How many calories are in dried apricots and what are their properties? Dried fruits - a healthy snack or a calorie bomb

Dried apricots are dried apricots and are classified as dried fruits. To prepare dried apricots, ripe fruits Apricots are pitted and dried in the sun for several days. During the drying process Orange color it may fade somewhat and even acquire a grayish tint, which indicates a natural drying process rather than chemical treatment to give it a marketable appearance in the case of too bright amber-transparent fruits. Three to four kilograms of fresh apricots yield one kilogram of dried apricots. The fruit loses water, so the calorie content of dried apricots is much higher than that of apricots.

Dried apricots calories

How many calories are in dried apricots is important to know, because due to the beneficial properties of these dried fruits, they are recommended in many diets to replenish necessary for the body minerals and vitamins and to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

On average, 100 g of dried apricots contains about 240 calories. Not so much, but not little, so you should not abuse it. Daily norm dried apricots is 4-5 pieces per day.

100 g of dried apricots contains on average:

  • Protein – 5.0 g;
  • Fat – 0.5 mg;
  • Carbohydrates – 62.5 g;
  • Dietary fiber – 17.3 g;
  • Organic acids – 1.5 g.

Despite the fact that during drying a certain proportion of vitamins is lost, and the calorie content of dried apricots is quite high, it contains a large amount of fiber and minerals, the off-season availability of dried fruits are important reasons for including dried apricots in the daily menu. The content of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium in dried apricots is much higher than in fresh apricots. This product has a good general strengthening effect and the ability to remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body, as it contains a lot of pectin, vitamin B5 and organic acids. It is not so important how many calories are in dried apricots, because it dietary properties are caused to a greater extent by the predominance of potassium salts over sodium salts in the composition. And thanks to the high content of iron and potassium, it is useful for anemia and cardiovascular diseases, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, helps eliminate blockages blood vessels. Dried apricots are also recommended for hypertension and thyroid diseases. And for migraines and colds they are quite effective sour varieties dried apricots, whose calorie content is slightly lower.

At daily use Dried apricots significantly improve complexion, general condition of skin and hair. Due to its high fiber content, it cleanses the intestines very well. Dried apricots are also useful for impaired vision. A mild diuretic effect of a decoction or infusion is used for kidney diseases.

High calorie content of dried apricots and sweet taste it has a large amount of fructose, glucose and sucrose, natural carbohydrates that do not increase blood sugar levels, so dried apricots are indicated for diabetes and obesity. Thanks to all its beneficial properties, dried apricots can be used as dietary product V fasting days.

Despite the high-calorie content of dried apricots, this sweet delicacy is also widely used in cooking. It can be used and how separate dish, and use in various salads and desserts. Dried apricots go very well with fish or meat and rice.

Despite the undoubted beneficial features and not too much high calorie content dried apricots, eating them in unlimited quantities is still not recommended. The concentration of substances in this product is quite significant, so a moderate amount is needed to maintain health. Thus, the fiber in dried apricots is 9-10 times greater than in apricots, so eating dried apricots in large quantities can cause stomach and intestinal upset. There are also contraindications for people with low blood pressure.

The benefits of dried fruits, especially dried apricots, are not discussed by nutritionists. Dried apricots proper preparation and storage preserve the bulk of vitamins and minerals, necessary in winter when there is a shortage of fresh produce. However, in addition to the benefits and harms of dried apricots, when losing weight, people are usually interested in its calorie content.

Calorie content of dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried without pits. The calorie content of any dried fruit, including dried apricots, is high enough for those on a diet. 100 g of raisins, for example, contain 260-280 kcal. Calorie content 1 pc. dried apricots - 19-22, and 100 g of this dried fruit contains 230-270 kcal (depending on the type of apricot). Such a high calorie content of dried apricots is explained by the high carbohydrate content - from 55 to 60%.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots

The calories you get from dried apricots will not scare those who know about its benefits. A lot of vitamins and mineral components prevent vitamin deficiency and lack of micro- and macroelements. Pectin and organic acids found in these dried fruits help eliminate heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides. Doctors recommend including dried apricots in the diet for anemia, constipation, malignant and benign tumors, atherosclerosis, and heart disease.

