How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a can? How and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. What is the difference between boiled condensed milk and regular milk?

Boiled condensed milk is an amazing delicacy, the preparation of which does not require any effort, just a little patience and knowledge.

1. How to choose condensed milk

Buy an iron (not glass!) jar with the inscription on the label “Whole condensed milk with sugar”; no similar phrases are allowed. In addition, please note:

  • Compound. “Honest” condensed milk, which can turn into a delicacy called “boiled condensed milk,” contains only two ingredients: milk and sugar. There should be no starch, dyes, flavors and, especially, no “E”;
  • Best before date;
  • Exterior of the can. No dents, rust spots or other imperfections are allowed.

2. How and for how long you need to cook condensed milk in a jar

So, put the jar chosen according to all the rules into a pan of the appropriate size (take the old one, the one that is worse), fill it with cold water so that it completely covers the jar. Place on high heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heating intensity to a minimum, tightly close the pan with a lid, note the time and... wait!

  • Until yellow. After an hour, the contents of the jar will only have time to warm up and acquire a yellowish tint. The taste and thickness of the milk will remain almost unchanged;
  • Until light brown. Another hour will pass, and the condensed milk will thicken slightly, maintaining a delicate consistency, and turn a pleasant light brown caramel color. If your goal is to make fondant for the cake, then you can stop cooking at this point;
  • Until brown. And those who want to enjoy condensed milk by spreading it on bread or taking it from a jar with spoons will have to wait another hour. This is exactly how long it takes, that is, 3 hours, for the milk to thicken, acquire a brown color and a delicious aroma;
  • Solid consistency. If you wait another half hour, the bright brown contents of the jar can be cut with a knife. You should not cook condensed milk any longer.

A few more tips

So that instead of a pleasant tea party you don’t have to spend the evening scrubbing sticky mass from the walls and ceiling (!), follow a few simple rules:

  • Carefully monitor the water level in the pan and add it as needed. If you don't do this, the jar will explode!
  • For the same reason, do not try to cool a hot jar under running cold water: let it cool on its own;
  • Do not open a hot jar under any circumstances: such haste will result in burns on your hands and face.

But if you show patience and caution, then nothing will stop you from enjoying the exquisite dish and appreciating the delicious taste of boiled condensed milk in a jar! By the way, the most delicious condensed milk is boiled until it turns brown. It also “looks great” in homemade cakes, waffles and other baked goods 😉

How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar until it turns brown? Condensed milk, or condensed milk, is concentrated cow's milk from which the water has been removed, usually with added sugar. This is a sweet, thick product with a caramel flavor; The most common type of packaging is a tin can, which allows condensed milk to be stored without refrigeration for a year before opening.

If you fill a can of condensed milk with water and cook it over low heat, you will get boiled condensed milk. A lesser known name is dulce de leche; literally translates from Spanish as “milk jam.” Today we will talk about how long it takes to cook condensed milk in a jar.

It’s not for nothing that boiled condensed milk is considered a universal product: it is spread on toast, creams for cakes with butter, sour cream or cream are made from it, used for decoration, stuffed, coated with it on cookies, added to tea or coffee, or eaten just like that.

DoughVed advises. Even the most novice cook can figure out how to cook condensed milk in an iron can at home, but even in such a simple recipe it is necessary to adhere to some key recommendations so that the can of condensed milk does not explode during cooking.

So, there are two basic rules that you must remember every time before you cook condensed milk in a tin can at home.

Rule No. 1: Water must completely cover cans of condensed milk.

There are two reasons to strictly adhere to this recommendation during cooking.

Firstly, water does not physically heat up to more than 100 o C. Accordingly, cans containing condensed milk and completely immersed in water will also not heat up above this temperature. Even if the jars heat up a little more from contact with the bottom of the pan in which they are boiled, the surrounding water will “take” the additional heat onto itself.

