Liver salad with mushrooms. Salad with liver and mushrooms: the most successful cooking recipes. We prepare delicious salads from liver and mushrooms in different variations. Cooking process

I tried this salad for the first time - made from liver and champignons - quite recently in a cafe. I fell in love with it at first sight, or rather from the first fork, since outwardly I just didn’t like it at all. Some look too simple, unattractive, without bright colors, without decorations.

But after trying it, I forgot about all this. It turned out to be very tasty, very unusual in taste and incredibly filling. To fill them up, a small portion is enough, and this, you see, is also very profitable, considering that a good meal in a cafe is now very expensive.

Now I never order it anywhere, I cook it at home, it turns out even tastier and much cheaper. Of course, I don’t make this salad on purpose, but on those days when I decide to cook something from the liver. And since I love liver and cook it quite often, this salad has become a regular guest in my house. In addition to liver, you also need onions, carrots, eggs and champignons to prepare it. But I also always have these products on hand, so there are no difficulties with cooking.

Today I’m preparing it specially because I’m expecting guests to arrive. Therefore, this time I fry the liver exclusively for the salad.

To prepare the salad we will need:

  • 500 grams of liver
  • 500 grams of champignons
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 eggs
  • vegetable oil for frying vegetables
  • butter for frying liver
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise

For this salad, I always choose the best piece of beef liver and wash it under running water:

Cleaning off film:

Cut into small portions:

I put it in a bowl and pour it with milk:

I always do this, on the advice of A. Makarevich, ever since he hosted the “Smak” program, one of the first television culinary programs, which I loved very much (you can read more about this in the recipe How to cook liver). The liver should soak in milk for at least half an hour, or even better, an hour. She will become more tender, cleaner, all the bad things that have accumulated will leave her.

While the liver is soaking, I cut the champignons into identical, rather large pieces:

Then I fry them in a frying pan without adding oil until golden brown, adding a little salt:

Oil can be added for taste, but only a little and only at the very end of frying. I’ll transfer the mushrooms to a plate to cool, and I’ll take care of the vegetables.

I will peel one carrot and one onion. I will cut the onion into large half rings, and cut the carrots into thin strips:

In principle, it can be grated, but in this salad I like it when the carrots are clearly visible, then the salad itself will look more elegant.

I’ll fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden, then add them to the mushrooms, let them get to know each other better:

Salt the milk with the liver, and fry it in butter until nicely golden brown, about five to seven minutes on each side over high heat:

Under no circumstances should you overcook the liver on the stove, otherwise it will become tough and tasteless. When frying, I don’t forget to lightly salt and pepper it.

Now it’s ready, you can transfer it to a separate plate to cool:

Such pieces, of course, are not suitable for salad; I will cut them into thin pieces; they should be approximately the same size as the mushrooms:

I grate the pre-boiled eggs on a coarse grater:

In theory, they should also be cut in the same way as the liver, but I don’t really like eggs in salad, so I always try to make them more invisible.

Now all that remains is to combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl:

Season them with mayonnaise:

And my liver and mushroom salad will be ready.

Ideally, you can lay everything out in layers, it will be very beautiful, but I really don’t have time, time is running out.

The salad itself is prepared quite quickly, but don’t forget that I also had to photograph the whole process, so I didn’t meet the deadline, the guests were already on the way. And I’m not much of an expert when it comes to design, so I’ll take the path of least resistance.

On each guest’s plate, my salad will look something like this:

I think it turned out nice? In any case, my friends appreciated it, however, I had no doubt about it!

The salad is actually tasty and filling, as advertised. And most importantly, it was prepared with soul, I declare this very responsibly, because I prepared it especially for the people dear to me, and for you, of course!

The sweetish liver pulp is the basis of many culinary dishes and is widely used in children's cuisine. Liver, especially poultry liver, should be cooked very quickly - both boiled and fried. Only in this case will it retain all the vitamins and remain soft.

When making liver salad, mushrooms and offal can be boiled, and chopped onions can be fried in oil until golden brown and seasoned with it. This salad option is lower in calories. It is better to mash the raw onion a little or soak it in the marinade. Coarsely chopped ingredients look more appetizing.


  • 250 g liver
  • 300 g champignons
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • 4 tbsp. l. frying oils
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • spices


1. You can use any liver - pork, beef, chicken or turkey. Poultry liver is easier to work with and contains less waste. Rinse the liver thoroughly with cool water and remove all excess. Then cut the liver into thin strips or squares.

