How long to cook pitted cherry jam. Thick cherry jam for the winter. Secrets and subtleties of making delicious cherry jam for the winter

Today I propose to prepare aromatic and tasty jam from pitted cherries. This beautiful golden jam with delicate amber-colored berries will decorate any tea party. Moderately sweet and aromatic, pitted cherry jam will be an excellent addition to baked goods, pancakes and pancakes.

As you know, you can make jam in various ways; today I want to offer you one of the most gentle options. We will cook the jam in three batches of several minutes each. The method is not the fastest, but it is completely non-tiring and very effective. Cherry jam prepared in this way has a rich natural aroma, the fruits retain their shape and, gradually soaked in syrup, acquire a very beautiful amber color. Shall we begin?!

Prepare the components according to the list.

Prepare your jam jars. Wash the jars thoroughly using baking soda, and then sterilize over steam, in the oven, microwave, or any other method convenient for you. I steam sterilize jars by placing them on a wire rack or iron sieve over boiling water. For 0.5 liter jars, 5-7 minutes of hot steam treatment is sufficient. For 1 liter cans – 10 minutes, and for three liter cans – 15 minutes.

Sort out the cherry fruits. Remove wrinkled and spoiled berries, leaves and petioles.

Rinse the cherries in cold water. If the cherry is wormy, soak it for 40-60 minutes in cold water with the addition of a small amount of salt - all its inhabitants will float to the surface. After soaking in salt water, the cherries should be thoroughly washed, and if time permits, left for another 10-15 minutes in cold water in order to completely wash away any remaining salt. A salt solution is most often prepared by tasting the water - dissolve the salt in the water, and then taste a drop of water. If the water tastes salty, the solution is ready.

When the cherries are properly prepared, remove the pits from the fruit. This can be done using either a special machine or a device for removing seeds (for example, a special hole in a garlic press), or using improvised means. The most effective assistants in this matter are a metal hairpin, a safety pin and a wooden skewer. See the video version of the recipe for more details.

Weigh the pitted cherries and measure out the desired amount of sugar. Standard proportions for making pitted cherry jam are 0.8-1.2 kilograms of sugar per 1 kilogram of peeled cherries.

Place the cherries in a saucepan, adding layers of sugar.

Let the cherries sit overnight or for 6-8 hours so that the fruits release their juice. If there is not enough liquid after infusion, add 50 ml of water to speed up the process and melt the sugar a little.

Over medium heat, bring the cherry and sugar syrup mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer the jam for 5 minutes or 20 minutes if you want the finished seedless cherry jam to be thicker. Then turn off the heat and cool the jam completely. If desired, at this stage you can add vanilla sugar, cinnamon and other spices to taste.

Bring the completely cooled jam to a boil, cook for another five minutes, and then cool again.

General recommendation: repeat the cooking procedure three times, taking breaks of 10-12 hours so that the jam cools and the berries are soaked in syrup. If desired, you can boil the cherry jam more times or increase the cooking time until the desired jam thickness is obtained. If you don’t have the time or patience to wait, the cooling breaks can be shorter - 3.5-4 hours, just long enough for the syrup to cool down. With this faster method of preparation, the fruits will wrinkle a little, but this will not negatively affect the taste of the jam.

The third time, after boiling the jam, pour it into prepared sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids (boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes) and roll up. Turn the jars of jam over and cover until completely cooled.

Pitted cherry jam is ready. Enjoy your tea!

Five-minute cherry jam for the winter - one of the varieties of jam. Unlike cherry jam, cherry jam is less sour and more aromatic. If we talk about cherry recipes, there are more than several dozen of them. The five-minute cherry jam recipe with step-by-step photos, which I want to offer you, will be prepared without seeds, although there are also recipes for cherry jam with seeds.

The difference between five-minute cherry jam and other types of jam is that during the short cooking process a lot of useful substances remain in it.


Five-minute cherry jam - recipe

Prepare cherries and sugar for cherry jam.

Sort out the cherries. Set the spoiled berries aside. Tear off the branches. Place the prepared cherries into a bowl (saucepan). Fill with cold water and rinse.

After this, drain the cherries in a colander. Remove the seeds from the berries by hand or using a special device.

Place pitted cherries in a saucepan.

Cover the berries with sugar.


Leave the cherries with the sugar to release their juice. This will take about half an hour. To speed up the process of dissolving sugar, you can stir the berries as often as possible or add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of hot water.

