The most useful scrambled egg recipes. In dietary nutrition. Calorie content of a three-egg omelette

Calorie content of 2 egg omelet with milk, How many calories in 2 egg omelet with milk

The main ingredients for an omelet are traditional eggs and milk, and as for other products sometimes used, it depends on the preferences and tastes of the person for whom this dish is intended.

Omelette cooks very quickly, so it is often made for breakfast. But many people who care about their figure are interested in how much its use will affect it.

1. Calorie content of an omelet made from 2 eggs with milk

The calorie content of an omelet made from 2 eggs with milk in one serving (167 grams) is 239 kcal.

100 g of product contains

  • 15.4 g protein,
  • 17.7 g fat,
  • 3.1 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content is indicated for a dish of 2 eggs, 5 ml of sunflower oil, 2 g of salt and 50 ml of 1.5 percent milk.

2. How many calories are in an omelette without yolk?

An omelette with vegetables without yolks (100 g) contains:

  • Proteins – 7.6 g;
  • Fat – 8.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 2.6 g;
  • The calorie content of the product is 111 kcal.

For many people, such an omelet recipe loses its taste, but the choice is up to the consumer: either food with less calories, or the taste of the product. In an omelet with vegetables, the absence of yolks in the product will not be so noticeable, since each vegetable brings its own individual “notes” to the dish.

3. Calorie content of omelette with cheese

The calorie content of an omelet with cheese per 100 grams is 158 kcal.

Per 100 g of product

  • 13.9 g protein,
  • 11 g fat,
  • 0.8 g carbohydrates.

4. Calorie content of omelette with tomatoes per 100 grams

The calorie content of an omelet with tomatoes per 100 grams is 152 kcal.

100 g of product contains

  • 7.1 g protein,
  • 12.6 g fat,
  • 1.9 g carbohydrates.

1 ready-made 130-gram serving of the dish contains 196 kcal,

  • 9.2 g protein,
  • 16.3 g fat,
  • 2.5 g carbohydrates.

5. How many calories are in an omelet without butter?

Calorie content of 100 grams of various oils with which most people prepare omelettes:

  • Olive – 198 kcal;
  • Sunflower – 578 kcal;
  • Creamy – 748 kcal;
  • Peanut and corn - 899 kcal each.

We remove 20 - 30 grams of oil from the recipe, and we get a significant saving in kilocalories consumed. Of course, you won’t be able to fry an omelette in a frying pan on a gas stove without any oil, but preparing a delicious product in the oven or slow cooker is easy and simple. You can also cook an omelet without oil in the microwave, but...

6. Omelette of 2 eggs with milk and tomatoes

The calorie content of a simple omelet made from two eggs and milk, cooked with a minimum amount of butter, is 161 kcal.

The most popular variation of this dish involves adding tomatoes.

An omelette made with milk with two eggs and the addition of a tomato contains 151 kcal per 100 grams.

To reduce the energy value of the dish, you can use skim milk or use a few more techniques.

7. How many calories are in an omelet made from 1 egg and milk?

The calorie content of this recipe depends on the method of preparing the dish: in the oven, in a slow cooker, fry in a frying pan on a gas stove.

Preparing an omelet by frying on the stove is the most high-calorie and “dangerous” option for the body: during frying, carcinogenic substances are formed to a greater or lesser extent in various fats, which negatively affect metabolic processes in the body.

On average, an omelet with milk and one egg contains 128.5 calories per 100 grams.

What are the benefits of an omelet?

When consumed in moderation, the benefits of omelet are quite large:

  • the dish is rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system;
  • omelet is indicated for chronic muscle pain and headaches;
  • the B vitamins contained in the omelet are beneficial for the health of the nervous system;
  • the main component of the omelet is chicken eggs, which contain a lot of vitamins A, E, D;
  • omelette vitamin A is a natural antioxidant that is beneficial for the health of bones, eyes, skin, as well as the regulation of protein synthesis during oxidative and reduction processes;
  • omelet B vitamins are useful for maintaining muscle tone and accelerating metabolism;
  • vitamin E in the product is necessary to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and rapid healing of wounds;
  • Calcium and carbonate from egg dishes are used to stimulate bone marrow function.

Harmful effects of omelet The following harmful properties of omelet are known: the cholesterol contained in the dish clogs blood vessels; an overcooked omelette loses up to 95% of its nutrients; an omelet made from low-quality eggs can cause salmonellosis; Many people develop allergic reactions to the components in the dish, including possible intolerance to egg whites and butter.

