What does whiskey mix with? There are excellent options for drinks that can be used to dilute your whiskey. How to drink scotch whiskey: Scottish traditions

You don't need a reason to drink whiskey. In England or Ireland, it is considered normal to drink a glass of whiskey after dinner or a glass of wine before it. Therefore, they know a lot about the culture of drinking alcohol.

In Russia, not many people will be able to immediately answer the question: “What is the correct way to drink whiskey?” This is because Russians do not know how to enjoy this drink. We are used to drinking in noisy companies, at a fast pace. Whiskey loves silence, even solitude. It's a whole ritual.

During the existence of whiskey, fundamental rules for its use have been formed.

Reference. It is recommended to pour the drink either into a wine glass or into a “tubler” (a low and wide glass). No decorations on the bottle or glasses. This is not frivolous, but serious alcohol. They drink without straws and not in one gulp, but slowly, in small sips. And no toast. The table where alcohol is placed is cleared of unnecessary things (flowers, candles). Snacks are provided upon request.

You should drink it in the afternoon. Three hours before this, try not to eat heavily. Spicy foods or foods with strong flavors affect the taste of whiskey.

Important! Pre-cool the bottle to 20°C. This will help you not smell the alcohol and preserve the aroma. Before uncorking, shake the bottle and pour whiskey only onto the bottom of the glass.

Special whiskey stones are used to cool the glass. Shungite, steel, steatite or granite are used for their production. Store stones in the refrigerator. If you do not do this, but add them to hot coffee or tea, the stones will retain heat in the drink.

If an alcoholic drink is drunk in company, then everyone fills their own glass. The exception is ladies. Men pour for them.

What to drink or dilute with, besides cola?

Two countries are considered the pioneers of this drink: Scotland and Ireland. The whole world follows their example when it comes to the question “how can I dilute whiskey?”

Single malt Scotch whiskey is drunk with mineral water. The water should be at room temperature. The Scots believe that this method reveals the taste of the drink to the fullest. Irish whiskey is famous for its smoothness and does not require dilution.

Blended whiskey is drunk with ice, soda, cola or added to cocktails. But the Scots do not approve of diluting whiskey with drinks that have their own characteristic taste. This is what bartenders like to do to sell low-quality alcohol.

But in America, whiskey and cola is popular. In the USA, corn is used to make whiskey and the resulting drink is called bourbon. Corn gives a kind of specific taste, and Coca-Cola helps to overcome it.

Young people like to mix whiskey with juice. Pineapple juice is considered popular. Particularly persistent people manage to add beer to their drink. The tradition, originally from Scotland, quickly took root in Russia.

If we talk about brands, then:

  • . This American bourbon should be drunk neat, as it has a mild taste.
  • Irish Jameson drink with relish, without adding ice or other liquids.
  • Johnnie Walker Red Label originally from Scotland. This is an affordable alcohol that does not claim the palm. Pairs well with juice, cola and soda.
  • Label-Blue, Green, Gold drink only in its pure form.

Tea with added alcohol is also no exception. Helps to warm up after a long stay in the cold. In Ireland, hot tea with honey and whiskey is popular. And the Chinese believe that green tea with whiskey and ice does not cause a hangover.



  • 50 ml. whiskey;
  • 1/3 sweet vermouth;
  • ice cubes.


Add one third of the sweet (preferably red) to a glass of undiluted whiskey. Add ice if desired. The glass can be decorated with any berry. The cocktail is ready to drink.

“Creamy whiskey”

The cocktail includes:

  • 50 ml. whiskey;
  • one bar of dark chocolate;
  • 10 ml. sugar syrup;
  • 150 grams of vanilla flavored ice cream (four medium-sized scoops);
  • 15 ml. cream (33% fat);
  • ice cubes.


Syrup, cream, ice cream and whiskey are mixed in a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a 250-300 ml wine glass, previously filled to the top with ice. At the end, decorate the cocktail with a piece of chocolate. They drink through a straw.

