Jelly cake with sour cream curd. Recipes for incredible curd cakes with gelatin without baking

Curd cake with fruits – a real find for chefs who want to cook delicious food beautiful delicacy, but don’t want to stand at a hot stove. This cake does not require baking; it is made from cottage cheese, sour cream and fruit using gelatin.
Curd- jelly cake with fruit refers to “turnover” dishes, since its preparation begins with the top layer, which first appears at the bottom, and after it has completely hardened, the cake is turned over onto a plate and only then the top layer is actually on top.
Since the curd jelly cake has a beautiful design, I suggest making it for your next holiday or birthday. I prepared it for my name day at work, which made my colleagues very happy. Everyone was completely delighted with such a light, delicate, beautiful and tasty dessert.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / No-bake desserts


  • cottage cheese (any fat content) – 500 g;
  • sour cream (any fat content) - 500 ml;
  • gelatin – 40 g;
  • kiwi – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • canned pineapple (pieces) – 1 can;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • orange flavored jelly – 1 sachet;
  • cookies – 100 g;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar– 10 g.

How to make curd cake with gelatin and fruit

To prepare a curd soufflé cake, you will need a large deep mold, it can be a silicone muffin mold or, as in my case, a regular plastic cake box (which is very convenient if you need to transport the cake).
Preparing a fruit cake is divided into 4 stages.
Stage 1 – preparing the orange layer
Dilute orange-flavored jelly as indicated on the package: pour 200 ml of the contents of the bag hot water, but not boiling, and stir until the grains are completely dissolved.

Cut the orange into thin wheels and carefully cut off the skin with a sharp knife.

Cut the circles in half and place them in a circle on the bottom of the inverted pan.

Pour the prepared jelly over the orange slices.

Place the mold in the refrigerator.
Before moving on to the next step, pour the gelatin into a mug or glass and pour in 100 ml of water, stir and leave to swell.

Stage 2 – preparing fruits
Wash all the fruits included in the cake thoroughly and allow to dry.
Peel the kiwi, cut in half lengthwise, then each half in half again, then cut into transverse pieces.

Place kiwi pieces in a small saucepan, add 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and add the juice of half a lemon.

Stir and heat over low heat. The kiwi should release its juice and the sugar should dissolve. Remove from heat and let cool.

Peel the bananas, cut into wheels of arbitrary thickness and sprinkle with lemon juice.

WITH canned pineapples Drain the liquid, peel the remaining orange, and finely chop the pulp.
Stage 3 – preparing the curd mixture with gelatin
Place cottage cheese, sour cream, remaining granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.
Choose the fat content of dairy products at your discretion.

Using an immersion blender, thoroughly mix all ingredients.

Place the swollen gelatin into a ladle, add 70 ml of water and heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved - the liquid becomes clear.

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Pour the gelatin into the pan with the curd mixture and mix again using a blender. The mixture will be quite liquid, don’t be alarmed, this is normal.

Place all prepared fruits into the curd mixture.

Mix gently, distributing the fruit evenly throughout.
Stage 4 – cake formation
Remove the mold with the frozen orange layer from the refrigerator and pour the curd mixture with fruit into it.

The final sand layer is not required, but I highly recommend it. We prepare the cake without baking, shortbread will be at the bottom and will blend in with the jelly part of the cake.
Break up the cookies, place in a blender bowl with blades and grind the cookies into crumbs.

Carefully pour the cookies into the pan on top curd mass and level it with a silicone spatula, pressing it slightly.

For better grip sand crumbs I advise you to melt a small amount of butter (50-70 g) and moisten the crumbs with it.
Place the mold in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, turn the pan over onto a plate and very carefully remove the cake from it. Additional decorations for dessert are no longer required.

If you want to cook delicious dessert, but there is no desire to stand at the oven, then our recipes for no-bake curd cake with gelatin will become a true find. Preparation requires a minimum of ingredients and a little effort.

