Swiss meringue meringue recipe. Swiss meringue

Meringue. It doesn't require any special introduction. Everyone knows its taste and recipe. Somebody's in love with these "little weightless things"» , and someone is indifferent to them. But in any case, at least several times, everyone had to face the problem: “What to do with the remaining proteins?”

Meringue is the simplest solution. Minimum costs, both material and time, and always a good, predictable result.

But today, my goal is to show that even a simple meringue can be different with the same proportions, composition, but a different cooking method.

What is meringue? This is meringue. I talked about her .

Meringue can be:

- French

- Italian


Each meringue has its own cooking method. This changes the final result.

Which to choose? It depends on your goals and taste preferences. I'll tell you about my beloved -meringue on Swiss meringue.

This meringue turns out to be moderately dense, with a uniform, homogeneous center and (which is very important) an ideal, smooth appearance. It can be used both for decoration and as an independent dessert with a cup of strong espresso.

The downside is that it has the smallest yield compared to Italian and French meringue.

In terms of complexity, it is a little more complex than French meringue, and easier than Italian meringue, since there is no need to boil the syrup.

Appearance- This limitless field for action. Meringue is made snow-white or multi-colored, vanilla or sprinkled with freeze-dried berries/cocoa. It can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. By changing the type of pastry nozzle or its size, you can achieve various variations and combinations.


  • Egg white - 150 g
  • Sugar – 300 g
  • Lemon juice (optional) – 1 tsp


1. Mix egg whites with sugar and lemon juice. You don’t have to use juice, but it seems to me that the taste is more harmonious.

2. Place the whites in a water bath and bring the mixture to a temperature of 54 C.

Attention: there is an opinion that before this moment the sugar must completely dissolve. But that's not true. Most of it, yes, but grains may still remain.

3. Remove from the bath and continue beating, but using a mixer at low speed. As soon as the mass increases in volume, increase the speed to medium and beat until the protein mass is thick and cool.

4. In order to achieve this effect. Like my bezeshki, you need to divide the mass into 2 parts. Leave one white, add a few drops of dye to the other.

5. Place each piece of meringue into a disposable pastry bag (preferably small). Cut off the tip.

6. Then prepare another pastry bag, but larger in size + nozzle. I have an open five-pointed star. Place both bags of meringue inside. Release the air.

7. On parchment or mat, place the products of the desired size and shape.

8. Dry in the oven at a temperature of 70-100 C. The time depends on the size of the product and your oven. But usually (for small meringues 2-3 cm in diameter) it takes 1.5-2 hours, and products made from it turn out to be very soft, but with a homogeneous center.