“Whiskey Sour”

A very popular cocktail in America. Single malt whiskey or bourbon is used to make it.


  • 40 ml. whiskey;
  • 20 ml. lemon juice (fresh orange is suitable as a substitute);
  • 20 ml. sugar syrup;
  • ice cubes.


All ingredients are mixed in a shaker. The cocktail is served in a low and wide glass, which is filled with ice in advance.

“Mint Freshness”

This cocktail is made in a matter of minutes.


  • 40 ml. whiskey;
  • 10 ml. mint liqueur;
  • 30 ml sparkling mineral water.


Mix all the ingredients at once in a glass, and the cocktail is ready.

So what is the right way to drink whiskey? The keepers of traditions will all say: “Straight!” (i.e. no additives). True connoisseurs will not spoil high-quality varieties with additives, otherwise the entire drinking ritual will lose its meaning.

But we must take into account the fact that people have different tastes. Some people are delighted with the combination of whiskey and juice, while others don’t even dilute it with water. The main thing is that you like the drink. After all, these rules are intended to be freely applied and not strictly adhered to.

In Russia they are not at all the same as in England or Ireland. There they can drink a glass of wine before dinner or a glass of whiskey after, but here the amount of drink is determined only by the abilities of the guests and the finances of the hosts. What do they drink with whiskey here and there? This is a controversial question - the choice depends not only on the type of drink, but also on the preferences of the guests.

What do people drink with whiskey in Europe and the USA?

Ireland and Scotland, with their long-standing traditions of making the “water of life,” have acquired some preferences in combining the noble drink with suitable liquids. The USA, despite its not so long history, also acquired a couple of ideas. Well, Russia has its own traditions - feasts without a lot of food are as rare as guests who don’t drink at all.

Most often, whiskey is mixed with liquids such as:

  • water;
  • cola;
  • coffee;
  • cocktails made from alcoholic and non-alcoholic ingredients.


This is exactly what (whiskey) the Scots themselves do. Water softens the taste and reduces the strength. The amount of additive varies from a few drops to a 50/50 ratio - here everything is decided by individual preferences, as well as the strength and taste of a particular drink.

Opponents of such dilution point out that the whiskey was already diluted with water when bottling. Adding additional liquid when serving introduces an imbalance in the taste and aroma of the drink due to differences in the chemical composition of water between the buyer and the manufacturer.


This is another option for drinking Irish or another - it doesn’t matter. This combination gives the aroma as close as possible to the original. To taste the drink well, you should add two or three ice cubes to the classic Old Fashion, pour in a little whiskey and slowly savor the resulting drink while a conversation flows smoothly in pleasant company.

Carbonated drinks: cola, pepsi, soda

Whiskey and soda is the favorite drink of gangsters and tough nuts. Hiding under the name “soda” is not quite an ordinary soda: it also contains citric acid and soda. The traditional one came to us from America, and the cocktail is very popular all over the world. It is assumed that it was introduced to smooth out the oily aftertaste of bourbon.

However, the list of what Americans drink with whiskey is not limited to soda. A very popular combination is whiskey and cola.

This refers, of course, to the original Coca-Cola or, alternatively, Pepsi-Cola - it allows you to neutralize the disadvantages of not very good alcohol. Since this type of mixing absorbs alcohol into the blood much faster, this recipe is a godsend for those who decide to get drunk quickly and cheaply.

Coffee and tea

Everyone knows Irish coffee - a popular one that includes coffee, whiskey and cream. The combination of only two components - “water of life” and coffee - also tastes quite good.

The second thing people drink with whiskey is tea. This combination is great for quickly warming up after a walk in the cold. A popular cocktail in Ireland is hot tea with honey and whiskey. In China, a slightly different recipe is used - green tea is drunk with whiskey and ice, but not for the sake of taste. According to the Chinese, such a mixture does not cause a hangover.


Mixtures are a sign of bad taste. This is exactly what people who call themselves real whiskey connoisseurs think. However, cocktails do exist, and moreover, they are quite popular. Combinations of what is drunk with whiskey around the world are presented below.