Before you start preparing a delicious dessert, you should know that, as a rule, it is one of the “changeovers”, that is, those dishes that need to be prepared from the top layer. Once set, the cake is very carefully turned over so that the top becomes the bottom.

Recipe for fruit cake with cottage cheese and cookies

You will need:

Cottage cheese of preferred fat content – ​​half a kilogram
Sour cream (fat content at your discretion) – half a liter
Gelatin – 40 g
Banana – 2 pcs.
Kiwi – 2 pcs.
Orange – 1 pc.
Lemon - half
Pineapple (canned) – 1 can
Orange flavored jelly – 1 pack
Cookies – 100 g
Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
Vanilla sugar – 10 g.


If you have a silicone mold, then it will be most convenient for transporting the curd cake with gelatin to the refrigerator. If you don’t have one, then a regular cake box will do.

The entire cooking process consists of five main stages.

Stage one - orange layer of cake

Dilute the jelly as indicated in the instructions. Mix well to get rid of grains.
Cut the orange into circles, cut off the peel. Leave a few pieces, they will be useful later.
Cut the resulting circles in half and place them on the very bottom of the mold. Pour the made jelly and put the composition in the cold.

While the cake base is hardening, dilute the gelatin by filling it with 100 ml of water.

Stage two - fruits

At this stage, you need to prepare all the necessary fruits, wash them thoroughly and dry them.

Peel the kiwi, remove the skin, cut in half, it is better to do it lengthwise. Cut each resulting half in half again and cut into cross-sections. Place the prepared kiwi in a saucepan, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar, squeeze out lemon juice and pour into a saucepan with kiwi. Heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar melts completely and the kiwi releases its juice. No need to boil. Remove from heat and let cool.

We also cut bananas into circles; the thickness can be arbitrary, but not too thick.

Drain the pineapples. By the way, it is better to take pineapples not in pieces, but in rings; they will look more appetizing as part of the cake.

Slice the reserved orange small pieces. The fruits are ready.

Stage three - preparing the curd mass

Place all the cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanillin into a saucepan. Using a blender, mix everything very thoroughly.
Place the previously soaked gelatin in a saucepan, pour in 70 ml of water and place on low heat until the gelatin dissolves until transparent. Pour it into the cottage cheese and mix again with an immersion blender. The mixture should be liquid.

Now we transfer all the fruits that you have prepared into the curd mass and mix very carefully so that the fruits are dispersed throughout the mass.

Stage four - preparing cookies

The cookie layer should be placed at the top; after the cake hardens, it will be at the bottom, which means it will complement the jelly composition of the dessert. Break up cookies, preferably shortbread, and place them in a blender for processing. It should be crumbly.

Stage five - creating the cake

Take the already frozen orange layer out of the refrigerator, pour the curd mixture into it and very carefully pour the cookies on top, smooth it out, pressing a little.

Refrigerate the cake overnight. In the morning, turn the mold over and remove the dessert to a plate. There is no need to decorate the cake; it will already be quite beautiful and bright.

Tip: to make the cookie crumbs adhere better, you need to melt about 70 g of butter and moisten the cookies in it.

Curd cake with gelatin and condensed milk

You will need:

Cottage cheese (medium fat content) – 500 g
Condensed milk (can be homemade) – 1 can
Milk – 70 g (can be replaced with water)
Crumbled cookies – 200 g
Gelatin granules – 10 g
Butter – 100 g
Berry sauce for decoration


First, take gelatin; you need to infuse it in milk or water for 10 minutes in a small cup.

Meanwhile, start preparing the cookie crumbs by grinding them in a blender or passing them through a meat grinder.

Melt the butter, pour it into the grated cookies, and mix. The butter is needed to hold the cookies together. Place the crumbs, kneaded in oil, into a baking dish previously lined with paper. It is better to compact the cookies so that the base of the no-bake cake is dense.

Fill a large bowl with hot water, but not boiling water, and place the gelatin in a cup to dissolve. At the same time, stir it constantly.