BASKETS OF SHORT DOUGH WITH PROTEIN CREAM (Swiss meringue) Author: Angela Sohn Crumbly, tender, shortbread dough for baskets, tarts, tartletsIngredients: (All room temperature products!) 250 g butter 50-100 g fine sugar or powdered sugar 2 eggs 400-450 g flour 50 g any starch pinch of salt Preparation. Mix flour (400 g) with starch and salt. We sift. Beat soft butter with powdered sugar into a light, creamy mass (with a mixer for 3-5 minutes). Without stopping beating, add eggs (one at a time). Beat for a couple of minutes. Pour in the pre-prepared flour mixture in portions. Knead a soft, sticky dough. ***If your dough is too soft, add a little more flour to it. IMPORTANT There is no need to knead/knead the dough for a long time, as this will cause the butter to melt, gluten will develop in the dough, as a result it will tighten and the baskets will turn out dense! Therefore, we knead the dough quite quickly, because the main thing here is to achieve homogeneity!🏼 Divide the dough into 2 parts, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. We form balls from the cold dough and, rotating the mold with our thumbs, distribute the dough in an even layer along the bottom and walls of the baskets. Cut the dough that has gone beyond the edges of the mold with a knife in the direction from the center to the edges. ***From half of the dough I made 9 shortbread baskets. **If your kitchen is hot and the dough melts quickly when working with it, then remove the dough from the refrigerator in small portions. *There is no need to pre-prepare/grease the molds. Shortbread dough contains a lot of oil, so during baking this dough does not stick to the molds. To prevent the dough from puffing up during baking, prick the bottom of the dough pieces thickly with a fork. Before baking, ALWAYS put the baskets with dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes (or in the freezer for 10 minutes). Bake the baskets in a well-preheated oven at 180-200°C for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Do not remove the finished baskets from the molds immediately, first let them cool a little. Place 1 teaspoon of any jam/preserve/jam into the completely cooled baskets. ** *To prevent the bottom of the baskets from getting soggy from the jam/preserve/jammy, I grease it with melted white chocolate; I put the baskets in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens well and only after that I spread the jam. Prepare the protein cream (Swiss meringue). We will start preparing the meringue with a conversation about whites. You very often ask me: “Where should I put the remaining yolks from the recipe? 🤔" I do exactly the opposite. That is, when I prepare yeast, shortbread dough; ice cream, mayonnaise, etc. I use only yolks; I put the whites in a container, weigh them, label them and put them in the freezer. And when I’m going to make meringue , protein cream, angel sponge cake, macaron, etc. I take out the whites, leave them to defrost at room temperature and use them as intended.Ingredients for cream for 10-12 baskets: 120 g protein (3 whites from large eggs) 240 g fine sugar or powdered sugar (double the weight of the whites) Lemon juice Vanilla Preparation: Prepare a water bath. The mixer blades and the bowl in which the whites will be beaten must be thoroughly degreased and dried. ***The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water! Beat the whites until light foam, add fine sugar (I grind regular sugar in a blender), place the bowl in a steam bath (the water should boil gently) and, with constant stirring, bring the sugar-protein mass to 70-75°C. Remove the bowl from the bath and beat the cream with a mixer until stiff peaks form. ***I poured the hot egg white mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer and beat the cream for exactly 5 minutes. At the last minute I added a few drops of lemon juice and vanilla extract. ***The finished cream does not fall off the inverted spatula and has a glossy shine. The result is a very tasty protein cream! This cream is not afraid of heat, holds its shape well and is great for decorating cakes, pastries, and cupcakes. ***To deposit the cream, I used a “closed star” nozzle, 8 oblique rays, number 887 (I think it was made in Korea), bottom D - 3 cm. Cook with love! And enjoy your tea!

Remember, once upon a time in childhood there were baskets with jam and protein cream? The cream was the softest and very, very light, slightly sour, with a cool crust on top. I wanted to swallow it whole, the whole balloon. I remember I didn’t like either the basket or the jam, but only this cream. This cream was also in puff tubes, and they also used it to make legs for the “mushrooms.”

Protein cream is good from all sides. It is low in calories, very tasty, holds its shape perfectly (even flowers are made from it), is made easily and simply from available products, does not melt in the sun and does not spoil without refrigeration. Yes, yes, cupcakes with protein cream can just sit on a dish in the kitchen, and the cream will not sour or dry out, it will just dry out and become like a marshmallow. Swiss meringue is traditionally used to decorate tarts and pies. For example, a sour apple pie will taste a million times better with a top of sweet, tender meringue.

The ingredients for Swiss meringue are basic and everyone has them at home. You only need proteins, sugar and citric acid.

The essence of Swiss meringue is that we beat the whites while heating them. Whipped whites are brewed, become stable, dense, do not flow, do not fall off. Also, do not be afraid of salmonella; when heated, it all dies.

4 large whites (150g)

A glass of sugar (200 g)

Half a teaspoon of citric acid

Now let's organize a water bath. It's not very scary, believe me. It's just a pot of boiling water - isn't it difficult to boil water in a pot? The water can then be poured out and you don’t even have to wash the pan. In this pan of water, place another, smaller pan or bowl on top so that the bottom of the upper pan touches the boiling water. Exactly the point: you don’t need to submerge the pan halfway in water. This will overheat the meringue and could scald you.

In this top pan or bowl we place our ingredients, take a hand mixer and start whisking. We beat for quite a long time, I honestly admit to you. About fifteen minutes. We vigorously move the mixer in a circle so that all the whites heat up evenly and do not stick to the bottom.

We finish whipping when the meringue becomes so dense that it begins to follow the whisk and open the bottom of the pan or bowl. If you can see the bottom of the pan, the meringue is ready. Remove it from the heat and whisk for another five minutes until it cools.

If the meringue is undercooked, it will be viscous, will not hold its shape well, and will not dry out in the air. If you overcook it, it will dry out too quickly. If you plan to make beautiful decorations from meringue, then it is important to cook the meringue correctly. In all other applications, slightly undercooking or overcooking will not be fatal.