As soon as there is enough juice to prevent the jam from burning, place the pan with the cherries on the stove. Bring the jam to a boil over low heat. While it is boiling, sterilize the jars with lids. As a rule, I seal it in small jars up to 500 ml. I place the jars in a pan of boiling water and sterilize them for 5-7 minutes. It will be enough to sterilize metal lids for seaming for 1-2 minutes. You can sterilize jars in any way convenient for you, not necessarily the way I do it.

While boiling, a thick foam will appear on the surface of the jam.

Remove it with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon. Let the cherry jam boil for five minutes for another 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. The jam is ready to be packed for the winter.

Using a convenient scoop, pour it into sterile jars. Close with a seaming key. Turn the jars of cherry jam upside down. Cover with something warm and leave them until they cool completely. The next day, the jars can be taken out to a cold place for storage. Myatiminutka cherry jam can also be stored in an apartment for the winter. If everything is done correctly, then you don’t have to worry about the jars exploding.

Like any other cherry jam, five-minute can be decorated, or rather jars of jam. You can glue a beautiful label or decorate the lid with craft paper or a piece of fabric and then secure it with a ribbon.

I wish you a delicious tea party. I will be glad if you liked this recipe for cherry jam and found it useful. I recommend preparing and.

Good afternoon friends! Today I will share how to make cherry jam for the winter, which can be made with or without seeds. It depends on your taste, availability of time and desire.
Cherry jam is made without seeds or with them. It is believed that it tastes better with seeds because of their specific almond flavor. But separating the seeds from the pulp is quite a labor-intensive task, so it’s up to you to decide how to do it.
According to both recipes, it is cooked in several stages, so it turns out the most delicious and beautiful.

Cherry jam - recipes:

Properly cooked, it will be transparent, with whole berries floating in syrup. To learn some secrets, read my cooking tips.

How to properly cook delicious cherry jam - a few tips:

  • Jam can be made from cherries of any variety and color, provided that they are juicy and ripe.
  • Experienced housewives advise making cherry jam from berries of the Trushensky, Napoleon black and pink, and Francis varieties.
  • You need to cook the delicacy without haste, in several stages; if you do this quickly and over high heat, the sugar will not have time to saturate the berry and it will shrivel.
  • When cooking cherry jam prepared for the winter, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise it will not last long; do this with a slotted spoon.
  • Another tip from experienced housewives: before cooking, pierce each berry with a needle or saute for a minute in water at 90 degrees.

Pitted cherry jam:

Recipe No. 1.

The best jam will be made from light-colored berries.
We will need:

  • Cherry berries – one kg.
  • Sugar – 1200 kg.
  • Water - a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the berry - wash it, let it dry slightly and remove the seeds using simple tools. I bought this thing a long time ago, I don’t remember what it’s called correctly, but it’s easy to remove the seeds. But I remember how in childhood we did it with an ordinary hairpin.
  2. Now prepare the syrup: pour sugar into cold water and let it boil. To make the sugar dissolve faster, stir the syrup constantly.
  3. Add cherries to the boiling syrup and let it boil. After this, immediately remove from the stove and set aside for about 12 hours.
  4. If you are not in a hurry, carry out this procedure several times: bring the berry to a boil and let it cool. Do this at least 3 times, and preferably 4 - 5. When you do this for the very last time, add a little vanilla sugar, literally a pinch.
    Pour the finished cherry jam into jars and cover with plastic caps.

Cherry jam for the winter can be prepared in sugar syrup, and I gave the recipe above. But there is a way to cook it in your own juice. I didn’t write a separate recipe. The only difference is that the berries are not poured with hot syrup, but initially the cherries are covered with sugar, then they stand for several hours (two to three) so that the juice is released from the berries. Well, then comes the cooking process itself in several stages.
Cherry jam prepared for the winter will not be very aromatic, and you will not get a bright taste like cherry jam. Therefore, ingredients with a brighter taste are often added to it. These could be pieces of ginger, lemon zest, apricot kernels or almonds. I am sharing with you a recipe for walnut jam.

Recipe No. 2. With walnuts.

We will need:

  • Cherry berries and sugar - 1 kg each.
  • Water – 350 ml.
  • Walnuts, shelled – 300 gr.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar - on the tip of a teaspoon.

How to cook:

Cooking the delicacy according to this recipe is quite labor-intensive, because it will take a lot of time to prepare the cherries. But don't regret it, it's worth it.

  1. First, remove all the seeds from the berries, and then put a small piece of walnut in each one in their place.
  2. Then prepare the syrup in the usual way: pour cold water over the sugar and, stirring, let it boil.
  3. Pour boiling syrup (remove from heat) over the berries until they are completely covered. Let stand for three hours and place on low heat.
  4. Do not let the jam boil too much so that the berries do not fall apart. When the cherries become transparent, the jam is ready. A couple of minutes before the end, add lemon juice and vanillin to the jam. Pour into jars while hot.

