Rice milk: benefits, harm and method of preparation. Rice milk - the benefits and harms of the drink How rice milk is made

Rice milk is a good replacement for the usual product. Of course, it's not very nutritious. If necessary, you can purchase it at the store or prepare it yourself. The reasons for giving up dairy products can be different: individual intolerance to milk proteins, life principles, allergies, and so on. Rice drink, on the contrary, is hypoallergenic. It can be consumed even by those who try to exclude animal products from their diet. In addition, such milk is no less healthy.

How did the drink come about?

The Moors' favorite drink was orchata, or horchata. This product, which brings relief from thirst, was made from chufa or ground almonds. After some time, the recipe for this amazing drink became known to the Spaniards, as a result of which the product gained popularity. After this, the drink became known in Latin America. However, there were not enough ingredients to prepare it, so local residents began to look for new ingredients to create a tasty drink. Initially, pumpkin and melon seeds were used to prepare it. After some time, the recipe underwent changes. The almonds and rice caught our attention. This is how rice milk was born.

Useful properties of the product

The chemical composition does not contain fructose, but contains sucrose. The drink made from this cereal is a product of exclusively plant origin. Therefore, this milk does not contain lactose or cholesterol. Rice milk, the recipe for which is described below, contains many useful components. It is worth noting that a cup of the drink has a nutritional value of about 113 calories.

A glass of this wonderful drink contains about 12.6 grams of sugar, 0.67 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.3 grams of unsaturated acids. In addition, rice milk contains magnesium, copper, B6 vitamins, and niacin. Many manufacturers supplement the drink with other components. Rice milk can be fortified and rich in microelements. Calcium, vitamins A, D and B12 are often added to the drink.

Harm of rice milk

If you wish, you can prepare rice milk at home. However, we should not forget that the product, in addition to its beneficial properties, also has negative qualities. First of all, in the diet of newborn children, rice milk, even after fortification, cannot replace cow's milk. In infants, consumption of such a product can cause a deficiency of B vitamins, as well as kwashiorkor. This is childhood pellagra, which occurs due to an excess of carbohydrates and a lack of proteins.

In addition to the above, another property of rice milk has been identified. Studies have been carried out, as a result of which scientists have proven that the drink contains small amounts of arsenic. The dosage of this substance in rice milk is completely safe for an adult, but for children under 5 years of age, it can cause severe poisoning.

How to prepare rice milk?

A recipe with a photo will allow you to more accurately imagine the process of the appearance of this drink. First you need to prepare the products. To prepare rice milk you will need:

  • brown rice - 100 grams (you can also use white, but basmati is an exception);
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • spices to taste.

The calorie content of the finished drink is not so high: 100 grams of the product - 58 kcal.

Cooking process

To make rice milk, soak the rice in cold water and leave for eight hours. After this, you need to drain the liquid. Rice should be washed thoroughly. The cereal must be transferred to a blender and then chopped. You also need to add a little water here. The result should be a paste.

The finished mass should be transferred to a container, preferably with a lid. After this, the mixture must be placed on low heat. During cooking, rice and water should be stirred constantly. Otherwise, the drink will not work, because the rice milk will gradually thicken during cooking and stick to the bottom of the container.

You need to mix the mixture until it boils. After this, the drink needs to be boiled for about 12 minutes. The resulting mass will form small lumps that will stick to the walls of the container. That's how it should be.

Further actions

The rice milk is almost ready. Now you need to add spices to the resulting mass. As a rule, the drink is prepared with cardamom, vanilla and cinnamon. To make rice milk more tasty, you can sweeten it with fructose or sugar.

The container with the drink must be tightly closed and left for 1.5 hours. After this, the rice milk needs to be strained and cooled. The product should be stored in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that the finished milk will be thick, so you can add a little water to it. This should be done immediately or before use. As for the amount of sugar or fructose, it all depends on the rice: the sweeter it is, the less sugar is required.

An increasing number of our fellow citizens are interested in non-traditional methods of treatment and healing. Among the huge number of a wide variety of exotic remedies that are extremely popular, rice mushroom occupies a special place.