However, allowing some of the water to evaporate exposes the jars to open air, causing them to overheat. Due to significant heating, caramelized milk expands and begins to put pressure on the walls of the jar, which may not withstand the pressure and burst.

Secondly, the water in this cooking method actually acts as a water bath. When the jars are completely immersed in water, the caramelization process of the milk is more uniform.

That is why throughout the cooking you need to constantly ensure that there is always enough water in the pan.

Rule #2: Cans must be completely cool before opening them.

In fact, the second rule directly follows from the first: the caramel formed during cooking increases in volume due to heating, so if you open the can immediately, without waiting for it to cool, you can get a whole fountain of scalding hot condensed milk.

To avoid burns, always cool jars to room temperature before opening them.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar?

10 minutes to prepare

3 hours to prepare

315 kcal per 100 g

Boiled condensed milk at home - how and how long to cook in a tin until brown.

Although the process is quite simple, if you follow all the rules, it takes a lot of time to cook condensed milk in a can until it turns brown, so it is better to cook at least 3-5 cans at once and store them ready.

For more information on how to store iron cans of boiled condensed milk at home, read the tips at the end of the recipe.


  • condensed milk in cans;
  • water in sufficient quantity.


  1. Prepare the required number of cans of condensed milk. Remove the paper labels from the jars and place them in a pan large enough to hold all the jars in one layer. It is better to stack the jars while lying down, since if you place them standing, they will float during cooking and create noise for three hours. In addition, in this case the layer of water above the jars will be thicker.
  2. Fill with enough cold water to completely cover the jars. The water level should be at least 2-3 cm higher than the cans, the more the better.
  3. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil. After the water boils, cook for 2.5-3 hours. The boiling should not be too strong - the hotter the water boils, the faster it evaporates. The time depends entirely on how dark brown we want the boiled condensed milk to be. The longer milk is boiled, the darker it becomes. The optimal time is from two and a half to three hours.
  4. We constantly monitor the water level in the pan, check whether the jars are hidden with water at least every half hour, preferably more often. As the water boils, add boiling water.
  5. After the required time has passed, carefully, so as not to burn your hands, remove the jars from the pan using tongs or a slotted spoon.
  6. Place the jars on a towel and leave until completely cool. The jars are very hot, so despite using a towel, you need to place them on a heat-resistant surface.
  7. It is usually recommended to leave the jars for at least 10-12 hours to allow them to cool completely, but there is a faster way to cool the condensed milk. Drain the hot water from the pan and return the jars to it. Place the pan in the sink and fill with cold water. As the water heats up, change it to cold water until the jars are cold to the touch. Open it carefully, as the caramel in the middle is still quite warm.
  8. Mix the milk with a spoon directly in the jar and use dulce de leche at your discretion, for making desserts, creams or.
  • In principle, it is not necessary to remove the labels, but during boiling they become soggy and small pieces of paper stick to the bottom of the pan and jars, which will be quite difficult to clean after cooking.
  • To ensure that you always have boiling water on hand in case the water in the pan suddenly boils over, boil the kettle each time immediately after pouring out the previous portion.
  • Unopened jars are stored at room temperature for a very long time; opened jars should be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid or cling film, for no more than a month.

All housewives are well aware that the best quality sweets are those made with their own hands at home. Therefore, the question: how long to cook condensed milk in a jar is always very relevant; the store-bought analogue of the boiled product, alas, is in many ways inferior to the home-made product.

That’s why cooking delicacies at home is the best preparation option, allowing you to make the treat correct in consistency, color and taste.

How to cook condensed milk in a tin can: “Classic” recipe

Cooking condensed milk is quite simple if you know the basic secrets of cooking and the features of the product itself. When determining the cooking time, remember that the decisive factor will be the fat content of the milk.

If condensed milk has a fat content of 8%, then you need to cook it in an iron can for 1.5-2 hours, if the percentage of fat content in the milk is higher, then the time needs to be increased to 2-2.5 hours.