We transfer the finished meringue into a pastry bag with the necessary nozzle and decorate our baskets, cupcakes and cakes!

I had some egg whites left over from making a French cake and I’ve been wanting to bake it for a long time. baskets with protein cream. Acts as a protein cream swiss meringue. These are very tasty cakes, better than in the store.

For baskets:
- 0.5 tbsp. Sahara
- 1 egg
- 200 g margarine (soft)
- 0.5 tbsp. mayonnaise
- 0.5 tsp. slaked soda
- 450 g flour

For the Swiss meringue:
- 4 squirrels
- 240 g sugar (or powdered sugar)
- vanillin

- dye

- jam (I have thick laceberry jam)
- decorations (Easter candies, chocolate shavings, coconut shavings) - y me dark chocolate chips


Place margarine and sugar in a bowl.
Beat with a mixer at high speed.
Add egg - beat.
Add mayonnaise and beat.
Add slaked soda and beat.
Add flour in parts. Knead the dough.
Grease the molds with vegetable oil or margarine. Thinly spread the dough into the molds.

Bake at 190 C until golden brown.

Carefully remove the finished baskets from the molds.
Then place a spoonful of thick jam on the bottom of each basket.

Making the meringue:
Mix all ingredients with a spoon.
Beat in a water bath for 5-7 minutes at high mixer speed.
The mass turns out very thick and dense, does not fall from an inverted spoon.

Place egg white cream (Swiss meringue) on top from a pastry bag.
Sprinkle the finished cakes with chocolate shavings, coconut, colored sprinkles or candies.

Hi all! Today there will be a recipe for Swiss meringue, otherwise known as wet meringue. This is a custard protein cream that turns out dense, but at the same time airy and very tender.

Swiss meringue is a very tasty dessert; it can be used as a decoration for cakes and cupcakes, for example, I recently made it with it. Meringue is used as a filling for eclairs, a layer for pasta and in sponge cakes. Used for leveling cakes.

Some time after depositing, the surface of the meringue dries out and becomes somewhat similar to the meringue, but the inside remains moist and tender.

You can also decorate Easter cakes with this cream; the cream will stick perfectly to the top and won’t run away.

The popular Pavlova cake is made from Swiss meringue.

For me, it is primarily a universal cream and dessert. By the way, I use Swiss as often as I do (“Italian” has a separate article on the blog), I love and trust them both!

So, the recipe itself - how to make Swiss meringue step by step with photos at home. The most simple and reliable option.

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. egg white - 60 gr. (or the white of 2 eggs).
  2. a pinch of salt or lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  3. powdered sugar - 120 gr.


  • Separate the egg white from the yolk very carefully; do not allow them to mix. If you did not manage to separate well the first time, it is better to repeat this action with other eggs.
  • Powdered sugar in stores is much more expensive than sugar, but you can make it yourself at home. To do this, pour the required amount of sugar into the coffee grinder and turn it on for 5-6 seconds. Or place the sugar in a blender jug ​​and blend for 30 seconds. DIY powdered sugar is ready!)
  1. Complete list of my articles 🔥. I am actively adding new and relevant ones.
  2. They often ask what tool, equipment, or mixer I use in the baking process. I wrote about this with a photo🥣⚖️, I’m sharing my arsenal!) Valuable material!
  3. I started my own page on Instagram @olya_recept - I post bright, accessible recipes there, and in the future you will find competitions and giveaways. Go ahead and subscribe:

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So, I continue the recipe

To begin, mix the egg white and powdered sugar in a bowl and place them in a water bath.

Stirring constantly with a whisk, wait for the powdered sugar to melt.

Now pour everything into a mixer bowl, add lemon juice or salt, as you wish, and beat for 1 minute on medium and then 5 minutes on high speed.

I use a 1000 Watt planetary mixer. Depending on the power of the mixer, the whipping time may be slightly different; it is important to understand what consistency the mass should be brought to.

You should end up with a very dense cream that is resistant to settling. It will stick well to the mixer whisk, something like this.

Swiss meringue is ready! Now you can use it as you wish, I used it for decoration. The result was very tall, stable hats.

Having prepared Swiss meringue at least once, you will use it often, it will forever remain your favorite! The meringue turns out delicious and tender - it just melts in your mouth!

Share your impressions and cooking experience in the comments to the article. If you have any questions about the recipe, please ask. I will be happy to answer them.

Bon appetit and good mood everyone!