What it is

Despite its name, this amazing medicine is not a mushroom. By the way, it has other, no less popular names. It is known to many as Chinese, Indian or sea mushroom. But behind all this lies the same thing - zooglea. This word is translated from Latin as “sticky substance.” Much to the disappointment of many, zooglea is simply a waste product of several species of bacteria. These microorganisms secrete mucus or have a mucous capsule, so they stick together into one whole. Zooglea is formed during the fermentation process. It contains acetic acid bacteria. And the properties of this substance have been known to healers for many centuries. Based on the product we are considering, a special drink (infusion) is prepared, with the help of which they quench their thirst and improve their well-being.

Varieties of rice mushroom

The most common zoogles in the world are Indian sea rice, Chinese milk rice (Tibetan) and kombucha. They all differ in appearance and method of preparing drinks. Tibetan and kombucha are more like a living organism. Indian sea rice is strikingly different from these types of zoogles. It can be small and large. Both of these varieties have the same medicinal properties. They differ only in the speed of development of zoogles. Thus, a small rice mushroom grows much faster than a large one. At the same time, the latter has a more pleasant fruity and milky taste.

The sea mushroom received this name due to its appearance, reminiscent of translucent grains of boiled cereal. The epithets “Chinese” and “Indian” were given to this substance for a reason, because it was from these countries that it spread throughout the world. It is most likely called sea salt because it looks a little like coarse salt extracted from salty reservoirs.

A common feature of all types of zoogles is the presence of acetic acid bacteria in them. Rice mushroom is considered the most healing, and few people doubt its benefits for the body. A slightly carbonated drink is prepared from the infusion of zoogles. Its taste is reminiscent of kvass or whey.

Composition of zooglea

Rice mushroom has a rich chemical composition. It contains polysaccharides, vitamins, inorganic and organic acids, enzymes, aldehydes, fat-like, tannins and resins, alkaloids, vitamins C and D, glucosites, ethyl alcohol. Thanks to its composition, this substance has gained fame as a very effective healing and health remedy. Despite this, doctors treat it with some prejudice, since very little scientific research has been carried out on zoogles. Rice mushroom is a unique community of microorganisms. It is often called alive, since under a microscope the process of zooglea respiration is clearly visible in an aquatic environment.

It is also often called Chinese. It has been used in Tibetan medicine for many centuries and has recently spread throughout the world. Chinese rice mushroom, unlike other types of zoogles, is grown on dairy products. This gelatinous protein substance has a whitish tint. Its “grains” grow up to 6-50 mm. When they become very large, they begin to divide into small fractions. The overgrown Chinese rice mushroom resembles cauliflower in appearance.

This substance is a collection of lactic acid bacteria and yeast fungi. The microorganisms contained in it ferment milk. Under their influence, 2 types of fermentation occur in it:

  • lactic acid;
  • alcohol.

The finished drink has healing properties: it improves the functioning of the digestive system and activates the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to it, you can restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in a short time. The drink, obtained by fermenting milk rice mushroom, is a natural probiotic. It fights well against dysbacteriosis and putrefactive processes. In addition, this is an excellent thirst quencher during the hot season.

Properties of Chinese milk rice mushroom

Chinese rice mushroom, reviews of which prove its unique healing properties, is capable of:

Strengthen the immune system;

Activate metabolic processes in body tissues;

Accelerate metabolism, facilitating the process of weight loss;

Treat some gastrointestinal diseases;

Restore intestinal microflora;

Activate the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;

Improve the functioning of the heart muscle and the condition of blood vessels;

Heal ulcers and cracks.

Milk Tibetan mushroom has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The drink obtained with its help promotes concentration and improves memory. It prevents the progression of atherosclerosis.

Making a drink from milk rice mushroom

To prepare a healing drink, add 4 teaspoons of Chinese rice mushroom to 500 ml of milk. After a day, it will collect on the surface of the liquid. Fermented milk, which looks like kefir, will settle to the bottom of the container. The liquid is filtered through cheesecloth into a glass container. The milk mushroom is washed with running water and then used again for fermentation.