How to cook a delicious omelet

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • 35 g butter,
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt,
  • a fifth of a teaspoon of ground pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  2. Be careful not to over-beat the eggs, which can cause the omelet to be too dense.
  3. Place 35 g of butter on a well-heated frying pan over medium heat.
  4. As soon as the butter melts, pour the previously obtained egg mixture onto it.
  5. Frying the omelet lasts 1.5 - 2 minutes.
  6. The indicator of readiness of the dish is a golden crust on the sides, slightly viscous in the middle. Remove the finished omelette from the heat, sprinkle with ground pepper and salt. The dish goes well with rye bread and vegetables. Bon appetit!

The calorie content of an omelet per 100 grams is 184 kcal. 100 g of product contains: 9.6 g of proteins; 15.4 g fat; 1.9 g carbohydrates. The vitamin and mineral composition of the omelet is represented by vitamins A, B2, B9, B12, E, D, calcium, potassium, lecithin, iron, lutein, selenium.

The average calorie content of 100 grams of omelet is 185 kcal.

It contains:

  • carbohydrates 2 g;
  • proteins 11 g;
  • fat 15 gr.

An omelet can be made from different quantities of eggs and milk of any fat content, so when calculating the individual energy value you need to know the base load:

In 100 gr. eggs 157 kcal, and the same amount of milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 59 kcal.

Based on this, you can determine the calorie content of the dish you prepare at home.


100 grams of various omelet recipes contain (kcal):

  • With one egg with milk – 128.5;
  • With two eggs and milk – 178;
  • In an omelet with milk and three eggs – 216;
  • To the recipe for an omelet with tomatoes you need to “add” the calorie content of the vegetable - 30 kcal;
  • In an omelette without yolks – 111;-
  • In an omelet with water, we “minus” the energy value of milk - 64 kcal per 100 g.
  • In an omelet with broccoli, the energy value is higher by the calorie content of “overseas” cabbage - 28 per 100 g.

Low calorie omelette

Such a dietary dish is quite possible if you prepare it correctly. First of all, it is better not to fry the omelet: fried eggs contain carcinogens that have a negative effect on the liver. And they, like the fats contained in oil, lead to weight gain.

It is advisable to cook an omelet in a slow cooker or double boiler.

It makes sense not to use the yolks:

One hundred grams of omelette with whites alone contains only 85 kcal.

Greens also reduce energy value: parsley, basil, dill help the digestive system and are excellent aids in the fight against fat deposits.

The history of the word “omelet” goes back to France. But, nevertheless, dishes that are omelettes belong to the national dishes of many countries. Every cuisine has its own version of omelet. In Italy, for example, they prepare tortilla, which consists of seventy percent eggs, and in Japan - omu-rice, whose calorie content is 200 kcal.

There is also an opinion that the omelet was invented by the Austrian poor, who used black stale bread to make this dish. Another version of preparing an omelet says that it was invented by a simple Viennese chef. Even then, medieval beauties were interested in: what is the calorie content of an omelet? In fact, omelet is not only healthy, but also has high energy value.

Before talking about the calorie content of an omelet, it’s probably worth saying a few words about the products from which it is prepared, more precisely about eggs and their beneficial properties.

Useful properties of eggs

Eggs are rich in nutrients. They are the main source of protein and at the same time contain a minimal amount of calories and fat.

Many people are interested in the question: how many calories are in an omelet? In fact, it all depends on the eggs. They contain twelve essential vitamins and all microelements. Lecithin, which is found in eggs, strengthens the brain and improves memory. Eggs, due to their beneficial properties, strengthen the heart and eyesight, protect against cancer and help lose weight. People who regularly eat eggs have strong bones and healthy teeth. Many people are often interested in the question of how many calories are in an omelet due to the high cholesterol content in the eggs themselves. Of course, there is a lot of this substance in eggs - one egg contains more than 200 mg. This dose is seventy percent of the daily cholesterol value, which is not recommended to be exceeded. Everyone knows that high cholesterol in the blood and in foods are two different things. The fact is that the effect of cholesterol-rich eggs on blood cholesterol is insignificant and weak. Cholesterol from eggs in the blood turns into two types - harmful and beneficial. The harmful one forms plaques in the vessels, and the beneficial one prevents this.

