The secret of making baguette from a French baker. Unsurpassed classic French baguette

Thanks to Raisa Savkova, I enjoyed browsing her blog.

I baked it and became convinced that, indeed, it is not the gods who bake the pots - in the most antediluvian gas oven from the times of the Soviet Union, you can cook baguettes that store-bought buns cannot hold a candle to.

And you can bake it every day: put the dough in the evening and bake it for breakfast in the morning (of course, if breakfast is not at 6 am). Well, I couldn’t wait until the morning, I tried to finish it by midnight and taste what happened. On the other hand, if the baking had failed, no one would have seen my “work”, except perhaps the vigilant neighbors under the third floor window..."

Baguette recipe, dough preparation and baking


  • flour - about 700 g;

  • water – 350 ml;

  • fresh yeast – 20 g;

  • two teaspoons of salt;

  • to lubricate dishes and hands - a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

The original recipe for baguettes called for 500 g of flour, but I honestly don’t know how people manage to knead dough that can be worked with their hands using 350 ml of water and 500 g of flour. I already take different types of flour, but anyway, I usually put in more than what is indicated in the recipes.

Okay, I immediately sift 5 cups of flour (200 ml each) into a bowl.

I crumble the yeast.

Now you need to rub the yeast into the flour with your hands.

I add salt. I heat the water until my finger feels good warmth when dipping. I pour water into the flour.

I knead the dough with a spoon.

I sprinkle the table with flour and continue to knead it with my hands.

It takes about another glass of flour to bring the dough to condition and then dust the table. I knead for about 15 minutes to get a soft, smooth dough. If it sticks slightly to your hands, it is better not to add more flour, but to grease your hands with vegetable oil.

I also grease the bowl with vegetable oil.

I put a ball of dough in it.

If you leave it to rise until the morning, it is also advisable to grease the dough itself with oil and cover the bowl with cling film to avoid drying out. In this case, you don’t need to put it in a warm place, just leave it on the kitchen table.

I decided to speed up the process: I turned on the oven to heat up, put a cutting board on top of the stove, placed a bowl of dough on it and covered it with a towel.

There is no sugar in the baguette recipe, which is probably why the dough took longer to rise than, say, cheese bread or poppy seed pie. It took two hours for it to grow right up to the towel and stick to it in several places:

I dust the work surface with flour and spread out the dough.

I knead it lightly and divide it into four equal parts - four baguettes will turn out (for me, my wife and two Totos - enough for one snack).

I knead the workpiece with my hands into an oval cake.

I fold one of its long sides towards the middle and press it well with my fingers.

Also the second side.

Now cut it in half again and pinch it.

I rolled the sausage a little so that it stretched over the entire length of the baking sheet. I lightly dust the parchment with flour and make a fold in the middle so that the baguettes do not touch.

I also place the remaining two baguettes on paper on a baking sheet. I leave it in a warm place to rise for about an hour. After this, all that remains is to make several decorative oblique cuts with the blade.

Cut confidently so that the dough does not stretch. I made the cuts before proofing, so they blurred and it didn’t turn out very nice.

Before baking baguettes, you need to place a deep baking tray with water on the bottom of the oven, and spray the oven itself well with a spray bottle.

I put the bread in the oven, spray it on the walls again and close the door. The temperature in my oven, judging by the height of the flame and the noise of the burner, was above 200 degrees, and the recipe indicated 250 degrees.

After 25 minutes, the “logs” began to brown, they began to smell, naturally, earlier, and my instinct told me that the inside was also ready. The “toothpick” test confirmed that my instincts were right.

I quickly baked the second batch, wrapped the baguettes in towels and waited for them to cool at least a little. And now I will try...

Who would have thought - only four products, such a simple recipe for baguettes, and what a miracle it turns out! Thin, crispy crust and soft, springy, slightly stretchy crumb... In general, I ate my fill at night and went to watch bread dreams...