Properties of rice mushroom

Zooglea infusion contains lactic and acetic acid bacteria and yeast. This “mushroom” is capable of synthesizing polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body, which stimulate sexual function, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels and normalize the lactation process. They promote the production of prostaglandins. The chemical elements contained in this drink protect a person from heart disease, allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, and asthma. They prevent the process of premature aging. Rice kvass inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms such as salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and many other bacteria.

Keeping and growing rice mushroom

What to do after you have purchased a rice mushroom? How to grow it in sufficient quantities to be enough for daily use? Don't despair if you only get 1-2 spoons of zoogles. Growing rice mushroom from scratch is not at all difficult. Zoogleas reproduce quite quickly. Moreover, the larger the volume of this product, the more drink you can prepare.

Rice mushroom, the benefits of which should be obvious, is not at all difficult to maintain. For its normal functioning it is only necessary to create favorable conditions. To do this, pour unboiled clean water at room temperature into a glass jar (3 l). Add 6 tbsp to it. spoons of sugar. If a different container volume is used, sugar is taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water. After adding the sweet product, you must wait until it is completely dissolved. Then add rice mushroom to the water (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid). Place some raisins, dried apricots or other dried fruits in the container and cover the jar with gauze. They give the drink a pleasant taste. The future drink is stored in a dark place. When preparing the infusion, sugar should not be allowed to come into contact with the zooglea, as this can cause disease. Rice mushroom is added only to water in which granulated sugar has completely dissolved.

It may take 2-3 days to prepare the drink. The duration of mushroom ripening directly depends on the air temperature and the amount of rice product in the jar. After the drink is ready, it is carefully poured through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container. The jar is thoroughly washed without using detergents. The rice mushroom is washed directly in gauze or a sieve with running water and used again according to the above described scheme. In this case, the used raisins are thrown away and new ones are added.

Some people add toasted slices of black and white bread to the jar to give the drink a more attractive color. In this case, it will strongly resemble ordinary kvass.

Storage conditions

Rice mushroom, the preparation of which, as you can see, is not at all difficult, requires compliance with a certain temperature regime. So, if the room temperature is below +17 °C, then zooglea quickly dies. In warm rooms it grows much more intensively. So, at a temperature of +25 °C, it will take only 2 days to obtain the finished drink. It is stored for only 24 hours, so you should not stock up too much, as the product quickly deteriorates and loses its beneficial properties. The drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.

Applications of rice mushroom

Rice mushroom, instructions for preparation and use of which are passed on from one person to another, can be used in different ways. Most often, to improve general health, people drink 0.5 liters of mushroom infusion per day. The daily dose is divided into three doses. Take the “medicine” 15-20 minutes before meals. After just a month, the person’s well-being noticeably improves.

For preventive purposes, you can drink it between meals. Optimal norms for consuming rice kvass:

Adults - 2-3 times a day, 100-170 ml;

Children after 3 years - 2-3 times 50-100 ml;

Children under 3 years old - 2-3 times a day, no more than 50 ml at a time.

The duration of taking the infusion is determined individually for each person. Most often it is taken in short courses of 3 months, then they take a break, after which treatment is resumed again. Some people drink it daily for many years.

If a person does not want to drink such a drink, he should not drink it against his will. Such reluctance may indicate that the body is already saturated with the necessary nutrients.


Is rice mushroom safe? Any means, even the most harmless at first glance, can cause harm to a person, so it is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations for its use. First of all, Zoogle infusions should not be consumed by diabetics. In general, rice mushroom, the contraindications to which have not been studied in detail by specialists, should be used with caution. Some people suffering from respiratory diseases may experience discomfort when first taking the infusion. They usually go away after a few days. If no improvements are observed after taking the infusion for a long time, it is better to abandon it. Those who are allergic to this product should not drink rice mushroom drinks.

Before resorting to the help of zooglea, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since self-medication even with such a seemingly harmless remedy can lead to unpleasant consequences.

An unusual and tasty drink made from rice is rice milk. It is easy to prepare and the benefits of drinking this drink are great. It is excellent for feeding people with allergies and lactose intolerance, and is indispensable in vegetarian diets.

