Soy cutlets. Soy cutlets are simple and delicious meatless cutlets. Lenten soy cutlets

I once tried to make navy-style pasta with soy minced meat. I liked it, it was delicious. Unusual, but tasty. I didn’t like the fact that you had to fry the whole thing along with the onions. In general, I don’t really like fried food. And I decided to make steamed cutlets.

I had some minced chicken, some beef and 100 grams of dry soybean. I thought that by mixing all this stuff, I would get a fairly large number of cutlets and the soy minced meat would not be felt in them. What came out of this - read below.

True, my husband immediately refused to eat the steamed cutlets; he still had to fry them)

First you need to prepare the soy mince according to the instructions.

Soak it in water

Then boil.

I wanted to make cutlets according to the principle of rolls, and then I decided to just mix the minced meat with the filling, it turns out even prettier.

So, when the soy minced meat is boiled and cooled, we begin to make minced meat for the cutlets.

Mix all types of minced meat - beef, chicken, (minced beef has a little chicken fat), soy and vegetable mixture.

Salt, pepper, add spices to taste. I have Provencal herbs, I always put them in minced chicken. It turns out very fragrant!

Three onions on a coarse grater. You can cut it as you prefer. It seemed to me that one large onion was not enough, so I grated another one.

I add 2 eggs.

I usually add oat flakes to the minced meat for cutlets; they are not noticeable in the finished cutlets at all, but it’s easier on the stomach, I’ve tested it. In addition, there will be more cutlets and they will be juicier. It was my first time making mixed minced soy meat and chicken, so I didn’t know whether to add flakes, but I added a little anyway. And I was right.

And at the end I add the frozen lecho mixture. I just bought this one - the vegetables are cut into small, neat cubes. Here are bell peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. Next time I'll add even more to make it juicier.

I put a little chopped sausage in the cutlets that were intended for my husband so that he would definitely eat it)

Move the minced meat thoroughly

Forming cutlets

I fried a few things for my husband

I boiled it for myself and my son in a double boiler. For a side dish we had a simple vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. Plus some feta cheese.

These are such bright, spring cutlets.

They are also very healthy, they have a lot of protein. In 100 g of chicken there is about 20 g, and in 100 g of soy there are as many as 40!

Cooking time: PT00H50M 50 min.

Today we will prepare soy cutlets with walnuts. These products combine incredibly deliciously with each other.

Frankly, soy is an unfamiliar product to me, except for soy sauce, which is popular among chefs. This legume has never been used in the diet of my family, my relatives and friends. No, of course, I saw packages of semi-finished soy products, but somehow they didn’t make me want to try them.

Soya beans

Benefits of soy

Recently, while studying a diet excluding meat products, I paid attention to the composition of soy. It turned out that it contains up to 50% complete protein, B vitamins, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids that strengthen the cardiovascular system. Of the microelements, we were pleased with iron, calcium and potassium, which help prevent osteoporosis. Plant isoflavonoids can prevent the development of some forms of cancer in the early stages, and phytic acids inhibit their growth.

Soy is included in the menu for kidney stones and gallstones, diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular and other diseases. Lecithin contained in soy plays an important role - it delays the aging of the body.
It includes cholines, which play a critical role in the body in repairing and restoring brain and nervous system cells, metabolizing fat, and regulating cholesterol levels. They control attention, memory, thinking, learning, concentration and other functions.

Some pharmacological preparations are made from soybeans, for example, Essentiale.

So why is so little attention given to this valuable product in our cooking?
Do manufacturers prefer to keep silent about the presence of soy in ready-made meat products (sausages, sausages, 1/3 consisting of soy), dairy products (milk, sour cream, yoghurt, baby food...) and many others?

Harm of soy

The fact is that in 1995, an American agricultural company engaged in the development of new varieties, using a gene gun, created a new type of seeds resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, used to control weeds. Currently, genetically modified soybeans are already grown in all US crop fields, with a few exceptions. Genetically modified seeds are actively spreading throughout the countries of the world, fields are sown with it, used as animal feed, they are used in industrial production and for the manufacture of food products: in the meat, dairy, canning industries, making flour, soy sauce, baby food, etc. P.

The American press published the results of a 1998 study in which about 4 thousand men took part. The results found that those who consumed soy products at least twice a week had twice the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than those who never consumed them.

According to Dr. White of the Hawaii Health Research Center, soy products shorten life by 5 years. Soy phytoestrogens are similar to mammalian sex hormones. Scientists suggest that they have developed a mechanism for birth control.

Soy contains a special enzyme that inhibits the activity of human proteins and enzymes. The consequences of eating soy can lead to a chronic inability to absorb amino acids. The scientific world is particularly concerned about the introduction of soy components into baby food.

The history of soybean cultivation in Soviet Russia takes us back to the thirties of the twentieth century. The first Russian varieties were bred in 1934 and gradually began to be cultivated on the southern fertile lands of Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region. Now the scale of crops has expanded significantly.
Recently, the State Duma passed a bill banning the cultivation (import from abroad is allowed!) of genetically modified products (soybeans, potatoes, corn, beets). However, not everyone accepted the reality of the implementation of this law, because using GM seeds the yield increases tens of times.

Companies that sell seeds trumpet the benefits of soybeans. In this stream of information, you need to sift through and choose the one that, in your opinion, is most trustworthy.
The main thing is not to make a mistake.