Dried apricots are also useful for beauty. The rich composition of dried fruit improves the condition of the skin, restores its youth and delicate glow. Despite its high calorie content, dried apricots are also useful for weight loss. If you replace more energy-heavy candies, cakes, pastries and other sweets with these aromatic dried fruits, this will have a positive effect on your shape.

Dried apricots dried in the sun have maximum benefits. prepared using various chemical substances, can cause harm to the body. Correct dried apricots have a brownish tint and a weak shine; an unnatural orange color and gloss are characteristic of “chemical” dried fruits.

Dried apricots are harmful when excess consumption, because it can cause intestinal disorders. Doctors recommend not to overuse dried apricots even with low blood pressure, because she lowers it even further.

Dried apricots for weight loss

The aromatic orange berries of dried apricots help you lose weight due to their high fiber content, which cleanses the intestines and removes excess cholesterol from the blood. Active substances, which are part of this dried fruit, help activate metabolism and reduce appetite. Compote from dried apricots has a good diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from tissues.

Dried apricots for weight loss can be eaten instead of regular snacks. 2-3 berries help satisfy severe hunger, maintain metabolism high level and calmly wait for a full meal. It is very useful for weight loss to add dried apricots to fruit or vegetable salads, oatmeal with water, bake with fish or meat.

Nutritionists have even developed a mono-diet using dried apricots, which can be used to relieve the body. For one day of a mono-diet you will need 300-400 g of dried apricots and apricot juice. Dried fruits need to be washed, chopped with a blender and poured big amount apricot juice so that it turns out to be puree. The resulting portion of dried apricot puree should be divided into 5-6 doses and eaten throughout the day. Drinking regime during a mono-diet – 3 liters clean water in a day. This fasting can be observed for no longer than 5 days once a month.

Dried fruits made from pitted dried apricots are called dried apricots. Unfortunately, today it is quite difficult to buy quality dried fruits. Beautiful dried apricots with a bright orange color are obtained using various chemicals and are not worth buying.

When dried in the sun, fruits fade and become dull, acquiring a grayish tint. Therefore, soft dried fruits are more suitable for purchase.

At the same time, they should be quite soft, without cracks. Dry, hard dried apricot with a wine taste loses its beneficial properties if it is not stored correctly.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 215 kcal. One piece of dried apricots contains approximately 18-20 kcal, depending on the size. Considering how many calories there are in dried apricots, you can’t eat a lot of them. A day is enough to get by with 5-10 pieces. Candies "Kuraga Petrovna" and dried apricots in chocolate, whose calorie content is approximately 312 kcal, can be eaten very rarely and no more than 2-3 pieces.

Store-bought curd mass with dried apricots, whose calorie content is 357 kcal, is not dietary dish. Therefore, if you love this dessert, then prepare it at home from low-fat cottage cheese and without sugar. The nutritional value Jelly from this product is 54 kcal, and it is useful for people who have problems with teeth and bones. The energy value of dried abris compote is 40 kcal.

Can't do without dried dried apricots V diet menu– it has the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. So, before a meal or instead of a snack, you can drink a glass of compote or jelly made from this product. The drink will not just quench your thirst, but will help cleanse the body, calm hunger and give strength.

There are also diets that include this product:

  1. Apricot mono-diet

The food system is designed for 3 days, and includes only dried and fresh apricots, as well as clean water.

  1. Oatmeal diet

In addition to dried apricots, the menu includes raisins and prunes, as well as oatmeal without oil, cooked in water.

  1. Barley or rice diet

You can eat porridge cooked in water, dried fruits and not a large number of beef.

  1. Fasting day

To cleanse the body and get rid of swelling, you need to eat only a small amount during the day. walnuts and dried fruits, washed down with green tea.

What does this product contain?

100 grams of dried apricots contain 5.2 g of protein, 51 g of carbohydrates and practically no fat, but a lot dietary fiber- as much as 18 years

This product also contains useful substances:

  1. Organic acids – 1.5 g;
  2. Mono- and disaccharides - 48 g;
  3. Starch – 3 g;
  4. Ash – 4 g.
  5. Various fatty acids – 0.2 g.