Continuing to talk about how many calories are in an omelet, it should be noted that the cholesterol content in eggs depends on what foods the eggs were consumed with. For example, a hard-boiled egg with butter can turn into “bad” cholesterol, but scrambled eggs or an omelet will not increase the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Calorie content of egg omelet

Egg omelet is a variation of the classic breakfast. Its benefits lie in eggs, due to their content of fat-soluble vitamins, lutein, vitamin D, and in milk as a source of calcium. The calorie content of an egg omelet is low, so eating it will not affect your figure. The calorie content of an omelet is 184 kcal per hundred grams. In addition to the low calorie content of the omelet, it can be prepared in a few minutes.

To do this, just beat a few eggs with salted milk and pour this mixture into a hot frying pan with butter. In just ten minutes you can enjoy your omelette. To diversify the omelette, you can add semi-finished meat products and cheese, but in this case the calorie content of the egg omelette will be higher.

Calorie content of omelet with milk

People who constantly monitor their diet and count calories every day ask the question - what is the calorie content of an omelet with milk? The calories in an omelet are no small amount, but they are also small. For example, the calories in a hundred gram omelette contain 185 kcal. Along with the calorie content of the omelet, the dish is also characterized by a rich protein composition. In an omelet, calories in the form of protein are contained in the amount of ten grams per hundred grams of product. Omelette calories also contain carbohydrates, but only two grams per hundred grams of product.

This result of the calorie content of an omelet with milk is approximate. After all, as noted above, not only eggs can be included in an omelet, providing the calorie content of the omelet. It can be added to - milk, butter, vegetables, cheese, ham, sausage and seafood. Therefore, the calorie content of an omelet is considered an unstable indicator, which depends on the use of different ingredients during cooking.

An omelet with milk has lower calorie content compared to the calorie content of an omelet made from 2 eggs. The difference is fifty kcal. The calorie content of an omelet made from 2 eggs is 118 kcal per serving. And if you prepare an omelet from milk and proteins, the calorie content of such a dish will decrease significantly compared to the calorie content of a regular omelet.

An easy way to make an omelet

There are a lot of recipes for making omelettes. And there are even more cooking options and subtleties. Omelette can be prepared as a main course, a hot appetizer, or even a dessert. It is probably due to this fact that the omelette is widely known among the population. Some people like an omelette with sausage, some add vegetables to it, and some even think that all this is unnecessary. A classic omelet is what you need for a nutritious and complete breakfast. And the calorie content of an omelet without adding any ingredients is considered the lowest.

To prepare a regular classic omelet, you need to take two chicken eggs, sixty milliliters of milk with 2.5% fat, one ripe tomato, maybe a cucumber, fresh red pepper and zucchini. Those who love meat can add bacon and some herbs. You can choose vegetables for the omelet according to your own taste.

Omelette is a favorite breakfast of many people around the world. Everyone prepares it in their own way: some simply beat a couple of eggs, others add milk or water to them, others add onions, tomatoes, ham and other products to the dish. There are a huge number of variations of this dish, and each omelet has its own. From this article you will learn about the energy value of the most common types of this morning egg dish.

Calorie content of omelet

Let's consider different cooking options and how the calorie content of the final product will change depending on them:

  • classic two-egg omelette – 118 kcal per 100 g;
  • egg omelette with milk – 184 kcal;
  • egg with cheese – 340 kcal;
  • omelette with 1% steam milk – 135 kcal;
  • omelette with tomatoes – 165 kcal.

A dietary omelet has a calorie content of about 110 units and is a pair of beaten eggs without additives, steamed.

For convenience, we will consider the calorie content of the most popular omelette additives. To calculate the calorie content of the finished dish, add the indicated number to the energy value of the omelet itself (with or without milk):

  • tomatoes – 18 kcal per 100 g;
  • cheese – approximately 300 kcal per 100 g;
  • bell pepper - 28 kcal per 100 g;
  • ham – 145 kcal per 100 g;
  • chicken meat - 219 kcal per 100 g;
  • milk 1% – 42 kcal per 100 g;
  • onion – 41 kcal per 100 g;
  • mushrooms – 28 kcal per 100 g;
  • olives - 115 kcal per 100 g.

Thus, the number of calories in an omelet directly depends on the ingredients that you use in cooking. In addition, the amount of oil also affects: it is best to cook in a modern ceramic or Teflon frying pan, which does not require adding oil at all.

The benefits of omelet for breakfast

It's no secret that eggs are a perfectly balanced protein product that is ideal to start the day. Omelette is not only a nutritious dish, but also healthy, because eggs contain vitamins A, B1, B6, B9, E and D, as well as minerals such as iron and selenium. Thanks to this, you can not only enjoy a pleasant taste, but also strengthen your body, receiving many important substances in the morning.