Place the condensed milk into the cottage cheese, stir and add the prepared gelatin in a thin stream. Whisk.

Place the resulting cottage cheese mixture on top of the cookie crumbs and smooth it out. Cover the mold with film and put it in the refrigerator. The cake must stand for at least 5 hours.

Before serving, top the dessert with your favorite berry sauce.

Tip: to make it easier to remove the cake from the mold, you should warm it up a little. A regular hairdryer is suitable for this; blow hot air over the sides and bottom of the mold.

Curd and sour cream cake without baking with marshmallows

You will need:

Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) – 350 g
Sour cream (20% fat) – 350 g
Gelatin – 50 g
Marshmallows of one color – 500 g
Kiwi – 4 pcs.
Sugar – 1 glass
Vanilla sugar (can be replaced with a few drops of vanillin concentrate) – 10 g
Coconut flakes for sprinkling


Most convenient to use springform. Divide the marshmallows in half if you purchased double sweetness, and pack them into the mold as tightly as possible.

Peel the kiwi, cut into circles, place between marshmallows.

Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package, let it brew for 15 minutes, then dissolve in a water bath.
Mix cottage cheese and sugar with a blender, add sour cream, vanillin and pour in the prepared gelatin. Pour this mixture into marshmallows and kiwi.

Curd and sour cream cake with gelatin must stand overnight in the refrigerator. If you take it out too early, you may ruin the dessert.

In the morning, after removing the cake from the refrigerator, run a knife along the edge of the pan to release the sides of the treat if they are stuck. Remove the edges of the mold and leave the cake on the bottom; we do not recommend removing it, as this is a painstaking task, because the cake may fall apart.

Sprinkle on top coconut flakes and put the kettle on.

Tip: it is better to take marshmallows of one color when preparing treats, then when cutting they will have a more appetizing appearance.

Berry cake with cottage cheese and oatmeal cookies

You will need:

Oatmeal cookies – 350-400 g
Sugar – 1 glass
Butter – 100 g
Gelatin – 30 g
Cottage cheese – 500 g
Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
Sour cream – 300 g
Raspberries (or any other berry) – 400 g


It is better to start preparing the cake by diluting the gelatin, as it will take time to dissolve. If you take instant gelatin, then fill it up hot water(about 70 degrees), stir, let stand for 15 minutes and if there are grains left, strain so that they do not get into the cake. Cool.

Meanwhile, crush the oatmeal cookies. You can use a blender, or you can put it through a meat grinder. The cookies will serve as our crust.

Melt the butter until fluid and pour into the cookie crumbs, stir.

It is better to cover the detachable form parchment paper, this will allow you to remove the cake without effort. Place oatmeal crumbs on paper, level, compact and place in freezer for 10 minutes until the butter hardens.

Let's move on to preparing the cream based on cottage cheese. To do this, beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar (regular and vanilla) in a blender, add raspberries, not all of them, here we need 100 grams of berries.

Tip: if the cottage cheese has a wet consistency, then you need to take less than the specified amount of sour cream.

Without stopping whipping, pour in the cooled gelatin and stir a little more.

Pour half of the resulting curd cream onto the crumbs oatmeal cookies. Place another 100 g of raspberries on top and fill with the remaining cream. Place in the freezer for at least half an hour.

The cake will be decorated with raspberry jelly. And while the cake hardens, we will prepare the compote. Add another 100 g of raspberries to 350 ml of water, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, boil for 10 minutes. Turn off and let cool.

Take 50 ml of hot water, add 10 g of gelatin, mix and cool.

The compote should be strained and the resulting gelatin should be poured into it, stirring constantly.

Carefully place the remaining 100 g of raspberries on the cake and pour half of the resulting raspberry jelly on top. Make sure that the berries do not float. Place the dessert in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Remove the cake and pour the rest of the jelly on top, then put the cake in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours until it is completely set. Ideally, the dessert should stand in the cold overnight. For more details on how such a dessert is prepared, see step by step photo recipe.