The vitamin composition of the product is not rich, it includes: A, PP, beta-carotene, B1, C, B2. The product also contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, sodium, magnesium, sodium.

Dried apricots: benefits and harm

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart are known; this product also helps normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and get rid of anemia. It is believed that people suffering from bone diseases need to eat several pieces of figs, dried apricots and prunes every day. These products help stop bone destruction.

It has been proven that dried apricot helps remove radionuclides and toxins from the body, softens hard tumors and serves as a preventive measure for the development of cancer.

These dried fruits are very beneficial for skin and hair, helping to get rid of acne and other skin problems associated with improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A handful of dried fruits will help you get through a hunger attack if it’s not lunch time yet.

A large amount of fiber helps cleanse the intestines.

But this product can be harmful if eaten in large quantities. If you overeat, it can cause diarrhea, skin rashes, and nausea. How much dried fruit do you need to eat for it to be beneficial? No more than 100 g daily. You can eat chocolate covered apricots 1-2 times a week, 3 pieces of chocolate. People with diabetes mellitus It is not advisable to eat dried fruits - they contain a lot of glucose.

Sweet and sour sauce

This sauce can be served with both sweet dishes and meat. For example, it will make dietary, but lean and “boring” boiled breast much tastier.

To prepare it you need 200 g of dried apricots, water, a spoon of sugar, 100 ml of wine.

  1. Wash the dried fruits, put them in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water;
  2. When the dried fruits become soft, you need to take them out, grind them in a blender, and pour the resulting puree back into the pan;
  3. Pour 50 ml of water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil the mixture for 5 minutes;
  4. Remove the sauce from the heat, add the wine and mix well again.

If you are preparing sauce for sweet dishes, you can add cinnamon and cloves to it. You can season the meat sauce with pepper and coriander.

Cold soup with rice

Who said that soup must have potatoes? This one is cold tasty soup no less nourishing than the soup familiar to Russian people with a lot of vegetables. To prepare it, you need to take 250 g of dried apricots, 750 ml of water, 100 g of rice, 50 ml of cream.

If desired, you can add 50 g of sugar.

  1. Dried fruits cut into strips, pour hot water and leave for 2-3 hours. You can add a little sugar;
  2. Add boiled rice to water;
  3. Refuel ready soup cream, garnish with herbs.

The soup is nice creamy taste, with a pleasant sweet-sour note. It is best served on hot days.

Juicy fillet with ginger

This best dish for frosty winter days.

To prepare this savory dish you should take 800 g chicken fillet, 6 dried apricots, 50 ml soy sauce, 75 g fresh ginger, one large red onion, three cloves of garlic and a little black pepper.

  1. Leave the chopped fillet to marinate for about an hour in finely chopped garlic, soy sauce and pepper;
  2. Fry the onion cut into rings in a small amount of oil, add small pieces of ginger;
  3. Cut dried fruits into strips and add to ginger and onions. Simmer for 5 minutes;
  4. Add chicken to the stew mixture and cook until done.

The resulting dish will be very tender and juicy. The best side dish Serve it with boiled rice.

Salad with pear and turkey

Unusual and pretty light salad will be appropriate for festive table, and on weekdays.

To prepare 4 servings, take 200 g turkey, 200 g rice, 2 chicken eggs, 50 g of raisins, half a glass of dried apricots, 15 walnuts, one pear and 200 ml of plain yogurt.

  1. Boil the turkey, cut into thin slices;
  2. Wash and cook the rice;
  3. Chop boiled eggs;
  4. Boil the washed dried fruits for a few minutes, then chop;
  5. Chop the nuts and fry in a dry frying pan;
  6. Cut the pear into cubes;
  7. Combine all salad ingredients, add salt and mix with yogurt.

You can slightly reduce the calorie content of the salad if you do not add eggs.

Sweet cottage cheese mousse

And, of course, you can’t do without dessert! Therefore, we recommend an easy-to-prepare, sweet and at the same time very healthy dessert.

