Recipes for apricot jam - a bright delicacy for tea. A selection of recipes for jam from apricot slices with kernels, lemon, vanilla. Apricot jam slices

One of the summer activities is preparing berries and vegetables for the winter. There is nothing better than when you open your jam or pickles in the cold season. Today we’ll just talk about apricots. We will prepare apricot jam for the winter. Let's learn how to cook without seeds, and with them and slices. Let's look at the royal recipe. Our jam will be thick and tasty. And creating such a masterpiece is very simple and easy.

The article describes the following recipes:

  1. Classic: pitted
  2. Quick recipe Five minutes
  3. Cook in slices: simple and tasty
  4. Royal recipe
  5. Cooking in a slow cooker: video

You can see how to cook Strawberry jam for the winter. It turns out thick, tasty and aromatic.

Recipe for pitted apricot jam: preparing for the winter

The first one presented to your attention is the classic cooking method. We will cook the apricots in 3 stages. This will allow us to save the maximum useful substances and at the same time preserve fresh taste And summer scent berries The jam will turn out to be a bright natural color.

For cooking we need:

  • Apricots - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
As you can see from the composition, the ratio is 1 to 1!


1. Prepare the berries. Apricots need to be washed and dried. Separate from the seeds.

2. Transfer to a large saucepan. Add sugar. And we leave it from evening until tomorrow morning in our case. Let's see how much juice it produces. And then let's start cooking.

3. In the morning the apricots gave juice. The sugar has almost dissolved. We put it on fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Reduce heat and keep for literally 2-3 minutes. We leave it for the next day.

4. Second day. As you can see in the picture, they are all soaked through. Place on low heat and wait for it to boil. Remove from heat and leave for the next day.

5. Third day. The jam is transparent. The berries are soaked. There are intact ones. Place on low heat. When it boils, cook for five minutes. Then we put it in sterilized jars.

When boiling, foam forms. We collect it from the surface.

6. Once the jars are closed, they need to be turned upside down. They will stand like this until they cool completely.

The jam is ready!

Apricot jam “Pyatiminutka” without seeds: prepared quickly and tasty

The recipe has been tested for years. Only we will significantly reduce the sugar intake. By classical way we take 1 to 1. This jam was stored well even at room temperature. In theory this is correct. But it turned out very sweet. Therefore, we will take 400-500 grams of sugar per 1 kilogram of apricots.

Preparing the jam:

1. First of all, wash and dry the berries. Then cut it in half lengthwise. We take out the bone. Our apricots are large, so we also cut them in half.

We weigh it without seeds!

Sprinkle the apricot with sugar. Let's level it out a little. Cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Apricots should give juice.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the jars. You can sterilize them in the oven. We wash the jars and put them in cold oven. We set the temperature to 120-130 degrees. After it heats up, let it sit for 5-7 minutes. The jars need to be completely dry. Then let them cool down.

The lids can simply be filled with boiling water. Place them in a separate container and leave for 7-10 minutes.

3. 4 hours have passed. Place on low heat and slowly warm up. There is no need to interfere. As the apricots warm up, you can slowly stir them from bottom to top.

4. Warm up further. We need the sugar to completely dissolve. Don't forget to stir, but not often, as needed. The jam was almost boiling. This can be seen from the first bubbles. After it boils, cook for 5-7 minutes. And we can pour it into jars.

5. Pour hot jam into jars. We fill them to the very brim. Close and immediately turn over. Wrap it up and leave it to cool.

6. The jam is ready. Since it contains little sugar, it is better to store it in a cool place.

Recipe for delicious apricot jam: cook in slices

The second recipe is slightly different from the first. The jam is practically not cooked, but only poured with syrup. This is done within three days.

The composition is the same:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots
  • 1 kilogram of sugar

Cooking process:

1. Wash the berries. We dry them. Separate from the seeds.

You can take a little green berries, not quite ripe. They are even easier to clean.

2. Pour sugar into a saucepan. Pour in about 15 milliliters of water per 1 kilogram. And put it on fire. Stir. The sugar should dissolve and boil. Once it boils, simmer for about 5 minutes.

Don't forget to stir so it doesn't stick to the bottom.

3. To prepare the syrup, immediately pour it over the apricots. Carefully distribute the berries throughout the volume.

4. Cover with a lid or cling film. And leave it in this form for a day.

5. The jam let out the juice. It must be carefully poured into a saucepan. Set the apricots aside. And put the saucepan on the fire. Stir the syrup and wait until it boils. It takes 2-3 minutes for it to boil well.