The dough is kneaded in the evening, and by breakfast you will already have fresh bread with a fluffy crumb and a crispy crust. There is a second option - keep the dough warm and add a pinch of sugar to it - then it will rise faster, and the bread will be ready in 3.5-4 hours.

For the first time, it is better to choose the second option, as it is simpler.


  • wheat flour – 5 cups
  • fresh yeast – 20 gr.
  • sugar - a pinch
  • salt – 1.5 tsp.
  • warm boiled water – 400 ml
  • a little vegetable oil for greasing dishes and hands


All flour must be sifted immediately into a large bowl.

Crumble the yeast into the flour, trying to break it into small pieces.

Add salt and sugar to flour with yeast.

Using your fingers, quickly rub the yeast into the flour and collect it in a mound at the top.

Heat the water, try it with your finger - your finger should feel a good warmth. Make a well in the flour and pour out the water.

Mix flour and water until it forms a loose, lumpy mixture.

Dust the table with flour, place the dough on it and continue kneading the dough with your hands. You may need a little more flour, but you need to be careful with the flour - the stickier the dough, the fluffier the crumb will be. You need to knead the dough for 15-20 minutes until it becomes soft, smooth, but remains slightly sticky. To make kneading easier, lubricate your hands with oil. Place the dough in a greased bowl (wide and spacious).

Cover with a damp towel and keep warm. If there is no warm place in the kitchen, turn on the oven (to preheat), place a thick cutting board on top, and a bowl with dough on it.

The dough will rise for about 1.5 hours and will rise almost to the edge of the bowl.

Place flour on the counter and turn the dough out of the bowl onto the flour.

Divide it into 4 pieces. Don't crush it!

Stretch each piece into a rectangular layer with your hands.

Fold one side over the dough. Use your fingers to press the fold.

Also wrap the other side. Fold the dough in half and pinch the edge along the entire length.

Turn the sausage seam side down and roll the sausage a little to stretch it to the length of the baking sheet. Sprinkle a baking tray with flour, place the baguettes and cover. In the warm place, the dough will rise for another 30 minutes. Before baking, make diagonal cuts (about 15 minutes before putting in the oven). Baguettes are baked for 25-35 minutes, temperature about 220 degrees.

If you have the patience, cool the finished baguettes a little under a towel; if not, break them hot: they are incredibly tasty!

ON A NOTE. Be sure to place a bowl of water in the oven, and before placing the baguettes, spray the oven walls with water (using a spray bottle). Then the bread will not dry out, the crust will be thin and crispy.

Do you like baguettes that are so soft on the inside and crispy on the outside? Today I suggest you bake French baguettes in the oven, according to the recipe of the famous French baker Richard Bertinet. These French baguettes can be called classic, which have been prepared for many years. But even they can be slightly changed to your taste by sprinkling some grated cheese, or replacing some of the flour with rye. You can constantly experiment with baking, because thanks to this, you discover new tastes that you were not aware of before.

They go well with a variety of dishes, both soup and tea. They can be used to make excellent small sandwiches, canapés, toasts, they can even be stuffed with various fillings and baked. Therefore, I think that it is very good to be able to bake such wonderful pastries. The recipe is good and I hope you will appreciate it, and your loved ones will appreciate your skills. I would also like to offer you some borscht. Prepare for your health!


  • Wheat flour – 500 g
  • Fresh pressed yeast – 10 g
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Water – 350 ml
  • Vegetable oil for lubrication

Number of servings: 6

European cuisine

Baking time: 20 minutes

Cooking method: in the oven

Calorie content: 199 kcal per 100 g

How to make a French baguette

The dough for baguettes is prepared in an unusual way; first mix the dry ingredients, then add liquid. But let's talk about everything in order. Pour flour into a deep bowl, add pressed yeast and salt. In this recipe it is not possible to replace dry yeast, but don’t worry, you won’t hear the taste at all. I grind the yeast with the flour so that it is evenly distributed in it.

Then I pour water into the mixture of flour and yeast. The water should be warm, at a temperature of approximately 40 degrees. If you check the temperature with your hand, it should under no circumstances be hot.