No-bake cottage cheese cake with gelatin and ready-made cake layers


Sand ready-made cakes- 2 pieces;
Cottage cheese – 250 grams;
Condensed milk (you can boil it) – 1 can;
Canned peaches – 1 can;
Gelatin – 10 g.

How to do:

Salt syrup from canned fruits and pour gelatin into it. When the latter has infused for the time indicated on the package, heat it on the stove without bringing it to a boil.

Cut the peaches into pieces.

Beat cottage cheese and condensed milk in a blender. Without stopping whipping, add the gelatin syrup in a thin stream. Add the peaches and mix gently.

Put the purchased one in the form shortbread, pour in the curd mixture and cover with the second shortbread. Let the dessert sit in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours, after which we run a knife along the edges of the mold to make it easier to remove the cake. Take out the cake and cut into arbitrary pieces.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for making simple but very tasty no-bake curd cakes with gelatin. Therefore, you can delight yourself with goodies more often. Well, if you are not afraid to bake and time allows you, we recommend that you prepare a mind-blowing one.

Bon appetit and sweet life!

You can cook incredible food even without an oven. delicious cakes. They are bright, neat, quite simple and even useful. Of course, cottage cheese is wonderful milk product, which turns any dessert into a healthy treat.

"Blueberry-curd temptation"

Recipe for curd cake with gelatin without baking step by step:

  1. Pour the sour cream into the blender bowl. Put cottage cheese here. Blend both products into a homogeneous mass with an immersion blender;
  2. Then add honey and beat the mass again. If desired, honey can be replaced with sugar;
  3. Pour all the gelatin into a saucepan and pour a glass of water over it. She must have room temperature. Leave for ten minutes;
  4. At this time, the blueberries should be cleaned of debris, rinsed under a thin stream of water, and allowed to drain;
  5. Place the pan with gelatin on small fire. The contents need to be stirred. As soon as the grains dissolve, remove the pan. It takes no more than five minutes;
  6. Pour gelatin into the curd and sour cream mass in a thin stream, stir, then beat with the same blender;
  7. Place blueberries on the bottom of the cake container and distribute them as evenly as possible. It is better to give preference to silicone;
  8. Pour the curd mixture on top;
  9. Place in the refrigerator for at least two hours. You can then garnish with blueberries or mint leaves on top and silicone mold put away.

Curd cake with gelatin and fruit from cookies

  • 220 g sugar;
  • 270 g biscuits;
  • 850 g canned pineapples;
  • 420 ml sour cream;
  • 35 g gelatin;
  • 1 stick of butter;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 540 g of fat cottage cheese.

Time – 7 hours.

Calorie content – ​​230 kcal/100 g.


  1. Pour all the gelatin into a glass and fill it with water. Set aside to allow it to swell;
  2. Crumble with your hands biscuits, as small as possible. There is no need to grind it into powder;
  3. Butter, about 200 g, should be rubbed directly onto the liver. Add half of all the sugar and vanillin here. Mix everything. The easiest way is to use a pusher to mashed potatoes, so the cookies are additionally crushed;
  4. Take a springform pan. If you don’t have it, you can take a glass one, but the layers should be placed in it in the reverse order, starting with the jelly, and then turned over;
  5. First, place a sheet of parchment on the bottom of the mold, and then install the side part with it;
  6. Place the cookie crust inside, it needs to be compacted and leveled;
  7. Mix the remaining sugar in a separate bowl with sour cream and cottage cheese. You can add a little vanilla again;
  8. Next, use a blender to blend this curd mass into a homogeneous liquid cream;
  9. Cut all pineapples into small pieces. Leave a third of this part in the syrup, take the remaining pieces into a bowl with curd cream, stir them in;
  10. Connect half pineapple syrup with gelatin mass and put on fire. Then heat it slowly until the particles dissolve completely. Do not let it boil, but skim off the foam;
  11. Pour most of the syrup into the mixture with cottage cheese, stir;
  12. After this the resulting curd soufflé pour onto the cake pan;
  13. Place the form in the refrigerator for an hour;
  14. After an hour, pour the rest of the gelatin mass into the syrup with pineapple pieces and stir;
  15. After this, pour this liquid on top of the cooled cake and put it in the refrigerator for at least six hours. Better for the night. Then you can eat.