6. Remove from heat and immediately pour over our apricots. Cover with a lid and cling film. and Leave for the next day.

7. On the third day we repeat the procedure. Drain the syrup, boil and pour over the apricots. Leave it for a day.

On the fourth day, put the jam on the fire. Once it boils and cook for 5 minutes. Add citric acid a pinch or squeeze a little lemon juice.

Then turn on the gas and immediately pour it into sterilized jars.

8. It turned out to be delicious sweet apricot jam for the winter.

Royal recipe for apricot jam with nuts

Let's make jam like a king. The method is unusual. Its essence is that the seeds are removed and some kind of nut is replaced. In our case, walnut. In this case, the berries remain intact. And if you don’t have nuts, you can cook it with seeds.


  • Apricot - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms
  • Water - 500-600 milliliters
  • Walnut kernels - 100 - 150 grams

Let's start cooking:

1. The berries must be washed and dried. For this jam, apricots should not be overripe, but of medium ripeness. In other words, tight. Now you need to remove the seeds. We make an incision along the berry and carefully remove the seed. And immediately put it in its place Walnut. And so with each berry.

You can use the seeds as a filling. But for this you need to take out the kernels and add them to the apricot instead of the nut. But remember that kernels can taste bitter. It's better to add nuts!)
And instead of walnut, you can use any other one.

2. Prepare the syrup. Pour water into the pan. Bring to a boil and add sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can add blackcurrant or cherry leaves for taste and aroma.

Cook for literally 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let it sit for 5-6 hours. During this time, the berries will be saturated with syrup.

3. Then put it on the fire again and bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the fire. Then carefully remove the foam. And leave for 5-6 hours.

3. For the third time, after boiling, we cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove currant or cherry leaves if you added them. Then we put it into jars.

4. Apricot jam By royal recipe ready. Two kilograms of apricots yielded 4 half-liter jars and one half-liter jar with syrup. Now the jars need to be turned over and covered until completely cooled. I wish you success in your preparation!

How to make pitted apricot jam in a slow cooker?

We will use a multicooker to help us prepare. I present to your attention detailed video recipe.

Grocery list:

  • Apricots without seeds - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Juice of half 1 lemon
  • Agar - 2 tablespoons

2 kg of pitted apricots + 1 kg of sugar + juice of half 1 lemon. cook in jam mode for 2 hours. at the end add 2 tbsp agar

Brief description of the video

Wash and dry the apricots. Naturally we remove the seeds. Place apricot, sugar and lemon in a multicooker bowl. Set the “Jam” mode and cook for 2 hours. Add agar at the end.

Apricot is one of the wonderful creations of nature. Not only is it delicious, but also healthy. What a pleasure it is to eat apricot jam in winter. When a piece of summer is on the table. Today we have discussed several recipes for apricot jam for the winter. Several options: with seeds, without seeds and slices. We learned how to make jam like a king. Dismantled quick recipe 5 Five minutes. It turned out thick, aromatic, sweet and very tasty!

To dilute some monochromatic sweetness of apricot in jam, we highly recommend enriching it fruity taste various additives and spices. They must have their own distinct aroma in order to adequately complement apricot slices and become a wonderful friendly “ally” for them. Today we will tell you how to cook pitted apricot jam in slices, seasoning it with spicy ginger.

If you haven’t tried this combination yet, hurry up and make this wonderful amber jam with ginger, because the season of delicious and ripe apricots is not over yet!


  • apricot – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.6-0.7 kg;
  • fresh ginger root - a piece 2-2.5 cm in length.

Preparation time: 1-2 days
Servings: 2 cans of 0.75-1 l

How to cook apricot jam in slices

1. Ripe fruits Wash the apricots, open the fruit into two halves and remove the pit.

2. Fill the apricot slices with sugar in an enamel container - we will immediately cook the jam in it when the apricots release their juice. Since apricots are quite sweet fruit(their pulp can contain up to 25% sugars), the amount of white refined sugar can be reduced and the traditional 1:1 ratio should not be used. In our case, 0.6 kg of sugar was used per kilogram of sweet and juicy apricots. Leave the apricots sprinkled with sugar until they release juice and the sugar has completely dissolved. This usually takes from 3 to 12 hours, but can be left overnight. If you want to keep whole apricot halves in the jam, mix the contents of the bowl very carefully.

3. This is what your apricots will look like the next morning.

4. Before starting the first cooking, prepare fresh ginger root. We peel it from the thin brown peel and grate it on a fine grater.

5. Together with ginger juice transfer the resulting slurry to the syrup with the apricots.

6. Place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove the foam and, as soon as it boils, turn it off and leave to cool in the syrup for 3-5 hours.