I mix flour and water with my hands.

And after about 5 minutes from the start of kneading, you get this smooth and elastic dough.

I grease the bowl in which the dough will rise with a small amount of vegetable oil, put the dough in it and cover with a towel. It works best in a warm place.

The dough fits perfectly, I spread it on a surface greased with vegetable oil or sprinkled with flour. It is very important not to crush it with your hands, but simply turn the bowl over so that it falls out on its own.

To form a French baguette at home, I immediately cut the dough into three equal parts.

For a baguette, you don’t need to roll out the dough; I just stretch it out with my hands in length and a little in width. This must be done very carefully so as not to tear it.

Now I fold it in half and pinch the edges to make an even baguette.

I transfer the resulting baguettes onto a baking sheet with baking paper, at a distance from each other, since they will increase in size during baking.

Then I cover them with a clean towel and leave them for half an hour so that they grow a little in size.

Now I’ll tell you a little about how to bake a French baguette at home. First, I heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, put a baking sheet with baguettes in it, and every couple of minutes I open the door and spray the walls and the products themselves. Baking time takes approximately 15-20 minutes, it depends on your oven and the thickness of the baguettes themselves. I remove the finished baguettes from the oven and leave to cool slightly.

Now you know how to cook a French baguette recipe in the oven, which you undoubtedly need to try yourself. I hope that I showed the whole process very clearly, and this will help you repeat the whole process without any difficulties.

Now you can enjoy the moment and try our baguettes, with an incredibly fluffy, soft center and such a crispy crust on the outside. It's worth it, so take the time to bake them. Bon appetit!

The product contains pulp inside, a crispy crust, sometimes sprinkled with flour. In the classic version, this product is more than half a meter long and about five centimeters wide and high. The baguette is considered one of the most popular symbols of France. French baguette recipes are very similar, but give you the opportunity to experiment with fillings.

History of the baguette

It is believed that such a bakery product first appeared during the reign of Napoleon. According to legend, it was supposed to be worn directly in the pants, but this legend does not stand up to criticism, since by the evening such a product would no longer be edible.

A more plausible version is the one in which the authorship of the baguette belongs to Austria. In 1839, a store was opened in the capital of France selling Austrian baguettes, which were so loved by the townspeople that this product became one of the popular symbols of the country.

Since that time, many recipes have changed, but the classic recipe for a French baguette in the oven with a photo can be read below. This recipe was first formed in 1993, when France issued a law allowing bread traders to carry on their business and not be afraid of supermarket competition.

Homemade recipe

French baguette can be found not only in the vastness of France, but you can also prepare it yourself at home. This process is not difficult, on the contrary, it is interesting and enjoyable. There are many recipes for this product. Below we will present one of the classic options for preparing a French baguette.

Ingredients for making three baguettes:

  • pressed yeast - 15 grams;
  • white flour, premium - 3.75 cups, approximately 480 grams;
  • warm and clean water - 300 ml;
  • a small amount of oil so that the dough does not stick to your hands;
  • sugar - about five grams;
  • salt - approximately 7 grams.

During cooking, it is better to keep the oil nearby, as it may be needed to lubricate the table and utensils.

Homemade French baguette recipe:

1. Sift all the flour into a very large bowl. You can repeat this process 2-3 times, then the flour will be saturated with more oxygen and will help the yeast develop better.

2. Break the pressed yeast into the sifted flour into small pieces. You can do this by hand.

3. Add salt and sugar to this mixture.

4. Grind the yeast in the flour with your hands until it becomes fine crumbs. The mixture should be homogeneous.

5. Place the pureed flour and yeast in the middle of the bowl and make a well. Pour water into it. The water temperature should be about 40 0.

6. Mix everything with a fork.

7. Sprinkle the table with flour, place the resulting dough on it and knead further on the table.

8. The dough should always remain slightly sticky and very soft.

9. To avoid problems with it sticking to your hands, you need to lubricate them with a small amount of sunflower oil. You can do the same with the table by adding a thin layer of oil to it.

