C, making it an excellent source of keratin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means it can be prepared the night before.



  • 300 g polenta;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 300 g cane sugar;
  • 100 g white sugar;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons cream Anglaise;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 10 g ginger.


Mix polenta, cane sugar, eggs, butter and half a vanilla bean until smooth. Fill the buttered pan ⅔ full with dough and bake for an hour.

Melt white sugar in a frying pan along with the remaining vanilla. Add peeled and sliced ​​oranges to the melted caramel and remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle with grated ginger for a spicy kick.

Place caramelized oranges and ginger on the cooled cake and decorate with Anglaise cream.


Finally, the simplest, but no less healthy dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning, you will have a breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

Using the proposed 17 dishes, you can combine and create many breakfast options yourself. Just replace or supplement some ingredients with others according to your taste or mood.

Agree, now you have no excuses left to skip an important morning meal. Having prepared any of the proposed breakfast options in the evening, all you have to do is brew a good cup of tea or brew tea in the morning.