2. If necessary, clean the champignons and wash them thoroughly. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

3. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool, remove the shell and cut the eggs into cubes.

4. The onion should also be peeled and cut into strips or quarter rings. If the onion is bitter, you can marinate it in sugar and vinegar or simply scald it with boiling water.

5. Pour a couple of tablespoons of frying oil into a frying pan and heat it up, add pieces of liver and fry over high heat for 4 minutes, add salt and pepper. Then reduce the heat and cook the liver until cooked for 5 minutes.

6. Place the fried liver in a saucepan, pour oil again and place mushroom pieces in the pan. Fry over medium heat, stirring. Add salt and spices. Fry for 15-20 minutes until done.

7. Boil the carrots, peel and grate them on a coarse grater.

Recently, the fashion for culinary programs has swept across the television airwaves. The pioneer was the “Smak” program with the famous curly-haired host-musician. Then, like mushrooms after rain, show competitions appeared to find out who could “outcook” whom. The advice in the morning alarm clocks is amazing, when all thoughts are about continuing sweet sleep, and not about “removing scales from an overseas eel caught in the nth sea or caramelizing potatoes.” The evening broadcast is also replete with recipes for abstruse, complex dishes. As a result, the heads of housewives are overwhelmed with bright pictures of advertising. It is worth paying attention to simple products, inexpensive, accessible ingredients from which you can prepare excellent dishes. Salad with liver and mushrooms falls into this category. In addition, there are many different options, ways of cooking, serving, and decorating.

For some reason, few people like chicken liver. The bitter taste of the product completely ruined the reputation of this ingredient. The problem is not the taste, but the inability to cook the liver correctly. By following basic rules, you can achieve a delicate, soft taste without any special tricks or effort. In addition, liver is a useful dietary product. Mushrooms are also not inferior in usefulness. The result is a tasty, healthy, unusual mix. Worth a try.

A salad with mushrooms and liver can be made in a short time for a quick snack, or you can work on it for a long time, turning a simple salad into a delicious appetizer. Let's consider the first option for now, because in order to prepare masterpieces, you need to learn basic things. How to prepare a salad from chicken liver and champignons? Cooking step by step:

  • since this is a quick recipe, it is best to take already prepared liver, sold in the culinary departments of the supermarket;
  • you will need: a package of champignons, some Korean carrots, a couple of onions, a few eggs, a small block of cheese, a small package of mayonnaise;
  • cut the offal into long strips, fry over high heat along with one onion;
  • cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in a dry frying pan, and then fry in vegetable oil;
  • Boil the eggs, grind the cheese on a fine grater. Cut the second onion into thin rings, marinate with a mixture of vinegar, lemon juice, vegetable oil, sugar, and salt. Drain the released liquid, otherwise it may spoil the salad with acid;
  • Place ingredients on a wide dish in layers: liver, carrots, mushrooms, pickled onions, boiled eggs, cheese. Deco will help you gently brush the layers with mayonnaise.

If you have time, let the mix brew, soak in the delicious juices of the fried ingredients, and garnish with herbs, carrots, and eggs. If you can’t find a spicy Korean snack, then you can replace it with regular carrots, after frying them in hot vegetable oil with spices.

The second recipe for liver salad will be from porcini mushrooms. Mushrooms, especially white kings of the forest, can turn any salad into a work of culinary art. Peel the white mushrooms, cut them, fry them in vegetable oil with several small onions. Boil the liver, add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, and leave to cool. Boil the eggs, cut into thin rings, cut the cheese into narrow strips or grate on a coarse grater. Chop the sweet red pepper into thin strips, sprinkle with a mixture of vinegar, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, and sugar. Pour the same marinade over the red onion rings. Mix the ingredients and lightly sprinkle with mayonnaise. When serving, garnish with feathers of parsley, dill, and garlic.

Winter salads

With the arrival of the cold months of the year, delicious preserves, stored in advance by the owners, come out of the cellars for pleasant tasting during the long winter days. Among them are always everyone's favorite pickled cucumbers. There can never be too many cucumbers: they always go great with boiled potatoes or kebabs. This is almost an ideal option for snacking on strong drinks. Salted beauties are also used in salads and form the basis of everyone’s favorite Olivier. This means that the culinary injustice regarding the liver salad should be restored.