10. Knead the dough for at least 20 minutes. If kneading takes less time, the dough will not be fluffy enough, and this is necessary to create the right baguette. After about five minutes of kneading, it stops sticking and the process becomes easier.

11. Place the dough in a greased bowl. Cover with a towel and place near the radiator for 90 minutes.

12. When it rises, dump it back on the table.

13. Divide it into 3-4 parts.

14. Form each part into a rectangle using your hands. Its dimensions should be smaller than A4 sheet size.

15. Fold one long edge towards the center.

16. Wrap the second one like the first one.

17. Fold the first and second edges again and secure the edges.

18. Roll the future baguette on the table so that it stretches out. The thickness should be the same along the entire length.

19. Repeat the entire process for the remaining two pieces.

20. Place them on a floured baking sheet about five centimeters apart.

21. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for half an hour.

22. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

23. 10 minutes before the moment when the baguettes should be sent to the oven, you need to make diagonal cuts on them.

24. Before putting the products to cook, you need to take a cast-iron frying pan or metal utensils, heat it on the stove, and put it in the oven. Then place the baking sheet with the future baguette.

25. Pour cold and clean water into the dishes under the baking sheet.

26. Close the oven.

27. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees or more until a golden crust appears.

28. Take out the finished dish and in order for the crust to be soft but crispy, you need to cover it with a towel, sprinkling a little water on the baking sheet before doing this. Wait about five minutes for the end of cooking.

Taking note of this recipe for a French baguette in the oven, you can delight your family and friends with fresh and crispy bread.

Filling with cheese and garlic will give the dish juiciness, bright and rich taste. Garlic can also be replaced with other spicy spices.

To prepare this dish you will need a small amount of ingredients:

  • ready-made baguette - 1 piece, preferably slightly dry;
  • garlic - 15 grams;
  • greens - any quantity;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 grams.

This number of components is required for five servings.

Recipe for French baguette with cheese and garlic:

1. Grate the cheese using any grater.

2. Chop the garlic and herbs very finely.

3. Melt the butter a little and combine it with the mixture.

4. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

5. Make deep cuts in the baguette, almost to the end.

6. Add the prepared mixture to each cut and wrap the baguette in foil.

7. Place the baguette in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Wait 25 minutes.

8. Open the foil and bake for another 5 minutes.

The dish is ready. It can be used as a separate dish or with soup.

Types of baguettes

There are three types of baguettes in the world that differ from each other. The first option is a classic baguette with a golden or yellow crust. The weight of such a product is about 250 grams.

The second type is a molded baguette. It is baked in industrial ovens and has a pattern on its base, indicating that it is made using machinery.

The third type is farine. This baguette is sprinkled with flour before cooking, so it does not have a crispy crust. However, it can be prepared according to the classic recipe. Photos of different types of French baguettes will be shown below.

Despite the differences, each of these types of baguette has excellent taste and will suit almost any table.

Baguette properties

The recipes for French baguettes are very similar, which is why they have similar properties. One of them is quick drying. This usually happens towards the end of the day. Therefore, French bakeries try to bake bread in the morning so that it can be used without losing its properties until the end of the day.

Baguette in Paris

More than half a million baguettes are sold every day in the French capital. By the way, in Paris this bakery product weighs exactly 200 grams. Interestingly, in a bakery you can ask to sell only half a baguette, and the buyer does not have the right to refuse.

The smell of fresh baked goods is familiar to many, but what a pleasure this aroma brings when we prepare it at home in our own kitchen. You can verify this yourself by preparing a French baguette with your own hands (we will provide you with the recipe), the persistent smell of its crispy crusts will hover throughout the house for a long time. Making such baked goods at home is simple, the main thing is to knead the dough correctly and bake it at the right temperatures .

A real French baguette is easy to prepare. To knead the dough for it, you will need a standard set of ingredients and a couple of hours to prepare. If you want to embellish your baked goods, then sprinkle them with sesame seeds to taste. However, this is not necessary; without sesame seeds, your homemade baguette will be no worse than a regular one.