In addition, the average person rarely eats vegetables and fruits, but you can add mushrooms and greens to the omelette, which makes the dish even more beneficial for the body as a whole.

Speaking about the benefits of an omelet, it is worth remembering the harm - unless you steam it, most likely you are frying this dish, and this type of heat treatment is difficult for the body to perceive.

Omelet for breakfast for weight loss

Omelette is one of the recommended breakfast options for those who want to lose weight. This is explained simply: an omelet is nutritious and satisfying, contains a lot of useful substances and allows you to be in good shape and not remember about food until lunch. In addition, it is easy to prepare, which means that such a breakfast will not fall out of your schedule.

Let's consider several options for a diet for weight loss, based on the principles of proper nutrition, in which omelet is used for breakfast.

Option 1

  1. Breakfast: omelet with milk, green tea without sugar, a slice of bran bread.
  2. Lunch: a serving of fresh vegetable salad, a bowl of soup.
  3. Afternoon snack: apple.
  4. Dinner: beef baked with zucchini or zucchini.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes, green tea without sugar, a slice of bran bread.
  2. Lunch: salad of boiled vegetables (such as vinaigrette), light vegetable soup.
  3. Afternoon snack: kiwi.
  4. Dinner: chicken stewed with cabbage.

Option 3

Option 4

  1. Breakfast: omelet with cheese, green tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch: a serving of puree soup, tea without sugar.
  3. Afternoon snack: half a pack of cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner: fish baked with vegetables.

Do not forget that dinner should end three hours before bedtime, and portions should not be much larger than “restaurant” ones. By eating this way, you can easily regain your slimness and enrich your body with useful substances.

The calorie content of an omelet made from one or two eggs is of interest to many, since this dish is one of the most popular breakfast options. Hearty and easy to prepare food provides enough energy for the first half of the day.

Calorie content

Omelette is rarely made only from eggs. It often contains other products, most often milk, vegetables and cold cuts. Adding oil or fat further increases the energy value of food.

Classic recipe

The most famous omelet recipe includes:

  • 2 eggs – 172.7 kcal;
  • 50 ml milk with 1.5% fat content – ​​22;
  • 5 ml sunflower oil – 44.95;
  • 2 g salt – 0.

100 grams of the finished product contains 143.5 kcal, and a whole serving contains 239.7. Such food contains few carbohydrates, but a lot of protein and fat.

If you plan to cook only one egg, then the amount of all ingredients is reduced by 2 times. The calorie content will be 71.7 kcal per 100 grams of dish or 119.85 kcal per serving.

To reduce the energy value, milk can be diluted with water, or the addition of dairy products can be completely abandoned. The calorie content of an omelet made with water is less than 200 kcal per serving, but with milk the dish becomes tastier and more nutritious.

People who have problems with blood cholesterol can prepare an omelet only from egg whites. The energy value of such a dish will be about 100 kcal. The taste characteristics of a white omelet are not as remarkable as when using a yolk. Because of this, additional ingredients are usually added to such a dish.

Beating the yolk and white is mandatory for preparing an omelet with milk. If you mix the ingredients poorly, the eggs and milk will not acquire the desired consistency and the dish will be ruined.

Other recipes

There are many ways to make scrambled eggs using one, two or more eggs. The simplicity of the process allows for experimentation with the original recipe.

Scrambled egg recipes do not involve combining the white with the yolk. Eggs can be cooked without preliminary beating, when no liquid ingredients are added to them.

A popular scrambled egg recipe includes:

  • 3 eggs – 259 kcal;
  • 100 g boiled sausage – 257;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil – 152.8.

The sausage is pre-fried in oil, and then eggs are broken over a hot frying pan. Cooking time takes only 5 minutes. The calorie content of 100 grams of scrambled eggs with sausage will be approximately 236.4 kcal.

Egg dishes go well with vegetables. They add tomatoes, bell peppers and other seasonal products. The low calorie content of vegetables and their small quantity in an omelet make it possible to prepare a dietary dish based on eggs.

The recipe may include:

  • 2 eggs – 172.7 kcal;
  • 70 g bell pepper – 18.9;
  • 30 g onions – 12.3;
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil – 152.8;
  • salt.

The calorie content of 100 grams of scrambled eggs with vegetables is approximately 156 kcal.

Benefit or harm

Many people regularly cook omelettes, scrambled eggs, and other egg-based dishes. Such products can cause harm to health if:

  • consumption in too large quantities;
  • violations of storage conditions and preparation rules;
  • presence of personal contraindications.

