How long should you cook chanterelles before freezing and how to do it correctly? How to freeze fresh chanterelles for the winter: freezing methods

Such mushrooms will become excellent preparation for winter - just boil the potatoes and serve pickles.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Energy value

  • calorie content - 65 kcal;
  • proteins - 2.1 g;
  • fats - 4.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.3 g.


  • chanterelles - 350 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • medium carrots - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. We wash the chanterelles and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Peel and chop the onions and carrots in any convenient way.
  3. Fry vegetables in a frying pan on butter until light golden brown.
  4. Add mushrooms, salt and pepper.
  5. Fry until the liquid evaporates for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. After the mixture has cooled completely, pack it in portions into bags or containers and put it in the freezer.

Freezing boiled chanterelles

The mushrooms are cleaned of forest debris and washed. To save space during storage and, if desired, they can be crushed in any way that is convenient.

In a large saucepan, add water to the chanterelles and let them boil. Cook, skimming off the foam, for 15-20 minutes. You can add some salt. Then place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse well. The stream should be flowing and cool.

After the product has cooled, begin freezing it in containers, bags or other convenient containers.

How to defrost mushrooms correctly

Raw chanterelles usually do not require defrosting before preparing dishes from them. When cooking soup, this semi-finished product can be added to the boiling broth directly from the freezer. If they need to be fried, then the product is first dipped in boiling water for a few minutes.

In the case of a workpiece in boiled or fried gradual defrosting is required.

We take the package of chanterelles out of the freezer and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. As soon as the mushrooms thaw a little, move them to room temperature until completely defrosted.

How long can you store in the freezer?

This type of mushroom cannot be stored for very long, even frozen. Optimal time- from three to five months. Then they almost lose taste qualities, can begin to taste bitter and even cause poisoning.

Important: The mushroom product should not be allowed to re-freeze.

Secrets of freezing so that chanterelles do not taste bitter

To minimize the likelihood of a bitter taste mushroom dishes, it is best not to collect chanterelles in dry and too hot weather, in coniferous forests, or near highways, railroads, or industrial zones. In the case of a purchased product, to be sure, it needs to be boiled before preparing.

Carefully: Be sure what you collect edible mushrooms- their color is bright yellow. Poisonous false chanterelles are orange.

If, after defrosting, you notice that the chanterelles are bitter, you will have to take action. Before preparing dishes from them, only thawed mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed under a running stream. Then cook, changing the water several times. You can also remove bitterness by adding various spices or vinegar at the end of cooking.

Now you know all the ways to freeze bright, appetizing and healthy chanterelles for the winter at home. Having spent very little time after collecting or purchasing forest products, you can enjoy the rich mushroom taste dishes from them. Happy preparations!

Kira Stoletova

Possessing unique taste Many people love frozen chanterelles and their aroma. They prepare preparations for winter period, including resorting to freezing. There are several ways to freeze chanterelles for the winter, preserving nutritional benefits and gastronomic qualities.

Freezing fresh chanterelles

It is recommended to freeze chanterelles raw for the winter immediately after collection. Before freezing, they are sorted: freshly harvested, without mechanical damage or defects, strong and intact, suitable for freezing.

Before bookmarking in freezer The mushrooms are not washed, but are wiped to remove dirt with a damp cloth, which avoids excess moisture and preserves quality characteristics.

Freezing raw chanterelles often accompanied by their subsequent bitterness after defrosting.

Freezing raw mushrooms in one layer, laying out on a tray or in another container. Freezing duration is 12-15 hours. After this time, the frozen mushroom mixture is transferred into packaging bags, distributed portionwise in the required quantity, and sent for storage to the freezer compartment, where the temperature is maintained at no higher than -15°C. Frozen chanterelles preserve food suitability for up to 5 months.

Freezing fried mushrooms

Freeze chanterelle mushrooms for the winter so that they do not become bitter; fried is acceptable. Any specimens are suitable for pre-frying, including damaged ones, with the exception of spoiled and moldy ones.

If the mushroom harvest is collected independently in compliance with all hygiene rules, the product is not washed before frying, but only manually cleaned of leaves and branches.

Suitable for frying are vegetable or olive oil. Fry for 20 minutes, making sure that the produced liquid evaporates completely. No spices are added during the cooking process. Readiness is determined as a golden brown crust appears.

When pre-frying using animal fat, the shelf life of the product is reduced from 5 months to 30 days.

The fried mushrooms are placed on a paper napkin to drain excess oil and cool, then packaged in the amount required for one-time use, and sent for subsequent storage in the freezer.

Freezing mushroom broth

It is possible to freeze chanterelles for the winter at home in mushroom broth. This method is especially good if you intend to subsequently use mushroom preparation for making soups, and heat treatment makes it possible to prevent them from becoming bitter.

The initial stage of purification for subsequent preparation is similar to that used in previous methods. The sorted specimens are placed in a container and poured the right amount water and bring to a boil. When boiling, salt and spices are added to the mushroom broth. Afterwards, reduce the heat intensity and cook for 7-10 minutes.

