Lean rolls made from yeast dough. Lenten sweet roll. Stages of preparing rolls

Lenten potato roll can be prepared not only during Lent. Delicious and easy to prepare, it will perfectly decorate lunch or dinner. I used mushrooms and vegetables as a lean filling.

Prepare the necessary products.

Peel the potatoes and boil until tender. At the end of cooking, add a little salt. Drain some of the water from the potatoes. Leave enough water to make a thick puree. Mash the hot potatoes well with a potato masher.

Wash and peel carrots, onions and mushrooms.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion. Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil until half cooked.

Add finely chopped mushrooms to the vegetables. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Fry everything for about 7-10 minutes over medium heat.

Add starch to potatoes. Stir well. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place a rectangle of mashed potatoes on top of the paper with a height of about 0.7-1 cm.

Place mushrooms and vegetables on a layer of mashed potatoes.

Roll the roll using your hands and folding the parchment paper.

Grease the roll with vegetable oil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Grease the finished roll again with vegetable oil and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Or, alternatively, you can sprinkle it with breadcrumbs or chopped nuts. Cut the roll with a sharp knife and serve.

Lenten potato roll is delicious both hot and cold.

Bon appetit!

I don't keep fasts. But this wonderful roll is the most lenten there is. And it can be enjoyed by those who still observe fasts. Although, you can enjoy it at any other time and with everything. This is exactly what we do.

First I knead the dough. The dough is universal. I use it for savory pies, rolls and pizza. The filling can be very varied. The other day I baked similar rolls with cabbage and pears. This time I ordered a mushroom roll. And I decided to take pictures.

For the test:

Flour, approximately 500 g;

300 ml warm water;

50 ml sunflower oil;

1 teaspoon dry yeast;

1 tablespoon sugar;

0.5 teaspoon salt

I mix some of the flour with salt, sugar and yeast. Yeast, by the way, I take “pakmaya”, made in Turkey. They are very active and fast-acting

Mix everything, add oil

And warm, 40 degrees C water

Gradually adding flour, knead the soft dough. I cover it with a napkin and leave it in a warm place to rise.

It's time to take care of the filling:

500 g mushrooms;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

black pepper;

frying oil

Any mushroom is suitable, edible, of course. My mushroom catch is 500 g of mushrooms from the supermarket. Yes, yes, I know that white ones are better, or honey mushrooms, or... It’s not the season, we’ll eat champignons. Once upon a time in childhood we collected them in my grandmother’s garden under the cherry tree. And the following question tormented me: if boletuses grow under aspen trees, boletuses grow under birch trees, then why do champignons grow under cherries? Now I know that champignons can be picked not only under cherries, but also on store shelves.

Well, here I am, washing the vegetables, peeling them, cutting them.

And I fry it all in sunflower oil. I prefer unrefined. I fry it in the following order: first I simmer the carrots in oil, then add the mushrooms. I add the onions to the pan last, when the mushrooms are almost ready. Salt and pepper

Ready-made vegetables should be chopped a little, for example, using a blender or meat grinder

After 30-40 minutes, when the dough has risen, I divide it in half - I will have 2 rolls

I roll out the dough into a small layer and, to decorate it a little, I sprinkle it with flax seeds (you can use sesame or poppy seeds, or nothing), I pass over it with a rolling pin to press it into the dough

Then I turn the layer over and roll it out to a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. I spread half the filling

And I roll it up

I will do the same with the second piece of dough. Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and greased with oil. Cover with a napkin and leave for another 20 minutes to proof.

I bake for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 210-220 C. By the time the rolls are sufficiently browned, I prepare sugar syrup and a damp towel. To obtain syrup, I stir a couple of tablespoons of sugar in a very small amount of hot water.

I take the rolls out of the oven, immediately remove them from the baking sheet onto a damp towel and grease them with hot syrup - they shine amazingly!

I have a hard time stopping people who want to eat everything right away. I tell them to let them cool a little. Without much success, however - after 10 minutes I see the following picture:

Oh, these lovers of goodies!

Warmth and comfort to your home!