Classic rules for cooking condensed milk in a can:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place the container on the fire.
  2. We lower the jar into water, but so that the liquid completely covers it.
  3. Bring water to a boil over medium to high heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the flame to almost a minimum and continue to cook the condensed milk further. The water in the pan should not boil too much.
  4. During the cooking process, carefully ensure that the water does not completely evaporate, otherwise the jar with the sweet contents will “explode”. As the liquid evaporates, you need to gradually add a new portion of water into the pan.

Immediately after cooking, do not remove the jar of condensed milk from the hot water. You want the milk to cool right in the pan. Do not put it in cold water. On average, it may take from 1 to 2 hours to cool down, but this method will protect the jar from damage.

During the cooking process, you only need to add hot water to the pan. Sudden changes in temperature can cause the jar to burst.
Therefore, in parallel with the container for cooking condensed milk, place a container of clean water on the stove, after heating it, you will gradually add it to the pan where the tin can of condensed milk is boiled.

In order to correctly answer the question: how long does it take to cook condensed milk, you must first answer yourself - what kind of condensed milk do you want to get and for what purpose do you plan to use it.

If you like sweetness that is not too thick or you want to use it as a basis for making chocolate sausages, cakes, pastries, etc., then you need to prepare semi-liquid milk.

  • To do this, cook condensed milk in an iron can for no more than 1 hour over moderate heat.
  • Planning to get a moderately thick consistency, with a pleasant milky tint, you will need to cook the condensed milk for about 2-3 hours.
  • To obtain a very thick mass, the color of fresh coffee with milk, the cooking time will have to be increased to 4 hours.

The condensed delicacy is not always sold in cans; sometimes you can find it on store shelves in glass containers.

How to cook condensed milk in this case and is it even worth cooking it in a glass container? Of course, it’s worth it, moreover, this cooking option has more advantages than cooking boiled milk in an iron can.

During the boiling process, metal containers form oxides that are unsafe for human health.

In addition, under the influence of hot temperatures, the tin coating of the can is destroyed and harmful substances are released from it directly into the condensed milk.

That is why it is preferable to cook your favorite delicacy not in a tin can, but in a glass container, or without a can at all - in some kind of enamel pan or bowl.

How and how much to cook condensed milk in a glass jar

  1. Place a glass container with condensed milk in an empty saucepan.
  2. Cover the container loosely with a lid. It is advisable that the lid be larger in diameter than the diameter of the glassware itself. If you close the container tightly, it may burst during cooking.
  3. Pour enough cold water into the pan so that it reaches the level of the condensed milk in the jar.
  4. Place the pan on the fire and wait for the water to boil.
  5. As soon as boiling bubbles appear on the water, reduce the flame to a minimum.
  6. In this mode, cook the product for 3.5 hours. There is no need to stir condensed milk during cooking.

Keep an eye on the liquid in the pan and do not forget to add hot water to it approximately every 20-30 minutes. When the delicacy is cooked, leave it to cool in the pan.

Using the principle described above, it is convenient to cook condensed milk on tap. But what to do if the bottled product was sold to you not in a glass jar, but, for example, in a plastic bottle.

Is it possible to boil condensed milk in such a container?

It is possible, but it is highly not advisable to do this. There is a fairly high risk that the plastic will melt during cooking, and harmful substances will begin to be released from it, which can be hazardous to health.

That is why it is better to cook purchased condensed milk in bulk in a glass container, or even cook it without a jar, for example, in the microwave.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to prepare condensed milk is to boil milk in the microwave. The time needed is 15-30 minutes, no more, everything will depend on how thick the product you want to achieve. After all, the longer you cook, the thicker it becomes.

How to make boiled condensed milk from simple condensed milk

  1. To prepare the dish, first of all, you need to pour the milk into a bowl or any other container that is suitable for cooking in the microwave.

    Do not use metal containers under any circumstances; they are not suitable for this.

  2. After pouring the condensed milk into a bowl, cover it with a lid (not tightly) and place it inside the microwave for 15-20 minutes.