For those who decide to try a dish made from natural soy, I suggest making cutlets. You can buy whole soybeans at the market (I couldn’t find them in the store).

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Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Soy is a fairly healthy plant, which in terms of protein content is not inferior to meat products. Let's prepare soy cutlets at home. I suggest you watch a step-by-step recipe with which you can easily prepare these hearty cutlets for the whole family. They taste very similar to meat, and when frying, no one will even doubt that you are preparing meat cutlets, since the aroma of fried cutlets lingers throughout the house. Also see how to cook.

Required ingredients:

- soybean - 150 gr.,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- garlic - 2-3 cloves,
- oatmeal - 2-3 tbsp.,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- salt to taste,
- ground black pepper to taste,
- curry - 0.25 tsp,
- ground paprika - 0.25 tsp,
- vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook with photos step by step

Before you start cooking the cutlets, you need to prepare the soybeans. Rinse them under cold running water. Remove defective grains. Place in a deep container and fill with cold water. In this position, leave the soybeans for 12-24 hours. During this time, the beans will swell very well and become very soft. Periodically, change the water to fresh water.

Just before cooking, prepare the remaining ingredients. Peel the onion and garlic. Grind a little of it.

Once the soybeans have increased in size, drain them in a colander and rinse well. Pass through a meat grinder. Place in a convenient deep bowl.

Chop the chopped onion and garlic in the same way. Add both ingredients to the soy mince.

Beat in a small chicken egg. Mix all ingredients used until smooth.

Add salt, ground black pepper, paprika, and curry to the minced meat. Mix well. You can experiment and add any additional spices you like.

If the consistency of the minced meat is slightly runny, add some instant oatmeal. Stir and leave for 20-30 minutes to allow the flakes to swell. If the minced meat is of a thick consistency, you do not need to use flakes.

Form small pieces of the desired shape from the cutlet mass. Lightly moisten your hands with water.

Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and let it heat up well. Place the prepared pieces. Fry over moderate heat until golden brown on one side.

Carefully turn over to the other side and continue frying until golden brown.

Place on napkins or paper towels to absorb excess oil. Soy cutlets are ready. Can be served. I suggest you prepare some delicious

Soybean cutlets in tomato sauce

The basis of soy cutlets can be different types of soy products (minced meat, meatballs) or dried or fresh beans. Depending on the main ingredient, the taste of soy cutlets, their juiciness, density, etc. also changes.

Many people prefer to cook dishes from dried soybeans, so they have more confidence in the naturalness of the product and the absence of chemicals. When purchasing dried soybeans, make sure the price tag says “non-GMO.” This way we will be 100% sure of the benefits of the product and will be able to fully enjoy the wonderful taste of vegetarian cutlets.

Soybean cutlets are prepared without eggs. Instead of eggs, use mashed boiled potatoes, which “holds” the dough together and helps keep its shape. In addition to potatoes and boiled beans, we will need Indian spices, lemon juice and tomatoes or tomato paste in which we will simmer the soy cutlets.

If you love legume cutlets, then here is a unique recipe for lentils with rice. And many similar recipes can be found in the section.

To prepare soybean cutlets we will need:

  • 1 tbsp. soybeans
  • 1 large potato
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 1 or 1/2 hot chili pepper
  • 1 lemon - juice and zest
  • 1/2 bunch fresh parsley or cilantro
  • salt to taste
  • breadcrumbs

For the tomato sauce:

  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 0.5 tsp. corn starch
  • 1 tbsp. tomato puree from fresh tomatoes or tomato paste diluted with water
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 tsp. garam masalas
  • salt and pepper to taste

Lenten soy cutlets

Soybeans take a very long time to boil, sometimes 1.5-2 hours is not enough. It’s good if you have a pressure cooker, it will help reduce the cooking time several times. Before cooking the beans, soak them overnight in drinking water (at least 10-12 hours).

So, first you need to soak the soybeans overnight, drain the water in the morning, add fresh water and cook for at least 1.5 hours. If after this time the soybeans still do not become soft, do not be discouraged: we will grind the soybeans in a blender, which means the soy cutlets, in any case, will turn out tender and soft.

Boil the potatoes in their jackets.

Finely chop the onion, garlic, and herbs. Blend the potatoes (including the skins), boiled soybeans, onion, garlic, chili pepper, fresh herbs, lemon juice and zest with a blender. You will get a thick, homogeneous dough.

Roll the soy dough into balls. If the cutlets do not hold their shape, add a little flour.

Now the cutlets can be dipped in breadcrumbs and fried until golden brown in vegetable oil. Or cook in tomato sauce (like meatballs). If you choose the second option, then place the cutlets on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200 C for 15 minutes. At the same time, you can make gravy.

Fry the onion and cumin with salt in vegetable oil. Don't forget to add salt, as it will prevent the cumin and onion from overcooking (the onion will release juice). After 10-15 seconds. add ginger, garlic, all spices and fry for another 1 minute.

Then pour in tomato paste or tomato puree. Add some water.

To make the tomato sauce thick, add cornstarch and mix the sauce well.

Fill the baking sheet with soy cutlets with tomato sauce so that the sauce covers 1/3 of them. Place back in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

The sauce will thicken and evaporate slightly. The soy cutlets will brown and soak in the tomato sauce.

Soybean cutlets can be served with any vegetable side dishes, pasta, cereals, fresh vegetables and salads.

Bon appetit!