Salad: liver, mushrooms, cucumber, onion. A simple, quick, tasty option for a light snack. And if you diversify it with some ingredients, you will get a hearty lunch that you simply cannot refuse. The recipe will look like this:

  1. Bake the mushrooms in the oven, add salt, sprinkle with a mixture of nutmeg, dried dill and pepper to preserve the unique aroma, remove to cool.
  2. Rinse the liver, remove the film, check for bitterness. Place in a frying pan and fry along with a few onions. During frying, add a few dessert spoons of sour cream and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into rings, place on a sieve, and allow excess liquid to drain.
  4. Marinate onions, carrots, garlic.
  5. Mix all ingredients, brush with mayonnaise if necessary. Decorate the salad with whole mushrooms, champignons, cucumbers, and herbs.

Pickled cucumbers, thanks to their sourness, add the necessary piquancy to the mix. However, don't forget about other tasty highlights. Chicken liver salad with mushrooms and Korean vegetables will delight lovers of spicy dishes. Preparation will take 40 minutes, but the result is worth it. The recipe is:

  • Boil the chicken liver in salted water, add a clove of garlic, bay leaves, and dried dill. Remove the product, cool, cut into strips;
  • Peel the cucumbers and place in a colander;
  • Korean-style carrots, hot beans, place on a sieve, let excess bitterness drain off;
  • boil a few potatoes, cut into strips;
  • Wash the pickled mushrooms and cut into slices;
  • mix the ingredients, pour over light mayonnaise.

The recipe for a spicy snack is profitable and can be prepared quite quickly without unnecessary troubles or tricks. Salad with liver and mushrooms goes well with meat dishes. While the kebabs, grill, and barbecue are being prepared, it is this spicy mix that will help distract guests from the main meat delicacy.

Layered salad

A layered salad with chicken liver and mushrooms will look like the main dish of the table and will not yield in taste to Olivier, crab appetizer, or herring under a fur coat. Cooking will take more than an hour: soaking time is necessary.

The recipe will require careful adherence to the cooking order. Boil 250 g of liver, cut into thin strips or grate on a coarse grater. Fry the whole porcini mushrooms in a mixture of vegetable oil with salt, pepper, garlic, and nutmeg. Do not pour out the hot marinade: you will need it later. Cool the gifts of the forest, cut into thin strips. Coarsely chop a few eggs, chop the cheese on a fine grater, cut the cucumbers into strips, and place in a colander. Boil the carrots, chop into strips and sprinkle with allspice. Place chopped parsley and liver in layers on a wide dish. Coarsely grate the butter on top of the offal and lightly salt it. Cover the butter with a layer of boiled carrots, apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to the vegetable with a deco brush, and let it soak. Next, cucumbers, eggs, mushrooms, and cheese will go in layers. Mayonnaise can be alternated through the layer.

Garnish with canned peas. It is recommended to add it to the liver, but its absence will not make the salad any worse. Greens, pieces of a boiled egg in the shape of a rose, bright notes of boiled carrots will add the final chord to the preparation of a festive dish. Bon appetit!

Liver salads cause some confusion among many. Not surprising, since domestic restaurants began serving them relatively recently. Previously, they were not prepared at all in home kitchens.

Salads with liver came to us from Europe. If you successfully combine products in them and prepare everything correctly, they will quickly become part of the usual menu of every family.

Salad with liver and mushrooms: general principles of preparation

The main ingredients in the recipes below are liver and mushrooms.

We supplement them with products such as garlic, onions, eggs, boiled chicken, and some other ingredients that go with them.

Salad dressing should highlight the taste of each of them as much as possible.

Layered salad with liver and mushrooms

Can be cooked every day and as a holiday dish


Chicken liver – 300 gr.;

Champignons – 200 gr.;


Ham – 200 gr.;

Sunflower oil for frying;

Ground black pepper, salt;

Mayonnaise – 250 gr.;

Vinegar - a tablespoon;

A little parsley;

Sugar - a tablespoon.

Cooking method

1. Heat a frying pan and pour a small amount of oil.

2. Wash the liver and place it in a frying pan. Fry for 5 minutes on each side.

3. When the liver has cooled completely, cut it into thin strips.

4. Boil the eggs, peel and also cut into strips.

5. Wash the mushrooms under running water. Cut into small pieces; if the champignons are small, just cut in half.

6. Heat the frying pan well with a small amount of oil, add the mushrooms and fry for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, add some salt and a little black pepper.