Cherry jam with pits:

Recipe No. 1. With seeds.

  • Cherry berries sugar - take 1 kg.
  • Water - one glass.
  • Citric acid – a pinch (optional)

How to cook:

Cherry jam with pits is made practically unchanged, just like without them, only, if you noticed, a little less sugar is used.

  1. First, make a syrup - dissolve the sugar in water and, stirring regularly, let it boil.
  2. Place cherries in boiling sugar syrup, wait for it to boil and remove from heat. Then let it brew, but much less than the first jam - only 3 - 4 hours.
  3. And again bring to a boil 3 – 4 more times. If you wish, add a pinch of citric acid at the end of cooking.

Sunny summer...Abundance of colors, tastes and aromas. No other time of year pleases us with vegetables ripening in the garden beds, or ripe, aromatic berries and fruits in the garden. Having admired this picture enough, it’s time to think about making jam for the winter. How pleasant it is to drink tea with fragrant jam on a winter evening and remember the bygone summer! Ah, jam! What a sweet, incredibly tasty word! At For some reason, the word “jam” immediately brings to mind Carlson with his boundless love for jam and his grandmother skimming the fragrant foam from the jam with a huge wooden spoon. And how can you not love jam! Easy to prepare and a pleasure to eat. And all you need is any berries and sugar. What jam is not made from? In addition to traditional berries and fruits, they even use cucumbers and dandelions, rose petals, and many are simply delighted with zucchini jam. Each jam has its own unique taste and aroma. But no matter what it is made from, jam is jam. Favorite, homemade, healthy and reminiscent of a sweet, happy childhood. Today we will talk about cherry jam, which is not only delicious ohm, but also extremely useful. After all, cherries themselves are a real vitamin-mineral complex that has absorbed a huge amount of vitamins C, carotene, PP, group B, potassium and magnesium, which, like air, are necessary for the heart muscle, calcium, iron, sodium, etc. .

Cherries were grown in ancient Greece. The sweetness of cherries attracted birds, hence its Latin name - “bird cherry”. There is a version that cherries came to Europe precisely thanks to birds, long before humans appeared here. It was also in Kievan Rus, as evidenced by references in ancient Ukrainian songs. Previously, jam was cooked with the addition of honey, and sometimes without it: in a Russian oven, the berries were boiled down to a tenfold reduction in volume. Every decent young lady should know the intricacies of making jam.

Making jam is a simple matter, but you need to approach this process prepared and armed with knowledge. The first step is to choose the right dishes and equipment so that the cherry jam can be stored longer and not lose its beneficial and taste properties. To begin with, you should remember that it is better to cook jam in stainless steel, brass or aluminum pans, the volume of which should vary from 3 to 7 liters. It is not recommended to use larger containers, since the berries are crushed under the pressure of their own weight, and the jam turns out to be too soft. In order not to spoil the color of the future jam, when cooking it must be stirred with a wooden spatula, and the foam must be collected with a stainless steel slotted spoon. You need to pour the finished cherry jam into glass jars with a capacity of up to 2 liters, but first wash them thoroughly before packaging, scald them with boiling water, and then tip them onto a towel and dry them (the jars must be absolutely dry!)

So, our dishes are ready! Now let's get started preparing berries. Cherry jam is made with or without pits. However, the aroma and taste of jam with seeds is somewhat improved due to the specific almond flavor. In addition, separating the pulp from the seeds is quite labor-intensive, and not everyone has the patience for it.

If you still decide to make pitted cherry jam, then you will have to stock up not only with patience, but also with special stone knockers. These simple devices allow you to minimize the loss of juice and beneficial elements from the pulp. If there are no special devices, you can simply use an ordinary pin or a sharp wooden toothpick.

Before making jam from cherries with pits, we recommend that you first pierce the fruits with a pin or toothpick, or treat the cherries with 90-degree boiling water for one minute so that the syrup can penetrate into them faster.

It should also be said about the proper storage of cherry jam. It must be stored in dark, cool and dry rooms at a temperature no higher than 8-12°C, preferably underground or in other places designated for storage. A lower temperature promotes the sugaring of the jam, and a higher temperature increases the absorption of moisture from the air, which leads to rapid spoilage of the product.

We have mastered the theoretical part, we move directly to practice and cook.

Cherry jam (pitted)

1 kg cherries,
1200 g sugar,
200 ml water,
a pinch of vanilla (vanilla sugar).