Cottage cheese cake with gelatin and marshmallows

  • 380 g cookies;
  • 260 ml cream;
  • 1 pack of vanilla pudding;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 220 g cottage cheese;
  • 220 ml milk:
  • 170 g marshmallows.

Time: 13:00


  1. Soak gelatin according to instructions. You can do this in lemon juice to later emphasize the tenderness and sweetness of the cream;
  2. Pour milk into the blender bowl, then add pudding, cottage cheese and cream. Classic is usually used vanilla pudding Dr. Oetker brand, but you can take another one;
  3. Mix all these ingredients together, and then pour in the gelatin mass and mix again;
  4. First moisten the cookies in milk, just a little, and place them on the bottom of the mold. This will be a crust, so you need to lay it out tightly;
  5. Then you need to pour a third of all the cream on top of the cookies;
  6. Next, place marshmallows tightly on top, it should be another layer in the cake;
  7. And after that, pour the remaining large mass of cream into the mold;
  8. Refrigerate overnight and then decorate as desired. For example, a few more marshmallows.

No-Bake Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

  • 120 ml milk;
  • 380 g sour cream;
  • 460 g cottage cheese;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 3 g vanillin;
  • 30 g cocoa.

Time – 6 hours.

Calorie content – ​​141 kcal/100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk a little and pour the gelatin into it. Leave it like this for about twenty minutes;
  2. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar, and then stir in sour cream and vanilla;
  3. Next, pour gelatin and milk into this mixture in a thin stream and stir constantly;
  4. Divide the mass into two parts. Stir cocoa into only one of them to get the chocolate part;
  5. Take a mold and pour different masses into it one by one. The more often you change the mixture, the more multi-colored layers there will be;
  6. Place in the refrigerator to harden for five hours, then you can serve and further decorate.

Cake recipe with gelatin and cottage cheese yogurt

  • 300 g sweet crackers;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 240 g cottage cheese;
  • 120 ml yogurt;
  • 60 g powdered sugar;
  • 70 g dried fruit mix;
  • 90 g butter.

Time – 2 hours.

Calorie content – ​​311 kcal/100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In one bowl, mix cottage cheese with yogurt and powdered sugar, add gelatin and leave for ten minutes;
  2. After this, introduce in parts soft butter, stir constantly, and then add the dried fruit mix. It can be prunes, raisins, dried apricots. It is advisable to fill them with water for a few minutes in advance so that they soften, and then cut them;
  3. The cake pan should be lined with cling film. Next, lay out some of the crackers in a dense layer. If they are too hard, you can pour any juice over them;
  4. Next, lay out part of the curd mass, distribute it evenly;
  5. Then again put a layer or two of crackers and cream on top. Alternate until you run out of ingredients. How smaller shape, the more layers;
  6. Place in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Next, remove from the mold using cling film, turn to big dish and remove the film. Decorate as you wish.

Curd and sour cream dessert without baking

  • 270 g “anniversary” cookies;
  • 110 g butter;
  • 160 g cottage cheese;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 1 stalk of mint;
  • 470 g sour cream;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