"Creamy whiskey"

For this cocktail you will need:

  • 50 grams of whiskey;
  • a piece of dark chocolate;
  • sugar syrup (about 10 ml);
  • vanilla ice cream - 150 grams or 4 balls (medium size);
  • 15 ml 33% cream;

The drink is served in a wine glass or any glass with a capacity of 250-300 ml. It must be filled to the top with ice. Add syrup, ice cream, cream and whiskey to a blender and mix. Pour into a glass with ice, garnish with a piece of chocolate and drink through a straw.

Whiskey Sour

This cocktail is very popular in America. You can use bourbon or orange juice instead of lemon juice.


  • 40 grams of whiskey;
  • 20 grams of lemon juice or fresh orange juice;
  • 20 grams of sugar syrup;
  • a few ice cubes.

Add all ingredients to a shaker, stir, serve in an Old Fashion glass, which is pre-filled with ice cubes.

Cocktail "Dry Manhattan"

The classic recipe for this drink includes 60 ml of rye whiskey, 30 ml of red sweet vermouth and a couple of drops of Angostura bitters. The cocktail is prepared in a mixing glass using a bar spoon, and then served in a cocktail glass (“martinka”) using a sieve (strainer).

Fill the mixing glass halfway with ice. Add the listed ingredients on top, mix with a bar spoon, strain into a “martinka”. Garnish with lemon zest or maraschino cherries. Bourbon can also be used instead of rye whiskey, but in this case the ratio is different: 75 ml of bourbon and 25 ml of vermouth.

Whiskey without additives

What is the right way to drink whiskey with? Experts will say: “Straight!” (that is, without additives). This is exactly how you should drink high-quality, high-quality varieties, otherwise both the taste and aroma of the noble drink will pass by. Experts advise tasting worthwhile whiskey by following some simple recommendations:

  • The temperature of the drink when serving should be 18-20 °C - if higher, the alcohol will be too noticeable, but if lower, the aroma will not be felt.
  • Professional tasters use special glasses that are shaped like wine glasses. At home, you can take the same ones, tapered at the top, or serve according to tradition - in Old Fashion.

To cool directly in the glass, special whiskey stones are used. The material used for them is steatite, shungite, granite or steel; in Siberia, jade is used for this purpose. If the stones are kept in the refrigerator before placing them in the glass, they will cool the drink. If you don’t do this and add them to hot tea or coffee, they will keep the drink warm.

And another component of what to drink whiskey with is a snack. Traditions in both Ireland and Scotland, as well as in the United States, suggest that the drink is consumed after a meal, and not with it, so the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsnack seems somewhat strange. However, this does not mean that the “water of life” is not suitable for anything. Residents of Japan successfully combine whiskey with sushi. Mild varieties (many of which are Irish) can be served with smoked fish.

Whiskey owes its appearance to Ireland And Scotland, where it began to be produced almost simultaneously back in the 15th century. There are still disputes about who is its creator, and both peoples do not want to give up the palm.

Not so long ago, we also started drinking whiskey, and it has taken its rightful place in our scale of alcoholic preferences, but to really enjoy it, you need to know the culture and rules of its use.

Whiskey strength usually ranges from 40 to 60%, so it is recommended to drink it only in the afternoon or evening. This drink requires a special atmosphere.

Dim lighting, quiet pleasant music, comfortable upholstered furniture and a calm meditative environment will help not only relieve stress and relax, but also fully enjoy the aroma, taste and relaxing effect.

Usually it is drunk in a small company of men during leisurely conversations. You can drink 20-30 ml of this drink alone, especially since it also has a slight therapeutic effect (of course, in moderate doses).

How to serve


  • Table setting should be as strict and minimalistic as possible. On the table there can only be a bottle, the required number of glasses and 1-2 plates with appropriate snacks, if necessary. Whiskey must not be served on a table set for lunch or dinner.
  • Bouquets of flowers and scented candles should also be excluded, as they will not allow you to fully enjoy the smell and taste.
  • The bottle, chilled in the refrigerator, should be wiped dry and shaken lightly before opening it.
  • If you want to enjoy the aromas of the drink to a greater extent, you should pour it from the bottle into a decanter to enrich it with oxygen.
  • It is customary to fill glasses or cups only a third full.