7. Peel the onion and cut into half rings as thin as possible. Place it in a deep plate and pour boiling water over it so that it covers the onion completely. Add a little salt, vinegar and sugar there. Mix everything and cover with a lid. The onion should marinate for about 10 minutes, after which it needs to cool completely.

8. Cut the ham into thin strips.

9. We begin to lay out a layer of salad. First, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on a wide flat plate.

10. Lay out a layer of liver, lightly salt it on top, and spread it with mayonnaise.

11. Layer of egg, mayonnaise again.

12. Ham, layer of mayonnaise.

13. Mushrooms. It is better to squeeze the mayonnaise out of the bag in the form of a mesh.

14. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley on top.

Salad with liver, mushrooms and beets

Spicy salad and unexpected food combinations


Pork liver – 350 gr.;


Beets – 300 gr.;

Three cloves of garlic;

Oyster mushrooms – 150 gr.;

Vegetable oil;

Mayonnaise – 150 ml;

Salt pepper.

Cooking method

1. Boil the beets in salted water; they should be completely soft. We check readiness with a sharp knife; it should easily go right through the beets.

2. Cut the liver into steaks 1 cm thick.

3. Heat the frying pan with a small amount of oil. Place the steaks and fry each for 3 minutes on both sides.

4. Place the finished liver in a separate bowl, add salt and black pepper.

5. Cut the mushrooms into strips.

6. Place them in a heated frying pan and fry for 10 minutes in vegetable oil. The fire should be moderate.

7. All ingredients must cool completely.

8. Grate the beets on a coarse grater.

9. Peel the garlic and cut it as finely as possible.

10. Cut the finished liver steaks into strips.

11. Mix all products together with mayonnaise. If necessary, add a little more salt. Let the salad brew for 1 hour. In bowls, you can sprinkle it with fresh parsley and toasted sesame seeds.

Salad with liver, mushrooms and cheese

Combination of savory and delicate products


Chicken liver – 200 gr.;

1 chicken leg;

Walnuts – 70 gr.;

Cheese cheese – 130 gr.;

Champignons – 300 gr.;

Lettuce salad – 300 gr.;

A teaspoon of honey;

Sunflower oil for frying.

Cooking method

1. Fry the chicken liver in vegetable oil on both sides for 5 minutes. Salt.

2. Boil the ham in salted water.

3. Cut the mushrooms into four pieces each. Fry over moderate heat for 10 minutes, add salt.

4. Fry the walnut kernels in a dry frying pan for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then, if possible, remove the husks from them by lightly rubbing the nuts between your palms.

5. Cut the cheese into cubes, their sides should be approximately 1 cm each.

6. When the meat has cooled, tear it into small petals.

7. Cut the livers into strips.

8. Finely chop the nuts with a knife or crush them in a mortar.

9. Prepare the marinade. Mix lemon juice, soy sauce, mustard and honey. Add a little salt. Mix everything thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

10. Place all the ingredients in a deep bowl. Carefully tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces. Pour in the sauce and stir with a wooden spoon or your hands. You should not use metal utensils, they can damage the lettuce, and lemon juice will give an unpleasant aftertaste if it comes into contact with metal.

11. Place the salad in portions on plates. You can garnish with a leaf of fresh parsley or arugula.

Salad with liver, mushrooms and breadcrumbs

Diet version of Caesar salad


Pork liver – 250 gr.;

White bread – 200 gr.;

One large tomato or two medium ones;

Half an onion;

Hard cheese – 70 gr.;

A tablespoon of lemon juice;

A tablespoon of olive oil;

A teaspoon of sesame seeds;

A tablespoon of soy sauce;

Oyster mushrooms – 150 gr.;

A teaspoon of vinegar;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Oil for frying;

Half a teaspoon of honey.

Cooking method

1. Wash the liver, put the frying pan on medium heat and pour in a little sunflower oil. Cut the liver into steaks slightly less than a centimeter thick. Fry on both sides for 3 minutes. At the end of roasting, add salt.

2. Cut the bread into small cubes. Dry in the oven until a light crust forms. Let cool.

3. Wash the tomato, cut into 4 parts. Using a sharp thin knife, cut out the core, leaving only the outer part of the tomato, that is, the fillet. We cut it into strips.

4. Cut the onion into half rings, put it on a plate and pour boiling water over it. Add vinegar and sugar. Cover with a lid for a few minutes. Then discard the pickled onions in a colander so that all the liquid drains away.