7. Then we make the second approach and perform similar actions: bring to a boil, leave for 3-4 hours. As a result, when you need to boil the jam for the third time, apricot halves will be completely saturated with syrup, and the pieces of ginger will practically not be visible, unlike its wonderful aroma– he will accompany you during all processes!

8. After the third cooking, there is no need to wait for cooling; immediately put the jam into jars, distributing an equal portion of halves and syrup into each of the jars.

9. Screw on the lids and leave to cool.

Pitted apricot jam in slices with ginger is ready! We highly recommend leaving it until winter, because after several months, this jam will infuse and acquire a unique apricot-ginger taste...

Bon appetit!

For those who are not yet aware, we inform you that apricot is the healthiest berry to maintain the functioning of the heart, since its pulp contains very a large number of potassium

But you want to eat it, of course, not because it is healthy, but simply because it has incomparable taste and aroma. Enjoy and don’t forget about preparing for the winter.

Can you make jam? different ways and eventually get different result. We would like to suggest making Amber Apricot Jam.

This recipe can truly be called elite. Bright filled sunlight Apricot slices can be served even on a royal table.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Apricots – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Purified water – 200 ml.

We will cook the jam in a stainless steel pan, enameled and aluminum in in this case doesn't fit. It is best if it is a pan with a wide bottom. From the specified quantity we will get 2 floors liter jars, and still have to try.

How to make amber jam from apricot halves for the winter

For our amber jam We choose ripe “kalika” with dense pulp and one from which the pit can be easily removed. Don’t take a delicious, ripe but soft apricot; it can make excellent jam or “five-minute” jam, but amber apricot jam, alas, will not work.

We have chosen the apricots and now they need to be immediately placed in deep container and fill with water. This will make it easier to wash the fruits.

After about 5 minutes of immersion, wash each apricot separately and then, armed with a sharp knife, cut it into halves, immediately removing the pit. Instead of halving, you can cut the apricots into slices, cutting the halves into several more pieces. But don't cut small, halves or quarters are the best size for apricot jam.

We've completed the preparation of the apricots and now let's start cooking the sweet syrup. Pour water into the container, close the lid, put it on the fire and wait until it boils.

Place granulated sugar into boiling water.

Over low heat, stirring constantly, begin to cook the syrup.

Sugar will not dissolve quickly, so be patient and wait for the results. The syrup will come out quite thick.

Dip the already prepared apricot halves into the prepared syrup. They should be completely immersed in this sweetness. It is advisable to even mix them slightly.

Turn off the heat under the pan, close the lid and leave until they have cooled completely.

We return to the apricots, already saturated with sweetness. Using a slotted spoon, remove them from the syrup and transfer them to a separate bowl.

And the now amber-colored syrup is sent back to the fire. Our task is to wait until it boils.

As soon as the syrup boils, we re-immerse the apricots in it and turn off the heat. We leave them to soak and cool. It is these procedures that will help us get beautiful whole halves.

After the second time, we put the pan of jam on the stove and make it completely small fire, heat until boiling. Turn it off and let it cool again.

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As soon as it cools down, start cooking over low heat (after it boils) for a couple of minutes. We do this two more times.

In the process we will see how our apricot jam acquires an amber color. This completes our process.

Amber apricot jam is ready and you just need to place it in steamed hot jars and close the lids (sterile).

Today we will prepare truly luxurious apricot jam from quite available products. Apricots, sugar and just a little citric acid will eventually turn into delicious treat. Apricot jam slices are so fragrant - it seems that a piece of summer is hidden in one spoon. And how beautiful it is - transparent amber syrup and delicious fruit slices. Do you agree that apricot jam is one of the most delicious?

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for apricot jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. First of all, for this aromatic preparation You must definitely take fruits that are not fully ripened and dense, since otherwise the slices will simply boil and turn into puree. You can use these apricots to make apricot jam.

In addition, depending on the juiciness of the fruit, it may take different time. It is important to take your time and then your wait will pay off with interest. The density of itself apricot syrup can be easily adjusted by boiling for a longer period of time, testing it into a soft ball. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely prepare the most delicious and fragrant apricot jam for your family!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Wash and dry the apricots, then cut each one in half along the pit. We don't need the bones themselves. I indicate the mass of apricots (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, without seeds.

Place the apricot halves in a bowl and cover with granulated sugar in layers. Gently shake the bowl so that the sugar evenly covers the slices. In this state, the apricots and sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, during which it is important not to stir, but to lightly shake the contents. This way the slices will not get crushed, and the sugar will dissipate faster. If you have the desire and time, you can cover the apricots with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning - this is what I always do. By the way, it is important to choose bulky dishes, since during the process you will need to shake the contents a little. That’s why I then transferred the apricots and sugar to a larger bowl.