    Cook on medium power and do not forget to stir the product from time to time. It is important that the dessert cooks evenly and that nothing burns during the process.

All the time you can monitor the result of cooking and determine by color whether the condensed milk has been cooked or not. By controlling the result, you yourself will decide how long to cook the condensed milk - 10-15 minutes or about half an hour.

You can quickly cook condensed milk at home using a modern pressure cooker. To do this, you will need 10 minutes of time, a can of condensed milk that meets all GOST standards, and the pressure cooker itself.

Cooking steps

  1. Place the jar in a pressure cooker and fill it with water so that the container with the sweetness “drowns” in the water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil the milk for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Immediately after cooking, do not open the lid of the pressure cooker; wait until the jar has completely cooled in the water.

Carefully monitor the temperature of the water in the pan during cooking. The liquid should not be allowed to overheat, as this may cause the condensed milk to curdle or deform the can.

Alternative ways to cook condensed milk at home

How to boil milk in a water bath

A less popular, but quite effective, method of preparing boiled condensed milk is a water bath. This method is not so popular due to the fact that it will take at least 5 hours to cook. This is long and quite tedious, given that you have to constantly monitor the water in the pan so that it does not completely evaporate.

But if you still decide to use steaming, then you will need to pour the condensed milk into an enamel pan, and then place it in a container with boiling water.

A saucepan of water should boil over medium heat; at this rate, the condensed milk will cook for 5-7 hours. The exact time directly depends on the speed of preparation of the product.

Condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker

You can also cook the sweet in a slow cooker or in a pressure cooker. The cooking technology in a multi-unit is very similar to classic cooking in a regular saucepan.

Read more about cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker in the articles on the website.

As you can see, it is very easy to get a finished boiled product at home. Now you know how and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar and without it. The simple cooking recipes we have given will allow you to cook the favorite dessert of adults and children with high quality.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy every spoonful of homemade delicacy.

Bon appetit!

Condensed milk is a favorite product that can be consumed raw or boiled. The first condensed milk was invented by the culinary specialist Nicolas Appert, a Frenchman who in 1810 discovered that juice boiled in cans has the ability to retain its taste, color, aroma and consistency for a long time.

But the Frenchman did not stop at such research. He found out that milk is stored in sealed cans for a long time, and when boiled, the cans do not burst. The invention was patented only in 1856, but already by an American. Eight years later, the first plant for the production of milk in cans was opened in the United States.

In its native country, the product was obtained in Orenburg - at a factory where a blue and white label, known to many since Soviet times, was hung on a tin can. Already in those days, housewives knew exactly how to cook condensed milk in cans.

How long to cook condensed milk in a jar

If milk with a fat content of 8% is stored in a jar, then you will need to cook the condensed milk for 1.5-2 hours over medium heat. At the same time, higher fat condensed milk (8.5%) is subjected to longer boiling – 2-2.5 hours. During this period, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the water completely covers the jar.

How to cook condensed milk

Regular recipe

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and set it on fire.
  2. Lower the jar into the water so that the liquid completely covers the product.
  3. The water should boil. After this, you need to reduce the gas so that the water continues to slowly boil in the pan.
  4. You will need to add water as you cook.
  5. The jar will need to cool in the water.

in a glass jar

There is also a product “in glass” on store shelves. You can also pour as much product into a glass jar as needed. This method will allow you not only to get boiled condensed milk, but also to monitor the cooking process.

in the microwave

  1. The product is first poured into a suitable container.
  2. The dishes are placed in the microwave oven.
  3. Cook condensed milk in a microwave oven at full power for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Every 1-2 minutes the mass will need to be mixed thoroughly.
  • To prevent the jar from swelling during cooking and the milk inside it from curdling, you need to constantly monitor the temperature, as well as the water level. Strong overheating of water is unacceptable.
  • Boiled condensed milk has a caramel or chocolate color. To get a thick mixture and a pleasant dark shade, the product needs to be cooked for less than 3-3.5 hours.
  • The calorie content of boiled condensed milk is the same as that of a canned product.
  • To choose the right product in a jar, you need to study the composition of the product. Only milk fat can be used in condensed milk. If the label also indicates vegetable fat, then the product already contains starch, which will invariably spoil the taste of condensed milk.