Lenten lavash rolls are a great time saver for housewives. Potatoes can easily replace a whole lunch. Biscuits allow you to arrange a small celebration for your family without going beyond the scope of Lent. One way or another, the ability to wrap delicious “snails” with various fillings will help you out more than once, no matter what day the calendars show. Take note of the recipes!

Lavash, mushrooms and greens

If anyone ever tries to prove to you that food without meat and butter cannot be truly tasty, don’t argue. Just prepare a stubborn meatloaf with mushrooms and herbs. Seductive, fragrant, crispy on the outside and deliciously juicy on the inside, it will not leave even the most convinced meat-eater indifferent.

You will need:

  • thin pita bread – 1 pc.;
  • 300 g assorted wild mushrooms;
  • 2 medium sized onions;
  • a bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dry herbs and spices to taste;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling;
  • salt.

Number of servings: 7-8.

Cooking time: 40 min.

If rolling a whole pita bread is inconvenient, cut it into squares

Let's get started:

1. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, and then fry in vegetable oil until transparent.

2. Chop the mushrooms randomly (if you use dry ones, first soak them in water for 4-6 hours depending on the size) and add to the onions.

3. Fry the fragrant crumble over medium heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the very end, add dry herbs and salt.

4. Pour 4-5 tbsp into a shallow bowl. l. vegetable oil and throw in a clove of garlic passed through a press.

5. Finely chop fresh herbs, mix with spicy oil, add salt to taste and add spices.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

7. Unfold the lavash sheet on the table. Coat it with oil with herbs and spices, and spread the filling on top in an even layer.

8. Roll the pita bread into a roll, place it on a greased baking sheet - you can use baking paper - finally sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake. As soon as its surface is browned, you can serve the treat on the table. This roll is especially tasty when served hot.

The film will help you roll the mashed potatoes into a roll.

If you want to make the dish more satisfying, replace the pita bread with 5-6 boiled potatoes. Pound them into puree, add 3-4 tbsp. l. flour or starch and spread the resulting mass in an even layer on a piece of cling film. Spread the filling on top. Roll the roll, carefully lifting it by the edge of the film so that the potato layer does not spread in your hands... And then everything goes according to plan: the oven, the table and the happy faces of the eaters.

Video: Strudel with mushrooms from lavash

If you still have questions, the owner of a video blog about delicious and healthy food, Alena Mitrofanova, will dot all the i’s.

With poppy seeds on yeast dough

After a hearty lunch, you can indulge in some baked goods for dessert - for example, a slice or two of lean roll with poppy seeds. For it you will need:

  • 350 g flour;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 7 g dry yeast;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt.

For filling:

  • 120 g poppy seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar (preferably brown);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Number of servings: 6-7.

Cooking time: 3-3.5 hours.

Cinnamon, vanilla and lemon zest add flavor to baked goods.

Let's get started.

1. Pour warm, but not hot, water into a bowl. Add yeast mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, and add 150-175 g of seeded flour. Knead the dough so that the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency without lumps, cover with cling film or a towel and put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. When the dough doubles in size, it is ready.

2. Brew poppy seeds with boiling water. Leave it to steam under the lid for 30-40 minutes, then put it on a sieve or squeeze it out with gauze - you don’t want excess moisture in the filling.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the suitable dough, add sugar, add half of the remaining flour. Knead the dough.

4. Transfer it to a table dusted with flour and continue kneading, gradually, if necessary, adding new portions of flour. You need to get a plastic and delicate mass that will stop sticking to your fingers, but will not become too rough.

5. Gather the finished dough into a ball and place in a greased bowl (it doesn’t hurt to sprinkle the dough itself with oil). Hide it again under cling film and put it in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

6. Grind poppy seeds with sugar and honey using a blender. (The most persistent ones can use a mortar.)

7. Roll out the risen dough into a sheet, giving it the shape of a rectangle, place the filling on top and roll into a roll.

8. Grease a baking tray with butter or line it with baking paper. Carefully place your culinary masterpiece on it, and give the roll time to “distance” - about half an hour. At the same time, turn on the oven at 180 degrees so that it has time to warm up properly.