To make dessert from curd mass, you need to take 200 g of soft low-fat cottage cheese, 50 ml of water, 20 g of raisins, 20 g of dried apricots, 20 g of prunes and a few tablespoons of liquid honey.

  1. Mix cottage cheese with water and beat in a blender, transfer to a bowl;
  2. Add chopped dried fruits;
  3. Drizzle the dessert with honey.

If you don’t like honey, you can season the mousse with dried apricot sauce, which we recommended.

Diet food doesn't have to be a chore. Use original and unfamiliar recipes, try new things, and then the habit of eating right will quickly become part of your life.

Dried apricots without seeds are called dried apricots. To make it, apricots are dried in special places in the sun for six to eight days. To get one kilogram, you need to take three or four kilograms fresh fruits apricots

Good dried apricots should be clean, large, have medium hardness and elasticity. If dried apricots have a very bright, rich orange color, then most likely they were treated with special chemicals to improve their presentation. Natural dried apricots have a pale, slightly grayish color. If the product has a hard consistency and a wine taste, it means that the processing or storage technology was violated.

Composition and benefits of dried apricots

Dried apricots are valuable because even during drying they retain a large amount of microelements. Dried apricots do not contain many vitamins, but they contain more minerals than fresh apricots. It contains 1717 milligrams of potassium, 160 milligrams of calcium, 146 milligrams of phosphorus, 105 milligrams of magnesium, 17 milligrams of sodium, and 3.2 milligrams of iron. Dried apricots also contain a lot of organic acids, vitamin B5, and pectins, which can effectively remove human body radionuclides and heavy metals. The sweetness of dried apricots is explained by the high content of glucose, fructose and sucrose in it, but this will not affect the figure. The total amount of sugars in dried apricots can exceed 80 percent.

Eating dried apricots is recommended for poor vision, anemia, heart disease and for general strengthening. Dried apricots strengthen hair and rejuvenate skin, soften hard tumors and remove blockages in blood vessels. The plant fibers contained in dried apricots cleanse the intestines. Also, the substances contained in dried apricots increase hemoglobin, thereby strengthening the heart. Since dried apricots contain a lot of magnesium, it is useful for anemia and hypertension. The predominance of sodium salts and potassium salts in it makes it a dietary product.

Dried apricots help in the treatment of many diseases:

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including pulmonary intestinal failure, it is recommended to consume 40 to 50 grams of dried apricots per day;

For swelling of any origin, especially kidney swelling, it is recommended to eat from 100 to 120 grams of dried apricots per day in two doses: one hour after breakfast and one hour before dinner;

To normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland - 5-7 pieces of dried apricots per day;

For hypertension;

For constipation: steam 50 grams of dried apricots in 100 grams of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Eat the soaked dried apricots and drink the remaining liquid;

For stunted growth in children - 10-12 pieces of dried apricots per day;

At elevated temperature body: bring 100 grams of dried apricots to a boil in 200 grams of water, cool slightly and give the patient a drink, then wrap him in a warm blanket and let him sweat.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Despite the calorie content of dried apricots, it can help you lose weight. It acts like a very tasty laxative tablet.

For weight loss, fasting days on dried apricots are recommended. In the evening, 150 grams of dried apricots are steamed in 1.5 liters of boiling water. During the day, you need to eat all the fruits (they will swell, gain volume and nutritional value, but this will not affect the calorie content) and drink all the liquid in which they were steamed. Before drinking the liquid, it is better to warm it up - this way it will quickly give you a feeling of fullness. And in the evening, add one teaspoon of honey to the last glass of liquid.

4 out of 5

Dried apricots are halves of dried apricots with the pits removed. The ancient inhabitants of Persia were the first to dry apricots. Drying technology made it possible to almost completely preserve the numerous beneficial properties of apricot. Regular use dried apricots for food small quantities– no more than one handful per day, can prevent the development oncological diseases, atherosclerosis and heart disease. The vitamins and minerals contained in dried apricots help maintain skin, hair and nails in excellent condition.

If the calorie content fresh apricot, on average, 45 kcal per 100 g of product, then the calorie content of dried apricots is several times higher. Moreover, the more dried the fruits are, the higher the concentration of substances in them, and the more calories the dried apricots contain.