Recipe for making cheesecakes from boiled condensed milk


  • Condensed milk (temporary) – 1 can;
  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • Semolina – 8 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 3-4 tablespoons.


  1. Semolina, sugar, cottage cheese are mixed.
  2. Using wet hands, form the dough into small cakes.
  3. The filling is placed in the middle of the flatbread - boiled condensed milk. You will need to cover the top with another cake.
  4. A full-fledged cheesecake is formed and rolled in flour.
  5. Heat a frying pan, pour sunflower oil.
  6. Fry the cheesecakes in a frying pan until golden and crispy.
Rating: (98 Votes)

Condensed milk is one of the most favorite products for those with a sweet tooth. Many people associate the smell and taste of condensed milk with childhood and their fondest childhood memories.

In addition, condensed milk is a universal product. You can eat it just like that, or add it to a variety of dishes and baked goods. Very tasty and very easy to make. There are a huge number of ways to cook it. But you need to strictly follow the cooking rules and know how long to cook the condensed milk. Otherwise, instead of a delicious dessert, you can end up with a lot of problems. The fact is that if cooked incorrectly, the jar may explode. And this will not only spoil the product itself, but will also add a lot of hassle to cleaning the kitchen.

How long to cook condensed milk

The cooking time for condensed milk depends on the recipe you choose. You can boil the milk, as in a can, without violating its integrity until the end of the entire cooking process, or just the condensed milk itself, after first removing it from the container.

How long to cook condensed milk in a jar

The first method and one of the simplest is boiling in water.

Water is poured into the cooking container, into which a can of condensed milk is placed. It is necessary to ensure that the water completely covers the jar. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring the water to a boil over fairly high heat, then reduce the heat and leave the jar to cook for 2-2.5 hours. As it boils, water is periodically added to the saucepan. Remember - this is very important. Otherwise, if left without water, the jar may explode.

The second method is to prepare boiled condensed milk using a pressure cooker.

This recipe is for those who like to cook without straining at all. As they say, set it and forget it. There is no need to constantly monitor the water level and cooking time. Fill the pressure cooker with water, place a can of condensed milk in it (the water should completely cover the jar) and bring to a boil over very high heat. After the water has boiled, wait another 10-15 minutes and turn off the pressure cooker. Do not remove the jar until the water has completely cooled.

If you have very little time or you simply don’t want to monitor the process of preparing condensed milk for 2 hours, the option of preparing condensed milk in the microwave is more suitable for you.

How long should you cook condensed milk in the microwave?

You won't believe it - only 15 minutes. Yes, it is in such a short period that you can prepare this delicious delicacy. Well then. Let's say a huge thank you to the creators of this miracle of technology and get to work. Open a can of condensed milk and pour its contents into a deep container (the container must be suitable for use in a microwave oven) and, setting the power to medium, start the microwave for 15 minutes. During cooking, the condensed milk will need to be stirred several times, as the radio waves emitted by the oven heat the liquid unevenly.

Some useful tips for those with a sweet tooth.

Buy only high quality. A high-quality product contains only milk and sugar. Condensed milk, with many impurities, is not only harmful to health, but when cooked it can give a completely unexpected result. For example, curl up into lumps or “delight” with crystallized grains of sugar.

The longer condensed milk is cooked, the darker and more viscous it becomes in consistency.

If you cook condensed milk in a jar, then after completing the cooking process, you need to let the water cool completely and only then can you remove the jar from it. Do not cool with cold water under any circumstances, otherwise the taste of the dish may be greatly affected.

Now you know how long to cook condensed milk. So all that remains is to wish you bon appetit.