Rules of etiquette

  • If you are serving whiskey as an aperitif, choose softer, lighter varieties that have a lower alcohol content. In this case, you can serve light snacks with the drink.
  • If you serve it as a digestif, then give preference to darker and stronger varieties. Snacks are not served in this case. An aromatic cigar would be a good addition to such a digestif.

If the noble drink is drunk strictly in male company, then the owner of the house pours it, or each of the guests does it independently. If there are ladies among the guests, the owner must ensure that their glasses are filled.

  • While drinking, it is not customary to make toasts or have loud conversations.
  • It is considered bad manners to serve this diluted drink with a cocktail straw.


Many of those who are just starting to get acquainted with whiskey are wondering how they usually drink it - warm or cold.

The ideal temperature for consumption is 18-20 degrees, which can be achieved by placing the bottle in the refrigerator for a while.

If you drink it warm (more than 20 degrees), you will clearly feel the taste of alcohol, and if you cool it too much (below 18 degrees), the aroma of the drink will not develop.

What is whiskey made from?

The culture of drinking whiskey involves the use of special glasses. There is no clear answer to this question, so you have the right to choose your option from three generally accepted ones:


These glasses are of Scottish origin and are shaped like a glass with a thick bottom and a tapering neck, their volume is 175 ml. Thanks to this shape of the glass, the drink maintains the correct temperature (18-20 degrees) for a long time and concentrates the aroma at the neck. The original types of glasses include glencairn and nosing and are used for undiluted whiskey.


Low glasses with wide edges and a thick bottom, their volume up to 200 ml, are considered classic and generally accepted throughout the world. They are most often used for diluted whiskey with ice or soda. Classic types include tumbler and highball glasses.


These glasses have some similarities with wine glasses or glasses for grappa and are a small wine glass with a narrowed neck on a high thin stem, which contributes to a special aesthetic pleasure in the color, aroma and taste of the drink. Modern types of glasses include tulip and snifter.

How to drink whiskey correctly and what to eat

Tasting rules

If you want to know how Scotch whiskey is drunk in Scotland, then you will need to follow the five S rule:

  1. Sight– twist the glass, look at the drink and evaluate the shades of its color.
  2. Smell– bring the glass to your nose and inhale the aroma, feel it.
  3. Swish– take a sip of the drink and hold it on the tip of your tongue, savor it.
  4. Swallow– take a small sip.
  5. Splash– dilute with a small amount of water to fully reveal the taste and aroma.

What do you drink whiskey with?

In the classic version of using this drink, especially when it comes to well-known brands, dilution is not provided.

The Irish even have a proverb: “Don’t steal someone else’s wife and don’t dilute someone else’s whiskey,” so true connoisseurs prefer to enjoy it in its purest form. This especially applies to soft, light varieties with low alcohol content.

  • Whiskey with a weak aroma and aftertaste is usually drunk diluted. The most popular options are whiskey and cola, with ice, still mineral water, and whiskey and soda, famous thanks to American cinema.
  • If you want to get a soft and pleasant-tasting alcoholic cocktail, then it is best to prepare “whiskey and juice.” But what kind of juice to drink whiskey with is a matter of taste. Apple or orange juice are ideal for this purpose.
  • If you don’t know how to dilute your whiskey other than cola or juice, then try more original and unusual combinations. Surely you will be surprised by a hot cocktail - whiskey with coffee - and an incredible ice cocktail with a unique taste that combines whiskey with milk.

Drinks to wash it down with

If you plan to drink more than one type of this drink during the evening, then to refresh your taste buds it is recommended to drink a glass of still mineral water.

Typically, this technique is used during tasting, when you need to choose one variety or another, and you have to drink a little of each of them.