In the process of preparing mushroom broth for freezing mushrooms for the winter, it is permissible to immediately add fresh herbs.

Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander, reserving the mushroom broth, and allow to cool. For freezing, use food containers lined with polyethylene, and then lay out a layer of cooled mushrooms and pour mushroom broth. The containers are placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After hardening, the mass is removed from the container by pulling it out using polyethylene, and the briquette is placed in a bag for subsequent storage in the freezer.

If there is sufficient free space in refrigeration chamber It is permissible to store the mushroom mixture in broth directly in food containers.

Freezing boiled mushrooms

Freezing technology boiled mushrooms not much different from the process of freezing in broth. The advantage of this method heat treatment- ridding mushrooms of bitterness. To properly freeze boiled chanterelles for the winter:

  • The mushrooms are cleaned and boiled for 7-10 minutes. after the water boils,
  • add rock salt at the rate of 15 g per 1 kg of chanterelles,
  • drain in a colander and let cool,
  • The cooled mass is laid out on a tray in an even layer and placed in the freezer for 12 hours.

Frozen chanterelles are packaged in portions. If there is free space in the refrigerator compartment, it is permissible to freeze boiled mushrooms in food containers without subsequent packaging.

CHANTERELLES: from the forest to the freezer

HOW TO FREEZE MUSHROOMS FOR THE WINTER - The best way| How to Freeze Mushrooms (Winter Arrangements)

Chanterelles for the winter


Freezing chanterelle mushrooms for the winter at home is a way to preserve them for the winter. This is done by one of available ways, freezing fresh, boiled or pre-fried.

Chanterelles are very bright and attractive mushrooms. In addition, they are very useful, as they contain many vitamins and minerals, and taste good. No wonder that many housewives cook with chanterelles variety of dishes in the fall and prepare. Of all the ways long-term storage The easiest way to prepare chanterelles is to freeze them. Today we will talk about how to properly freeze chanterelle mushrooms.

How to prepare chanterelles for freezing

Chanterelles must be frozen immediately on the day of collection. Do not do it for a long time keep mushrooms at room temperature, because toxic substances accumulate in them quite quickly.

Before freezing, sort out the chanterelles, discard suspicious, old and rotten mushrooms. Clean the chanterelles from debris. Of course, young mushrooms are best suited for freezing; they don’t even need to be cut. But large mushrooms can also be placed in the freezer for storage, after cutting them into large slices. After sorting the mushrooms, rinse the chanterelles in running water and place in a colander to drain excess liquid. If necessary, pat the mushrooms dry with a paper towel.

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter

In fact, you have 2 options for freezing: store the mushrooms in the freezer raw, or first boil the chanterelles and then freeze them. It is believed that raw frozen chanterelles are bitter, but if you freeze only young and strong specimens, there will be no bitterness at all. However, many housewives believe that in order to properly freeze chanterelles, they must first be boiled. This harvesting method is safe and ergonomic, since boiled mushrooms will not spoil even if the freezer is accidentally defrosted. Besides, boiled chanterelles take up much less space. This is especially important if you have a lot of mushrooms.

So, boil the chanterelles for 15-20 minutes. After the chanterelles have cooled completely, distribute them over clean plastic bags or put it in plastic containers. Then put the container with mushrooms in the freezer. In this form, the mushrooms will be perfectly preserved until winter. However, you should not store chanterelles for longer than six months - they will lose their taste and become less healthy. Thaw chanterelles only at room temperature.

In the same way, you can store stews and use them to prepare various appetizers, sauces, main courses, stews, and also add them as a filling to pies. However, the shelf life of stewed and fried chanterelles slightly less than boiled mushrooms.

The autumn mushroom season poses a question for avid mushroom pickers about which mushrooms are best to seal in jars and which to freeze. But the most pressing problem is how to do all this, especially since not everyone likes to tinker with mushrooms. The process is very labor-intensive. So, one of the questions that worries all lovers of delicious mushrooms is: “Can chanterelles be frozen?” Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!


First of all, the mushrooms need to be sorted for worms, mold, etc. Although many mushroom pickers say that this type mushrooms do not require careful inspection, this must be done. Is it possible to freeze old and wrinkled chanterelles? No, that doesn't make any sense. It is better to immediately fry such a product with potatoes. But fresh mushrooms need to be cleaned of natural debris. All leaves, twigs and sticks are thrown away. Keep in mind right away that mushrooms need to be frozen in the first 24 hours after picking, and provided that they need to be kept at a low temperature all this time. For example, in the refrigerator. Before harvesting chanterelles, rinse them thoroughly under running water. Under the cap, due to its ribbing, up to 80% of all possible forest dirt accumulates. After washing, place the chanterelles on cheesecloth or a waffle towel to dry. When freezing, there is no need for excess moisture!

Freezing, method No. 1

Dry young mushrooms can be immediately placed in containers and placed in the freezer. without pre-cooking? Yes, yes, yes and yes again! But exclusively young people. Do you doubt the age of mushrooms? Then it’s better to boil it so it doesn’t become bitter later. By the way, can this be avoided if salt is added to dry mushrooms along with the liquid? It is necessary if you want to cook soup or stew from them later.