9. Grease the surface of the roll with oil and bake the baking sheet for 20-30 minutes.

10. Decorate the finished roll to your liking.

Lenten sponge cake is not inferior to the classic one in tenderness and splendor

It is almost impossible to enjoy a classic sponge cake during Lent, since its preparation requires the use of eggs, whisked until completely fluffy, or dairy products. But the dough prepared according to this recipe turns out so fluffy, light and porous that you can safely tell your family that you are treating them to a real Lenten sponge roll, even if it does not meet the traditional recipe.

Video: Roll with poppy seeds

Irina Cooking will tell you how to make a roll not only tasty, but also beautiful, and how to decorate it.

With apples

Not everyone loves poppy seeds. For some, serve more interesting and richer fillings! Well, said and done. For the meatless apple roll you will need:

  • lavash – 1 piece;
  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 50 g raisins (you can take other dried fruits to taste);
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 80 g walnuts;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cinnamon.

Number of servings: 7-8.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Nuts and cinnamon will be right here

Let's get started.

1. Grind the nuts using a meat grinder or blender.

2. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and grate them on a coarse grater.

3. It is better to steam raisins (dried apricots, prunes) with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, but you can do without this step.

4. Combine fruit shavings, squeezed dried fruits, nut crumbs and cinnamon in one bowl.

5. Grease the pita bread with oil, place the fruit mixture on top and roll it into a roll.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with special paper

7. Place the roll on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with sugar and place in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes.

8. Serve the lean roll with jam, honey or pour glaze mixed from 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar and 3-4 tbsp. l. water.

Video: Strudel with apples

Hostess Angelina, a connoisseur of sweets, demonstrated in her video how to make a delicious and easy-to-prepare apple strudel.

A lot of lean fillings for rolls have been invented. For lovers of original tastes, there is a vegetable platter of tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs; bean or lentil paste; beets with olives and pine nuts. For those with a sweet tooth – dessert pastries with jam, berries and dried fruits. And how can you not remember in Lent a masterpiece of Georgian cuisine, eggplant rolls with walnuts!.. Maybe you have an equally interesting and appetizing recipe in your notebook? If yes, don't miss the chance! Twist and twirl the delicious “snails” as much as your heart desires, and fast in moderation, but without unnecessary fanaticism.

Step 1: prepare the flour.

Sift the flour through a sieve into a free bowl to remove lumps and to enrich the flour ingredient with oxygen from the air. We use wheat flour, the highest grade, fine grinding and a brand you have trusted.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Pour warm water into a separate bowl, preheated to temperature 35°-37°С and transfer the dry yeast into this container. Using a tablespoon, stir the ingredient well until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. Attention: Yeast should be dissolved only in warm water, as boiling water can cause it to curdle and the dough will not work. Then we place the container with our liquid mixture for 15 minutes to a warm place. After this time, gradually add sifted flour to the liquid mass in small portions, and do not forget to mix the two ingredients very well with a tablespoon so that lumps do not form in the flour while kneading the dough. Then add sparkling mineral water, salt and sugar to the test mixture. First, mix all the dough components using a tablespoon, and when the dough becomes thicker, we begin to knead it by hand. At the end of the kneading, add vegetable oil. Knead the dough for another 10-15 minutes until it becomes elastic and smooth and comes away from your hands and the sides of the bowl. Lightly sprinkle the dough with flour and leave in the container. Then cover the bowl with a clean cloth towel and place it in a warm place without drafts. for 30-40 minutes. The warmer the room, the faster the dough will rise. It should increase in volume 2-3 times.

Step 3: prepare the poppy seed filling.

Place the poppy seed in a free bowl and pour boiling water over it, after heating the water on the stove in a kettle so that it steams. After 10 minutes drain the water and place the poppy seeds in a sieve. When the water has completely drained from our ingredient, transfer it to a deep mortar or a special porcelain bowl. Gradually pour sugar into the same container in small portions and, using a whisk, very well grind the two ingredients together until a thick, homogeneous mass. Transfer the finished poppy seed filling to a free plate.

Step 4: form lean rolls with poppy seeds.