Wash the collected fruits thoroughly under running cold water, let dry and remove the seeds using simple tools (for example, a hairpin or an ordinary pin).

Prepare the syrup: pour sugar into the prepared bowl, add water (cold) and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Add berries to the boiling mixture. When the cherry jam boils, immediately remove it from the stove and let it brew for ten to twelve hours. After this time, put the jam back on the fire, keep it until it boils, and then cool again. Repeat this procedure 3-5 times. When performing it for the last time, add a pinch of vanilla or vanilla sugar to the cherry jam. Pour the finished cooled dessert into jars (1 liter), roll up or cover with tight plastic lids.

Cherry jam (with pits)

1 kg cherries,
1 kg sugar,
200 ml water.

Discard spoiled and damaged fruits immediately; in this case, only whole, high-quality berries are needed. Rinse and dry them. Prepare the syrup according to the same principle as in the first recipe, only use less sugar. After boiling, add the berries to the syrup. As soon as the jam begins to bubble and bubbles appear on the surface, remove it from the stove and proceed according to the first recipe with the only difference: cherry jam with pits should be infused not for 10-12 hours (as in the first version), but only 3-4. Pack the finished dessert into jars.

Pitted cherry jam with walnuts


1 kg cherries,
1 kg sugar,
350 ml water,
¼ teaspoon vanillin,
300 g walnuts.

Prepare the berries and remove the seeds from them in a way convenient for you. Cut the walnuts into pieces equal to the seeds (a little more is possible), and put each piece into a cherry berry. Next, prepare the syrup: add water to the sugar, bring the mixture to a boil, not forgetting to stir frequently, remove the syrup from the stove and pour it over the cherries stuffed with nuts, so that the syrup completely covers the berries.
Leave to brew for three hours, then put on low heat (the syrup should not boil so that the berries do not fall apart) and cook the cherry jam until the fruit is transparent. 2-5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice and a little vanillin to the jam. Pour the finished jam hot and close the lids tightly.

Cherry jam with orange and apple

1 kg cherries,
1 kg sugar,
2 apples (finely grated into puree),
juice and zest of 4 oranges.

Peel the washed and dried cherries. Add applesauce, sugar, zest and juice of oranges (you can grind the orange cut into pieces in a blender, the seeds must be removed, otherwise the product will be bitter). Place the fruit mixture over low heat. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Cook, skimming, until all the sugar has dissolved. When the sugar has melted, turn up the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the hot jam into jars, close, and cool upside down. Store at room temperature. Store opened jars in the refrigerator.

White cherry jam with lemon

1 kg white cherries,
1 kg sugar,
1 lemon.

Sort the cherries and wash them thoroughly, and then dry (you can use a clean, dry towel or cloth for these purposes). Remove the seeds from the berries and place the berries in a container of a suitable size, into which add sugar. Leave the container with berries overnight to extract juice. The next morning, boil for five minutes and leave to cool. While cooling, gently rock the container so that the berries are evenly soaked in the syrup. When the cherry jam has cooled completely, add the lemon slices and cook for another five minutes. After cooling, boil again for about a quarter of an hour, and then, while hot, place in jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for cherry jam with cinnamon (Armenian cuisine)

This jam turns out to be amber in color, it is very tasty and healthy.

1 kg white cherries,
1 kg sugar,
cinnamon sticks - to taste,
0.5 glasses of water.

Sort the cherries, rinse in cold water and remove the pits. Pour sugar into a container for making jam, pour in water and boil the syrup. Then dip the cherries in the syrup and shake the bowl very carefully so that the cherries are immersed in the syrup and cook until fully cooked (about 2-3 hours). This jam is best cooked with cinnamon, and only in the form of sticks and it must be added at the beginning of cooking. When the jam is ready, remove the cinnamon and roll up the jam.

Cherry jam with sour cherries

6 kg cherries,
3 kg cherries,
5 kg sugar,
100 g citric acid.

Add sugar to the berries to release the juice. Add citric acid and cook. When there is a lot of juice in the pan, pour it into a separate bowl and cook separately. The jam needs to be cooked for 3-4 hours. When the juice begins to thicken, add it to the berries and simmer for one hour. Then put the jam into jars, which must first be sterilized in boiling water, and roll up the lids.

That's all the tricks for making cherry jam. Now imagine how on cold winter evenings, wrapped in a warm blanket, you start drinking tea with incredibly aromatic and healthy cherry jam.

Enjoy your tea!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Good afternoon friends!