Freezing, method No. 2

Boiled mushrooms do not need to be dried! They can be cooled in the room together with the water in which they were boiled, and then placed in the freezer. This preparation will be a good basis for mushroom soup in winter. They need to be defrosted only at normal temperature, not in the microwave or water.

Freezing, method No. 3

Many, fearing for the condition of the mushrooms (so many people get poisoned later!), boil them first. And this is also correct. During boiling, be sure to remove the foam, add salt to the water, and ensure that the product is well cooked. 20-25 minutes of active boiling is enough for the mushrooms to fully cook. Then they need to be thoroughly dried on a towel, put into bags and put in the low-temperature compartment of the refrigerator.

Frozen chanterelles can be stored for 3-5 months. of these dishes always begin with defrosting the product naturally. Soup, stew, vegetables with chanterelles - there are a lot of options, choose to your taste! Remember if there was pre-cooking, then the mushrooms are stored somewhat less. Is it possible to freeze chanterelles for a longer period? Not recommended, they lose their taste and become bitter.

Chanterelles – universal product, which can not only be fried in fresh, but also freeze for the winter. To achieve optimal results from this approach, you need to know how long to cook chanterelles before freezing. If you neglect the preliminary processing stage, the component will become very bitter, which will affect the quality of the final dish. It only takes 15-20 minutes to boil the chanterelles.. The procedure itself is not difficult, although it does involve certain specifics. Immediately after this, you can begin the freezing process, which can also be based on various technologies.

Is it possible to freeze chanterelles without boiling them?

Unfortunately, chanterelles, like all other types of mushrooms, spoil quite quickly after the harvest is harvested. Of course, they can be prepared for the winter in the form of canned food, but the taste and properties of the product will noticeably suffer from this. The best option is freezing, which will keep the product in its original state. Ideally, for this you should use not only fresh, but also very young mushrooms. Then you won’t have to waste time boiling them.

In this case, the freezing process will look like this:

  • We select small mushrooms that have not yet straightened their caps. We cut off the lower parts of their legs, clear the caps of debris and rinse them in cold water.
  • Place the chanterelles on a towel to remove all excess moisture.
  • If preserving the shape of the mushrooms is not a priority, simply put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer.
  • If you want to prepare beautiful, separately frozen elements for the winter, then first lay them out in one layer on a large tray, which we place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, we take it out and pack the products in plastic bags.

  • Mushrooms should not be kept frozen for more than 6 months, so the bags should be labeled with the date and method of freezing. It is best to consume the preparations within 3 months after processing.

In order not to rack your brains over how to freeze chanterelles of unknown age, you should simply soak them in milk for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the product will acquire the necessary softness and at the same time it will not appear in its taste. unpleasant bitterness. It is recommended to pre-cut old and large mushrooms into pieces and soak for 1-1.5 hours.

How to properly boil chanterelles before freezing?

On pre-treatment mushrooms you won’t have to spend too much time if you act strictly according to plan and don’t unnecessary actions. Properly boiled chanterelles can then not only be covered for the winter, but also used as a component for a salad, pie or an original side dish.

Particular attention should be paid to how to boil dried mushrooms. They must first be soaked for at least three hours. Only after this they are washed several times, sorted and boiled for no more than 20 minutes.

How to freeze large chanterelles?

When working with large chanterelles, you need to pay attention not only to the time of boiling them, but also to a number of other important points:

  1. Mushrooms must be soaked in milk, sour cream or cream, even if they are very young and fresh.
  2. Such chanterelles should not be cooked whole, but pre-cut large pieces. It is best to separate the elements along a vertical line so that each part of the cap gets a part of the stem.
  3. After the product is crushed, it must be washed again in cold water.
  4. Mushroom slices can be poured as cold water, and boiling water. In the second case, the benefits from the components will be slightly less, but the texture will be more delicate.
  5. After boiling, the water needs to be salted at least a little, boil the elements for 15 minutes, regularly skimming off the foam.
  6. Before freezing such preparations for the winter, they should be placed in a colander, then placed on a waffle towel and held until they cool completely and the water is removed.

After such preparation, all that remains is to pack the mushrooms in containers or plastic bags and put them in the freezer.

Method of freezing mushrooms directly in broth

If you plan to freeze the chanterelles in order to cook them all winter mushroom soups, then it is best to do this using the broth in which they are cooked. In this case, the components are also boiled for 15-20 minutes, after which the liquid is not drained. Cool the entire resulting mass, distribute it into containers, fill it with the remaining broth and send it to freeze. There is no need to defrost this product! It is simply added to the prepared dish.

It is worth considering that, regardless of the processing method, thawed chanterelles (even if they were originally fresh) re-freezing are not subject to Repeated processing has a negative impact on both chemical composition product and its gastronomic characteristics. By the way, it is necessary to defrost mushrooms only at room temperature. Use in in this case microwave or hot water detrimental to the product.