Rice milk contains many elements useful for the functioning of the body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B6, A, D. The only thing is that rice milk is still a drink, and in no case should it replace breast milk milk when feeding babies.

The ideal rice milk is considered to be made from brown rice, since it itself is a healthier product. But if you don’t have brown rice, then regular rice, but not parboiled and long-grain rice, can be a successful substitute.

Rice milk is easy to prepare. It's better to prepare everything in the evening. Be sure to rinse the rice and soak it in water overnight. And in the morning you should rinse it again, draining the water in which it was soaked.

Place the rice in a blender jar with a little water. Run the blender for 3-4 minutes. You should end up with a smooth, creamy white mass.

Pour it into a saucepan and add 2/3 of the required amount of water. Stir everything well.

Place the pan on the fire and simmer for 4-5 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. The mixture will become thicker and stick to the sides and bottom, so it is important not to leave and stir constantly.

The rice milk base is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator. To make rice milk, you just need to combine the rice paste with boiled water, add a sweetener (brown sugar, honey) to taste and beat again.

And here comes rice milk, sweet and pleasant to the taste.

Rice milk is easy to make at home or can be found in the store if you're persistent. This product is a good, albeit less nutritious, alternative to cow's milk.

The reason you decided to give up traditional dairy products could be due to an intolerance to dairy proteins, an allergy, or a life philosophy that involves eating only plant-based foods. If you love cow's milk and drink it daily, even then the hypoallergenic rice drink can offer you several benefits.

Where did it come from? Long ago, the favorite drink of the Moors was horchata, or orshat. This non-alcoholic cooling liquid was made from ground almonds or chufa. Soon he migrated to the Spaniards, and then to Latin America. The shortage of a key ingredient forced locals to look for other ingredients. Initially, pumpkins were also used, and only after some time did rice and almonds attract attention.

Today, healthy rice milk is especially popular in the United States, where the traditions of strict vegetarianism are strong. Here the drink can be found in literally every supermarket. In India, this product is also held in high esteem, but Indians are also not going to give up cow's milk.

A cup of unsweetened rice milk, made with brown rice and pure water, contains 113 calories.

Since brown rice does not contain fructose but does contain sucrose, 1 cup of the drink contains a whopping 12.67 grams of sugar, as well as 0.67 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbohydrates and 2.3 grams of unsaturated fat. This product is exclusively of plant origin, so it contains no cholesterol and lactose. It contains sufficient quantities of niacin, vitamin B6, iron, copper and magnesium.

Manufacturers fortify the finished drink (with vitamins A, D, B12) and saturate it with calcium.

But even in its improved form, rice milk cannot replace cow’s milk in infant nutrition. In infants, this can cause rickets (due to vitamin D deficiency) or kwashiorkor (infantile pellagra due to lack of protein and excess carbohydrates).

Harm and contraindications

The benefits of rice milk are not limitless, it’s time to talk about the dangers of the product.

According to the Society for Nutrition Standardization (UK), the drink contains high levels of arsenic.

It is safe for an adult, but for children under 4.5 years of age, poisoning is quite likely, especially if rice milk is introduced into the child’s diet on an ongoing basis.

Be careful and seek advice from your therapist in advance.

How to cook

If you want to know for sure what's in rice milk, it's best to make your own.

  1. For 4 parts water you will need 1 part brown rice.
  2. Rinse the grain, add water and cook until softened.
  3. Place the contents of the pan into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
  4. Pass the finished rice milk through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, add boiled water, vanilla, cocoa or cinnamon if desired.

In cooking, this drink is used to add fluffiness to puddings, thickness to milk sauces and egg mixtures. You can even make delicious ice cream from it.

How to choose

When choosing packaged rice milk at the store, choose unsweetened milk. It does not contain fructose, but only complex sugars, so it is less harmful to the heart and blood vessels. Sweetened rice milk usually contains fructose, honey, molasses, corn syrup, agave syrup, or sugar cane syrup. Needless to say, such a product cannot be considered dietary.

and - two more alternatives to cow's milk. A glass of soy drink contains 35% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin D for an adult. Almond milk contains a balanced mix of proteins and fats, but may cause allergies.