5. Cut the cheese into cubes. Their size should be approximately the same as bread crumbs.

6. Cut off the stem of the mushrooms and separate them into small petals with your hands. Fry the oyster mushrooms in a small amount of vegetable oil and add salt.

7. Mix lemon juice, honey, olive oil, soy sauce. Fry the sesame seeds for a couple of minutes in a dry frying pan. Add them to the dressing.

8. Mix the ingredients, add salt to taste and place the salad on serving plates. Pour sauce on top.

Salad with chicken liver, mushrooms and grapefruits

A restaurant delicacy you can enjoy at home


Chicken liver – 200 gr.;

Thinly sliced ​​raw bacon;

1 grapefruit;

300 gr. oyster mushrooms;

Ground black pepper;

Mix of salads;

A tablespoon of soy sauce;

Juice of half a lemon;

A teaspoon of prepared mustard beans;

Half a teaspoon of powdered sugar;

A tablespoon of olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Separate the halves of each chicken liver. We wrap them all in bacon. A special one is sold, already cut into thin petals. If they are too wide, you can cut them lengthwise. You will get narrow ribbons with which we wrap the liver.

2. Pour just a little vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry each piece of liver in bacon. It should turn rosy. Finally, add salt and lightly sprinkle with black pepper.

3. Divide the mushrooms into petals approximately 3 cm wide. Fry them in a small amount of oil. We also add salt and a little pepper. While frying, sprinkle the mushrooms with lemon juice.

4. Peel the grapefruit, remove the film from each slice.

5. Squeeze the juice out of two slices. Mix it with olive oil, soy sauce and mustard.

6. Wash the salad and tear it into large pieces.

7. Take a wide flat plate. Place the salad mix in a heap in the middle of the plate. Around, alternately place a piece of liver in bacon, a piece of oyster mushroom and a slice of grapefruit. Pour the sauce around, leaving a little for the salad.

Salad with liver, mushrooms, beans and arugula

Light dietary dish


Chicken liver – 300 gr.;

Champignons – 300 gr.,

Red beans - half a glass;

Arugula – 200 gr.;

Olive oil – a tablespoon;

Soy sauce - a tablespoon;

A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar;

A third of a teaspoon of powdered sugar;

1 clove of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Fry the liver pieces over medium heat until fully cooked. This is approximately 4-5 minutes on each side. For frying we use sunflower oil. Salt.

2. Cut the mushrooms in half, if large - into 4 parts. We also fry it.

3. Boil the beans, pre-soaked overnight, in salted water. Drain the liquid.

4. Finely chop the garlic and lightly fry in olive oil.

5. Drain the oil and garlic into a small bowl, add lemon juice, powdered sugar and vinegar and mix.

6. Cut the liver into large pieces, mix with beans and arugula. Pour the sauce over everything and mix lightly again.

Salad with liver, mushrooms and Chinese omelette

For everyone who loves Chinese cuisine


Chicken liver – 300 gr.;

Soy sauce – 3 tablespoons;

Garlic – 2 cloves;

2 large lettuce leaves;

Oyster mushrooms – 250 gr.;

Olive oil – 2 tablespoons;

Garlic – 3 cloves;

Wasabi sauce - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method

1. Fry the liver in vegetable oil. Salt.

2. Make an omelet from eggs and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Heat the frying pan well, pour in vegetable oil. When it’s hot, pour in half the omelette and fry on both sides. We do the same with the rest.

3. Pour olive oil and fry the mushrooms cut into strips and finely chopped garlic over high heat. Add a spoonful of soy sauce. During the frying process, the mushrooms need to be constantly stirred. Add the garlic a few seconds until the mushrooms are fully cooked.

4. Cut the liver into strips.

5. Roll the omelette into a roll and cut it into noodles about half a centimeter thick.

6. Transfer the mushrooms and garlic to a deep plate. The oil should also drain there. Mix everything thoroughly with wasabi. Mix with liver and noodles.

7. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Salad with liver and mushrooms - tricks and useful tips

1. For any salad with liver to be tasty, it must be prepared correctly. Do not overdry the product during frying. Be sure to rinse before cooking.

2. Liver is a very specific product both in taste and texture. Therefore, you need to combine it with other products in a salad carefully, carefully thinking through all the ingredients.

3. Liver and mushrooms are compatible products. You can use wild mushrooms, store-bought mushrooms, fried and marinated.

4. We pay special attention to salad dressing. In the case of chicken liver, simple mayonnaise will not work.