Time – 3 hours 30 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​247 kcal/100 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Grind the cookies into crumbs in a food processor. If it is not there, you can pass it through a meat grinder. You should get a fairly fine homogeneous mass. As a last resort, you can crush it with a rolling pin;
  2. Mix soft butter with cookies. You will get a sticky mass;
  3. This mass should be spread as evenly as possible onto the bottom of the cake pan, which has been lined in advance. baking paper. Press firmly with your hands;
  4. Place the pan in the refrigerator while the rest of the cake is made;
  5. Pour gelatin over half a glass of water. After ten minutes, put on the fire and heat to 50 degrees, do not boil. Stir vigorously until the particles dissolve. And then cool;
  6. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve to obtain a uniform, smooth consistency, stir in sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar;
  7. Squeeze juice from half a lemon. You can use one lime instead of lemon;
  8. Stir this juice into the cottage cheese;
  9. Whisk the entire mixture until the sugar dissolves as much as possible. Next, slowly pour in the gelatin without turning off the mixer;
  10. Next, pour the entire mixture on top of the frozen cookies, distribute and place back in the refrigerator for two hours;
  11. Remove from pan and garnish with lemon wedges and mint stem.

Jelly cake with strawberries and cottage cheese

  • 320 g cottage cheese;
  • 360 g vanilla crackers;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 180 ml sour cream;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 170 g strawberries;
  • 70 ml water;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 pack of strawberry jelly.

Time – 5 hours.

Calorie content – ​​226 kcal/100 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, according to the instructions, fill the gelatin with water. After a couple of minutes, you need to heat it a little in the microwave or on the stove and cool;
  2. Pass the crackers through a meat grinder, and then mix them manually with soft butter. If the butter is quite hard, for example, it was not taken out of the refrigerator in advance, you can simply grate it. Small parts of the product will quickly combine with the bread crumbs;
  3. This mass must be compacted to the bottom of the mold and put in the refrigerator. If the crackers are unsweetened, you can mix in a little powdered sugar. Precisely powder, since the sugar will not dissolve and will crunch unpleasantly later;
  4. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar in a blender. And after that add gelatin and beat everything again;
  5. Take half a strawberry, wash it and, if it is very large, cut it into slices. Stir into the curd mixture, and then pour everything onto the cooled cracker crust. Place in the refrigerator for two hours;
  6. After that take strawberry jelly and dissolve it in 300 ml of water. If the package indicates more, you still need to dissolve in exactly this amount;
  7. Wait until the jelly cools down. Cut the rest of the strawberries into thin equal slices, as carefully as possible;
  8. Place the slices beautifully on top curd layer, which has already frozen. It can be just in a circle, or it can be in the form of flowers or stars;
  9. Next, pour the gelatinous strawberry mixture on top. The berries may float a little, but that's okay. They will harden quickly;
  10. Place in the refrigerator for another two hours, preferably three. Remove from pan and serve.

Cottage cheese, like other dairy products, can be taken of any fat content. They will still freeze the same way. But if you take low-fat foods, you can reduce the calorie content of the entire dessert.

You can decorate cakes not only with mint. You can take it and break it large pieces chocolate with nuts, or even better - make salted caramel mass with hazelnuts. To do this, you can simply roast the hazelnuts with sugar and a pinch of salt. When the mass hardens, you need to cut it with a knife into arbitrary pieces - and you can decorate it.

And yet the main thing is the divine taste of these simple no-bake cheesecakes. They may become a great alternative breakfast or decorate any holiday table.

Here a thin layer of crushed cookies and a wide layer of creamy mass based on cottage cheese are preserved. But in in this case we do without the help of an oven, adding gelatin to the filling and thereby significantly simplifying the process and reducing cooking time. To make the filling very tender and “silky”, we use a one-to-one ratio of cottage cheese and sour cream.

Cheese cake no bake with gelatin and cookies lighter than sponge cream products. He plays the role perfectly homemade dessert in hot weather, and when beautiful design with berries/fruits it is instantly transformed, becoming elegant and solemn, worthy of an important event. And all this without labor-intensive work on our part!


For the base:

  • shortbread cookies - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g.

For the curd layer:

  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • sour cream 15-20% - 400 g;
  • powdered gelatin - 10 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • vanilla sugar - sachet (8-10 g).