Rice milk recipe

In recent years, especially in the West, rice milk has become quite popular. It is successfully used as a plant-based alternative to traditional dairy products. Not all people can consume whole milk due to a number of objective and subjective circumstances.

  1. Individual intolerance to proteins (casein and whey proteins).
  2. Allergy to lactose.
  3. Commitment to vegetarianism.
  4. Diet aimed at weight loss.
  5. Observance of fasts in various religions.
  6. The desire to reduce the consumption of animal fats.

And another reason for refusing industrial milk: “.

They have long found a replacement for dairy products, using grains - oats, rice, barley, rye, wheat, nuts (almonds) and soy - as the basis for preparing plant-based milk. In terms of external characteristics, it resembles traditional milk, but contains less protein and is characterized by the absence of saturated fat.

Rice-based milk is considered one of the most popular milks on the Western market. It can be purchased ready-made in the supermarket, or you can make it at home, since the recipe for rice milk is quite simple.

Composition and beneficial properties of rice milk

This dietary product is rich in fiber, which effectively reduces the level of “dangerous” cholesterol in the blood and fixes sugar levels at an optimal level, which is especially important for people suffering from diabetes, inflammatory and chronic diseases.

Rice milk is also a natural source of dietary fiber (fiber) - up to 20%, B vitamins - thiamine (B1), (B9) and nicotinic acid (niacin, PP, vitamin B3).

These vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. For example, the female body consumes B vitamins in huge quantities under various overloads - stress, menstruation, chronic fatigue, insomnia, etc. A deficiency of these substances is manifested by a deterioration in the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. Regular consumption of rice milk helps improve complexion, skin condition and overall well-being.

Systematic consumption of rice milk activates the body's defenses, helping it resist various viral infections, which is especially important during the cold and damp seasons.

Rice milk is rich in magnesium, zinc and iron, and also contains small doses of sodium, copper, iodine and potassium. These substances help improve the performance of the hematopoietic organs.

Rice milk recipe

This recipe makes 8 cups of product. If desired, you can use your favorite spices during the cooking process - ground cinnamon, natural vanilla, cardamom.

List of required ingredients:

  • half a cup (in case of emergency, you can replace it with round white rice, however, it contains significantly less nutrients);
  • 8 cups of water;
  • quarter cup.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Rinse the rice and soak in water overnight.
  • In the morning, drain the water and rinse again.
  • Place in a blender and grind.
  • Gradually add water in small portions during the grinding process. The result will be a homogeneous mixture.
  • Transfer to a saucepan and put on fire.
  • Stir constantly to prevent sticking to the bottom and sides.
  • As the mixture heats, it will become thicker.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for another 2-4 minutes.
  • Add sugar and stir.
  • Cover with a lid and leave to steep for an hour.
  • The resulting mixture has small lumps and sticks to the walls of the pan - this is normal.
  • Strain the milk and store in the refrigerator.

That's the whole rice milk recipe. In principle, it’s not difficult, although it’s not fast. The resulting product is quite thick, so, if desired, immediately before use, it can be diluted with ordinary boiled water.

Rice milk prepared according to this recipe contains the same amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins as whole cow milk. In terms of fat content, it is inferior to cow's.

Uses of rice milk

You can use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes - berry and fruit smoothies, ice cream, delicious and healthy desserts, flour dishes, cereals, puddings, omelettes. It is advisable to add it to your favorite hot drinks: cocoa, coffee, chicory infusion, tea.

Homemade rice milk contains less protein and more carbohydrates compared to soy, goat and cow's milk.

Contraindications for use

Experts do not recommend drinking rice milk for children under 4.5 years of age, since recent studies have found chemical compounds hazardous to health, including arsenic, in its composition. Their level in this product does not have any negative consequences for adults, but can cause poisoning in a fragile child’s body, especially if rice milk is given to the baby on a regular basis.

Rice milk is a dietary product that will enrich any diet with its exquisite taste and beneficial properties. Due to the fact that it is almost completely absorbed by the body, this product effectively increases energy levels, giving additional strength and vigor, and also relieves fatigue.

Mila Nabogova