  • Scottish varieties They eat game, beef tongue, lamb dishes and smoked balyk, dried meat.
  • Irish varieties It is recommended to snack on fish, mushrooms, fruits and desserts.
  • American bourbons Ideal with chocolate, grilled meats and seafood.

Universal snacks

  • Light snacks such as assorted nuts, canapés, bruschettas, tartlets, light vegetable salads (without mayonnaise) and chocolate are considered universal and will go with any variety.

In Scotland they believe that there are no people who do not like whiskey, but there are those who have not found theirs. To understand and love this drink, you need to try many of its varieties and types and at the same time do it correctly and with taste.

Expensive single malt whiskey is best drunk neat, enjoying the aftertaste and aroma. Cheap, short-aged blended varieties that do not have unique organoleptic properties can be diluted.

1. Water. A method to reduce the strength while minimally affecting the taste. The Scots invented drinking whiskey with water. In most pubs in the country, scotch (a type of Scotch whiskey) is served along with a jug or glass of plain water. It is believed that diluting with still spring water (preferably from the same source that was used to make whiskey) better reveals the aroma and softens the taste of strong scotch.

Water makes whiskey less rich

The proportions are different, from a few drops to 50 to 50. Sometimes women dilute it even more. An alternative is to add a few ice cubes, then wait for them to melt.

2. Juices. The result is moderately strong drinks with an interesting fruity flavor. A good option for a party or disco. You can dilute whiskey with any cold juice. The most popular: apple, cherry, lemon, orange, grape and pineapple.

Lemon juice adds sourness

To one part of whiskey add from one to five parts of juice. After several experiments with the composition and proportions, you will select the optimal combination.

3. Cola, soda, other sodas. An American method, thanks to which you can completely drown out the taste of alcohol. Used when you need to mask the bitterness of cheap varieties, make a sweet low-alcohol cocktail, or just get drunk. Upon contact with carbon dioxide, alcohol is instantly absorbed into the blood, causing rapid intoxication and a severe hangover in the morning.

Diluting it with cola gets you drunk quickly

Despite this shortcoming, there are more and more supporters of diluting whiskey with soda every year. In the classic version, cola is mixed with whiskey in equal parts, soda and Sprite - in a 1:2 ratio (one part soda to two parts whiskey).

4. Vermouth. Red and white vermouths are suitable, such as Martini Bianco or Rosso. The result is soft drinks with a bitter-sweet taste, but strong - about 30%. The most famous representative of this group is the Manhattan cocktail, in which two parts bourbon (American whiskey) account for one part red vermouth.

Vermouth softens the taste of whiskey

5. Coffee and tea. Suitable for diluting whiskey in the cold season, as it promotes rapid warming. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of whiskey to a cup or mix drinks in other proportions (the non-alcoholic component should be 2-3 times more). In the case of coffee, I advise you not to get carried away; together with alcohol, it puts a strain on the heart.

Many have heard of whiskey and cola cocktails, but this is far from the only liquid with which whiskey is mixed. What else can you dilute whiskey with?

Choose the proportions yourself - the more whiskey, the stronger. It all depends on your wishes.

Milk. The combination is certainly exotic and evokes double sensations, but there are people who simply rave about whiskey and milk. It is recommended to add nutmeg, cinnamon and honey to the cocktail.

Vermouth. The most popular cocktail from the whiskey + vermouth series is the Manhattan, the proportion is 2 parts whiskey or bourbon and one part vermouth. The best choice for the mixture is bianco or rosso vermouth.

Juice. To get a soft and juicy taste, whiskey can be mixed with juice. The best selection of juices: cherry, apple, pineapple, grapes, lemon.

Water. Whiskey with water is an old Scottish recipe; it is believed that this way the taste and aroma of the drink are better revealed.

Tea coffee. An invigorating and warming cocktail. Recommended proportions are 1/3 in favor of a non-alcoholic drink. Do not overdo it with whiskey and coffee, it puts a very high strain on the heart!

We choose the combination that best suits your taste and mood, invite your friends, pour it into glasses and have a great time!