When you see that most of the sugar has dissolved and turned into syrup, you can move on to the next stage of preparing apricot jam for the winter. Place the dishes on low heat and let granulated sugar With apricot juice turn completely into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid during this time. It is advisable not to mix the slices with sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the bowl from side to side. This is necessary so that the apricot halves retain their integrity.

Thus, bring the contents of the dish to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the apricot jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the apricot slices from the syrup. It won't be very long, don't worry. We do this in order to boil the syrup a little. Place the dishes on medium heat and, stirring, cook for about 5-10 minutes, skimming off the foam. At the end, add half a teaspoon of citric acid, which will help the syrup remain clear and not cloudy. A test for the readiness of the syrup is a soft, soft ball: if you drop just a little syrup onto a chilled saucer, the drop does not spread, but holds its shape.

After this, put the apricot slices into the boiling syrup and boil everything together for another 5 minutes after boiling again. The apricot jam is ready in slices - close it for the winter.

Spilling aromatic delicacy into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge by about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each housewife sterilizes cooking utensils in her own way, but I prefer to do it in microwave oven- wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour into each cold water for 2 fingers. Steam the jars in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 0.5 liter jars at once, 7-9 minutes will be enough. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

  1. For apricot jam, we select dense and slightly unripe apricots in slices. Overripe fruits can be eaten or made into regular apricot jam or jam.
  2. Wash the apricots thoroughly. When the water has drained and the fruits have dried slightly, carefully open the apricots into slices and remove the seeds.
  3. Place the apricot slices in a wide enamel bowl for jam.
  4. Based on the weight of the apricots, we measure required amount sugar and water. In a separate enamel dishes cook sweet syrup from sugar and water.
  5. Stirring with a wooden spoon, bring the syrup to a boil. Carefully remove the rising foam. Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes and turn off.
  6. Pour hot syrup over apricots. Make sure that the syrup covers all the apricot slices. For this purpose, shake the bowl several times (it is not recommended to stir the jam with a spoon).
  7. Let it sit for 12 hours.
  8. Drain the syrup from the apricots, bring the syrup to a boil and pour the apricots again. Let the jam sit for 12 hours.
  9. Decant the syrup and bring it to a boil. After pouring the hot syrup over the apricot slices for the third time, put the bowl of jam on the fire.
  10. Important!!! When we place a bowl of jam on the stove, do not turn the heat up to high so that the jam boils faster. Why not? There may be some crystallized sugar left at the bottom of the bowl. When heated quickly, the sugar, instead of dissolving, begins to melt, turning into caramel, which then begins to burn. Therefore, we heat the apricot jam slowly, stirring it every now and then so that the sugar at the bottom dissolves.
  11. To mix the apricot jam, take the bowl in your hands and lightly shake the contents or give it a rotational movement. With this method, apricot slices are preserved better than when stirred with a spoon. As a last resort, use a slotted spoon or a wooden spatula.
  12. Be sure to remove the risen foam with a wooden spoon (a special spoon that is used only for cooking jam, like a bowl).
  13. Cook the apricots over low heat for about an hour until the syrup acquires a beautiful orange-golden color.
  14. Make sure the jam doesn't burn. If it just so happens that the jam is burnt, no one is safe from this, then turn off the heat, pour the jam into a clean bowl and only then continue cooking.
  15. To find out whether the jam is cooked or not, just drop hot syrup onto a chilled plate. If the droplet retains its round shape, then the jam is ready; if it spreads like a lake over the plate, then you should boil it a little more. Don’t forget that the longer apricot jam is cooked, the darker it turns out, so it’s important to stop in time. Your variety of apricot may require less time than indicated in the recipe.
  16. We roll up delicious seedless apricot jam into sterile jars. Turn the hot jars upside down and leave them to cool.


  • Apricots (pitted) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  1. Sort the apricots, rinse well and drain.
  2. Using a knife, cut the apricots in half along the groove, remove the pits.
  3. Place apricots in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 8-10 hours.
  4. Mix carefully and place the bowl on the fire. Bring apricots to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat and leave apricot jam in halves for 6-8 hours.
  5. Boil the lids for 5 minutes. Rinse well with soda and sterilize the jars in any way. For example, in the microwave.
  6. Place the bowl of jam on the fire. Boil. Cook the apricot jam in halves for 5 minutes over low heat.
  7. Place the jam into jars. Roll up the jam with sterile lids. Enjoy your tea!