French baguette: classic recipe in the oven


  • — 500 g + -
  • — 10 g + -
  • — 400 ml + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

Making a classic French baguette at home

  1. Pour some water (warm) into the pan, add yeast, 2-3 tbsp. l. flour, a little sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients, cover the pan with a towel, and leave it alone for 15 minutes. We need to wait until a white foam forms.
  3. Afterwards, add the rest of the water to the dough, add the rest of the flour and salt.
  4. Melt the butter, pour the resulting mass into the dough, and begin kneading. There is no need to stir the dough for a long time: the less you knead it, the more porous your baked goods will be.
  5. We form baguettes from the whole test circle. To do this, divide the dough into several parts and manually form each part into a long, narrow loaf. When the baguettes are formed, we make parallel cuts (notches) on them.
  6. Sprinkle a baking tray with sifted flour, place French baguettes on it, cover them with a towel and put them in a warm place for half an hour to let the baked goods rise.
  7. Preheat the oven to 250°C. Place a container of water at the bottom of the oven to create steam during the baking process.
  8. When the baguettes are ready, put them in the oven and bake for 10 minutes.
  9. After this, remove the container and continue baking the French bread for another 15 minutes. In total, baking will take about 25 minutes.

You can prepare a French baguette in completely different ways, so a recipe made with yeast is not the only option for preparing it; you can also make your favorite pastry with sourdough. A French baguette made with wheat sourdough turns out just as good, if not better, than one made with yeast. It is much healthier than yeast baked goods and much tastier. A French baguette is prepared at home with sourdough in the same way as with a yeast base.

French baguette recipe in a bread machine

An equally simple and straightforward recipe for making delicious buns is a recipe in a bread machine. Such a miracle of technology as a bread machine will help you not only bake, but also knead dough into baguettes. French rolls cooked in it will come out soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.

If you want to dilute the classic composition of your favorite treat, then add a little herbs, grated cheese and garlic to the dough. These ingredients will make your baked goods even more original.


  • Water (warm) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Flour – 370 g;
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp;
  • Dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • Butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a French baguette at home

  1. Stir the yeast in warm water, add a little sugar to it, mix everything, cover the dough with a towel, remove it for 15 minutes so that the yeast begins to activate.
  2. After that, add all the remaining products into the container and begin kneading the dough. You can knead the dough for a real French baguette directly in a bread machine (this will take about 10 minutes) or by hand (you will have to spend a little more time ~ 20 minutes).
  3. After kneading, leave the elastic, smooth dough for 45 minutes so that it fits well.
  4. Divide the risen flour mass into several parts, roll each of them into even rectangles, then roll them into rolls and place them in the bread machine.
  5. We make cuts on the surface of thin rolls with a knife, brush the pastries with egg, and then bake your favorite French delicacy for 50 minutes.

As soon as the baguette is baked, you can serve it with fresh coffee or tea. Also, baked goods prepared according to all the rules of French cooking can be served with soups and any other first courses. It will perfectly complement their taste without interrupting the main one.

Secrets of a successful French baguette

  1. Sugar in the recipe, if desired, can be replaced with malt. If you don't like sugar much, then malt is the best option for replacing the only sweet ingredient in unsweetened baked goods.
  2. Baguettes should be baked in the oven at a temperature of 250 °C; if you put the baked goods in an oven at a lower temperature, it may turn out to be overdried. It is also important that when placing baguettes in the oven, there is steam in the oven.
  3. To prevent a freshly baked French baguette from going stale quickly, wrap it in stretch film, but only after it has cooled. Under such conditions, the product can retain its softness and taste for several days.

As you can see, you don’t have to be a skilled cook to make your favorite, and most importantly, delicious French baguette. The recipes that we have reviewed will allow you to easily cope with an already feasible task for everyone. Indulge yourself with delicious homemade cakes, deservedly enjoying the true French aroma of fresh rolls.

Bon appetit!