Today we are making cherry jam for the winter. The fruits of this berry are highly valued for their pleasant sweet taste. They are best consumed fresh. And if there is a rich harvest, then you want to save it and process it for the winter in order to enjoy the wonderful berries all year round!

There are many recipes for making cherry dessert; it can be prepared with or without pits, with the addition of nuts or in combination with citrus fruits. You can also use various cooking methods, which we will use in this article. So let's get started!

How to make thick jam from pitted cherries (or sour cherries)?

For this recipe, we will choose yellow or white varieties of cherries. These varieties have firm flesh and small seeds and retain their shape well when cooked.


  • cherries - 800 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 0.5 l
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp


We select large and strong fruits, wash them well in plenty of water and remove the stalks.

Removing stones has become much easier today; special stone squeezers have come to the aid of housewives. They do their job quickly, without losing juice or pulp.

To prepare the syrup, dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil with constant stirring.

Place the berries in boiling syrup and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely. Then bring it to a boil again, set it aside again and cool.

Cook for the third time to the desired thickness.

At the end of cooking, you can optionally add citric acid or lemon juice to taste. This will give the jam a beautiful amber color and prevent it from becoming sugary.

Remove the finished cherry delicacy from the heat. We take out the fruits and put them in dry jars.

Boil the syrup for another 20 minutes and pour it over the cherries.

Roll up the jars with lids and wrap them in a blanket. After complete cooling, store in a cool, dry place.

The sweet delicacy is thick, aromatic, the berries look like pieces of amber. Take such a piece of amber in your mouth, and it fills you with the warmth of summer.

Cherry jam with pits and lemon

The jam prepared according to this recipe is thick and very tasty. With the aroma of almonds, which is imparted by the seeds, and with sourness from lemon.


  • cherries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 pc.


  1. Peel the cherries from leaves and stalks. To get rid of midges and worms, soak in a weak solution of salt water and rinse well under running water.
  2. Prick the berries with a fork so they are well soaked in the syrup.
  3. Cover the prepared cherries with sugar and leave for at least 5 hours. During this time, the berries will give juice.
  4. It is best to cook in copper or stainless steel containers.
  5. Place on low heat; if there is not enough berry juice, add water and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. As soon as the sugar has completely dissolved, increase the heat and bring the syrup to a boil.
  7. Carefully collect the foam with a large wooden spoon with a long handle. We call such a spoon “communist”. The older generation will guess why.
  8. As soon as the syrup begins to thicken, periodically check its readiness. Drop a drop onto a piece of sugar or saucer. A non-spreading drop confirms that it’s ready.
  9. Add lemon juice. As for whether or not to add acid, someone may object. but after I've sugared a whole jar of jam, I always add a little lemon juice.
  10. Pour hot into sterilized jars and close the lids tightly. Store in a cool, dark cellar.
  11. If you store it in the refrigerator, you must first cool it, pack it in dry jars, cover it with paper and tie it with twine.

It turned out to be a fragrant, sticky sweet treat! Enjoy your tea!

Delicious recipe for cherry jam with walnuts

"Tsar's jam" -

According to the following recipe, we prepare “royal jam” - a fabulous delicacy, a miracle treat, delicious jam!


  • cherries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg
  • nut - 250 gr.
  • lemon juice - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 tbsp.


Carefully remove the pits from the cherries using a regular pin.

You can use any nut for this delicacy, according to your taste: pine, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc. Nuts are sold already shelled, so they need to be calcined in the oven. Using a rolling pin, break into medium kernels.

Stuff the peeled cherries with walnut kernels and place them in the prepared sugar syrup.

Cook according to the recipe for pitted cherry jam.

Lemon juice prevents the treat from becoming sugary and gives it a beautiful color.

Five-minute cherry jam, a simple recipe

Recipe for cherry jam with orange

The duet of citrus and cherries creates new notes of taste and aroma. It turns out to be a gorgeous thick jelly. It can be used as a filling for rolls and pies.


  • cherries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg
  • pectin - 1 teaspoon
  • large orange - 1 pc.


  1. Peel the cherries without damaging the pulp.
  2. Remove the zest from the orange using a fine grater. And squeeze the juice out of the orange.
  3. In a saucepan, combine orange juice, zest and sugar. Place on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Place the cherries in the prepared syrup, cook for 5 minutes and leave until completely cool.
  5. Then bring the mixture to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes and leave again until it cools completely.
  6. Cook the jam for the third time until it reaches the desired thickness, add a teaspoon of pectin.
  7. Pour the hot mixture into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

I would like to end my article with the words of Carlson from the famous cartoon: “Do you want to make people happy? Give them joy, love and some jam!

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