How many calories are in dried apricots

Despite the high calorie content, dried apricots are often included in the menu dietary nutrition for weight loss. With the help of dried fruits, it is possible not only to provide the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for normal functioning, but also to suppress cravings for sweets. Cravings for sweets during weight loss are caused by a sharp decrease in carbohydrates in the diet. After eating several dried apricots, the person satisfies the need for sweets, and is able to continue to adhere to the diet.

To know how much dried fruit you can eat without breaking your diet, it is important to know how many calories are in dried apricots. This indicator, depending on the moisture content in the fruit, ranges from 215 to 235 kcal. The average calorie content of dried apricots is considered to be 220 kcal.

100 g of dried apricots contain 51-55 g of carbohydrates, 3-5 g of protein, 18 g of fiber, fat - no more than 0.5 g. As you can see, the calorie content of dried apricots is mainly provided by carbohydrates, which are represented by fructose and glucose.

To satisfy the need for sweets, it is usually enough for a person to eat 3-5 pieces of dried apricots. The calorie content of 1 dried apricot is 20-22 kcal. Thus, a handful of dried apricots will contain no more than 100-110 kcal.

With a significant calorie content, dried apricots are very rich in biologically active substances. She is appreciated for high content B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C. Dried apricots have high levels of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Based on dried apricots, decoctions (sugar-free compotes) are prepared, which help eliminate toxins, lower cholesterol levels, improve heart function, prevent the development of tumors, and help fight chronic cough, intestinal atony, and constipation.

In the same time, overuse dried apricots (more than 100-120 g per day) can cause digestive upset.

Calorie content of dried apricots and various dishes with its addition

Dried apricots may be included in all kinds of salads, meat and poultry dishes, added to porridges, puddings, casseroles, dessert dishes from fermented milk products. When added, dried apricots not only improve taste qualities dishes, but their usefulness also increases.

Sugar-free dried apricot compote has an energy value of 8 kcal per 100 g of product (16 kcal per 1 glass of compote).

Curd mass with dried apricots contains no more than 357 calories.

The energy value of a pie with dried apricots is about 275 kcal.

Chicken rolls with dried apricots contain 160 kcal per 100 g of finished dish.

The calorie content of dried apricots in chocolate is 343 kcal.

Comparison of the calorie content of dried apricots with the calorie content of sweets and baked goods

Of course, the calorie content of dried apricots is significant: 215-235 kcal is a high figure. But, at the same time, candies, for example, everyone’s favorite “Squirrel”, have a calorie content of 531 kcal per 100 g, and the “light and airy” “Raffaello” - as much as 615 kcal! The calorie content of the popular “Levushka”, “Swallow”, “Spark with prunes” is in the range of 400-450 kcal. 100 g usually equals 4-5 candies. It is easy to calculate that the calorie content of dried apricots in the amount of 5 pieces. will be equal (or even less) to the calorie content of just 1 candy. In this case, dried apricots will contain significantly more nutrients.

If we compare the calorie content of dried apricots with energy value pastries, cakes, pies and cookies, then in this case the advantage of using dried fruits in a program for weight loss or control will be obvious.

100 g of Napoleon cake contains 348 kcal, croissant with condensed milk – 337 kcal, a piece layer cake with cream – 555 kcal.

Of course, you can snack during the day with a cake, or a handful of dried apricots, which contain no more than 100 calories.

How to choose the right dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots, even taking into account the significant calorie content of dried apricots, are beyond doubt. But for dried fruits to really bring benefits, they need to be chosen correctly. The brightest, shiny, translucent and very tasty-looking dried fruits, unfortunately, are not suitable. To extend shelf life and improve appearance they are processed chemical compounds. To rid dried apricots of toxic substances, they must be washed with boiling water several times, as a result of which they will lose a lot of useful components.

But matte, sometimes even having a grayish coating, apricots dry naturally. As a result natural drying The apricots should become quite hard and elastic, as if “rubbery”. It is this kind of dried apricots that does not contain chemicals, and can be eaten by washing thoroughly with cold water.