For registration:

  • jelly for cake - 1-2 sachets;
  • a mixture of berries or fruits (raspberries, blueberries, peaches, etc.).

No-bake cottage cheese cake with gelatin recipe with photo

  1. Let's make the base. Grind the cookies using a blender until they become flour, pour them into a convenient work bowl. Any brittle cookie is suitable for the recipe - sweet crackers, Yubileiny, Maria, etc.
  2. Melt the butter. After cooling, pour in the sand crumbs.
  3. Mix the mixture, soaking all the cookie grains with the oily liquid.
  4. We take a springform pan (in this example we use a container with a diameter of 22 cm), for convenience we line the bottom with parchment paper. Pour in the oiled crumbs. Distribute evenly and compact with your fingers to form an even layer of equal thickness.
  5. Let's prepare the curd layer (we put the mold with the base of the cake in the refrigerator for now). Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, and all the sugar, including vanilla, in one bowl. Grind with an immersion blender until perfectly smooth and all curd lumps and sugar grains disappear. Cottage cheese for the recipe is suitable for any fat content, but preferably 5% or higher, as well as fine-grained.
  6. Soak gelatin in 100 ml cold water, allow the granules to swell. The swelling time depends on the specific gelatin - instant gelatine takes 10 minutes, regular gelatin takes 40-60 minutes (see instructions on the package).
  7. Heat the swollen mass until the granules are completely dissolved. A simple and convenient method is to place a bowl of gelatin in a bowl of hot water and actively stir the composition until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. You can heat the mass in another way (microwave, stove, “ water bath"), just don’t forget that gelatin cannot be boiled!
  8. After cooling slightly, pour the dissolved gelatin into the mixture in a thin stream. curd cream. All the time we actively mix the mass with a hand whisk so that the gelatin composition is distributed evenly.
  9. We take out the mold with the base and fill the layer of cookies with the curd mixture. Place in the refrigerator until the light layer hardens (it will take 2-4 hours).
  10. We randomly decorate the frozen dessert with berries or fruits. In our example, we use pieces of canned peaches, raspberries and blueberries (you can use other additives).
  11. Following the instructions on the package, prepare the jelly and first pour in the assorted fruits and berries. a small amount. We put the dessert in the refrigerator so that the jelly layer “sets” and fixes all the additives. Then fill the cake with the remaining jelly and return it to the refrigerator shelf.
  12. After waiting for the final hardening, we release our product from the mold - carefully run a knife along the walls, remove the split side. Transfer the dessert to a plate and add mint leaves if desired.
  13. No-bake cottage cheese cake with gelatin and cookies is ready! Cut into portions.

Bon appetit!

On the most high speed beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Take chilled eggs and add sugar in a thin stream. This way you will achieve a more fluffy foam. Add vanilla to the mixture.

Carefully add pre-sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa to the resulting protein mass. Stir slowly with a spoon or spatula so that the foam does not settle.

Line a baking pan with parchment or grease sunflower oil. This amount of ingredients is designed for a mold with a diameter of 22 centimeters. Bake the crust in the oven at 180 degrees. Check readiness with a stick (toothpick, match). Pierce the shortbread; if the stick comes out without dough, it means it is baked.

Now it's time to cook curd filling. To do this, take a deep bowl, mix gelatin, cottage cheese, vanillin, sugar and sour cream in it, pre-soaked in water. If the cottage cheese is grainy, then before doing this it should be rubbed through a sieve. Beat all ingredients until homogeneous mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the resulting milk mass onto cold sponge cake without removing it from the baking pan. Then put this cake preparation in the refrigerator for five to six hours so that the curd mass hardens thoroughly.

Place cherries on top of the frozen curd mass, separating them from the pits. If you took frozen berries, you should defrost them before doing so. Then dilute the bag of jelly as required by the instructions, add sugar to it, stirring until completely dissolved. Pour the resulting mixture over the cherries and place the cake in the refrigerator again for a couple of hours.