After the dough has risen, remove the cloth towel from the container and remove the dough from the bowl. We transfer it to the kitchen table, dusted with flour. The dough should be soft, but not sticky. If, nevertheless, it “sticks” to your hands or to the surface of the table, then lightly knead it. Use a knife to cut the dough into 2-4 parts and from each part we form a ball. Using a rolling pin, roll out each ball into a large rectangular dough sheet, thick no more than 5-6 millimeters. Using a tablespoon, spread the poppy seed filling onto the rolled out dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the dough layer, moving away from its edge 1-1.5 centimeters. Then, carefully holding the edges of the dough on both sides with your hands, we begin to tightly roll it into a roll. When the roll is completely wrapped, use your hands to pinch the edges of the dough well on all sides, and tuck the sides of the roll inward so that the poppy seed filling does not extend beyond the dough during baking.

Step 5: prepare a lean roll with poppy seeds.

Using a pastry brush, grease a baking tray evenly with vegetable oil and place the poppy seed rolls onto it, seam side down, at a short distance (about 2 centimeters) from each other. Attention: The baking sheet can also be covered with food foil and only then greased with oil, as it will be much easier to transfer the finished baked goods to a plate. Using a pastry brush, brush the top of each roll with water with a small amount of sugar dissolved in it. Leave the rolls for 20 minutes go to a warm place. To do this, just place the baking sheet with the dough on top of the stove, while turning on the oven from below. Preheat the oven to temperature 200°C. At the expiration of 20 minutes Using oven mitts, place the baking sheet with the dough in the oven. It is advisable not to open the oven during baking, as the dough may not rise well. Lenten rolls with poppy seeds are baked for 25-30 minutes. Then turn off the oven and, using oven mitts, remove the baking sheet with the finished baked goods from the oven. When the baked goods have cooled slightly, manually transfer the lean rolls with poppy seeds onto a wide flat dish.

Step 6: serve the lean roll with poppy seeds.

Before serving our aromatic and very tasty baked goods, cut the rolls into small portions. If desired, the top of the roll can be greased with fondant or sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can serve our delicate pastries with jam or jam and enjoy Lenten rolls with poppy seeds with friends and family over a cup of aromatic tea. Enjoy your meal!

You can also use fresh compressed yeast to prepare the dough. Just check their quality first. They should smell slightly like alcohol and not be very dark in color.

If you wish, you can add honey instead of sugar to the poppy seed filling, as well as raisins or chopped nuts.

If you add vanilla sugar to the dough, then the dough will acquire an aromatic smell. In addition to vanillin, you can add other aromatic additives to the dough if you wish.

Poppy seeds can be ground using a manual meat grinder or using a blender or coffee grinder.

It is better to slightly oversweet the poppy seed filling for a yeast roll than not, since the dough will absorb some of the sugar ingredient and therefore the finished baked goods may not be as sweet as you would like.

First of all, boil the potatoes, cutting them into small pieces. Cook in salted water. Then drain all the liquid and mash the potatoes to make a puree. By the way, we have already discussed all the secrets of delicious mashed potatoes in Just let me remind you that not all the options there are meatless.

Finely chop the onion and saute it in vegetable oil. Then put it in mashed potatoes. There should not be too little oil so that the filling does not turn out dry.

We wash the wild garlic leaves and dill sprigs under running water and chop them quite finely. Place in potato mixture.

All that remains is to season the lavash filling with salt and pepper. If you wish, you can add other spices to taste. Thoroughly mix the mashed potatoes with the remaining ingredients.

For convenience, we cut thin Armenian lavash into 2 equal parts. We cover each of them with potato filling, as in the photo.

Carefully roll it up to form a tight roll. Wrap with cling film. Then we put it in the refrigerator to soak for half an hour.

This is what is recommended, but sometimes I cut the pita bread roll with potatoes and herbs almost immediately after cooking. He's very good too.

We take it out of the refrigerator and cut our appetizer into portions.

This recipe for a lean lavash roll is very successful and, in my opinion, relevant, especially when there is a need for lean nutrition.

The appetizer was not dry, very filling, tasty and inexpensive. What else does a resourceful housewife need? You can also add fried mushrooms, corn, peas, green beans or broccoli to the filling.