Eggs contain a lot of protein, so they are included in the diet of athletes and people who follow a low-carbohydrate diet. The product, rich in vitamins and microelements, replenishes the supply of nutrients in adults and prevents the development of vitamin deficiency in children.

If the goal is not to achieve a certain amount of protein in the diet, you should not eat egg dishes every day. It is enough to cook them a couple of times a week.

Omelet is a nutritious and very tasty dish. Nutritionists advise preparing it for children in the morning, as it satisfies hunger well and contains proteins to strengthen muscles. But omelet is also an excellent means for losing weight, so it is readily included in the menu for weight loss. This is a low-calorie dish, on the digestion of which the body will spend much more calories than it receives. You can also include other foods in the omelet. To calculate the nutritional value of your diet, you need to know how many calories are in an omelet made from 2 eggs.

Nutritional value of omelet

To prepare a traditional omelette, all you need is 1 egg and a little milk. But you can find out the calorie content of an omelet made from 1 egg with milk only by knowing exactly what the nutritional value of each product is. The calorie content of eggs depends on their size.

The weight of an average product ranges from 30 to 70 g, but for ease of calculation, nutritionists take an egg weighing 40-50 g as a basis. Its nutritional value is 60 kcal. The fat content of milk plays an important role, but for preparing a dietary dish it is better to take the minimum - 1.5%. Therefore, the calorie content of an omelet made from 2 eggs with milk will be about 140-160 kcal. If you are making an omelet with other ingredients, you should add their calorie content to the nutritional value of eggs. If you cannot tolerate milk, you can dilute it half and half with water. Due to this, the nutritional value of the dish will decrease slightly. The calorie content of an omelet made from 3 eggs with milk is 200-230 kcal.

If you add only 10 g of butter to an omelet, the nutritional value of the dish will increase by 90 kcal. This happens if the dish is prepared by frying. But its calorie content can be reduced if you cook the omelette in the oven or microwave, only by greasing the pan with fat.

Dish with additives

The highest calorie content is a dish with the addition of sausages, cheese, ham and other nutritious foods. If you add ham to the omelette, the nutritional value increases to 200 kcal. Accordingly, an omelet made from two eggs contains about 250 kcal. An omelet made from 3 eggs will have a calorie content of 300 kcal. A dish with cheese will be more filling and will contain up to 350 kcal per 1 egg. In order not to increase the nutritional value of the omelette even more, it can be cooked in the oven or microwave. The less extra food you add, the lower the calorie content of the omelet. Instead of sausages, you can put dietary chicken or turkey meat. In some recipes you can find advice to add bread, but flour products are highly nutritious. This advice is not suitable for those who are watching their figure.

An omelet with vegetables is considered more suitable for weight loss. They should not be consumed by frying them in oil. Simply bake or boil before adding to the dish. Any vegetables of your choice are suitable for cooking. You can use legumes and mushrooms, although they cannot be called low-calorie. Spinach or pumpkin are great for cooking.

How to cook a low calorie dish?

If you want to end up with a two-egg omelette whose calorie content will not exceed 200 kcal, you need to put the pan as far away as possible. You can cook in a double boiler, slow cooker or oven. If you want to enjoy a low-calorie dish, prepare it only from proteins. Their nutritional value is lower than that of the yolk, so the calorie content of the product will be no more than 80 kcal per 100 g. It will taste inferior to a dish that contains yolks, so it is recommended to cook such omelettes with additives.

A traditional protein omelet can be prepared like this:

  1. Separate 2 whites from the yolks.
  2. Pour them into a baking container and add 50 g of milk.
  3. Mix ingredients and place in preheated oven.
  4. Bake until the omelette is ready.

The dish can be prepared with pieces of pumpkin and spinach. To do this, place the pumpkin on the bottom of the dish, fill it with the egg-white mixture and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Then bake the dish until done. The nutritional value of this product is about 50 kcal. Mushrooms, beans, peppers, tomatoes can either be placed on the bottom of the pan, or mixed with egg and milk and poured into the mold.

There are a lot of such recipes, but they are based on the basic rules for preparing a dish for weight loss:

  • Use only whites.
  • Use fats only for greasing the pan, but not for frying.
  • Prepare an omelet in the oven or microwave.
  • Add supplements with the least amount of calories.

Omelette is a tasty and low-calorie product. If you prepare it correctly, it will guard your slimness.

